Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin.git synced 2025-03-08 14:34:53 -05:00

608 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2016-2021 The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
import re
import fnmatch
import sys
import subprocess
import datetime
import os
# file filtering
# auto generated:
# other external copyrights:
Replace current benchmarking framework with nanobench This replaces the current benchmarking framework with nanobench [1], an MIT licensed single-header benchmarking library, of which I am the autor. This has in my opinion several advantages, especially on Linux: * fast: Running all benchmarks takes ~6 seconds instead of 4m13s on an Intel i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz. * accurate: I ran e.g. the benchmark for SipHash_32b 10 times and calculate standard deviation / mean = coefficient of variation: * 0.57% CV for old benchmarking framework * 0.20% CV for nanobench So the benchmark results with nanobench seem to vary less than with the old framework. * It automatically determines runtime based on clock precision, no need to specify number of evaluations. * measure instructions, cycles, branches, instructions per cycle, branch misses (only Linux, when performance counters are available) * output in markdown table format. * Warn about unstable environment (frequency scaling, turbo, ...) * For better profiling, it is possible to set the environment variable NANOBENCH_ENDLESS to force endless running of a particular benchmark without the need to recompile. This makes it to e.g. run "perf top" and look at hotspots. Here is an example copy & pasted from the terminal output: | ns/byte | byte/s | err% | ins/byte | cyc/byte | IPC | bra/byte | miss% | total | benchmark |--------------------:|--------------------:|--------:|----------------:|----------------:|-------:|---------------:|--------:|----------:|:---------- | 2.52 | 396,529,415.94 | 0.6% | 25.42 | 8.02 | 3.169 | 0.06 | 0.0% | 0.03 | `bench/crypto_hash.cpp RIPEMD160` | 1.87 | 535,161,444.83 | 0.3% | 21.36 | 5.95 | 3.589 | 0.06 | 0.0% | 0.02 | `bench/crypto_hash.cpp SHA1` | 3.22 | 310,344,174.79 | 1.1% | 36.80 | 10.22 | 3.601 | 0.09 | 0.0% | 0.04 | `bench/crypto_hash.cpp SHA256` | 2.01 | 496,375,796.23 | 0.0% | 18.72 | 6.43 | 2.911 | 0.01 | 1.0% | 0.00 | `bench/crypto_hash.cpp SHA256D64_1024` | 7.23 | 138,263,519.35 | 0.1% | 82.66 | 23.11 | 3.577 | 1.63 | 0.1% | 0.00 | `bench/crypto_hash.cpp SHA256_32b` | 3.04 | 328,780,166.40 | 0.3% | 35.82 | 9.69 | 3.696 | 0.03 | 0.0% | 0.03 | `bench/crypto_hash.cpp SHA512` [1] https://github.com/martinus/nanobench * Adds support for asymptotes This adds support to calculate asymptotic complexity of a benchmark. This is similar to #17375, but currently only one asymptote is supported, and I have added support in the benchmark `ComplexMemPool` as an example. Usage is e.g. like this: ``` ./bench_bitcoin -filter=ComplexMemPool -asymptote=25,50,100,200,400,600,800 ``` This runs the benchmark `ComplexMemPool` several times but with different complexityN settings. The benchmark can extract that number and use it accordingly. Here, it's used for `childTxs`. The output is this: | complexityN | ns/op | op/s | err% | ins/op | cyc/op | IPC | total | benchmark |------------:|--------------------:|--------------------:|--------:|----------------:|----------------:|-------:|----------:|:---------- | 25 | 1,064,241.00 | 939.64 | 1.4% | 3,960,279.00 | 2,829,708.00 | 1.400 | 0.01 | `ComplexMemPool` | 50 | 1,579,530.00 | 633.10 | 1.0% | 6,231,810.00 | 4,412,674.00 | 1.412 | 0.02 | `ComplexMemPool` | 100 | 4,022,774.00 | 248.58 | 0.6% | 16,544,406.00 | 11,889,535.00 | 1.392 | 0.04 | `ComplexMemPool` | 200 | 15,390,986.00 | 64.97 | 0.2% | 63,904,254.00 | 47,731,705.00 | 1.339 | 0.17 | `ComplexMemPool` | 400 | 69,394,711.00 | 14.41 | 0.1% | 272,602,461.00 | 219,014,691.00 | 1.245 | 0.76 | `ComplexMemPool` | 600 | 168,977,165.00 | 5.92 | 0.1% | 639,108,082.00 | 535,316,887.00 | 1.194 | 1.86 | `ComplexMemPool` | 800 | 310,109,077.00 | 3.22 | 0.1% |1,149,134,246.00 | 984,620,812.00 | 1.167 | 3.41 | `ComplexMemPool` | coefficient | err% | complexity |--------------:|-------:|------------ | 4.78486e-07 | 4.5% | O(n^2) | 6.38557e-10 | 21.7% | O(n^3) | 3.42338e-05 | 38.0% | O(n log n) | 0.000313914 | 46.9% | O(n) | 0.0129823 | 114.4% | O(log n) | 0.0815055 | 133.8% | O(1) The best fitting curve is O(n^2), so the algorithm seems to scale quadratic with `childTxs` in the range 25 to 800.
2020-06-13 09:37:27 +02:00
# python init:
EXCLUDE_COMPILED = re.compile('|'.join([fnmatch.translate(m) for m in EXCLUDE]))
# git subtrees
2020-02-18 17:45:02 -05:00
INCLUDE = ['*.h', '*.cpp', '*.cc', '*.c', '*.mm', '*.py', '*.sh', '*.bash-completion']
INCLUDE_COMPILED = re.compile('|'.join([fnmatch.translate(m) for m in INCLUDE]))
def applies_to_file(filename):
for excluded_dir in EXCLUDE_DIRS:
if filename.startswith(excluded_dir):
return False
return ((EXCLUDE_COMPILED.match(filename) is None) and
(INCLUDE_COMPILED.match(filename) is not None))
# obtain list of files in repo according to INCLUDE and EXCLUDE
GIT_LS_CMD = 'git ls-files --full-name'.split(' ')
GIT_TOPLEVEL_CMD = 'git rev-parse --show-toplevel'.split(' ')
def call_git_ls(base_directory):
out = subprocess.check_output([*GIT_LS_CMD, base_directory])
return [f for f in out.decode("utf-8").split('\n') if f != '']
def call_git_toplevel():
"Returns the absolute path to the project root"
return subprocess.check_output(GIT_TOPLEVEL_CMD).strip().decode("utf-8")
def get_filenames_to_examine(base_directory):
"Returns an array of absolute paths to any project files in the base_directory that pass the include/exclude filters"
root = call_git_toplevel()
filenames = call_git_ls(base_directory)
return sorted([os.path.join(root, filename) for filename in filenames if
# define and compile regexes for the patterns we are looking for
COPYRIGHT_WITH_C = r'Copyright \(c\)'
YEAR = "20[0-9][0-9]"
YEAR_RANGE = '(%s)(-%s)?' % (YEAR, YEAR)
YEAR_LIST = '(%s)(, %s)+' % (YEAR, YEAR)
def compile_copyright_regex(copyright_style, year_style, name):
return re.compile(r'%s %s,? %s( +\*)?\n' % (copyright_style, year_style, name))
r"Satoshi Nakamoto",
r"The Bitcoin Core developers",
r"BitPay Inc\.",
r"University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign\.",
r"Pieter Wuille",
r"Wladimir J\. van der Laan",
r"Jeff Garzik",
r"Jan-Klaas Kollhof",
r"ArtForz -- public domain half-a-node",
r"Intel Corporation ?",
r"The Zcash developers",
r"Jeremy Rubin",
for holder_name in EXPECTED_HOLDER_NAMES:
compile_copyright_regex(COPYRIGHT_WITH_C, YEAR_RANGE, holder_name))
compile_copyright_regex(COPYRIGHT_WITH_C, YEAR_LIST, holder_name))
compile_copyright_regex(COPYRIGHT_WITHOUT_C, ANY_YEAR_STYLE,
# search file contents for copyright message of particular category
def get_count_of_copyrights_of_any_style_any_holder(contents):
return len(ANY_COPYRIGHT_COMPILED.findall(contents))
def file_has_dominant_style_copyright_for_holder(contents, holder_name):
match = DOMINANT_STYLE_COMPILED[holder_name].search(contents)
return match is not None
def file_has_year_list_style_copyright_for_holder(contents, holder_name):
match = YEAR_LIST_STYLE_COMPILED[holder_name].search(contents)
return match is not None
def file_has_without_c_style_copyright_for_holder(contents, holder_name):
match = WITHOUT_C_STYLE_COMPILED[holder_name].search(contents)
return match is not None
# get file info
def read_file(filename):
return open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf8").read()
def gather_file_info(filename):
info = {}
info['filename'] = filename
c = read_file(filename)
info['contents'] = c
info['all_copyrights'] = get_count_of_copyrights_of_any_style_any_holder(c)
info['classified_copyrights'] = 0
info['dominant_style'] = {}
info['year_list_style'] = {}
info['without_c_style'] = {}
for holder_name in EXPECTED_HOLDER_NAMES:
has_dominant_style = (
file_has_dominant_style_copyright_for_holder(c, holder_name))
has_year_list_style = (
file_has_year_list_style_copyright_for_holder(c, holder_name))
has_without_c_style = (
file_has_without_c_style_copyright_for_holder(c, holder_name))
info['dominant_style'][holder_name] = has_dominant_style
info['year_list_style'][holder_name] = has_year_list_style
info['without_c_style'][holder_name] = has_without_c_style
if has_dominant_style or has_year_list_style or has_without_c_style:
info['classified_copyrights'] = info['classified_copyrights'] + 1
return info
# report execution
SEPARATOR = '-'.join(['' for _ in range(80)])
def print_filenames(filenames, verbose):
if not verbose:
for filename in filenames:
print("\t%s" % filename)
def print_report(file_infos, verbose):
examined = [i['filename'] for i in file_infos]
print("%d files examined according to INCLUDE and EXCLUDE fnmatch rules" %
print_filenames(examined, verbose)
zero_copyrights = [i['filename'] for i in file_infos if
i['all_copyrights'] == 0]
print("%4d with zero copyrights" % len(zero_copyrights))
print_filenames(zero_copyrights, verbose)
one_copyright = [i['filename'] for i in file_infos if
i['all_copyrights'] == 1]
print("%4d with one copyright" % len(one_copyright))
print_filenames(one_copyright, verbose)
two_copyrights = [i['filename'] for i in file_infos if
i['all_copyrights'] == 2]
print("%4d with two copyrights" % len(two_copyrights))
print_filenames(two_copyrights, verbose)
three_copyrights = [i['filename'] for i in file_infos if
i['all_copyrights'] == 3]
print("%4d with three copyrights" % len(three_copyrights))
print_filenames(three_copyrights, verbose)
four_or_more_copyrights = [i['filename'] for i in file_infos if
i['all_copyrights'] >= 4]
print("%4d with four or more copyrights" % len(four_or_more_copyrights))
print_filenames(four_or_more_copyrights, verbose)
print('Copyrights with dominant style:\ne.g. "Copyright (c)" and '
'"<year>" or "<startYear>-<endYear>":\n')
for holder_name in EXPECTED_HOLDER_NAMES:
dominant_style = [i['filename'] for i in file_infos if
if len(dominant_style) > 0:
print("%4d with '%s'" % (len(dominant_style),
holder_name.replace('\n', '\\n')))
print_filenames(dominant_style, verbose)
print('Copyrights with year list style:\ne.g. "Copyright (c)" and '
'"<year1>, <year2>, ...":\n')
for holder_name in EXPECTED_HOLDER_NAMES:
year_list_style = [i['filename'] for i in file_infos if
if len(year_list_style) > 0:
print("%4d with '%s'" % (len(year_list_style),
holder_name.replace('\n', '\\n')))
print_filenames(year_list_style, verbose)
print('Copyrights with no "(c)" style:\ne.g. "Copyright" and "<year>" or '
for holder_name in EXPECTED_HOLDER_NAMES:
without_c_style = [i['filename'] for i in file_infos if
if len(without_c_style) > 0:
print("%4d with '%s'" % (len(without_c_style),
holder_name.replace('\n', '\\n')))
print_filenames(without_c_style, verbose)
unclassified_copyrights = [i['filename'] for i in file_infos if
i['classified_copyrights'] < i['all_copyrights']]
print("%d with unexpected copyright holder names" %
print_filenames(unclassified_copyrights, verbose)
def exec_report(base_directory, verbose):
filenames = get_filenames_to_examine(base_directory)
file_infos = [gather_file_info(f) for f in filenames]
print_report(file_infos, verbose)
# report cmd
Produces a report of all copyright header notices found inside the source files
of a repository.
$ ./copyright_header.py report <base_directory> [verbose]
<base_directory> - The base directory of a bitcoin source code repository.
[verbose] - Includes a list of every file of each subcategory in the report.
def report_cmd(argv):
if len(argv) == 2:
base_directory = argv[2]
if not os.path.exists(base_directory):
sys.exit("*** bad <base_directory>: %s" % base_directory)
if len(argv) == 3:
verbose = False
elif argv[3] == 'verbose':
verbose = True
sys.exit("*** unknown argument: %s" % argv[2])
exec_report(base_directory, verbose)
# query git for year of last change
GIT_LOG_CMD = "git log --pretty=format:%%ai %s"
def call_git_log(filename):
out = subprocess.check_output((GIT_LOG_CMD % filename).split(' '))
return out.decode("utf-8").split('\n')
def get_git_change_years(filename):
git_log_lines = call_git_log(filename)
if len(git_log_lines) == 0:
return [datetime.date.today().year]
# timestamp is in ISO 8601 format. e.g. "2016-09-05 14:25:32 -0600"
return [line.split(' ')[0].split('-')[0] for line in git_log_lines]
def get_most_recent_git_change_year(filename):
return max(get_git_change_years(filename))
# read and write to file
def read_file_lines(filename):
f = open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf8")
file_lines = f.readlines()
return file_lines
def write_file_lines(filename, file_lines):
f = open(filename, 'w', encoding="utf8")
# update header years execution
COPYRIGHT = r'Copyright \(c\)'
YEAR = "20[0-9][0-9]"
YEAR_RANGE = '(%s)(-%s)?' % (YEAR, YEAR)
HOLDER = 'The Bitcoin Core developers'
def get_updatable_copyright_line(file_lines):
index = 0
for line in file_lines:
if UPDATEABLE_LINE_COMPILED.search(line) is not None:
return index, line
index = index + 1
return None, None
def parse_year_range(year_range):
year_split = year_range.split('-')
start_year = year_split[0]
if len(year_split) == 1:
return start_year, start_year
return start_year, year_split[1]
def year_range_to_str(start_year, end_year):
if start_year == end_year:
return start_year
return "%s-%s" % (start_year, end_year)
def create_updated_copyright_line(line, last_git_change_year):
copyright_splitter = 'Copyright (c) '
copyright_split = line.split(copyright_splitter)
# Preserve characters on line that are ahead of the start of the copyright
# notice - they are part of the comment block and vary from file-to-file.
before_copyright = copyright_split[0]
after_copyright = copyright_split[1]
space_split = after_copyright.split(' ')
year_range = space_split[0]
start_year, end_year = parse_year_range(year_range)
if end_year >= last_git_change_year:
return line
return (before_copyright + copyright_splitter +
year_range_to_str(start_year, last_git_change_year) + ' ' +
' '.join(space_split[1:]))
def update_updatable_copyright(filename):
file_lines = read_file_lines(filename)
index, line = get_updatable_copyright_line(file_lines)
if not line:
print_file_action_message(filename, "No updatable copyright.")
last_git_change_year = get_most_recent_git_change_year(filename)
new_line = create_updated_copyright_line(line, last_git_change_year)
if line == new_line:
print_file_action_message(filename, "Copyright up-to-date.")
file_lines[index] = new_line
write_file_lines(filename, file_lines)
"Copyright updated! -> %s" % last_git_change_year)
def exec_update_header_year(base_directory):
for filename in get_filenames_to_examine(base_directory):
# update cmd
Updates all the copyright headers of "The Bitcoin Core developers" which were
changed in a year more recent than is listed. For example:
// Copyright (c) <firstYear>-<lastYear> The Bitcoin Core developers
will be updated to:
// Copyright (c) <firstYear>-<lastModifiedYear> The Bitcoin Core developers
where <lastModifiedYear> is obtained from the 'git log' history.
This subcommand also handles copyright headers that have only a single year. In those cases:
// Copyright (c) <year> The Bitcoin Core developers
will be updated to:
// Copyright (c) <year>-<lastModifiedYear> The Bitcoin Core developers
where the update is appropriate.
$ ./copyright_header.py update <base_directory>
<base_directory> - The base directory of a bitcoin source code repository.
def print_file_action_message(filename, action):
print("%-52s %s" % (filename, action))
def update_cmd(argv):
if len(argv) != 3:
base_directory = argv[2]
if not os.path.exists(base_directory):
sys.exit("*** bad base_directory: %s" % base_directory)
# inserted copyright header format
def get_header_lines(header, start_year, end_year):
lines = header.split('\n')[1:-1]
lines[0] = lines[0] % year_range_to_str(start_year, end_year)
return [line + '\n' for line in lines]
// Copyright (c) %s The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
def get_cpp_header_lines_to_insert(start_year, end_year):
return reversed(get_header_lines(CPP_HEADER, start_year, end_year))
# Copyright (c) %s The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
def get_script_header_lines_to_insert(start_year, end_year):
return reversed(get_header_lines(SCRIPT_HEADER, start_year, end_year))
# query git for year of last change
def get_git_change_year_range(filename):
years = get_git_change_years(filename)
return min(years), max(years)
# check for existing core copyright
def file_already_has_core_copyright(file_lines):
index, _ = get_updatable_copyright_line(file_lines)
2018-12-10 15:11:37 -05:00
return index is not None
# insert header execution
def file_has_hashbang(file_lines):
if len(file_lines) < 1:
return False
if len(file_lines[0]) <= 2:
return False
return file_lines[0][:2] == '#!'
def insert_script_header(filename, file_lines, start_year, end_year):
if file_has_hashbang(file_lines):
insert_idx = 1
insert_idx = 0
header_lines = get_script_header_lines_to_insert(start_year, end_year)
for line in header_lines:
file_lines.insert(insert_idx, line)
write_file_lines(filename, file_lines)
def insert_cpp_header(filename, file_lines, start_year, end_year):
file_lines.insert(0, '\n')
header_lines = get_cpp_header_lines_to_insert(start_year, end_year)
for line in header_lines:
file_lines.insert(0, line)
write_file_lines(filename, file_lines)
def exec_insert_header(filename, style):
file_lines = read_file_lines(filename)
if file_already_has_core_copyright(file_lines):
sys.exit('*** %s already has a copyright by The Bitcoin Core developers'
% (filename))
start_year, end_year = get_git_change_year_range(filename)
if style in ['python', 'shell']:
insert_script_header(filename, file_lines, start_year, end_year)
insert_cpp_header(filename, file_lines, start_year, end_year)
# insert cmd
Inserts a copyright header for "The Bitcoin Core developers" at the top of the
file in either Python or C++ style as determined by the file extension. If the
file is a Python file and it has a '#!' starting the first line, the header is
inserted in the line below it.
The copyright dates will be set to be:
where <year_introduced> is according to the 'git log' history. If
<year_introduced> is equal to <current_year>, the date will be set to be:
If the file already has a copyright for "The Bitcoin Core developers", the
script will exit.
$ ./copyright_header.py insert <file>
<file> - A source file in the bitcoin repository.
def insert_cmd(argv):
if len(argv) != 3:
filename = argv[2]
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
sys.exit("*** bad filename: %s" % filename)
_, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
if extension not in ['.h', '.cpp', '.cc', '.c', '.py', '.sh']:
sys.exit("*** cannot insert for file extension %s" % extension)
if extension == '.py':
style = 'python'
elif extension == '.sh':
style = 'shell'
style = 'cpp'
exec_insert_header(filename, style)
# UI
USAGE = """
copyright_header.py - utilities for managing copyright headers of 'The Bitcoin
Core developers' in repository source files.
$ ./copyright_header <subcommand>
To see subcommand usage, run them without arguments.
SUBCOMMANDS = ['report', 'update', 'insert']
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
subcommand = sys.argv[1]
if subcommand not in SUBCOMMANDS:
if subcommand == 'report':
elif subcommand == 'update':
elif subcommand == 'insert':