mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 15:56:58 -04:00

-BEGIN VERIFY SCRIPT- regex_string='^(?!//).*(AC_APPLE_UNIVERSAL_BUILD|BOOST_PROCESS_USE_STD_FS|CHAR_EQUALS_INT8|CLIENT_VERSION_BUILD|CLIENT_VERSION_IS_RELEASE|CLIENT_VERSION_MAJOR|CLIENT_VERSION_MINOR|COPYRIGHT_HOLDERS|COPYRIGHT_HOLDERS_FINAL|COPYRIGHT_HOLDERS_SUBSTITUTION|COPYRIGHT_YEAR|ENABLE_ARM_SHANI|ENABLE_AVX2|ENABLE_EXTERNAL_SIGNER|ENABLE_SSE41|ENABLE_TRACING|ENABLE_WALLET|ENABLE_X86_SHANI|ENABLE_ZMQ|HAVE_BOOST|HAVE_BUILTIN_CLZL|HAVE_BUILTIN_CLZLL|HAVE_BYTESWAP_H|HAVE_CLMUL|HAVE_CONSENSUS_LIB|HAVE_CXX20|HAVE_DECL_BE16TOH|HAVE_DECL_BE32TOH|HAVE_DECL_BE64TOH|HAVE_DECL_BSWAP_16|HAVE_DECL_BSWAP_32|HAVE_DECL_BSWAP_64|HAVE_DECL_FORK|HAVE_DECL_FREEIFADDRS|HAVE_DECL_GETIFADDRS|HAVE_DECL_HTOBE16|HAVE_DECL_HTOBE32|HAVE_DECL_HTOBE64|HAVE_DECL_HTOLE16|HAVE_DECL_HTOLE32|HAVE_DECL_HTOLE64|HAVE_DECL_LE16TOH|HAVE_DECL_LE32TOH|HAVE_DECL_LE64TOH|HAVE_DECL_PIPE2|HAVE_DECL_SETSID|HAVE_DECL_STRERROR_R|HAVE_DEFAULT_VISIBILITY_ATTRIBUTE|HAVE_DLFCN_H|HAVE_DLLEXPORT_ATTRIBUTE|HAVE_ENDIAN_H|HAVE_EVHTTP_CONNECTION_GET_PEER_CONST_CHAR|HAVE_FDATASYNC|HAVE_GETENTROPY_RAND|HAVE_GETRANDOM|HAVE_GMTIME_R|HAVE_INTTYPES_H|HAVE_LIBADVAPI32|HAVE_LIBCOMCTL32|HAVE_LIBCOMDLG32|HAVE_LIBGDI32|HAVE_LIBIPHLPAPI|HAVE_LIBKERNEL32|HAVE_LIBOLE32|HAVE_LIBOLEAUT32|HAVE_LIBSHELL32|HAVE_LIBSHLWAPI|HAVE_LIBUSER32|HAVE_LIBUUID|HAVE_LIBWINMM|HAVE_LIBWS2_32|HAVE_MALLOC_INFO|HAVE_MALLOPT_ARENA_MAX|HAVE_MINIUPNPC_MINIUPNPC_H|HAVE_MINIUPNPC_UPNPCOMMANDS_H|HAVE_MINIUPNPC_UPNPERRORS_H|HAVE_NATPMP_H|HAVE_O_CLOEXEC|HAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE|HAVE_PTHREAD|HAVE_PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT|HAVE_STDINT_H|HAVE_STDIO_H|HAVE_STDLIB_H|HAVE_STRERROR_R|HAVE_STRINGS_H|HAVE_STRING_H|HAVE_STRONG_GETAUXVAL|HAVE_SYSCTL|HAVE_SYSCTL_ARND|HAVE_SYSTEM|HAVE_SYS_ENDIAN_H|HAVE_SYS_PRCTL_H|HAVE_SYS_RESOURCES_H|HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H|HAVE_SYS_STAT_H|HAVE_SYS_SYSCTL_H|HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H|HAVE_SYS_VMMETER_H|HAVE_THREAD_LOCAL|HAVE_TIMINGSAFE_BCMP|HAVE_UNISTD_H|HAVE_VM_VM_PARAM_H|LT_OBJDIR|PACKAGE_BUGREPORT|PACKAGE_NAME|PACKAGE_STRING|PACKAGE_TARNAME|PACKAGE_URL|PACKAGE_VERSION|PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE|QT_QPA_PLATFORM_ANDROID|QT_QPA_PLATFORM_COCOA|QT_QPA_PLATFORM_MINIMAL|QT_QPA_PLATFORM_WINDOWS|QT_QPA_PLATFORM_XCB|QT_STATICPLUGIN|STDC_HEADERS|STRERROR_R_CHAR_P|USE_ASM|USE_BDB|USE_DBUS|USE_NATPMP|USE_QRCODE|USE_SQLITE|USE_UPNP|_FILE_OFFSET_BITS|_LARGE_FILES)' exclusion_files=":(exclude)src/minisketch :(exclude)src/crc32c :(exclude)src/secp256k1 :(exclude)src/crypto/sha256_arm_shani.cpp :(exclude)src/crypto/sha256_avx2.cpp :(exclude)src/crypto/sha256_sse41.cpp :(exclude)src/crypto/sha256_x86_shani.cpp" git grep --perl-regexp --files-with-matches "$regex_string" -- '*.cpp' $exclusion_files | xargs git grep -L "bitcoin-config.h" | while read -r file; do line_number=$(awk -v my_file="$file" '/\/\/ file COPYING or https?:\/\/www.opensource.org\/licenses\/mit-license.php\./ {line = NR} /^\/\// && NR == line + 1 {while(getline && /^\/\//) line = NR} END {print line+1}' "$file"); sed -i "${line_number}i\\\\n\#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)\\n#include <config/bitcoin-config.h>\\n\#endif" "$file"; done; git grep --perl-regexp --files-with-matches "$regex_string" -- '*.h' $exclusion_files | xargs git grep -L "bitcoin-config.h" | while read -r file; do sed -i "/#define.*_H/a \\\\n\#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)\\n#include <config/bitcoin-config.h>\\n\#endif" "$file"; done; for file in $(git grep --files-with-matches 'bitcoin-config.h' -- '*.cpp' '*.h' $exclusion_files); do if ! grep -q --perl-regexp "$regex_string" $file; then sed -i '/HAVE_CONFIG_H/{N;N;N;d;}' $file; fi; done; -END VERIFY SCRIPT- The first command creates a regular expression for matching all bitcoin-config.h symbols in the following form: ^(?!//).*(AC_APPLE_UNIVERSAL_BUILD|BOOST_PROCESS_USE_STD_FS|...|_LARGE_FILES). It was generated with: ./autogen.sh && printf '^(?!//).*(%s)' $(awk '/^#undef/ {print $2}' src/config/bitcoin-config.h.in | paste -sd "|" -) The second command holds a list of files and directories that should not be processed. These include subtree directories as well as some crypto files that already get their symbols through the makefile. The third command checks for missing bitcoin-config headers in .cpp files and adds the header if it is missing. The fourth command checks for missing bitcoin-config headers in .h files and adds the header if it is missing. The fifth command checks for unneeded bitcoin-config headers in sources files and removes the header if it is unneeded.
322 lines
11 KiB
322 lines
11 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2011-2021 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
#include <sync.h>
#include <logging.h>
#include <tinyformat.h>
#include <util/strencodings.h>
#include <util/threadnames.h>
#include <map>
#include <mutex>
#include <set>
#include <system_error>
#include <thread>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
// Early deadlock detection.
// Problem being solved:
// Thread 1 locks A, then B, then C
// Thread 2 locks D, then C, then A
// --> may result in deadlock between the two threads, depending on when they run.
// Solution implemented here:
// Keep track of pairs of locks: (A before B), (A before C), etc.
// Complain if any thread tries to lock in a different order.
struct CLockLocation {
const char* pszName,
const char* pszFile,
int nLine,
bool fTryIn,
const std::string& thread_name)
: fTry(fTryIn),
sourceLine(nLine) {}
std::string ToString() const
return strprintf(
"'%s' in %s:%s%s (in thread '%s')",
mutexName, sourceFile, sourceLine, (fTry ? " (TRY)" : ""), m_thread_name);
std::string Name() const
return mutexName;
bool fTry;
std::string mutexName;
std::string sourceFile;
const std::string& m_thread_name;
int sourceLine;
using LockStackItem = std::pair<void*, CLockLocation>;
using LockStack = std::vector<LockStackItem>;
using LockStacks = std::unordered_map<std::thread::id, LockStack>;
using LockPair = std::pair<void*, void*>;
using LockOrders = std::map<LockPair, LockStack>;
using InvLockOrders = std::set<LockPair>;
struct LockData {
LockStacks m_lock_stacks;
LockOrders lockorders;
InvLockOrders invlockorders;
std::mutex dd_mutex;
LockData& GetLockData() {
// This approach guarantees that the object is not destroyed until after its last use.
// The operating system automatically reclaims all the memory in a program's heap when that program exits.
// Since the ~LockData() destructor is never called, the LockData class and all
// its subclasses must have implicitly-defined destructors.
static LockData& lock_data = *new LockData();
return lock_data;
static void potential_deadlock_detected(const LockPair& mismatch, const LockStack& s1, const LockStack& s2)
LogPrintf("Previous lock order was:\n");
for (const LockStackItem& i : s1) {
std::string prefix{};
if (i.first == mismatch.first) {
prefix = " (1)";
if (i.first == mismatch.second) {
prefix = " (2)";
LogPrintf("%s %s\n", prefix, i.second.ToString());
std::string mutex_a, mutex_b;
LogPrintf("Current lock order is:\n");
for (const LockStackItem& i : s2) {
std::string prefix{};
if (i.first == mismatch.first) {
prefix = " (1)";
mutex_a = i.second.Name();
if (i.first == mismatch.second) {
prefix = " (2)";
mutex_b = i.second.Name();
LogPrintf("%s %s\n", prefix, i.second.ToString());
if (g_debug_lockorder_abort) {
tfm::format(std::cerr, "Assertion failed: detected inconsistent lock order for %s, details in debug log.\n", s2.back().second.ToString());
throw std::logic_error(strprintf("potential deadlock detected: %s -> %s -> %s", mutex_b, mutex_a, mutex_b));
static void double_lock_detected(const void* mutex, const LockStack& lock_stack)
LogPrintf("Lock order:\n");
for (const LockStackItem& i : lock_stack) {
std::string prefix{};
if (i.first == mutex) {
prefix = " (*)";
LogPrintf("%s %s\n", prefix, i.second.ToString());
if (g_debug_lockorder_abort) {
"Assertion failed: detected double lock for %s, details in debug log.\n",
throw std::logic_error("double lock detected");
template <typename MutexType>
static void push_lock(MutexType* c, const CLockLocation& locklocation)
constexpr bool is_recursive_mutex =
std::is_base_of<RecursiveMutex, MutexType>::value ||
std::is_base_of<std::recursive_mutex, MutexType>::value;
LockData& lockdata = GetLockData();
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lockdata.dd_mutex);
LockStack& lock_stack = lockdata.m_lock_stacks[std::this_thread::get_id()];
lock_stack.emplace_back(c, locklocation);
for (size_t j = 0; j < lock_stack.size() - 1; ++j) {
const LockStackItem& i = lock_stack[j];
if (i.first == c) {
if (is_recursive_mutex) {
// It is not a recursive mutex and it appears in the stack two times:
// at position `j` and at the end (which we added just before this loop).
// Can't allow locking the same (non-recursive) mutex two times from the
// same thread as that results in an undefined behavior.
auto lock_stack_copy = lock_stack;
double_lock_detected(c, lock_stack_copy);
// double_lock_detected() does not return.
const LockPair p1 = std::make_pair(i.first, c);
if (lockdata.lockorders.count(p1))
const LockPair p2 = std::make_pair(c, i.first);
if (lockdata.lockorders.count(p2)) {
auto lock_stack_copy = lock_stack;
potential_deadlock_detected(p1, lockdata.lockorders[p2], lock_stack_copy);
// potential_deadlock_detected() does not return.
lockdata.lockorders.emplace(p1, lock_stack);
static void pop_lock()
LockData& lockdata = GetLockData();
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lockdata.dd_mutex);
LockStack& lock_stack = lockdata.m_lock_stacks[std::this_thread::get_id()];
if (lock_stack.empty()) {
template <typename MutexType>
void EnterCritical(const char* pszName, const char* pszFile, int nLine, MutexType* cs, bool fTry)
push_lock(cs, CLockLocation(pszName, pszFile, nLine, fTry, util::ThreadGetInternalName()));
template void EnterCritical(const char*, const char*, int, Mutex*, bool);
template void EnterCritical(const char*, const char*, int, RecursiveMutex*, bool);
template void EnterCritical(const char*, const char*, int, std::mutex*, bool);
template void EnterCritical(const char*, const char*, int, std::recursive_mutex*, bool);
void CheckLastCritical(void* cs, std::string& lockname, const char* guardname, const char* file, int line)
LockData& lockdata = GetLockData();
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lockdata.dd_mutex);
const LockStack& lock_stack = lockdata.m_lock_stacks[std::this_thread::get_id()];
if (!lock_stack.empty()) {
const auto& lastlock = lock_stack.back();
if (lastlock.first == cs) {
lockname = lastlock.second.Name();
LogPrintf("Current lock order (least recent first) is:\n");
for (const LockStackItem& i : lock_stack) {
LogPrintf(" %s\n", i.second.ToString());
if (g_debug_lockorder_abort) {
tfm::format(std::cerr, "%s:%s %s was not most recent critical section locked, details in debug log.\n", file, line, guardname);
throw std::logic_error(strprintf("%s was not most recent critical section locked", guardname));
void LeaveCritical()
static std::string LocksHeld()
LockData& lockdata = GetLockData();
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lockdata.dd_mutex);
const LockStack& lock_stack = lockdata.m_lock_stacks[std::this_thread::get_id()];
std::string result;
for (const LockStackItem& i : lock_stack)
result += i.second.ToString() + std::string("\n");
return result;
static bool LockHeld(void* mutex)
LockData& lockdata = GetLockData();
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lockdata.dd_mutex);
const LockStack& lock_stack = lockdata.m_lock_stacks[std::this_thread::get_id()];
for (const LockStackItem& i : lock_stack) {
if (i.first == mutex) return true;
return false;
template <typename MutexType>
void AssertLockHeldInternal(const char* pszName, const char* pszFile, int nLine, MutexType* cs)
if (LockHeld(cs)) return;
tfm::format(std::cerr, "Assertion failed: lock %s not held in %s:%i; locks held:\n%s", pszName, pszFile, nLine, LocksHeld());
template void AssertLockHeldInternal(const char*, const char*, int, Mutex*);
template void AssertLockHeldInternal(const char*, const char*, int, RecursiveMutex*);
template <typename MutexType>
void AssertLockNotHeldInternal(const char* pszName, const char* pszFile, int nLine, MutexType* cs)
if (!LockHeld(cs)) return;
tfm::format(std::cerr, "Assertion failed: lock %s held in %s:%i; locks held:\n%s", pszName, pszFile, nLine, LocksHeld());
template void AssertLockNotHeldInternal(const char*, const char*, int, Mutex*);
template void AssertLockNotHeldInternal(const char*, const char*, int, RecursiveMutex*);
void DeleteLock(void* cs)
LockData& lockdata = GetLockData();
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lockdata.dd_mutex);
const LockPair item = std::make_pair(cs, nullptr);
LockOrders::iterator it = lockdata.lockorders.lower_bound(item);
while (it != lockdata.lockorders.end() && it->first.first == cs) {
const LockPair invitem = std::make_pair(it->first.second, it->first.first);
InvLockOrders::iterator invit = lockdata.invlockorders.lower_bound(item);
while (invit != lockdata.invlockorders.end() && invit->first == cs) {
const LockPair invinvitem = std::make_pair(invit->second, invit->first);
bool LockStackEmpty()
LockData& lockdata = GetLockData();
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lockdata.dd_mutex);
const auto it = lockdata.m_lock_stacks.find(std::this_thread::get_id());
if (it == lockdata.m_lock_stacks.end()) {
return true;
return it->second.empty();
bool g_debug_lockorder_abort = true;
#endif /* DEBUG_LOCKORDER */