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// Copyright (c) 2011-2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
#include "data/script_invalid.json.h"
#include "data/script_valid.json.h"
#include "core_io.h"
#include "key.h"
#include "keystore.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "script/script.h"
2014-08-27 17:22:33 +02:00
#include "script/sign.h"
#include "util.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
2011-07-31 20:01:31 +02:00
#include <vector>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/classification.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/split.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
2011-07-31 20:01:31 +02:00
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include "json/json_spirit_reader_template.h"
#include "json/json_spirit_utils.h"
#include "json/json_spirit_writer_template.h"
2011-07-31 20:01:31 +02:00
using namespace std;
using namespace json_spirit;
using namespace boost::algorithm;
2014-10-07 02:22:47 +02:00
// Uncomment if you want to output updated JSON tests.
static const unsigned int flags = SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH | SCRIPT_VERIFY_STRICTENC;
2011-07-31 20:01:31 +02:00
unsigned int ParseScriptFlags(string strFlags);
string FormatScriptFlags(unsigned int flags);
read_json(const std::string& jsondata)
Value v;
if (!read_string(jsondata, v) || v.type() != array_type)
BOOST_ERROR("Parse error.");
return Array();
return v.get_array();
2011-07-31 20:01:31 +02:00
CMutableTransaction BuildCreditingTransaction(const CScript& scriptPubKey)
CMutableTransaction txCredit;
txCredit.nVersion = 1;
txCredit.nLockTime = 0;
txCredit.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript() << CScriptNum(0) << CScriptNum(0);
txCredit.vin[0].nSequence = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
txCredit.vout[0].scriptPubKey = scriptPubKey;
txCredit.vout[0].nValue = 0;
return txCredit;
2014-09-28 06:33:33 +02:00
CMutableTransaction BuildSpendingTransaction(const CScript& scriptSig, const CMutableTransaction& txCredit)
CMutableTransaction txSpend;
txSpend.nVersion = 1;
txSpend.nLockTime = 0;
txSpend.vin[0].prevout.hash = txCredit.GetHash();
txSpend.vin[0].prevout.n = 0;
txSpend.vin[0].scriptSig = scriptSig;
txSpend.vin[0].nSequence = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
txSpend.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript();
txSpend.vout[0].nValue = 0;
return txSpend;
void DoTest(const CScript& scriptPubKey, const CScript& scriptSig, int flags, bool expect, const std::string& message)
2014-09-10 14:42:22 +02:00
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(VerifyScript(scriptSig, scriptPubKey, flags, SignatureChecker(BuildSpendingTransaction(scriptSig, BuildCreditingTransaction(scriptPubKey)), 0)) == expect, message);
const unsigned char vchKey0[32] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1};
const unsigned char vchKey1[32] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0};
const unsigned char vchKey2[32] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0};
struct KeyData
CKey key0, key0C, key1, key1C, key2, key2C;
CPubKey pubkey0, pubkey0C, pubkey0H;
CPubKey pubkey1, pubkey1C;
CPubKey pubkey2, pubkey2C;
key0.Set(vchKey0, vchKey0 + 32, false);
key0C.Set(vchKey0, vchKey0 + 32, true);
pubkey0 = key0.GetPubKey();
pubkey0H = key0.GetPubKey();
pubkey0C = key0C.GetPubKey();
*const_cast<unsigned char*>(&pubkey0H[0]) = 0x06 | (pubkey0H[64] & 1);
key1.Set(vchKey1, vchKey1 + 32, false);
key1C.Set(vchKey1, vchKey1 + 32, true);
pubkey1 = key1.GetPubKey();
pubkey1C = key1C.GetPubKey();
key2.Set(vchKey2, vchKey2 + 32, false);
key2C.Set(vchKey2, vchKey2 + 32, true);
pubkey2 = key2.GetPubKey();
pubkey2C = key2C.GetPubKey();
const KeyData keys;
class TestBuilder
CScript scriptPubKey;
CTransaction creditTx;
CMutableTransaction spendTx;
bool havePush;
std::vector<unsigned char> push;
std::string comment;
int flags;
void DoPush()
if (havePush) {
spendTx.vin[0].scriptSig << push;
havePush = false;
void DoPush(const std::vector<unsigned char>& data)
push = data;
havePush = true;
TestBuilder(const CScript& redeemScript, const std::string& comment_, int flags_, bool P2SH = false) : scriptPubKey(redeemScript), havePush(false), comment(comment_), flags(flags_)
if (P2SH) {
creditTx = BuildCreditingTransaction(CScript() << OP_HASH160 << ToByteVector(CScriptID(redeemScript)) << OP_EQUAL);
} else {
creditTx = BuildCreditingTransaction(redeemScript);
spendTx = BuildSpendingTransaction(CScript(), creditTx);
TestBuilder& Add(const CScript& script)
spendTx.vin[0].scriptSig += script;
return *this;
TestBuilder& Num(int num)
spendTx.vin[0].scriptSig << num;
return *this;
TestBuilder& Push(const std::string& hex)
return *this;
TestBuilder& PushSig(const CKey& key, int nHashType = SIGHASH_ALL, unsigned int lenR = 32, unsigned int lenS = 32)
uint256 hash = SignatureHash(scriptPubKey, spendTx, 0, nHashType);
std::vector<unsigned char> vchSig, r, s;
do {
key.Sign(hash, vchSig, lenS <= 32);
r = std::vector<unsigned char>(vchSig.begin() + 4, vchSig.begin() + 4 + vchSig[3]);
s = std::vector<unsigned char>(vchSig.begin() + 6 + vchSig[3], vchSig.begin() + 6 + vchSig[3] + vchSig[5 + vchSig[3]]);
} while (lenR != r.size() || lenS != s.size());
vchSig.push_back(static_cast<unsigned char>(nHashType));
return *this;
TestBuilder& Push(const CPubKey& pubkey)
DoPush(std::vector<unsigned char>(pubkey.begin(), pubkey.end()));
return *this;
TestBuilder& PushRedeem()
DoPush(static_cast<std::vector<unsigned char> >(scriptPubKey));
return *this;
TestBuilder& EditPush(unsigned int pos, const std::string& hexin, const std::string& hexout)
std::vector<unsigned char> datain = ParseHex(hexin);
std::vector<unsigned char> dataout = ParseHex(hexout);
assert(pos + datain.size() <= push.size());
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(std::vector<unsigned char>(push.begin() + pos, push.begin() + pos + datain.size()) == datain, comment);
push.erase(push.begin() + pos, push.begin() + pos + datain.size());
push.insert(push.begin() + pos, dataout.begin(), dataout.end());
return *this;
TestBuilder& DamagePush(unsigned int pos)
assert(pos < push.size());
push[pos] ^= 1;
return *this;
TestBuilder& Test(bool expect)
TestBuilder copy = *this; // Make a copy so we can rollback the push.
DoTest(creditTx.vout[0].scriptPubKey, spendTx.vin[0].scriptSig, flags, expect, comment);
*this = copy;
return *this;
Array GetJSON()
2014-10-07 02:22:47 +02:00
Array array;
return array;
std::string GetComment()
return comment;
const CScript& GetScriptPubKey()
return creditTx.vout[0].scriptPubKey;
std::vector<TestBuilder> good;
std::vector<TestBuilder> bad;
good.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey0) << OP_CHECKSIG,
"P2PK", 0
bad.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey0) << OP_CHECKSIG,
"P2PK, bad sig", 0
good.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << OP_DUP << OP_HASH160 << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey1C.GetID()) << OP_EQUALVERIFY << OP_CHECKSIG,
"P2PKH", 0
bad.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << OP_DUP << OP_HASH160 << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey2C.GetID()) << OP_EQUALVERIFY << OP_CHECKSIG,
"P2PKH, bad pubkey", 0
good.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey1) << OP_CHECKSIG,
"P2PK anyonecanpay", 0
bad.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey1) << OP_CHECKSIG,
"P2PK anyonecanpay marked with normal hashtype", 0
).PushSig(keys.key1, SIGHASH_ALL | SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY).EditPush(70, "81", "01"));
good.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey0C) << OP_CHECKSIG,
bad.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey0C) << OP_CHECKSIG,
"P2SH(P2PK), bad redeemscript", SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH, true
good.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << OP_DUP << OP_HASH160 << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey1.GetID()) << OP_EQUALVERIFY << OP_CHECKSIG,
"P2SH(P2PKH), bad sig but no VERIFY_P2SH", 0, true
bad.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << OP_DUP << OP_HASH160 << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey1.GetID()) << OP_EQUALVERIFY << OP_CHECKSIG,
"P2SH(P2PKH), bad sig", SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH, true
good.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << OP_3 << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey0C) << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey1C) << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey2C) << OP_3 << OP_CHECKMULTISIG,
"3-of-3", 0
bad.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << OP_3 << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey0C) << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey1C) << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey2C) << OP_3 << OP_CHECKMULTISIG,
"3-of-3, 2 sigs", 0
good.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << OP_2 << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey0C) << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey1C) << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey2C) << OP_3 << OP_CHECKMULTISIG,
"P2SH(2-of-3)", SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH, true
bad.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << OP_2 << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey0C) << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey1C) << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey2C) << OP_3 << OP_CHECKMULTISIG,
"P2SH(2-of-3), 1 sig", SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH, true
good.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey1C) << OP_CHECKSIG,
"P2PK with too much R padding but no DERSIG", 0
).PushSig(keys.key1, SIGHASH_ALL, 31, 32).EditPush(1, "43021F", "44022000"));
bad.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey1C) << OP_CHECKSIG,
"P2PK with too much R padding", SCRIPT_VERIFY_DERSIG
).PushSig(keys.key1, SIGHASH_ALL, 31, 32).EditPush(1, "43021F", "44022000"));
good.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey1C) << OP_CHECKSIG,
"P2PK with too much S padding but no DERSIG", 0
).PushSig(keys.key1, SIGHASH_ALL).EditPush(1, "44", "45").EditPush(37, "20", "2100"));
bad.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey1C) << OP_CHECKSIG,
"P2PK with too much S padding", SCRIPT_VERIFY_DERSIG
).PushSig(keys.key1, SIGHASH_ALL).EditPush(1, "44", "45").EditPush(37, "20", "2100"));
good.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey1C) << OP_CHECKSIG,
"P2PK with too little R padding but no DERSIG", 0
).PushSig(keys.key1, SIGHASH_ALL, 33, 32).EditPush(1, "45022100", "440220"));
bad.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey1C) << OP_CHECKSIG,
"P2PK with too little R padding", SCRIPT_VERIFY_DERSIG
).PushSig(keys.key1, SIGHASH_ALL, 33, 32).EditPush(1, "45022100", "440220"));
good.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey2C) << OP_CHECKSIG << OP_NOT,
"P2PK NOT with bad sig with too much R padding but no DERSIG", 0
).PushSig(keys.key2, SIGHASH_ALL, 31, 32).EditPush(1, "43021F", "44022000").DamagePush(10));
bad.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey2C) << OP_CHECKSIG << OP_NOT,
"P2PK NOT with bad sig with too much R padding", SCRIPT_VERIFY_DERSIG
).PushSig(keys.key2, SIGHASH_ALL, 31, 32).EditPush(1, "43021F", "44022000").DamagePush(10));
bad.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey2C) << OP_CHECKSIG << OP_NOT,
"P2PK NOT with too much R padding but no DERSIG", 0
).PushSig(keys.key2, SIGHASH_ALL, 31, 32).EditPush(1, "43021F", "44022000"));
bad.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey2C) << OP_CHECKSIG << OP_NOT,
"P2PK NOT with too much R padding", SCRIPT_VERIFY_DERSIG
).PushSig(keys.key2, SIGHASH_ALL, 31, 32).EditPush(1, "43021F", "44022000"));
good.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey2C) << OP_CHECKSIG,
"P2PK with high S but no LOW_S", 0
).PushSig(keys.key2, SIGHASH_ALL, 32, 33));
bad.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey2C) << OP_CHECKSIG,
).PushSig(keys.key2, SIGHASH_ALL, 32, 33));
good.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey0H) << OP_CHECKSIG,
"P2PK with hybrid pubkey but no STRICTENC", 0
).PushSig(keys.key0, SIGHASH_ALL));
bad.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey0H) << OP_CHECKSIG,
"P2PK with hybrid pubkey", SCRIPT_VERIFY_STRICTENC
).PushSig(keys.key0, SIGHASH_ALL));
bad.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey0H) << OP_CHECKSIG << OP_NOT,
"P2PK NOT with hybrid pubkey but no STRICTENC", 0
).PushSig(keys.key0, SIGHASH_ALL));
good.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey0H) << OP_CHECKSIG << OP_NOT,
"P2PK NOT with hybrid pubkey", SCRIPT_VERIFY_STRICTENC
).PushSig(keys.key0, SIGHASH_ALL));
good.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey0H) << OP_CHECKSIG << OP_NOT,
"P2PK NOT with invalid hybrid pubkey but no STRICTENC", 0
).PushSig(keys.key0, SIGHASH_ALL).DamagePush(10));
good.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey0H) << OP_CHECKSIG << OP_NOT,
"P2PK NOT with invalid hybrid pubkey", SCRIPT_VERIFY_STRICTENC
).PushSig(keys.key0, SIGHASH_ALL).DamagePush(10));
good.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey1) << OP_CHECKSIG,
"P2PK with undefined hashtype but no STRICTENC", 0
).PushSig(keys.key1, 5));
bad.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey1) << OP_CHECKSIG,
"P2PK with undefined hashtype", SCRIPT_VERIFY_STRICTENC
).PushSig(keys.key1, 5));
good.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey1) << OP_CHECKSIG << OP_NOT,
"P2PK NOT with invalid sig and undefined hashtype but no STRICTENC", 0
).PushSig(keys.key1, 5).DamagePush(10));
bad.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey1) << OP_CHECKSIG << OP_NOT,
"P2PK NOT with invalid sig and undefined hashtype", SCRIPT_VERIFY_STRICTENC
).PushSig(keys.key1, 5).DamagePush(10));
good.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << OP_3 << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey0C) << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey1C) << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey2C) << OP_3 << OP_CHECKMULTISIG,
"3-of-3 with nonzero dummy but no NULLDUMMY", 0
bad.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << OP_3 << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey0C) << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey1C) << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey2C) << OP_3 << OP_CHECKMULTISIG,
"3-of-3 with nonzero dummy", SCRIPT_VERIFY_NULLDUMMY
good.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << OP_3 << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey0C) << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey1C) << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey2C) << OP_3 << OP_CHECKMULTISIG << OP_NOT,
"3-of-3 NOT with invalid sig and nonzero dummy but no NULLDUMMY", 0
bad.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << OP_3 << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey0C) << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey1C) << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey2C) << OP_3 << OP_CHECKMULTISIG << OP_NOT,
"3-of-3 NOT with invalid sig with nonzero dummy", SCRIPT_VERIFY_NULLDUMMY
good.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << OP_2 << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey1C) << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey1C) << OP_2 << OP_CHECKMULTISIG,
"2-of-2 with two identical keys and sigs pushed using OP_DUP but no SIGPUSHONLY", 0
).Num(0).PushSig(keys.key1).Add(CScript() << OP_DUP));
bad.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << OP_2 << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey1C) << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey1C) << OP_2 << OP_CHECKMULTISIG,
"2-of-2 with two identical keys and sigs pushed using OP_DUP", SCRIPT_VERIFY_SIGPUSHONLY
).Num(0).PushSig(keys.key1).Add(CScript() << OP_DUP));
bad.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey2C) << OP_CHECKSIG,
"P2SH(P2PK) with non-push scriptSig but no SIGPUSHONLY", 0
bad.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey2C) << OP_CHECKSIG,
"P2SH(P2PK) with non-push scriptSig", SCRIPT_VERIFY_SIGPUSHONLY
good.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << OP_2 << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey1C) << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey1C) << OP_2 << OP_CHECKMULTISIG,
"2-of-2 with two identical keys and sigs pushed", SCRIPT_VERIFY_SIGPUSHONLY
std::map<std::string, Array> tests_good;
std::map<std::string, Array> tests_bad;
Array json_good = read_json(std::string(json_tests::script_valid, json_tests::script_valid + sizeof(json_tests::script_valid)));
Array json_bad = read_json(std::string(json_tests::script_invalid, json_tests::script_invalid + sizeof(json_tests::script_invalid)));
BOOST_FOREACH(Value& tv, json_good) {
Array test = tv.get_array();
if (test.size() >= 4) {
tests_good[test[3].get_str()] = test;
BOOST_FOREACH(Value& tv, json_bad) {
Array test = tv.get_array();
if (test.size() >= 4) {
tests_bad[test[3].get_str()] = test;
std::string strGood;
std::string strBad;
BOOST_FOREACH(TestBuilder& test, good) {
2014-10-07 02:22:47 +02:00
if (tests_good.count(test.GetComment()) == 0) {
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(false, "Missing auto script_valid test: " + test.GetComment());
strGood += write_string(Value(test.GetJSON()), true) + ",\n";
} else {
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(ParseScript(tests_good[test.GetComment()][1].get_str()) == test.GetScriptPubKey(), "ScriptPubKey mismatch in auto script_valid test: " + test.GetComment());
strGood += write_string(Value(tests_good[test.GetComment()]), true) + ",\n";
BOOST_FOREACH(TestBuilder& test, bad) {
2014-10-07 02:22:47 +02:00
if (tests_bad.count(test.GetComment()) == 0) {
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(false, "Missing auto script_invalid test: " + test.GetComment());
strBad += write_string(Value(test.GetJSON()), true) + ",\n";
} else {
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(ParseScript(tests_bad[test.GetComment()][1].get_str()) == test.GetScriptPubKey(), "ScriptPubKey mismatch in auto script_invalid test: " + test.GetComment());
strBad += write_string(Value(tests_bad[test.GetComment()]), true) + ",\n";
2014-10-07 02:22:47 +02:00
FILE* valid = fopen("script_valid.json.gen", "w");
fputs(strGood.c_str(), valid);
FILE* invalid = fopen("script_invalid.json.gen", "w");
fputs(strBad.c_str(), invalid);
// Read tests from test/data/script_valid.json
// Format is an array of arrays
// Inner arrays are [ "scriptSig", "scriptPubKey", "flags" ]
// ... where scriptSig and scriptPubKey are stringified
// scripts.
Array tests = read_json(std::string(json_tests::script_valid, json_tests::script_valid + sizeof(json_tests::script_valid)));
BOOST_FOREACH(Value& tv, tests)
Array test = tv.get_array();
string strTest = write_string(tv, false);
if (test.size() < 3) // Allow size > 3; extra stuff ignored (useful for comments)
if (test.size() != 1) {
BOOST_ERROR("Bad test: " << strTest);
string scriptSigString = test[0].get_str();
CScript scriptSig = ParseScript(scriptSigString);
string scriptPubKeyString = test[1].get_str();
CScript scriptPubKey = ParseScript(scriptPubKeyString);
unsigned int scriptflags = ParseScriptFlags(test[2].get_str());
DoTest(scriptPubKey, scriptSig, scriptflags, true, strTest);
// Scripts that should evaluate as invalid
Array tests = read_json(std::string(json_tests::script_invalid, json_tests::script_invalid + sizeof(json_tests::script_invalid)));
BOOST_FOREACH(Value& tv, tests)
Array test = tv.get_array();
string strTest = write_string(tv, false);
if (test.size() < 3) // Allow size > 3; extra stuff ignored (useful for comments)
if (test.size() != 1) {
BOOST_ERROR("Bad test: " << strTest);
string scriptSigString = test[0].get_str();
CScript scriptSig = ParseScript(scriptSigString);
string scriptPubKeyString = test[1].get_str();
CScript scriptPubKey = ParseScript(scriptPubKeyString);
unsigned int scriptflags = ParseScriptFlags(test[2].get_str());
DoTest(scriptPubKey, scriptSig, scriptflags, false, strTest);
2011-07-31 20:01:31 +02:00
// Check that PUSHDATA1, PUSHDATA2, and PUSHDATA4 create the same value on
// the stack as the 1-75 opcodes do.
static const unsigned char direct[] = { 1, 0x5a };
static const unsigned char pushdata1[] = { OP_PUSHDATA1, 1, 0x5a };
static const unsigned char pushdata2[] = { OP_PUSHDATA2, 1, 0, 0x5a };
static const unsigned char pushdata4[] = { OP_PUSHDATA4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0x5a };
vector<vector<unsigned char> > directStack;
BOOST_CHECK(EvalScript(directStack, CScript(&direct[0], &direct[sizeof(direct)]), true, BaseSignatureChecker()));
2011-07-31 20:01:31 +02:00
vector<vector<unsigned char> > pushdata1Stack;
BOOST_CHECK(EvalScript(pushdata1Stack, CScript(&pushdata1[0], &pushdata1[sizeof(pushdata1)]), true, BaseSignatureChecker()));
2011-07-31 20:01:31 +02:00
BOOST_CHECK(pushdata1Stack == directStack);
vector<vector<unsigned char> > pushdata2Stack;
BOOST_CHECK(EvalScript(pushdata2Stack, CScript(&pushdata2[0], &pushdata2[sizeof(pushdata2)]), true, BaseSignatureChecker()));
2011-07-31 20:01:31 +02:00
BOOST_CHECK(pushdata2Stack == directStack);
vector<vector<unsigned char> > pushdata4Stack;
BOOST_CHECK(EvalScript(pushdata4Stack, CScript(&pushdata4[0], &pushdata4[sizeof(pushdata4)]), true, BaseSignatureChecker()));
2011-07-31 20:01:31 +02:00
BOOST_CHECK(pushdata4Stack == directStack);
2011-08-26 18:41:22 -04:00
sign_multisig(CScript scriptPubKey, std::vector<CKey> keys, CTransaction transaction)
uint256 hash = SignatureHash(scriptPubKey, transaction, 0, SIGHASH_ALL);
CScript result;
// NOTE: CHECKMULTISIG has an unfortunate bug; it requires
// one extra item on the stack, before the signatures.
// Putting OP_0 on the stack is the workaround;
// fixing the bug would mean splitting the block chain (old
2011-08-26 18:41:22 -04:00
// clients would not accept new CHECKMULTISIG transactions,
// and vice-versa)
result << OP_0;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CKey &key, keys)
2011-08-26 18:41:22 -04:00
vector<unsigned char> vchSig;
BOOST_CHECK(key.Sign(hash, vchSig));
vchSig.push_back((unsigned char)SIGHASH_ALL);
result << vchSig;
return result;
sign_multisig(CScript scriptPubKey, const CKey &key, CTransaction transaction)
2011-08-26 18:41:22 -04:00
std::vector<CKey> keys;
return sign_multisig(scriptPubKey, keys, transaction);
CKey key1, key2, key3;
2012-02-20 18:32:33 +01:00
2011-08-26 18:41:22 -04:00
CScript scriptPubKey12;
scriptPubKey12 << OP_1 << ToByteVector(key1.GetPubKey()) << ToByteVector(key2.GetPubKey()) << OP_2 << OP_CHECKMULTISIG;
2011-08-26 18:41:22 -04:00
2014-09-28 06:33:33 +02:00
CMutableTransaction txFrom12 = BuildCreditingTransaction(scriptPubKey12);
CMutableTransaction txTo12 = BuildSpendingTransaction(CScript(), txFrom12);
2011-08-26 18:41:22 -04:00
CScript goodsig1 = sign_multisig(scriptPubKey12, key1, txTo12);
BOOST_CHECK(VerifyScript(goodsig1, scriptPubKey12, flags, SignatureChecker(txTo12, 0)));
2011-08-26 18:41:22 -04:00
txTo12.vout[0].nValue = 2;
BOOST_CHECK(!VerifyScript(goodsig1, scriptPubKey12, flags, SignatureChecker(txTo12, 0)));
2011-08-26 18:41:22 -04:00
CScript goodsig2 = sign_multisig(scriptPubKey12, key2, txTo12);
BOOST_CHECK(VerifyScript(goodsig2, scriptPubKey12, flags, SignatureChecker(txTo12, 0)));
2011-08-26 18:41:22 -04:00
CScript badsig1 = sign_multisig(scriptPubKey12, key3, txTo12);
BOOST_CHECK(!VerifyScript(badsig1, scriptPubKey12, flags, SignatureChecker(txTo12, 0)));
2011-08-26 18:41:22 -04:00
CKey key1, key2, key3, key4;
2012-02-20 18:32:33 +01:00
2011-08-26 18:41:22 -04:00
CScript scriptPubKey23;
scriptPubKey23 << OP_2 << ToByteVector(key1.GetPubKey()) << ToByteVector(key2.GetPubKey()) << ToByteVector(key3.GetPubKey()) << OP_3 << OP_CHECKMULTISIG;
2011-08-26 18:41:22 -04:00
2014-09-28 06:33:33 +02:00
CMutableTransaction txFrom23 = BuildCreditingTransaction(scriptPubKey23);
CMutableTransaction txTo23 = BuildSpendingTransaction(CScript(), txFrom23);
2011-08-26 18:41:22 -04:00
std::vector<CKey> keys;
keys.push_back(key1); keys.push_back(key2);
CScript goodsig1 = sign_multisig(scriptPubKey23, keys, txTo23);
BOOST_CHECK(VerifyScript(goodsig1, scriptPubKey23, flags, SignatureChecker(txTo23, 0)));
2011-08-26 18:41:22 -04:00
keys.push_back(key1); keys.push_back(key3);
CScript goodsig2 = sign_multisig(scriptPubKey23, keys, txTo23);
BOOST_CHECK(VerifyScript(goodsig2, scriptPubKey23, flags, SignatureChecker(txTo23, 0)));
2011-08-26 18:41:22 -04:00
keys.push_back(key2); keys.push_back(key3);
CScript goodsig3 = sign_multisig(scriptPubKey23, keys, txTo23);
BOOST_CHECK(VerifyScript(goodsig3, scriptPubKey23, flags, SignatureChecker(txTo23, 0)));
2011-08-26 18:41:22 -04:00
keys.push_back(key2); keys.push_back(key2); // Can't re-use sig
CScript badsig1 = sign_multisig(scriptPubKey23, keys, txTo23);
BOOST_CHECK(!VerifyScript(badsig1, scriptPubKey23, flags, SignatureChecker(txTo23, 0)));
2011-08-26 18:41:22 -04:00
keys.push_back(key2); keys.push_back(key1); // sigs must be in correct order
CScript badsig2 = sign_multisig(scriptPubKey23, keys, txTo23);
BOOST_CHECK(!VerifyScript(badsig2, scriptPubKey23, flags, SignatureChecker(txTo23, 0)));
2011-08-26 18:41:22 -04:00
keys.push_back(key3); keys.push_back(key2); // sigs must be in correct order
CScript badsig3 = sign_multisig(scriptPubKey23, keys, txTo23);
BOOST_CHECK(!VerifyScript(badsig3, scriptPubKey23, flags, SignatureChecker(txTo23, 0)));
2011-08-26 18:41:22 -04:00
keys.push_back(key4); keys.push_back(key2); // sigs must match pubkeys
CScript badsig4 = sign_multisig(scriptPubKey23, keys, txTo23);
BOOST_CHECK(!VerifyScript(badsig4, scriptPubKey23, flags, SignatureChecker(txTo23, 0)));
2011-08-26 18:41:22 -04:00
keys.push_back(key1); keys.push_back(key4); // sigs must match pubkeys
CScript badsig5 = sign_multisig(scriptPubKey23, keys, txTo23);
BOOST_CHECK(!VerifyScript(badsig5, scriptPubKey23, flags, SignatureChecker(txTo23, 0)));
2011-08-26 18:41:22 -04:00
keys.clear(); // Must have signatures
CScript badsig6 = sign_multisig(scriptPubKey23, keys, txTo23);
BOOST_CHECK(!VerifyScript(badsig6, scriptPubKey23, flags, SignatureChecker(txTo23, 0)));
2011-08-26 18:41:22 -04:00
// Test the CombineSignatures function
CBasicKeyStore keystore;
vector<CKey> keys;
vector<CPubKey> pubkeys;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
CKey key;
key.MakeNewKey(i%2 == 1);
2014-09-28 06:33:33 +02:00
CMutableTransaction txFrom = BuildCreditingTransaction(GetScriptForDestination(keys[0].GetPubKey().GetID()));
CMutableTransaction txTo = BuildSpendingTransaction(CScript(), txFrom);
CScript& scriptPubKey = txFrom.vout[0].scriptPubKey;
CScript& scriptSig = txTo.vin[0].scriptSig;
CScript empty;
CScript combined = CombineSignatures(scriptPubKey, txTo, 0, empty, empty);
// Single signature case:
SignSignature(keystore, txFrom, txTo, 0); // changes scriptSig
combined = CombineSignatures(scriptPubKey, txTo, 0, scriptSig, empty);
BOOST_CHECK(combined == scriptSig);
combined = CombineSignatures(scriptPubKey, txTo, 0, empty, scriptSig);
BOOST_CHECK(combined == scriptSig);
CScript scriptSigCopy = scriptSig;
// Signing again will give a different, valid signature:
SignSignature(keystore, txFrom, txTo, 0);
combined = CombineSignatures(scriptPubKey, txTo, 0, scriptSigCopy, scriptSig);
BOOST_CHECK(combined == scriptSigCopy || combined == scriptSig);
// P2SH, single-signature case:
CScript pkSingle; pkSingle << ToByteVector(keys[0].GetPubKey()) << OP_CHECKSIG;
scriptPubKey = GetScriptForDestination(CScriptID(pkSingle));
SignSignature(keystore, txFrom, txTo, 0);
combined = CombineSignatures(scriptPubKey, txTo, 0, scriptSig, empty);
BOOST_CHECK(combined == scriptSig);
combined = CombineSignatures(scriptPubKey, txTo, 0, empty, scriptSig);
BOOST_CHECK(combined == scriptSig);
scriptSigCopy = scriptSig;
SignSignature(keystore, txFrom, txTo, 0);
combined = CombineSignatures(scriptPubKey, txTo, 0, scriptSigCopy, scriptSig);
BOOST_CHECK(combined == scriptSigCopy || combined == scriptSig);
// dummy scriptSigCopy with placeholder, should always choose non-placeholder:
scriptSigCopy = CScript() << OP_0 << static_cast<vector<unsigned char> >(pkSingle);
combined = CombineSignatures(scriptPubKey, txTo, 0, scriptSigCopy, scriptSig);
BOOST_CHECK(combined == scriptSig);
combined = CombineSignatures(scriptPubKey, txTo, 0, scriptSig, scriptSigCopy);
BOOST_CHECK(combined == scriptSig);
// Hardest case: Multisig 2-of-3
scriptPubKey = GetScriptForMultisig(2, pubkeys);
SignSignature(keystore, txFrom, txTo, 0);
combined = CombineSignatures(scriptPubKey, txTo, 0, scriptSig, empty);
BOOST_CHECK(combined == scriptSig);
combined = CombineSignatures(scriptPubKey, txTo, 0, empty, scriptSig);
BOOST_CHECK(combined == scriptSig);
// A couple of partially-signed versions:
vector<unsigned char> sig1;
uint256 hash1 = SignatureHash(scriptPubKey, txTo, 0, SIGHASH_ALL);
BOOST_CHECK(keys[0].Sign(hash1, sig1));
vector<unsigned char> sig2;
uint256 hash2 = SignatureHash(scriptPubKey, txTo, 0, SIGHASH_NONE);
BOOST_CHECK(keys[1].Sign(hash2, sig2));
vector<unsigned char> sig3;
uint256 hash3 = SignatureHash(scriptPubKey, txTo, 0, SIGHASH_SINGLE);
BOOST_CHECK(keys[2].Sign(hash3, sig3));
// Not fussy about order (or even existence) of placeholders or signatures:
CScript partial1a = CScript() << OP_0 << sig1 << OP_0;
CScript partial1b = CScript() << OP_0 << OP_0 << sig1;
CScript partial2a = CScript() << OP_0 << sig2;
CScript partial2b = CScript() << sig2 << OP_0;
CScript partial3a = CScript() << sig3;
CScript partial3b = CScript() << OP_0 << OP_0 << sig3;
CScript partial3c = CScript() << OP_0 << sig3 << OP_0;
CScript complete12 = CScript() << OP_0 << sig1 << sig2;
CScript complete13 = CScript() << OP_0 << sig1 << sig3;
CScript complete23 = CScript() << OP_0 << sig2 << sig3;
combined = CombineSignatures(scriptPubKey, txTo, 0, partial1a, partial1b);
BOOST_CHECK(combined == partial1a);
combined = CombineSignatures(scriptPubKey, txTo, 0, partial1a, partial2a);
BOOST_CHECK(combined == complete12);
combined = CombineSignatures(scriptPubKey, txTo, 0, partial2a, partial1a);
BOOST_CHECK(combined == complete12);
combined = CombineSignatures(scriptPubKey, txTo, 0, partial1b, partial2b);
BOOST_CHECK(combined == complete12);
combined = CombineSignatures(scriptPubKey, txTo, 0, partial3b, partial1b);
BOOST_CHECK(combined == complete13);
combined = CombineSignatures(scriptPubKey, txTo, 0, partial2a, partial3a);
BOOST_CHECK(combined == complete23);
combined = CombineSignatures(scriptPubKey, txTo, 0, partial3b, partial2b);
BOOST_CHECK(combined == complete23);
combined = CombineSignatures(scriptPubKey, txTo, 0, partial3b, partial3a);
BOOST_CHECK(combined == partial3c);
2011-08-26 18:41:22 -04:00
for (int i=0; i<67000; i++) {
CScript script;
script << i;
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(script.IsPushOnly(), "Number " << i << " is not pure push.");
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(VerifyScript(script, CScript() << OP_1, SCRIPT_VERIFY_MINIMALDATA, BaseSignatureChecker()), "Number " << i << " push is not minimal data.");
for (unsigned int i=0; i<=MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE; i++) {
std::vector<unsigned char> data(i, '\111');
CScript script;
script << data;
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(script.IsPushOnly(), "Length " << i << " is not pure push.");
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(VerifyScript(script, CScript() << OP_1, SCRIPT_VERIFY_MINIMALDATA, BaseSignatureChecker()), "Length " << i << " push is not minimal data.");
2014-08-24 21:16:51 -04:00
// IsPushOnly returns false when given a script containing only pushes that
// are invalid due to truncation. IsPushOnly() is consensus critical
// because P2SH evaluation uses it, although this specific behavior should
// not be consensus critical as the P2SH evaluation would fail first due to
// the invalid push. Still, it doesn't hurt to test it explicitly.
static const unsigned char direct[] = { 1 };
BOOST_CHECK(!CScript(direct, direct+sizeof(direct)).IsPushOnly());
2011-07-31 20:01:31 +02:00