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// TODO reenable this code when we enable writableStreams and transport types
// // Forked from https://github.com/stardazed/sd-streams/tree/8928cf04b035fd02fb1340b7eb541c76be37e546
// // Copyright (c) 2018-Present by Arthur Langereis - @zenmumbler MIT
// /**
// * streams/writable-stream-default-controller - WritableStreamDefaultController class implementation
// * Part of Stardazed
// * (c) 2018-Present by Arthur Langereis - @zenmumbler
// * https://github.com/stardazed/sd-streams
// */
// /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
// // TODO reenable this lint here
// import * as ws from "./writable-internals.ts";
// import * as shared from "./shared-internals.ts";
// import * as q from "./queue-mixin.ts";
// import { Queue } from "./queue.ts";
// import { QueuingStrategySizeCallback } from "../dom_types.ts";
// export class WritableStreamDefaultController<InputType>
// implements ws.WritableStreamDefaultController<InputType> {
// [ws.abortAlgorithm_]: ws.AbortAlgorithm;
// [ws.closeAlgorithm_]: ws.CloseAlgorithm;
// [ws.controlledWritableStream_]: ws.WritableStream<InputType>;
// [ws.started_]: boolean;
// [ws.strategyHWM_]: number;
// [ws.strategySizeAlgorithm_]: QueuingStrategySizeCallback<InputType>;
// [ws.writeAlgorithm_]: ws.WriteAlgorithm<InputType>;
// [q.queue_]: Queue<q.QueueElement<ws.WriteRecord<InputType> | "close">>;
// [q.queueTotalSize_]: number;
// constructor() {
// throw new TypeError();
// }
// error(e?: shared.ErrorResult): void {
// if (!ws.isWritableStreamDefaultController(this)) {
// throw new TypeError();
// }
// const state = this[ws.controlledWritableStream_][shared.state_];
// if (state !== "writable") {
// return;
// }
// ws.writableStreamDefaultControllerError(this, e);
// }
// [ws.abortSteps_](reason: shared.ErrorResult): Promise<void> {
// const result = this[ws.abortAlgorithm_](reason);
// ws.writableStreamDefaultControllerClearAlgorithms(this);
// return result;
// }
// [ws.errorSteps_](): void {
// q.resetQueue(this);
// }
// }
// export function setUpWritableStreamDefaultControllerFromUnderlyingSink<
// InputType
// >(
// stream: ws.WritableStream<InputType>,
// underlyingSink: ws.WritableStreamSink<InputType>,
// highWaterMark: number,
// sizeAlgorithm: QueuingStrategySizeCallback<InputType>
// ): void {
// // Assert: underlyingSink is not undefined.
// const controller = Object.create(
// WritableStreamDefaultController.prototype
// ) as WritableStreamDefaultController<InputType>;
// const startAlgorithm = function(): any {
// return shared.invokeOrNoop(underlyingSink, "start", [controller]);
// };
// const writeAlgorithm = shared.createAlgorithmFromUnderlyingMethod(
// underlyingSink,
// "write",
// [controller]
// );
// const closeAlgorithm = shared.createAlgorithmFromUnderlyingMethod(
// underlyingSink,
// "close",
// []
// );
// const abortAlgorithm = shared.createAlgorithmFromUnderlyingMethod(
// underlyingSink,
// "abort",
// []
// );
// ws.setUpWritableStreamDefaultController(
// stream,
// controller,
// startAlgorithm,
// writeAlgorithm,
// closeAlgorithm,
// abortAlgorithm,
// highWaterMark,
// sizeAlgorithm
// );
// }