# Copyright (c) 2022-2023 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test-only implementation of low-level secp256k1 field and group arithmetic It is designed for ease of understanding, not performance. WARNING: This code is slow and trivially vulnerable to side channel attacks. Do not use for anything but tests. Exports: * FE: class for secp256k1 field elements * GE: class for secp256k1 group elements * G: the secp256k1 generator point """ class FE: """Objects of this class represent elements of the field GF(2**256 - 2**32 - 977). They are represented internally in numerator / denominator form, in order to delay inversions. """ # The size of the field (also its modulus and characteristic). SIZE = 2**256 - 2**32 - 977 def __init__(self, a=0, b=1): """Initialize a field element a/b; both a and b can be ints or field elements.""" if isinstance(a, FE): num = a._num den = a._den else: num = a % FE.SIZE den = 1 if isinstance(b, FE): den = (den * b._num) % FE.SIZE num = (num * b._den) % FE.SIZE else: den = (den * b) % FE.SIZE assert den != 0 if num == 0: den = 1 self._num = num self._den = den def __add__(self, a): """Compute the sum of two field elements (second may be int).""" if isinstance(a, FE): return FE(self._num * a._den + self._den * a._num, self._den * a._den) return FE(self._num + self._den * a, self._den) def __radd__(self, a): """Compute the sum of an integer and a field element.""" return FE(a) + self def __sub__(self, a): """Compute the difference of two field elements (second may be int).""" if isinstance(a, FE): return FE(self._num * a._den - self._den * a._num, self._den * a._den) return FE(self._num - self._den * a, self._den) def __rsub__(self, a): """Compute the difference of an integer and a field element.""" return FE(a) - self def __mul__(self, a): """Compute the product of two field elements (second may be int).""" if isinstance(a, FE): return FE(self._num * a._num, self._den * a._den) return FE(self._num * a, self._den) def __rmul__(self, a): """Compute the product of an integer with a field element.""" return FE(a) * self def __truediv__(self, a): """Compute the ratio of two field elements (second may be int).""" return FE(self, a) def __pow__(self, a): """Raise a field element to an integer power.""" return FE(pow(self._num, a, FE.SIZE), pow(self._den, a, FE.SIZE)) def __neg__(self): """Negate a field element.""" return FE(-self._num, self._den) def __int__(self): """Convert a field element to an integer in range 0..p-1. The result is cached.""" if self._den != 1: self._num = (self._num * pow(self._den, -1, FE.SIZE)) % FE.SIZE self._den = 1 return self._num def sqrt(self): """Compute the square root of a field element if it exists (None otherwise). Due to the fact that our modulus is of the form (p % 4) == 3, the Tonelli-Shanks algorithm (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonelli-Shanks_algorithm) is simply raising the argument to the power (p + 1) / 4. To see why: (p-1) % 2 = 0, so 2 divides the order of the multiplicative group, and thus only half of the non-zero field elements are squares. An element a is a (nonzero) square when Euler's criterion, a^((p-1)/2) = 1 (mod p), holds. We're looking for x such that x^2 = a (mod p). Given a^((p-1)/2) = 1, that is equivalent to x^2 = a^(1 + (p-1)/2) mod p. As (1 + (p-1)/2) is even, this is equivalent to x = a^((1 + (p-1)/2)/2) mod p, or x = a^((p+1)/4) mod p.""" v = int(self) s = pow(v, (FE.SIZE + 1) // 4, FE.SIZE) if s**2 % FE.SIZE == v: return FE(s) return None def is_square(self): """Determine if this field element has a square root.""" # A more efficient algorithm is possible here (Jacobi symbol). return self.sqrt() is not None def is_even(self): """Determine whether this field element, represented as integer in 0..p-1, is even.""" return int(self) & 1 == 0 def __eq__(self, a): """Check whether two field elements are equal (second may be an int).""" if isinstance(a, FE): return (self._num * a._den - self._den * a._num) % FE.SIZE == 0 return (self._num - self._den * a) % FE.SIZE == 0 def to_bytes(self): """Convert a field element to a 32-byte array (BE byte order).""" return int(self).to_bytes(32, 'big') @staticmethod def from_bytes(b): """Convert a 32-byte array to a field element (BE byte order, no overflow allowed).""" v = int.from_bytes(b, 'big') if v >= FE.SIZE: return None return FE(v) def __str__(self): """Convert this field element to a 64 character hex string.""" return f"{int(self):064x}" def __repr__(self): """Get a string representation of this field element.""" return f"FE(0x{int(self):x})" class GE: """Objects of this class represent secp256k1 group elements (curve points or infinity) Normal points on the curve have fields: * x: the x coordinate (a field element) * y: the y coordinate (a field element, satisfying y^2 = x^3 + 7) * infinity: False The point at infinity has field: * infinity: True """ # Order of the group (number of points on the curve, plus 1 for infinity) ORDER = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEBAAEDCE6AF48A03BBFD25E8CD0364141 # Number of valid distinct x coordinates on the curve. ORDER_HALF = ORDER // 2 def __init__(self, x=None, y=None): """Initialize a group element with specified x and y coordinates, or infinity.""" if x is None: # Initialize as infinity. assert y is None self.infinity = True else: # Initialize as point on the curve (and check that it is). fx = FE(x) fy = FE(y) assert fy**2 == fx**3 + 7 self.infinity = False self.x = fx self.y = fy def __add__(self, a): """Add two group elements together.""" # Deal with infinity: a + infinity == infinity + a == a. if self.infinity: return a if a.infinity: return self if self.x == a.x: if self.y != a.y: # A point added to its own negation is infinity. assert self.y + a.y == 0 return GE() else: # For identical inputs, use the tangent (doubling formula). lam = (3 * self.x**2) / (2 * self.y) else: # For distinct inputs, use the line through both points (adding formula). lam = (self.y - a.y) / (self.x - a.x) # Determine point opposite to the intersection of that line with the curve. x = lam**2 - (self.x + a.x) y = lam * (self.x - x) - self.y return GE(x, y) @staticmethod def mul(*aps): """Compute a (batch) scalar group element multiplication. GE.mul((a1, p1), (a2, p2), (a3, p3)) is identical to a1*p1 + a2*p2 + a3*p3, but more efficient.""" # Reduce all the scalars modulo order first (so we can deal with negatives etc). naps = [(a % GE.ORDER, p) for a, p in aps] # Start with point at infinity. r = GE() # Iterate over all bit positions, from high to low. for i in range(255, -1, -1): # Double what we have so far. r = r + r # Add then add the points for which the corresponding scalar bit is set. for (a, p) in naps: if (a >> i) & 1: r += p return r def __rmul__(self, a): """Multiply an integer with a group element.""" return GE.mul((a, self)) def __neg__(self): """Compute the negation of a group element.""" if self.infinity: return self return GE(self.x, -self.y) def to_bytes_compressed(self): """Convert a non-infinite group element to 33-byte compressed encoding.""" assert not self.infinity return bytes([3 - self.y.is_even()]) + self.x.to_bytes() def to_bytes_uncompressed(self): """Convert a non-infinite group element to 65-byte uncompressed encoding.""" assert not self.infinity return b'\x04' + self.x.to_bytes() + self.y.to_bytes() def to_bytes_xonly(self): """Convert (the x coordinate of) a non-infinite group element to 32-byte xonly encoding.""" assert not self.infinity return self.x.to_bytes() @staticmethod def lift_x(x): """Return group element with specified field element as x coordinate (and even y).""" y = (FE(x)**3 + 7).sqrt() if y is None: return None if not y.is_even(): y = -y return GE(x, y) @staticmethod def from_bytes(b): """Convert a compressed or uncompressed encoding to a group element.""" assert len(b) in (33, 65) if len(b) == 33: if b[0] != 2 and b[0] != 3: return None x = FE.from_bytes(b[1:]) if x is None: return None r = GE.lift_x(x) if r is None: return None if b[0] == 3: r = -r return r else: if b[0] != 4: return None x = FE.from_bytes(b[1:33]) y = FE.from_bytes(b[33:]) if y**2 != x**3 + 7: return None return GE(x, y) @staticmethod def from_bytes_xonly(b): """Convert a point given in xonly encoding to a group element.""" assert len(b) == 32 x = FE.from_bytes(b) if x is None: return None return GE.lift_x(x) @staticmethod def is_valid_x(x): """Determine whether the provided field element is a valid X coordinate.""" return (FE(x)**3 + 7).is_square() def __str__(self): """Convert this group element to a string.""" if self.infinity: return "(inf)" return f"({self.x},{self.y})" def __repr__(self): """Get a string representation for this group element.""" if self.infinity: return "GE()" return f"GE(0x{int(self.x):x},0x{int(self.y):x})" # The secp256k1 generator point G = GE.lift_x(0x79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798)