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clusterlin: merge two DepGraph fuzz tests into simulation test

This combines the clusterlin_add_dependency and clusterlin_cluster_serialization
fuzz tests into a single clusterlin_depgraph_sim fuzz test. This tests starts
from an empty DepGraph and performs a arbitrary number of AddTransaction,
AddDependencies, and RemoveTransactions operations on it, and compares the
resulting state with a naive reimplementation.
This commit is contained in:
Pieter Wuille 2024-09-23 10:02:59 -04:00
parent 0606e66fdb
commit 1c24c62510

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@ -241,103 +241,157 @@ std::vector<ClusterIndex> ReadLinearization(const DepGraph<BS>& depgraph, SpanRe
} // namespace
// Verify that computing a DepGraph from a cluster, or building it step by step using
// AddDependencies has the same effect.
// Simulation test to verify the full behavior of DepGraph.
FuzzedDataProvider provider(buffer.data(), buffer.size());
auto rng_seed = provider.ConsumeIntegral<uint64_t>();
InsecureRandomContext rng(rng_seed);
// Construct a cluster of a certain length, with no dependencies.
auto num_tx = provider.ConsumeIntegralInRange<ClusterIndex>(2, TestBitSet::Size());
Cluster<TestBitSet> cluster(num_tx, std::pair{FeeFrac{0, 1}, TestBitSet{}});
// Construct the corresponding DepGraph object (also no dependencies).
DepGraph depgraph_batch(cluster);
// Read (parents, child) pairs, and add the dependencies to the cluster and depgraph.
std::vector<std::pair<ClusterIndex, ClusterIndex>> deps_list;
LIMITED_WHILE(provider.remaining_bytes() > 0, TestBitSet::Size()) {
const auto parents_mask = provider.ConsumeIntegralInRange<uint64_t>(0, (uint64_t{1} << num_tx) - 1);
auto child = provider.ConsumeIntegralInRange<ClusterIndex>(0, num_tx - 1);
/** Real DepGraph being tested. */
DepGraph<TestBitSet> real;
/** Simulated DepGraph (sim[i] is std::nullopt if position i does not exist; otherwise,
* sim[i]->first is its individual feerate, and sim[i]->second is its set of ancestors. */
std::array<std::optional<std::pair<FeeFrac, TestBitSet>>, TestBitSet::Size()> sim;
/** The number of non-nullopt position in sim. */
ClusterIndex num_tx_sim{0};
auto parents_mask_shifted = parents_mask;
TestBitSet deps;
for (ClusterIndex i = 0; i < num_tx; ++i) {
if (parents_mask_shifted & 1) {
/** Read a valid index of a transaction from the provider. */
auto idx_fn = [&]() {
auto offset = provider.ConsumeIntegralInRange<ClusterIndex>(0, num_tx_sim - 1);
for (ClusterIndex i = 0; i < sim.size(); ++i) {
if (!sim[i].has_value()) continue;
if (offset == 0) return i;
return ClusterIndex(-1);
/** Read a valid subset of the transactions from the provider. */
auto subset_fn = [&]() {
auto range = (uint64_t{1} << num_tx_sim) - 1;
const auto mask = provider.ConsumeIntegralInRange<uint64_t>(0, range);
auto mask_shifted = mask;
TestBitSet subset;
for (ClusterIndex i = 0; i < sim.size(); ++i) {
if (!sim[i].has_value()) continue;
if (mask_shifted & 1) {
parents_mask_shifted >>= 1;
mask_shifted >>= 1;
assert(parents_mask_shifted == 0);
depgraph_batch.AddDependencies(deps, child);
for (auto i : deps) {
deps_list.emplace_back(i, child);
assert(mask_shifted == 0);
return subset;
/** Read any set of transactions from the provider (including unused positions). */
auto set_fn = [&]() {
auto range = (uint64_t{1} << sim.size()) - 1;
const auto mask = provider.ConsumeIntegralInRange<uint64_t>(0, range);
TestBitSet set;
for (ClusterIndex i = 0; i < sim.size(); ++i) {
if ((mask >> i) & 1) {
// Sanity check the result.
// Verify that the resulting DepGraph matches one recomputed from the cluster.
assert(DepGraph(cluster) == depgraph_batch);
return set;
DepGraph<TestBitSet> depgraph_individual;
// Add all transactions to depgraph_individual.
for (const auto& [feerate, parents] : cluster) {
// Add all individual dependencies to depgraph_individual in randomized order.
std::shuffle(deps_list.begin(), deps_list.end(), rng);
for (auto [parent, child] : deps_list) {
depgraph_individual.AddDependencies(TestBitSet::Singleton(parent), child);
// Sanity check and compare again the batched version.
assert(depgraph_individual == depgraph_batch);
// Verify that any graph of transactions has its ancestry correctly computed by DepGraph, and
// if it is a DAG, that it can be serialized as a DepGraph in a way that roundtrips. This
// guarantees that any acyclic cluster has a corresponding DepGraph serialization.
FuzzedDataProvider provider(buffer.data(), buffer.size());
// Construct a cluster in a naive way (using a FuzzedDataProvider-based serialization).
Cluster<TestBitSet> cluster;
auto num_tx = provider.ConsumeIntegralInRange<ClusterIndex>(1, 32);
for (ClusterIndex i = 0; i < num_tx; ++i) {
cluster[i].first.size = provider.ConsumeIntegralInRange<int32_t>(1, 0x3fffff);
cluster[i].first.fee = provider.ConsumeIntegralInRange<int64_t>(-0x8000000000000, 0x7ffffffffffff);
for (ClusterIndex j = 0; j < num_tx; ++j) {
if (i == j) continue;
if (provider.ConsumeBool()) cluster[i].second.Set(j);
/** Propagate ancestor information in sim. */
auto anc_update_fn = [&]() {
while (true) {
bool updates{false};
for (ClusterIndex chl = 0; chl < sim.size(); ++chl) {
if (!sim[chl].has_value()) continue;
for (auto par : sim[chl]->second) {
if (!sim[chl]->second.IsSupersetOf(sim[par]->second)) {
sim[chl]->second |= sim[par]->second;
updates = true;
if (!updates) break;
/** Compare the state of transaction i in the simulation with the real one. */
auto check_fn = [&](ClusterIndex i) {
// Compare used positions.
assert(real.Positions()[i] == sim[i].has_value());
if (sim[i].has_value()) {
// Compare feerate.
assert(real.FeeRate(i) == sim[i]->first);
// Compare ancestors (note that SanityCheck verifies correspondence between ancestors
// and descendants, so we can restrict ourselves to ancestors here).
assert(real.Ancestors(i) == sim[i]->second);
LIMITED_WHILE(provider.remaining_bytes() > 0, 1000) {
uint8_t command = provider.ConsumeIntegral<uint8_t>();
if (num_tx_sim == 0 || ((command % 3) <= 0 && num_tx_sim < TestBitSet::Size())) {
// AddTransaction.
auto fee = provider.ConsumeIntegralInRange<int64_t>(-0x8000000000000, 0x7ffffffffffff);
auto size = provider.ConsumeIntegralInRange<int32_t>(1, 0x3fffff);
FeeFrac feerate{fee, size};
// Apply to DepGraph.
auto idx = real.AddTransaction(feerate);
// Verify that the returned index is correct.
for (ClusterIndex i = 0; i < TestBitSet::Size(); ++i) {
if (!sim[i].has_value()) {
assert(idx == i);
// Update sim.
sim[idx] = {feerate, TestBitSet::Singleton(idx)};
if ((command % 3) <= 1 && num_tx_sim > 0) {
// AddDependencies.
ClusterIndex child = idx_fn();
auto parents = subset_fn();
// Apply to DepGraph.
real.AddDependencies(parents, child);
// Apply to sim.
sim[child]->second |= parents;
if (num_tx_sim > 0) {
// Remove transactions.
auto del = set_fn();
// Propagate all ancestry information before deleting anything in the simulation (as
// intermediary transactions may be deleted which impact connectivity).
// Compare the state of the transactions being deleted.
for (auto i : del) check_fn(i);
// Apply to DepGraph.
// Apply to sim.
for (ClusterIndex i = 0; i < sim.size(); ++i) {
if (sim[i].has_value()) {
if (del[i]) {
sim[i] = std::nullopt;
} else {
sim[i]->second -= del;
// This should be unreachable (one of the 3 above actions should always be possible).
// Construct dependency graph, and verify it matches the cluster (which includes a round-trip
// check for the serialization).
DepGraph depgraph(cluster);
VerifyDepGraphFromCluster(cluster, depgraph);
// Remove an arbitrary subset (in order to construct a graph with holes) and verify that it
// still sanity checks (incl. round-tripping serialization).
uint64_t del = provider.ConsumeIntegralInRange<uint64_t>(1, (uint64_t{1} << TestBitSet::Size()) - 1);
TestBitSet setdel;
for (ClusterIndex i = 0; i < TestBitSet::Size(); ++i) {
if (del & 1) setdel.Set(i);
del >>= 1;
// Compare the real obtained depgraph against the simulation.
for (ClusterIndex i = 0; i < sim.size(); ++i) check_fn(i);
assert(real.TxCount() == num_tx_sim);
// Sanity check the result (which includes round-tripping serialization, if applicable).