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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
"use strict";
((window) => {
const core = window.Deno.core;
const { setExitHandler } = window.__bootstrap.os;
const { Console, inspectArgs } = window.__bootstrap.console;
const { metrics } = core;
const { serializePermissions } = window.__bootstrap.permissions;
const { assert } = window.__bootstrap.util;
const {
} = window.__bootstrap.primordials;
const opSanitizerDelayResolveQueue = [];
// Even if every resource is closed by the end of a test, there can be a delay
// until the pending ops have all finished. This function returns a promise
// that resolves when it's (probably) fine to run the op sanitizer.
// This is implemented by adding a macrotask callback that runs after the
// timer macrotasks, so we can guarantee that a currently running interval
// will have an associated op. An additional `setTimeout` of 0 is needed
// before that, though, in order to give time for worker message ops to finish
// (since timeouts of 0 don't queue tasks in the timer queue immediately).
function opSanitizerDelay() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
ArrayPrototypePush(opSanitizerDelayResolveQueue, resolve);
}, 0);
function handleOpSanitizerDelayMacrotask() {
return opSanitizerDelayResolveQueue.length === 0;
// Wrap test function in additional assertion that makes sure
// the test case does not leak async "ops" - ie. number of async
// completed ops after the test is the same as number of dispatched
// ops. Note that "unref" ops are ignored since in nature that are
// optional.
function assertOps(fn) {
/** @param step {TestStep} */
return async function asyncOpSanitizer(step) {
const pre = metrics();
try {
await fn(step);
} finally {
// Defer until next event loop turn - that way timeouts and intervals
// cleared can actually be removed from resource table, otherwise
// false positives may occur (https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/4591)
await opSanitizerDelay();
if (step.shouldSkipSanitizers) {
const post = metrics();
// We're checking diff because one might spawn HTTP server in the background
// that will be a pending async op before test starts.
const dispatchedDiff = post.opsDispatchedAsync - pre.opsDispatchedAsync;
const completedDiff = post.opsCompletedAsync - pre.opsCompletedAsync;
const details = [];
for (const key in post.ops) {
const dispatchedDiff = Number(
post.ops[key]?.opsDispatchedAsync -
(pre.ops[key]?.opsDispatchedAsync ?? 0),
const completedDiff = Number(
post.ops[key]?.opsCompletedAsync -
(pre.ops[key]?.opsCompletedAsync ?? 0),
if (dispatchedDiff !== completedDiff) {
- dispatched: ${pre.ops[key]?.opsDispatchedAsync ?? 0}
- completed: ${pre.ops[key]?.opsCompletedAsync ?? 0}
- dispatched: ${post.ops[key].opsDispatchedAsync}
- completed: ${post.ops[key].opsCompletedAsync}`);
const message = `Test case is leaking async ops.
- dispatched: ${pre.opsDispatchedAsync}
- completed: ${pre.opsCompletedAsync}
- dispatched: ${post.opsDispatchedAsync}
- completed: ${post.opsCompletedAsync}
${details.length > 0 ? "Ops:" + details.join("") : ""}
Make sure to await all promises returned from Deno APIs before
finishing test case.`;
dispatchedDiff === completedDiff,
function prettyResourceNames(name) {
switch (name) {
case "fsFile":
return ["A file", "opened", "closed"];
case "fetchRequest":
return ["A fetch request", "started", "finished"];
case "fetchRequestBody":
return ["A fetch request body", "created", "closed"];
case "fetchResponseBody":
return ["A fetch response body", "created", "consumed"];
case "httpClient":
return ["An HTTP client", "created", "closed"];
case "dynamicLibrary":
return ["A dynamic library", "loaded", "unloaded"];
case "httpConn":
return ["An inbound HTTP connection", "accepted", "closed"];
case "httpStream":
return ["An inbound HTTP request", "accepted", "closed"];
case "tcpStream":
return ["A TCP connection", "opened/accepted", "closed"];
case "unixStream":
return ["A Unix connection", "opened/accepted", "closed"];
case "tlsStream":
return ["A TLS connection", "opened/accepted", "closed"];
case "tlsListener":
return ["A TLS listener", "opened", "closed"];
case "unixListener":
return ["A Unix listener", "opened", "closed"];
case "unixDatagram":
return ["A Unix datagram", "opened", "closed"];
case "tcpListener":
return ["A TCP listener", "opened", "closed"];
case "udpSocket":
return ["A UDP socket", "opened", "closed"];
case "timer":
return ["A timer", "started", "fired/cleared"];
case "textDecoder":
return ["A text decoder", "created", "finsihed"];
case "messagePort":
return ["A message port", "created", "closed"];
case "webSocketStream":
return ["A WebSocket", "opened", "closed"];
case "fsEvents":
return ["A file system watcher", "created", "closed"];
case "childStdin":
return ["A child process stdin", "opened", "closed"];
case "childStdout":
return ["A child process stdout", "opened", "closed"];
case "childStderr":
return ["A child process stderr", "opened", "closed"];
case "child":
return ["A child process", "started", "closed"];
case "signal":
return ["A signal listener", "created", "fired/cleared"];
case "stdin":
return ["The stdin pipe", "opened", "closed"];
case "stdout":
return ["The stdout pipe", "opened", "closed"];
case "stderr":
return ["The stderr pipe", "opened", "closed"];
case "compression":
return ["A CompressionStream", "created", "closed"];
return [`A "${name}" resource`, "created", "cleaned up"];
function resourceCloseHint(name) {
switch (name) {
case "fsFile":
return "Close the file handle by calling `file.close()`.";
case "fetchRequest":
return "Await the promise returned from `fetch()` or abort the fetch with an abort signal.";
case "fetchRequestBody":
return "Terminate the request body `ReadableStream` by closing or erroring it.";
case "fetchResponseBody":
return "Consume or close the response body `ReadableStream`, e.g `await resp.text()` or `await resp.body.cancel()`.";
case "httpClient":
return "Close the HTTP client by calling `httpClient.close()`.";
case "dynamicLibrary":
return "Unload the dynamic library by calling `dynamicLibrary.close()`.";
case "httpConn":
return "Close the inbound HTTP connection by calling `httpConn.close()`.";
case "httpStream":
return "Close the inbound HTTP request by responding with `e.respondWith().` or closing the HTTP connection.";
case "tcpStream":
return "Close the TCP connection by calling `tcpConn.close()`.";
case "unixStream":
return "Close the Unix socket connection by calling `unixConn.close()`.";
case "tlsStream":
return "Close the TLS connection by calling `tlsConn.close()`.";
case "tlsListener":
return "Close the TLS listener by calling `tlsListener.close()`.";
case "unixListener":
return "Close the Unix socket listener by calling `unixListener.close()`.";
case "unixDatagram":
return "Close the Unix datagram socket by calling `unixDatagram.close()`.";
case "tcpListener":
return "Close the TCP listener by calling `tcpListener.close()`.";
case "udpSocket":
return "Close the UDP socket by calling `udpSocket.close()`.";
case "timer":
return "Clear the timer by calling `clearInterval` or `clearTimeout`.";
case "textDecoder":
return "Close the text decoder by calling `textDecoder.decode('')` or `await textDecoderStream.readable.cancel()`.";
case "messagePort":
return "Close the message port by calling `messagePort.close()`.";
case "webSocketStream":
return "Close the WebSocket by calling `webSocket.close()`.";
case "fsEvents":
return "Close the file system watcher by calling `watcher.close()`.";
case "childStdin":
return "Close the child process stdin by calling `proc.stdin.close()`.";
case "childStdout":
return "Close the child process stdout by calling `proc.stdout.close()`.";
case "childStderr":
return "Close the child process stderr by calling `proc.stderr.close()`.";
case "child":
return "Close the child process by calling `proc.kill()` or `proc.close()`.";
case "signal":
return "Clear the signal listener by calling `Deno.removeSignalListener`.";
case "stdin":
return "Close the stdin pipe by calling `Deno.stdin.close()`.";
case "stdout":
return "Close the stdout pipe by calling `Deno.stdout.close()`.";
case "stderr":
return "Close the stderr pipe by calling `Deno.stderr.close()`.";
case "compression":
return "Close the compression stream by calling `await stream.writable.close()`.";
return "Close the resource before the end of the test.";
// Wrap test function in additional assertion that makes sure
// the test case does not "leak" resources - ie. resource table after
// the test has exactly the same contents as before the test.
function assertResources(
) {
/** @param step {TestStep} */
return async function resourceSanitizer(step) {
const pre = core.resources();
await fn(step);
if (step.shouldSkipSanitizers) {
const post = core.resources();
const allResources = new Set([
...new SafeArrayIterator(ObjectKeys(pre)),
...new SafeArrayIterator(ObjectKeys(post)),
const details = [];
for (const resource of allResources) {
const preResource = pre[resource];
const postResource = post[resource];
if (preResource === postResource) continue;
if (preResource === undefined) {
const [name, action1, action2] = prettyResourceNames(postResource);
const hint = resourceCloseHint(postResource);
const detail =
`${name} (rid ${resource}) was ${action1} during the test, but not ${action2} during the test. ${hint}`;
} else {
const [name, action1, action2] = prettyResourceNames(preResource);
const detail =
`${name} (rid ${resource}) was ${action1} before the test started, but was ${action2} during the test. Do not close resources in a test that were not created during that test.`;
const message = `Test case is leaking ${details.length} resource${
details.length === 1 ? "" : "s"
- ${details.join("\n - ")}
assert(details.length === 0, message);
// Wrap test function in additional assertion that makes sure
// that the test case does not accidentally exit prematurely.
function assertExit(fn) {
return async function exitSanitizer(...params) {
setExitHandler((exitCode) => {
`Test case attempted to exit with exit code: ${exitCode}`,
try {
await fn(...new SafeArrayIterator(params));
} catch (err) {
throw err;
} finally {
function assertTestStepScopes(fn) {
/** @param step {TestStep} */
return async function testStepSanitizer(step) {
// only report waiting after pre-validation
if (step.canStreamReporting()) {
await fn(createTestContext(step));
function preValidation() {
const runningSteps = getPotentialConflictingRunningSteps();
const runningStepsWithSanitizers = ArrayPrototypeFilter(
(t) => t.usesSanitizer,
if (runningStepsWithSanitizers.length > 0) {
throw new Error(
"Cannot start test step while another test step with sanitizers is running.\n" +
.map((s) => ` * ${s.getFullName()}`)
if (step.usesSanitizer && runningSteps.length > 0) {
throw new Error(
"Cannot start test step with sanitizers while another test step is running.\n" +
runningSteps.map((s) => ` * ${s.getFullName()}`).join("\n"),
function getPotentialConflictingRunningSteps() {
/** @type {TestStep[]} */
const results = [];
let childStep = step;
for (const ancestor of step.ancestors()) {
for (const siblingStep of ancestor.children) {
if (siblingStep === childStep) {
if (!siblingStep.finalized) {
ArrayPrototypePush(results, siblingStep);
childStep = ancestor;
return results;
function postValidation() {
// check for any running steps
if (step.hasRunningChildren) {
throw new Error(
"There were still test steps running after the current scope finished execution. " +
"Ensure all steps are awaited (ex. `await t.step(...)`).",
// check if an ancestor already completed
for (const ancestor of step.ancestors()) {
if (ancestor.finalized) {
throw new Error(
"Parent scope completed before test step finished execution. " +
"Ensure all steps are awaited (ex. `await t.step(...)`).",
function withPermissions(fn, permissions) {
function pledgePermissions(permissions) {
return core.opSync(
function restorePermissions(token) {
core.opSync("op_restore_test_permissions", token);
return async function applyPermissions(...params) {
const token = pledgePermissions(permissions);
try {
await fn(...new SafeArrayIterator(params));
} finally {
const tests = [];
// Main test function provided by Deno.
function test(
) {
let testDef;
const defaults = {
ignore: false,
only: false,
sanitizeOps: true,
sanitizeResources: true,
sanitizeExit: true,
permissions: null,
if (typeof nameOrFnOrOptions === "string") {
if (!nameOrFnOrOptions) {
throw new TypeError("The test name can't be empty");
if (typeof optionsOrFn === "function") {
testDef = { fn: optionsOrFn, name: nameOrFnOrOptions, ...defaults };
} else {
if (!maybeFn || typeof maybeFn !== "function") {
throw new TypeError("Missing test function");
if (optionsOrFn.fn != undefined) {
throw new TypeError(
"Unexpected 'fn' field in options, test function is already provided as the third argument.",
if (optionsOrFn.name != undefined) {
throw new TypeError(
"Unexpected 'name' field in options, test name is already provided as the first argument.",
testDef = {
fn: maybeFn,
name: nameOrFnOrOptions,
} else if (typeof nameOrFnOrOptions === "function") {
if (!nameOrFnOrOptions.name) {
throw new TypeError("The test function must have a name");
if (optionsOrFn != undefined) {
throw new TypeError("Unexpected second argument to Deno.test()");
if (maybeFn != undefined) {
throw new TypeError("Unexpected third argument to Deno.test()");
testDef = {
fn: nameOrFnOrOptions,
name: nameOrFnOrOptions.name,
} else {
let fn;
let name;
if (typeof optionsOrFn === "function") {
fn = optionsOrFn;
if (nameOrFnOrOptions.fn != undefined) {
throw new TypeError(
"Unexpected 'fn' field in options, test function is already provided as the second argument.",
name = nameOrFnOrOptions.name ?? fn.name;
} else {
if (
!nameOrFnOrOptions.fn || typeof nameOrFnOrOptions.fn !== "function"
) {
throw new TypeError(
"Expected 'fn' field in the first argument to be a test function.",
fn = nameOrFnOrOptions.fn;
name = nameOrFnOrOptions.name ?? fn.name;
if (!name) {
throw new TypeError("The test name can't be empty");
testDef = { ...defaults, ...nameOrFnOrOptions, fn, name };
testDef.fn = wrapTestFnWithSanitizers(testDef.fn, testDef);
if (testDef.permissions) {
testDef.fn = withPermissions(
ArrayPrototypePush(tests, testDef);
function formatError(error) {
if (ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(AggregateErrorPrototype, error)) {
const message = error
.map((error) =>
inspectArgs([error]).replace(/^(?!\s*$)/gm, " ".repeat(4))
return error.name + "\n" + message + error.stack;
return inspectArgs([error]);
function createTestFilter(filter) {
return (def) => {
if (filter) {
if (
StringPrototypeStartsWith(filter, "/") &&
StringPrototypeEndsWith(filter, "/")
) {
const regex = new RegExp(
StringPrototypeSlice(filter, 1, filter.length - 1),
return RegExpPrototypeTest(regex, def.name);
return StringPrototypeIncludes(def.name, filter);
return true;
async function runTest(test, description) {
if (test.ignore) {
return "ignored";
const step = new TestStep({
name: test.name,
parent: undefined,
rootTestDescription: description,
sanitizeOps: test.sanitizeOps,
sanitizeResources: test.sanitizeResources,
sanitizeExit: test.sanitizeExit,
try {
await test.fn(step);
const failCount = step.failedChildStepsCount();
return failCount === 0 ? "ok" : {
"failed": formatError(
new Error(
`${failCount} test step${failCount === 1 ? "" : "s"} failed.`,
} catch (error) {
return {
"failed": formatError(error),
} finally {
step.finalized = true;
// ensure the children report their result
for (const child of step.children) {
function getTestOrigin() {
return core.opSync("op_get_test_origin");
function reportTestPlan(plan) {
core.opSync("op_dispatch_test_event", {
function reportTestConsoleOutput(console) {
core.opSync("op_dispatch_test_event", {
output: { console },
function reportTestWait(test) {
core.opSync("op_dispatch_test_event", {
wait: test,
function reportTestResult(test, result, elapsed) {
core.opSync("op_dispatch_test_event", {
result: [test, result, elapsed],
function reportTestStepWait(testDescription) {
core.opSync("op_dispatch_test_event", {
stepWait: testDescription,
function reportTestStepResult(testDescription, result, elapsed) {
core.opSync("op_dispatch_test_event", {
stepResult: [testDescription, result, elapsed],
async function runTests({
filter = null,
shuffle = null,
} = {}) {
const origin = getTestOrigin();
const originalConsole = globalThis.console;
globalThis.console = new Console(reportTestConsoleOutput);
const only = ArrayPrototypeFilter(tests, (test) => test.only);
const filtered = ArrayPrototypeFilter(
only.length > 0 ? only : tests,
total: filtered.length,
filteredOut: tests.length - filtered.length,
usedOnly: only.length > 0,
if (shuffle !== null) {
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_congruential_generator
const nextInt = (function (state) {
const m = 0x80000000;
const a = 1103515245;
const c = 12345;
return function (max) {
return state = ((a * state + c) % m) % max;
for (let i = filtered.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
const j = nextInt(i);
[filtered[i], filtered[j]] = [filtered[j], filtered[i]];
for (const test of filtered) {
const description = {
name: test.name,
const earlier = DateNow();
const result = await runTest(test, description);
const elapsed = DateNow() - earlier;
reportTestResult(description, result, elapsed);
globalThis.console = originalConsole;
* @typedef {{
* fn: (t: TestContext) => void | Promise<void>,
* name: string,
* ignore?: boolean,
* sanitizeOps?: boolean,
* sanitizeResources?: boolean,
* sanitizeExit?: boolean,
* }} TestStepDefinition
* @typedef {{
* name: string;
* parent: TestStep | undefined,
* rootTestDescription: { origin: string; name: string };
* sanitizeOps: boolean,
* sanitizeResources: boolean,
* sanitizeExit: boolean,
* }} TestStepParams
class TestStep {
/** @type {TestStepParams} */
reportedWait = false;
#reportedResult = false;
finalized = false;
elapsed = 0;
/** @type "ok" | "ignored" | "pending" | "failed" */
status = "pending";
error = undefined;
/** @type {TestStep[]} */
children = [];
/** @param params {TestStepParams} */
constructor(params) {
this.#params = params;
get name() {
return this.#params.name;
get parent() {
return this.#params.parent;
get rootTestDescription() {
return this.#params.rootTestDescription;
get sanitizerOptions() {
return {
sanitizeResources: this.#params.sanitizeResources,
sanitizeOps: this.#params.sanitizeOps,
sanitizeExit: this.#params.sanitizeExit,
get usesSanitizer() {
return this.#params.sanitizeResources ||
this.#params.sanitizeOps ||
/** If a test validation error already occurred then don't bother checking
* the sanitizers as that will create extra noise.
get shouldSkipSanitizers() {
return this.hasRunningChildren || this.parent?.finalized;
get hasRunningChildren() {
return ArrayPrototypeSome(
/** @param step {TestStep} */
(step) => step.status === "pending",
failedChildStepsCount() {
return ArrayPrototypeFilter(
/** @param step {TestStep} */
(step) => step.status === "failed",
canStreamReporting() {
// there should only ever be one sub step running when running with
// sanitizers, so we can use this to tell if we can stream reporting
return this.selfAndAllAncestorsUseSanitizer() &&
this.children.every((c) => c.usesSanitizer || c.finalized);
selfAndAllAncestorsUseSanitizer() {
if (!this.usesSanitizer) {
return false;
for (const ancestor of this.ancestors()) {
if (!ancestor.usesSanitizer) {
return false;
return true;
*ancestors() {
let ancestor = this.parent;
while (ancestor) {
yield ancestor;
ancestor = ancestor.parent;
getFullName() {
if (this.parent) {
return `${this.parent.getFullName()} > ${this.name}`;
} else {
return this.name;
reportWait() {
if (this.reportedWait || !this.parent) {
this.reportedWait = true;
reportResult() {
if (this.#reportedResult || !this.parent) {
for (const child of this.children) {
this.#reportedResult = true;
#getStepResult() {
switch (this.status) {
case "ok":
return "ok";
case "ignored":
return "ignored";
case "pending":
return {
"pending": this.error && formatError(this.error),
case "failed":
return {
"failed": this.error && formatError(this.error),
throw new Error(`Unhandled status: ${this.status}`);
#getTestStepDescription() {
return {
test: this.rootTestDescription,
name: this.name,
level: this.#getLevel(),
#getLevel() {
let count = 0;
for (const _ of this.ancestors()) {
return count;
/** @param parentStep {TestStep} */
function createTestContext(parentStep) {
return {
[SymbolToStringTag]: "TestContext",
* @param nameOrTestDefinition {string | TestStepDefinition}
* @param fn {(t: TestContext) => void | Promise<void>}
async step(nameOrTestDefinition, fn) {
if (parentStep.finalized) {
throw new Error(
"Cannot run test step after parent scope has finished execution. " +
"Ensure any `.step(...)` calls are executed before their parent scope completes execution.",
const definition = getDefinition();
const subStep = new TestStep({
name: definition.name,
parent: parentStep,
rootTestDescription: parentStep.rootTestDescription,
sanitizeOps: getOrDefault(
sanitizeResources: getOrDefault(
sanitizeExit: getOrDefault(
ArrayPrototypePush(parentStep.children, subStep);
try {
if (definition.ignore) {
subStep.status = "ignored";
subStep.finalized = true;
if (subStep.canStreamReporting()) {
return false;
const testFn = wrapTestFnWithSanitizers(
const start = DateNow();
try {
await testFn(subStep);
if (subStep.failedChildStepsCount() > 0) {
subStep.status = "failed";
} else {
subStep.status = "ok";
} catch (error) {
subStep.error = formatError(error);
subStep.status = "failed";
subStep.elapsed = DateNow() - start;
if (subStep.parent?.finalized) {
// always point this test out as one that was still running
// if the parent step finalized
subStep.status = "pending";
subStep.finalized = true;
if (subStep.reportedWait && subStep.canStreamReporting()) {
return subStep.status === "ok";
} finally {
if (parentStep.canStreamReporting()) {
// flush any buffered steps
for (const parentChild of parentStep.children) {
/** @returns {TestStepDefinition} */
function getDefinition() {
if (typeof nameOrTestDefinition === "string") {
if (!(ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(FunctionPrototype, fn))) {
throw new TypeError("Expected function for second argument.");
return {
name: nameOrTestDefinition,
} else if (typeof nameOrTestDefinition === "object") {
return nameOrTestDefinition;
} else {
throw new TypeError(
"Expected a test definition or name and function.",
* @template T {Function}
* @param testFn {T}
* @param opts {{
* sanitizeOps: boolean,
* sanitizeResources: boolean,
* sanitizeExit: boolean,
* }}
* @returns {T}
function wrapTestFnWithSanitizers(testFn, opts) {
testFn = assertTestStepScopes(testFn);
if (opts.sanitizeOps) {
testFn = assertOps(testFn);
if (opts.sanitizeResources) {
testFn = assertResources(testFn);
if (opts.sanitizeExit) {
testFn = assertExit(testFn);
return testFn;
* @template T
* @param value {T | undefined}
* @param defaultValue {T}
* @returns T
function getOrDefault(value, defaultValue) {
return value == null ? defaultValue : value;
window.__bootstrap.internals = {
...window.__bootstrap.internals ?? {},
window.__bootstrap.testing = {