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synced 2025-03-06 14:19:59 -05:00

-BEGIN VERIFY SCRIPT- mkdir -p src/util git mv src/util.h src/util/system.h git mv src/util.cpp src/util/system.cpp git mv src/utilmemory.h src/util/memory.h git mv src/utilmoneystr.h src/util/moneystr.h git mv src/utilmoneystr.cpp src/util/moneystr.cpp git mv src/utilstrencodings.h src/util/strencodings.h git mv src/utilstrencodings.cpp src/util/strencodings.cpp git mv src/utiltime.h src/util/time.h git mv src/utiltime.cpp src/util/time.cpp sed -i 's/<util\.h>/<util\/system\.h>/g' $(git ls-files 'src/*.h' 'src/*.cpp') sed -i 's/<utilmemory\.h>/<util\/memory\.h>/g' $(git ls-files 'src/*.h' 'src/*.cpp') sed -i 's/<utilmoneystr\.h>/<util\/moneystr\.h>/g' $(git ls-files 'src/*.h' 'src/*.cpp') sed -i 's/<utilstrencodings\.h>/<util\/strencodings\.h>/g' $(git ls-files 'src/*.h' 'src/*.cpp') sed -i 's/<utiltime\.h>/<util\/time\.h>/g' $(git ls-files 'src/*.h' 'src/*.cpp') sed -i 's/BITCOIN_UTIL_H/BITCOIN_UTIL_SYSTEM_H/g' src/util/system.h sed -i 's/BITCOIN_UTILMEMORY_H/BITCOIN_UTIL_MEMORY_H/g' src/util/memory.h sed -i 's/BITCOIN_UTILMONEYSTR_H/BITCOIN_UTIL_MONEYSTR_H/g' src/util/moneystr.h sed -i 's/BITCOIN_UTILSTRENCODINGS_H/BITCOIN_UTIL_STRENCODINGS_H/g' src/util/strencodings.h sed -i 's/BITCOIN_UTILTIME_H/BITCOIN_UTIL_TIME_H/g' src/util/time.h sed -i 's/ util\.\(h\|cpp\)/ util\/system\.\1/g' src/Makefile.am sed -i 's/utilmemory\.\(h\|cpp\)/util\/memory\.\1/g' src/Makefile.am sed -i 's/utilmoneystr\.\(h\|cpp\)/util\/moneystr\.\1/g' src/Makefile.am sed -i 's/utilstrencodings\.\(h\|cpp\)/util\/strencodings\.\1/g' src/Makefile.am sed -i 's/utiltime\.\(h\|cpp\)/util\/time\.\1/g' src/Makefile.am sed -i 's/-> util ->/-> util\/system ->/' test/lint/lint-circular-dependencies.sh sed -i 's/src\/util\.cpp/src\/util\/system\.cpp/g' test/lint/lint-format-strings.py test/lint/lint-locale-dependence.sh sed -i 's/src\/utilmoneystr\.cpp/src\/util\/moneystr\.cpp/g' test/lint/lint-locale-dependence.sh sed -i 's/src\/utilstrencodings\.\(h\|cpp\)/src\/util\/strencodings\.\1/g' test/lint/lint-locale-dependence.sh sed -i 's/src\\utilstrencodings\.cpp/src\\util\\strencodings\.cpp/' build_msvc/libbitcoinconsensus/libbitcoinconsensus.vcxproj -END VERIFY SCRIPT-
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163 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Copyright (c) 2009-2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
#include <merkleblock.h>
#include <hash.h>
#include <consensus/consensus.h>
#include <util/strencodings.h>
CMerkleBlock::CMerkleBlock(const CBlock& block, CBloomFilter* filter, const std::set<uint256>* txids)
header = block.GetBlockHeader();
std::vector<bool> vMatch;
std::vector<uint256> vHashes;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < block.vtx.size(); i++)
const uint256& hash = block.vtx[i]->GetHash();
if (txids && txids->count(hash)) {
} else if (filter && filter->IsRelevantAndUpdate(*block.vtx[i])) {
vMatchedTxn.emplace_back(i, hash);
} else {
txn = CPartialMerkleTree(vHashes, vMatch);
uint256 CPartialMerkleTree::CalcHash(int height, unsigned int pos, const std::vector<uint256> &vTxid) {
//we can never have zero txs in a merkle block, we always need the coinbase tx
//if we do not have this assert, we can hit a memory access violation when indexing into vTxid
assert(vTxid.size() != 0);
if (height == 0) {
// hash at height 0 is the txids themself
return vTxid[pos];
} else {
// calculate left hash
uint256 left = CalcHash(height-1, pos*2, vTxid), right;
// calculate right hash if not beyond the end of the array - copy left hash otherwise
if (pos*2+1 < CalcTreeWidth(height-1))
right = CalcHash(height-1, pos*2+1, vTxid);
right = left;
// combine subhashes
return Hash(BEGIN(left), END(left), BEGIN(right), END(right));
void CPartialMerkleTree::TraverseAndBuild(int height, unsigned int pos, const std::vector<uint256> &vTxid, const std::vector<bool> &vMatch) {
// determine whether this node is the parent of at least one matched txid
bool fParentOfMatch = false;
for (unsigned int p = pos << height; p < (pos+1) << height && p < nTransactions; p++)
fParentOfMatch |= vMatch[p];
// store as flag bit
if (height==0 || !fParentOfMatch) {
// if at height 0, or nothing interesting below, store hash and stop
vHash.push_back(CalcHash(height, pos, vTxid));
} else {
// otherwise, don't store any hash, but descend into the subtrees
TraverseAndBuild(height-1, pos*2, vTxid, vMatch);
if (pos*2+1 < CalcTreeWidth(height-1))
TraverseAndBuild(height-1, pos*2+1, vTxid, vMatch);
uint256 CPartialMerkleTree::TraverseAndExtract(int height, unsigned int pos, unsigned int &nBitsUsed, unsigned int &nHashUsed, std::vector<uint256> &vMatch, std::vector<unsigned int> &vnIndex) {
if (nBitsUsed >= vBits.size()) {
// overflowed the bits array - failure
fBad = true;
return uint256();
bool fParentOfMatch = vBits[nBitsUsed++];
if (height==0 || !fParentOfMatch) {
// if at height 0, or nothing interesting below, use stored hash and do not descend
if (nHashUsed >= vHash.size()) {
// overflowed the hash array - failure
fBad = true;
return uint256();
const uint256 &hash = vHash[nHashUsed++];
if (height==0 && fParentOfMatch) { // in case of height 0, we have a matched txid
return hash;
} else {
// otherwise, descend into the subtrees to extract matched txids and hashes
uint256 left = TraverseAndExtract(height-1, pos*2, nBitsUsed, nHashUsed, vMatch, vnIndex), right;
if (pos*2+1 < CalcTreeWidth(height-1)) {
right = TraverseAndExtract(height-1, pos*2+1, nBitsUsed, nHashUsed, vMatch, vnIndex);
if (right == left) {
// The left and right branches should never be identical, as the transaction
// hashes covered by them must each be unique.
fBad = true;
} else {
right = left;
// and combine them before returning
return Hash(BEGIN(left), END(left), BEGIN(right), END(right));
CPartialMerkleTree::CPartialMerkleTree(const std::vector<uint256> &vTxid, const std::vector<bool> &vMatch) : nTransactions(vTxid.size()), fBad(false) {
// reset state
// calculate height of tree
int nHeight = 0;
while (CalcTreeWidth(nHeight) > 1)
// traverse the partial tree
TraverseAndBuild(nHeight, 0, vTxid, vMatch);
CPartialMerkleTree::CPartialMerkleTree() : nTransactions(0), fBad(true) {}
uint256 CPartialMerkleTree::ExtractMatches(std::vector<uint256> &vMatch, std::vector<unsigned int> &vnIndex) {
// An empty set will not work
if (nTransactions == 0)
return uint256();
// check for excessively high numbers of transactions
return uint256();
// there can never be more hashes provided than one for every txid
if (vHash.size() > nTransactions)
return uint256();
// there must be at least one bit per node in the partial tree, and at least one node per hash
if (vBits.size() < vHash.size())
return uint256();
// calculate height of tree
int nHeight = 0;
while (CalcTreeWidth(nHeight) > 1)
// traverse the partial tree
unsigned int nBitsUsed = 0, nHashUsed = 0;
uint256 hashMerkleRoot = TraverseAndExtract(nHeight, 0, nBitsUsed, nHashUsed, vMatch, vnIndex);
// verify that no problems occurred during the tree traversal
if (fBad)
return uint256();
// verify that all bits were consumed (except for the padding caused by serializing it as a byte sequence)
if ((nBitsUsed+7)/8 != (vBits.size()+7)/8)
return uint256();
// verify that all hashes were consumed
if (nHashUsed != vHash.size())
return uint256();
return hashMerkleRoot;