2019-10-26 12:20:12 -07:00
// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Copyright (c) 2009-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
2019-10-26 18:05:10 -07:00
# if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
# include <config/bitcoin-config.h>
# endif
2019-10-26 12:20:12 -07:00
# include <randomenv.h>
2019-10-26 18:05:10 -07:00
# include <clientversion.h>
2019-10-26 18:17:20 -07:00
# include <compat/cpuid.h>
2019-10-26 12:20:12 -07:00
# include <crypto/sha512.h>
# include <support/cleanse.h>
# include <util/time.h> // for GetTime()
# ifdef WIN32
# include <compat.h> // for Windows API
# endif
# include <algorithm>
2019-10-29 12:35:06 -07:00
# include <atomic>
2019-10-26 17:14:21 -07:00
# include <chrono>
2019-10-26 18:05:10 -07:00
# include <climits>
2019-10-26 17:14:21 -07:00
# include <thread>
2019-10-26 12:20:12 -07:00
# include <vector>
# include <stdint.h>
2019-10-26 17:14:21 -07:00
# include <string.h>
# ifndef WIN32
2019-10-26 18:05:10 -07:00
# include <sys/types.h> // must go before a number of other headers
# include <fcntl.h>
# include <netinet/in.h>
# include <sys/resource.h>
# include <sys/socket.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
2019-10-26 17:14:21 -07:00
# include <sys/time.h>
2019-10-26 18:05:10 -07:00
# include <sys/utsname.h>
2019-10-26 17:14:21 -07:00
# include <unistd.h>
# endif
# ifdef __MACH__
# include <mach/clock.h>
# include <mach/mach.h>
# include <mach/mach_time.h>
# endif
2019-10-26 18:05:10 -07:00
# include <ifaddrs.h>
# endif
2019-10-28 10:42:25 -07:00
# include <sys/sysctl.h>
# include <vm/vm_param.h>
# endif
# include <sys/resources.h>
# endif
# include <sys/vmmeter.h>
# endif
# endif
2019-10-27 12:36:05 -07:00
# ifdef __linux__
# include <sys/auxv.h>
# endif
2019-10-26 18:05:10 -07:00
//! Necessary on some platforms
extern char * * environ ;
2019-10-26 12:20:12 -07:00
namespace {
void RandAddSeedPerfmon ( CSHA512 & hasher )
# ifdef WIN32
// Seed with the entire set of perfmon data
// This can take up to 2 seconds, so only do it every 10 minutes
2019-10-29 12:35:06 -07:00
static std : : atomic < std : : chrono : : seconds > last_perfmon { std : : chrono : : seconds { 0 } } ;
auto last_time = last_perfmon . load ( ) ;
auto current_time = GetTime < std : : chrono : : seconds > ( ) ;
if ( current_time < last_time + std : : chrono : : minutes { 10 } ) return ;
last_perfmon = current_time ;
2019-10-26 12:20:12 -07:00
std : : vector < unsigned char > vData ( 250000 , 0 ) ;
long ret = 0 ;
unsigned long nSize = 0 ;
const size_t nMaxSize = 10000000 ; // Bail out at more than 10MB of performance data
while ( true ) {
nSize = vData . size ( ) ;
ret = RegQueryValueExA ( HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA , " Global " , nullptr , nullptr , vData . data ( ) , & nSize ) ;
if ( ret ! = ERROR_MORE_DATA | | vData . size ( ) > = nMaxSize )
break ;
vData . resize ( std : : max ( ( vData . size ( ) * 3 ) / 2 , nMaxSize ) ) ; // Grow size of buffer exponentially
if ( ret = = ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
hasher . Write ( vData . data ( ) , nSize ) ;
memory_cleanse ( vData . data ( ) , nSize ) ;
} else {
// Performance data is only a best-effort attempt at improving the
// situation when the OS randomness (and other sources) aren't
// adequate. As a result, failure to read it is isn't considered critical,
// so we don't call RandFailure().
// TODO: Add logging when the logger is made functional before global
// constructors have been invoked.
# endif
2019-10-26 17:14:21 -07:00
/** Helper to easily feed data into a CSHA512.
* Note that this does not serialize the passed object ( like stream . h ' s < < operators do ) .
* Its raw memory representation is used directly .
template < typename T >
CSHA512 & operator < < ( CSHA512 & hasher , const T & data ) {
static_assert ( ! std : : is_same < typename std : : decay < T > : : type , char * > : : value , " Calling operator<<(CSHA512, char*) is probably not what you want " ) ;
static_assert ( ! std : : is_same < typename std : : decay < T > : : type , unsigned char * > : : value , " Calling operator<<(CSHA512, unsigned char*) is probably not what you want " ) ;
static_assert ( ! std : : is_same < typename std : : decay < T > : : type , const char * > : : value , " Calling operator<<(CSHA512, const char*) is probably not what you want " ) ;
static_assert ( ! std : : is_same < typename std : : decay < T > : : type , const unsigned char * > : : value , " Calling operator<<(CSHA512, const unsigned char*) is probably not what you want " ) ;
hasher . Write ( ( const unsigned char * ) & data , sizeof ( data ) ) ;
return hasher ;
2019-10-26 18:05:10 -07:00
# ifndef WIN32
void AddSockaddr ( CSHA512 & hasher , const struct sockaddr * addr )
if ( addr = = nullptr ) return ;
switch ( addr - > sa_family ) {
case AF_INET :
hasher . Write ( ( const unsigned char * ) addr , sizeof ( sockaddr_in ) ) ;
break ;
case AF_INET6 :
hasher . Write ( ( const unsigned char * ) addr , sizeof ( sockaddr_in6 ) ) ;
break ;
default :
hasher . Write ( ( const unsigned char * ) & addr - > sa_family , sizeof ( addr - > sa_family ) ) ;
void AddFile ( CSHA512 & hasher , const char * path )
struct stat sb = { } ;
int f = open ( path , O_RDONLY ) ;
size_t total = 0 ;
if ( f ! = - 1 ) {
unsigned char fbuf [ 4096 ] ;
int n ;
hasher . Write ( ( const unsigned char * ) & f , sizeof ( f ) ) ;
if ( fstat ( f , & sb ) = = 0 ) hasher < < sb ;
do {
n = read ( f , fbuf , sizeof ( fbuf ) ) ;
if ( n > 0 ) hasher . Write ( fbuf , n ) ;
total + = n ;
/* not bothering with EINTR handling. */
} while ( n = = sizeof ( fbuf ) & & total < 1048576 ) ; // Read only the first 1 Mbyte
close ( f ) ;
void AddPath ( CSHA512 & hasher , const char * path )
struct stat sb = { } ;
if ( stat ( path , & sb ) = = 0 ) {
hasher . Write ( ( const unsigned char * ) path , strlen ( path ) + 1 ) ;
hasher < < sb ;
# endif
2019-10-28 10:42:25 -07:00
template < int . . . S >
void AddSysctl ( CSHA512 & hasher )
int CTL [ sizeof . . . ( S ) ] = { S . . . } ;
unsigned char buffer [ 65536 ] ;
size_t siz = 65536 ;
int ret = sysctl ( CTL , sizeof . . . ( S ) , buffer , & siz , nullptr , 0 ) ;
if ( ret = = 0 | | ( ret = = - 1 & & errno = = ENOMEM ) ) {
hasher < < sizeof ( CTL ) ;
hasher . Write ( ( const unsigned char * ) CTL , sizeof ( CTL ) ) ;
if ( siz > sizeof ( buffer ) ) siz = sizeof ( buffer ) ;
hasher < < siz ;
hasher . Write ( buffer , siz ) ;
# endif
2019-10-26 18:05:10 -07:00
2019-10-26 18:17:20 -07:00
void inline AddCPUID ( CSHA512 & hasher , uint32_t leaf , uint32_t subleaf , uint32_t & ax , uint32_t & bx , uint32_t & cx , uint32_t & dx )
GetCPUID ( leaf , subleaf , ax , bx , cx , dx ) ;
hasher < < leaf < < subleaf < < ax < < bx < < cx < < dx ;
void AddAllCPUID ( CSHA512 & hasher )
uint32_t ax , bx , cx , dx ;
// Iterate over all standard leaves
AddCPUID ( hasher , 0 , 0 , ax , bx , cx , dx ) ; // Returns max leaf in ax
uint32_t max = ax ;
for ( uint32_t leaf = 1 ; leaf < = max ; + + leaf ) {
2019-11-19 14:55:02 -08:00
uint32_t maxsub = 0 ;
2019-10-26 18:17:20 -07:00
for ( uint32_t subleaf = 0 ; ; + + subleaf ) {
AddCPUID ( hasher , leaf , subleaf , ax , bx , cx , dx ) ;
2019-11-19 14:55:02 -08:00
// Iterate subleafs for leaf values 4, 7, 11, 13
if ( leaf = = 4 ) {
if ( ( ax & 0x1f ) = = 0 ) break ;
} else if ( leaf = = 7 ) {
if ( subleaf = = 0 ) maxsub = ax ;
if ( subleaf = = maxsub ) break ;
} else if ( leaf = = 11 ) {
if ( ( cx & 0xff00 ) = = 0 ) break ;
} else if ( leaf = = 13 ) {
if ( ax = = 0 & & bx = = 0 & & cx = = 0 & & dx = = 0 ) break ;
} else {
// For any other leaf, stop after subleaf 0.
break ;
2019-10-26 18:17:20 -07:00
// Iterate over all extended leaves
AddCPUID ( hasher , 0x80000000 , 0 , ax , bx , cx , dx ) ; // Returns max extended leaf in ax
uint32_t ext_max = ax ;
for ( uint32_t leaf = 0x80000001 ; leaf < = ext_max ; + + leaf ) {
AddCPUID ( hasher , leaf , 0 , ax , bx , cx , dx ) ;
# endif
2019-10-26 12:20:12 -07:00
} // namespace
void RandAddDynamicEnv ( CSHA512 & hasher )
RandAddSeedPerfmon ( hasher ) ;
2019-10-26 17:14:21 -07:00
// Various clocks
# ifdef WIN32
FILETIME ftime ;
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime ( & ftime ) ;
hasher < < ftime ;
# else
# ifndef __MACH__
// On non-MacOS systems, use various clock_gettime() calls.
2019-10-26 18:05:10 -07:00
struct timespec ts = { } ;
2019-10-26 17:14:21 -07:00
clock_gettime ( CLOCK_MONOTONIC , & ts ) ;
2019-10-26 18:05:10 -07:00
hasher < < ts ;
2019-10-26 17:14:21 -07:00
# endif
clock_gettime ( CLOCK_REALTIME , & ts ) ;
2019-10-26 18:05:10 -07:00
hasher < < ts ;
2019-10-26 17:14:21 -07:00
# endif
clock_gettime ( CLOCK_BOOTTIME , & ts ) ;
2019-10-26 18:05:10 -07:00
hasher < < ts ;
2019-10-26 17:14:21 -07:00
# endif
# else
// On MacOS use mach_absolute_time (number of CPU ticks since boot) as a replacement for CLOCK_MONOTONIC,
// and clock_get_time for CALENDAR_CLOCK as a replacement for CLOCK_REALTIME.
hasher < < mach_absolute_time ( ) ;
// From https://gist.github.com/jbenet/1087739
clock_serv_t cclock ;
2019-10-26 18:05:10 -07:00
mach_timespec_t mts = { } ;
2019-10-26 17:14:21 -07:00
if ( host_get_clock_service ( mach_host_self ( ) , CALENDAR_CLOCK , & cclock ) = = KERN_SUCCESS & & clock_get_time ( cclock , & mts ) = = KERN_SUCCESS ) {
2019-10-26 18:05:10 -07:00
hasher < < mts ;
2019-10-26 17:14:21 -07:00
mach_port_deallocate ( mach_task_self ( ) , cclock ) ;
# endif
// gettimeofday is available on all UNIX systems, but only has microsecond precision.
2019-10-26 18:05:10 -07:00
struct timeval tv = { } ;
2019-10-26 17:14:21 -07:00
gettimeofday ( & tv , nullptr ) ;
2019-10-26 18:05:10 -07:00
hasher < < tv ;
2019-10-26 17:14:21 -07:00
# endif
// Probably redundant, but also use all the clocks C++11 provides:
hasher < < std : : chrono : : system_clock : : now ( ) . time_since_epoch ( ) . count ( ) ;
hasher < < std : : chrono : : steady_clock : : now ( ) . time_since_epoch ( ) . count ( ) ;
hasher < < std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : now ( ) . time_since_epoch ( ) . count ( ) ;
2019-10-26 18:05:10 -07:00
# ifndef WIN32
// Current resource usage.
struct rusage usage = { } ;
if ( getrusage ( RUSAGE_SELF , & usage ) = = 0 ) hasher < < usage ;
# endif
# ifdef __linux__
AddFile ( hasher , " /proc/diskstats " ) ;
AddFile ( hasher , " /proc/vmstat " ) ;
AddFile ( hasher , " /proc/schedstat " ) ;
AddFile ( hasher , " /proc/zoneinfo " ) ;
AddFile ( hasher , " /proc/meminfo " ) ;
AddFile ( hasher , " /proc/softirqs " ) ;
AddFile ( hasher , " /proc/stat " ) ;
AddFile ( hasher , " /proc/self/schedstat " ) ;
AddFile ( hasher , " /proc/self/status " ) ;
# endif
2019-10-28 10:42:25 -07:00
# ifdef CTL_KERN
# if defined(KERN_PROC) && defined(KERN_PROC_ALL)
AddSysctl < CTL_KERN , KERN_PROC , KERN_PROC_ALL > ( hasher ) ;
# endif
# endif
# ifdef CTL_HW
AddSysctl < CTL_HW , HW_DISKSTATS > ( hasher ) ;
# endif
# endif
# ifdef CTL_VM
# ifdef VM_LOADAVG
AddSysctl < CTL_VM , VM_LOADAVG > ( hasher ) ;
# endif
# ifdef VM_TOTAL
AddSysctl < CTL_VM , VM_TOTAL > ( hasher ) ;
# endif
# ifdef VM_METER
AddSysctl < CTL_VM , VM_METER > ( hasher ) ;
# endif
# endif
# endif
2019-10-26 18:05:10 -07:00
// Stack and heap location
void * addr = malloc ( 4097 ) ;
hasher < < & addr < < addr ;
free ( addr ) ;
2019-10-26 12:20:12 -07:00
void RandAddStaticEnv ( CSHA512 & hasher )
2019-10-26 18:05:10 -07:00
// Some compile-time static properties
hasher < < ( CHAR_MIN < 0 ) < < sizeof ( void * ) < < sizeof ( long ) < < sizeof ( int ) ;
# if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__GNUC_MINOR__) && defined(__GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__)
hasher < < __GNUC__ < < __GNUC_MINOR__ < < __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ ;
# endif
# ifdef _MSC_VER
hasher < < _MSC_VER ;
# endif
hasher < < __cplusplus ;
hasher < < _XOPEN_VERSION ;
# endif
# ifdef __VERSION__
const char * COMPILER_VERSION = __VERSION__ ;
hasher . Write ( ( const unsigned char * ) COMPILER_VERSION , strlen ( COMPILER_VERSION ) + 1 ) ;
# endif
// Bitcoin client version
hasher < < CLIENT_VERSION ;
2019-10-27 12:36:05 -07:00
# ifdef __linux__
// Information available through getauxval()
# ifdef AT_HWCAP
hasher < < getauxval ( AT_HWCAP ) ;
# endif
# ifdef AT_HWCAP2
hasher < < getauxval ( AT_HWCAP2 ) ;
# endif
# ifdef AT_RANDOM
const unsigned char * random_aux = ( const unsigned char * ) getauxval ( AT_RANDOM ) ;
if ( random_aux ) hasher . Write ( random_aux , 16 ) ;
# endif
const char * platform_str = ( const char * ) getauxval ( AT_PLATFORM ) ;
if ( platform_str ) hasher . Write ( ( const unsigned char * ) platform_str , strlen ( platform_str ) + 1 ) ;
# endif
# ifdef AT_EXECFN
const char * exec_str = ( const char * ) getauxval ( AT_EXECFN ) ;
if ( exec_str ) hasher . Write ( ( const unsigned char * ) exec_str , strlen ( exec_str ) + 1 ) ;
# endif
# endif // __linux__
2019-10-26 18:17:20 -07:00
AddAllCPUID ( hasher ) ;
# endif
2019-10-26 18:05:10 -07:00
// Memory locations
hasher < < & hasher < < & RandAddStaticEnv < < & malloc < < & errno < < & environ ;
// Hostname
char hname [ 256 ] ;
if ( gethostname ( hname , 256 ) = = 0 ) {
hasher . Write ( ( const unsigned char * ) hname , strnlen ( hname , 256 ) ) ;
// Network interfaces
struct ifaddrs * ifad = NULL ;
getifaddrs ( & ifad ) ;
struct ifaddrs * ifit = ifad ;
while ( ifit ! = NULL ) {
hasher . Write ( ( const unsigned char * ) & ifit , sizeof ( ifit ) ) ;
hasher . Write ( ( const unsigned char * ) ifit - > ifa_name , strlen ( ifit - > ifa_name ) + 1 ) ;
hasher . Write ( ( const unsigned char * ) & ifit - > ifa_flags , sizeof ( ifit - > ifa_flags ) ) ;
AddSockaddr ( hasher , ifit - > ifa_addr ) ;
AddSockaddr ( hasher , ifit - > ifa_netmask ) ;
AddSockaddr ( hasher , ifit - > ifa_dstaddr ) ;
ifit = ifit - > ifa_next ;
freeifaddrs ( ifad ) ;
# endif
# ifndef WIN32
// UNIX kernel information
struct utsname name ;
if ( uname ( & name ) ! = - 1 ) {
hasher . Write ( ( const unsigned char * ) & name . sysname , strlen ( name . sysname ) + 1 ) ;
hasher . Write ( ( const unsigned char * ) & name . nodename , strlen ( name . nodename ) + 1 ) ;
hasher . Write ( ( const unsigned char * ) & name . release , strlen ( name . release ) + 1 ) ;
hasher . Write ( ( const unsigned char * ) & name . version , strlen ( name . version ) + 1 ) ;
hasher . Write ( ( const unsigned char * ) & name . machine , strlen ( name . machine ) + 1 ) ;
/* Path and filesystem provided data */
AddPath ( hasher , " / " ) ;
AddPath ( hasher , " . " ) ;
AddPath ( hasher , " /tmp " ) ;
AddPath ( hasher , " /home " ) ;
AddPath ( hasher , " /proc " ) ;
# ifdef __linux__
AddFile ( hasher , " /proc/cmdline " ) ;
AddFile ( hasher , " /proc/cpuinfo " ) ;
AddFile ( hasher , " /proc/version " ) ;
# endif
AddFile ( hasher , " /etc/passwd " ) ;
AddFile ( hasher , " /etc/group " ) ;
AddFile ( hasher , " /etc/hosts " ) ;
AddFile ( hasher , " /etc/resolv.conf " ) ;
AddFile ( hasher , " /etc/timezone " ) ;
AddFile ( hasher , " /etc/localtime " ) ;
2019-10-28 10:42:25 -07:00
# endif
2019-10-26 18:05:10 -07:00
2019-10-28 10:42:25 -07:00
// For MacOS/BSDs, gather data through sysctl instead of /proc. Not all of these
// will exist on every system.
# ifdef CTL_HW
# ifdef HW_MACHINE
AddSysctl < CTL_HW , HW_MACHINE > ( hasher ) ;
# endif
# ifdef HW_MODEL
AddSysctl < CTL_HW , HW_MODEL > ( hasher ) ;
# endif
# ifdef HW_NCPU
AddSysctl < CTL_HW , HW_NCPU > ( hasher ) ;
# endif
# ifdef HW_PHYSMEM
AddSysctl < CTL_HW , HW_PHYSMEM > ( hasher ) ;
# endif
# ifdef HW_USERMEM
AddSysctl < CTL_HW , HW_USERMEM > ( hasher ) ;
# endif
AddSysctl < CTL_HW , HW_MACHINE_ARCH > ( hasher ) ;
# endif
# ifdef HW_REALMEM
AddSysctl < CTL_HW , HW_REALMEM > ( hasher ) ;
# endif
# ifdef HW_CPU_FREQ
AddSysctl < CTL_HW , HW_CPU_FREQ > ( hasher ) ;
# endif
# ifdef HW_BUS_FREQ
AddSysctl < CTL_HW , HW_BUS_FREQ > ( hasher ) ;
# endif
AddSysctl < CTL_HW , HW_CACHELINE > ( hasher ) ;
# endif
# endif
# ifdef CTL_KERN
AddSysctl < CTL_KERN , KERN_BOOTFILE > ( hasher ) ;
# endif
AddSysctl < CTL_KERN , KERN_BOOTTIME > ( hasher ) ;
# endif
AddSysctl < CTL_KERN , KERN_CLOCKRATE > ( hasher ) ;
# endif
AddSysctl < CTL_KERN , KERN_HOSTID > ( hasher ) ;
# endif
AddSysctl < CTL_KERN , KERN_HOSTUUID > ( hasher ) ;
# endif
AddSysctl < CTL_KERN , KERN_HOSTNAME > ( hasher ) ;
# endif
AddSysctl < CTL_KERN , KERN_OSRELDATE > ( hasher ) ;
# endif
AddSysctl < CTL_KERN , KERN_OSRELEASE > ( hasher ) ;
# endif
# ifdef KERN_OSREV
AddSysctl < CTL_KERN , KERN_OSREV > ( hasher ) ;
# endif
AddSysctl < CTL_KERN , KERN_OSTYPE > ( hasher ) ;
# endif
# ifdef KERN_POSIX1
AddSysctl < CTL_KERN , KERN_OSREV > ( hasher ) ;
# endif
AddSysctl < CTL_KERN , KERN_VERSION > ( hasher ) ;
# endif
# endif
2019-10-26 18:05:10 -07:00
# endif
// Env variables
if ( environ ) {
for ( size_t i = 0 ; environ [ i ] ; + + i ) {
hasher . Write ( ( const unsigned char * ) environ [ i ] , strlen ( environ [ i ] ) ) ;
// Process, thread, user, session, group, ... ids.
2019-10-26 17:14:21 -07:00
# ifdef WIN32
hasher < < GetCurrentProcessId ( ) < < GetCurrentThreadId ( ) ;
# else
2019-10-26 18:05:10 -07:00
hasher < < getpid ( ) < < getppid ( ) < < getsid ( 0 ) < < getpgid ( 0 ) < < getuid ( ) < < geteuid ( ) < < getgid ( ) < < getegid ( ) ;
2019-10-26 17:14:21 -07:00
# endif
hasher < < std : : this_thread : : get_id ( ) ;
2019-10-26 12:20:12 -07:00