2025-02-21 16:00:29 -05:00
// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license.
use std ::collections ::HashMap ;
use std ::collections ::HashSet ;
use std ::collections ::VecDeque ;
use std ::rc ::Rc ;
use std ::sync ::Arc ;
use deno_ast ::MediaType ;
use deno_ast ::ModuleSpecifier ;
use deno_config ::deno_json ;
use deno_config ::deno_json ::CompilerOptionTypesDeserializeError ;
use deno_config ::workspace ::WorkspaceDirectory ;
use deno_core ::url ::Url ;
use deno_error ::JsErrorBox ;
use deno_graph ::Module ;
use deno_graph ::ModuleGraph ;
use deno_lib ::util ::hash ::FastInsecureHasher ;
use deno_semver ::npm ::NpmPackageNvReference ;
use deno_terminal ::colors ;
use indexmap ::IndexMap ;
use once_cell ::sync ::Lazy ;
use regex ::Regex ;
use crate ::args ::deno_json ::TsConfigResolver ;
use crate ::args ::CliOptions ;
use crate ::args ::DenoSubcommand ;
use crate ::args ::TsConfig ;
use crate ::args ::TsTypeLib ;
use crate ::args ::TypeCheckMode ;
use crate ::cache ::CacheDBHash ;
use crate ::cache ::Caches ;
use crate ::cache ::TypeCheckCache ;
use crate ::graph_util ::maybe_additional_sloppy_imports_message ;
use crate ::graph_util ::module_error_for_tsc_diagnostic ;
use crate ::graph_util ::resolution_error_for_tsc_diagnostic ;
use crate ::graph_util ::BuildFastCheckGraphOptions ;
use crate ::graph_util ::ModuleGraphBuilder ;
use crate ::node ::CliNodeResolver ;
use crate ::npm ::installer ::NpmInstaller ;
use crate ::npm ::CliNpmResolver ;
use crate ::sys ::CliSys ;
use crate ::tsc ;
use crate ::tsc ::Diagnostics ;
use crate ::tsc ::TypeCheckingCjsTracker ;
use crate ::util ::path ::to_percent_decoded_str ;
#[ derive(Debug, thiserror::Error, deno_error::JsError) ]
#[ class(type) ]
#[ error( " Type checking failed.{} " , if self.can_skip {
color_print ::cstr! (
" \n \n <y>info:</y> The program failed type-checking, but it still might work correctly. \n <c>hint:</c> Re-run with <u>--no-check</u> to skip type-checking. " ,
} else {
" "
} ) ]
pub struct FailedTypeCheckingError {
can_skip : bool ,
#[ derive(Debug, thiserror::Error, deno_error::JsError) ]
pub enum CheckError {
#[ class(inherit) ]
#[ error(transparent) ]
FailedTypeChecking ( #[ from ] FailedTypeCheckingError ) ,
#[ class(inherit) ]
#[ error(transparent) ]
ToMaybeJsxImportSourceConfig (
#[ from ] deno_config ::workspace ::ToMaybeJsxImportSourceConfigError ,
) ,
#[ class(inherit) ]
#[ error(transparent) ]
TscExec ( #[ from ] tsc ::ExecError ) ,
#[ class(inherit) ]
#[ error(transparent) ]
CompilerOptionTypesDeserialize ( #[ from ] CompilerOptionTypesDeserializeError ) ,
#[ class(inherit) ]
#[ error(transparent) ]
CompilerOptionsParse ( #[ from ] deno_json ::CompilerOptionsParseError ) ,
#[ class(inherit) ]
#[ error(transparent) ]
Other ( #[ from ] JsErrorBox ) ,
/// Options for performing a check of a module graph. Note that the decision to
/// emit or not is determined by the `ts_config` settings.
pub struct CheckOptions {
/// Whether to build the fast check type graph if necessary.
/// Note: For perf reasons, the fast check type graph is only
/// built if type checking is necessary.
pub build_fast_check_graph : bool ,
/// Default type library to type check with.
pub lib : TsTypeLib ,
/// If true, valid `.tsbuildinfo` files will be ignored and type checking
/// will always occur.
pub reload : bool ,
/// Mode to type check with.
pub type_check_mode : TypeCheckMode ,
pub struct TypeChecker {
caches : Arc < Caches > ,
cjs_tracker : Arc < TypeCheckingCjsTracker > ,
cli_options : Arc < CliOptions > ,
module_graph_builder : Arc < ModuleGraphBuilder > ,
npm_installer : Option < Arc < NpmInstaller > > ,
node_resolver : Arc < CliNodeResolver > ,
npm_resolver : CliNpmResolver ,
sys : CliSys ,
tsconfig_resolver : Arc < TsConfigResolver > ,
code_cache : Option < Arc < crate ::cache ::CodeCache > > ,
impl TypeChecker {
#[ allow(clippy::too_many_arguments) ]
pub fn new (
caches : Arc < Caches > ,
cjs_tracker : Arc < TypeCheckingCjsTracker > ,
cli_options : Arc < CliOptions > ,
module_graph_builder : Arc < ModuleGraphBuilder > ,
node_resolver : Arc < CliNodeResolver > ,
npm_installer : Option < Arc < NpmInstaller > > ,
npm_resolver : CliNpmResolver ,
sys : CliSys ,
tsconfig_resolver : Arc < TsConfigResolver > ,
code_cache : Option < Arc < crate ::cache ::CodeCache > > ,
) -> Self {
Self {
caches ,
cjs_tracker ,
cli_options ,
module_graph_builder ,
node_resolver ,
npm_installer ,
npm_resolver ,
sys ,
tsconfig_resolver ,
code_cache ,
/// Type check the module graph.
/// It is expected that it is determined if a check and/or emit is validated
/// before the function is called.
pub async fn check (
& self ,
graph : ModuleGraph ,
options : CheckOptions ,
) -> Result < Arc < ModuleGraph > , CheckError > {
let mut diagnostics = self . check_diagnostics ( graph , options ) . await ? ;
let mut failed = false ;
for result in diagnostics . by_ref ( ) {
let mut diagnostics = result ? ;
diagnostics . emit_warnings ( ) ;
if diagnostics . has_diagnostic ( ) {
failed = true ;
log ::error! ( " {} \n " , diagnostics ) ;
if failed {
Err (
FailedTypeCheckingError {
can_skip : ! matches! (
self . cli_options . sub_command ( ) ,
DenoSubcommand ::Check ( _ )
) ,
. into ( ) ,
} else {
Ok ( diagnostics . into_graph ( ) )
/// Type check the module graph returning its diagnostics.
/// It is expected that it is determined if a check and/or emit is validated
/// before the function is called.
pub async fn check_diagnostics (
& self ,
mut graph : ModuleGraph ,
options : CheckOptions ,
) -> Result < DiagnosticsByFolderIterator , CheckError > {
fn check_state_hash ( resolver : & CliNpmResolver ) -> Option < u64 > {
match resolver {
CliNpmResolver ::Byonm ( _ ) = > {
// not feasible and probably slower to compute
CliNpmResolver ::Managed ( resolver ) = > {
// we should probably go further and check all the individual npm packages
let mut package_reqs = resolver . resolution ( ) . package_reqs ( ) ;
package_reqs . sort_by ( | a , b | a . 0. cmp ( & b . 0 ) ) ; // determinism
let mut hasher = FastInsecureHasher ::new_without_deno_version ( ) ;
// ensure the cache gets busted when turning nodeModulesDir on or off
// as this could cause changes in resolution
hasher . write_hashable ( resolver . root_node_modules_path ( ) . is_some ( ) ) ;
for ( pkg_req , pkg_nv ) in package_reqs {
hasher . write_hashable ( & pkg_req ) ;
hasher . write_hashable ( & pkg_nv ) ;
Some ( hasher . finish ( ) )
if ! options . type_check_mode . is_true ( ) | | graph . roots . is_empty ( ) {
return Ok ( DiagnosticsByFolderIterator (
DiagnosticsByFolderIteratorInner ::Empty ( Arc ::new ( graph ) ) ,
) ) ;
// node built-in specifiers use the @types/node package to determine
// types, so inject that now (the caller should do this after the lockfile
// has been written)
if let Some ( npm_installer ) = & self . npm_installer {
if graph . has_node_specifier {
npm_installer . inject_synthetic_types_node_package ( ) . await ? ;
log ::debug! ( " Type checking " ) ;
// add fast check to the graph before getting the roots
if options . build_fast_check_graph {
self . module_graph_builder . build_fast_check_graph (
& mut graph ,
BuildFastCheckGraphOptions {
workspace_fast_check : deno_graph ::WorkspaceFastCheckOption ::Disabled ,
} ,
) ? ;
let graph = Arc ::new ( graph ) ;
// split the roots by what we can send to the ts compiler all at once
let grouped_roots =
self . group_roots_by_compiler_options ( & graph , options . lib ) ? ;
Ok ( DiagnosticsByFolderIterator (
DiagnosticsByFolderIteratorInner ::Real ( DiagnosticsByFolderRealIterator {
graph ,
sys : & self . sys ,
cjs_tracker : & self . cjs_tracker ,
node_resolver : & self . node_resolver ,
npm_resolver : & self . npm_resolver ,
tsconfig_resolver : & self . tsconfig_resolver ,
log_level : self . cli_options . log_level ( ) ,
npm_check_state_hash : check_state_hash ( & self . npm_resolver ) ,
type_check_cache : TypeCheckCache ::new (
self . caches . type_checking_cache_db ( ) ,
) ,
grouped_roots ,
options ,
seen_diagnotics : Default ::default ( ) ,
code_cache : self . code_cache . clone ( ) ,
} ) ,
) )
/// Groups the roots based on the compiler options, which includes the
/// resolved TsConfig and resolved compilerOptions.types
fn group_roots_by_compiler_options < ' a > (
& ' a self ,
graph : & ModuleGraph ,
lib : TsTypeLib ,
) -> Result < IndexMap < CheckGroupKey < ' a > , CheckGroupInfo > , CheckError > {
let mut imports_for_specifier : HashMap < Arc < Url > , Rc < Vec < Url > > > =
HashMap ::with_capacity ( self . tsconfig_resolver . folder_count ( ) ) ;
let mut roots_by_config : IndexMap < _ , CheckGroupInfo > =
IndexMap ::with_capacity ( self . tsconfig_resolver . folder_count ( ) ) ;
for root in & graph . roots {
let folder = self . tsconfig_resolver . folder_for_specifier ( root ) ;
let imports =
match imports_for_specifier . entry ( folder . dir . dir_url ( ) . clone ( ) ) {
std ::collections ::hash_map ::Entry ::Occupied ( entry ) = > {
entry . get ( ) . clone ( )
std ::collections ::hash_map ::Entry ::Vacant ( vacant_entry ) = > {
let value = Rc ::new ( resolve_graph_imports_for_workspace_dir (
graph ,
& folder . dir ,
) ) ;
vacant_entry . insert ( value . clone ( ) ) ;
} ;
let tsconfig = folder . lib_tsconfig ( lib ) ? ;
let key = CheckGroupKey {
ts_config : tsconfig ,
imports ,
} ;
let entry = roots_by_config . entry ( key ) ;
let entry = match entry {
indexmap ::map ::Entry ::Occupied ( entry ) = > entry . into_mut ( ) ,
indexmap ::map ::Entry ::Vacant ( entry ) = > entry . insert ( CheckGroupInfo {
roots : Default ::default ( ) ,
// this is slightly hacky. It's used as the referrer for resolving
// npm imports in the key
referrer : folder
. dir
. maybe_deno_json ( )
. map ( | d | d . specifier . clone ( ) )
. unwrap_or_else ( | | folder . dir . dir_url ( ) . as_ref ( ) . clone ( ) ) ,
} ) ,
} ;
entry . roots . push ( root . clone ( ) ) ;
Ok ( roots_by_config )
fn resolve_graph_imports_for_workspace_dir (
graph : & ModuleGraph ,
dir : & WorkspaceDirectory ,
) -> Vec < Url > {
fn resolve_graph_imports_for_referrer < ' a > (
graph : & ' a ModuleGraph ,
referrer : & ' a Url ,
) -> Option < impl Iterator < Item = Url > + ' a > {
let imports = graph . imports . get ( referrer ) ? ;
Some (
. dependencies
. values ( )
. filter_map ( | dep | dep . get_type ( ) . or_else ( | | dep . get_code ( ) ) )
. map ( | url | graph . resolve ( url ) )
. cloned ( ) ,
let root_deno_json = dir . workspace . root_deno_json ( ) ;
let member_deno_json = dir . maybe_deno_json ( ) . filter ( | c | {
Some ( & c . specifier ) ! = root_deno_json . as_ref ( ) . map ( | c | & c . specifier )
} ) ;
let mut specifiers = root_deno_json
. map ( | c | resolve_graph_imports_for_referrer ( graph , & c . specifier ) )
. into_iter ( )
. flatten ( )
. flatten ( )
. chain (
. map ( | c | resolve_graph_imports_for_referrer ( graph , & c . specifier ) )
. into_iter ( )
. flatten ( )
. flatten ( ) ,
. collect ::< Vec < _ > > ( ) ;
specifiers . sort ( ) ;
/// Key to use to group roots together by config.
#[ derive(Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq) ]
struct CheckGroupKey < ' a > {
ts_config : & ' a Arc < TsConfig > ,
imports : Rc < Vec < Url > > ,
struct CheckGroupInfo {
roots : Vec < Url > ,
referrer : Url ,
pub struct DiagnosticsByFolderIterator < ' a > (
DiagnosticsByFolderIteratorInner < ' a > ,
) ;
chore: update to rust 1.85 (#28236)
Updates to use rust 1.85. Doesn't move to the 2024 edition, as that's a
fair bit more involved.
A nice side benefit is that the new rustc version seems to lead to a
slight reduction in binary size (at least on mac):
+4.3% +102Ki __DATA_CONST,__const
[NEW] +69.3Ki __TEXT,__literals
[NEW] +68.5Ki Rebase Info
+5.0% +39.9Ki __TEXT,__unwind_info
+57% +8.85Ki [__TEXT]
[NEW] +8.59Ki Lazy Binding Info
[NEW] +5.16Ki __TEXT,__stub_helper
[NEW] +3.58Ki Export Info
[NEW] +3.42Ki __DATA,__la_symbol_ptr
-0.1% -726 [12 Others]
-21.4% -3.10Ki [__DATA_CONST]
-95.8% -3.39Ki __DATA_CONST,__got
-20.9% -3.43Ki [__DATA]
-0.5% -4.52Ki Code Signature
-100.0% -11.6Ki [__LINKEDIT]
-1.0% -43.5Ki Symbol Table
-1.6% -44.0Ki __TEXT,__gcc_except_tab
-0.2% -48.1Ki __TEXT,__const
-3.3% -78.6Ki __TEXT,__eh_frame
-0.7% -320Ki __TEXT,__text
-1.5% -334Ki String Table
-0.5% -586Ki TOTAL
2025-02-25 08:50:01 -08:00
impl DiagnosticsByFolderIterator < '_ > {
2025-02-21 16:00:29 -05:00
pub fn into_graph ( self ) -> Arc < ModuleGraph > {
match self . 0 {
DiagnosticsByFolderIteratorInner ::Empty ( module_graph ) = > module_graph ,
DiagnosticsByFolderIteratorInner ::Real ( r ) = > r . graph ,
chore: update to rust 1.85 (#28236)
Updates to use rust 1.85. Doesn't move to the 2024 edition, as that's a
fair bit more involved.
A nice side benefit is that the new rustc version seems to lead to a
slight reduction in binary size (at least on mac):
+4.3% +102Ki __DATA_CONST,__const
[NEW] +69.3Ki __TEXT,__literals
[NEW] +68.5Ki Rebase Info
+5.0% +39.9Ki __TEXT,__unwind_info
+57% +8.85Ki [__TEXT]
[NEW] +8.59Ki Lazy Binding Info
[NEW] +5.16Ki __TEXT,__stub_helper
[NEW] +3.58Ki Export Info
[NEW] +3.42Ki __DATA,__la_symbol_ptr
-0.1% -726 [12 Others]
-21.4% -3.10Ki [__DATA_CONST]
-95.8% -3.39Ki __DATA_CONST,__got
-20.9% -3.43Ki [__DATA]
-0.5% -4.52Ki Code Signature
-100.0% -11.6Ki [__LINKEDIT]
-1.0% -43.5Ki Symbol Table
-1.6% -44.0Ki __TEXT,__gcc_except_tab
-0.2% -48.1Ki __TEXT,__const
-3.3% -78.6Ki __TEXT,__eh_frame
-0.7% -320Ki __TEXT,__text
-1.5% -334Ki String Table
-0.5% -586Ki TOTAL
2025-02-25 08:50:01 -08:00
impl Iterator for DiagnosticsByFolderIterator < '_ > {
2025-02-21 16:00:29 -05:00
type Item = Result < Diagnostics , CheckError > ;
fn next ( & mut self ) -> Option < Self ::Item > {
match & mut self . 0 {
DiagnosticsByFolderIteratorInner ::Empty ( _ ) = > None ,
DiagnosticsByFolderIteratorInner ::Real ( r ) = > r . next ( ) ,
enum DiagnosticsByFolderIteratorInner < ' a > {
Empty ( Arc < ModuleGraph > ) ,
Real ( DiagnosticsByFolderRealIterator < ' a > ) ,
struct DiagnosticsByFolderRealIterator < ' a > {
graph : Arc < ModuleGraph > ,
sys : & ' a CliSys ,
cjs_tracker : & ' a Arc < TypeCheckingCjsTracker > ,
node_resolver : & ' a Arc < CliNodeResolver > ,
npm_resolver : & ' a CliNpmResolver ,
tsconfig_resolver : & ' a TsConfigResolver ,
type_check_cache : TypeCheckCache ,
grouped_roots : IndexMap < CheckGroupKey < ' a > , CheckGroupInfo > ,
log_level : Option < log ::Level > ,
npm_check_state_hash : Option < u64 > ,
seen_diagnotics : HashSet < String > ,
options : CheckOptions ,
code_cache : Option < Arc < crate ::cache ::CodeCache > > ,
chore: update to rust 1.85 (#28236)
Updates to use rust 1.85. Doesn't move to the 2024 edition, as that's a
fair bit more involved.
A nice side benefit is that the new rustc version seems to lead to a
slight reduction in binary size (at least on mac):
+4.3% +102Ki __DATA_CONST,__const
[NEW] +69.3Ki __TEXT,__literals
[NEW] +68.5Ki Rebase Info
+5.0% +39.9Ki __TEXT,__unwind_info
+57% +8.85Ki [__TEXT]
[NEW] +8.59Ki Lazy Binding Info
[NEW] +5.16Ki __TEXT,__stub_helper
[NEW] +3.58Ki Export Info
[NEW] +3.42Ki __DATA,__la_symbol_ptr
-0.1% -726 [12 Others]
-21.4% -3.10Ki [__DATA_CONST]
-95.8% -3.39Ki __DATA_CONST,__got
-20.9% -3.43Ki [__DATA]
-0.5% -4.52Ki Code Signature
-100.0% -11.6Ki [__LINKEDIT]
-1.0% -43.5Ki Symbol Table
-1.6% -44.0Ki __TEXT,__gcc_except_tab
-0.2% -48.1Ki __TEXT,__const
-3.3% -78.6Ki __TEXT,__eh_frame
-0.7% -320Ki __TEXT,__text
-1.5% -334Ki String Table
-0.5% -586Ki TOTAL
2025-02-25 08:50:01 -08:00
impl Iterator for DiagnosticsByFolderRealIterator < '_ > {
2025-02-21 16:00:29 -05:00
type Item = Result < Diagnostics , CheckError > ;
fn next ( & mut self ) -> Option < Self ::Item > {
let ( group_key , group_info ) = self . grouped_roots . shift_remove_index ( 0 ) ? ;
let mut result = self . check_diagnostics_in_folder ( & group_key , group_info ) ;
if let Ok ( diagnostics ) = & mut result {
diagnostics . retain ( | d | {
if let ( Some ( file_name ) , Some ( start ) ) = ( & d . file_name , & d . start ) {
let data = format! (
" {}{}:{}:{}{} " ,
d . code ,
file_name ,
start . line ,
start . character ,
d . message_text . as_deref ( ) . unwrap_or_default ( )
) ;
self . seen_diagnotics . insert ( data )
} else {
// show these for each type of config
} ) ;
Some ( result )
impl < ' a > DiagnosticsByFolderRealIterator < ' a > {
#[ allow(clippy::too_many_arguments) ]
fn check_diagnostics_in_folder (
& self ,
group_key : & ' a CheckGroupKey < ' a > ,
group_info : CheckGroupInfo ,
) -> Result < Diagnostics , CheckError > {
fn log_provided_roots ( provided_roots : & [ Url ] ) {
for root in provided_roots {
log ::info! (
" {} {} " ,
colors ::green ( " Check " ) ,
to_percent_decoded_str ( root . as_str ( ) )
) ;
// walk the graph
let ts_config = group_key . ts_config ;
let mut graph_walker = GraphWalker ::new (
& self . graph ,
self . sys ,
self . node_resolver ,
self . npm_resolver ,
self . tsconfig_resolver ,
self . npm_check_state_hash ,
ts_config . as_ref ( ) ,
self . options . type_check_mode ,
) ;
let mut provided_roots = group_info . roots ;
for import in group_key . imports . iter ( ) {
graph_walker . add_config_import ( import , & group_info . referrer ) ;
for root in & provided_roots {
graph_walker . add_root ( root ) ;
let TscRoots {
roots : root_names ,
missing_diagnostics ,
maybe_check_hash ,
} = graph_walker . into_tsc_roots ( ) ;
let mut missing_diagnostics = missing_diagnostics . filter ( | d | {
self . should_include_diagnostic ( self . options . type_check_mode , d )
} ) ;
missing_diagnostics . apply_fast_check_source_maps ( & self . graph ) ;
if root_names . is_empty ( ) {
if missing_diagnostics . has_diagnostic ( ) {
log_provided_roots ( & provided_roots ) ;
return Ok ( missing_diagnostics ) ;
if ! self . options . reload & & ! missing_diagnostics . has_diagnostic ( ) {
// do not type check if we know this is type checked
if let Some ( check_hash ) = maybe_check_hash {
if self . type_check_cache . has_check_hash ( check_hash ) {
log ::debug! ( " Already type checked {} " , group_info . referrer ) ;
return Ok ( Default ::default ( ) ) ;
// log out the roots that we're checking
log_provided_roots ( & provided_roots ) ;
// the first root will always either be the specifier that the user provided
// or the first specifier in a directory
let first_root = provided_roots . remove ( 0 ) ;
// while there might be multiple roots, we can't "merge" the build info, so we
// try to retrieve the build info for first root, which is the most common use
// case.
let maybe_tsbuildinfo = if self . options . reload {
} else {
self . type_check_cache . get_tsbuildinfo ( & first_root )
} ;
// to make tsc build info work, we need to consistently hash modules, so that
// tsc can better determine if an emit is still valid or not, so we provide
// that data here.
let tsconfig_hash_data = FastInsecureHasher ::new_deno_versioned ( )
. write_hashable ( ts_config )
. finish ( ) ;
let code_cache = self . code_cache . as_ref ( ) . map ( | c | {
let c : Arc < dyn deno_runtime ::code_cache ::CodeCache > = c . clone ( ) ;
} ) ;
let response = tsc ::exec (
tsc ::Request {
config : ts_config . clone ( ) ,
debug : self . log_level = = Some ( log ::Level ::Debug ) ,
graph : self . graph . clone ( ) ,
hash_data : tsconfig_hash_data ,
maybe_npm : Some ( tsc ::RequestNpmState {
cjs_tracker : self . cjs_tracker . clone ( ) ,
node_resolver : self . node_resolver . clone ( ) ,
npm_resolver : self . npm_resolver . clone ( ) ,
} ) ,
maybe_tsbuildinfo ,
root_names ,
check_mode : self . options . type_check_mode ,
} ,
code_cache ,
) ? ;
let mut response_diagnostics = response . diagnostics . filter ( | d | {
self . should_include_diagnostic ( self . options . type_check_mode , d )
} ) ;
response_diagnostics . apply_fast_check_source_maps ( & self . graph ) ;
let mut diagnostics = missing_diagnostics ;
diagnostics . extend ( response_diagnostics ) ;
if let Some ( tsbuildinfo ) = response . maybe_tsbuildinfo {
. type_check_cache
. set_tsbuildinfo ( & first_root , & tsbuildinfo ) ;
if ! diagnostics . has_diagnostic ( ) {
if let Some ( check_hash ) = maybe_check_hash {
self . type_check_cache . add_check_hash ( check_hash ) ;
log ::debug! ( " {} " , response . stats ) ;
Ok ( diagnostics )
fn should_include_diagnostic (
& self ,
type_check_mode : TypeCheckMode ,
d : & tsc ::Diagnostic ,
) -> bool {
// this shouldn't check for duplicate diagnostics across folders because
// we don't want to accidentally mark a folder as being successful and save
// to the check cache if a previous folder caused a diagnostic
if self . is_remote_diagnostic ( d ) {
type_check_mode = = TypeCheckMode ::All & & d . include_when_remote ( )
} else {
fn is_remote_diagnostic ( & self , d : & tsc ::Diagnostic ) -> bool {
let Some ( file_name ) = & d . file_name else {
return false ;
} ;
if file_name . starts_with ( " https:// " ) | | file_name . starts_with ( " http:// " ) {
return true ;
// check if in an npm package
let Ok ( specifier ) = ModuleSpecifier ::parse ( file_name ) else {
return false ;
} ;
self . node_resolver . in_npm_package ( & specifier )
struct TscRoots {
roots : Vec < ( ModuleSpecifier , MediaType ) > ,
missing_diagnostics : tsc ::Diagnostics ,
maybe_check_hash : Option < CacheDBHash > ,
struct GraphWalker < ' a > {
graph : & ' a ModuleGraph ,
sys : & ' a CliSys ,
node_resolver : & ' a CliNodeResolver ,
npm_resolver : & ' a CliNpmResolver ,
tsconfig_resolver : & ' a TsConfigResolver ,
maybe_hasher : Option < FastInsecureHasher > ,
seen : HashSet < & ' a Url > ,
pending : VecDeque < ( & ' a Url , bool ) > ,
has_seen_node_builtin : bool ,
roots : Vec < ( ModuleSpecifier , MediaType ) > ,
missing_diagnostics : tsc ::Diagnostics ,
impl < ' a > GraphWalker < ' a > {
#[ allow(clippy::too_many_arguments) ]
pub fn new (
graph : & ' a ModuleGraph ,
sys : & ' a CliSys ,
node_resolver : & ' a CliNodeResolver ,
npm_resolver : & ' a CliNpmResolver ,
tsconfig_resolver : & ' a TsConfigResolver ,
npm_cache_state_hash : Option < u64 > ,
ts_config : & TsConfig ,
type_check_mode : TypeCheckMode ,
) -> Self {
let maybe_hasher = npm_cache_state_hash . map ( | npm_cache_state_hash | {
let mut hasher = FastInsecureHasher ::new_deno_versioned ( ) ;
hasher . write_hashable ( npm_cache_state_hash ) ;
hasher . write_u8 ( match type_check_mode {
TypeCheckMode ::All = > 0 ,
TypeCheckMode ::Local = > 1 ,
TypeCheckMode ::None = > 2 ,
} ) ;
hasher . write_hashable ( graph . has_node_specifier ) ;
hasher . write_hashable ( ts_config ) ;
} ) ;
Self {
graph ,
sys ,
node_resolver ,
npm_resolver ,
tsconfig_resolver ,
maybe_hasher ,
seen : HashSet ::with_capacity (
graph . imports . len ( ) + graph . specifiers_count ( ) ,
) ,
pending : VecDeque ::new ( ) ,
has_seen_node_builtin : false ,
roots : Vec ::with_capacity ( graph . imports . len ( ) + graph . specifiers_count ( ) ) ,
missing_diagnostics : Default ::default ( ) ,
pub fn add_config_import ( & mut self , specifier : & ' a Url , referrer : & Url ) {
let specifier = self . graph . resolve ( specifier ) ;
if self . seen . insert ( specifier ) {
if let Ok ( nv_ref ) = NpmPackageNvReference ::from_specifier ( specifier ) {
match self . resolve_npm_nv_ref ( & nv_ref , referrer ) {
Some ( resolved ) = > {
let mt = MediaType ::from_specifier ( & resolved ) ;
self . roots . push ( ( resolved , mt ) ) ;
None = > {
. missing_diagnostics
. push ( tsc ::Diagnostic ::from_missing_error (
specifier . as_str ( ) ,
None ,
maybe_additional_sloppy_imports_message ( self . sys , specifier ) ,
) ) ;
} else {
self . pending . push_back ( ( specifier , false ) ) ;
self . resolve_pending ( ) ;
pub fn add_root ( & mut self , root : & ' a Url ) {
let specifier = self . graph . resolve ( root ) ;
if self . seen . insert ( specifier ) {
self . pending . push_back ( ( specifier , false ) ) ;
self . resolve_pending ( )
/// Transform the graph into root specifiers that we can feed `tsc`. We have to
/// provide the media type for root modules because `tsc` does not "resolve" the
/// media type like other modules, as well as a root specifier needs any
/// redirects resolved. We need to include all the emittable files in
/// the roots, so they get type checked and optionally emitted,
/// otherwise they would be ignored if only imported into JavaScript.
pub fn into_tsc_roots ( self ) -> TscRoots {
TscRoots {
roots : self . roots ,
missing_diagnostics : self . missing_diagnostics ,
maybe_check_hash : self . maybe_hasher . map ( | h | CacheDBHash ::new ( h . finish ( ) ) ) ,
fn resolve_pending ( & mut self ) {
while let Some ( ( specifier , is_dynamic ) ) = self . pending . pop_front ( ) {
let module = match self . graph . try_get ( specifier ) {
Ok ( Some ( module ) ) = > module ,
Ok ( None ) = > continue ,
Err ( err ) = > {
if ! is_dynamic {
if let Some ( err ) = module_error_for_tsc_diagnostic ( self . sys , err ) {
self . missing_diagnostics . push (
tsc ::Diagnostic ::from_missing_error (
err . specifier . as_str ( ) ,
err . maybe_range ,
maybe_additional_sloppy_imports_message (
self . sys ,
err . specifier ,
) ,
) ,
) ;
continue ;
} ;
if is_dynamic & & ! self . seen . insert ( specifier ) {
continue ;
if let Some ( entry ) = self . maybe_get_check_entry ( module ) {
self . roots . push ( entry ) ;
let mut maybe_module_dependencies = None ;
let mut maybe_types_dependency = None ;
match module {
Module ::Js ( module ) = > {
maybe_module_dependencies =
Some ( module . dependencies_prefer_fast_check ( ) ) ;
maybe_types_dependency = module
. maybe_types_dependency
. as_ref ( )
. and_then ( | d | d . dependency . ok ( ) ) ;
Module ::Wasm ( module ) = > {
maybe_module_dependencies = Some ( & module . dependencies ) ;
Module ::Json ( _ ) | Module ::Npm ( _ ) | Module ::External ( _ ) = > { }
Module ::Node ( _ ) = > {
if ! self . has_seen_node_builtin {
self . has_seen_node_builtin = true ;
// inject a specifier that will resolve node types
self . roots . push ( (
ModuleSpecifier ::parse ( " asset:///node_types.d.ts " ) . unwrap ( ) ,
MediaType ::Dts ,
) ) ;
if let Some ( deps ) = maybe_module_dependencies {
for dep in deps . values ( ) {
// walk both the code and type dependencies
for resolution in [ & dep . maybe_type , & dep . maybe_code ] {
match resolution {
deno_graph ::Resolution ::Ok ( resolution ) = > {
self . handle_specifier ( & resolution . specifier , dep . is_dynamic ) ;
deno_graph ::Resolution ::Err ( resolution_error ) = > {
if let Some ( err ) =
resolution_error_for_tsc_diagnostic ( resolution_error )
self . missing_diagnostics . push (
tsc ::Diagnostic ::from_missing_error (
err . specifier ,
err . maybe_range ,
None ,
) ,
) ;
deno_graph ::Resolution ::None = > { }
if let Some ( dep ) = maybe_types_dependency {
self . handle_specifier ( & dep . specifier , false ) ;
fn maybe_get_check_entry (
& mut self ,
module : & deno_graph ::Module ,
) -> Option < ( ModuleSpecifier , MediaType ) > {
match module {
Module ::Js ( module ) = > {
let result = match module . media_type {
MediaType ::TypeScript
| MediaType ::Tsx
| MediaType ::Mts
| MediaType ::Cts
| MediaType ::Dts
| MediaType ::Dmts
| MediaType ::Dcts = > {
Some ( ( module . specifier . clone ( ) , module . media_type ) )
MediaType ::JavaScript
| MediaType ::Mjs
| MediaType ::Cjs
| MediaType ::Jsx = > {
if self
. tsconfig_resolver
. check_js_for_specifier ( & module . specifier )
| | has_ts_check ( module . media_type , & module . source )
Some ( ( module . specifier . clone ( ) , module . media_type ) )
} else {
MediaType ::Json
| MediaType ::Wasm
| MediaType ::Css
| MediaType ::SourceMap
| MediaType ::Unknown = > None ,
} ;
if result . is_some ( ) {
if let Some ( hasher ) = & mut self . maybe_hasher {
hasher . write_str ( module . specifier . as_str ( ) ) ;
hasher . write_str (
// the fast check module will only be set when publishing
. fast_check_module ( )
. map ( | s | s . source . as_ref ( ) )
. unwrap_or ( & module . source ) ,
) ;
Module ::Node ( _ ) = > {
// the @types/node package will be in the resolved
// snapshot so don't bother including it in the hash
Module ::Npm ( _ ) = > {
// don't bother adding this specifier to the hash
// because what matters is the resolved npm snapshot,
// which is hashed below
Module ::Json ( module ) = > {
if let Some ( hasher ) = & mut self . maybe_hasher {
hasher . write_str ( module . specifier . as_str ( ) ) ;
hasher . write_str ( & module . source ) ;
Module ::Wasm ( module ) = > {
if let Some ( hasher ) = & mut self . maybe_hasher {
hasher . write_str ( module . specifier . as_str ( ) ) ;
hasher . write_str ( & module . source_dts ) ;
Some ( ( module . specifier . clone ( ) , MediaType ::Dmts ) )
Module ::External ( module ) = > {
if let Some ( hasher ) = & mut self . maybe_hasher {
hasher . write_str ( module . specifier . as_str ( ) ) ;
fn handle_specifier (
& mut self ,
specifier : & ' a ModuleSpecifier ,
is_dynamic : bool ,
) {
let specifier = self . graph . resolve ( specifier ) ;
if is_dynamic {
if ! self . seen . contains ( specifier ) {
self . pending . push_back ( ( specifier , true ) ) ;
} else if self . seen . insert ( specifier ) {
self . pending . push_back ( ( specifier , false ) ) ;
fn resolve_npm_nv_ref (
& self ,
nv_ref : & NpmPackageNvReference ,
referrer : & ModuleSpecifier ,
) -> Option < ModuleSpecifier > {
let pkg_dir = self
. npm_resolver
. as_managed ( )
. unwrap ( )
. resolve_pkg_folder_from_deno_module ( nv_ref . nv ( ) )
. ok ( ) ? ;
let resolved = self
. node_resolver
. resolve_package_subpath_from_deno_module (
& pkg_dir ,
nv_ref . sub_path ( ) ,
Some ( referrer ) ,
node_resolver ::ResolutionMode ::Import ,
node_resolver ::NodeResolutionKind ::Types ,
. ok ( ) ? ;
resolved . into_url ( ) . ok ( )
/// Matches the `@ts-check` pragma.
static TS_CHECK_RE : Lazy < Regex > =
lazy_regex ::lazy_regex! ( r # "(?i)^\s*@ts-check(?:\s+|$)"# ) ;
fn has_ts_check ( media_type : MediaType , file_text : & str ) -> bool {
match & media_type {
MediaType ::JavaScript
| MediaType ::Mjs
| MediaType ::Cjs
| MediaType ::Jsx = > get_leading_comments ( file_text )
. iter ( )
. any ( | text | TS_CHECK_RE . is_match ( text ) ) ,
MediaType ::TypeScript
| MediaType ::Mts
| MediaType ::Cts
| MediaType ::Dts
| MediaType ::Dcts
| MediaType ::Dmts
| MediaType ::Tsx
| MediaType ::Json
| MediaType ::Wasm
| MediaType ::Css
| MediaType ::SourceMap
| MediaType ::Unknown = > false ,
fn get_leading_comments ( file_text : & str ) -> Vec < String > {
let mut chars = file_text . chars ( ) . peekable ( ) ;
// skip over the shebang
if file_text . starts_with ( " #! " ) {
// skip until the end of the line
for c in chars . by_ref ( ) {
if c = = '\n' {
break ;
let mut results = Vec ::new ( ) ;
// now handle the comments
while chars . peek ( ) . is_some ( ) {
// skip over any whitespace
while chars
. peek ( )
. map ( | c | char ::is_whitespace ( * c ) )
. unwrap_or ( false )
chars . next ( ) ;
if chars . next ( ) ! = Some ( '/' ) {
break ;
match chars . next ( ) {
Some ( '/' ) = > {
let mut text = String ::new ( ) ;
for c in chars . by_ref ( ) {
if c = = '\n' {
break ;
} else {
text . push ( c ) ;
results . push ( text ) ;
Some ( '*' ) = > {
let mut text = String ::new ( ) ;
while let Some ( c ) = chars . next ( ) {
if c = = '*' & & chars . peek ( ) = = Some ( & '/' ) {
chars . next ( ) ;
break ;
} else {
text . push ( c ) ;
results . push ( text ) ;
_ = > break ,
#[ cfg(test) ]
mod test {
use deno_ast ::MediaType ;
use super ::get_leading_comments ;
use super ::has_ts_check ;
#[ test ]
fn get_leading_comments_test ( ) {
assert_eq! (
get_leading_comments (
" #!/usr/bin/env deno \r \n // test \n /* 1 *//*2*///3 \n // \n /**/ /*4 */ "
) ,
vec! [
" test " . to_string ( ) ,
" 1 " . to_string ( ) ,
" 2 " . to_string ( ) ,
" 3 " . to_string ( ) ,
" " . to_string ( ) ,
" " . to_string ( ) ,
" 4 " . to_string ( ) ,
) ;
assert_eq! (
get_leading_comments ( " //1 /* */ \n a; " ) ,
vec! [ " 1 /* */ " . to_string ( ) , ]
) ;
assert_eq! ( get_leading_comments ( " // " ) , vec! [ " " . to_string ( ) ] ) ;
#[ test ]
fn has_ts_check_test ( ) {
assert! ( has_ts_check (
MediaType ::JavaScript ,
" // @ts-check \n console.log(5); "
) ) ;
assert! ( has_ts_check (
MediaType ::JavaScript ,
" // deno-lint-ignore \n // @ts-check \n "
) ) ;
assert! ( ! has_ts_check (
MediaType ::JavaScript ,
" test; \n // @ts-check \n "
) ) ;
assert! ( ! has_ts_check (
MediaType ::JavaScript ,
" // ts-check \n console.log(5); "
) ) ;