2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
use super ::language_server ;
use super ::path_to_regex ::parse ;
use super ::path_to_regex ::string_to_regex ;
use super ::path_to_regex ::Compiler ;
use super ::path_to_regex ::Key ;
use super ::path_to_regex ::MatchResult ;
use super ::path_to_regex ::Matcher ;
use super ::path_to_regex ::StringOrNumber ;
use super ::path_to_regex ::StringOrVec ;
use super ::path_to_regex ::Token ;
use crate ::deno_dir ;
use crate ::file_fetcher ::CacheSetting ;
use crate ::file_fetcher ::FileFetcher ;
use crate ::http_cache ::HttpCache ;
use deno_core ::error ::anyhow ;
use deno_core ::error ::AnyError ;
use deno_core ::error ::Context ;
use deno_core ::resolve_url ;
use deno_core ::serde ::Deserialize ;
use deno_core ::serde_json ;
use deno_core ::serde_json ::json ;
use deno_core ::url ::Position ;
use deno_core ::url ::Url ;
use deno_core ::ModuleSpecifier ;
2021-07-05 15:34:37 +02:00
use deno_runtime ::deno_web ::BlobStore ;
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
use deno_runtime ::permissions ::Permissions ;
use log ::error ;
use lspower ::lsp ;
use regex ::Regex ;
use std ::collections ::HashMap ;
use std ::path ::Path ;
const CONFIG_PATH : & str = " /.well-known/deno-import-intellisense.json " ;
const COMPONENT : & percent_encoding ::AsciiSet = & percent_encoding ::CONTROLS
. add ( b ' ' )
. add ( b '"' )
. add ( b '#' )
. add ( b '<' )
. add ( b '>' )
. add ( b '?' )
. add ( b '`' )
. add ( b '{' )
. add ( b '}' )
. add ( b '/' )
. add ( b ':' )
. add ( b ';' )
. add ( b '=' )
. add ( b '@' )
. add ( b '[' )
. add ( b '\\' )
. add ( b ']' )
. add ( b '^' )
. add ( b '|' )
. add ( b '$' )
. add ( b '&' )
. add ( b '+' )
. add ( b ',' ) ;
lazy_static ::lazy_static! {
static ref REPLACEMENT_VARIABLE_RE : Regex =
Regex ::new ( r "\$\{\{?(\w+)\}?\}" ) . unwrap ( ) ;
fn base_url ( url : & Url ) -> String {
url . origin ( ) . ascii_serialization ( )
#[ derive(Debug) ]
enum CompletorType {
Literal ( String ) ,
2021-09-14 22:40:35 +10:00
Key {
key : Key ,
prefix : Option < String > ,
index : usize ,
} ,
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
/// Determine if a completion at a given offset is a string literal or a key/
/// variable.
fn get_completor_type (
offset : usize ,
tokens : & [ Token ] ,
match_result : & MatchResult ,
) -> Option < CompletorType > {
let mut len = 0_ usize ;
2021-09-14 22:40:35 +10:00
for ( index , token ) in tokens . iter ( ) . enumerate ( ) {
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
match token {
Token ::String ( s ) = > {
len + = s . chars ( ) . count ( ) ;
if offset < len {
return Some ( CompletorType ::Literal ( s . clone ( ) ) ) ;
Token ::Key ( k ) = > {
if let Some ( prefix ) = & k . prefix {
len + = prefix . chars ( ) . count ( ) ;
if offset < len {
2021-09-14 22:40:35 +10:00
return Some ( CompletorType ::Key {
key : k . clone ( ) ,
prefix : Some ( prefix . clone ( ) ) ,
index ,
} ) ;
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
if offset < len {
return None ;
if let StringOrNumber ::String ( name ) = & k . name {
let value = match_result
. get ( name )
2021-07-30 22:03:41 +09:00
. map ( | s | s . to_string ( Some ( k ) ) )
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
. unwrap_or_default ( ) ;
len + = value . chars ( ) . count ( ) ;
if offset < = len {
2021-09-14 22:40:35 +10:00
return Some ( CompletorType ::Key {
key : k . clone ( ) ,
prefix : None ,
index ,
} ) ;
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
if let Some ( suffix ) = & k . suffix {
len + = suffix . chars ( ) . count ( ) ;
if offset < = len {
return Some ( CompletorType ::Literal ( suffix . clone ( ) ) ) ;
/// Convert a completion URL string from a completions configuration into a
/// fully qualified URL which can be fetched to provide the completions.
fn get_completion_endpoint (
url : & str ,
tokens : & [ Token ] ,
match_result : & MatchResult ,
) -> Result < ModuleSpecifier , AnyError > {
let mut url_str = url . to_string ( ) ;
for ( key , value ) in match_result . params . iter ( ) {
if let StringOrNumber ::String ( name ) = key {
let maybe_key = tokens . iter ( ) . find_map ( | t | match t {
Token ::Key ( k ) if k . name = = * key = > Some ( k ) ,
_ = > None ,
} ) ;
url_str =
url_str . replace ( & format! ( " $ {{ {} }} " , name ) , & value . to_string ( maybe_key ) ) ;
url_str = url_str . replace (
& format! ( " $ {{ {{ {} }} }} " , name ) ,
& percent_encoding ::percent_encode (
value . to_string ( maybe_key ) . as_bytes ( ) ,
. to_string ( ) ,
) ;
resolve_url ( & url_str ) . map_err ( | err | err . into ( ) )
2021-04-10 02:37:42 +02:00
fn parse_replacement_variables < S : AsRef < str > > ( s : S ) -> Vec < String > {
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
. captures_iter ( s . as_ref ( ) )
. filter_map ( | c | c . get ( 1 ) . map ( | m | m . as_str ( ) . to_string ( ) ) )
. collect ( )
/// Validate a registry configuration JSON structure.
fn validate_config ( config : & RegistryConfigurationJson ) -> Result < ( ) , AnyError > {
if config . version ! = 1 {
return Err ( anyhow! (
" Invalid registry configuration. Expected version 1 got {}. " ,
config . version
) ) ;
for registry in & config . registries {
let ( _ , keys ) = string_to_regex ( & registry . schema , None ) ? ;
2021-04-10 02:37:42 +02:00
let key_names : Vec < String > = keys . map_or_else ( Vec ::new , | keys | {
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
. iter ( )
. filter_map ( | k | {
if let StringOrNumber ::String ( s ) = & k . name {
Some ( s . clone ( ) )
} else {
} )
. collect ( )
} ) ;
2021-04-10 02:37:42 +02:00
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
for key_name in & key_names {
2021-07-30 22:03:41 +09:00
if ! registry
. variables
. iter ( )
. map ( | var | var . key . to_owned ( ) )
. any ( | x | x = = * key_name )
2021-04-10 02:37:42 +02:00
return Err ( anyhow! ( " Invalid registry configuration. Registry with schema \" {} \" is missing variable declaration for key \" {} \" . " , registry . schema , key_name ) ) ;
for variable in & registry . variables {
let key_index = key_names . iter ( ) . position ( | key | * key = = variable . key ) ;
let key_index = key_index . ok_or_else ( | | anyhow! ( " Invalid registry configuration. Registry with schema \" {} \" is missing a path parameter in schema for variable \" {} \" . " , registry . schema , variable . key ) ) ? ;
let replacement_variables = parse_replacement_variables ( & variable . url ) ;
let limited_keys = key_names . get ( 0 .. key_index ) . unwrap ( ) ;
for v in replacement_variables {
if variable . key = = v {
return Err ( anyhow! ( " Invalid registry configuration. Url \" {} \" (for variable \" {} \" in registry with schema \" {} \" ) uses variable \" {} \" , which is not allowed because that would be a self reference. " , variable . url , variable . key , registry . schema , v ) ) ;
let key_index = limited_keys . iter ( ) . position ( | key | key = = & v ) ;
if key_index . is_none ( ) {
return Err ( anyhow! ( " Invalid registry configuration. Url \" {} \" (for variable \" {} \" in registry with schema \" {} \" ) uses variable \" {} \" , which is not allowed because the schema defines \" {} \" to the right of \" {} \" . " , variable . url , variable . key , registry . schema , v , v , variable . key ) ) ;
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
Ok ( ( ) )
#[ derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize) ]
2021-06-01 21:53:08 +10:00
pub ( crate ) struct RegistryConfigurationVariable {
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
/// The name of the variable.
key : String ,
/// The URL with variable substitutions of the endpoint that will provide
/// completions for the variable.
url : String ,
#[ derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize) ]
2021-06-01 21:53:08 +10:00
pub ( crate ) struct RegistryConfiguration {
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
/// A Express-like path which describes how URLs are composed for a registry.
schema : String ,
/// The variables denoted in the `schema` should have a variable entry.
variables : Vec < RegistryConfigurationVariable > ,
2021-09-14 22:40:35 +10:00
impl RegistryConfiguration {
fn get_url_for_key ( & self , key : & Key ) -> Option < & str > {
self . variables . iter ( ) . find_map ( | v | {
if key . name = = StringOrNumber ::String ( v . key . clone ( ) ) {
Some ( v . url . as_str ( ) )
} else {
} )
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
/// A structure that represents the configuration of an origin and its module
/// registries.
#[ derive(Debug, Deserialize) ]
struct RegistryConfigurationJson {
version : u32 ,
registries : Vec < RegistryConfiguration > ,
/// A structure which holds the information about currently configured module
/// registries and can provide completion information for URLs that match
/// one of the enabled registries.
#[ derive(Debug, Clone) ]
pub struct ModuleRegistry {
origins : HashMap < String , Vec < RegistryConfiguration > > ,
file_fetcher : FileFetcher ,
impl Default for ModuleRegistry {
fn default ( ) -> Self {
2021-07-28 07:25:09 +10:00
// This only gets used when creating the tsc runtime and for testing, and so
// it shouldn't ever actually access the DenoDir, so it doesn't support a
// custom root.
let dir = deno_dir ::DenoDir ::new ( None ) . unwrap ( ) ;
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
let location = dir . root . join ( " registries " ) ;
let http_cache = HttpCache ::new ( & location ) ;
let cache_setting = CacheSetting ::Use ;
let file_fetcher = FileFetcher ::new (
http_cache ,
cache_setting ,
true ,
None ,
2021-07-05 15:34:37 +02:00
BlobStore ::default ( ) ,
2021-08-09 16:53:21 +02:00
None ,
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
. unwrap ( ) ;
Self {
origins : HashMap ::new ( ) ,
file_fetcher ,
impl ModuleRegistry {
pub fn new ( location : & Path ) -> Self {
let http_cache = HttpCache ::new ( location ) ;
let file_fetcher = FileFetcher ::new (
http_cache ,
CacheSetting ::Use ,
true ,
None ,
2021-07-05 15:34:37 +02:00
BlobStore ::default ( ) ,
2021-08-09 16:53:21 +02:00
None ,
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
. context ( " Error creating file fetcher in module registry. " )
. unwrap ( ) ;
Self {
origins : HashMap ::new ( ) ,
file_fetcher ,
fn complete_literal (
& self ,
s : String ,
completions : & mut HashMap < String , lsp ::CompletionItem > ,
current_specifier : & str ,
offset : usize ,
range : & lsp ::Range ,
) {
let label = if s . starts_with ( '/' ) {
s [ 0 .. ] . to_string ( )
} else {
s . to_string ( )
} ;
let full_text = format! (
" {}{}{} " ,
& current_specifier [ .. offset ] ,
s ,
& current_specifier [ offset .. ]
) ;
let text_edit = Some ( lsp ::CompletionTextEdit ::Edit ( lsp ::TextEdit {
range : * range ,
new_text : full_text . clone ( ) ,
} ) ) ;
let filter_text = Some ( full_text ) ;
completions . insert (
s ,
lsp ::CompletionItem {
label ,
kind : Some ( lsp ::CompletionItemKind ::Folder ) ,
filter_text ,
sort_text : Some ( " 1 " . to_string ( ) ) ,
text_edit ,
.. Default ::default ( )
} ,
) ;
/// Disable a registry, removing its configuration, if any, from memory.
pub async fn disable ( & mut self , origin : & str ) -> Result < ( ) , AnyError > {
let origin = base_url ( & Url ::parse ( origin ) ? ) ;
self . origins . remove ( & origin ) ;
Ok ( ( ) )
2021-09-14 22:40:35 +10:00
/// Check to see if the given origin has a registry configuration.
pub ( crate ) async fn check_origin (
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
& self ,
origin : & str ,
2021-09-14 22:40:35 +10:00
) -> Result < ( ) , AnyError > {
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
let origin_url = Url ::parse ( origin ) ? ;
let specifier = origin_url . join ( CONFIG_PATH ) ? ;
2021-09-14 22:40:35 +10:00
self . fetch_config ( & specifier ) . await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
/// Fetch and validate the specifier to a registry configuration, resolving
/// with the configuration if valid.
async fn fetch_config (
& self ,
specifier : & ModuleSpecifier ,
) -> Result < Vec < RegistryConfiguration > , AnyError > {
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
let file = self
. file_fetcher
2021-09-14 22:40:35 +10:00
. fetch ( specifier , & mut Permissions ::allow_all ( ) )
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
. await ? ;
let config : RegistryConfigurationJson = serde_json ::from_str ( & file . source ) ? ;
validate_config ( & config ) ? ;
Ok ( config . registries )
/// Enable a registry by attempting to retrieve its configuration and
/// validating it.
pub async fn enable ( & mut self , origin : & str ) -> Result < ( ) , AnyError > {
2021-09-14 22:40:35 +10:00
let origin_url = Url ::parse ( origin ) ? ;
let origin = base_url ( & origin_url ) ;
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
#[ allow(clippy::map_entry) ]
// we can't use entry().or_insert_with() because we can't use async closures
if ! self . origins . contains_key ( & origin ) {
2021-09-14 22:40:35 +10:00
let specifier = origin_url . join ( CONFIG_PATH ) ? ;
let configs = self . fetch_config ( & specifier ) . await ? ;
self . origins . insert ( origin , configs ) ;
Ok ( ( ) )
#[ cfg(test) ]
/// This is only used during testing, as it directly provides the full URL
/// for obtaining the registry configuration, versus "guessing" at it.
async fn enable_custom ( & mut self , specifier : & str ) -> Result < ( ) , AnyError > {
let specifier = Url ::parse ( specifier ) ? ;
let origin = base_url ( & specifier ) ;
#[ allow(clippy::map_entry) ]
if ! self . origins . contains_key ( & origin ) {
let configs = self . fetch_config ( & specifier ) . await ? ;
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
self . origins . insert ( origin , configs ) ;
Ok ( ( ) )
/// For a string specifier from the client, provide a set of completions, if
/// any, for the specifier.
2021-10-29 10:56:01 +11:00
pub ( crate ) async fn get_completions (
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
& self ,
current_specifier : & str ,
offset : usize ,
range : & lsp ::Range ,
state_snapshot : & language_server ::StateSnapshot ,
) -> Option < Vec < lsp ::CompletionItem > > {
if let Ok ( specifier ) = Url ::parse ( current_specifier ) {
let origin = base_url ( & specifier ) ;
let origin_len = origin . chars ( ) . count ( ) ;
if offset > = origin_len {
if let Some ( registries ) = self . origins . get ( & origin ) {
let path = & specifier [ Position ::BeforePath .. ] ;
let path_offset = offset - origin_len ;
let mut completions = HashMap ::< String , lsp ::CompletionItem > ::new ( ) ;
let mut did_match = false ;
for registry in registries {
let tokens = parse ( & registry . schema , None )
. map_err ( | e | {
error! (
" Error parsing registry schema for origin \" {} \" . {} " ,
origin , e
) ;
} )
. ok ( ) ? ;
let mut i = tokens . len ( ) ;
let last_key_name =
StringOrNumber ::String ( tokens . iter ( ) . last ( ) . map_or_else (
| | " " . to_string ( ) ,
| t | {
if let Token ::Key ( key ) = t {
if let StringOrNumber ::String ( s ) = & key . name {
return s . clone ( ) ;
" " . to_string ( )
} ,
) ) ;
loop {
let matcher = Matcher ::new ( & tokens [ .. i ] , None )
. map_err ( | e | {
error! (
" Error creating matcher for schema for origin \" {} \" . {} " ,
origin , e
) ;
} )
. ok ( ) ? ;
if let Some ( match_result ) = matcher . matches ( path ) {
did_match = true ;
let completor_type =
get_completor_type ( path_offset , & tokens , & match_result ) ;
match completor_type {
Some ( CompletorType ::Literal ( s ) ) = > self . complete_literal (
s ,
& mut completions ,
current_specifier ,
offset ,
range ,
) ,
2021-09-14 22:40:35 +10:00
Some ( CompletorType ::Key { key , prefix , index } ) = > {
let maybe_url = registry . get_url_for_key ( & key ) ;
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
if let Some ( url ) = maybe_url {
if let Some ( items ) = self
. get_variable_items ( url , & tokens , & match_result )
. await
2021-09-14 22:40:35 +10:00
let compiler = Compiler ::new ( & tokens [ ..= index ] , None ) ;
let base = Url ::parse ( & origin ) . ok ( ) ? ;
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
for ( idx , item ) in items . into_iter ( ) . enumerate ( ) {
2021-09-14 22:40:35 +10:00
let label = if let Some ( p ) = & prefix {
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
format! ( " {} {} " , p , item )
} else {
item . clone ( )
} ;
2021-09-14 22:40:35 +10:00
let kind = if key . name = = last_key_name {
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
Some ( lsp ::CompletionItemKind ::File )
} else {
Some ( lsp ::CompletionItemKind ::Folder )
} ;
let mut params = match_result . params . clone ( ) ;
params . insert (
2021-09-14 22:40:35 +10:00
key . name . clone ( ) ,
StringOrVec ::from_str ( & item , & key ) ,
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
) ;
let path =
compiler . to_path ( & params ) . unwrap_or_default ( ) ;
2021-09-14 22:40:35 +10:00
let item_specifier = base . join ( & path ) . ok ( ) ? ;
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
let full_text = item_specifier . as_str ( ) ;
let text_edit = Some ( lsp ::CompletionTextEdit ::Edit (
lsp ::TextEdit {
range : * range ,
new_text : full_text . to_string ( ) ,
} ,
) ) ;
2021-09-14 22:40:35 +10:00
let command = if key . name = = last_key_name
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
& & ! state_snapshot
2021-10-29 10:56:01 +11:00
. documents
. contains_specifier ( & item_specifier )
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
Some ( lsp ::Command {
title : " " . to_string ( ) ,
command : " deno.cache " . to_string ( ) ,
arguments : Some ( vec! [ json! ( [ item_specifier ] ) ] ) ,
} )
} else {
} ;
2021-09-14 22:40:35 +10:00
let detail = Some ( format! ( " ( {} ) " , key . name ) ) ;
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
let filter_text = Some ( full_text . to_string ( ) ) ;
let sort_text = Some ( format! ( " {:0>10} " , idx + 1 ) ) ;
completions . insert (
item ,
lsp ::CompletionItem {
label ,
kind ,
detail ,
sort_text ,
2021-04-18 07:29:37 +02:00
filter_text ,
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
text_edit ,
command ,
.. Default ::default ( )
} ,
) ;
None = > ( ) ,
break ;
i - = 1 ;
// If we have fallen though to the first token, and we still
2021-09-14 22:40:35 +10:00
// didn't get a match
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
if i = = 0 {
2021-09-14 22:40:35 +10:00
match & tokens [ i ] {
// so if the first token is a string literal, we will return
// that as a suggestion
Token ::String ( s ) = > {
if s . starts_with ( path ) {
let label = s . to_string ( ) ;
let kind = Some ( lsp ::CompletionItemKind ::Folder ) ;
let mut url = specifier . clone ( ) ;
url . set_path ( s ) ;
let full_text = url . as_str ( ) ;
let text_edit =
Some ( lsp ::CompletionTextEdit ::Edit ( lsp ::TextEdit {
range : * range ,
new_text : full_text . to_string ( ) ,
} ) ) ;
let filter_text = Some ( full_text . to_string ( ) ) ;
completions . insert (
s . to_string ( ) ,
lsp ::CompletionItem {
label ,
kind ,
filter_text ,
sort_text : Some ( " 1 " . to_string ( ) ) ,
text_edit ,
.. Default ::default ( )
} ,
) ;
// if the token though is a key, and the key has a prefix, and
// the path matches the prefix, we will go and get the items
// for that first key and return them.
Token ::Key ( k ) = > {
if let Some ( prefix ) = & k . prefix {
let maybe_url = registry . get_url_for_key ( k ) ;
if let Some ( url ) = maybe_url {
if let Some ( items ) = self . get_items ( url ) . await {
let base = Url ::parse ( & origin ) . ok ( ) ? ;
for ( idx , item ) in items . into_iter ( ) . enumerate ( ) {
let path = format! ( " {} {} " , prefix , item ) ;
let kind = Some ( lsp ::CompletionItemKind ::Folder ) ;
let item_specifier = base . join ( & path ) . ok ( ) ? ;
let full_text = item_specifier . as_str ( ) ;
let text_edit = Some (
lsp ::CompletionTextEdit ::Edit ( lsp ::TextEdit {
range : * range ,
new_text : full_text . to_string ( ) ,
} ) ,
) ;
let command = if k . name = = last_key_name
& & ! state_snapshot
2021-10-29 10:56:01 +11:00
. documents
. contains_specifier ( & item_specifier )
2021-09-14 22:40:35 +10:00
Some ( lsp ::Command {
title : " " . to_string ( ) ,
command : " deno.cache " . to_string ( ) ,
arguments : Some ( vec! [ json! ( [ item_specifier ] ) ] ) ,
} )
} else {
} ;
let detail = Some ( format! ( " ( {} ) " , k . name ) ) ;
let filter_text = Some ( full_text . to_string ( ) ) ;
let sort_text = Some ( format! ( " {:0>10} " , idx + 1 ) ) ;
completions . insert (
item . clone ( ) ,
lsp ::CompletionItem {
label : item ,
kind ,
detail ,
sort_text ,
filter_text ,
text_edit ,
command ,
.. Default ::default ( )
} ,
) ;
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
break ;
// If we return None, other sources of completions will be looked for
// but if we did at least match part of a registry, we should send an
// empty vector so that no-completions will be sent back to the client
return if completions . is_empty ( ) & & ! did_match {
} else {
Some ( completions . into_iter ( ) . map ( | ( _ , i ) | i ) . collect ( ) )
} ;
self . get_origin_completions ( current_specifier , range )
pub fn get_origin_completions (
& self ,
current_specifier : & str ,
range : & lsp ::Range ,
) -> Option < Vec < lsp ::CompletionItem > > {
let items = self
. origins
. keys ( )
. filter_map ( | k | {
let mut origin = k . as_str ( ) . to_string ( ) ;
if origin . ends_with ( '/' ) {
origin . pop ( ) ;
if origin . starts_with ( current_specifier ) {
let text_edit = Some ( lsp ::CompletionTextEdit ::Edit ( lsp ::TextEdit {
range : * range ,
new_text : origin . clone ( ) ,
} ) ) ;
Some ( lsp ::CompletionItem {
label : origin ,
kind : Some ( lsp ::CompletionItemKind ::Folder ) ,
detail : Some ( " (registry) " . to_string ( ) ) ,
sort_text : Some ( " 2 " . to_string ( ) ) ,
text_edit ,
.. Default ::default ( )
} )
} else {
} )
. collect ::< Vec < lsp ::CompletionItem > > ( ) ;
if ! items . is_empty ( ) {
Some ( items )
} else {
2021-09-14 22:40:35 +10:00
async fn get_items ( & self , url : & str ) -> Option < Vec < String > > {
let specifier = ModuleSpecifier ::parse ( url ) . ok ( ) ? ;
let file = self
. file_fetcher
. fetch ( & specifier , & mut Permissions ::allow_all ( ) )
. await
. map_err ( | err | {
error! (
" Internal error fetching endpoint \" {} \" . {} " ,
specifier , err
) ;
} )
. ok ( ) ? ;
let items : Vec < String > = serde_json ::from_str ( & file . source )
. map_err ( | err | {
error! (
" Error parsing response from endpoint \" {} \" . {} " ,
specifier , err
) ;
} )
. ok ( ) ? ;
Some ( items )
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
async fn get_variable_items (
& self ,
url : & str ,
tokens : & [ Token ] ,
match_result : & MatchResult ,
) -> Option < Vec < String > > {
let specifier = get_completion_endpoint ( url , tokens , match_result )
. map_err ( | err | {
error! ( " Internal error mapping endpoint \" {} \" . {} " , url , err ) ;
} )
. ok ( ) ? ;
let file = self
. file_fetcher
2021-04-12 04:15:43 +02:00
. fetch ( & specifier , & mut Permissions ::allow_all ( ) )
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
. await
. map_err ( | err | {
error! (
" Internal error fetching endpoint \" {} \" . {} " ,
specifier , err
) ;
} )
. ok ( ) ? ;
let items : Vec < String > = serde_json ::from_str ( & file . source )
. map_err ( | err | {
error! (
" Error parsing response from endpoint \" {} \" . {} " ,
specifier , err
) ;
} )
. ok ( ) ? ;
Some ( items )
#[ cfg(test) ]
mod tests {
use super ::* ;
2021-10-29 10:56:01 +11:00
use crate ::lsp ::documents ::Documents ;
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
use tempfile ::TempDir ;
fn mock_state_snapshot (
source_fixtures : & [ ( & str , & str ) ] ,
location : & Path ,
) -> language_server ::StateSnapshot {
2021-10-29 10:56:01 +11:00
let documents = Documents ::new ( location ) ;
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
let http_cache = HttpCache ::new ( location ) ;
for ( specifier , source ) in source_fixtures {
let specifier =
resolve_url ( specifier ) . expect ( " failed to create specifier " ) ;
. set ( & specifier , HashMap ::default ( ) , source . as_bytes ( ) )
. expect ( " could not cache file " ) ;
assert! (
2021-10-29 10:56:01 +11:00
documents . content ( & specifier ) . is_some ( ) ,
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
" source could not be setup "
) ;
language_server ::StateSnapshot {
documents ,
.. Default ::default ( )
fn setup ( sources : & [ ( & str , & str ) ] ) -> language_server ::StateSnapshot {
let temp_dir = TempDir ::new ( ) . expect ( " could not create temp dir " ) ;
let location = temp_dir . path ( ) . join ( " deps " ) ;
mock_state_snapshot ( sources , & location )
2021-04-10 02:37:42 +02:00
#[ test ]
fn test_validate_registry_configuration ( ) {
assert! ( validate_config ( & RegistryConfigurationJson {
version : 2 ,
registries : vec ! [ ] ,
} )
. is_err ( ) ) ;
let cfg = RegistryConfigurationJson {
version : 1 ,
registries : vec ! [ RegistryConfiguration {
schema : " /:module@:version/:path* " . to_string ( ) ,
variables : vec ! [
RegistryConfigurationVariable {
key : " module " . to_string ( ) ,
url : " https://api.deno.land/modules?short " . to_string ( ) ,
} ,
RegistryConfigurationVariable {
key : " version " . to_string ( ) ,
url : " https://deno.land/_vsc1/module/${module} " . to_string ( ) ,
} ,
] ,
} ] ,
} ;
assert! ( validate_config ( & cfg ) . is_err ( ) ) ;
let cfg = RegistryConfigurationJson {
version : 1 ,
registries : vec ! [ RegistryConfiguration {
schema : " /:module@:version/:path* " . to_string ( ) ,
variables : vec ! [
RegistryConfigurationVariable {
key : " module " . to_string ( ) ,
url : " https://api.deno.land/modules?short " . to_string ( ) ,
} ,
RegistryConfigurationVariable {
key : " version " . to_string ( ) ,
url : " https://deno.land/_vsc1/module/${module}/${path} " . to_string ( ) ,
} ,
RegistryConfigurationVariable {
key : " path " . to_string ( ) ,
url : " https://deno.land/_vsc1/module/${module}/v/${{version}} "
. to_string ( ) ,
} ,
] ,
} ] ,
} ;
assert! ( validate_config ( & cfg ) . is_err ( ) ) ;
let cfg = RegistryConfigurationJson {
version : 1 ,
registries : vec ! [ RegistryConfiguration {
schema : " /:module@:version/:path* " . to_string ( ) ,
variables : vec ! [
RegistryConfigurationVariable {
key : " module " . to_string ( ) ,
url : " https://api.deno.land/modules?short " . to_string ( ) ,
} ,
RegistryConfigurationVariable {
key : " version " . to_string ( ) ,
url : " https://deno.land/_vsc1/module/${module}/v/${{version}} "
. to_string ( ) ,
} ,
RegistryConfigurationVariable {
key : " path " . to_string ( ) ,
url : " https://deno.land/_vsc1/module/${module}/v/${{version}} "
. to_string ( ) ,
} ,
] ,
} ] ,
} ;
assert! ( validate_config ( & cfg ) . is_err ( ) ) ;
let cfg = RegistryConfigurationJson {
version : 1 ,
registries : vec ! [ RegistryConfiguration {
schema : " /:module@:version/:path* " . to_string ( ) ,
variables : vec ! [
RegistryConfigurationVariable {
key : " module " . to_string ( ) ,
url : " https://api.deno.land/modules?short " . to_string ( ) ,
} ,
RegistryConfigurationVariable {
key : " version " . to_string ( ) ,
url : " https://deno.land/_vsc1/module/${module} " . to_string ( ) ,
} ,
RegistryConfigurationVariable {
key : " path " . to_string ( ) ,
url : " https://deno.land/_vsc1/module/${module}/v/${{version}} "
. to_string ( ) ,
} ,
] ,
} ] ,
} ;
validate_config ( & cfg ) . unwrap ( ) ;
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
#[ tokio::test ]
async fn test_registry_completions_origin_match ( ) {
let _g = test_util ::http_server ( ) ;
let temp_dir = TempDir ::new ( ) . expect ( " could not create tmp " ) ;
let location = temp_dir . path ( ) . join ( " registries " ) ;
let mut module_registry = ModuleRegistry ::new ( & location ) ;
. enable ( " http://localhost:4545/ " )
. await
. expect ( " could not enable " ) ;
let range = lsp ::Range {
start : lsp ::Position {
line : 0 ,
character : 20 ,
} ,
end : lsp ::Position {
line : 0 ,
character : 21 ,
} ,
} ;
let state_snapshot = setup ( & [ ] ) ;
let completions = module_registry
. get_completions ( " h " , 1 , & range , & state_snapshot )
. await ;
assert! ( completions . is_some ( ) ) ;
let completions = completions . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( completions . len ( ) , 1 ) ;
assert_eq! ( completions [ 0 ] . label , " http://localhost:4545 " ) ;
assert_eq! (
completions [ 0 ] . text_edit ,
Some ( lsp ::CompletionTextEdit ::Edit ( lsp ::TextEdit {
range ,
new_text : " http://localhost:4545 " . to_string ( )
} ) )
) ;
let range = lsp ::Range {
start : lsp ::Position {
line : 0 ,
character : 20 ,
} ,
end : lsp ::Position {
line : 0 ,
character : 36 ,
} ,
} ;
let completions = module_registry
. get_completions ( " http://localhost " , 16 , & range , & state_snapshot )
. await ;
assert! ( completions . is_some ( ) ) ;
let completions = completions . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( completions . len ( ) , 1 ) ;
assert_eq! ( completions [ 0 ] . label , " http://localhost:4545 " ) ;
assert_eq! (
completions [ 0 ] . text_edit ,
Some ( lsp ::CompletionTextEdit ::Edit ( lsp ::TextEdit {
range ,
new_text : " http://localhost:4545 " . to_string ( )
} ) )
) ;
#[ tokio::test ]
async fn test_registry_completions ( ) {
let _g = test_util ::http_server ( ) ;
let temp_dir = TempDir ::new ( ) . expect ( " could not create tmp " ) ;
let location = temp_dir . path ( ) . join ( " registries " ) ;
let mut module_registry = ModuleRegistry ::new ( & location ) ;
. enable ( " http://localhost:4545/ " )
. await
. expect ( " could not enable " ) ;
let state_snapshot = setup ( & [ ] ) ;
let range = lsp ::Range {
start : lsp ::Position {
line : 0 ,
character : 20 ,
} ,
end : lsp ::Position {
line : 0 ,
character : 41 ,
} ,
} ;
let completions = module_registry
. get_completions ( " http://localhost:4545 " , 21 , & range , & state_snapshot )
. await ;
assert! ( completions . is_some ( ) ) ;
let completions = completions . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( completions . len ( ) , 1 ) ;
assert_eq! ( completions [ 0 ] . label , " /x " ) ;
assert_eq! (
completions [ 0 ] . text_edit ,
Some ( lsp ::CompletionTextEdit ::Edit ( lsp ::TextEdit {
range ,
new_text : " http://localhost:4545/x " . to_string ( )
} ) )
) ;
let range = lsp ::Range {
start : lsp ::Position {
line : 0 ,
character : 20 ,
} ,
end : lsp ::Position {
line : 0 ,
character : 42 ,
} ,
} ;
let completions = module_registry
. get_completions ( " http://localhost:4545/ " , 22 , & range , & state_snapshot )
. await ;
assert! ( completions . is_some ( ) ) ;
let completions = completions . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( completions . len ( ) , 1 ) ;
assert_eq! ( completions [ 0 ] . label , " /x " ) ;
assert_eq! (
completions [ 0 ] . text_edit ,
Some ( lsp ::CompletionTextEdit ::Edit ( lsp ::TextEdit {
range ,
new_text : " http://localhost:4545/x " . to_string ( )
} ) )
) ;
let range = lsp ::Range {
start : lsp ::Position {
line : 0 ,
character : 20 ,
} ,
end : lsp ::Position {
line : 0 ,
character : 44 ,
} ,
} ;
let completions = module_registry
. get_completions ( " http://localhost:4545/x/ " , 24 , & range , & state_snapshot )
. await ;
assert! ( completions . is_some ( ) ) ;
let completions = completions . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( completions . len ( ) , 2 ) ;
assert! ( completions [ 0 ] . label = = * " a " | | completions [ 0 ] . label = = * " b " ) ;
assert! ( completions [ 1 ] . label = = * " a " | | completions [ 1 ] . label = = * " b " ) ;
let range = lsp ::Range {
start : lsp ::Position {
line : 0 ,
character : 20 ,
} ,
end : lsp ::Position {
line : 0 ,
character : 46 ,
} ,
} ;
let completions = module_registry
. get_completions (
" http://localhost:4545/x/a@ " ,
26 ,
& range ,
& state_snapshot ,
. await ;
assert! ( completions . is_some ( ) ) ;
let completions = completions . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( completions . len ( ) , 3 ) ;
let range = lsp ::Range {
start : lsp ::Position {
line : 0 ,
character : 20 ,
} ,
end : lsp ::Position {
line : 0 ,
character : 53 ,
} ,
} ;
let completions = module_registry
. get_completions (
" http://localhost:4545/x/a@v1.0.0/ " ,
33 ,
& range ,
& state_snapshot ,
. await ;
assert! ( completions . is_some ( ) ) ;
let completions = completions . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( completions . len ( ) , 2 ) ;
assert_eq! ( completions [ 0 ] . detail , Some ( " (path) " . to_string ( ) ) ) ;
assert_eq! ( completions [ 0 ] . kind , Some ( lsp ::CompletionItemKind ::File ) ) ;
assert! ( completions [ 0 ] . command . is_some ( ) ) ;
assert_eq! ( completions [ 1 ] . detail , Some ( " (path) " . to_string ( ) ) ) ;
assert_eq! ( completions [ 0 ] . kind , Some ( lsp ::CompletionItemKind ::File ) ) ;
assert! ( completions [ 1 ] . command . is_some ( ) ) ;
2021-09-14 22:40:35 +10:00
#[ tokio::test ]
async fn test_registry_completions_key_first ( ) {
let _g = test_util ::http_server ( ) ;
let temp_dir = TempDir ::new ( ) . expect ( " could not create tmp " ) ;
let location = temp_dir . path ( ) . join ( " registries " ) ;
let mut module_registry = ModuleRegistry ::new ( & location ) ;
. enable_custom ( " http://localhost:4545/lsp/registries/deno-import-intellisense-key-first.json " )
. await
. expect ( " could not enable " ) ;
let state_snapshot = setup ( & [ ] ) ;
let range = lsp ::Range {
start : lsp ::Position {
line : 0 ,
character : 20 ,
} ,
end : lsp ::Position {
line : 0 ,
character : 42 ,
} ,
} ;
let completions = module_registry
. get_completions ( " http://localhost:4545/ " , 22 , & range , & state_snapshot )
. await ;
assert! ( completions . is_some ( ) ) ;
let completions = completions . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( completions . len ( ) , 3 ) ;
for completion in completions {
assert! ( completion . text_edit . is_some ( ) ) ;
if let lsp ::CompletionTextEdit ::Edit ( edit ) = completion . text_edit . unwrap ( )
assert_eq! (
edit . new_text ,
format! ( " http://localhost:4545/ {} " , completion . label )
) ;
} else {
unreachable! ( " unexpected text edit " ) ;
let range = lsp ::Range {
start : lsp ::Position {
line : 0 ,
character : 20 ,
} ,
end : lsp ::Position {
line : 0 ,
character : 46 ,
} ,
} ;
let completions = module_registry
. get_completions (
" http://localhost:4545/cde@ " ,
26 ,
& range ,
& state_snapshot ,
. await ;
assert! ( completions . is_some ( ) ) ;
let completions = completions . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( completions . len ( ) , 2 ) ;
for completion in completions {
assert! ( completion . text_edit . is_some ( ) ) ;
if let lsp ::CompletionTextEdit ::Edit ( edit ) = completion . text_edit . unwrap ( )
assert_eq! (
edit . new_text ,
format! ( " http://localhost:4545/cde@ {} " , completion . label )
) ;
} else {
unreachable! ( " unexpected text edit " ) ;
#[ tokio::test ]
async fn test_registry_completions_complex ( ) {
let _g = test_util ::http_server ( ) ;
let temp_dir = TempDir ::new ( ) . expect ( " could not create tmp " ) ;
let location = temp_dir . path ( ) . join ( " registries " ) ;
let mut module_registry = ModuleRegistry ::new ( & location ) ;
. enable_custom ( " http://localhost:4545/lsp/registries/deno-import-intellisense-complex.json " )
. await
. expect ( " could not enable " ) ;
let state_snapshot = setup ( & [ ] ) ;
let range = lsp ::Range {
start : lsp ::Position {
line : 0 ,
character : 20 ,
} ,
end : lsp ::Position {
line : 0 ,
character : 42 ,
} ,
} ;
let completions = module_registry
. get_completions ( " http://localhost:4545/ " , 22 , & range , & state_snapshot )
. await ;
assert! ( completions . is_some ( ) ) ;
let completions = completions . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( completions . len ( ) , 3 ) ;
for completion in completions {
assert! ( completion . text_edit . is_some ( ) ) ;
if let lsp ::CompletionTextEdit ::Edit ( edit ) = completion . text_edit . unwrap ( )
assert_eq! (
edit . new_text ,
format! ( " http://localhost:4545/ {} " , completion . label )
) ;
} else {
unreachable! ( " unexpected text edit " ) ;
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00
#[ test ]
fn test_parse_replacement_variables ( ) {
let actual = parse_replacement_variables (
" https://deno.land/_vsc1/modules/${module}/v/${{version}} " ,
) ;
2021-04-18 07:29:37 +02:00
assert_eq! ( actual . len ( ) , 2 ) ;
2021-04-10 02:37:42 +02:00
assert! ( actual . contains ( & " module " . to_owned ( ) ) ) ;
assert! ( actual . contains ( & " version " . to_owned ( ) ) ) ;
2021-04-09 11:27:27 +10:00