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// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
#include <consensus/validation.h>
#include <interfaces/chain.h>
#include <wallet/coincontrol.h>
#include <wallet/feebumper.h>
#include <wallet/fees.h>
#include <wallet/wallet.h>
#include <policy/fees.h>
#include <policy/policy.h>
#include <util/moneystr.h>
#include <util/rbf.h>
#include <util/system.h>
#include <util/validation.h>
//! Check whether transaction has descendant in wallet or mempool, or has been
//! mined, or conflicts with a mined transaction. Return a feebumper::Result.
static feebumper::Result PreconditionChecks(interfaces::Chain::Lock& locked_chain, const CWallet* wallet, const CWalletTx& wtx, std::vector<std::string>& errors) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(wallet->cs_wallet)
if (wallet->HasWalletSpend(wtx.GetHash())) {
errors.push_back("Transaction has descendants in the wallet");
return feebumper::Result::INVALID_PARAMETER;
if (wallet->chain().hasDescendantsInMempool(wtx.GetHash())) {
errors.push_back("Transaction has descendants in the mempool");
return feebumper::Result::INVALID_PARAMETER;
if (wtx.GetDepthInMainChain(locked_chain) != 0) {
errors.push_back("Transaction has been mined, or is conflicted with a mined transaction");
return feebumper::Result::WALLET_ERROR;
if (!SignalsOptInRBF(*wtx.tx)) {
errors.push_back("Transaction is not BIP 125 replaceable");
return feebumper::Result::WALLET_ERROR;
if (wtx.mapValue.count("replaced_by_txid")) {
errors.push_back(strprintf("Cannot bump transaction %s which was already bumped by transaction %s", wtx.GetHash().ToString(), wtx.mapValue.at("replaced_by_txid")));
return feebumper::Result::WALLET_ERROR;
// check that original tx consists entirely of our inputs
// if not, we can't bump the fee, because the wallet has no way of knowing the value of the other inputs (thus the fee)
if (!wallet->IsAllFromMe(*wtx.tx, ISMINE_SPENDABLE)) {
errors.push_back("Transaction contains inputs that don't belong to this wallet");
return feebumper::Result::WALLET_ERROR;
return feebumper::Result::OK;
static CFeeRate EstimateFeeRate(CWallet* wallet, const CWalletTx& wtx, CCoinControl& coin_control, CAmount& old_fee)
// Get the fee rate of the original transaction. This is calculated from
// the tx fee/vsize, so it may have been rounded down. Add 1 satoshi to the
// result.
old_fee = wtx.GetDebit(ISMINE_SPENDABLE) - wtx.tx->GetValueOut();
int64_t txSize = GetVirtualTransactionSize(*(wtx.tx));
CFeeRate feerate(old_fee, txSize);
feerate += CFeeRate(1);
// The node has a configurable incremental relay fee. Increment the fee by
// the minimum of that and the wallet's conservative
// WALLET_INCREMENTAL_RELAY_FEE value to future proof against changes to
// network wide policy for incremental relay fee that our node may not be
// aware of. This ensures we're over the over the required relay fee rate
// (BIP 125 rule 4). The replacement tx will be at least as large as the
// original tx, so the total fee will be greater (BIP 125 rule 3)
CFeeRate node_incremental_relay_fee = wallet->chain().relayIncrementalFee();
CFeeRate wallet_incremental_relay_fee = CFeeRate(WALLET_INCREMENTAL_RELAY_FEE);
feerate += std::max(node_incremental_relay_fee, wallet_incremental_relay_fee);
// Fee rate must also be at least the wallet's GetMinimumFeeRate
CFeeRate min_feerate(GetMinimumFeeRate(*wallet, coin_control, /* feeCalc */ nullptr));
// Set the required fee rate for the replacement transaction in coin control.
return std::max(feerate, min_feerate);
namespace feebumper {
bool TransactionCanBeBumped(const CWallet* wallet, const uint256& txid)
auto locked_chain = wallet->chain().lock();
const CWalletTx* wtx = wallet->GetWalletTx(txid);
if (wtx == nullptr) return false;
std::vector<std::string> errors_dummy;
feebumper::Result res = PreconditionChecks(*locked_chain, wallet, *wtx, errors_dummy);
return res == feebumper::Result::OK;
Result CreateTotalBumpTransaction(const CWallet* wallet, const uint256& txid, const CCoinControl& coin_control, CAmount total_fee, std::vector<std::string>& errors,
CAmount& old_fee, CAmount& new_fee, CMutableTransaction& mtx)
new_fee = total_fee;
auto locked_chain = wallet->chain().lock();
auto it = wallet->mapWallet.find(txid);
if (it == wallet->mapWallet.end()) {
errors.push_back("Invalid or non-wallet transaction id");
const CWalletTx& wtx = it->second;
Result result = PreconditionChecks(*locked_chain, wallet, wtx, errors);
if (result != Result::OK) {
return result;
// figure out which output was change
// if there was no change output or multiple change outputs, fail
int nOutput = -1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < wtx.tx->vout.size(); ++i) {
if (wallet->IsChange(wtx.tx->vout[i])) {
if (nOutput != -1) {
errors.push_back("Transaction has multiple change outputs");
return Result::WALLET_ERROR;
nOutput = i;
if (nOutput == -1) {
errors.push_back("Transaction does not have a change output");
return Result::WALLET_ERROR;
// Calculate the expected size of the new transaction.
int64_t txSize = GetVirtualTransactionSize(*(wtx.tx));
const int64_t maxNewTxSize = CalculateMaximumSignedTxSize(*wtx.tx, wallet);
if (maxNewTxSize < 0) {
errors.push_back("Transaction contains inputs that cannot be signed");
// calculate the old fee and fee-rate
old_fee = wtx.GetDebit(ISMINE_SPENDABLE) - wtx.tx->GetValueOut();
CFeeRate nOldFeeRate(old_fee, txSize);
// The wallet uses a conservative WALLET_INCREMENTAL_RELAY_FEE value to
// future proof against changes to network wide policy for incremental relay
// fee that our node may not be aware of.
CFeeRate nodeIncrementalRelayFee = wallet->chain().relayIncrementalFee();
CFeeRate walletIncrementalRelayFee = CFeeRate(WALLET_INCREMENTAL_RELAY_FEE);
if (nodeIncrementalRelayFee > walletIncrementalRelayFee) {
walletIncrementalRelayFee = nodeIncrementalRelayFee;
CAmount minTotalFee = nOldFeeRate.GetFee(maxNewTxSize) + nodeIncrementalRelayFee.GetFee(maxNewTxSize);
if (total_fee < minTotalFee) {
errors.push_back(strprintf("Insufficient totalFee, must be at least %s (oldFee %s + incrementalFee %s)",
FormatMoney(minTotalFee), FormatMoney(nOldFeeRate.GetFee(maxNewTxSize)), FormatMoney(nodeIncrementalRelayFee.GetFee(maxNewTxSize))));
CAmount requiredFee = GetRequiredFee(*wallet, maxNewTxSize);
if (total_fee < requiredFee) {
errors.push_back(strprintf("Insufficient totalFee (cannot be less than required fee %s)",
// Check that in all cases the new fee doesn't violate maxTxFee
const CAmount max_tx_fee = wallet->m_default_max_tx_fee;
if (new_fee > max_tx_fee) {
errors.push_back(strprintf("Specified or calculated fee %s is too high (cannot be higher than -maxtxfee %s)",
FormatMoney(new_fee), FormatMoney(max_tx_fee)));
return Result::WALLET_ERROR;
// check that fee rate is higher than mempool's minimum fee
// (no point in bumping fee if we know that the new tx won't be accepted to the mempool)
// This may occur if the user set TotalFee or paytxfee too low, if fallbackfee is too low, or, perhaps,
// in a rare situation where the mempool minimum fee increased significantly since the fee estimation just a
// moment earlier. In this case, we report an error to the user, who may use total_fee to make an adjustment.
CFeeRate minMempoolFeeRate = wallet->chain().mempoolMinFee();
CFeeRate nNewFeeRate = CFeeRate(total_fee, maxNewTxSize);
if (nNewFeeRate.GetFeePerK() < minMempoolFeeRate.GetFeePerK()) {
"New fee rate (%s) is lower than the minimum fee rate (%s) to get into the mempool -- "
"the totalFee value should be at least %s to add transaction",
return Result::WALLET_ERROR;
// Now modify the output to increase the fee.
// If the output is not large enough to pay the fee, fail.
CAmount nDelta = new_fee - old_fee;
assert(nDelta > 0);
mtx = CMutableTransaction{*wtx.tx};
CTxOut* poutput = &(mtx.vout[nOutput]);
if (poutput->nValue < nDelta) {
errors.push_back("Change output is too small to bump the fee");
return Result::WALLET_ERROR;
// If the output would become dust, discard it (converting the dust to fee)
poutput->nValue -= nDelta;
if (poutput->nValue <= GetDustThreshold(*poutput, GetDiscardRate(*wallet))) {
wallet->WalletLogPrintf("Bumping fee and discarding dust output\n");
new_fee += poutput->nValue;
mtx.vout.erase(mtx.vout.begin() + nOutput);
// Mark new tx not replaceable, if requested.
if (!coin_control.m_signal_bip125_rbf.get_value_or(wallet->m_signal_rbf)) {
for (auto& input : mtx.vin) {
if (input.nSequence < 0xfffffffe) input.nSequence = 0xfffffffe;
return Result::OK;
Result CreateRateBumpTransaction(CWallet* wallet, const uint256& txid, const CCoinControl& coin_control, std::vector<std::string>& errors,
CAmount& old_fee, CAmount& new_fee, CMutableTransaction& mtx)
// We are going to modify coin control later, copy to re-use
CCoinControl new_coin_control(coin_control);
auto locked_chain = wallet->chain().lock();
auto it = wallet->mapWallet.find(txid);
if (it == wallet->mapWallet.end()) {
errors.push_back("Invalid or non-wallet transaction id");
const CWalletTx& wtx = it->second;
Result result = PreconditionChecks(*locked_chain, wallet, wtx, errors);
if (result != Result::OK) {
return result;
// Fill in recipients(and preserve a single change key if there is one)
std::vector<CRecipient> recipients;
for (const auto& output : wtx.tx->vout) {
if (!wallet->IsChange(output)) {
CRecipient recipient = {output.scriptPubKey, output.nValue, false};
} else {
CTxDestination change_dest;
ExtractDestination(output.scriptPubKey, change_dest);
new_coin_control.destChange = change_dest;
if (coin_control.m_feerate) {
// The user provided a feeRate argument.
} else {
// The user did not provide a feeRate argument
new_coin_control.m_feerate = EstimateFeeRate(wallet, wtx, new_coin_control, old_fee);
// Fill in required inputs we are double-spending(all of them)
// N.B.: bip125 doesn't require all the inputs in the replaced transaction to be
// used in the replacement transaction, but it's very important for wallets to make
// sure that happens. If not, it would be possible to bump a transaction A twice to
// A2 and A3 where A2 and A3 don't conflict (or alternatively bump A to A2 and A2
// to A3 where A and A3 don't conflict). If both later get confirmed then the sender
// has accidentally double paid.
for (const auto& inputs : wtx.tx->vin) {
new_coin_control.fAllowOtherInputs = true;
// We cannot source new unconfirmed inputs(bip125 rule 2)
new_coin_control.m_min_depth = 1;
CTransactionRef tx_new = MakeTransactionRef();
CAmount fee_ret;
int change_pos_in_out = -1; // No requested location for change
std::string fail_reason;
if (!wallet->CreateTransaction(*locked_chain, recipients, tx_new, fee_ret, change_pos_in_out, fail_reason, new_coin_control, false)) {
errors.push_back("Unable to create transaction: " + fail_reason);
return Result::WALLET_ERROR;
// Write back new fee if successful
new_fee = fee_ret;
// Write back transaction
mtx = CMutableTransaction(*tx_new);
// Mark new tx not replaceable, if requested.
if (!coin_control.m_signal_bip125_rbf.get_value_or(wallet->m_signal_rbf)) {
for (auto& input : mtx.vin) {
if (input.nSequence < 0xfffffffe) input.nSequence = 0xfffffffe;
return Result::OK;
bool SignTransaction(CWallet* wallet, CMutableTransaction& mtx) {
auto locked_chain = wallet->chain().lock();
return wallet->SignTransaction(mtx);
Result CommitTransaction(CWallet* wallet, const uint256& txid, CMutableTransaction&& mtx, std::vector<std::string>& errors, uint256& bumped_txid)
auto locked_chain = wallet->chain().lock();
if (!errors.empty()) {
return Result::MISC_ERROR;
auto it = txid.IsNull() ? wallet->mapWallet.end() : wallet->mapWallet.find(txid);
if (it == wallet->mapWallet.end()) {
errors.push_back("Invalid or non-wallet transaction id");
return Result::MISC_ERROR;
CWalletTx& oldWtx = it->second;
// make sure the transaction still has no descendants and hasn't been mined in the meantime
Result result = PreconditionChecks(*locked_chain, wallet, oldWtx, errors);
if (result != Result::OK) {
return result;
// commit/broadcast the tx
CTransactionRef tx = MakeTransactionRef(std::move(mtx));
mapValue_t mapValue = oldWtx.mapValue;
mapValue["replaces_txid"] = oldWtx.GetHash().ToString();
CValidationState state;
if (!wallet->CommitTransaction(tx, std::move(mapValue), oldWtx.vOrderForm, state)) {
// NOTE: CommitTransaction never returns false, so this should never happen.
errors.push_back(strprintf("The transaction was rejected: %s", FormatStateMessage(state)));
return Result::WALLET_ERROR;
bumped_txid = tx->GetHash();
if (state.IsInvalid()) {
// This can happen if the mempool rejected the transaction. Report
// what happened in the "errors" response.
errors.push_back(strprintf("Error: The transaction was rejected: %s", FormatStateMessage(state)));
// mark the original tx as bumped
if (!wallet->MarkReplaced(oldWtx.GetHash(), bumped_txid)) {
// TODO: see if JSON-RPC has a standard way of returning a response
// along with an exception. It would be good to return information about
// wtxBumped to the caller even if marking the original transaction
// replaced does not succeed for some reason.
errors.push_back("Created new bumpfee transaction but could not mark the original transaction as replaced");
return Result::OK;
} // namespace feebumper