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refactor: Rewrite Inspector implementation (#10725) This commit refactors implementation of inspector. The intention is to be able to move inspector implementation to "deno_core". Following things were done to make that possible: * "runtime/inspector.rs" was split into "runtime/inspector/mod.rs" and "runtime/inspector/server.rs", separating inspector implementation from Websocket server implementation. * "DenoInspector" was renamed to "JsRuntimeInspector" and reference to "server" was removed from the structure, making it independent of Websocket server used to connect to Chrome Devtools. * "WebsocketSession" was renamed to "InspectorSession" and rewritten in such a way that it's not tied to Websockets anymore; instead it accepts a pair of "proxy" channel ends that allow to integrate the session with different "transports". * "InspectorSession" was renamed to "LocalInspectorSession" to better indicate that it's an "in-memory" session and doesn't require Websocket server. It was also rewritten in such a way that it uses "InspectorSession" from previous point instead of reimplementing "v8::inspector::ChannelImpl" trait; this is done by using the "proxy" channels to communicate with the V8 session. Consequently "LocalInspectorSession" is now a frontend to "InspectorSession". This introduces a small inconvenience that awaiting responses for "LocalInspectorSession" requires to concurrently poll worker's event loop. This arises from the fact that "InspectorSession" is now owned by "JsRuntimeInspector", which in turn is owned by "Worker" or "WebWorker". To ease this situation "Worker::with_event_loop" helper method was added, that takes a future and concurrently polls it along with the event loop (using "tokio::select!" macro inside a loop).
2021-05-26 17:47:33 +02:00
// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
use core::convert::Infallible as Never; // Alias for the future `!` type.
use deno_core::error::AnyError;
use deno_core::futures::channel::mpsc;
use deno_core::futures::channel::mpsc::UnboundedReceiver;
use deno_core::futures::channel::mpsc::UnboundedSender;
use deno_core::futures::channel::oneshot;
use deno_core::futures::future;
use deno_core::futures::future::Future;
use deno_core::futures::pin_mut;
use deno_core::futures::prelude::*;
use deno_core::futures::select;
use deno_core::futures::stream::StreamExt;
use deno_core::futures::task::Poll;
use deno_core::serde_json;
use deno_core::serde_json::json;
use deno_core::serde_json::Value;
use deno_core::InspectorSessionProxy;
refactor: Rewrite Inspector implementation (#10725) This commit refactors implementation of inspector. The intention is to be able to move inspector implementation to "deno_core". Following things were done to make that possible: * "runtime/inspector.rs" was split into "runtime/inspector/mod.rs" and "runtime/inspector/server.rs", separating inspector implementation from Websocket server implementation. * "DenoInspector" was renamed to "JsRuntimeInspector" and reference to "server" was removed from the structure, making it independent of Websocket server used to connect to Chrome Devtools. * "WebsocketSession" was renamed to "InspectorSession" and rewritten in such a way that it's not tied to Websockets anymore; instead it accepts a pair of "proxy" channel ends that allow to integrate the session with different "transports". * "InspectorSession" was renamed to "LocalInspectorSession" to better indicate that it's an "in-memory" session and doesn't require Websocket server. It was also rewritten in such a way that it uses "InspectorSession" from previous point instead of reimplementing "v8::inspector::ChannelImpl" trait; this is done by using the "proxy" channels to communicate with the V8 session. Consequently "LocalInspectorSession" is now a frontend to "InspectorSession". This introduces a small inconvenience that awaiting responses for "LocalInspectorSession" requires to concurrently poll worker's event loop. This arises from the fact that "InspectorSession" is now owned by "JsRuntimeInspector", which in turn is owned by "Worker" or "WebWorker". To ease this situation "Worker::with_event_loop" helper method was added, that takes a future and concurrently polls it along with the event loop (using "tokio::select!" macro inside a loop).
2021-05-26 17:47:33 +02:00
use deno_websocket::tokio_tungstenite::tungstenite;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::convert::Infallible;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::process;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::thread;
use uuid::Uuid;
/// Websocket server that is used to proxy connections from
/// devtools to the inspector.
pub struct InspectorServer {
pub host: SocketAddr,
register_inspector_tx: UnboundedSender<InspectorInfo>,
shutdown_server_tx: Option<oneshot::Sender<()>>,
thread_handle: Option<thread::JoinHandle<()>>,
impl InspectorServer {
pub fn new(host: SocketAddr, name: String) -> Self {
let (register_inspector_tx, register_inspector_rx) =
let (shutdown_server_tx, shutdown_server_rx) = oneshot::channel();
let thread_handle = thread::spawn(move || {
let rt = crate::tokio_util::create_basic_runtime();
let local = tokio::task::LocalSet::new();
server(host, register_inspector_rx, shutdown_server_rx, name),
Self {
shutdown_server_tx: Some(shutdown_server_tx),
thread_handle: Some(thread_handle),
pub fn register_inspector(
session_sender: UnboundedSender<InspectorSessionProxy>,
refactor: Rewrite Inspector implementation (#10725) This commit refactors implementation of inspector. The intention is to be able to move inspector implementation to "deno_core". Following things were done to make that possible: * "runtime/inspector.rs" was split into "runtime/inspector/mod.rs" and "runtime/inspector/server.rs", separating inspector implementation from Websocket server implementation. * "DenoInspector" was renamed to "JsRuntimeInspector" and reference to "server" was removed from the structure, making it independent of Websocket server used to connect to Chrome Devtools. * "WebsocketSession" was renamed to "InspectorSession" and rewritten in such a way that it's not tied to Websockets anymore; instead it accepts a pair of "proxy" channel ends that allow to integrate the session with different "transports". * "InspectorSession" was renamed to "LocalInspectorSession" to better indicate that it's an "in-memory" session and doesn't require Websocket server. It was also rewritten in such a way that it uses "InspectorSession" from previous point instead of reimplementing "v8::inspector::ChannelImpl" trait; this is done by using the "proxy" channels to communicate with the V8 session. Consequently "LocalInspectorSession" is now a frontend to "InspectorSession". This introduces a small inconvenience that awaiting responses for "LocalInspectorSession" requires to concurrently poll worker's event loop. This arises from the fact that "InspectorSession" is now owned by "JsRuntimeInspector", which in turn is owned by "Worker" or "WebWorker". To ease this situation "Worker::with_event_loop" helper method was added, that takes a future and concurrently polls it along with the event loop (using "tokio::select!" macro inside a loop).
2021-05-26 17:47:33 +02:00
deregister_rx: oneshot::Receiver<()>,
) {
let info = InspectorInfo::new(self.host, session_sender, deregister_rx);
impl Drop for InspectorServer {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some(shutdown_server_tx) = self.shutdown_server_tx.take() {
.expect("unable to send shutdown signal");
if let Some(thread_handle) = self.thread_handle.take() {
thread_handle.join().expect("unable to join thread");
// Needed so hyper can use non Send futures
struct LocalExecutor;
impl<Fut> hyper::rt::Executor<Fut> for LocalExecutor
Fut: Future + 'static,
Fut::Output: 'static,
fn execute(&self, fut: Fut) {
fn handle_ws_request(
req: http::Request<hyper::Body>,
inspector_map: Rc<RefCell<HashMap<Uuid, InspectorInfo>>>,
) -> http::Result<http::Response<hyper::Body>> {
let (parts, body) = req.into_parts();
let req = http::Request::from_parts(parts, ());
if let Some(new_session_tx) = req
.and_then(|s| Uuid::parse_str(s).ok())
.and_then(|uuid| {
.map(|info| info.new_session_tx.clone())
let resp = tungstenite::handshake::server::create_response(&req)
.map(|resp| resp.map(|_| hyper::Body::empty()))
.or_else(|e| match e {
tungstenite::error::Error::HttpFormat(http_error) => Err(http_error),
_ => http::Response::builder()
.body("Not a valid Websocket Request".into()),
let (parts, _) = req.into_parts();
let req = http::Request::from_parts(parts, body);
if resp.is_ok() {
tokio::task::spawn_local(async move {
let upgraded = hyper::upgrade::on(req).await.unwrap();
let websocket =
let (proxy, pump) = create_websocket_proxy(websocket);
eprintln!("Debugger session started.");
let _ = new_session_tx.unbounded_send(proxy);
} else {
.body("No Valid inspector".into())
fn handle_json_request(
inspector_map: Rc<RefCell<HashMap<Uuid, InspectorInfo>>>,
) -> http::Result<http::Response<hyper::Body>> {
let data = inspector_map
.map(|info| info.get_json_metadata())
.header(http::header::CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json")
fn handle_json_version_request(
version_response: Value,
) -> http::Result<http::Response<hyper::Body>> {
.header(http::header::CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json")
async fn server(
host: SocketAddr,
register_inspector_rx: UnboundedReceiver<InspectorInfo>,
shutdown_server_rx: oneshot::Receiver<()>,
name: String,
) {
let inspector_map_ =
Rc::new(RefCell::new(HashMap::<Uuid, InspectorInfo>::new()));
let inspector_map = Rc::clone(&inspector_map_);
let register_inspector_handler = register_inspector_rx
.map(|info| {
"Debugger listening on {}",
if inspector_map.borrow_mut().insert(info.uuid, info).is_some() {
panic!("Inspector UUID already in map");
let inspector_map = Rc::clone(&inspector_map_);
let deregister_inspector_handler = future::poll_fn(|cx| {
.retain(|_, info| info.deregister_rx.poll_unpin(cx) == Poll::Pending);
let json_version_response = json!({
"Browser": name,
"Protocol-Version": "1.3",
"V8-Version": deno_core::v8_version(),
let make_svc = hyper::service::make_service_fn(|_| {
let inspector_map = Rc::clone(&inspector_map_);
let json_version_response = json_version_response.clone();
future::ok::<_, Infallible>(hyper::service::service_fn(
move |req: http::Request<hyper::Body>| {
match (req.method(), req.uri().path()) {
(&http::Method::GET, path) if path.starts_with("/ws/") => {
handle_ws_request(req, inspector_map.clone())
(&http::Method::GET, "/json/version") => {
(&http::Method::GET, "/json") => {
(&http::Method::GET, "/json/list") => {
_ => http::Response::builder()
.body("Not Found".into()),
// Create the server manually so it can use the Local Executor
let server_handler = hyper::server::Builder::new(
hyper::server::conn::AddrIncoming::bind(&host).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
eprintln!("Cannot start inspector server: {}.", e);
.with_graceful_shutdown(async {
.unwrap_or_else(|err| {
eprintln!("Cannot start inspector server: {}.", err);
select! {
_ = register_inspector_handler => {},
_ = deregister_inspector_handler => unreachable!(),
_ = server_handler => {},
/// Creates a future that proxies messages sent and received on a warp WebSocket
/// to a UnboundedSender/UnboundedReceiver pair. We need this to sidestep
/// Tokio's task budget, which causes issues when JsRuntimeInspector::poll_sessions()
/// needs to block the thread because JavaScript execution is paused.
/// This works because UnboundedSender/UnboundedReceiver are implemented in the
/// 'futures' crate, therefore they can't participate in Tokio's cooperative
/// task yielding.
/// A tuple is returned, where the first element is a duplex channel that can
/// be used to send/receive messages on the websocket, and the second element
/// is a future that does the forwarding.
fn create_websocket_proxy(
websocket: deno_websocket::tokio_tungstenite::WebSocketStream<
) -> (InspectorSessionProxy, impl Future<Output = ()> + Send) {
refactor: Rewrite Inspector implementation (#10725) This commit refactors implementation of inspector. The intention is to be able to move inspector implementation to "deno_core". Following things were done to make that possible: * "runtime/inspector.rs" was split into "runtime/inspector/mod.rs" and "runtime/inspector/server.rs", separating inspector implementation from Websocket server implementation. * "DenoInspector" was renamed to "JsRuntimeInspector" and reference to "server" was removed from the structure, making it independent of Websocket server used to connect to Chrome Devtools. * "WebsocketSession" was renamed to "InspectorSession" and rewritten in such a way that it's not tied to Websockets anymore; instead it accepts a pair of "proxy" channel ends that allow to integrate the session with different "transports". * "InspectorSession" was renamed to "LocalInspectorSession" to better indicate that it's an "in-memory" session and doesn't require Websocket server. It was also rewritten in such a way that it uses "InspectorSession" from previous point instead of reimplementing "v8::inspector::ChannelImpl" trait; this is done by using the "proxy" channels to communicate with the V8 session. Consequently "LocalInspectorSession" is now a frontend to "InspectorSession". This introduces a small inconvenience that awaiting responses for "LocalInspectorSession" requires to concurrently poll worker's event loop. This arises from the fact that "InspectorSession" is now owned by "JsRuntimeInspector", which in turn is owned by "Worker" or "WebWorker". To ease this situation "Worker::with_event_loop" helper method was added, that takes a future and concurrently polls it along with the event loop (using "tokio::select!" macro inside a loop).
2021-05-26 17:47:33 +02:00
// The 'outbound' channel carries messages sent to the websocket.
let (outbound_tx, outbound_rx) = mpsc::unbounded();
// The 'inbound' channel carries messages received from the websocket.
let (inbound_tx, inbound_rx) = mpsc::unbounded();
let proxy = InspectorSessionProxy {
refactor: Rewrite Inspector implementation (#10725) This commit refactors implementation of inspector. The intention is to be able to move inspector implementation to "deno_core". Following things were done to make that possible: * "runtime/inspector.rs" was split into "runtime/inspector/mod.rs" and "runtime/inspector/server.rs", separating inspector implementation from Websocket server implementation. * "DenoInspector" was renamed to "JsRuntimeInspector" and reference to "server" was removed from the structure, making it independent of Websocket server used to connect to Chrome Devtools. * "WebsocketSession" was renamed to "InspectorSession" and rewritten in such a way that it's not tied to Websockets anymore; instead it accepts a pair of "proxy" channel ends that allow to integrate the session with different "transports". * "InspectorSession" was renamed to "LocalInspectorSession" to better indicate that it's an "in-memory" session and doesn't require Websocket server. It was also rewritten in such a way that it uses "InspectorSession" from previous point instead of reimplementing "v8::inspector::ChannelImpl" trait; this is done by using the "proxy" channels to communicate with the V8 session. Consequently "LocalInspectorSession" is now a frontend to "InspectorSession". This introduces a small inconvenience that awaiting responses for "LocalInspectorSession" requires to concurrently poll worker's event loop. This arises from the fact that "InspectorSession" is now owned by "JsRuntimeInspector", which in turn is owned by "Worker" or "WebWorker". To ease this situation "Worker::with_event_loop" helper method was added, that takes a future and concurrently polls it along with the event loop (using "tokio::select!" macro inside a loop).
2021-05-26 17:47:33 +02:00
tx: outbound_tx,
rx: inbound_rx,
// The pump future takes care of forwarding messages between the websocket
// and channels. It resolves to () when either side disconnects, ignoring any
// errors.
let pump = async move {
let (websocket_tx, websocket_rx) = websocket.split();
let outbound_pump = outbound_rx
.map(|(_maybe_call_id, msg)| tungstenite::Message::text(msg))
.map_err(|_| ());
let inbound_pump = websocket_rx
.map(|result| {
let result = result.map(|msg| msg.into_data()).map_err(AnyError::from);
.map_err(|_| ())
let _ = future::try_join(outbound_pump, inbound_pump).await;
(proxy, pump)
/// Inspector information that is sent from the isolate thread to the server
/// thread when a new inspector is created.
pub struct InspectorInfo {
pub host: SocketAddr,
pub uuid: Uuid,
pub thread_name: Option<String>,
pub new_session_tx: UnboundedSender<InspectorSessionProxy>,
refactor: Rewrite Inspector implementation (#10725) This commit refactors implementation of inspector. The intention is to be able to move inspector implementation to "deno_core". Following things were done to make that possible: * "runtime/inspector.rs" was split into "runtime/inspector/mod.rs" and "runtime/inspector/server.rs", separating inspector implementation from Websocket server implementation. * "DenoInspector" was renamed to "JsRuntimeInspector" and reference to "server" was removed from the structure, making it independent of Websocket server used to connect to Chrome Devtools. * "WebsocketSession" was renamed to "InspectorSession" and rewritten in such a way that it's not tied to Websockets anymore; instead it accepts a pair of "proxy" channel ends that allow to integrate the session with different "transports". * "InspectorSession" was renamed to "LocalInspectorSession" to better indicate that it's an "in-memory" session and doesn't require Websocket server. It was also rewritten in such a way that it uses "InspectorSession" from previous point instead of reimplementing "v8::inspector::ChannelImpl" trait; this is done by using the "proxy" channels to communicate with the V8 session. Consequently "LocalInspectorSession" is now a frontend to "InspectorSession". This introduces a small inconvenience that awaiting responses for "LocalInspectorSession" requires to concurrently poll worker's event loop. This arises from the fact that "InspectorSession" is now owned by "JsRuntimeInspector", which in turn is owned by "Worker" or "WebWorker". To ease this situation "Worker::with_event_loop" helper method was added, that takes a future and concurrently polls it along with the event loop (using "tokio::select!" macro inside a loop).
2021-05-26 17:47:33 +02:00
pub deregister_rx: oneshot::Receiver<()>,
impl InspectorInfo {
pub fn new(
host: SocketAddr,
new_session_tx: mpsc::UnboundedSender<InspectorSessionProxy>,
refactor: Rewrite Inspector implementation (#10725) This commit refactors implementation of inspector. The intention is to be able to move inspector implementation to "deno_core". Following things were done to make that possible: * "runtime/inspector.rs" was split into "runtime/inspector/mod.rs" and "runtime/inspector/server.rs", separating inspector implementation from Websocket server implementation. * "DenoInspector" was renamed to "JsRuntimeInspector" and reference to "server" was removed from the structure, making it independent of Websocket server used to connect to Chrome Devtools. * "WebsocketSession" was renamed to "InspectorSession" and rewritten in such a way that it's not tied to Websockets anymore; instead it accepts a pair of "proxy" channel ends that allow to integrate the session with different "transports". * "InspectorSession" was renamed to "LocalInspectorSession" to better indicate that it's an "in-memory" session and doesn't require Websocket server. It was also rewritten in such a way that it uses "InspectorSession" from previous point instead of reimplementing "v8::inspector::ChannelImpl" trait; this is done by using the "proxy" channels to communicate with the V8 session. Consequently "LocalInspectorSession" is now a frontend to "InspectorSession". This introduces a small inconvenience that awaiting responses for "LocalInspectorSession" requires to concurrently poll worker's event loop. This arises from the fact that "InspectorSession" is now owned by "JsRuntimeInspector", which in turn is owned by "Worker" or "WebWorker". To ease this situation "Worker::with_event_loop" helper method was added, that takes a future and concurrently polls it along with the event loop (using "tokio::select!" macro inside a loop).
2021-05-26 17:47:33 +02:00
deregister_rx: oneshot::Receiver<()>,
) -> Self {
Self {
uuid: Uuid::new_v4(),
thread_name: thread::current().name().map(|n| n.to_owned()),
fn get_json_metadata(&self) -> Value {
"description": "deno",
"devtoolsFrontendUrl": self.get_frontend_url(),
"faviconUrl": "https://deno.land/favicon.ico",
"id": self.uuid.to_string(),
"title": self.get_title(),
"type": "node",
// TODO(ry): "url": "file://",
"webSocketDebuggerUrl": self.get_websocket_debugger_url(),
pub fn get_websocket_debugger_url(&self) -> String {
format!("ws://{}/ws/{}", &self.host, &self.uuid)
fn get_frontend_url(&self) -> String {
&self.host, &self.uuid
fn get_title(&self) -> String {
"[{}] deno{}",
.map(|n| format!(" - {}", n))