Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin.git synced 2025-03-05 14:06:27 -05:00
s_nakamoto 6ff4388ffa Address Book with tabs instead of separate Your Address book,
with live update of default address in main window, 
New... button on main window for creating new receiving address, 
made receiving address labels more visible, 
ask user before paying transaction fee, 
when sending to bitcoin address also use a bitcoin address for the change, 
added some event.Skip() to fix UI glitches 
-- version 0.2.4
2010-02-20 21:59:59 +00:00

648 lines
17 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
// file license.txt or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
#include "headers.h"
map<string, string> mapArgs;
map<string, vector<string> > mapMultiArgs;
bool fDebug = false;
bool fPrintToConsole = false;
bool fPrintToDebugger = false;
char pszSetDataDir[MAX_PATH] = "";
bool fShutdown = false;
bool fDaemon = false;
// Init openssl library multithreading support
static wxMutex** ppmutexOpenSSL;
void locking_callback(int mode, int i, const char* file, int line)
if (mode & CRYPTO_LOCK)
// Init
class CInit
// Init openssl library multithreading support
ppmutexOpenSSL = (wxMutex**)OPENSSL_malloc(CRYPTO_num_locks() * sizeof(wxMutex*));
for (int i = 0; i < CRYPTO_num_locks(); i++)
ppmutexOpenSSL[i] = new wxMutex();
#ifdef __WXMSW__
// Seed random number generator with screen scrape and other hardware sources
// Seed random number generator with performance counter
// Shutdown openssl library multithreading support
for (int i = 0; i < CRYPTO_num_locks(); i++)
delete ppmutexOpenSSL[i];
void RandAddSeed()
// Seed with CPU performance counter
int64 nCounter = PerformanceCounter();
RAND_add(&nCounter, sizeof(nCounter), 1.5);
memset(&nCounter, 0, sizeof(nCounter));
void RandAddSeedPerfmon()
// This can take up to 2 seconds, so only do it every 10 minutes
static int64 nLastPerfmon;
if (GetTime() < nLastPerfmon + 10 * 60)
nLastPerfmon = GetTime();
#ifdef __WXMSW__
// Don't need this on Linux, OpenSSL automatically uses /dev/urandom
// Seed with the entire set of perfmon data
unsigned char pdata[250000];
memset(pdata, 0, sizeof(pdata));
unsigned long nSize = sizeof(pdata);
long ret = RegQueryValueExA(HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA, "Global", NULL, NULL, pdata, &nSize);
if (ret == ERROR_SUCCESS)
uint256 hash;
SHA256(pdata, nSize, (unsigned char*)&hash);
RAND_add(&hash, sizeof(hash), min(nSize/500.0, (double)sizeof(hash)));
hash = 0;
memset(pdata, 0, nSize);
printf("%s RandAddSeed() %d bytes\n", DateTimeStrFormat("%x %H:%M:%S", GetTime()).c_str(), nSize);
printf("%s RandAddSeed()\n", DateTimeStrFormat("%x %H:%M:%S", GetTime()).c_str());
uint64 GetRand(uint64 nMax)
if (nMax == 0)
return 0;
// The range of the random source must be a multiple of the modulus
// to give every possible output value an equal possibility
uint64 nRange = (UINT64_MAX / nMax) * nMax;
uint64 nRand = 0;
RAND_bytes((unsigned char*)&nRand, sizeof(nRand));
while (nRand >= nRange);
return (nRand % nMax);
inline int OutputDebugStringF(const char* pszFormat, ...)
int ret = 0;
if (fPrintToConsole || wxTheApp == NULL)
// print to console
va_list arg_ptr;
va_start(arg_ptr, pszFormat);
ret = vprintf(pszFormat, arg_ptr);
// print to debug.log
char pszFile[MAX_PATH+100];
strlcat(pszFile, "/debug.log", sizeof(pszFile));
FILE* fileout = fopen(pszFile, "a");
if (fileout)
//// Debug print useful for profiling
//fprintf(fileout, " %"PRI64d" ", wxGetLocalTimeMillis().GetValue());
va_list arg_ptr;
va_start(arg_ptr, pszFormat);
ret = vfprintf(fileout, pszFormat, arg_ptr);
#ifdef __WXMSW__
if (fPrintToDebugger)
// accumulate a line at a time
static CCriticalSection cs_OutputDebugStringF;
static char pszBuffer[50000];
static char* pend;
if (pend == NULL)
pend = pszBuffer;
va_list arg_ptr;
va_start(arg_ptr, pszFormat);
int limit = END(pszBuffer) - pend - 2;
int ret = _vsnprintf(pend, limit, pszFormat, arg_ptr);
if (ret < 0 || ret >= limit)
pend = END(pszBuffer) - 2;
*pend++ = '\n';
pend += ret;
*pend = '\0';
char* p1 = pszBuffer;
char* p2;
while (p2 = strchr(p1, '\n'))
char c = *p2;
*p2 = '\0';
*p2 = c;
p1 = p2;
if (p1 != pszBuffer)
memmove(pszBuffer, p1, pend - p1 + 1);
pend -= (p1 - pszBuffer);
return ret;
// Safer snprintf
// - prints up to limit-1 characters
// - output string is always null terminated even if limit reached
// - return value is the number of characters actually printed
int my_snprintf(char* buffer, size_t limit, const char* format, ...)
if (limit == 0)
return 0;
va_list arg_ptr;
va_start(arg_ptr, format);
int ret = _vsnprintf(buffer, limit, format, arg_ptr);
if (ret < 0 || ret >= limit)
ret = limit - 1;
buffer[limit-1] = 0;
return ret;
string strprintf(const char* format, ...)
char buffer[50000];
char* p = buffer;
int limit = sizeof(buffer);
int ret;
va_list arg_ptr;
va_start(arg_ptr, format);
ret = _vsnprintf(p, limit, format, arg_ptr);
if (ret >= 0 && ret < limit)
if (p != buffer)
delete p;
limit *= 2;
p = new char[limit];
if (p == NULL)
throw std::bad_alloc();
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// msvc optimisation
if (p == buffer)
return string(p, p+ret);
string str(p, p+ret);
if (p != buffer)
delete p;
return str;
bool error(const char* format, ...)
char buffer[50000];
int limit = sizeof(buffer);
va_list arg_ptr;
va_start(arg_ptr, format);
int ret = _vsnprintf(buffer, limit, format, arg_ptr);
if (ret < 0 || ret >= limit)
ret = limit - 1;
buffer[limit-1] = 0;
printf("ERROR: %s\n", buffer);
return false;
void ParseString(const string& str, char c, vector<string>& v)
unsigned int i1 = 0;
unsigned int i2;
i2 = str.find(c, i1);
v.push_back(str.substr(i1, i2-i1));
i1 = i2+1;
while (i2 != str.npos);
string FormatMoney(int64 n, bool fPlus)
n /= CENT;
string str = strprintf("%"PRI64d".%02"PRI64d, (n > 0 ? n : -n)/100, (n > 0 ? n : -n)%100);
for (int i = 6; i < str.size(); i += 4)
if (isdigit(str[str.size() - i - 1]))
str.insert(str.size() - i, 1, ',');
if (n < 0)
str.insert((unsigned int)0, 1, '-');
else if (fPlus && n > 0)
str.insert((unsigned int)0, 1, '+');
return str;
bool ParseMoney(const char* pszIn, int64& nRet)
string strWhole;
int64 nCents = 0;
const char* p = pszIn;
while (isspace(*p))
for (; *p; p++)
if (*p == ',' && p > pszIn && isdigit(p[-1]) && isdigit(p[1]) && isdigit(p[2]) && isdigit(p[3]) && !isdigit(p[4]))
if (*p == '.')
if (isdigit(*p))
nCents = 10 * (*p++ - '0');
if (isdigit(*p))
nCents += (*p++ - '0');
if (isspace(*p))
if (!isdigit(*p))
return false;
strWhole.insert(strWhole.end(), *p);
for (; *p; p++)
if (!isspace(*p))
return false;
if (strWhole.size() > 14)
return false;
if (nCents < 0 || nCents > 99)
return false;
int64 nWhole = atoi64(strWhole);
int64 nPreValue = nWhole * 100 + nCents;
int64 nValue = nPreValue * CENT;
if (nValue / CENT != nPreValue)
return false;
if (nValue / COIN != nWhole)
return false;
nRet = nValue;
return true;
vector<unsigned char> ParseHex(const char* psz)
vector<unsigned char> vch;
while (isspace(*psz))
static char phexdigit[256] =
{ -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,
-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, };
while (*psz)
char c = phexdigit[(unsigned char)*psz++];
if (c == -1)
unsigned char n = (c << 4);
if (*psz)
char c = phexdigit[(unsigned char)*psz++];
if (c == -1)
n |= c;
while (isspace(*psz))
return vch;
vector<unsigned char> ParseHex(const std::string& str)
return ParseHex(str.c_str());
void ParseParameters(int argc, char* argv[])
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
char psz[10000];
strlcpy(psz, argv[i], sizeof(psz));
char* pszValue = (char*)"";
if (strchr(psz, '='))
pszValue = strchr(psz, '=');
*pszValue++ = '\0';
#ifdef __WXMSW__
if (psz[0] == '/')
psz[0] = '-';
mapArgs[psz] = pszValue;
const char* wxGetTranslation(const char* pszEnglish)
// Wrapper of wxGetTranslation returning the same const char* type as was passed in
static CCriticalSection cs;
// Look in cache
static map<string, char*> mapCache;
map<string, char*>::iterator mi = mapCache.find(pszEnglish);
if (mi != mapCache.end())
return (*mi).second;
// wxWidgets translation
const char* pszTranslated = wxGetTranslation(wxString(pszEnglish, wxConvUTF8)).utf8_str();
// We don't cache unknown strings because caller might be passing in a
// dynamic string and we would keep allocating memory for each variation.
if (strcmp(pszEnglish, pszTranslated) == 0)
return pszEnglish;
// Add to cache, memory doesn't need to be freed. We only cache because
// we must pass back a pointer to permanently allocated memory.
char* pszCached = new char[strlen(pszTranslated)+1];
strcpy(pszCached, pszTranslated);
mapCache[pszEnglish] = pszCached;
return pszCached;
void FormatException(char* pszMessage, std::exception* pex, const char* pszThread)
#ifdef __WXMSW__
char pszModule[MAX_PATH];
pszModule[0] = '\0';
GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, pszModule, sizeof(pszModule));
// might not be thread safe, uses wxString
//const char* pszModule = wxStandardPaths::Get().GetExecutablePath().mb_str();
const char* pszModule = "bitcoin";
if (pex)
snprintf(pszMessage, 1000,
"EXCEPTION: %s \n%s \n%s in %s \n", typeid(*pex).name(), pex->what(), pszModule, pszThread);
snprintf(pszMessage, 1000,
"UNKNOWN EXCEPTION \n%s in %s \n", pszModule, pszThread);
void LogException(std::exception* pex, const char* pszThread)
char pszMessage[1000];
FormatException(pszMessage, pex, pszThread);
printf("\n%s", pszMessage);
void PrintException(std::exception* pex, const char* pszThread)
char pszMessage[1000];
FormatException(pszMessage, pex, pszThread);
printf("\n\n************************\n%s\n", pszMessage);
if (wxTheApp)
wxMessageBox(pszMessage, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);
void GetDataDir(char* pszDir)
// pszDir must be at least MAX_PATH length.
if (pszSetDataDir[0] != 0)
strlcpy(pszDir, pszSetDataDir, MAX_PATH);
static bool fMkdirDone;
if (!fMkdirDone)
fMkdirDone = true;
// This can be called during exceptions by printf, so we cache the
// value so we don't have to do memory allocations after that.
// wxStandardPaths::GetUserDataDir
// Return the directory for the user-dependent application data files:
// Unix: ~/.appname
// Windows: C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\appname
// Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/appname
static char pszCachedDir[MAX_PATH];
if (pszCachedDir[0] == 0)
strlcpy(pszCachedDir, wxStandardPaths::Get().GetUserDataDir().c_str(), sizeof(pszCachedDir));
strlcpy(pszDir, pszCachedDir, MAX_PATH);
string GetDataDir()
char pszDir[MAX_PATH];
return pszDir;
int GetFilesize(FILE* file)
int nSavePos = ftell(file);
int nFilesize = -1;
if (fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END) == 0)
nFilesize = ftell(file);
fseek(file, nSavePos, SEEK_SET);
return nFilesize;
void ShrinkDebugFile()
// Scroll debug.log if it's getting too big
string strFile = GetDataDir() + "/debug.log";
FILE* file = fopen(strFile.c_str(), "r");
if (file && GetFilesize(file) > 10 * 1000000)
// Restart the file with some of the end
char pch[200000];
fseek(file, -sizeof(pch), SEEK_END);
int nBytes = fread(pch, 1, sizeof(pch), file);
if (file = fopen(strFile.c_str(), "w"))
fwrite(pch, 1, nBytes, file);
// "Never go to sea with two chronometers; take one or three."
// Our three chronometers are:
// - System clock
// - Median of other server's clocks
// - NTP servers
// note: NTP isn't implemented yet, so until then we just use the median
// of other nodes clocks to correct ours.
int64 GetTime()
return time(NULL);
static int64 nTimeOffset = 0;
int64 GetAdjustedTime()
return GetTime() + nTimeOffset;
void AddTimeData(unsigned int ip, int64 nTime)
int64 nOffsetSample = nTime - GetTime();
// Ignore duplicates
static set<unsigned int> setKnown;
if (!setKnown.insert(ip).second)
// Add data
static vector<int64> vTimeOffsets;
if (vTimeOffsets.empty())
printf("Added time data, samples %d, offset %+"PRI64d" (%+"PRI64d" minutes)\n", vTimeOffsets.size(), vTimeOffsets.back(), vTimeOffsets.back()/60);
if (vTimeOffsets.size() >= 5 && vTimeOffsets.size() % 2 == 1)
sort(vTimeOffsets.begin(), vTimeOffsets.end());
int64 nMedian = vTimeOffsets[vTimeOffsets.size()/2];
nTimeOffset = nMedian;
if ((nMedian > 0 ? nMedian : -nMedian) > 5 * 60)
// Only let other nodes change our clock so far before we
// go to the NTP servers
/// todo: Get time from NTP servers, then set a flag
/// to make sure it doesn't get changed again
foreach(int64 n, vTimeOffsets)
printf("%+"PRI64d" ", n);
printf("| nTimeOffset = %+"PRI64d" (%+"PRI64d" minutes)\n", nTimeOffset, nTimeOffset/60);