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Replaces the existing tests in the test/lint/lint-filenames.sh and test/lint/lint-shebang.sh linter tests, as well as adding some new and increased testing. Summary of tests: - Checks every file in the repository against an allowed regexp to make sure only lowercase or uppercase alphanumerics (a-zA-Z0-9), underscores (_), hyphens (-), at (@) and dots (.) are used in repository filenames. - Checks only source files (*.cpp, *.h, *.py, *.sh) against a stricter allowed regexp to make sure only lowercase alphanumerics (a-z0-9), underscores (_), hyphens (-) and dots (.) are used in source code filenames. Additionally there is an exception regexp for directories or files which are excepted from matching this regexp (This should replicate the existing test/lint/lint-filenames.sh test) - Checks all files in the repository match an allowed executable or non-executable file permission octal. Additionally checks that for executable files, the file contains a shebang line. - Checks that for executable .py and .sh files, the shebang line used matches an allowable list of shebangs (This should replicate the existing test/lint/lint-shebang.sh test) - Checks every file that contains a shebang line to ensure it has an executable permission Fixes #21729
207 lines
8.5 KiB
Executable file
207 lines
8.5 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2021 The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
This checks that all files in the repository have correct filenames and permissions
import os
import re
import sys
from subprocess import check_output
from typing import Optional, NoReturn
CMD_ALL_FILES = "git ls-files --full-name"
CMD_SOURCE_FILES = 'git ls-files --full-name -- "*.[cC][pP][pP]" "*.[hH]" "*.[pP][yY]" "*.[sS][hH]"'
CMD_SHEBANG_FILES = "git grep --full-name --line-number -I '^#!'"
ALLOWED_FILENAME_REGEXP = "^[a-zA-Z0-9/_.@][a-zA-Z0-9/_.@-]*$"
"py": [b"#!/usr/bin/env python3"],
"sh": [b"#!/usr/bin/env bash", b"#!/bin/sh"],
class FileMeta(object):
def __init__(self, file_path: str):
self.file_path = file_path
def extension(self) -> Optional[str]:
Returns the file extension for a given filename string.
'ci/lint_run_all.sh' -> 'sh'
'ci/retry/retry' -> None
'contrib/devtools/split-debug.sh.in' -> 'in'
return str(os.path.splitext(self.file_path)[1].strip(".") or None)
def full_extension(self) -> Optional[str]:
Returns the full file extension for a given filename string.
'ci/lint_run_all.sh' -> 'sh'
'ci/retry/retry' -> None
'contrib/devtools/split-debug.sh.in' -> 'sh.in'
filename_parts = self.file_path.split(os.extsep, 1)
return filename_parts[1]
except IndexError:
return None
def permissions(self) -> int:
Returns the octal file permission of the file
return int(oct(os.stat(self.file_path).st_mode)[-3:])
def check_all_filenames() -> int:
Checks every file in the repository against an allowed regexp to make sure only lowercase or uppercase
alphanumerics (a-zA-Z0-9), underscores (_), hyphens (-), at (@) and dots (.) are used in repository filenames.
# We avoid using rstrip() to ensure we catch filenames which accidentally include trailing whitespace
filenames = check_output(CMD_ALL_FILES, shell=True).decode("utf8").split("\n")
filenames = [filename for filename in filenames if filename != ""] # removes the trailing empty list element
filename_regex = re.compile(ALLOWED_FILENAME_REGEXP)
failed_tests = 0
for filename in filenames:
if not filename_regex.match(filename):
f"""File "{filename}" does not not match the allowed filename regexp ('{ALLOWED_FILENAME_REGEXP}')."""
failed_tests += 1
return failed_tests
def check_source_filenames() -> int:
Checks only source files (*.cpp, *.h, *.py, *.sh) against a stricter allowed regexp to make sure only lowercase
alphanumerics (a-z0-9), underscores (_), hyphens (-) and dots (.) are used in source code filenames.
Additionally there is an exception regexp for directories or files which are excepted from matching this regexp.
# We avoid using rstrip() to ensure we catch filenames which accidentally include trailing whitespace
filenames = check_output(CMD_SOURCE_FILES, shell=True).decode("utf8").split("\n")
filenames = [filename for filename in filenames if filename != ""] # removes the trailing empty list element
filename_regex = re.compile(ALLOWED_SOURCE_FILENAME_REGEXP)
filename_exception_regex = re.compile(ALLOWED_SOURCE_FILENAME_EXCEPTION_REGEXP)
failed_tests = 0
for filename in filenames:
if not filename_regex.match(filename) and not filename_exception_regex.match(filename):
f"""File "{filename}" does not not match the allowed source filename regexp ('{ALLOWED_SOURCE_FILENAME_REGEXP}'), or the exception regexp ({ALLOWED_SOURCE_FILENAME_EXCEPTION_REGEXP})."""
failed_tests += 1
return failed_tests
def check_all_file_permissions() -> int:
Checks all files in the repository match an allowed executable or non-executable file permission octal.
Additionally checks that for executable files, the file contains a shebang line
filenames = check_output(CMD_ALL_FILES, shell=True).decode("utf8").strip().split("\n")
failed_tests = 0
for filename in filenames:
file_meta = FileMeta(filename)
if file_meta.permissions == ALLOWED_PERMISSION_EXECUTABLES:
shebang = open(filename, "rb").readline().rstrip(b"\n")
# For any file with executable permissions the first line must contain a shebang
if shebang[:2] != b"#!":
f"""File "{filename}" has permission {ALLOWED_PERMISSION_EXECUTABLES} (executable) and is thus expected to contain a shebang '#!'. Add shebang or do "chmod {ALLOWED_PERMISSION_NON_EXECUTABLES} {filename}" to make it non-executable."""
failed_tests += 1
# For certain file extensions that have been defined, we also check that the shebang conforms to a specific
# allowable set of shebangs
if file_meta.extension in ALLOWED_EXECUTABLE_SHEBANG.keys():
if shebang not in ALLOWED_EXECUTABLE_SHEBANG[file_meta.extension]:
f"""File "{filename}" is missing expected shebang """
+ " or ".join(
for x in ALLOWED_EXECUTABLE_SHEBANG[file_meta.extension]
failed_tests += 1
elif file_meta.permissions == ALLOWED_PERMISSION_NON_EXECUTABLES:
f"""File "{filename}" has unexpected permission {file_meta.permissions}. Do "chmod {ALLOWED_PERMISSION_NON_EXECUTABLES} {filename}" (if non-executable) or "chmod {ALLOWED_PERMISSION_EXECUTABLES} {filename}" (if executable)."""
failed_tests += 1
return failed_tests
def check_shebang_file_permissions() -> int:
Checks every file that contains a shebang line to ensure it has an executable permission
filenames = check_output(CMD_SHEBANG_FILES, shell=True).decode("utf8").strip().split("\n")
# The git grep command we use returns files which contain a shebang on any line within the file
# so we need to filter the list to only files with the shebang on the first line
filenames = [filename.split(":1:")[0] for filename in filenames if ":1:" in filename]
failed_tests = 0
for filename in filenames:
file_meta = FileMeta(filename)
if file_meta.permissions != ALLOWED_PERMISSION_EXECUTABLES:
# These file types are typically expected to be sourced and not executed directly
if file_meta.full_extension in ["bash", "init", "openrc", "sh.in"]:
# *.py files which don't contain an `if __name__ == '__main__'` are not expected to be executed directly
if file_meta.extension == "py":
file_data = open(filename, "r", encoding="utf8").read()
if not re.search("""if __name__ == ['"]__main__['"]:""", file_data):
f"""File "{filename}" contains a shebang line, but has the file permission {file_meta.permissions} instead of the expected executable permission {ALLOWED_PERMISSION_EXECUTABLES}. Do "chmod {ALLOWED_PERMISSION_EXECUTABLES} {filename}" (or remove the shebang line)."""
failed_tests += 1
return failed_tests
def main() -> NoReturn:
failed_tests = 0
failed_tests += check_all_filenames()
failed_tests += check_source_filenames()
failed_tests += check_all_file_permissions()
failed_tests += check_shebang_file_permissions()
if failed_tests:
f"ERROR: There were {failed_tests} failed tests in the lint-files.py lint test. Please resolve the above errors."
if __name__ == "__main__":