Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin.git synced 2025-03-05 14:06:27 -05:00

generalize bumpfee to add inputs when needed

This commit is contained in:
Gregory Sanders 2019-03-06 16:30:00 -05:00
parent c536dfbcb0
commit 0ea47ba7b3
6 changed files with 153 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -269,8 +269,13 @@ public:
CAmount& new_fee,
CMutableTransaction& mtx) override
return feebumper::CreateTransaction(m_wallet.get(), txid, coin_control, total_fee, errors, old_fee, new_fee, mtx) ==
if (total_fee > 0) {
return feebumper::CreateTotalBumpTransaction(m_wallet.get(), txid, coin_control, total_fee, errors, old_fee, new_fee, mtx) ==
} else {
return feebumper::CreateRateBumpTransaction(m_wallet.get(), txid, coin_control, errors, old_fee, new_fee, mtx) ==
bool signBumpTransaction(CMutableTransaction& mtx) override { return feebumper::SignTransaction(m_wallet.get(), mtx); }
bool commitBumpTransaction(const uint256& txid,

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@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ public:
bool m_avoid_partial_spends;
//! Fee estimation mode to control arguments to estimateSmartFee
FeeEstimateMode m_fee_mode;
//! Minimum chain depth value for coin availability
int m_min_depth{0};

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@ -75,9 +75,11 @@ bool TransactionCanBeBumped(const CWallet* wallet, const uint256& txid)
return res == feebumper::Result::OK;
Result CreateTransaction(const CWallet* wallet, const uint256& txid, const CCoinControl& coin_control, CAmount total_fee, std::vector<std::string>& errors,
CAmount& old_fee, CAmount& new_fee, CMutableTransaction& mtx)
Result CreateTotalBumpTransaction(const CWallet* wallet, const uint256& txid, const CCoinControl& coin_control, CAmount total_fee, std::vector<std::string>& errors,
CAmount& old_fee, CAmount& new_fee, CMutableTransaction& mtx)
new_fee = total_fee;
auto locked_chain = wallet->chain().lock();
@ -121,7 +123,6 @@ Result CreateTransaction(const CWallet* wallet, const uint256& txid, const CCoin
// calculate the old fee and fee-rate
old_fee = wtx.GetDebit(ISMINE_SPENDABLE) - wtx.tx->GetValueOut();
CFeeRate nOldFeeRate(old_fee, txSize);
CFeeRate nNewFeeRate;
// The wallet uses a conservative WALLET_INCREMENTAL_RELAY_FEE value to
// future proof against changes to network wide policy for incremental relay
// fee that our node may not be aware of.
@ -131,34 +132,17 @@ Result CreateTransaction(const CWallet* wallet, const uint256& txid, const CCoin
walletIncrementalRelayFee = nodeIncrementalRelayFee;
if (total_fee > 0) {
CAmount minTotalFee = nOldFeeRate.GetFee(maxNewTxSize) + nodeIncrementalRelayFee.GetFee(maxNewTxSize);
if (total_fee < minTotalFee) {
errors.push_back(strprintf("Insufficient totalFee, must be at least %s (oldFee %s + incrementalFee %s)",
FormatMoney(minTotalFee), FormatMoney(nOldFeeRate.GetFee(maxNewTxSize)), FormatMoney(nodeIncrementalRelayFee.GetFee(maxNewTxSize))));
CAmount requiredFee = GetRequiredFee(*wallet, maxNewTxSize);
if (total_fee < requiredFee) {
errors.push_back(strprintf("Insufficient totalFee (cannot be less than required fee %s)",
new_fee = total_fee;
nNewFeeRate = CFeeRate(total_fee, maxNewTxSize);
} else {
new_fee = GetMinimumFee(*wallet, maxNewTxSize, coin_control, nullptr /* FeeCalculation */);
nNewFeeRate = CFeeRate(new_fee, maxNewTxSize);
// New fee rate must be at least old rate + minimum incremental relay rate
// walletIncrementalRelayFee.GetFeePerK() should be exact, because it's initialized
// in that unit (fee per kb).
// However, nOldFeeRate is a calculated value from the tx fee/size, so
// add 1 satoshi to the result, because it may have been rounded down.
if (nNewFeeRate.GetFeePerK() < nOldFeeRate.GetFeePerK() + 1 + walletIncrementalRelayFee.GetFeePerK()) {
nNewFeeRate = CFeeRate(nOldFeeRate.GetFeePerK() + 1 + walletIncrementalRelayFee.GetFeePerK());
new_fee = nNewFeeRate.GetFee(maxNewTxSize);
CAmount minTotalFee = nOldFeeRate.GetFee(maxNewTxSize) + nodeIncrementalRelayFee.GetFee(maxNewTxSize);
if (total_fee < minTotalFee) {
errors.push_back(strprintf("Insufficient totalFee, must be at least %s (oldFee %s + incrementalFee %s)",
FormatMoney(minTotalFee), FormatMoney(nOldFeeRate.GetFee(maxNewTxSize)), FormatMoney(nodeIncrementalRelayFee.GetFee(maxNewTxSize))));
CAmount requiredFee = GetRequiredFee(*wallet, maxNewTxSize);
if (total_fee < requiredFee) {
errors.push_back(strprintf("Insufficient totalFee (cannot be less than required fee %s)",
// Check that in all cases the new fee doesn't violate maxTxFee
@ -175,14 +159,14 @@ Result CreateTransaction(const CWallet* wallet, const uint256& txid, const CCoin
// in a rare situation where the mempool minimum fee increased significantly since the fee estimation just a
// moment earlier. In this case, we report an error to the user, who may use total_fee to make an adjustment.
CFeeRate minMempoolFeeRate = wallet->chain().mempoolMinFee();
CFeeRate nNewFeeRate = CFeeRate(total_fee, maxNewTxSize);
if (nNewFeeRate.GetFeePerK() < minMempoolFeeRate.GetFeePerK()) {
"New fee rate (%s) is lower than the minimum fee rate (%s) to get into the mempool -- "
"the totalFee value should be at least %s or the settxfee value should be at least %s to add transaction",
"the totalFee value should be at least %s to add transaction",
return Result::WALLET_ERROR;
@ -212,6 +196,109 @@ Result CreateTransaction(const CWallet* wallet, const uint256& txid, const CCoin
return Result::OK;
Result CreateRateBumpTransaction(CWallet* wallet, const uint256& txid, const CCoinControl& coin_control, std::vector<std::string>& errors,
CAmount& old_fee, CAmount& new_fee, CMutableTransaction& mtx)
// We are going to modify coin control later, copy to re-use
CCoinControl new_coin_control(coin_control);
auto locked_chain = wallet->chain().lock();
auto it = wallet->mapWallet.find(txid);
if (it == wallet->mapWallet.end()) {
errors.push_back("Invalid or non-wallet transaction id");
const CWalletTx& wtx = it->second;
Result result = PreconditionChecks(*locked_chain, wallet, wtx, errors);
if (result != Result::OK) {
return result;
// Fill in recipients(and preserve a single change key if there is one)
std::vector<CRecipient> recipients;
for (const auto& output : wtx.tx->vout) {
if (!wallet->IsChange(output)) {
CRecipient recipient = {output.scriptPubKey, output.nValue, false};
} else {
CTxDestination change_dest;
ExtractDestination(output.scriptPubKey, change_dest);
new_coin_control.destChange = change_dest;
// Get the fee rate of the original transaction. This is calculated from
// the tx fee/vsize, so it may have been rounded down. Add 1 satoshi to the
// result.
old_fee = wtx.GetDebit(ISMINE_SPENDABLE) - wtx.tx->GetValueOut();
int64_t txSize = GetVirtualTransactionSize(*(wtx.tx));
// Feerate of thing we are bumping
CFeeRate feerate(old_fee, txSize);
feerate += CFeeRate(1);
// The node has a configurable incremental relay fee. Increment the fee by
// the minimum of that and the wallet's conservative
// WALLET_INCREMENTAL_RELAY_FEE value to future proof against changes to
// network wide policy for incremental relay fee that our node may not be
// aware of. This ensures we're over the over the required relay fee rate
// (BIP 125 rule 4). The replacement tx will be at least as large as the
// original tx, so the total fee will be greater (BIP 125 rule 3)
CFeeRate node_incremental_relay_fee = wallet->chain().relayIncrementalFee();
CFeeRate wallet_incremental_relay_fee = CFeeRate(WALLET_INCREMENTAL_RELAY_FEE);
feerate += std::max(node_incremental_relay_fee, wallet_incremental_relay_fee);
// Fee rate must also be at least the wallet's GetMinimumFeeRate
CFeeRate min_feerate(GetMinimumFeeRate(*wallet, new_coin_control, /* feeCalc */ nullptr));
// Set the required fee rate for the replacement transaction in coin control.
new_coin_control.m_feerate = std::max(feerate, min_feerate);
// Fill in required inputs we are double-spending(all of them)
// N.B.: bip125 doesn't require all the inputs in the replaced transaction to be
// used in the replacement transaction, but it's very important for wallets to make
// sure that happens. If not, it would be possible to bump a transaction A twice to
// A2 and A3 where A2 and A3 don't conflict (or alternatively bump A to A2 and A2
// to A3 where A and A3 don't conflict). If both later get confirmed then the sender
// has accidentally double paid.
for (const auto& inputs : wtx.tx->vin) {
new_coin_control.fAllowOtherInputs = true;
// We cannot source new unconfirmed inputs(bip125 rule 2)
new_coin_control.m_min_depth = 1;
CTransactionRef tx_new = MakeTransactionRef();
CReserveKey reservekey(wallet);
CAmount fee_ret;
int change_pos_in_out = -1; // No requested location for change
std::string fail_reason;
if (!wallet->CreateTransaction(*locked_chain, recipients, tx_new, reservekey, fee_ret, change_pos_in_out, fail_reason, new_coin_control, false)) {
errors.push_back("Unable to create transaction: " + fail_reason);
return Result::WALLET_ERROR;
// If change key hasn't been ReturnKey'ed by this point, we take it out of keypool
// Write back new fee if successful
new_fee = fee_ret;
// Write back transaction
mtx = CMutableTransaction(*tx_new);
// Mark new tx not replaceable, if requested.
if (!coin_control.m_signal_bip125_rbf.get_value_or(wallet->m_signal_rbf)) {
for (auto& input : mtx.vin) {
if (input.nSequence < 0xfffffffe) input.nSequence = 0xfffffffe;
return Result::OK;

View file

@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ enum class Result
//! Return whether transaction can be bumped.
bool TransactionCanBeBumped(const CWallet* wallet, const uint256& txid);
//! Create bumpfee transaction.
Result CreateTransaction(const CWallet* wallet,
//! Create bumpfee transaction based on total amount.
Result CreateTotalBumpTransaction(const CWallet* wallet,
const uint256& txid,
const CCoinControl& coin_control,
CAmount total_fee,
@ -38,6 +38,15 @@ Result CreateTransaction(const CWallet* wallet,
CAmount& new_fee,
CMutableTransaction& mtx);
//! Create bumpfee transaction based on feerate estimates.
Result CreateRateBumpTransaction(CWallet* wallet,
const uint256& txid,
const CCoinControl& coin_control,
std::vector<std::string>& errors,
CAmount& old_fee,
CAmount& new_fee,
CMutableTransaction& mtx);
//! Sign the new transaction,
//! @return false if the tx couldn't be found or if it was
//! impossible to create the signature(s)

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@ -3167,9 +3167,9 @@ static UniValue bumpfee(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
"\nBumps the fee of an opt-in-RBF transaction T, replacing it with a new transaction B.\n"
"An opt-in RBF transaction with the given txid must be in the wallet.\n"
"The command will pay the additional fee by decreasing (or perhaps removing) its change output.\n"
"If the change output is not big enough to cover the increased fee, the command will currently fail\n"
"instead of adding new inputs to compensate. (A future implementation could improve this.)\n"
"The command will pay the additional fee by reducing change outputs or adding inputs when necessary. It may add a new change output if one does not already exist.\n"
"If `totalFee` is given, adding inputs is not supported, so there must be a single change output that is big enough or it will fail.\n"
"All inputs in the original transaction will be included in the replacement transaction.\n"
"The command will fail if the wallet or mempool contains a transaction that spends one of T's outputs.\n"
"By default, the new fee will be calculated automatically using estimatesmartfee.\n"
"The user can specify a confirmation target for estimatesmartfee.\n"
@ -3266,7 +3266,14 @@ static UniValue bumpfee(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
CAmount old_fee;
CAmount new_fee;
CMutableTransaction mtx;
feebumper::Result res = feebumper::CreateTransaction(pwallet, hash, coin_control, totalFee, errors, old_fee, new_fee, mtx);
feebumper::Result res;
if (totalFee > 0) {
// Targeting total fee bump. Requires a change output of sufficient size.
res = feebumper::CreateTotalBumpTransaction(pwallet, hash, coin_control, totalFee, errors, old_fee, new_fee, mtx);
} else {
// Targeting feerate bump.
res = feebumper::CreateRateBumpTransaction(pwallet, hash, coin_control, errors, old_fee, new_fee, mtx);
if (res != feebumper::Result::OK) {
switch(res) {
case feebumper::Result::INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY:

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@ -2736,7 +2736,7 @@ bool CWallet::CreateTransaction(interfaces::Chain::Lock& locked_chain, const std
std::vector<COutput> vAvailableCoins;
AvailableCoins(*locked_chain, vAvailableCoins, true, &coin_control);
AvailableCoins(*locked_chain, vAvailableCoins, true, &coin_control, 1, MAX_MONEY, MAX_MONEY, 0, coin_control.m_min_depth);
CoinSelectionParams coin_selection_params; // Parameters for coin selection, init with dummy
// Create change script that will be used if we need change