2020-10-14 08:27:32 +09:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
2022-12-24 23:49:50 +00:00
# Copyright (c) 2020-2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
2020-10-14 08:27:32 +09:00
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
import argparse
2021-10-01 21:59:48 +02:00
import io
import requests
2020-10-14 08:27:32 +09:00
import subprocess
import sys
2022-02-13 22:59:31 +05:30
import xml . etree . ElementTree
2021-07-29 15:29:27 +05:30
DEFAULT_GLOBAL_FAUCET = ' https://signetfaucet.com/claim '
2021-10-01 21:59:48 +02:00
DEFAULT_GLOBAL_CAPTCHA = ' https://signetfaucet.com/captcha '
2021-07-29 15:29:27 +05:30
GLOBAL_FIRST_BLOCK_HASH = ' 00000086d6b2636cb2a392d45edc4ec544a10024d30141c9adf4bfd9de533b53 '
2020-10-14 08:27:32 +09:00
2021-10-01 21:59:48 +02:00
# braille unicode block
BASE = 0x2800
[ 0x01 , 0x08 ] ,
[ 0x02 , 0x10 ] ,
[ 0x04 , 0x20 ] ,
[ 0x40 , 0x80 ] ,
BW = 2
BH = 4
# imagemagick or compatible fork (used for converting SVG)
CONVERT = ' convert '
class PPMImage :
Load a PPM image ( Pillow - ish API ) .
def __init__ ( self , f ) :
if f . readline ( ) != b ' P6 \n ' :
raise ValueError ( ' Invalid ppm format: header ' )
line = f . readline ( )
( width , height ) = ( int ( x ) for x in line . rstrip ( ) . split ( b ' ' ) )
if f . readline ( ) != b ' 255 \n ' :
raise ValueError ( ' Invalid ppm format: color depth ' )
data = f . read ( width * height * 3 )
stride = width * 3
self . size = ( width , height )
self . _grid = [ [ tuple ( data [ stride * y + 3 * x : stride * y + 3 * ( x + 1 ) ] ) for x in range ( width ) ] for y in range ( height ) ]
def getpixel ( self , pos ) :
return self . _grid [ pos [ 1 ] ] [ pos [ 0 ] ]
def print_image ( img , threshold = 128 ) :
''' Print black-and-white image to terminal in braille unicode characters. '''
x_blocks = ( img . size [ 0 ] + BW - 1 ) / / BW
y_blocks = ( img . size [ 1 ] + BH - 1 ) / / BH
for yb in range ( y_blocks ) :
line = [ ]
for xb in range ( x_blocks ) :
ch = BASE
for y in range ( BH ) :
for x in range ( BW ) :
try :
val = img . getpixel ( ( xb * BW + x , yb * BH + y ) )
except IndexError :
else :
if val [ 0 ] < threshold :
ch | = BIT_PER_PIXEL [ y ] [ x ]
line . append ( chr ( ch ) )
print ( ' ' . join ( line ) )
2020-10-14 08:27:32 +09:00
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = ' Script to get coins from a faucet. ' , epilog = ' You may need to start with double-dash (--) when providing bitcoin-cli arguments. ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' -c ' , ' --cmd ' , dest = ' cmd ' , default = ' bitcoin-cli ' , help = ' bitcoin-cli command to use ' )
2021-07-29 15:29:27 +05:30
parser . add_argument ( ' -f ' , ' --faucet ' , dest = ' faucet ' , default = DEFAULT_GLOBAL_FAUCET , help = ' URL of the faucet ' )
2021-10-01 21:59:48 +02:00
parser . add_argument ( ' -g ' , ' --captcha ' , dest = ' captcha ' , default = DEFAULT_GLOBAL_CAPTCHA , help = ' URL of the faucet captcha, or empty if no captcha is needed ' )
2020-10-14 08:27:32 +09:00
parser . add_argument ( ' -a ' , ' --addr ' , dest = ' addr ' , default = ' ' , help = ' Bitcoin address to which the faucet should send ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' -p ' , ' --password ' , dest = ' password ' , default = ' ' , help = ' Faucet password, if any ' )
2021-10-01 21:59:48 +02:00
parser . add_argument ( ' -n ' , ' --amount ' , dest = ' amount ' , default = ' 0.001 ' , help = ' Amount to request (0.001-0.1, default is 0.001) ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' -i ' , ' --imagemagick ' , dest = ' imagemagick ' , default = CONVERT , help = ' Path to imagemagick convert utility ' )
2020-10-14 08:27:32 +09:00
parser . add_argument ( ' bitcoin_cli_args ' , nargs = ' * ' , help = ' Arguments to pass on to bitcoin-cli (default: -signet) ' )
args = parser . parse_args ( )
2021-07-29 15:29:27 +05:30
if args . bitcoin_cli_args == [ ] :
args . bitcoin_cli_args = [ ' -signet ' ]
2021-08-06 22:33:48 +02:00
def bitcoin_cli ( rpc_command_and_params ) :
argv = [ args . cmd ] + args . bitcoin_cli_args + rpc_command_and_params
2021-07-29 15:29:27 +05:30
try :
2021-08-06 22:33:48 +02:00
return subprocess . check_output ( argv ) . strip ( ) . decode ( )
2021-07-29 15:29:27 +05:30
except FileNotFoundError :
2022-02-13 22:59:31 +05:30
raise SystemExit ( f " The binary { args . cmd } could not be found " )
2021-08-07 13:47:57 +02:00
except subprocess . CalledProcessError :
cmdline = ' ' . join ( argv )
2022-02-13 22:59:31 +05:30
raise SystemExit ( f " ----- \n Error while calling { cmdline } (see output above). " )
2021-08-06 22:33:48 +02:00
if args . faucet . lower ( ) == DEFAULT_GLOBAL_FAUCET :
# Get the hash of the block at height 1 of the currently active signet chain
curr_signet_hash = bitcoin_cli ( [ ' getblockhash ' , ' 1 ' ] )
2021-07-29 15:29:27 +05:30
if curr_signet_hash != GLOBAL_FIRST_BLOCK_HASH :
2022-02-13 22:59:31 +05:30
raise SystemExit ( ' The global faucet cannot be used with a custom Signet network. Please use the global signet or setup your custom faucet to use this functionality. \n ' )
2021-10-01 21:59:48 +02:00
else :
# For custom faucets, don't request captcha by default.
if args . captcha == DEFAULT_GLOBAL_CAPTCHA :
args . captcha = ' '
2021-07-29 15:29:27 +05:30
2020-10-14 08:27:32 +09:00
if args . addr == ' ' :
# get address for receiving coins
2021-08-06 22:33:48 +02:00
args . addr = bitcoin_cli ( [ ' getnewaddress ' , ' faucet ' , ' bech32 ' ] )
2020-10-14 08:27:32 +09:00
2021-10-01 21:59:48 +02:00
data = { ' address ' : args . addr , ' password ' : args . password , ' amount ' : args . amount }
# Store cookies
# for debugging: print(session.cookies.get_dict())
session = requests . Session ( )
if args . captcha != ' ' : # Retrieve a captcha
try :
res = session . get ( args . captcha )
2022-02-13 22:59:31 +05:30
res . raise_for_status ( )
except requests . exceptions . RequestException as e :
raise SystemExit ( f " Unexpected error when contacting faucet: { e } " )
# Size limitation
svg = xml . etree . ElementTree . fromstring ( res . content )
if svg . attrib . get ( ' width ' ) != ' 150 ' or svg . attrib . get ( ' height ' ) != ' 50 ' :
raise SystemExit ( " Captcha size doesn ' t match expected dimensions 150x50 " )
2021-10-01 21:59:48 +02:00
# Convert SVG image to PPM, and load it
try :
2022-09-30 13:12:32 +01:00
rv = subprocess . run ( [ args . imagemagick , ' svg:- ' , ' -depth ' , ' 8 ' , ' ppm:- ' ] , input = res . content , check = True , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , stderr = subprocess . PIPE )
2021-10-01 21:59:48 +02:00
except FileNotFoundError :
2022-02-13 22:59:31 +05:30
raise SystemExit ( f " The binary { args . imagemagick } could not be found. Please make sure ImageMagick (or a compatible fork) is installed and that the correct path is specified. " )
2021-10-01 21:59:48 +02:00
img = PPMImage ( io . BytesIO ( rv . stdout ) )
# Terminal interaction
print_image ( img )
2022-02-13 22:59:31 +05:30
print ( f " Captcha from URL { args . captcha } " )
data [ ' captcha ' ] = input ( ' Enter captcha: ' )
2021-10-01 21:59:48 +02:00
2020-10-14 08:27:32 +09:00
try :
2021-10-01 21:59:48 +02:00
res = session . post ( args . faucet , data = data )
2020-10-14 08:27:32 +09:00
except :
2022-02-13 22:59:31 +05:30
raise SystemExit ( f " Unexpected error when contacting faucet: { sys . exc_info ( ) [ 0 ] } " )
2021-07-29 15:31:55 +05:30
# Display the output as per the returned status code
if res :
# When the return code is in between 200 and 400 i.e. successful
print ( res . text )
elif res . status_code == 404 :
print ( ' The specified faucet URL does not exist. Please check for any server issues/typo. ' )
elif res . status_code == 429 :
print ( ' The script does not allow for repeated transactions as the global faucet is rate-limitied to 1 request/IP/day. You can access the faucet website to get more coins manually ' )
else :
print ( f ' Returned Error Code { res . status_code } \n { res . text } \n ' )
print ( ' Please check the provided arguments for their validity and/or any possible typo. ' )