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// Copyright (c) 2011-2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
#include <cstdint>
#include <qt/bitcoinunits.h>
#include <qt/guiconstants.h>
#include <QAbstractListModel>
#include <QFont>
#include <assert.h>
#include <variant>
struct bilingual_str;
namespace interfaces {
class Node;
extern const char *DEFAULT_GUI_PROXY_HOST;
static constexpr uint16_t DEFAULT_GUI_PROXY_PORT = 9050;
* Convert configured prune target MiB to displayed GB. Round up to avoid underestimating max disk usage.
static inline int PruneMiBtoGB(int64_t mib) { return (mib * 1024 * 1024 + GB_BYTES - 1) / GB_BYTES; }
* Convert displayed prune target GB to configured MiB. Round down so roundtrip GB -> MiB -> GB conversion is stable.
static inline int64_t PruneGBtoMiB(int gb) { return gb * GB_BYTES / 1024 / 1024; }
/** Interface from Qt to configuration data structure for Bitcoin client.
To Qt, the options are presented as a list with the different options
laid out vertically.
This can be changed to a tree once the settings become sufficiently
class OptionsModel : public QAbstractListModel
explicit OptionsModel(interfaces::Node& node, QObject *parent = nullptr);
enum OptionID {
StartAtStartup, // bool
ShowTrayIcon, // bool
MinimizeToTray, // bool
MapPortUPnP, // bool
MapPortNatpmp, // bool
MinimizeOnClose, // bool
ProxyUse, // bool
ProxyIP, // QString
ProxyPort, // int
ProxyUseTor, // bool
ProxyIPTor, // QString
ProxyPortTor, // int
DisplayUnit, // BitcoinUnit
ThirdPartyTxUrls, // QString
Language, // QString
FontForMoney, // FontChoice
CoinControlFeatures, // bool
SubFeeFromAmount, // bool
ThreadsScriptVerif, // int
Prune, // bool
PruneSize, // int
DatabaseCache, // int
ExternalSignerPath, // QString
SpendZeroConfChange, // bool
Listen, // bool
Server, // bool
EnablePSBTControls, // bool
MaskValues, // bool
enum class FontChoiceAbstract {
typedef std::variant<FontChoiceAbstract, QFont> FontChoice;
static inline const FontChoice UseBestSystemFont{FontChoiceAbstract::BestSystemFont};
static QFont getFontForChoice(const FontChoice& fc);
bool Init(bilingual_str& error);
void Reset();
int rowCount(const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const override;
QVariant data(const QModelIndex & index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override;
bool setData(const QModelIndex & index, const QVariant & value, int role = Qt::EditRole) override;
QVariant getOption(OptionID option, const std::string& suffix="") const;
bool setOption(OptionID option, const QVariant& value, const std::string& suffix="");
/** Updates current unit in memory, settings and emits displayUnitChanged(new_unit) signal */
void setDisplayUnit(const QVariant& new_unit);
/* Explicit getters */
bool getShowTrayIcon() const { return m_show_tray_icon; }
bool getMinimizeToTray() const { return fMinimizeToTray; }
bool getMinimizeOnClose() const { return fMinimizeOnClose; }
BitcoinUnit getDisplayUnit() const { return m_display_bitcoin_unit; }
QString getThirdPartyTxUrls() const { return strThirdPartyTxUrls; }
QFont getFontForMoney() const;
bool getCoinControlFeatures() const { return fCoinControlFeatures; }
bool getSubFeeFromAmount() const { return m_sub_fee_from_amount; }
bool getEnablePSBTControls() const { return m_enable_psbt_controls; }
const QString& getOverriddenByCommandLine() { return strOverriddenByCommandLine; }
/** Whether -signer was set or not */
bool hasSigner();
/* Explicit setters */
void SetPruneTargetGB(int prune_target_gb);
/* Restart flag helper */
void setRestartRequired(bool fRequired);
bool isRestartRequired() const;
interfaces::Node& node() const { return m_node; }
interfaces::Node& m_node;
/* Qt-only settings */
bool m_show_tray_icon;
bool fMinimizeToTray;
bool fMinimizeOnClose;
QString language;
BitcoinUnit m_display_bitcoin_unit;
QString strThirdPartyTxUrls;
FontChoice m_font_money{FontChoiceAbstract::EmbeddedFont};
bool fCoinControlFeatures;
bool m_sub_fee_from_amount;
bool m_enable_psbt_controls;
bool m_mask_values;
/* settings that were overridden by command-line */
QString strOverriddenByCommandLine;
static QString FontChoiceToString(const OptionsModel::FontChoice&);
static FontChoice FontChoiceFromString(const QString&);
// Add option to list of GUI options overridden through command line/config file
void addOverriddenOption(const std::string &option);
// Check settings version and upgrade default values if required
void checkAndMigrate();
void displayUnitChanged(BitcoinUnit unit);
void coinControlFeaturesChanged(bool);
void showTrayIconChanged(bool);
void fontForMoneyChanged(const QFont&);