AboutDialogAbout BitcoinO Bitcoinu<b>Bitcoin</b> version<b>Bitcoin</b> verzija
This is experimental software.
Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org/) and cryptographic software written by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com) and UPnP software written by Thomas Bernard.CopyrightThe Bitcoin developersAddressBookPageAddress BookAdresarDouble-click to edit address or labelCreate a new addressCopy the currently selected address to the system clipboard&New AddressThese are your Bitcoin addresses for receiving payments. You may want to give a different one to each sender so you can keep track of who is paying you.&Copy AddressShow &QR CodeSign a message to prove you own a Bitcoin addressSign &MessageDelete the currently selected address from the listExport the data in the current tab to a file&ExportVerify a message to ensure it was signed with a specified Bitcoin address&Verify Message&DeleteThese are your Bitcoin addresses for sending payments. Always check the amount and the receiving address before sending coins.Copy &Label&EditSend &CoinsExport Address Book DataComma separated file (*.csv)Error exportingCould not write to file %1.AddressTableModelLabelAddress(no label)AskPassphraseDialogPassphrase DialogEnter passphraseNew passphraseRepeat new passphraseEnter the new passphrase to the wallet.<br/>Please use a passphrase of <b>10 or more random characters</b>, or <b>eight or more words</b>.Encrypt walletThis operation needs your wallet passphrase to unlock the wallet.Unlock walletThis operation needs your wallet passphrase to decrypt the wallet.Decrypt walletChange passphraseEnter the old and new passphrase to the wallet.Confirm wallet encryptionWarning: If you encrypt your wallet and lose your passphrase, you will <b>LOSE ALL OF YOUR BITCOINS</b>!Are you sure you wish to encrypt your wallet?IMPORTANT: Any previous backups you have made of your wallet file should be replaced with the newly generated, encrypted wallet file. For security reasons, previous backups of the unencrypted wallet file will become useless as soon as you start using the new, encrypted wallet.Warning: The Caps Lock key is on!Wallet encryptedBitcoin will close now to finish the encryption process. Remember that encrypting your wallet cannot fully protect your bitcoins from being stolen by malware infecting your computer.Wallet encryption failedWallet encryption failed due to an internal error. Your wallet was not encrypted.The supplied passphrases do not match.Wallet unlock failedThe passphrase entered for the wallet decryption was incorrect.Wallet decryption failedWallet passphrase was successfully changed.BitcoinGUISign &message...Synchronizing with network...&OverviewShow general overview of wallet&TransactionsBrowse transaction historyEdit the list of stored addresses and labelsShow the list of addresses for receiving paymentsE&xitQuit applicationShow information about BitcoinAbout &QtShow information about Qt&Options...&Encrypt Wallet...&Backup Wallet...&Change Passphrase...Importing blocks from disk...Reindexing blocks on disk...Send coins to a Bitcoin addressModify configuration options for BitcoinBackup wallet to another locationChange the passphrase used for wallet encryption&Debug windowOpen debugging and diagnostic console&Verify message...BitcoinWallet&Send&Receive&Addresses&About Bitcoin&Show / HideShow or hide the main WindowEncrypt the private keys that belong to your walletSign messages with your Bitcoin addresses to prove you own themVerify messages to ensure they were signed with specified Bitcoin addresses&File&Settings&HelpTabs toolbar[testnet]Bitcoin client%n active connection(s) to Bitcoin networkNo block source available...Processed %1 of %2 (estimated) blocks of transaction history.Processed %1 blocks of transaction history.%n hour(s)%n day(s)%n week(s)%1 behindLast received block was generated %1 ago.Transactions after this will not yet be visible.ErrorWarningInformationThis transaction is over the size limit. You can still send it for a fee of %1, which goes to the nodes that process your transaction and helps to support the network. Do you want to pay the fee?Up to dateCatching up...Confirm transaction feeSent transactionIncoming transactionDate: %1
Amount: %2
Type: %3
Address: %4
URI handlingURI can not be parsed! This can be caused by an invalid Bitcoin address or malformed URI parameters.Wallet is <b>encrypted</b> and currently <b>unlocked</b>Wallet is <b>encrypted</b> and currently <b>locked</b>A fatal error occurred. Bitcoin can no longer continue safely and will quit.ClientModelNetwork AlertEditAddressDialogEdit Address&LabelThe label associated with this address book entry&AddressThe address associated with this address book entry. This can only be modified for sending addresses.New receiving addressNew sending addressEdit receiving addressEdit sending addressThe entered address "%1" is already in the address book.The entered address "%1" is not a valid Bitcoin address.Could not unlock wallet.New key generation failed.FreespaceCheckerA new data directory will be created.nameDirectory already exists. Add %1 if you intend to create a new directory here.Path already exists, and is not a directory.Cannot create data directory here.GUIUtil::HelpMessageBoxBitcoin-QtversionUsage:command-line optionsUI optionsSet language, for example "de_DE" (default: system locale)Start minimizedShow splash screen on startup (default: 1)Choose data directory on startup (default: 0)IntroWelcomeWelcome to Bitcoin-Qt.As this is the first time the program is launched, you can choose where Bitcoin-Qt will store its data.Bitcoin-Qt will download and store a copy of the Bitcoin block chain. At least %1GB of data will be stored in this directory, and it will grow over time. The wallet will also be stored in this directory.Use the default data directoryUse a custom data directory:ErrorGB of free space available(of %1GB needed)OptionsDialogOptions&MainOptional transaction fee per kB that helps make sure your transactions are processed quickly. Most transactions are 1 kB.Pay transaction &feeAutomatically start Bitcoin after logging in to the system.&Start Bitcoin on system loginReset all client options to default.&Reset Options&NetworkAutomatically open the Bitcoin client port on the router. This only works when your router supports UPnP and it is enabled.Map port using &UPnPConnect to the Bitcoin network through a SOCKS proxy (e.g. when connecting through Tor).&Connect through SOCKS proxy:Proxy &IP:IP address of the proxy (e.g. of the proxy (e.g. 9050)SOCKS &Version:SOCKS version of the proxy (e.g. 5)&WindowShow only a tray icon after minimizing the window.&Minimize to the tray instead of the taskbarMinimize instead of exit the application when the window is closed. When this option is enabled, the application will be closed only after selecting Quit in the menu.M&inimize on close&DisplayUser Interface &language:The user interface language can be set here. This setting will take effect after restarting Bitcoin.&Unit to show amounts in:Choose the default subdivision unit to show in the interface and when sending coins.Whether to show Bitcoin addresses in the transaction list or not.&Display addresses in transaction list&OK&Cancel&ApplydefaultConfirm options resetSome settings may require a client restart to take effect.Do you want to proceed?WarningThis setting will take effect after restarting Bitcoin.The supplied proxy address is invalid.OverviewPageFormThe displayed information may be out of date. Your wallet automatically synchronizes with the Bitcoin network after a connection is established, but this process has not completed yet.Unconfirmed:WalletConfirmed:Your current spendable balanceTotal of transactions that have yet to be confirmed, and do not yet count toward the spendable balanceImmature:Mined balance that has not yet maturedTotal:Your current total balance<b>Recent transactions</b>out of syncPaymentServerCannot start bitcoin: click-to-pay handlerQObjectBitcoinError: Specified data directory "%1" does not exist.Error: Specified data directory "%1" can not be created.QRCodeDialogQR Code DialogRequest PaymentAmount:Label:Message:&Save As...Error encoding URI into QR Code.The entered amount is invalid, please check.Resulting URI too long, try to reduce the text for label / message.Save QR CodePNG Images (*.png)RPCConsoleClient nameN/AClient version&InformationUsing OpenSSL versionStartup timeNetworkNumber of connectionsOn testnetBlock chainCurrent number of blocksEstimated total blocksLast block time&OpenCommand-line optionsShow the Bitcoin-Qt help message to get a list with possible Bitcoin command-line options.&Show&ConsoleBuild dateBitcoin - Debug windowBitcoin CoreDebug log fileOpen the Bitcoin debug log file from the current data directory. This can take a few seconds for large log files.Clear consoleWelcome to the Bitcoin RPC console.Use up and down arrows to navigate history, and <b>Ctrl-L</b> to clear screen.Type <b>help</b> for an overview of available commands.SendCoinsDialogSend CoinsSend to multiple recipients at onceAdd &RecipientRemove all transaction fieldsClear &AllBalance:123.456 BTCConfirm the send actionS&end<b>%1</b> to %2 (%3)Confirm send coinsAre you sure you want to send %1? and The recipient address is not valid, please recheck.The amount to pay must be larger than 0.The amount exceeds your balance.The total exceeds your balance when the %1 transaction fee is included.Duplicate address found, can only send to each address once per send operation.Error: Transaction creation failed!Error: The transaction was rejected. This might happen if some of the coins in your wallet were already spent, such as if you used a copy of wallet.dat and coins were spent in the copy but not marked as spent here.SendCoinsEntryFormA&mount:Pay &To:The address to send the payment to (e.g. 1NS17iag9jJgTHD1VXjvLCEnZuQ3rJDE9L)Enter a label for this address to add it to your address book&Label:Choose address from address bookAlt+APaste address from clipboardAlt+PRemove this recipientEnter a Bitcoin address (e.g. 1NS17iag9jJgTHD1VXjvLCEnZuQ3rJDE9L)SignVerifyMessageDialogSignatures - Sign / Verify a Message&Sign MessageYou can sign messages with your addresses to prove you own them. Be careful not to sign anything vague, as phishing attacks may try to trick you into signing your identity over to them. Only sign fully-detailed statements you agree to.The address to sign the message with (e.g. 1NS17iag9jJgTHD1VXjvLCEnZuQ3rJDE9L)Choose an address from the address bookAlt+APaste address from clipboardAlt+PEnter the message you want to sign hereSignatureCopy the current signature to the system clipboardSign the message to prove you own this Bitcoin addressSign &MessageReset all sign message fieldsClear &All&Verify MessageEnter the signing address, message (ensure you copy line breaks, spaces, tabs, etc. exactly) and signature below to verify the message. Be careful not to read more into the signature than what is in the signed message itself, to avoid being tricked by a man-in-the-middle attack.The address the message was signed with (e.g. 1NS17iag9jJgTHD1VXjvLCEnZuQ3rJDE9L)Verify the message to ensure it was signed with the specified Bitcoin addressVerify &MessageReset all verify message fieldsEnter a Bitcoin address (e.g. 1NS17iag9jJgTHD1VXjvLCEnZuQ3rJDE9L)Click "Sign Message" to generate signatureEnter Bitcoin signatureThe entered address is invalid.Please check the address and try again.The entered address does not refer to a key.Wallet unlock was cancelled.Private key for the entered address is not available.Message signing failed.Message signed.The signature could not be decoded.Please check the signature and try again.The signature did not match the message digest.Message verification failed.Message verified.SplashScreenThe Bitcoin developers[testnet]TransactionDescOpen until %1%1/offline%1/unconfirmed%1 confirmationsStatus, broadcast through %n node(s)DateSourceGeneratedFromToown addresslabelCreditmatures in %n more block(s)not acceptedDebitTransaction feeNet amountMessageCommentTransaction IDGenerated coins must mature 120 blocks before they can be spent. When you generated this block, it was broadcast to the network to be added to the block chain. If it fails to get into the chain, its state will change to "not accepted" and it won't be spendable. This may occasionally happen if another node generates a block within a few seconds of yours.Debug informationTransactionInputsAmounttruefalse, has not been successfully broadcast yetOpen for %n more block(s)unknownTransactionDescDialogTransaction detailsThis pane shows a detailed description of the transactionTransactionTableModelDateTypeAddressAmountOpen for %n more block(s)Open until %1Offline (%1 confirmations)Unconfirmed (%1 of %2 confirmations)Confirmed (%1 confirmations)Mined balance will be available when it matures in %n more block(s)This block was not received by any other nodes and will probably not be accepted!Generated but not acceptedReceived withReceived fromSent toPayment to yourselfMined(n/a)Transaction status. Hover over this field to show number of confirmations.Date and time that the transaction was received.Type of transaction.Destination address of transaction.Amount removed from or added to balance.TransactionViewAllTodayThis weekThis monthLast monthThis yearRange...Received withSent toTo yourselfMinedOtherEnter address or label to searchMin amountCopy addressCopy labelCopy amountCopy transaction IDEdit labelShow transaction detailsExport Transaction DataComma separated file (*.csv)ConfirmedDateTypeLabelAddressAmountIDError exportingCould not write to file %1.Range:toWalletModelSend CoinsWalletView&ExportExport the data in the current tab to a fileBackup WalletWallet Data (*.dat)Backup FailedThere was an error trying to save the wallet data to the new location.Backup SuccessfulThe wallet data was successfully saved to the new location.bitcoin-coreBitcoin versionUsage:Send command to -server or bitcoindList commandsGet help for a commandOptions:Specify configuration file (default: bitcoin.conf)Specify pid file (default: bitcoind.pid)Specify data directorySet database cache size in megabytes (default: 25)Listen for connections on <port> (default: 8333 or testnet: 18333)Maintain at most <n> connections to peers (default: 125)Connect to a node to retrieve peer addresses, and disconnectSpecify your own public addressThreshold for disconnecting misbehaving peers (default: 100)Number of seconds to keep misbehaving peers from reconnecting (default: 86400)An error occurred while setting up the RPC port %u for listening on IPv4: %sListen for JSON-RPC connections on <port> (default: 8332 or testnet: 18332)Accept command line and JSON-RPC commandsRun in the background as a daemon and accept commandsUse the test networkAccept connections from outside (default: 1 if no -proxy or -connect)%s, you must set a rpcpassword in the configuration file:
It is recommended you use the following random password:
(you do not need to remember this password)
The username and password MUST NOT be the same.
If the file does not exist, create it with owner-readable-only file permissions.
It is also recommended to set alertnotify so you are notified of problems;
for example: alertnotify=echo %%s | mail -s "Bitcoin Alert" admin@foo.com
An error occurred while setting up the RPC port %u for listening on IPv6, falling back to IPv4: %sBind to given address and always listen on it. Use [host]:port notation for IPv6Cannot obtain a lock on data directory %s. Bitcoin is probably already running.Enter regression test mode, which uses a special chain in which blocks can be solved instantly. This is intended for regression testing tools and app development.Error: The transaction was rejected! This might happen if some of the coins in your wallet were already spent, such as if you used a copy of wallet.dat and coins were spent in the copy but not marked as spent here.Error: This transaction requires a transaction fee of at least %s because of its amount, complexity, or use of recently received funds!Execute command when a relevant alert is received (%s in cmd is replaced by message)Execute command when a wallet transaction changes (%s in cmd is replaced by TxID)Set maximum size of high-priority/low-fee transactions in bytes (default: 27000)This is a pre-release test build - use at your own risk - do not use for mining or merchant applicationsWarning: -paytxfee is set very high! This is the transaction fee you will pay if you send a transaction.Warning: Displayed transactions may not be correct! You may need to upgrade, or other nodes may need to upgrade.Warning: Please check that your computer's date and time are correct! If your clock is wrong Bitcoin will not work properly.Warning: error reading wallet.dat! All keys read correctly, but transaction data or address book entries might be missing or incorrect.Warning: wallet.dat corrupt, data salvaged! Original wallet.dat saved as wallet.{timestamp}.bak in %s; if your balance or transactions are incorrect you should restore from a backup.Attempt to recover private keys from a corrupt wallet.datBlock creation options:Connect only to the specified node(s)Corrupted block database detectedDiscover own IP address (default: 1 when listening and no -externalip)Do you want to rebuild the block database now?Error initializing block databaseError initializing wallet database environment %s!Error loading block databaseError opening block databaseError: Disk space is low!Error: Wallet locked, unable to create transaction!Error: system error: Failed to listen on any port. Use -listen=0 if you want this.Failed to read block infoFailed to read blockFailed to sync block indexFailed to write block indexFailed to write block infoFailed to write blockFailed to write file infoFailed to write to coin databaseFailed to write transaction indexFailed to write undo dataFind peers using DNS lookup (default: 1 unless -connect)Generate coins (default: 0)How many blocks to check at startup (default: 288, 0 = all)How thorough the block verification is (0-4, default: 3)Incorrect or no genesis block found. Wrong datadir for network?Not enough file descriptors available.Rebuild block chain index from current blk000??.dat filesSet the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: 4)Specify wallet file (within data directory)Verifying blocks...Verifying wallet...Wallet %s resides outside data directory %sYou need to rebuild the database using -reindex to change -txindexImports blocks from external blk000??.dat fileSet the number of script verification threads (up to 16, 0 = auto, <0 = leave that many cores free, default: 0)InformationInvalid -tor address: '%s'Invalid amount for -minrelaytxfee=<amount>: '%s'Invalid amount for -mintxfee=<amount>: '%s'Maintain a full transaction index (default: 0)Maximum per-connection receive buffer, <n>*1000 bytes (default: 5000)Maximum per-connection send buffer, <n>*1000 bytes (default: 1000)Only accept block chain matching built-in checkpoints (default: 1)Only connect to nodes in network <net> (IPv4, IPv6 or Tor)Output extra debugging information. Implies all other -debug* optionsOutput extra network debugging informationPrepend debug output with timestampSSL options: (see the Bitcoin Wiki for SSL setup instructions)Select the version of socks proxy to use (4-5, default: 5)Send trace/debug info to console instead of debug.log fileSend trace/debug info to debuggerSet maximum block size in bytes (default: 250000)Set minimum block size in bytes (default: 0)Shrink debug.log file on client startup (default: 1 when no -debug)Signing transaction failedSpecify connection timeout in milliseconds (default: 5000)System error: Transaction amount too smallTransaction amounts must be positiveTransaction too largeUse UPnP to map the listening port (default: 0)Use UPnP to map the listening port (default: 1 when listening)Use proxy to reach tor hidden services (default: same as -proxy)Username for JSON-RPC connectionsWarningWarning: This version is obsolete, upgrade required!wallet.dat corrupt, salvage failedPassword for JSON-RPC connectionsAllow JSON-RPC connections from specified IP addressSend commands to node running on <ip> (default: command when the best block changes (%s in cmd is replaced by block hash)Upgrade wallet to latest formatSet key pool size to <n> (default: 100)Rescan the block chain for missing wallet transactionsUse OpenSSL (https) for JSON-RPC connectionsServer certificate file (default: server.cert)Server private key (default: server.pem)Acceptable ciphers (default: TLSv1+HIGH:!SSLv2:!aNULL:!eNULL:!AH:!3DES:@STRENGTH)This help messageUnable to bind to %s on this computer (bind returned error %d, %s)Connect through socks proxyAllow DNS lookups for -addnode, -seednode and -connectLoading addresses...Error loading wallet.dat: Wallet corruptedError loading wallet.dat: Wallet requires newer version of BitcoinWallet needed to be rewritten: restart Bitcoin to completeError loading wallet.datInvalid -proxy address: '%s'Unknown network specified in -onlynet: '%s'Unknown -socks proxy version requested: %iCannot resolve -bind address: '%s'Cannot resolve -externalip address: '%s'Invalid amount for -paytxfee=<amount>: '%s'Invalid amountInsufficient fundsLoading block index...Add a node to connect to and attempt to keep the connection openUnable to bind to %s on this computer. Bitcoin is probably already running.Fee per KB to add to transactions you sendLoading wallet...Cannot downgrade walletCannot write default addressRescanning...Done loadingTo use the %s optionErrorYou must set rpcpassword=<password> in the configuration file:
If the file does not exist, create it with owner-readable-only file permissions.