#!/bin/bash # See: https://github.com/kward/shunit2 argImage=$1 argOutput=${2:-"quiet"} argCleanup=${3:-"cleanup"} testDir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" imageName="$argImage" tmpDir="$(mktemp -d /tmp/atmoz_sftp_XXXX)" sshKeyPri="$tmpDir/rsa" sshKeyPub="$tmpDir/rsa.pub" sshHostEd25519Key="$tmpDir/ssh_host_ed25519_key" sshHostKeyMountArg="--volume=$sshHostEd25519Key:/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key" sshKnownHosts="$tmpDir/known_hosts" if [ $UID != 0 ] && ! groups | grep -qw docker; then echo "Run with sudo/root or add user $USER to group 'docker'" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f "$testDir/shunit2/shunit2" ]; then echo "Could not find shunit2 in $testDir/shunit2." echo "Run 'git submodule update --init'" exit 2 fi if [ -z "$argImage" ]; then echo "Missing image name" exit 3 fi if [ "$argOutput" == "quiet" ]; then redirect="/dev/null" else redirect="/dev/stdout" fi # clear argument list (or shunit2 will try to use them) set -- ############################################################################## ## Helper functions ############################################################################## function oneTimeSetUp() { # Generate temporary ssh keys for testing if [ ! -f "$sshKeyPri" ]; then ssh-keygen -t rsa -f "$sshKeyPri" -N '' > "$redirect" 2>&1 fi # Private key can not be read by others (sshd will complain) chmod go-rw "$sshKeyPri" # Generate host key ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f "$sshHostEd25519Key" < /dev/null } function setUp() { # shellcheck disable=SC2154 containerName="atmoz_sftp_${_shunit_test_}" containerTmpDir="$(mktemp -d "/tmp/${containerName}_XXXX")" export containerName containerTmpDir retireContainer "$containerName" # clean up leftover container } function tearDown() { retireContainer "$containerName" if [ "$argCleanup" == "cleanup" ] && [ -d "$containerTmpDir" ]; then rm -rf "$containerTmpDir" || true # Can fail on GitHub Actions fi } function retireContainer() { if [ "$(docker ps -qaf name="$1")" ]; then if [ "$argOutput" != "quiet" ]; then echo "Docker log for $1:" docker logs "$1" fi if [ "$argCleanup" == "cleanup" ]; then docker rm -fv "$1" > "$redirect" 2>&1 fi fi } function getSftpIp() { docker inspect -f "{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}" "$1" } function runSftpCommands() { ip="$(getSftpIp "$1")" user="$2" shift 2 echo "$ip $(cat "$sshHostEd25519Key.pub")" >> "$sshKnownHosts" commands="" for cmd in "$@"; do commands="$commands$cmd"$'\n' done echo "$commands" | sftp \ -i "$sshKeyPri" \ -oUserKnownHostsFile="$sshKnownHosts" \ -b - "$user@$ip" \ > "$redirect" 2>&1 status=$? sleep 1 # wait for commands to finish return $status } function waitForServer() { containerName="$1" echo -n "Waiting for $containerName to open port 22 ..." for _ in {1..30}; do sleep 1 ip="$(getSftpIp "$containerName")" echo -n "." if [ -n "$ip" ] && nc -z "$ip" 22; then echo " OPEN" return 0; fi done echo " TIMEOUT" return 1 } ############################################################################## ## Tests ############################################################################## function testSmallestUserConfig() { docker run --name "$containerName" "$sshHostKeyMountArg" \ --entrypoint="/bin/sh" \ "$imageName" \ -c "create-sftp-user u: && id u" \ > "$redirect" 2>&1 assertTrue "user created" $? } function testCreateUserWithDot() { docker run --name "$containerName" "$sshHostKeyMountArg" \ --entrypoint="/bin/sh" \ "$imageName" \ -c "create-sftp-user user.with.dot: && id user.with.dot" \ > "$redirect" 2>&1 assertTrue "user created" $? } function testUserCustomUidAndGid() { id="$(docker run --name "$containerName" "$sshHostKeyMountArg" \ --entrypoint="/bin/sh" \ "$imageName" \ -c "create-sftp-user u::1234:4321: > /dev/null && id u" )" echo "$id" | grep -q 'uid=1234(' assertTrue "custom UID" $? echo "$id" | grep -q 'gid=4321(' assertTrue "custom GID" $? # Here we also check group name assertEquals "uid=1234(u) gid=4321(group_4321) groups=4321(group_4321)" "$id" } function testCommandPassthrough() { docker run --name "$containerName" "$sshHostKeyMountArg" \ "$imageName" test 1 -eq 1 \ > "$redirect" 2>&1 assertTrue "command passthrough" $? } function testUsersConf() { docker run --name "$containerName" "$sshHostKeyMountArg" -d \ -v "$testDir/files/users.conf:/etc/sftp/users.conf:ro" \ "$imageName" \ > "$redirect" 2>&1 waitForServer "$containerName" assertTrue "waitForServer" $? docker exec "$containerName" id user-from-conf > /dev/null assertTrue "user-from-conf" $? docker exec "$containerName" id test > /dev/null assertTrue "test" $? docker exec "$containerName" id user.with.dot > /dev/null assertTrue "user.with.dot" $? docker exec "$containerName" test -d /home/test/dir1 -a -d /home/test/dir2 assertTrue "dirs exists" $? } function testLegacyUsersConf() { docker run --name "$containerName" "$sshHostKeyMountArg" -d \ -v "$testDir/files/users.conf:/etc/sftp-users.conf:ro" \ "$imageName" \ > "$redirect" 2>&1 waitForServer "$containerName" assertTrue "waitForServer" $? docker exec "$containerName" id user-from-conf > /dev/null assertTrue "user-from-conf" $? } function testCreateUsersUsingEnv() { docker run --name "$containerName" "$sshHostKeyMountArg" -d \ -e "SFTP_USERS=user-from-env: user-from-env-2:" \ "$imageName" \ > "$redirect" 2>&1 waitForServer "$containerName" assertTrue "waitForServer" $? docker exec "$containerName" id user-from-env > /dev/null assertTrue "user-from-env" $? docker exec "$containerName" id user-from-env-2 > /dev/null assertTrue "user-from-env-2" $? } function testCreateUsersUsingCombo() { docker run --name "$containerName" "$sshHostKeyMountArg" -d \ -v "$testDir/files/users.conf:/etc/sftp-users.conf:ro" \ -e "SFTP_USERS=user-from-env:" \ "$imageName" \ user-from-cmd: \ > "$redirect" 2>&1 waitForServer "$containerName" assertTrue "waitForServer" $? docker exec "$containerName" id user-from-conf > /dev/null assertTrue "user-from-conf" $? docker exec "$containerName" id user-from-env > /dev/null assertTrue "user-from-env" $? docker exec "$containerName" id user-from-cmd > /dev/null assertTrue "user-from-cmd" $? } function testWriteAccessToAutocreatedDirs() { docker run --name "$containerName" "$sshHostKeyMountArg" -d \ -v "$sshKeyPub":/home/test/.ssh/keys/id_rsa.pub:ro \ "$imageName" "test::::testdir,dir with spaces" \ > "$redirect" 2>&1 waitForServer "$containerName" assertTrue "waitForServer" $? runSftpCommands "$containerName" "test" \ "cd testdir" \ "mkdir test" \ "cd '../dir with spaces'" \ "mkdir test" \ "exit" assertTrue "runSftpCommands" $? docker exec "$containerName" test -d /home/test/testdir/test assertTrue "testdir write access" $? docker exec "$containerName" test -d "/home/test/dir with spaces/test" assertTrue "dir with spaces write access" $? } function testWriteAccessToLimitedChroot() { # Modified sshd_config with chrooted home subdir tmpConfig="$(mktemp)" sed 's/^ChrootDirectory.*/ChrootDirectory %h\/sftp/' \ < "$testDir/../files/sshd_config" > "$tmpConfig" # Set correct permissions on chroot tmpScript="$(mktemp)" cat > "$tmpScript" <<EOF mkdir -p /home/*/sftp chown root:root /home/*/sftp chmod 755 /home/*/sftp EOF chmod +x "$tmpScript" docker run --name "$containerName" "$sshHostKeyMountArg" -d \ -v "$sshKeyPub":/home/test/.ssh/keys/id_rsa.pub:ro \ -v "$tmpConfig:/etc/ssh/sshd_config" \ -v "$tmpScript:/etc/sftp.d/limited_home_dir" \ "$imageName" "test::::sftp/upload" \ > "$redirect" 2>&1 waitForServer "$containerName" assertTrue "waitForServer" $? runSftpCommands "$containerName" "test" \ "cd upload" \ "mkdir test" \ "exit" assertTrue "runSftpCommands" $? docker exec "$containerName" test -d /home/test/sftp/upload/test assertTrue "limited chroot write access" $? } function testBindmountDirScript() { mkdir -p "$containerTmpDir/custom/bindmount" echo "mkdir -p /home/custom/bindmount && \ chown custom /custom /home/custom/bindmount && \ mount --bind /custom /home/custom/bindmount" \ > "$containerTmpDir/mount.sh" chmod +x "$containerTmpDir/mount.sh" docker run --name "$containerName" "$sshHostKeyMountArg" -d \ --privileged=true \ -v "$sshKeyPub":/home/custom/.ssh/keys/id_rsa.pub:ro \ -v "$containerTmpDir/custom/bindmount":/custom \ -v "$containerTmpDir/mount.sh":/etc/sftp.d/mount.sh \ "$imageName" custom:123 \ > "$redirect" 2>&1 waitForServer "$containerName" assertTrue "waitForServer" $? runSftpCommands "$containerName" "custom" \ "cd bindmount" \ "mkdir test" \ "exit" assertTrue "runSftpCommands" $? docker exec "$containerName" test -d /home/custom/bindmount/test assertTrue "directory exist" $? } function testDuplicateSshKeys() { docker run --name "$containerName" "$sshHostKeyMountArg" -d \ -v "$sshKeyPub":/home/user/.ssh/keys/key1.pub:ro \ -v "$sshKeyPub":/home/user/.ssh/keys/key2.pub:ro \ "$imageName" "user:" \ > "$redirect" 2>&1 waitForServer "$containerName" assertTrue "waitForServer" $? lines="$(docker exec "$containerName" sh -c \ "wc -l < /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys")" assertEquals "1" "$lines" } ############################################################################## ## Run ############################################################################## # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source "$testDir/shunit2/shunit2" # Nothing happens after this