Goal 1:
Benchmark the transaction creation process for pre-selected-inputs only.
Setting `m_allow_other_inputs=false` to disallow the wallet to include coins automatically.
Goal 2:
Benchmark the transaction creation process for pre-selected-inputs and coin selection.
Benchmark Setup:
1) Generates a 5k blockchain, loading the wallet with 5k transactions with two outputs each.
2) Fetch 4 random UTXO from the wallet's available coins and pre-select them as inputs inside CoinControl.
Benchmark (Goal 1):
Call `CreateTransaction` providing the coin control, who has set `m_allow_other_inputs=false` and
the manually selected coins.
Benchmark (Goal 2):
Call `CreateTransaction` providing the coin control, who has set `m_allow_other_inputs=true` and
the manually selected coins.