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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
2022-08-21 17:37:53 +05:30
use attrs::Attributes;
use optimizer::BailoutReason;
use optimizer::Optimizer;
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use proc_macro2::Span;
use proc_macro2::TokenStream as TokenStream2;
use quote::quote;
use quote::ToTokens;
use syn::parse;
use syn::parse_macro_input;
use syn::punctuated::Punctuated;
use syn::token::Comma;
use syn::FnArg;
use syn::GenericParam;
use syn::Ident;
use syn::ItemFn;
use syn::Lifetime;
use syn::LifetimeDef;
mod attrs;
mod deno;
mod fast_call;
mod optimizer;
const SCOPE_LIFETIME: &str = "'scope";
/// Add the 'scope lifetime to the function signature.
fn add_scope_lifetime(func: &mut ItemFn) {
let span = Span::call_site();
let lifetime = LifetimeDef::new(Lifetime::new(SCOPE_LIFETIME, span));
let generics = &mut func.sig.generics;
if !generics.lifetimes().any(|def| *def == lifetime) {
struct Op {
orig: ItemFn,
item: ItemFn,
/// Is this an async op?
/// - `async fn`
/// - returns a Future
is_async: bool,
type_params: Punctuated<GenericParam, Comma>,
// optimizer: Optimizer,
core: TokenStream2,
attrs: Attributes,
2022-04-02 00:09:21 +02:00
impl Op {
fn new(mut item: ItemFn, attrs: Attributes) -> Self {
// Preserve the original function. Change the name to `call`.
// impl op_foo {
// fn call() {}
// ...
// }
let mut orig = item.clone();
orig.sig.ident = Ident::new("call", Span::call_site());
2022-11-17 22:59:10 -03:00
add_scope_lifetime(&mut item);
let is_async = item.sig.asyncness.is_some() || is_future(&item.sig.output);
let type_params = exclude_lifetime_params(&item.sig.generics.params);
let core = quote!(deno_core);
let core = deno::import();
Self {
2022-04-02 00:09:21 +02:00
fn gen(mut self) -> TokenStream2 {
let mut optimizer = Optimizer::new();
match optimizer.analyze(&mut self) {
| Err(BailoutReason::FastUnsupportedParamType) => {
optimizer.fast_compatible = false;
_ => {}
let Self {
} = self;
let name = &item.sig.ident;
let generics = &item.sig.generics;
let where_clause = &item.sig.generics.where_clause;
// First generate fast call bindings to opt-in to error handling in slow call
let fast_call::FastImplItems {
} = fast_call::generate(&core, &mut optimizer, &item);
let docline = format!("Use `{name}::decl()` to get an op-declaration");
let is_v8 = attrs.is_v8;
let is_unstable = attrs.is_unstable;
if let Some(v8_fn) = attrs.relation {
return quote! {
#[doc="Auto-generated by `deno_ops`, i.e: `#[op]`"]
#[doc="you can include in a `deno_core::Extension`."]
pub struct #name;
impl #name {
pub fn name() -> &'static str {
pub fn v8_fn_ptr #generics () -> #core::v8::FunctionCallback #where_clause {
use #core::v8::MapFnTo;
pub fn decl #generics () -> #core::OpDecl #where_clause {
#core::OpDecl {
name: Self::name(),
v8_fn_ptr: Self::v8_fn_ptr::<#type_params>(),
enabled: true,
fast_fn: #decl,
is_async: #is_async,
is_unstable: #is_unstable,
is_v8: #is_v8,
// TODO(mmastrac)
arg_count: 0,
let has_fallible_fast_call = active && optimizer.returns_result;
let (v8_body, arg_count) = if is_async {
let deferred: bool = attrs.deferred;
} else {
codegen_v8_sync(&core, &item, attrs, has_fallible_fast_call)
// Generate wrapper
quote! {
#[doc="Auto-generated by `deno_ops`, i.e: `#[op]`"]
#[doc="you can include in a `deno_core::Extension`."]
pub struct #name;
impl #name {
pub const fn name() -> &'static str {
2022-09-23 05:55:37 +03:00
pub extern "C" fn v8_fn_ptr #generics (info: *const #core::v8::FunctionCallbackInfo) #where_clause {
let info = unsafe { &*info };
let scope = &mut unsafe { #core::v8::CallbackScope::new(info) };
let args = #core::v8::FunctionCallbackArguments::from_function_callback_info(info);
let rv = #core::v8::ReturnValue::from_function_callback_info(info);
Self::v8_func::<#type_params>(scope, args, rv);
pub const fn decl #generics () -> #core::OpDecl #where_clause {
#core::OpDecl {
name: Self::name(),
v8_fn_ptr: Self::v8_fn_ptr::<#type_params> as _,
enabled: true,
fast_fn: #decl,
is_async: #is_async,
is_unstable: #is_unstable,
is_v8: #is_v8,
arg_count: #arg_count as u8,
pub fn v8_func #generics (
scope: &mut #core::v8::HandleScope<'scope>,
args: #core::v8::FunctionCallbackArguments,
mut rv: #core::v8::ReturnValue,
) #where_clause {
2022-08-21 17:37:53 +05:30
pub fn op(attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let margs = parse_macro_input!(attr as Attributes);
let func = parse::<ItemFn>(item).expect("expected a function");
let op = Op::new(func, margs);
/// Generate the body of a v8 func for an async op
2022-05-12 19:06:42 +02:00
fn codegen_v8_async(
core: &TokenStream2,
f: &syn::ItemFn,
margs: Attributes,
asyncness: bool,
deferred: bool,
) -> (TokenStream2, usize) {
let Attributes { is_v8, .. } = margs;
let special_args = f
.map_while(|a| {
(if is_v8 { scope_arg(a) } else { None })
.or_else(|| rc_refcell_opstate_arg(a))
let rust_i0 = special_args.len();
let args_head = special_args.into_iter().collect::<TokenStream2>();
2023-03-27 21:33:07 +05:30
let (arg_decls, args_tail, _) = codegen_args(core, f, rust_i0, 1, asyncness);
let type_params = exclude_lifetime_params(&f.sig.generics.params);
let wrapper = match (asyncness, is_result(&f.sig.output)) {
(true, true) => {
quote! {
let fut = #core::_ops::map_async_op1(ctx, Self::call::<#type_params>(#args_head #args_tail));
let maybe_response = #core::_ops::queue_async_op(
(true, false) => {
quote! {
let fut = #core::_ops::map_async_op2(ctx, Self::call::<#type_params>(#args_head #args_tail));
let maybe_response = #core::_ops::queue_async_op(
(false, true) => {
quote! {
let fut = #core::_ops::map_async_op3(ctx, Self::call::<#type_params>(#args_head #args_tail));
let maybe_response = #core::_ops::queue_async_op(
(false, false) => {
quote! {
let fut = #core::_ops::map_async_op4(ctx, Self::call::<#type_params>(#args_head #args_tail));
let maybe_response = #core::_ops::queue_async_op(
let token_stream = quote! {
use #core::futures::FutureExt;
// SAFETY: #core guarantees args.data() is a v8 External pointing to an OpCtx for the isolates lifetime
let ctx = unsafe {
as *const #core::_ops::OpCtx)
let promise_id = args.get(0);
let promise_id = #core::v8::Local::<#core::v8::Integer>::try_from(promise_id)
.map(|l| l.value() as #core::PromiseId)
// Fail if promise id invalid (not an int)
let promise_id: #core::PromiseId = match promise_id {
Ok(promise_id) => promise_id,
Err(err) => {
#core::_ops::throw_type_error(scope, format!("invalid promise id: {}", err));
if let Some(response) = maybe_response {
// +1 arg for the promise ID
(token_stream, 1 + f.sig.inputs.len() - rust_i0)
fn scope_arg(arg: &FnArg) -> Option<TokenStream2> {
if is_handle_scope(arg) {
Some(quote! { scope, })
} else {
fn opstate_arg(arg: &FnArg) -> Option<TokenStream2> {
match arg {
arg if is_rc_refcell_opstate(arg) => Some(quote! { ctx.state.clone(), }),
arg if is_mut_ref_opstate(arg) => {
Some(quote! { &mut std::cell::RefCell::borrow_mut(&ctx.state), })
_ => None,
fn rc_refcell_opstate_arg(arg: &FnArg) -> Option<TokenStream2> {
match arg {
arg if is_rc_refcell_opstate(arg) => Some(quote! { ctx.state.clone(), }),
arg if is_mut_ref_opstate(arg) => Some(
quote! { compile_error!("mutable opstate is not supported in async ops"), },
_ => None,
/// Generate the body of a v8 func for a sync op
2022-05-12 19:06:42 +02:00
fn codegen_v8_sync(
core: &TokenStream2,
f: &syn::ItemFn,
margs: Attributes,
2022-09-23 05:55:37 +03:00
has_fallible_fast_call: bool,
) -> (TokenStream2, usize) {
let Attributes { is_v8, .. } = margs;
2022-05-12 19:06:42 +02:00
let special_args = f
.map_while(|a| {
(if is_v8 { scope_arg(a) } else { None }).or_else(|| opstate_arg(a))
let rust_i0 = special_args.len();
let args_head = special_args.into_iter().collect::<TokenStream2>();
let (arg_decls, args_tail, _) = codegen_args(core, f, rust_i0, 0, false);
let ret = codegen_sync_ret(core, &f.sig.output);
let type_params = exclude_lifetime_params(&f.sig.generics.params);
2022-09-23 05:55:37 +03:00
let fast_error_handler = if has_fallible_fast_call {
quote! {
let op_state = &mut std::cell::RefCell::borrow_mut(&ctx.state);
2022-09-23 05:55:37 +03:00
if let Some(err) = op_state.last_fast_op_error.take() {
let exception = #core::error::to_v8_error(scope, op_state.get_error_class_fn, &err);
} else {
quote! {}
let token_stream = quote! {
// SAFETY: #core guarantees args.data() is a v8 External pointing to an OpCtx for the isolates lifetime
let ctx = unsafe {
as *const #core::_ops::OpCtx)
let result = Self::call::<#type_params>(#args_head #args_tail);
// use RefCell::borrow instead of state.borrow to avoid clash with std::borrow::Borrow
let op_state = ::std::cell::RefCell::borrow(&*ctx.state);
(token_stream, f.sig.inputs.len() - rust_i0)
/// (full declarations, idents, v8 argument count)
type ArgumentDecl = (TokenStream2, TokenStream2, usize);
fn codegen_args(
core: &TokenStream2,
f: &syn::ItemFn,
rust_i0: usize, // Index of first generic arg in rust
v8_i0: usize, // Index of first generic arg in v8/js
asyncness: bool,
) -> ArgumentDecl {
let inputs = &f.sig.inputs.iter().skip(rust_i0).enumerate();
let ident_seq: TokenStream2 = inputs
.map(|(i, _)| format!("arg_{i}"))
.join(", ")
let decls: TokenStream2 = inputs
.map(|(i, arg)| {
codegen_arg(core, arg, format!("arg_{i}").as_ref(), v8_i0 + i, asyncness)
(decls, ident_seq, inputs.len())
fn codegen_arg(
core: &TokenStream2,
arg: &syn::FnArg,
name: &str,
idx: usize,
asyncness: bool,
) -> TokenStream2 {
let ident = quote::format_ident!("{name}");
2022-08-30 14:31:14 +05:30
let (pat, ty) = match arg {
syn::FnArg::Typed(pat) => {
if is_optional_fast_callback_option(&pat.ty)
|| is_optional_wasm_memory(&pat.ty)
return quote! { let #ident = None; };
(&pat.pat, &pat.ty)
_ => unreachable!(),
// Fast path if arg should be skipped
if matches!(**pat, syn::Pat::Wild(_)) {
return quote! { let #ident = (); };
2022-08-30 14:31:14 +05:30
// Fast path for `String`
if let Some(is_ref) = is_string(&**ty) {
let ref_block = if is_ref {
quote! { let #ident = #ident.as_ref(); }
} else {
quote! {}
2022-08-30 14:31:14 +05:30
return quote! {
let #ident = match #core::v8::Local::<#core::v8::String>::try_from(args.get(#idx as i32)) {
Ok(v8_string) => #core::serde_v8::to_utf8(v8_string, scope),
Err(_) => {
return #core::_ops::throw_type_error(scope, format!("Expected string at position {}", #idx));
// Fast path for `Cow<'_, str>`
if is_cow_str(&**ty) {
return quote! {
let #ident = match #core::v8::Local::<#core::v8::String>::try_from(args.get(#idx as i32)) {
Ok(v8_string) => ::std::borrow::Cow::Owned(#core::serde_v8::to_utf8(v8_string, scope)),
Err(_) => {
return #core::_ops::throw_type_error(scope, format!("Expected string at position {}", #idx));
2022-08-30 14:31:14 +05:30
// Fast path for `Option<String>`
if is_option_string(&**ty) {
return quote! {
let #ident = match #core::v8::Local::<#core::v8::String>::try_from(args.get(#idx as i32)) {
Ok(v8_string) => Some(#core::serde_v8::to_utf8(v8_string, scope)),
Err(_) => None
// Fast path for &/&mut [u8] and &/&mut [u32]
match is_ref_slice(&**ty) {
None => {}
Some(SliceType::U32Mut) => {
assert!(!asyncness, "Memory slices are not allowed in async ops");
let blck = codegen_u32_mut_slice(core, idx);
return quote! {
let #ident = #blck;
Some(SliceType::F64Mut) => {
assert!(!asyncness, "Memory slices are not allowed in async ops");
let blck = codegen_f64_mut_slice(core, idx);
return quote! {
let #ident = #blck;
Some(_) => {
assert!(!asyncness, "Memory slices are not allowed in async ops");
let blck = codegen_u8_slice(core, idx);
return quote! {
let #ident = #blck;
// Fast path for `*const u8`
if is_ptr_u8(&**ty) {
let blk = codegen_u8_ptr(core, idx);
return quote! {
let #ident = #blk;
// Fast path for `*const c_void` and `*mut c_void`
if is_ptr_cvoid(&**ty) {
let blk = codegen_cvoid_ptr(core, idx);
return quote! {
let #ident = #blk;
// Otherwise deserialize it via serde_v8
quote! {
let #ident = args.get(#idx as i32);
let #ident = match #core::serde_v8::from_v8(scope, #ident) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(err) => {
let msg = format!("Error parsing args at position {}: {}", #idx, #core::anyhow::Error::from(err));
return #core::_ops::throw_type_error(scope, msg);
fn codegen_u8_slice(core: &TokenStream2, idx: usize) -> TokenStream2 {
quote! {{
let value = args.get(#idx as i32);
match #core::v8::Local::<#core::v8::ArrayBuffer>::try_from(value) {
Ok(b) => {
let byte_length = b.byte_length();
if let Some(data) = b.data() {
let store = data.cast::<u8>().as_ptr();
// SAFETY: rust guarantees that lifetime of slice is no longer than the call.
unsafe { ::std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(store, byte_length) }
} else {
&mut []
Err(_) => {
if let Ok(view) = #core::v8::Local::<#core::v8::ArrayBufferView>::try_from(value) {
let len = view.byte_length();
let offset = view.byte_offset();
let buffer = match view.buffer(scope) {
Some(v) => v,
None => {
return #core::_ops::throw_type_error(scope, format!("Expected ArrayBufferView at position {}", #idx));
if let Some(data) = buffer.data() {
let store = data.cast::<u8>().as_ptr();
// SAFETY: rust guarantees that lifetime of slice is no longer than the call.
unsafe { ::std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(store.add(offset), len) }
} else {
&mut []
} else {
return #core::_ops::throw_type_error(scope, format!("Expected ArrayBufferView at position {}", #idx));
fn codegen_u8_ptr(core: &TokenStream2, idx: usize) -> TokenStream2 {
quote! {{
let value = args.get(#idx as i32);
match #core::v8::Local::<#core::v8::ArrayBuffer>::try_from(value) {
Ok(b) => {
if let Some(data) = b.data() {
} else {
Err(_) => {
if let Ok(view) = #core::v8::Local::<#core::v8::ArrayBufferView>::try_from(value) {
let offset = view.byte_offset();
let buffer = match view.buffer(scope) {
Some(v) => v,
None => {
return #core::_ops::throw_type_error(scope, format!("Expected ArrayBufferView at position {}", #idx));
let store = if let Some(data) = buffer.data() {
} else {
unsafe { store.add(offset) }
} else {
return #core::_ops::throw_type_error(scope, format!("Expected ArrayBufferView at position {}", #idx));
fn codegen_cvoid_ptr(core: &TokenStream2, idx: usize) -> TokenStream2 {
quote! {{
let value = args.get(#idx as i32);
if value.is_null() {
} else if let Ok(b) = #core::v8::Local::<#core::v8::External>::try_from(value) {
} else {
return #core::_ops::throw_type_error(scope, format!("Expected External at position {}", #idx));
fn codegen_u32_mut_slice(core: &TokenStream2, idx: usize) -> TokenStream2 {
quote! {
if let Ok(view) = #core::v8::Local::<#core::v8::Uint32Array>::try_from(args.get(#idx as i32)) {
let (offset, len) = (view.byte_offset(), view.byte_length());
let buffer = match view.buffer(scope) {
Some(v) => v,
None => {
return #core::_ops::throw_type_error(scope, format!("Expected Uint32Array at position {}", #idx));
if let Some(data) = buffer.data() {
let store = data.cast::<u8>().as_ptr();
// SAFETY: buffer from Uint32Array. Rust guarantees that lifetime of slice is no longer than the call.
unsafe { ::std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(store.add(offset) as *mut u32, len / 4) }
} else {
&mut []
} else {
return #core::_ops::throw_type_error(scope, format!("Expected Uint32Array at position {}", #idx));
fn codegen_f64_mut_slice(core: &TokenStream2, idx: usize) -> TokenStream2 {
quote! {
if let Ok(view) = #core::v8::Local::<#core::v8::Float64Array>::try_from(args.get(#idx as i32)) {
let (offset, len) = (view.byte_offset(), view.byte_length());
let buffer = match view.buffer(scope) {
Some(v) => v,
None => {
return #core::_ops::throw_type_error(scope, format!("Expected Float64Array at position {}", #idx));
if let Some(data) = buffer.data() {
let store = data.cast::<u8>().as_ptr();
unsafe { ::std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(store.add(offset) as *mut f64, len / 8) }
} else {
&mut []
} else {
return #core::_ops::throw_type_error(scope, format!("Expected Float64Array at position {}", #idx));
fn codegen_sync_ret(
core: &TokenStream2,
output: &syn::ReturnType,
) -> TokenStream2 {
if is_void(output) {
return quote! {};
if is_u32_rv(output) {
return quote! {
rv.set_uint32(result as u32);
// Optimize Result<(), Err> to skip serde_v8 when Ok(...)
let ok_block = if is_unit_result(output) {
quote! {}
} else if is_u32_rv_result(output) {
quote! {
rv.set_uint32(result as u32);
} else if is_ptr_cvoid(output) || is_ptr_cvoid_rv(output) {
quote! {
if result.is_null() {
// External canot contain a null pointer, null pointers are instead represented as null.
} else {
rv.set(v8::External::new(scope, result as *mut ::std::ffi::c_void).into());
} else {
quote! {
match #core::serde_v8::to_v8(scope, result) {
Ok(ret) => rv.set(ret),
Err(err) => #core::_ops::throw_type_error(
format!("Error serializing return: {}", #core::anyhow::Error::from(err)),
if !is_result(output) {
return ok_block;
quote! {
match result {
Ok(result) => {
Err(err) => {
let exception = #core::error::to_v8_error(scope, op_state.get_error_class_fn, &err);
fn is_void(ty: impl ToTokens) -> bool {
fn is_result(ty: impl ToTokens) -> bool {
let tokens = tokens(ty);
if tokens.trim_start_matches("-> ").starts_with("Result <") {
return true;
// Detect `io::Result<...>`, `anyhow::Result<...>`, etc...
// i.e: Result aliases/shorthands which are unfortunately "opaque" at macro-time
match tokens.find(":: Result <") {
Some(idx) => !tokens.split_at(idx).0.contains('<'),
None => false,
fn is_string(ty: impl ToTokens) -> Option<bool> {
let toks = tokens(ty);
if toks == "String" {
return Some(false);
if toks == "& str" {
return Some(true);
2022-08-30 14:31:14 +05:30
fn is_option_string(ty: impl ToTokens) -> bool {
tokens(ty) == "Option < String >"
fn is_cow_str(ty: impl ToTokens) -> bool {
tokens(&ty).starts_with("Cow <") && tokens(&ty).ends_with("str >")
enum SliceType {
fn is_ref_slice(ty: impl ToTokens) -> Option<SliceType> {
if is_u8_slice(&ty) {
return Some(SliceType::U8);
if is_u8_slice_mut(&ty) {
return Some(SliceType::U8Mut);
if is_u32_slice_mut(&ty) {
return Some(SliceType::U32Mut);
if is_f64_slice_mut(&ty) {
return Some(SliceType::F64Mut);
fn is_u8_slice(ty: impl ToTokens) -> bool {
tokens(ty) == "& [u8]"
fn is_u8_slice_mut(ty: impl ToTokens) -> bool {
tokens(ty) == "& mut [u8]"
fn is_u32_slice_mut(ty: impl ToTokens) -> bool {
tokens(ty) == "& mut [u32]"
fn is_f64_slice_mut(ty: impl ToTokens) -> bool {
tokens(ty) == "& mut [f64]"
fn is_ptr_u8(ty: impl ToTokens) -> bool {
tokens(ty) == "* const u8"
fn is_ptr_cvoid(ty: impl ToTokens) -> bool {
tokens(&ty) == "* const c_void" || tokens(&ty) == "* mut c_void"
fn is_ptr_cvoid_rv(ty: impl ToTokens) -> bool {
tokens(&ty).contains("Result < * const c_void")
|| tokens(&ty).contains("Result < * mut c_void")
fn is_optional_fast_callback_option(ty: impl ToTokens) -> bool {
tokens(&ty).contains("Option < & mut FastApiCallbackOptions")
fn is_optional_wasm_memory(ty: impl ToTokens) -> bool {
tokens(&ty).contains("Option < & mut [u8]")
/// Detects if the type can be set using `rv.set_uint32` fast path
fn is_u32_rv(ty: impl ToTokens) -> bool {
["u32", "u8", "u16"].iter().any(|&s| tokens(&ty) == s) || is_resource_id(&ty)
/// Detects if the type is of the format Result<u32/u8/u16, Err>
fn is_u32_rv_result(ty: impl ToTokens) -> bool {
&& (tokens(&ty).contains("Result < u32")
|| tokens(&ty).contains("Result < u8")
|| tokens(&ty).contains("Result < u16")
|| is_resource_id(&ty))
/// Detects if a type is of the form Result<(), Err>
fn is_unit_result(ty: impl ToTokens) -> bool {
is_result(&ty) && tokens(&ty).contains("Result < ()")
2022-03-16 00:33:46 +01:00
fn is_resource_id(arg: impl ToTokens) -> bool {
let re = lazy_regex::regex!(r#": (?:deno_core :: )?ResourceId$"#);
2022-08-21 17:37:53 +05:30
fn is_mut_ref_opstate(arg: impl ToTokens) -> bool {
let re = lazy_regex::regex!(r#": & mut (?:deno_core :: )?OpState$"#);
2022-03-16 00:33:46 +01:00
fn is_rc_refcell_opstate(arg: &syn::FnArg) -> bool {
let re =
lazy_regex::regex!(r#": Rc < RefCell < (?:deno_core :: )?OpState > >$"#);
2022-03-16 00:33:46 +01:00
fn is_handle_scope(arg: &syn::FnArg) -> bool {
let re = lazy_regex::regex!(
r#": & mut (?:deno_core :: )?v8 :: HandleScope(?: < '\w+ >)?$"#
fn is_future(ty: impl ToTokens) -> bool {
tokens(&ty).contains("impl Future < Output =")
2022-03-16 00:33:46 +01:00
fn tokens(x: impl ToTokens) -> String {
fn exclude_lifetime_params(
generic_params: &Punctuated<GenericParam, Comma>,
) -> Punctuated<GenericParam, Comma> {
.filter(|t| !tokens(t).starts_with('\''))
.collect::<Punctuated<GenericParam, Comma>>()
mod tests {
use crate::Attributes;
use crate::Op;
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
use std::path::PathBuf;
fn test_codegen(input: PathBuf) {
let update_expected = std::env::var("UPDATE_EXPECTED").is_ok();
let source =
std::fs::read_to_string(&input).expect("Failed to read test file");
let mut attrs = Attributes::default();
if source.contains("// @test-attr:fast") {
attrs.must_be_fast = true;
if source.contains("// @test-attr:wasm") {
attrs.is_wasm = true;
attrs.must_be_fast = true;
let item = syn::parse_str(&source).expect("Failed to parse test file");
let op = Op::new(item, attrs);
let expected = std::fs::read_to_string(input.with_extension("out"))
.expect("Failed to read expected output file");
let actual = op.gen();
// Validate syntax tree.
let tree = syn::parse2(actual).unwrap();
let actual = prettyplease::unparse(&tree);
if update_expected {
std::fs::write(input.with_extension("out"), actual)
.expect("Failed to write expected file");
} else {
assert_eq!(actual, expected);