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synced 2025-03-10 15:46:48 -04:00

In order to prevent memory DoS, we must ensure that we don't accept a new header into memory until we've performed anti-DoS checks, such as verifying that the header is part of a sufficiently high work chain. This commit adds a new argument to AcceptBlockHeader() so that we can ensure that all call-sites which might cause a new header to be accepted into memory have to grapple with the question of whether the header is safe to accept, or needs further validation. This patch also fixes two places where low-difficulty-headers could have been processed without such validation (processing an unrequested block from the network, and processing a compact block). Credit to Niklas Gögge for noticing this issue, and thanks to Sjors Provoost for test code.
360 lines
14 KiB
360 lines
14 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2018-2021 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <chainparams.h>
#include <consensus/merkle.h>
#include <consensus/validation.h>
#include <node/miner.h>
#include <pow.h>
#include <random.h>
#include <script/standard.h>
#include <test/util/script.h>
#include <test/util/setup_common.h>
#include <util/time.h>
#include <validation.h>
#include <validationinterface.h>
#include <thread>
using node::BlockAssembler;
namespace validation_block_tests {
struct MinerTestingSetup : public RegTestingSetup {
std::shared_ptr<CBlock> Block(const uint256& prev_hash);
std::shared_ptr<const CBlock> GoodBlock(const uint256& prev_hash);
std::shared_ptr<const CBlock> BadBlock(const uint256& prev_hash);
std::shared_ptr<CBlock> FinalizeBlock(std::shared_ptr<CBlock> pblock);
void BuildChain(const uint256& root, int height, const unsigned int invalid_rate, const unsigned int branch_rate, const unsigned int max_size, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const CBlock>>& blocks);
} // namespace validation_block_tests
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(validation_block_tests, MinerTestingSetup)
struct TestSubscriber final : public CValidationInterface {
uint256 m_expected_tip;
explicit TestSubscriber(uint256 tip) : m_expected_tip(tip) {}
void UpdatedBlockTip(const CBlockIndex* pindexNew, const CBlockIndex* pindexFork, bool fInitialDownload) override
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_expected_tip, pindexNew->GetBlockHash());
void BlockConnected(const std::shared_ptr<const CBlock>& block, const CBlockIndex* pindex) override
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_expected_tip, block->hashPrevBlock);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_expected_tip, pindex->pprev->GetBlockHash());
m_expected_tip = block->GetHash();
void BlockDisconnected(const std::shared_ptr<const CBlock>& block, const CBlockIndex* pindex) override
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_expected_tip, block->GetHash());
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_expected_tip, pindex->GetBlockHash());
m_expected_tip = block->hashPrevBlock;
std::shared_ptr<CBlock> MinerTestingSetup::Block(const uint256& prev_hash)
static int i = 0;
static uint64_t time = Params().GenesisBlock().nTime;
auto ptemplate = BlockAssembler{m_node.chainman->ActiveChainstate(), m_node.mempool.get()}.CreateNewBlock(CScript{} << i++ << OP_TRUE);
auto pblock = std::make_shared<CBlock>(ptemplate->block);
pblock->hashPrevBlock = prev_hash;
pblock->nTime = ++time;
// Make the coinbase transaction with two outputs:
// One zero-value one that has a unique pubkey to make sure that blocks at the same height can have a different hash
// Another one that has the coinbase reward in a P2WSH with OP_TRUE as witness program to make it easy to spend
CMutableTransaction txCoinbase(*pblock->vtx[0]);
txCoinbase.vout[1].scriptPubKey = P2WSH_OP_TRUE;
txCoinbase.vout[1].nValue = txCoinbase.vout[0].nValue;
txCoinbase.vout[0].nValue = 0;
// Always pad with OP_0 at the end to avoid bad-cb-length error
txCoinbase.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript{} << WITH_LOCK(::cs_main, return m_node.chainman->m_blockman.LookupBlockIndex(prev_hash)->nHeight + 1) << OP_0;
pblock->vtx[0] = MakeTransactionRef(std::move(txCoinbase));
return pblock;
std::shared_ptr<CBlock> MinerTestingSetup::FinalizeBlock(std::shared_ptr<CBlock> pblock)
const CBlockIndex* prev_block{WITH_LOCK(::cs_main, return m_node.chainman->m_blockman.LookupBlockIndex(pblock->hashPrevBlock))};
m_node.chainman->GenerateCoinbaseCommitment(*pblock, prev_block);
pblock->hashMerkleRoot = BlockMerkleRoot(*pblock);
while (!CheckProofOfWork(pblock->GetHash(), pblock->nBits, Params().GetConsensus())) {
// submit block header, so that miner can get the block height from the
// global state and the node has the topology of the chain
BlockValidationState ignored;
BOOST_CHECK(Assert(m_node.chainman)->ProcessNewBlockHeaders({pblock->GetBlockHeader()}, true, ignored));
return pblock;
// construct a valid block
std::shared_ptr<const CBlock> MinerTestingSetup::GoodBlock(const uint256& prev_hash)
return FinalizeBlock(Block(prev_hash));
// construct an invalid block (but with a valid header)
std::shared_ptr<const CBlock> MinerTestingSetup::BadBlock(const uint256& prev_hash)
auto pblock = Block(prev_hash);
CMutableTransaction coinbase_spend;
coinbase_spend.vin.push_back(CTxIn(COutPoint(pblock->vtx[0]->GetHash(), 0), CScript(), 0));
CTransactionRef tx = MakeTransactionRef(coinbase_spend);
auto ret = FinalizeBlock(pblock);
return ret;
void MinerTestingSetup::BuildChain(const uint256& root, int height, const unsigned int invalid_rate, const unsigned int branch_rate, const unsigned int max_size, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const CBlock>>& blocks)
if (height <= 0 || blocks.size() >= max_size) return;
bool gen_invalid = InsecureRandRange(100) < invalid_rate;
bool gen_fork = InsecureRandRange(100) < branch_rate;
const std::shared_ptr<const CBlock> pblock = gen_invalid ? BadBlock(root) : GoodBlock(root);
if (!gen_invalid) {
BuildChain(pblock->GetHash(), height - 1, invalid_rate, branch_rate, max_size, blocks);
if (gen_fork) {
BuildChain(blocks.back()->GetHash(), height - 1, invalid_rate, branch_rate, max_size, blocks);
// build a large-ish chain that's likely to have some forks
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const CBlock>> blocks;
while (blocks.size() < 50) {
BuildChain(Params().GenesisBlock().GetHash(), 100, 15, 10, 500, blocks);
bool ignored;
// Connect the genesis block and drain any outstanding events
BOOST_CHECK(Assert(m_node.chainman)->ProcessNewBlock(std::make_shared<CBlock>(Params().GenesisBlock()), true, true, &ignored));
// subscribe to events (this subscriber will validate event ordering)
const CBlockIndex* initial_tip = nullptr;
initial_tip = m_node.chainman->ActiveChain().Tip();
auto sub = std::make_shared<TestSubscriber>(initial_tip->GetBlockHash());
// create a bunch of threads that repeatedly process a block generated above at random
// this will create parallelism and randomness inside validation - the ValidationInterface
// will subscribe to events generated during block validation and assert on ordering invariance
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
threads.emplace_back([&]() {
bool ignored;
FastRandomContext insecure;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
auto block = blocks[insecure.randrange(blocks.size() - 1)];
Assert(m_node.chainman)->ProcessNewBlock(block, true, true, &ignored);
// to make sure that eventually we process the full chain - do it here
for (const auto& block : blocks) {
if (block->vtx.size() == 1) {
bool processed = Assert(m_node.chainman)->ProcessNewBlock(block, true, true, &ignored);
for (auto& t : threads) {
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(sub->m_expected_tip, m_node.chainman->ActiveChain().Tip()->GetBlockHash());
* Test that mempool updates happen atomically with reorgs.
* This prevents RPC clients, among others, from retrieving immediately-out-of-date mempool data
* during large reorgs.
* The test verifies this by creating a chain of `num_txs` blocks, matures their coinbases, and then
* submits txns spending from their coinbase to the mempool. A fork chain is then processed,
* invalidating the txns and evicting them from the mempool.
* We verify that the mempool updates atomically by polling it continuously
* from another thread during the reorg and checking that its size only changes
* once. The size changing exactly once indicates that the polling thread's
* view of the mempool is either consistent with the chain state before reorg,
* or consistent with the chain state after the reorg, and not just consistent
* with some intermediate state during the reorg.
bool ignored;
auto ProcessBlock = [&](std::shared_ptr<const CBlock> block) -> bool {
return Assert(m_node.chainman)->ProcessNewBlock(block, /*force_processing=*/true, /*min_pow_checked=*/true, /*new_block=*/&ignored);
// Process all mined blocks
auto last_mined = GoodBlock(Params().GenesisBlock().GetHash());
// Run the test multiple times
for (int test_runs = 3; test_runs > 0; --test_runs) {
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(last_mined->GetHash(), WITH_LOCK(Assert(m_node.chainman)->GetMutex(), return m_node.chainman->ActiveChain().Tip()->GetBlockHash()));
// Later on split from here
const uint256 split_hash{last_mined->hashPrevBlock};
// Create a bunch of transactions to spend the miner rewards of the
// most recent blocks
std::vector<CTransactionRef> txs;
for (int num_txs = 22; num_txs > 0; --num_txs) {
CMutableTransaction mtx;
mtx.vin.push_back(CTxIn{COutPoint{last_mined->vtx[0]->GetHash(), 1}, CScript{}});
mtx.vout[0].nValue -= 1000;
last_mined = GoodBlock(last_mined->GetHash());
// Mature the inputs of the txs
for (int j = COINBASE_MATURITY; j > 0; --j) {
last_mined = GoodBlock(last_mined->GetHash());
// Mine a reorg (and hold it back) before adding the txs to the mempool
const uint256 tip_init{last_mined->GetHash()};
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const CBlock>> reorg;
last_mined = GoodBlock(split_hash);
for (size_t j = COINBASE_MATURITY + txs.size() + 1; j > 0; --j) {
last_mined = GoodBlock(last_mined->GetHash());
// Add the txs to the tx pool
for (const auto& tx : txs) {
const MempoolAcceptResult result = m_node.chainman->ProcessTransaction(tx);
BOOST_REQUIRE(result.m_result_type == MempoolAcceptResult::ResultType::VALID);
// Check that all txs are in the pool
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_node.mempool->mapTx.size(), txs.size());
// Run a thread that simulates an RPC caller that is polling while
// validation is doing a reorg
std::thread rpc_thread{[&]() {
// This thread is checking that the mempool either contains all of
// the transactions invalidated by the reorg, or none of them, and
// not some intermediate amount.
while (true) {
if (m_node.mempool->mapTx.size() == 0) {
// We are done with the reorg
// Internally, we might be in the middle of the reorg, but
// externally the reorg to the most-proof-of-work chain should
// be atomic. So the caller assumes that the returned mempool
// is consistent. That is, it has all txs that were there
// before the reorg.
assert(m_node.mempool->mapTx.size() == txs.size());
// We are done with the reorg, so the tip must have changed
assert(tip_init != m_node.chainman->ActiveChain().Tip()->GetBlockHash());
// Submit the reorg in this thread to invalidate and remove the txs from the tx pool
for (const auto& b : reorg) {
// Check that the reorg was eventually successful
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(last_mined->GetHash(), WITH_LOCK(Assert(m_node.chainman)->GetMutex(), return m_node.chainman->ActiveChain().Tip()->GetBlockHash()));
// We can join the other thread, which returns when the reorg was successful
CScript pubKey;
pubKey << 1 << OP_TRUE;
auto ptemplate = BlockAssembler{m_node.chainman->ActiveChainstate(), m_node.mempool.get()}.CreateNewBlock(pubKey);
CBlock pblock = ptemplate->block;
CTxOut witness;
witness.scriptPubKey[0] = OP_RETURN;
witness.scriptPubKey[1] = 0x24;
witness.scriptPubKey[2] = 0xaa;
witness.scriptPubKey[3] = 0x21;
witness.scriptPubKey[4] = 0xa9;
witness.scriptPubKey[5] = 0xed;
// A witness larger than the minimum size is still valid
CTxOut min_plus_one = witness;
min_plus_one.scriptPubKey.resize(MINIMUM_WITNESS_COMMITMENT + 1);
CTxOut invalid = witness;
invalid.scriptPubKey[0] = OP_VERIFY;
CMutableTransaction txCoinbase(*pblock.vtx[0]);
txCoinbase.vout[0] = witness;
txCoinbase.vout[1] = witness;
txCoinbase.vout[2] = min_plus_one;
txCoinbase.vout[3] = invalid;
pblock.vtx[0] = MakeTransactionRef(std::move(txCoinbase));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(GetWitnessCommitmentIndex(pblock), 2);