diff --git a/contrib/signet/getcoins.py b/contrib/signet/getcoins.py index 0a8e762ff08..c50c2cc16a3 100755 --- a/contrib/signet/getcoins.py +++ b/contrib/signet/getcoins.py @@ -48,4 +48,15 @@ try: except: print('Unexpected error when contacting faucet:', sys.exc_info()[0]) exit() -print(res.text) + +# Display the output as per the returned status code +if res: + # When the return code is in between 200 and 400 i.e. successful + print(res.text) +elif res.status_code == 404: + print('The specified faucet URL does not exist. Please check for any server issues/typo.') +elif res.status_code == 429: + print('The script does not allow for repeated transactions as the global faucet is rate-limitied to 1 request/IP/day. You can access the faucet website to get more coins manually') +else: + print(f'Returned Error Code {res.status_code}\n{res.text}\n') + print('Please check the provided arguments for their validity and/or any possible typo.')