2019-10-09 15:51:32 +00:00
// Copyright (c) 2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
2020-01-13 15:08:52 +00:00
#include <amount.h>
2019-10-09 15:51:32 +00:00
#include <arith_uint256.h>
#include <compressor.h>
#include <consensus/merkle.h>
#include <core_io.h>
#include <crypto/common.h>
#include <crypto/siphash.h>
#include <key_io.h>
#include <memusage.h>
#include <netbase.h>
#include <policy/settings.h>
#include <pow.h>
#include <pubkey.h>
#include <rpc/util.h>
#include <script/signingprovider.h>
#include <script/standard.h>
#include <serialize.h>
2020-01-24 15:24:57 +00:00
#include <streams.h>
2019-10-09 15:51:32 +00:00
#include <test/fuzz/FuzzedDataProvider.h>
#include <test/fuzz/fuzz.h>
#include <uint256.h>
2020-03-07 13:38:08 +00:00
#include <util/moneystr.h>
2019-10-09 15:51:32 +00:00
#include <util/strencodings.h>
#include <util/system.h>
#include <util/time.h>
2020-01-24 15:24:57 +00:00
#include <version.h>
2019-10-09 15:51:32 +00:00
#include <cassert>
#include <limits>
#include <vector>
void initialize()
void test_one_input(const std::vector<uint8_t>& buffer)
if (buffer.size() < sizeof(uint256) + sizeof(uint160)) {
FuzzedDataProvider fuzzed_data_provider(buffer.data(), buffer.size());
const uint256 u256(fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeBytes<unsigned char>(sizeof(uint256)));
const uint160 u160(fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeBytes<unsigned char>(sizeof(uint160)));
const uint64_t u64 = fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeIntegral<uint64_t>();
const int64_t i64 = fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeIntegral<int64_t>();
const uint32_t u32 = fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeIntegral<uint32_t>();
const int32_t i32 = fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeIntegral<int32_t>();
const uint16_t u16 = fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeIntegral<uint16_t>();
const int16_t i16 = fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeIntegral<int16_t>();
const uint8_t u8 = fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeIntegral<uint8_t>();
const int8_t i8 = fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeIntegral<int8_t>();
// We cannot assume a specific value of std::is_signed<char>::value:
// ConsumeIntegral<char>() instead of casting from {u,}int8_t.
const char ch = fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeIntegral<char>();
2020-01-24 15:24:57 +00:00
const bool b = fuzzed_data_provider.ConsumeBool();
2019-10-09 15:51:32 +00:00
const Consensus::Params& consensus_params = Params().GetConsensus();
(void)CheckProofOfWork(u256, u32, consensus_params);
2020-01-13 15:08:52 +00:00
if (u64 <= MAX_MONEY) {
const uint64_t compressed_money_amount = CompressAmount(u64);
assert(u64 == DecompressAmount(compressed_money_amount));
static const uint64_t compressed_money_amount_max = CompressAmount(MAX_MONEY - 1);
assert(compressed_money_amount <= compressed_money_amount_max);
} else {
2019-10-09 15:51:32 +00:00
static const uint256 u256_min(uint256S("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"));
static const uint256 u256_max(uint256S("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"));
const std::vector<uint256> v256{u256, u256_min, u256_max};
2020-03-07 13:38:08 +00:00
// FormatMoney(i) not defined when i == std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min()
if (i64 != std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min()) {
int64_t parsed_money;
if (ParseMoney(FormatMoney(i64), parsed_money)) {
assert(parsed_money == i64);
2019-10-09 15:51:32 +00:00
// (void)GetVirtualTransactionSize(i64, i64); // function defined only for a subset of int64_t inputs
// (void)GetVirtualTransactionSize(i64, i64, u32); // function defined only for a subset of int64_t/uint32_t inputs
2020-03-07 13:38:08 +00:00
2019-10-09 15:51:32 +00:00
const unsigned char uch = static_cast<unsigned char>(u8);
const double d = ser_uint64_to_double(u64);
assert(ser_double_to_uint64(d) == u64);
const float f = ser_uint32_to_float(u32);
assert(ser_float_to_uint32(f) == u32);
(void)SipHashUint256(u64, u64, u256);
(void)SipHashUint256Extra(u64, u64, u256, u32);
2020-03-07 13:38:08 +00:00
// ValueFromAmount(i) not defined when i == std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min()
if (i64 != std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min()) {
int64_t parsed_money;
if (ParseMoney(ValueFromAmount(i64).getValStr(), parsed_money)) {
assert(parsed_money == i64);
2019-10-09 15:51:32 +00:00
const arith_uint256 au256 = UintToArith256(u256);
assert(ArithToUint256(au256) == u256);
assert(uint256S(au256.GetHex()) == u256);
(void)au256.GetCompact(/* fNegative= */ false);
(void)au256.GetCompact(/* fNegative= */ true);
const CKeyID key_id{u160};
const CScriptID script_id{u160};
// CTxDestination = CNoDestination ∪ PKHash ∪ ScriptHash ∪ WitnessV0ScriptHash ∪ WitnessV0KeyHash ∪ WitnessUnknown
const PKHash pk_hash{u160};
const ScriptHash script_hash{u160};
const WitnessV0KeyHash witness_v0_key_hash{u160};
const WitnessV0ScriptHash witness_v0_script_hash{u256};
const std::vector<CTxDestination> destinations{pk_hash, script_hash, witness_v0_key_hash, witness_v0_script_hash};
const SigningProvider store;
for (const CTxDestination& destination : destinations) {
(void)GetKeyForDestination(store, destination);
2020-01-24 15:24:57 +00:00
uint256 deserialized_u256;
stream << u256;
stream >> deserialized_u256;
assert(u256 == deserialized_u256 && stream.empty());
uint160 deserialized_u160;
stream << u160;
stream >> deserialized_u160;
assert(u160 == deserialized_u160 && stream.empty());
uint64_t deserialized_u64;
stream << u64;
stream >> deserialized_u64;
assert(u64 == deserialized_u64 && stream.empty());
int64_t deserialized_i64;
stream << i64;
stream >> deserialized_i64;
assert(i64 == deserialized_i64 && stream.empty());
uint32_t deserialized_u32;
stream << u32;
stream >> deserialized_u32;
assert(u32 == deserialized_u32 && stream.empty());
int32_t deserialized_i32;
stream << i32;
stream >> deserialized_i32;
assert(i32 == deserialized_i32 && stream.empty());
uint16_t deserialized_u16;
stream << u16;
stream >> deserialized_u16;
assert(u16 == deserialized_u16 && stream.empty());
int16_t deserialized_i16;
stream << i16;
stream >> deserialized_i16;
assert(i16 == deserialized_i16 && stream.empty());
uint8_t deserialized_u8;
stream << u8;
stream >> deserialized_u8;
assert(u8 == deserialized_u8 && stream.empty());
int8_t deserialized_i8;
stream << i8;
stream >> deserialized_i8;
assert(i8 == deserialized_i8 && stream.empty());
char deserialized_ch;
stream << ch;
stream >> deserialized_ch;
assert(ch == deserialized_ch && stream.empty());
bool deserialized_b;
stream << b;
stream >> deserialized_b;
assert(b == deserialized_b && stream.empty());
2019-10-09 15:51:32 +00:00