2023-01-02 16:00:42 -05:00
// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
2023-09-15 08:08:21 -06:00
import {
2023-10-28 03:24:37 +02:00
} from "../../../test_util/std/testing/asserts.ts";
2023-01-16 07:09:26 +11:00
import { Buffer, BufReader, BufWriter } from "../../../test_util/std/io/mod.ts";
2022-10-17 18:57:31 -04:00
import { TextProtoReader } from "../testdata/run/textproto.ts";
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
import {
2023-01-14 15:06:28 +01:00
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
2023-05-19 15:14:40 -06:00
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
2023-10-04 11:37:39 +09:00
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
} from "./test_util.ts";
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
// Since these tests may run in parallel, ensure this port is unique to this file
const servePort = 4502;
2023-04-27 00:58:18 +02:00
const {
2023-05-18 20:10:25 -06:00
2023-05-31 17:20:39 -06:00
2023-04-27 00:58:18 +02:00
// @ts-expect-error TypeScript (as of 3.7) does not support indexing namespaces by symbol
} = Deno[Deno.internal];
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
function createOnErrorCb(ac: AbortController): (err: unknown) => Response {
return (err) => {
return new Response("Internal server error", { status: 500 });
function onListen<T>(
p: Deferred<T>,
): ({ hostname, port }: { hostname: string; port: number }) => void {
return () => {
2023-09-11 18:06:38 -06:00
async function makeServer(
handler: (req: Request) => Response | Promise<Response>,
): Promise<
2023-11-01 20:26:12 +01:00
finished: Promise<void>;
abort: () => void;
shutdown: () => Promise<void>;
[Symbol.asyncDispose](): PromiseLike<void>;
2023-09-11 18:06:38 -06:00
> {
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const server = Deno.serve({
2023-09-11 18:06:38 -06:00
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
await listeningPromise;
2023-09-11 18:06:38 -06:00
return {
finished: server.finished,
abort() {
async shutdown() {
await server.shutdown();
2023-11-01 20:26:12 +01:00
[Symbol.asyncDispose]() {
return server[Symbol.asyncDispose]();
2023-09-11 18:06:38 -06:00
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
2023-09-11 18:06:38 -06:00
Deno.test(async function httpServerShutsDownPortBeforeResolving() {
const { finished, abort } = await makeServer((_req) => new Response("ok"));
assertThrows(() => Deno.listen({ port: servePort }));
await finished;
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const listener = Deno.listen({ port: servePort });
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
2023-09-11 18:06:38 -06:00
// When shutting down abruptly, we require that all in-progress connections are aborted,
// no new connections are allowed, and no new transactions are allowed on existing connections.
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerShutdownAbruptGuaranteeHttp11() {
const promiseQueue: { input: Deferred<string>; out: Deferred<void> }[] = [];
const { finished, abort } = await makeServer((_req) => {
const { input, out } = promiseQueue.shift()!;
return new Response(
new ReadableStream({
async start(controller) {
controller.enqueue(new Uint8Array([46]));
controller.enqueue(encoder.encode(await input));
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
const w = conn.writable.getWriter();
const r = conn.readable.getReader();
const deferred1 = { input: deferred<string>(), out: deferred<void>() };
const deferred2 = { input: deferred<string>(), out: deferred<void>() };
const deferred3 = { input: deferred<string>(), out: deferred<void>() };
await w.write(encoder.encode(`GET / HTTP/1.1\nConnection: keep-alive\n\n`));
await w.write(encoder.encode(`GET / HTTP/1.1\nConnection: keep-alive\n\n`));
// Fully read two responses
let text = "";
while (!text.includes("$\r\n")) {
text += decoder.decode((await r.read()).value);
await w.write(encoder.encode(`GET / HTTP/1.1\nConnection: keep-alive\n\n`));
await deferred3.out;
// This is half served, so wait for the chunk that has the first '.'
text = "";
while (!text.includes("1\r\n.\r\n")) {
text += decoder.decode((await r.read()).value);
// This doesn't actually write anything, but we release it after aborting
// Guarantee: can't connect to an aborted server (though this may not happen immediately)
let failed = false;
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
try {
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
// Give the runtime a few ticks to settle (required for Windows)
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 2 ** i));
} catch (_) {
failed = true;
assert(failed, "The Deno.serve listener was not disabled promptly");
// Guarantee: the pipeline is closed abruptly
assert((await r.read()).done);
try {
} catch (_) {
// Ignore
await finished;
// When shutting down abruptly, we require that all in-progress connections are aborted,
// no new connections are allowed, and no new transactions are allowed on existing connections.
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerShutdownGracefulGuaranteeHttp11() {
const promiseQueue: { input: Deferred<string>; out: Deferred<void> }[] = [];
const { finished, shutdown } = await makeServer((_req) => {
const { input, out } = promiseQueue.shift()!;
return new Response(
new ReadableStream({
async start(controller) {
controller.enqueue(new Uint8Array([46]));
controller.enqueue(encoder.encode(await input));
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
const w = conn.writable.getWriter();
const r = conn.readable.getReader();
const deferred1 = { input: deferred<string>(), out: deferred<void>() };
const deferred2 = { input: deferred<string>(), out: deferred<void>() };
const deferred3 = { input: deferred<string>(), out: deferred<void>() };
await w.write(encoder.encode(`GET / HTTP/1.1\nConnection: keep-alive\n\n`));
await w.write(encoder.encode(`GET / HTTP/1.1\nConnection: keep-alive\n\n`));
// Fully read two responses
let text = "";
while (!text.includes("$\r\n")) {
text += decoder.decode((await r.read()).value);
await w.write(encoder.encode(`GET / HTTP/1.1\nConnection: keep-alive\n\n`));
await deferred3.out;
// This is half served, so wait for the chunk that has the first '.'
text = "";
while (!text.includes("1\r\n.\r\n")) {
text += decoder.decode((await r.read()).value);
const shutdownPromise = shutdown();
// Release the final response _after_ we shut down
// Guarantee: can't connect to an aborted server (though this may not happen immediately)
let failed = false;
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
try {
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
// Give the runtime a few ticks to settle (required for Windows)
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 2 ** i));
} catch (_) {
failed = true;
assert(failed, "The Deno.serve listener was not disabled promptly");
// Guarantee: existing connections fully drain
while (!text.includes("!\r\n")) {
text += decoder.decode((await r.read()).value);
await shutdownPromise;
try {
} catch (_) {
// Ignore
await finished;
// Ensure that resources don't leak during a graceful shutdown
{ permissions: { net: true, write: true, read: true } },
async function httpServerShutdownGracefulResources() {
const waitForRequest = deferred();
const { finished, shutdown } = await makeServer(async (_req) => {
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 10));
return new Response((await makeTempFile(1024 * 1024)).readable);
const f = fetch(`http://localhost:${servePort}`);
await waitForRequest;
assertEquals((await (await f).text()).length, 1048576);
await shutdown();
await finished;
// Ensure that resources don't leak during a graceful shutdown
{ permissions: { net: true, write: true, read: true } },
async function httpServerShutdownGracefulResources2() {
const waitForAbort = deferred();
const waitForRequest = deferred();
const { finished, shutdown } = await makeServer(async (_req) => {
await waitForAbort;
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 10));
return new Response((await makeTempFile(1024 * 1024)).readable);
const f = fetch(`http://localhost:${servePort}`);
await waitForRequest;
const s = shutdown();
assertEquals((await (await f).text()).length, 1048576);
await s;
await finished;
2023-11-01 20:26:12 +01:00
{ permissions: { net: true, write: true, read: true } },
async function httpServerExplicitResourceManagement() {
let dataPromise;
await using _server = await makeServer(async (_req) => {
return new Response((await makeTempFile(1024 * 1024)).readable);
const resp = await fetch(`http://localhost:${servePort}`);
dataPromise = resp.arrayBuffer();
assertEquals((await dataPromise).byteLength, 1048576);
{ permissions: { net: true, write: true, read: true } },
async function httpServerExplicitResourceManagementManualClose() {
await using server = await makeServer(async (_req) => {
return new Response((await makeTempFile(1024 * 1024)).readable);
const resp = await fetch(`http://localhost:${servePort}`);
const [_, data] = await Promise.all([
assertEquals(data.byteLength, 1048576);
2023-05-19 15:14:40 -06:00
{ permissions: { read: true, run: true } },
async function httpServerUnref() {
const [statusCode, _output] = await execCode(`
async function main() {
2023-06-24 13:55:08 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({ port: ${servePort}, handler: () => null });
2023-05-19 15:14:40 -06:00
await server.finished; // This doesn't block the program from exiting
assertEquals(statusCode, 0);
2022-08-24 16:38:51 +02:00
Deno.test(async function httpServerCanResolveHostnames() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const server = Deno.serve({
handler: (_req) => new Response("ok"),
hostname: "localhost",
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-24 16:38:51 +02:00
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const resp = await fetch(`http://localhost:${servePort}/`, {
2022-08-24 16:38:51 +02:00
headers: { "connection": "close" },
const text = await resp.text();
assertEquals(text, "ok");
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-21 21:15:52 +02:00
2022-11-27 04:50:14 +01:00
Deno.test(async function httpServerRejectsOnAddrInUse() {
const ac = new AbortController();
2022-08-26 05:12:11 +02:00
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const server = Deno.serve({
handler: (_req) => new Response("ok"),
hostname: "localhost",
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-11-27 04:50:14 +01:00
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
2022-08-26 05:12:11 +02:00
2023-05-08 09:52:56 +02:00
await listeningPromise;
2022-08-26 05:12:11 +02:00
2023-05-19 02:59:23 +02:00
2022-08-26 05:12:11 +02:00
() =>
handler: (_req) => new Response("ok"),
hostname: "localhost",
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-11-27 04:50:14 +01:00
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
2022-08-26 05:12:11 +02:00
2022-11-27 04:50:14 +01:00
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-26 05:12:11 +02:00
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
Deno.test({ permissions: { net: true } }, async function httpServerBasic() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const promise = deferred();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2023-02-24 23:36:07 +01:00
handler: async (request, { remoteAddr }) => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
// FIXME(bartlomieju):
// make sure that request can be inspected
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
assertEquals(new URL(request.url).href, `${servePort}/`);
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
assertEquals(await request.text(), "");
2023-02-24 23:36:07 +01:00
assertEquals(remoteAddr.hostname, "");
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
return new Response("Hello World", { headers: { "foo": "bar" } });
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const resp = await fetch(`${servePort}/`, {
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
headers: { "connection": "close" },
await promise;
const clone = resp.clone();
const text = await resp.text();
assertEquals(text, "Hello World");
assertEquals(resp.headers.get("foo"), "bar");
const cloneText = await clone.text();
assertEquals(cloneText, "Hello World");
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
2023-05-31 17:20:39 -06:00
// Test serving of HTTP on an arbitrary listener.
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerOnListener() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const promise = deferred();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const listener = Deno.listen({ port: servePort });
const server = serveHttpOnListener(
async (
request: Request,
{ remoteAddr }: { remoteAddr: { hostname: string } },
) => {
new URL(request.url).href,
assertEquals(await request.text(), "");
assertEquals(remoteAddr.hostname, "");
return new Response("Hello World", { headers: { "foo": "bar" } });
await listeningPromise;
const resp = await fetch(`${servePort}/`, {
headers: { "connection": "close" },
await promise;
const clone = resp.clone();
const text = await resp.text();
assertEquals(text, "Hello World");
assertEquals(resp.headers.get("foo"), "bar");
const cloneText = await clone.text();
assertEquals(cloneText, "Hello World");
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2023-05-31 17:20:39 -06:00
// Test serving of HTTP on an arbitrary connection.
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerOnConnection() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const promise = deferred();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const listener = Deno.listen({ port: servePort });
const acceptPromise = listener.accept();
const fetchPromise = fetch(`${servePort}/`, {
headers: { "connection": "close" },
const server = serveHttpOnConnection(
await acceptPromise,
async (
request: Request,
{ remoteAddr }: { remoteAddr: { hostname: string } },
) => {
new URL(request.url).href,
assertEquals(await request.text(), "");
assertEquals(remoteAddr.hostname, "");
return new Response("Hello World", { headers: { "foo": "bar" } });
const resp = await fetchPromise;
await promise;
const clone = resp.clone();
const text = await resp.text();
assertEquals(text, "Hello World");
assertEquals(resp.headers.get("foo"), "bar");
const cloneText = await clone.text();
assertEquals(cloneText, "Hello World");
// Note that we don't need to abort this server -- it closes when the connection does
// ac.abort();
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2023-05-31 17:20:39 -06:00
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
Deno.test({ permissions: { net: true } }, async function httpServerOnError() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
let requestStash: Request | null;
const server = Deno.serve({
handler: async (request: Request) => {
requestStash = request;
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 100));
throw "fail";
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: () => {
return new Response("failed: " + requestStash!.url, { status: 500 });
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const resp = await fetch(`${servePort}/`, {
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
headers: { "connection": "close" },
const text = await resp.text();
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
assertEquals(text, `failed:${servePort}/`);
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerOnErrorFails() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
// NOTE(bartlomieju): deno lint doesn't know that it's actually used later,
// but TypeScript can't see that either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
// deno-lint-ignore no-unused-vars
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
let requestStash: Request | null;
const server = Deno.serve({
handler: async (request: Request) => {
requestStash = request;
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 100));
throw "fail";
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: () => {
throw "again";
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const resp = await fetch(`${servePort}/`, {
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
headers: { "connection": "close" },
const text = await resp.text();
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
assertEquals(text, "Internal Server Error");
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
Deno.test({ permissions: { net: true } }, async function httpServerOverload1() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const promise = deferred();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const server = Deno.serve({
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
}, async (request) => {
// FIXME(bartlomieju):
// make sure that request can be inspected
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
assertEquals(new URL(request.url).href, `${servePort}/`);
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
assertEquals(await request.text(), "");
return new Response("Hello World", { headers: { "foo": "bar" } });
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const resp = await fetch(`${servePort}/`, {
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
headers: { "connection": "close" },
await promise;
const clone = resp.clone();
const text = await resp.text();
assertEquals(text, "Hello World");
assertEquals(resp.headers.get("foo"), "bar");
const cloneText = await clone.text();
assertEquals(cloneText, "Hello World");
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
Deno.test({ permissions: { net: true } }, async function httpServerOverload2() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const promise = deferred();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
2023-04-26 14:54:03 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2023-04-26 14:54:03 +02:00
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
}, async (request) => {
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
// FIXME(bartlomieju):
// make sure that request can be inspected
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
assertEquals(new URL(request.url).href, `${servePort}/`);
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
assertEquals(await request.text(), "");
return new Response("Hello World", { headers: { "foo": "bar" } });
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const resp = await fetch(`${servePort}/`, {
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
headers: { "connection": "close" },
await promise;
const clone = resp.clone();
const text = await resp.text();
assertEquals(text, "Hello World");
assertEquals(resp.headers.get("foo"), "bar");
const cloneText = await clone.text();
assertEquals(cloneText, "Hello World");
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
{ permissions: { net: true } },
2023-05-19 02:59:23 +02:00
function httpServerErrorOverloadMissingHandler() {
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
// @ts-ignore - testing invalid overload
2023-05-19 02:59:23 +02:00
assertThrows(() => Deno.serve(), TypeError, "handler");
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
// @ts-ignore - testing invalid overload
2023-05-19 02:59:23 +02:00
assertThrows(() => Deno.serve({}), TypeError, "handler");
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
// @ts-ignore - testing invalid overload
() => Deno.serve({ handler: undefined }),
2023-05-19 02:59:23 +02:00
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
// @ts-ignore - testing invalid overload
() => Deno.serve(undefined, { handler: () => {} }),
2022-08-21 21:27:14 +09:00
Deno.test({ permissions: { net: true } }, async function httpServerPort0() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const server = Deno.serve({
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
handler() {
2022-08-21 21:27:14 +09:00
return new Response("Hello World");
port: 0,
signal: ac.signal,
onListen({ port }) {
assert(port > 0 && port < 65536);
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-21 21:27:14 +09:00
2022-08-22 17:01:43 +09:00
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerDefaultOnListenCallback() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const consoleLog = console.log;
console.log = (msg) => {
try {
const match = msg.match(/Listening on http:\/\/localhost:(\d+)\//);
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
assert(!!match, `Didn't match ${msg}`);
2022-08-22 17:01:43 +09:00
const port = +match[1];
assert(port > 0 && port < 65536);
} finally {
try {
const server = Deno.serve({
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
handler() {
2022-08-22 17:01:43 +09:00
return new Response("Hello World");
hostname: "",
port: 0,
signal: ac.signal,
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-22 17:01:43 +09:00
} finally {
console.log = consoleLog;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
// https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/15107
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpLazyHeadersIssue15107() {
const promise = deferred();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
let headers: Headers;
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
handler: async (request) => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
await request.text();
headers = request.headers;
return new Response("");
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
// Send GET request with a body + content-length.
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const body =
`GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nContent-Length: 5\r\n\r\n12345`;
const writeResult = await conn.write(encoder.encode(body));
assertEquals(body.length, writeResult);
await promise;
assertEquals(headers!.get("content-length"), "5");
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
function createUrlTest(
name: string,
methodAndPath: string,
host: string | null,
expected: string,
) {
Deno.test(`httpServerUrl${name}`, async () => {
const listeningPromise: Deferred<number> = deferred();
const urlPromise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
const server = Deno.serve({
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
handler: (request: Request) => {
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
return new Response("");
port: 0,
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: ({ port }: { port: number }) => {
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
const port = await listeningPromise;
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port });
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const body = `${methodAndPath} HTTP/1.1\r\n${
host ? ("Host: " + host + "\r\n") : ""
}Content-Length: 5\r\n\r\n12345`;
const writeResult = await conn.write(encoder.encode(body));
assertEquals(body.length, writeResult);
try {
const expectedResult = expected.replace("HOST", "localhost").replace(
assertEquals(await urlPromise, expectedResult);
} finally {
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
createUrlTest("WithPath", "GET /path", null, "http://HOST:PORT/path");
"GET /path",
"GET http://localhost/path",
"GET http://localhost/path",
"GET http://localhost:1234/path",
"GET http://localhost:1234/path",
"GET http://localhost:1234/path",
createUrlTest("WithAsterisk", "OPTIONS *", null, "*");
"CONNECT deno.land:80",
// TODO(mmastrac): These should probably be 400 errors
createUrlTest("WithInvalidAsterisk", "GET *", null, "*");
createUrlTest("WithInvalidNakedPath", "GET path", null, "path");
"GET deno.land:1234",
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerGetRequestBody() {
const promise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
handler: (request) => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
assertEquals(request.body, null);
return new Response("", { headers: {} });
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
// Send GET request with a body + content-length.
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const body =
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
`GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:${servePort}\r\nContent-Length: 5\r\n\r\n12345`;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
const writeResult = await conn.write(encoder.encode(body));
assertEquals(body.length, writeResult);
const resp = new Uint8Array(200);
const readResult = await conn.read(resp);
assert(readResult > 0);
await promise;
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
2023-09-15 08:08:21 -06:00
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerAbortedRequestBody() {
const promise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const server = Deno.serve({
handler: async (request) => {
await assertRejects(async () => {
await request.text();
// Not actually used
return new Response();
port: servePort,
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
// Send POST request with a body + content-length, but don't send it all
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const body =
`POST / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:${servePort}\r\nContent-Length: 10\r\n\r\n12345`;
const writeResult = await conn.write(encoder.encode(body));
assertEquals(body.length, writeResult);
await promise;
await server.finished;
2023-04-26 15:33:30 +02:00
function createStreamTest(count: number, delay: number, action: string) {
function doAction(controller: ReadableStreamDefaultController, i: number) {
if (i == count) {
if (action == "Throw") {
controller.error(new Error("Expected error!"));
} else {
} else {
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
2023-04-26 15:33:30 +02:00
if (delay == 0) {
doAction(controller, i + 1);
} else {
setTimeout(() => doAction(controller, i + 1), delay);
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
function makeStream(_count: number, delay: number): ReadableStream {
2023-04-26 15:33:30 +02:00
return new ReadableStream({
start(controller) {
if (delay == 0) {
doAction(controller, 0);
} else {
setTimeout(() => doAction(controller, 0), delay);
}).pipeThrough(new TextEncoderStream());
Deno.test(`httpServerStreamCount${count}Delay${delay}${action}`, async () => {
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
const ac = new AbortController();
2023-04-26 15:33:30 +02:00
const listeningPromise = deferred();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
handler: (_request) => {
2023-04-26 15:33:30 +02:00
return new Response(makeStream(count, delay));
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
feat(ext/web): resourceForReadableStream (#20180)
Extracted from fast streams work.
This is a resource wrapper for `ReadableStream`, allowing us to treat
all `ReadableStream` instances as resources, and remove special paths in
both `fetch` and `serve`.
Performance with a ReadableStream response yields ~18% improvement:
return new Response(new ReadableStream({
start(controller) {
controller.enqueue(new Uint8Array([104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100]));
This patch:
12:36 $ third_party/prebuilt/mac/wrk http://localhost:8080
Running 10s test @ http://localhost:8080
2 threads and 10 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 99.96us 100.03us 6.65ms 98.84%
Req/Sec 47.73k 2.43k 51.02k 89.11%
959308 requests in 10.10s, 117.10MB read
Requests/sec: 94978.71
Transfer/sec: 11.59MB
Running 10s test @ http://localhost:8080
2 threads and 10 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 163.03us 685.51us 19.73ms 99.27%
Req/Sec 39.50k 3.98k 66.11k 95.52%
789582 requests in 10.10s, 82.83MB read
Requests/sec: 78182.65
Transfer/sec: 8.20MB
2023-08-17 07:52:37 -06:00
try {
await listeningPromise;
2023-09-26 19:46:06 +09:00
const resp = await fetch(`${servePort}/`);
feat(ext/web): resourceForReadableStream (#20180)
Extracted from fast streams work.
This is a resource wrapper for `ReadableStream`, allowing us to treat
all `ReadableStream` instances as resources, and remove special paths in
both `fetch` and `serve`.
Performance with a ReadableStream response yields ~18% improvement:
return new Response(new ReadableStream({
start(controller) {
controller.enqueue(new Uint8Array([104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100]));
This patch:
12:36 $ third_party/prebuilt/mac/wrk http://localhost:8080
Running 10s test @ http://localhost:8080
2 threads and 10 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 99.96us 100.03us 6.65ms 98.84%
Req/Sec 47.73k 2.43k 51.02k 89.11%
959308 requests in 10.10s, 117.10MB read
Requests/sec: 94978.71
Transfer/sec: 11.59MB
Running 10s test @ http://localhost:8080
2 threads and 10 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 163.03us 685.51us 19.73ms 99.27%
Req/Sec 39.50k 3.98k 66.11k 95.52%
789582 requests in 10.10s, 82.83MB read
Requests/sec: 78182.65
Transfer/sec: 8.20MB
2023-08-17 07:52:37 -06:00
if (action == "Throw") {
2023-09-15 08:53:38 -06:00
await assertRejects(async () => {
feat(ext/web): resourceForReadableStream (#20180)
Extracted from fast streams work.
This is a resource wrapper for `ReadableStream`, allowing us to treat
all `ReadableStream` instances as resources, and remove special paths in
both `fetch` and `serve`.
Performance with a ReadableStream response yields ~18% improvement:
return new Response(new ReadableStream({
start(controller) {
controller.enqueue(new Uint8Array([104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100]));
This patch:
12:36 $ third_party/prebuilt/mac/wrk http://localhost:8080
Running 10s test @ http://localhost:8080
2 threads and 10 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 99.96us 100.03us 6.65ms 98.84%
Req/Sec 47.73k 2.43k 51.02k 89.11%
959308 requests in 10.10s, 117.10MB read
Requests/sec: 94978.71
Transfer/sec: 11.59MB
Running 10s test @ http://localhost:8080
2 threads and 10 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 163.03us 685.51us 19.73ms 99.27%
Req/Sec 39.50k 3.98k 66.11k 95.52%
789582 requests in 10.10s, 82.83MB read
Requests/sec: 78182.65
Transfer/sec: 8.20MB
2023-08-17 07:52:37 -06:00
await resp.text();
2023-09-15 08:53:38 -06:00
feat(ext/web): resourceForReadableStream (#20180)
Extracted from fast streams work.
This is a resource wrapper for `ReadableStream`, allowing us to treat
all `ReadableStream` instances as resources, and remove special paths in
both `fetch` and `serve`.
Performance with a ReadableStream response yields ~18% improvement:
return new Response(new ReadableStream({
start(controller) {
controller.enqueue(new Uint8Array([104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100]));
This patch:
12:36 $ third_party/prebuilt/mac/wrk http://localhost:8080
Running 10s test @ http://localhost:8080
2 threads and 10 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 99.96us 100.03us 6.65ms 98.84%
Req/Sec 47.73k 2.43k 51.02k 89.11%
959308 requests in 10.10s, 117.10MB read
Requests/sec: 94978.71
Transfer/sec: 11.59MB
Running 10s test @ http://localhost:8080
2 threads and 10 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 163.03us 685.51us 19.73ms 99.27%
Req/Sec 39.50k 3.98k 66.11k 95.52%
789582 requests in 10.10s, 82.83MB read
Requests/sec: 78182.65
Transfer/sec: 8.20MB
2023-08-17 07:52:37 -06:00
} else {
const text = await resp.text();
2023-04-26 15:33:30 +02:00
feat(ext/web): resourceForReadableStream (#20180)
Extracted from fast streams work.
This is a resource wrapper for `ReadableStream`, allowing us to treat
all `ReadableStream` instances as resources, and remove special paths in
both `fetch` and `serve`.
Performance with a ReadableStream response yields ~18% improvement:
return new Response(new ReadableStream({
start(controller) {
controller.enqueue(new Uint8Array([104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100]));
This patch:
12:36 $ third_party/prebuilt/mac/wrk http://localhost:8080
Running 10s test @ http://localhost:8080
2 threads and 10 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 99.96us 100.03us 6.65ms 98.84%
Req/Sec 47.73k 2.43k 51.02k 89.11%
959308 requests in 10.10s, 117.10MB read
Requests/sec: 94978.71
Transfer/sec: 11.59MB
Running 10s test @ http://localhost:8080
2 threads and 10 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 163.03us 685.51us 19.73ms 99.27%
Req/Sec 39.50k 3.98k 66.11k 95.52%
789582 requests in 10.10s, 82.83MB read
Requests/sec: 78182.65
Transfer/sec: 8.20MB
2023-08-17 07:52:37 -06:00
let expected = "";
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
expected += `a${i}`;
assertEquals(text, expected);
2023-04-26 15:33:30 +02:00
feat(ext/web): resourceForReadableStream (#20180)
Extracted from fast streams work.
This is a resource wrapper for `ReadableStream`, allowing us to treat
all `ReadableStream` instances as resources, and remove special paths in
both `fetch` and `serve`.
Performance with a ReadableStream response yields ~18% improvement:
return new Response(new ReadableStream({
start(controller) {
controller.enqueue(new Uint8Array([104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100]));
This patch:
12:36 $ third_party/prebuilt/mac/wrk http://localhost:8080
Running 10s test @ http://localhost:8080
2 threads and 10 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 99.96us 100.03us 6.65ms 98.84%
Req/Sec 47.73k 2.43k 51.02k 89.11%
959308 requests in 10.10s, 117.10MB read
Requests/sec: 94978.71
Transfer/sec: 11.59MB
Running 10s test @ http://localhost:8080
2 threads and 10 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 163.03us 685.51us 19.73ms 99.27%
Req/Sec 39.50k 3.98k 66.11k 95.52%
789582 requests in 10.10s, 82.83MB read
Requests/sec: 78182.65
Transfer/sec: 8.20MB
2023-08-17 07:52:37 -06:00
} finally {
2023-09-15 08:53:38 -06:00
await server.shutdown();
2023-04-26 15:33:30 +02:00
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
for (const count of [0, 1, 2, 3]) {
fix(ext/http): ensure request body resource lives as long as response is alive (#20206)
Deno.serve's fast streaming implementation was not keeping the request
body resource ID alive. We were taking the `Rc<Resource>` from the
resource table during the response, so a hairpin duplex response that
fed back the request body would work.
However, if any JS code attempted to read from the request body (which
requires the resource ID to be valid), the response would fail with a
difficult-to-diagnose "EOF" error.
This was affecting more complex duplex uses of `Deno.fetch` (though as
far as I can tell was unreported).
Simple test:
const reader = request.body.getReader();
return new Response(
new ReadableStream({
async pull(controller) {
const { done, value } = await reader.read();
if (done) {
} else {
And then attempt to use the stream in duplex mode:
async function testDuplex(
reader: ReadableStreamDefaultReader<Uint8Array>,
writable: WritableStreamDefaultWriter<Uint8Array>,
) {
await writable.write(new Uint8Array([1]));
const chunk1 = await reader.read();
assertEquals(chunk1.value, new Uint8Array([1]));
await writable.write(new Uint8Array([2]));
const chunk2 = await reader.read();
assertEquals(chunk2.value, new Uint8Array([2]));
await writable.close();
const chunk3 = await reader.read();
In older versions of Deno, this would just lock up. I believe after
23ff0e722e3c4b0827940853c53c5ee2ede5ec9f, it started throwing a more
explicit error:
httpServerStreamDuplexJavascript => ./cli/tests/unit/serve_test.ts:1339:6
error: TypeError: request or response body error: error reading a body from connection: Connection reset by peer (os error 54)
at async Object.pull (ext:deno_web/06_streams.js:810:27)
2023-08-20 19:35:26 -06:00
for (const delay of [0, 1, 25]) {
2023-04-26 15:33:30 +02:00
// Creating a stream that errors in start will throw
if (delay > 0) {
createStreamTest(count, delay, "Throw");
createStreamTest(count, delay, "Close");
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerStreamRequest() {
const stream = new TransformStream();
const writer = stream.writable.getWriter();
writer.write(new TextEncoder().encode("hello "));
writer.write(new TextEncoder().encode("world"));
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
handler: async (request) => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const reqBody = await request.text();
assertEquals("hello world", reqBody);
return new Response("yo");
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const resp = await fetch(`${servePort}/`, {
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
body: stream.readable,
method: "POST",
headers: { "connection": "close" },
assertEquals(await resp.text(), "yo");
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
Deno.test({ permissions: { net: true } }, async function httpServerClose() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
handler: () => new Response("ok"),
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const client = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
2023-05-16 17:00:59 -06:00
// https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/15427
Deno.test({ permissions: { net: true } }, async function httpServerCloseGet() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const requestPromise = deferred();
const responsePromise = deferred();
const server = Deno.serve({
handler: async () => {
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 500));
return new Response("ok");
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2023-05-16 17:00:59 -06:00
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
2023-05-16 17:00:59 -06:00
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const body =
`GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.domain\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n`;
const writeResult = await conn.write(encoder.encode(body));
assertEquals(body.length, writeResult);
await requestPromise;
await responsePromise;
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2023-05-16 17:00:59 -06:00
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerEmptyBlobResponse() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
handler: () => new Response(new Blob([])),
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-09-26 19:46:06 +09:00
const resp = await fetch(`${servePort}/`);
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
const respBody = await resp.text();
assertEquals("", respBody);
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
2023-01-14 15:06:28 +01:00
// https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/17291
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerIncorrectChunkedResponse() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const errorPromise = deferred();
const server = Deno.serve({
handler: () => {
const body = new ReadableStream({
start(controller) {
// Non-encoded string is not a valid readable chunk.
2023-04-03 17:44:18 +02:00
// @ts-ignore we're testing that input is invalid
2023-01-14 15:06:28 +01:00
2023-04-03 17:44:18 +02:00
type: "bytes",
2023-01-14 15:06:28 +01:00
return new Response(body);
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2023-01-14 15:06:28 +01:00
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: (err) => {
const errResp = new Response(
`Internal server error: ${(err as Error).message}`,
{ status: 500 },
2023-04-03 17:44:18 +02:00
2023-01-14 15:06:28 +01:00
return errResp;
await listeningPromise;
2023-09-26 19:46:06 +09:00
const resp = await fetch(`${servePort}/`);
2023-01-14 15:06:28 +01:00
// Incorrectly implemented reader ReadableStream should reject.
2023-04-03 17:44:18 +02:00
assertStringIncludes(await resp.text(), "Failed to execute 'enqueue'");
await errorPromise;
2023-01-14 15:06:28 +01:00
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2023-01-14 15:06:28 +01:00
2022-09-07 16:21:30 +05:30
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerCorrectLengthForUnicodeString() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const server = Deno.serve({
handler: () => new Response("韓國".repeat(10)),
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-09-07 16:21:30 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
2022-09-07 16:21:30 +05:30
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const body =
`GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.domain\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n`;
const writeResult = await conn.write(encoder.encode(body));
assertEquals(body.length, writeResult);
const buf = new Uint8Array(1024);
const readResult = await conn.read(buf);
const msg = decoder.decode(buf.subarray(0, readResult));
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2023-04-03 17:44:18 +02:00
assert(msg.includes("content-length: 60"));
2022-09-07 16:21:30 +05:30
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
Deno.test({ permissions: { net: true } }, async function httpServerWebSocket() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
2023-09-16 07:48:31 +02:00
const done = deferred();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
handler: (request) => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const {
} = Deno.upgradeWebSocket(request);
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
socket.onerror = (e) => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
socket.onmessage = (m) => {
2023-09-16 07:48:31 +02:00
socket.onclose = () => done.resolve();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
return response;
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
const def = deferred();
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const ws = new WebSocket(`ws://localhost:${servePort}`);
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
ws.onmessage = (m) => assertEquals(m.data, "foo");
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
ws.onerror = (e) => {
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
ws.onclose = () => def.resolve();
ws.onopen = () => ws.send("foo");
await def;
2023-09-16 07:48:31 +02:00
await done;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
2023-04-27 00:58:18 +02:00
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerWebSocketRaw() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const server = Deno.serve({
handler: async (request) => {
const { conn, response } = upgradeHttpRaw(request);
const buf = new Uint8Array(1024);
let read;
// Write our fake HTTP upgrade
await conn.write(
new TextEncoder().encode(
"HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\nConnection: Upgraded\r\n\r\nExtra",
// Upgrade data
read = await conn.read(buf);
new TextDecoder().decode(buf.subarray(0, read!)),
"Upgrade data",
// Read the packet to echo
read = await conn.read(buf);
// Echo
await conn.write(buf.subarray(0, read!));
return response;
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2023-04-27 00:58:18 +02:00
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
2023-04-27 00:58:18 +02:00
await conn.write(
new TextEncoder().encode(
"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nUpgrade: websocket\r\n\r\nUpgrade data",
const buf = new Uint8Array(1024);
let len;
// Headers
let headers = "";
for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
len = await conn.read(buf);
headers += new TextDecoder().decode(buf.subarray(0, len!));
if (headers.endsWith("Extra")) {
/HTTP\/1\.1 101 Switching Protocols[ ,.A-Za-z:0-9\r\n]*Extra/im,
// Data to echo
await conn.write(new TextEncoder().encode("buffer data"));
// Echo
len = await conn.read(buf);
new TextDecoder().decode(buf.subarray(0, len!)),
"buffer data",
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2023-04-27 00:58:18 +02:00
2023-04-23 09:59:46 -06:00
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerWebSocketUpgradeTwice() {
const ac = new AbortController();
2023-09-16 07:48:31 +02:00
const done = deferred();
2023-04-23 09:59:46 -06:00
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const server = Deno.serve({
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
handler: (request) => {
2023-04-23 09:59:46 -06:00
const {
} = Deno.upgradeWebSocket(request);
() => {
"already upgraded",
socket.onerror = (e) => {
socket.onmessage = (m) => {
2023-09-16 07:48:31 +02:00
socket.onclose = () => done.resolve();
2023-04-23 09:59:46 -06:00
return response;
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2023-04-23 09:59:46 -06:00
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
const def = deferred();
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const ws = new WebSocket(`ws://localhost:${servePort}`);
2023-04-23 09:59:46 -06:00
ws.onmessage = (m) => assertEquals(m.data, "foo");
ws.onerror = (e) => {
ws.onclose = () => def.resolve();
ws.onopen = () => ws.send("foo");
await def;
2023-09-16 07:48:31 +02:00
await done;
2023-04-23 09:59:46 -06:00
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2023-04-23 09:59:46 -06:00
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerWebSocketCloseFast() {
const ac = new AbortController();
2023-09-16 07:48:31 +02:00
const done = deferred();
2023-04-23 09:59:46 -06:00
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const server = Deno.serve({
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
handler: (request) => {
2023-04-23 09:59:46 -06:00
const {
} = Deno.upgradeWebSocket(request);
socket.onopen = () => socket.close();
2023-09-16 07:48:31 +02:00
socket.onclose = () => done.resolve();
2023-04-23 09:59:46 -06:00
return response;
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2023-04-23 09:59:46 -06:00
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
const def = deferred();
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const ws = new WebSocket(`ws://localhost:${servePort}`);
2023-04-23 09:59:46 -06:00
ws.onerror = (e) => {
ws.onclose = () => def.resolve();
await def;
2023-09-16 07:48:31 +02:00
await done;
2023-04-23 09:59:46 -06:00
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2023-04-23 09:59:46 -06:00
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerWebSocketCanAccessRequest() {
const ac = new AbortController();
2023-09-16 07:48:31 +02:00
const done = deferred();
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const server = Deno.serve({
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
handler: (request) => {
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
const {
} = Deno.upgradeWebSocket(request);
socket.onerror = (e) => {
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
socket.onmessage = (_m) => {
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
2023-09-16 07:48:31 +02:00
socket.onclose = () => done.resolve();
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
return response;
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
const def = deferred();
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const ws = new WebSocket(`ws://localhost:${servePort}`);
ws.onmessage = (m) =>
assertEquals(m.data, `http://localhost:${servePort}/`);
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
ws.onerror = (e) => {
ws.onclose = () => def.resolve();
ws.onopen = () => ws.send("foo");
await def;
2023-09-16 07:48:31 +02:00
await done;
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpVeryLargeRequest() {
const promise = deferred();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
let headers: Headers;
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
handler: (request) => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
headers = request.headers;
return new Response("");
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
// Send GET request with a body + content-length.
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const smthElse = "x".repeat(16 * 1024 + 256);
const body =
`GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nContent-Length: 5\r\nSomething-Else: ${smthElse}\r\n\r\n`;
const writeResult = await conn.write(encoder.encode(body));
assertEquals(body.length, writeResult);
await promise;
assertEquals(headers!.get("content-length"), "5");
assertEquals(headers!.get("something-else"), smthElse);
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpVeryLargeRequestAndBody() {
const promise = deferred();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
let headers: Headers;
let text: string;
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
handler: async (request) => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
headers = request.headers;
text = await request.text();
return new Response("");
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
// Send GET request with a body + content-length.
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const smthElse = "x".repeat(16 * 1024 + 256);
const reqBody = "hello world".repeat(1024);
let body =
`PUT / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nContent-Length: ${reqBody.length}\r\nSomething-Else: ${smthElse}\r\n\r\n${reqBody}`;
while (body.length > 0) {
const writeResult = await conn.write(encoder.encode(body));
body = body.slice(writeResult);
await promise;
assertEquals(headers!.get("content-length"), `${reqBody.length}`);
assertEquals(headers!.get("something-else"), smthElse);
assertEquals(text!, reqBody);
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpConnectionClose() {
const promise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
handler: () => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
return new Response("");
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
// Send GET request with a body + connection: close.
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const body =
`GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n`;
const writeResult = await conn.write(encoder.encode(body));
assertEquals(body.length, writeResult);
await promise;
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
fix(ext/http): ensure request body resource lives as long as response is alive (#20206)
Deno.serve's fast streaming implementation was not keeping the request
body resource ID alive. We were taking the `Rc<Resource>` from the
resource table during the response, so a hairpin duplex response that
fed back the request body would work.
However, if any JS code attempted to read from the request body (which
requires the resource ID to be valid), the response would fail with a
difficult-to-diagnose "EOF" error.
This was affecting more complex duplex uses of `Deno.fetch` (though as
far as I can tell was unreported).
Simple test:
const reader = request.body.getReader();
return new Response(
new ReadableStream({
async pull(controller) {
const { done, value } = await reader.read();
if (done) {
} else {
And then attempt to use the stream in duplex mode:
async function testDuplex(
reader: ReadableStreamDefaultReader<Uint8Array>,
writable: WritableStreamDefaultWriter<Uint8Array>,
) {
await writable.write(new Uint8Array([1]));
const chunk1 = await reader.read();
assertEquals(chunk1.value, new Uint8Array([1]));
await writable.write(new Uint8Array([2]));
const chunk2 = await reader.read();
assertEquals(chunk2.value, new Uint8Array([2]));
await writable.close();
const chunk3 = await reader.read();
In older versions of Deno, this would just lock up. I believe after
23ff0e722e3c4b0827940853c53c5ee2ede5ec9f, it started throwing a more
explicit error:
httpServerStreamDuplexJavascript => ./cli/tests/unit/serve_test.ts:1339:6
error: TypeError: request or response body error: error reading a body from connection: Connection reset by peer (os error 54)
at async Object.pull (ext:deno_web/06_streams.js:810:27)
2023-08-20 19:35:26 -06:00
async function testDuplex(
reader: ReadableStreamDefaultReader<Uint8Array>,
writable: WritableStreamDefaultWriter<Uint8Array>,
) {
await writable.write(new Uint8Array([1]));
const chunk1 = await reader.read();
assertEquals(chunk1.value, new Uint8Array([1]));
await writable.write(new Uint8Array([2]));
const chunk2 = await reader.read();
assertEquals(chunk2.value, new Uint8Array([2]));
await writable.close();
const chunk3 = await reader.read();
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
{ permissions: { net: true } },
fix(ext/http): ensure request body resource lives as long as response is alive (#20206)
Deno.serve's fast streaming implementation was not keeping the request
body resource ID alive. We were taking the `Rc<Resource>` from the
resource table during the response, so a hairpin duplex response that
fed back the request body would work.
However, if any JS code attempted to read from the request body (which
requires the resource ID to be valid), the response would fail with a
difficult-to-diagnose "EOF" error.
This was affecting more complex duplex uses of `Deno.fetch` (though as
far as I can tell was unreported).
Simple test:
const reader = request.body.getReader();
return new Response(
new ReadableStream({
async pull(controller) {
const { done, value } = await reader.read();
if (done) {
} else {
And then attempt to use the stream in duplex mode:
async function testDuplex(
reader: ReadableStreamDefaultReader<Uint8Array>,
writable: WritableStreamDefaultWriter<Uint8Array>,
) {
await writable.write(new Uint8Array([1]));
const chunk1 = await reader.read();
assertEquals(chunk1.value, new Uint8Array([1]));
await writable.write(new Uint8Array([2]));
const chunk2 = await reader.read();
assertEquals(chunk2.value, new Uint8Array([2]));
await writable.close();
const chunk3 = await reader.read();
In older versions of Deno, this would just lock up. I believe after
23ff0e722e3c4b0827940853c53c5ee2ede5ec9f, it started throwing a more
explicit error:
httpServerStreamDuplexJavascript => ./cli/tests/unit/serve_test.ts:1339:6
error: TypeError: request or response body error: error reading a body from connection: Connection reset by peer (os error 54)
at async Object.pull (ext:deno_web/06_streams.js:810:27)
2023-08-20 19:35:26 -06:00
async function httpServerStreamDuplexDirect() {
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
const promise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
2023-04-26 14:54:03 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve(
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
{ port: servePort, signal: ac.signal },
fix(ext/http): ensure request body resource lives as long as response is alive (#20206)
Deno.serve's fast streaming implementation was not keeping the request
body resource ID alive. We were taking the `Rc<Resource>` from the
resource table during the response, so a hairpin duplex response that
fed back the request body would work.
However, if any JS code attempted to read from the request body (which
requires the resource ID to be valid), the response would fail with a
difficult-to-diagnose "EOF" error.
This was affecting more complex duplex uses of `Deno.fetch` (though as
far as I can tell was unreported).
Simple test:
const reader = request.body.getReader();
return new Response(
new ReadableStream({
async pull(controller) {
const { done, value } = await reader.read();
if (done) {
} else {
And then attempt to use the stream in duplex mode:
async function testDuplex(
reader: ReadableStreamDefaultReader<Uint8Array>,
writable: WritableStreamDefaultWriter<Uint8Array>,
) {
await writable.write(new Uint8Array([1]));
const chunk1 = await reader.read();
assertEquals(chunk1.value, new Uint8Array([1]));
await writable.write(new Uint8Array([2]));
const chunk2 = await reader.read();
assertEquals(chunk2.value, new Uint8Array([2]));
await writable.close();
const chunk3 = await reader.read();
In older versions of Deno, this would just lock up. I believe after
23ff0e722e3c4b0827940853c53c5ee2ede5ec9f, it started throwing a more
explicit error:
httpServerStreamDuplexJavascript => ./cli/tests/unit/serve_test.ts:1339:6
error: TypeError: request or response body error: error reading a body from connection: Connection reset by peer (os error 54)
at async Object.pull (ext:deno_web/06_streams.js:810:27)
2023-08-20 19:35:26 -06:00
(request: Request) => {
2023-04-26 14:54:03 +02:00
return new Response(request.body);
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
fix(ext/http): ensure request body resource lives as long as response is alive (#20206)
Deno.serve's fast streaming implementation was not keeping the request
body resource ID alive. We were taking the `Rc<Resource>` from the
resource table during the response, so a hairpin duplex response that
fed back the request body would work.
However, if any JS code attempted to read from the request body (which
requires the resource ID to be valid), the response would fail with a
difficult-to-diagnose "EOF" error.
This was affecting more complex duplex uses of `Deno.fetch` (though as
far as I can tell was unreported).
Simple test:
const reader = request.body.getReader();
return new Response(
new ReadableStream({
async pull(controller) {
const { done, value } = await reader.read();
if (done) {
} else {
And then attempt to use the stream in duplex mode:
async function testDuplex(
reader: ReadableStreamDefaultReader<Uint8Array>,
writable: WritableStreamDefaultWriter<Uint8Array>,
) {
await writable.write(new Uint8Array([1]));
const chunk1 = await reader.read();
assertEquals(chunk1.value, new Uint8Array([1]));
await writable.write(new Uint8Array([2]));
const chunk2 = await reader.read();
assertEquals(chunk2.value, new Uint8Array([2]));
await writable.close();
const chunk3 = await reader.read();
In older versions of Deno, this would just lock up. I believe after
23ff0e722e3c4b0827940853c53c5ee2ede5ec9f, it started throwing a more
explicit error:
httpServerStreamDuplexJavascript => ./cli/tests/unit/serve_test.ts:1339:6
error: TypeError: request or response body error: error reading a body from connection: Connection reset by peer (os error 54)
at async Object.pull (ext:deno_web/06_streams.js:810:27)
2023-08-20 19:35:26 -06:00
const { readable, writable } = new TransformStream();
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const resp = await fetch(`${servePort}/`, {
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
method: "POST",
fix(ext/http): ensure request body resource lives as long as response is alive (#20206)
Deno.serve's fast streaming implementation was not keeping the request
body resource ID alive. We were taking the `Rc<Resource>` from the
resource table during the response, so a hairpin duplex response that
fed back the request body would work.
However, if any JS code attempted to read from the request body (which
requires the resource ID to be valid), the response would fail with a
difficult-to-diagnose "EOF" error.
This was affecting more complex duplex uses of `Deno.fetch` (though as
far as I can tell was unreported).
Simple test:
const reader = request.body.getReader();
return new Response(
new ReadableStream({
async pull(controller) {
const { done, value } = await reader.read();
if (done) {
} else {
And then attempt to use the stream in duplex mode:
async function testDuplex(
reader: ReadableStreamDefaultReader<Uint8Array>,
writable: WritableStreamDefaultWriter<Uint8Array>,
) {
await writable.write(new Uint8Array([1]));
const chunk1 = await reader.read();
assertEquals(chunk1.value, new Uint8Array([1]));
await writable.write(new Uint8Array([2]));
const chunk2 = await reader.read();
assertEquals(chunk2.value, new Uint8Array([2]));
await writable.close();
const chunk3 = await reader.read();
In older versions of Deno, this would just lock up. I believe after
23ff0e722e3c4b0827940853c53c5ee2ede5ec9f, it started throwing a more
explicit error:
httpServerStreamDuplexJavascript => ./cli/tests/unit/serve_test.ts:1339:6
error: TypeError: request or response body error: error reading a body from connection: Connection reset by peer (os error 54)
at async Object.pull (ext:deno_web/06_streams.js:810:27)
2023-08-20 19:35:26 -06:00
body: readable,
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
await promise;
fix(ext/http): ensure request body resource lives as long as response is alive (#20206)
Deno.serve's fast streaming implementation was not keeping the request
body resource ID alive. We were taking the `Rc<Resource>` from the
resource table during the response, so a hairpin duplex response that
fed back the request body would work.
However, if any JS code attempted to read from the request body (which
requires the resource ID to be valid), the response would fail with a
difficult-to-diagnose "EOF" error.
This was affecting more complex duplex uses of `Deno.fetch` (though as
far as I can tell was unreported).
Simple test:
const reader = request.body.getReader();
return new Response(
new ReadableStream({
async pull(controller) {
const { done, value } = await reader.read();
if (done) {
} else {
And then attempt to use the stream in duplex mode:
async function testDuplex(
reader: ReadableStreamDefaultReader<Uint8Array>,
writable: WritableStreamDefaultWriter<Uint8Array>,
) {
await writable.write(new Uint8Array([1]));
const chunk1 = await reader.read();
assertEquals(chunk1.value, new Uint8Array([1]));
await writable.write(new Uint8Array([2]));
const chunk2 = await reader.read();
assertEquals(chunk2.value, new Uint8Array([2]));
await writable.close();
const chunk3 = await reader.read();
In older versions of Deno, this would just lock up. I believe after
23ff0e722e3c4b0827940853c53c5ee2ede5ec9f, it started throwing a more
explicit error:
httpServerStreamDuplexJavascript => ./cli/tests/unit/serve_test.ts:1339:6
error: TypeError: request or response body error: error reading a body from connection: Connection reset by peer (os error 54)
at async Object.pull (ext:deno_web/06_streams.js:810:27)
2023-08-20 19:35:26 -06:00
await testDuplex(resp.body.getReader(), writable.getWriter());
await server.finished;
// Test that a duplex stream passing through JavaScript also works (ie: that the request body resource
// is still alive). https://github.com/denoland/deno/pull/20206
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerStreamDuplexJavascript() {
const promise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
fix(ext/http): ensure request body resource lives as long as response is alive (#20206)
Deno.serve's fast streaming implementation was not keeping the request
body resource ID alive. We were taking the `Rc<Resource>` from the
resource table during the response, so a hairpin duplex response that
fed back the request body would work.
However, if any JS code attempted to read from the request body (which
requires the resource ID to be valid), the response would fail with a
difficult-to-diagnose "EOF" error.
This was affecting more complex duplex uses of `Deno.fetch` (though as
far as I can tell was unreported).
Simple test:
const reader = request.body.getReader();
return new Response(
new ReadableStream({
async pull(controller) {
const { done, value } = await reader.read();
if (done) {
} else {
And then attempt to use the stream in duplex mode:
async function testDuplex(
reader: ReadableStreamDefaultReader<Uint8Array>,
writable: WritableStreamDefaultWriter<Uint8Array>,
) {
await writable.write(new Uint8Array([1]));
const chunk1 = await reader.read();
assertEquals(chunk1.value, new Uint8Array([1]));
await writable.write(new Uint8Array([2]));
const chunk2 = await reader.read();
assertEquals(chunk2.value, new Uint8Array([2]));
await writable.close();
const chunk3 = await reader.read();
In older versions of Deno, this would just lock up. I believe after
23ff0e722e3c4b0827940853c53c5ee2ede5ec9f, it started throwing a more
explicit error:
httpServerStreamDuplexJavascript => ./cli/tests/unit/serve_test.ts:1339:6
error: TypeError: request or response body error: error reading a body from connection: Connection reset by peer (os error 54)
at async Object.pull (ext:deno_web/06_streams.js:810:27)
2023-08-20 19:35:26 -06:00
const server = Deno.serve(
{ port: servePort, signal: ac.signal },
(request: Request) => {
const reader = request.body.getReader();
return new Response(
new ReadableStream({
async pull(controller) {
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 100));
const { done, value } = await reader.read();
if (done) {
} else {
const { readable, writable } = new TransformStream();
const resp = await fetch(`${servePort}/`, {
method: "POST",
body: readable,
await promise;
await testDuplex(resp.body.getReader(), writable.getWriter());
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
{ permissions: { net: true } },
// Issue: https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/10930
async function httpServerStreamingResponse() {
// This test enqueues a single chunk for readable
// stream and waits for client to read that chunk and signal
// it before enqueueing subsequent chunk. Issue linked above
// presented a situation where enqueued chunks were not
// written to the HTTP connection until the next chunk was enqueued.
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const promise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
let counter = 0;
const deferreds = [
async function writeRequest(conn: Deno.Conn) {
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const w = new BufWriter(conn);
const r = new BufReader(conn);
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const body = `GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:${servePort}\r\n\r\n`;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
const writeResult = await w.write(encoder.encode(body));
assertEquals(body.length, writeResult);
await w.flush();
const tpr = new TextProtoReader(r);
const statusLine = await tpr.readLine();
assert(statusLine !== null);
2022-10-17 18:57:31 -04:00
const headers = await tpr.readMimeHeader();
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
assert(headers !== null);
const chunkedReader = chunkedBodyReader(headers, r);
const buf = new Uint8Array(5);
const dest = new Buffer();
let result: number | null;
try {
while ((result = await chunkedReader.read(buf)) !== null) {
const len = Math.min(buf.byteLength, result);
await dest.write(buf.subarray(0, len));
// Resolve a deferred - this will make response stream to
// enqueue next chunk.
deferreds[counter - 1].resolve();
return decoder.decode(dest.bytes());
} catch (e) {
function periodicStream() {
return new ReadableStream({
start(controller) {
async pull(controller) {
if (counter >= 3) {
return controller.close();
await deferreds[counter - 1];
}).pipeThrough(new TextEncoderStream());
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
handler: () => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
return new Response(periodicStream());
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
// start a client
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const clientConn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
const r1 = await writeRequest(clientConn);
assertEquals(r1, "0\n1\n2\n");
await promise;
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
2023-08-23 17:03:05 -06:00
// Make sure that the chunks of a large response aren't repeated or corrupted in some other way by
// scatterning sentinels throughout.
// https://github.com/denoland/fresh/issues/1699
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpLargeReadableStreamChunk() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const server = Deno.serve({
handler() {
return new Response(
new ReadableStream({
start(controller) {
const buffer = new Uint8Array(1024 * 1024);
// Mark the buffer with sentinels
for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
buffer[i * 4096] = i;
port: servePort,
signal: ac.signal,
const response = await fetch(`http://localhost:${servePort}/`);
const body = await response.arrayBuffer();
assertEquals(1024 * 1024, body.byteLength);
const buffer = new Uint8Array(body);
for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
buffer[i * 4096],
`sentinel mismatch at index ${i * 4096}`,
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpRequestLatin1Headers() {
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const promise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
handler: (request) => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
assertEquals(request.headers.get("X-Header-Test"), "á");
return new Response("hello", { headers: { "X-Header-Test": "Æ" } });
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const clientConn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
const requestText =
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
`GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:${servePort}\r\nX-Header-Test: á\r\n\r\n`;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
const requestBytes = new Uint8Array(requestText.length);
for (let i = 0; i < requestText.length; i++) {
requestBytes[i] = requestText.charCodeAt(i);
let written = 0;
while (written < requestBytes.byteLength) {
written += await clientConn.write(requestBytes.slice(written));
const buf = new Uint8Array(1024);
await clientConn.read(buf);
await promise;
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
const responseText = new TextDecoder("iso-8859-1").decode(buf);
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
assertMatch(responseText, /\r\n[Xx]-[Hh]eader-[Tt]est: Æ\r\n/);
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerRequestWithoutPath() {
const promise = deferred();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
handler: async (request) => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
// assertEquals(new URL(request.url).href, `${servePort}/`);
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
assertEquals(await request.text(), "");
return new Response("11");
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const clientConn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
async function writeRequest(conn: Deno.Conn) {
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const w = new BufWriter(conn);
const r = new BufReader(conn);
const body =
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
`CONNECT${servePort} HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:${servePort}\r\n\r\n`;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
const writeResult = await w.write(encoder.encode(body));
assertEquals(body.length, writeResult);
await w.flush();
const tpr = new TextProtoReader(r);
const statusLine = await tpr.readLine();
assert(statusLine !== null);
const m = statusLine.match(/^(.+?) (.+?) (.+?)$/);
assert(m !== null, "must be matched");
const [_, _proto, status, _ok] = m;
assertEquals(status, "200");
2022-10-17 18:57:31 -04:00
const headers = await tpr.readMimeHeader();
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
assert(headers !== null);
await writeRequest(clientConn);
await promise;
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpCookieConcatenation() {
const promise = deferred();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
handler: async (request) => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
assertEquals(await request.text(), "");
2023-04-03 17:44:18 +02:00
assertEquals(request.headers.get("cookie"), "foo=bar; bar=foo");
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
return new Response("ok");
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
2023-04-04 16:17:36 +02:00
reusePort: true,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const resp = await fetch(`${servePort}/`, {
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
headers: [
["connection", "close"],
["cookie", "foo=bar"],
["cookie", "bar=foo"],
await promise;
const text = await resp.text();
assertEquals(text, "ok");
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
// https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/12741
// https://github.com/denoland/deno/pull/12746
// https://github.com/denoland/deno/pull/12798
{ permissions: { net: true, run: true } },
async function httpServerDeleteRequestHasBody() {
const promise = deferred();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
const hostname = "localhost";
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
handler: () => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
return new Response("ok");
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const url = `http://${hostname}:${servePort}/`;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
const args = ["-X", "DELETE", url];
2022-12-02 14:43:17 +01:00
const { success } = await new Deno.Command("curl", {
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
stdout: "null",
stderr: "null",
2022-12-02 14:43:17 +01:00
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
await promise;
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerRespondNonAsciiUint8Array() {
const promise = deferred();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
handler: (request) => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
assertEquals(request.body, null);
return new Response(new Uint8Array([128]));
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const resp = await fetch(`http://localhost:${servePort}/`);
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
await promise;
assertEquals(resp.status, 200);
const body = await resp.arrayBuffer();
assertEquals(new Uint8Array(body), new Uint8Array([128]));
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
// Some of these tests are ported from Hyper
// https://github.com/hyperium/hyper/blob/889fa2d87252108eb7668b8bf034ffcc30985117/src/proto/h1/role.rs
// https://github.com/hyperium/hyper/blob/889fa2d87252108eb7668b8bf034ffcc30985117/tests/server.rs
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerParseRequest() {
const promise = deferred();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
handler: (request) => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
assertEquals(request.method, "GET");
assertEquals(request.headers.get("host"), "deno.land");
return new Response("ok");
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const body = `GET /echo HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: deno.land\r\n\r\n`;
const writeResult = await conn.write(encoder.encode(body));
assertEquals(body.length, writeResult);
await promise;
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerParseHeaderHtabs() {
const promise = deferred();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
handler: (request) => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
assertEquals(request.method, "GET");
assertEquals(request.headers.get("server"), "hello\tworld");
return new Response("ok");
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const body = `GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nserver: hello\tworld\r\n\r\n`;
const writeResult = await conn.write(encoder.encode(body));
assertEquals(body.length, writeResult);
await promise;
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerGetShouldIgnoreBody() {
const promise = deferred();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
handler: async (request) => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
assertEquals(request.method, "GET");
assertEquals(await request.text(), "");
return new Response("ok");
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
// Connection: close = don't try to parse the body as a new request
const body =
`GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.domain\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\nI shouldn't be read.\r\n`;
const writeResult = await conn.write(encoder.encode(body));
assertEquals(body.length, writeResult);
await promise;
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerPostWithBody() {
const promise = deferred();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
handler: async (request) => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
assertEquals(request.method, "POST");
assertEquals(await request.text(), "I'm a good request.");
return new Response("ok");
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const body =
`POST / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.domain\r\nContent-Length: 19\r\n\r\nI'm a good request.`;
const writeResult = await conn.write(encoder.encode(body));
assertEquals(body.length, writeResult);
await promise;
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
type TestCase = {
headers?: Record<string, string>;
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
body: any;
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
expectsChunked?: boolean;
expectsConnLen?: boolean;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
function hasHeader(msg: string, name: string): boolean {
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
const n = msg.indexOf("\r\n\r\n") || msg.length;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
return msg.slice(0, n).includes(name);
function createServerLengthTest(name: string, testCase: TestCase) {
Deno.test(name, async function () {
const promise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
handler: (request) => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
assertEquals(request.method, "GET");
return new Response(testCase.body, testCase.headers ?? {});
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const body =
`GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.domain\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n`;
const writeResult = await conn.write(encoder.encode(body));
assertEquals(body.length, writeResult);
await promise;
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
2022-09-01 18:58:34 +05:30
let msg = "";
while (true) {
const buf = new Uint8Array(1024);
const readResult = await conn.read(buf);
if (!readResult) {
msg += decoder.decode(buf.subarray(0, readResult));
try {
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
testCase.expectsChunked == hasHeader(msg, "Transfer-Encoding:"),
2022-09-01 18:58:34 +05:30
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
assert(testCase.expectsChunked == hasHeader(msg, "chunked"));
assert(testCase.expectsConnLen == hasHeader(msg, "Content-Length:"));
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
2022-09-01 18:58:34 +05:30
const n = msg.indexOf("\r\n\r\n") + 4;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
if (testCase.expectsChunked) {
2022-09-01 18:58:34 +05:30
assertEquals(msg.slice(n + 1, n + 3), "\r\n");
assertEquals(msg.slice(msg.length - 7), "\r\n0\r\n\r\n");
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
if (testCase.expectsConnLen && typeof testCase.body === "string") {
2022-09-01 18:58:34 +05:30
assertEquals(msg.slice(n), testCase.body);
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
} catch {
2022-09-01 18:58:34 +05:30
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
// Quick and dirty way to make a readable stream from a string. Alternatively,
// `readableStreamFromReader(file)` could be used.
function stream(s: string): ReadableStream<Uint8Array> {
return new Response(s).body!;
createServerLengthTest("fixedResponseKnown", {
headers: { "content-length": "11" },
body: "foo bar baz",
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
expectsChunked: false,
expectsConnLen: true,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
createServerLengthTest("fixedResponseUnknown", {
headers: { "content-length": "11" },
body: stream("foo bar baz"),
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
expectsChunked: true,
expectsConnLen: false,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
createServerLengthTest("fixedResponseKnownEmpty", {
headers: { "content-length": "0" },
body: "",
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
expectsChunked: false,
expectsConnLen: true,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
createServerLengthTest("chunkedRespondKnown", {
headers: { "transfer-encoding": "chunked" },
body: "foo bar baz",
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
expectsChunked: false,
expectsConnLen: true,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
createServerLengthTest("chunkedRespondUnknown", {
headers: { "transfer-encoding": "chunked" },
body: stream("foo bar baz"),
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
expectsChunked: true,
expectsConnLen: false,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
createServerLengthTest("autoResponseWithKnownLength", {
body: "foo bar baz",
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
expectsChunked: false,
expectsConnLen: true,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
createServerLengthTest("autoResponseWithUnknownLength", {
body: stream("foo bar baz"),
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
expectsChunked: true,
expectsConnLen: false,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
createServerLengthTest("autoResponseWithKnownLengthEmpty", {
body: "",
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
expectsChunked: false,
expectsConnLen: true,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
createServerLengthTest("autoResponseWithUnknownLengthEmpty", {
body: stream(""),
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
expectsChunked: true,
expectsConnLen: false,
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerPostWithContentLengthBody() {
const promise = deferred();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
handler: async (request) => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
assertEquals(request.method, "POST");
assertEquals(request.headers.get("content-length"), "5");
assertEquals(await request.text(), "hello");
return new Response("ok");
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const body =
`POST / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.domain\r\nContent-Length: 5\r\n\r\nhello`;
const writeResult = await conn.write(encoder.encode(body));
assertEquals(body.length, writeResult);
await promise;
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerPostWithInvalidPrefixContentLength() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
handler: () => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
throw new Error("unreachable");
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const body =
`POST / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.domain\r\nContent-Length: +5\r\n\r\nhello`;
const writeResult = await conn.write(encoder.encode(body));
assertEquals(body.length, writeResult);
const buf = new Uint8Array(1024);
const readResult = await conn.read(buf);
const msg = decoder.decode(buf.subarray(0, readResult));
2023-04-03 17:44:18 +02:00
assert(msg.includes("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request"));
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerPostWithChunkedBody() {
const promise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
handler: async (request) => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
assertEquals(request.method, "POST");
assertEquals(await request.text(), "qwert");
return new Response("ok");
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const body =
`POST / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.domain\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n1\r\nq\r\n2\r\nwe\r\n2\r\nrt\r\n0\r\n\r\n`;
const writeResult = await conn.write(encoder.encode(body));
assertEquals(body.length, writeResult);
await promise;
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerPostWithIncompleteBody() {
const promise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
handler: async (r) => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
assertEquals(await r.text(), "12345");
return new Response("ok");
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const body =
`POST / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.domain\r\nContent-Length: 10\r\n\r\n12345`;
const writeResult = await conn.write(encoder.encode(body));
assertEquals(body.length, writeResult);
await promise;
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerHeadResponseDoesntSendBody() {
const promise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
handler: () => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
2023-02-12 11:43:05 +01:00
return new Response("NaN".repeat(100));
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const body =
`HEAD / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.domain\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n`;
const writeResult = await conn.write(encoder.encode(body));
assertEquals(body.length, writeResult);
await promise;
const buf = new Uint8Array(1024);
const readResult = await conn.read(buf);
const msg = decoder.decode(buf.subarray(0, readResult));
2023-04-03 17:44:18 +02:00
assert(msg.includes("content-length: 300\r\n"));
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
2023-05-10 13:23:14 +02:00
function makeTempData(size: number) {
return new Uint8Array(size).fill(1);
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
2023-05-10 13:23:14 +02:00
async function makeTempFile(size: number) {
const tmpFile = await Deno.makeTempFile();
const file = await Deno.open(tmpFile, { write: true, read: true });
const data = makeTempData(size);
await file.write(data);
return await Deno.open(tmpFile, { write: true, read: true });
const compressionTestCases = [
{ name: "Empty", length: 0, in: {}, out: {}, expect: null },
name: "EmptyAcceptGzip",
length: 0,
in: { "Accept-Encoding": "gzip" },
out: {},
expect: null,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
2023-05-10 13:23:14 +02:00
// This technically would be compressible if not for the size, however the size_hint is not implemented
// for FileResource and we don't currently peek ahead on resources.
// {
// name: "EmptyAcceptGzip2",
// length: 0,
// in: { "Accept-Encoding": "gzip" },
// out: { "Content-Type": "text/plain" },
// expect: null,
// },
2023-06-26 15:10:27 +02:00
{ name: "Incompressible", length: 1024, in: {}, out: {}, expect: null },
2023-05-10 13:23:14 +02:00
2023-06-26 15:10:27 +02:00
name: "IncompressibleAcceptGzip",
2023-05-10 13:23:14 +02:00
length: 1024,
in: { "Accept-Encoding": "gzip" },
out: {},
expect: null,
2023-06-26 15:10:27 +02:00
name: "IncompressibleType",
2023-05-10 13:23:14 +02:00
length: 1024,
in: { "Accept-Encoding": "gzip" },
out: { "Content-Type": "text/fake" },
expect: null,
name: "CompressibleType",
length: 1024,
in: { "Accept-Encoding": "gzip" },
out: { "Content-Type": "text/plain" },
expect: "gzip",
name: "CompressibleType2",
length: 1024,
in: { "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br" },
out: { "Content-Type": "text/plain" },
expect: "gzip",
2023-05-24 19:54:47 +02:00
name: "CompressibleType3",
length: 1024,
in: { "Accept-Encoding": "br" },
out: { "Content-Type": "text/plain" },
expect: "br",
2023-05-10 13:23:14 +02:00
2023-06-26 15:10:27 +02:00
name: "IncompressibleRange",
2023-05-10 13:23:14 +02:00
length: 1024,
in: { "Accept-Encoding": "gzip" },
out: { "Content-Type": "text/plain", "Content-Range": "1" },
expect: null,
2023-06-26 15:10:27 +02:00
name: "IncompressibleCE",
2023-05-10 13:23:14 +02:00
length: 1024,
in: { "Accept-Encoding": "gzip" },
out: { "Content-Type": "text/plain", "Content-Encoding": "random" },
expect: null,
2023-06-26 15:10:27 +02:00
name: "IncompressibleCC",
2023-05-10 13:23:14 +02:00
length: 1024,
in: { "Accept-Encoding": "gzip" },
out: { "Content-Type": "text/plain", "Cache-Control": "no-transform" },
expect: null,
for (const testCase of compressionTestCases) {
const name = `httpServerCompression${testCase.name}`;
{ permissions: { net: true, write: true, read: true } },
[name]: async function () {
const promise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const server = Deno.serve({
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
handler: async (_request) => {
2023-05-10 13:23:14 +02:00
const f = await makeTempFile(testCase.length);
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any
2023-05-10 13:23:14 +02:00
const headers = testCase.out as any;
headers["Content-Length"] = testCase.length.toString();
return new Response(f.readable, {
headers: headers as HeadersInit,
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
port: servePort,
2023-05-10 13:23:14 +02:00
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
try {
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
const resp = await fetch(`${servePort}/`, {
2023-05-10 13:23:14 +02:00
headers: testCase.in as HeadersInit,
await promise;
const body = await resp.arrayBuffer();
if (testCase.expect == null) {
assertEquals(body.byteLength, testCase.length);
testCase.out["Content-Encoding"] || null,
} else if (testCase.expect == "gzip") {
// Note the fetch will transparently decompress this response, BUT we can detect that a response
// was compressed by the lack of a content length.
assertEquals(body.byteLength, testCase.length);
assertEquals(resp.headers.get("content-encoding"), null);
assertEquals(resp.headers.get("content-length"), null);
} finally {
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2023-05-10 13:23:14 +02:00
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
{ permissions: { net: true, write: true, read: true } },
async function httpServerPostFile() {
const promise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
handler: async (request) => {
2023-05-10 13:23:14 +02:00
new Uint8Array(await request.arrayBuffer()),
makeTempData(70 * 1024),
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
return new Response("ok");
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-10 13:23:14 +02:00
const f = await makeTempFile(70 * 1024);
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
const response = await fetch(`http://localhost:${servePort}/`, {
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
method: "POST",
body: f.readable,
await promise;
assertEquals(response.status, 200);
assertEquals(await response.text(), "ok");
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
2023-11-18 13:16:53 -07:00
for (const delay of ["delay", "nodelay"]) {
for (const url of ["text", "file", "stream"]) {
// Ensure that we don't panic when the incoming TCP request was dropped
// https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/20315 and that we correctly
// close/cancel the response
permissions: { read: true, write: true, net: true },
name: `httpServerTcpCancellation_${url}_${delay}`,
fn: async function () {
const ac = new AbortController();
const streamCancelled = url == "stream" ? deferred() : undefined;
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const waitForAbort = deferred();
const waitForRequest = deferred();
const server = Deno.serve({
port: servePort,
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
handler: async (req: Request) => {
let respBody = null;
if (req.url.includes("/text")) {
respBody = "text";
} else if (req.url.includes("/file")) {
respBody = (await makeTempFile(1024)).readable;
} else if (req.url.includes("/stream")) {
respBody = new ReadableStream({
start(controller) {
controller.enqueue(new Uint8Array([1]));
cancel(reason) {
} else {
await waitForAbort;
if (delay == "delay") {
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 1000));
// Allocate the request body
return new Response(respBody);
2023-08-28 13:29:34 -06:00
2023-11-18 13:16:53 -07:00
await listeningPromise;
2023-08-28 13:29:34 -06:00
2023-11-18 13:16:53 -07:00
// Create a POST request and drop it once the server has received it
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
const writer = conn.writable.getWriter();
await writer.write(
new TextEncoder().encode(`POST /${url} HTTP/1.0\n\n`),
await waitForRequest;
await writer.close();
2023-08-28 13:29:34 -06:00
2023-11-18 13:16:53 -07:00
2023-08-28 13:29:34 -06:00
2023-11-18 13:16:53 -07:00
// Wait for cancellation before we shut the server down
if (streamCancelled !== undefined) {
await streamCancelled;
2023-09-25 09:23:55 -06:00
2023-11-18 13:16:53 -07:00
// Since the handler has a chance of creating resources or running async
// ops, we need to use a graceful shutdown here to ensure they have fully
// drained.
await server.shutdown();
2023-09-25 09:23:55 -06:00
2023-11-18 13:16:53 -07:00
await server.finished;
2023-08-28 13:29:34 -06:00
2023-09-25 09:23:55 -06:00
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerCancelFetch() {
const request2 = deferred();
const request2Aborted = deferred();
const { finished, abort } = await makeServer(async (req) => {
if (req.url.endsWith("/1")) {
const fetchRecursive = await fetch(`http://localhost:${servePort}/2`);
return new Response(fetchRecursive.body);
} else if (req.url.endsWith("/2")) {
return new Response(
new ReadableStream({
start(_controller) {/* just hang */},
cancel(reason) {
const fetchAbort = new AbortController();
const fetchPromise = await fetch(`http://localhost:${servePort}/1`, {
signal: fetchAbort.signal,
await fetchPromise;
await request2;
assertEquals("resource closed", await request2Aborted);
await finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
{ permissions: { read: true, net: true } },
async function httpServerWithTls() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const hostname = "";
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
handler: () => new Response("Hello World"),
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
cert: Deno.readTextFileSync("cli/tests/testdata/tls/localhost.crt"),
key: Deno.readTextFileSync("cli/tests/testdata/tls/localhost.key"),
await listeningPromise;
const caCert = Deno.readTextFileSync("cli/tests/testdata/tls/RootCA.pem");
const client = Deno.createHttpClient({ caCerts: [caCert] });
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const resp = await fetch(`https://localhost:${servePort}/`, {
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
headers: { "connection": "close" },
const respBody = await resp.text();
assertEquals("Hello World", respBody);
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
{ permissions: { net: true, write: true, read: true } },
async function httpServerRequestCLTE() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const promise = deferred();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
handler: async (req) => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
assertEquals(await req.text(), "");
return new Response("ok");
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const body =
`POST / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.domain\r\nContent-Length: 13\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n0\r\n\r\nEXTRA`;
const writeResult = await conn.write(encoder.encode(body));
assertEquals(body.length, writeResult);
await promise;
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
{ permissions: { net: true, write: true, read: true } },
async function httpServerRequestTETE() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
handler: () => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
throw new Error("oops");
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const variations = [
"Transfer-Encoding : chunked",
"Transfer-Encoding: xchunked",
"Transfer-Encoding: chunkedx",
"Transfer-Encoding\n: chunked",
await listeningPromise;
for (const teHeader of variations) {
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
const body =
`POST / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.domain\r\n${teHeader}\r\n\r\n0\r\n\r\n`;
const writeResult = await conn.write(encoder.encode(body));
assertEquals(body.length, writeResult);
const buf = new Uint8Array(1024);
const readResult = await conn.read(buf);
const msg = decoder.decode(buf.subarray(0, readResult));
2023-04-03 17:44:18 +02:00
assert(msg.includes("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n"));
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
2022-10-05 15:51:59 +09:00
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServer204ResponseDoesntSendContentLength() {
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
const server = Deno.serve({
handler: (_request) => new Response(null, { status: 204 }),
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-10-05 15:51:59 +09:00
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
try {
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
const resp = await fetch(`${servePort}/`, {
2022-10-05 15:51:59 +09:00
method: "GET",
headers: { "connection": "close" },
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
assertEquals(resp.status, 204);
2022-10-05 15:51:59 +09:00
assertEquals(resp.headers.get("Content-Length"), null);
} finally {
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-10-05 15:51:59 +09:00
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServer304ResponseDoesntSendBody() {
const promise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
handler: () => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
return new Response(null, { status: 304 });
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const body =
`GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.domain\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n`;
const writeResult = await conn.write(encoder.encode(body));
assertEquals(body.length, writeResult);
await promise;
const buf = new Uint8Array(1024);
const readResult = await conn.read(buf);
const msg = decoder.decode(buf.subarray(0, readResult));
assert(msg.startsWith("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified"));
2022-08-24 21:26:57 +02:00
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerExpectContinue() {
const promise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
handler: async (req) => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
assertEquals(await req.text(), "hello");
return new Response(null, { status: 304 });
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const body =
`POST / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.domain\r\nExpect: 100-continue\r\nContent-Length: 5\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n`;
const writeResult = await conn.write(encoder.encode(body));
assertEquals(body.length, writeResult);
await promise;
const msgExpected = "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n";
const buf = new Uint8Array(encoder.encode(msgExpected).byteLength);
const readResult = await conn.read(buf);
const msg = decoder.decode(buf.subarray(0, readResult));
const body = "hello";
const writeResult = await conn.write(encoder.encode(body));
assertEquals(body.length, writeResult);
const buf = new Uint8Array(1024);
const readResult = await conn.read(buf);
const msg = decoder.decode(buf.subarray(0, readResult));
assert(msg.startsWith("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified"));
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerExpectContinueButNoBodyLOL() {
const promise = deferred();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
handler: async (req) => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
assertEquals(await req.text(), "");
return new Response(null, { status: 304 });
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
// // no content-length or transfer-encoding means no body!
const body =
`POST / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.domain\r\nExpect: 100-continue\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n`;
const writeResult = await conn.write(encoder.encode(body));
assertEquals(body.length, writeResult);
await promise;
const buf = new Uint8Array(1024);
const readResult = await conn.read(buf);
const msg = decoder.decode(buf.subarray(0, readResult));
assert(msg.startsWith("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified"));
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
const badRequests = [
["weirdMethodName", "GE T / HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n"],
["illegalRequestLength", "POST / HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length: foo\r\n\r\n"],
["illegalRequestLength2", "POST / HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length: -1\r\n\r\n"],
["illegalRequestLength3", "POST / HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length: 1.1\r\n\r\n"],
["illegalRequestLength4", "POST / HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length: 1.\r\n\r\n"],
for (const [name, req] of badRequests) {
const testFn = {
[name]: async () => {
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2022-08-24 00:08:56 +02:00
handler: () => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
throw new Error("oops");
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
await listeningPromise;
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
const conn = await Deno.connect({ port: servePort });
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const writeResult = await conn.write(encoder.encode(req));
assertEquals(req.length, writeResult);
const buf = new Uint8Array(100);
const readResult = await conn.read(buf);
const msg = decoder.decode(buf.subarray(0, readResult));
assert(msg.startsWith("HTTP/1.1 400 "));
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
{ permissions: { net: true } },
2022-08-19 10:14:56 +05:30
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerConcurrentRequests() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
let reqCount = -1;
let timerId: number | undefined;
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2023-05-18 04:00:17 +02:00
handler: (_req) => {
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
if (reqCount === 0) {
const msg = new TextEncoder().encode("data: hello\r\n\r\n");
// SSE
const body = new ReadableStream({
start(controller) {
timerId = setInterval(() => {
}, 1000);
cancel() {
if (typeof timerId === "number") {
return new Response(body, {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "text/event-stream",
2022-08-19 10:14:56 +05:30
2022-08-19 14:36:01 +02:00
return new Response(`hello ${reqCount}`);
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-08-19 10:14:56 +05:30
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
const sseRequest = await fetch(`http://localhost:${servePort}/`);
2022-08-19 10:14:56 +05:30
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const stream = sseRequest.body!.getReader();
const { done, value } = await stream.read();
assertEquals(decoder.decode(value), "data: hello\r\n\r\n");
2023-05-24 12:36:41 -06:00
const helloRequest = await fetch(`http://localhost:${servePort}/`);
2022-08-19 10:14:56 +05:30
assertEquals(helloRequest.status, 200);
assertEquals(await helloRequest.text(), "hello 1");
const { done, value } = await stream.read();
assertEquals(decoder.decode(value), "data: hello\r\n\r\n");
await stream.cancel();
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-08-19 10:14:56 +05:30
2022-10-29 18:25:23 +09:00
{ permissions: { net: true } },
2023-03-13 19:24:31 +09:00
async function serveWithPrototypePollution() {
2022-10-29 18:25:23 +09:00
const originalThen = Promise.prototype.then;
2023-03-13 19:24:31 +09:00
const originalSymbolIterator = Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator];
2022-10-29 18:25:23 +09:00
try {
2023-03-13 19:24:31 +09:00
Promise.prototype.then = Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = () => {
2022-10-29 18:25:23 +09:00
throw new Error();
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const server = Deno.serve({
handler: (_req) => new Response("ok"),
hostname: "localhost",
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2022-10-29 18:25:23 +09:00
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-10-29 18:25:23 +09:00
} finally {
Promise.prototype.then = originalThen;
2023-03-13 19:24:31 +09:00
Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = originalSymbolIterator;
2022-10-29 18:25:23 +09:00
2022-09-28 11:52:24 -07:00
// https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/15549
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function testIssue15549() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const promise = deferred();
let count = 0;
2023-04-26 14:54:03 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
async onListen({ port }: { port: number }) {
2023-09-26 19:46:06 +09:00
const res1 = await fetch(`http://localhost:${port}/`);
2022-09-28 11:52:24 -07:00
assertEquals(await res1.text(), "hello world 1");
2023-09-26 19:46:06 +09:00
const res2 = await fetch(`http://localhost:${port}/`);
2022-09-28 11:52:24 -07:00
assertEquals(await res2.text(), "hello world 2");
signal: ac.signal,
2023-04-26 14:54:03 +02:00
}, () => {
return new Response(`hello world ${count}`);
2022-09-28 11:52:24 -07:00
await promise;
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-09-28 11:52:24 -07:00
2023-01-14 23:08:34 -05:00
// https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/15858
2023-07-30 10:13:28 -03:00
"Clone should work",
2023-01-14 23:08:34 -05:00
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function httpServerCanCloneRequest() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const server = Deno.serve({
handler: async (req) => {
const cloned = req.clone();
assertEquals(req.headers, cloned.headers);
2023-07-30 10:13:28 -03:00
assertEquals(cloned.url, req.url);
assertEquals(cloned.cache, req.cache);
assertEquals(cloned.destination, req.destination);
assertEquals(cloned.headers, req.headers);
assertEquals(cloned.integrity, req.integrity);
assertEquals(cloned.isHistoryNavigation, req.isHistoryNavigation);
assertEquals(cloned.isReloadNavigation, req.isReloadNavigation);
assertEquals(cloned.keepalive, req.keepalive);
assertEquals(cloned.method, req.method);
assertEquals(cloned.mode, req.mode);
assertEquals(cloned.redirect, req.redirect);
assertEquals(cloned.referrer, req.referrer);
assertEquals(cloned.referrerPolicy, req.referrerPolicy);
2023-01-14 23:08:34 -05:00
// both requests can read body
await req.text();
await cloned.json();
return new Response("ok");
signal: ac.signal,
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
onListen: ({ port }: { port: number }) => listeningPromise.resolve(port),
2023-01-14 23:08:34 -05:00
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
try {
2023-04-22 11:48:21 -06:00
const port = await listeningPromise;
const resp = await fetch(`http://localhost:${port}/`, {
2023-01-14 23:08:34 -05:00
headers: { connection: "close" },
method: "POST",
body: '{"sus":true}',
const text = await resp.text();
assertEquals(text, "ok");
} finally {
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2023-01-14 23:08:34 -05:00
2023-07-30 10:13:28 -03:00
// https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-request-clone
"Throw if disturbed",
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function shouldThrowIfBodyIsUnusableDisturbed() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const server = Deno.serve({
handler: async (req) => {
await req.text();
try {
2023-08-01 15:24:42 -03:00
} catch (cloneError) {
assert(cloneError instanceof TypeError);
2023-07-30 10:13:28 -03:00
2023-08-01 15:24:42 -03:00
cloneError.message.endsWith("Body is unusable."),
2023-07-30 10:13:28 -03:00
await server.finished;
return new Response("ok");
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: ({ port }: { port: number }) => listeningPromise.resolve(port),
try {
const port = await listeningPromise;
await fetch(`http://localhost:${port}/`, {
headers: { connection: "close" },
method: "POST",
body: '{"bar":true}',
2023-08-01 15:24:42 -03:00
} catch (clientError) {
assert(clientError instanceof TypeError);
"connection closed before message completed",
2023-07-30 10:13:28 -03:00
} finally {
await server.finished;
// https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-request-clone
name: "Throw if locked",
permissions: { net: true },
fn: async function shouldThrowIfBodyIsUnusableLocked() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const server = Deno.serve({
2023-08-01 15:24:42 -03:00
handler: async (req) => {
2023-07-30 10:13:28 -03:00
const _reader = req.body?.getReader();
2023-08-01 15:24:42 -03:00
try {
} catch (cloneError) {
assert(cloneError instanceof TypeError);
cloneError.message.endsWith("Body is unusable."),
2023-07-30 10:13:28 -03:00
2023-08-01 15:24:42 -03:00
await server.finished;
2023-07-30 10:13:28 -03:00
return new Response("ok");
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: ({ port }: { port: number }) => listeningPromise.resolve(port),
2023-08-01 15:24:42 -03:00
try {
const port = await listeningPromise;
await fetch(`http://localhost:${port}/`, {
headers: { connection: "close" },
method: "POST",
body: '{"bar":true}',
} catch (clientError) {
assert(clientError instanceof TypeError);
"connection closed before message completed",
} finally {
await server.finished;
2023-07-30 10:13:28 -03:00
2022-11-09 17:20:05 +09:00
// Checks large streaming response
// https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/16567
{ permissions: { net: true } },
async function testIssue16567() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const promise = deferred();
2023-04-26 14:54:03 +02:00
const server = Deno.serve({
async onListen({ port }) {
const res1 = await fetch(`http://localhost:${port}/`);
assertEquals((await res1.text()).length, 40 * 50_000);
signal: ac.signal,
}, () =>
2022-11-09 17:20:05 +09:00
new Response(
new ReadableStream({
start(c) {
// 2MB "a...a" response with 40 chunks
for (const _ of Array(40)) {
c.enqueue(new Uint8Array(50_000).fill(97));
2023-04-26 14:54:03 +02:00
2022-11-09 17:20:05 +09:00
await promise;
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2022-11-09 17:20:05 +09:00
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
function chunkedBodyReader(h: Headers, r: BufReader): Deno.Reader {
// Based on https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-19.4.6
const tp = new TextProtoReader(r);
let finished = false;
const chunks: Array<{
offset: number;
data: Uint8Array;
}> = [];
async function read(buf: Uint8Array): Promise<number | null> {
if (finished) return null;
const [chunk] = chunks;
if (chunk) {
const chunkRemaining = chunk.data.byteLength - chunk.offset;
const readLength = Math.min(chunkRemaining, buf.byteLength);
for (let i = 0; i < readLength; i++) {
buf[i] = chunk.data[chunk.offset + i];
chunk.offset += readLength;
if (chunk.offset === chunk.data.byteLength) {
// Consume \r\n;
if ((await tp.readLine()) === null) {
throw new Deno.errors.UnexpectedEof();
return readLength;
const line = await tp.readLine();
if (line === null) throw new Deno.errors.UnexpectedEof();
// TODO(bartlomieju): handle chunk extension
const [chunkSizeString] = line.split(";");
const chunkSize = parseInt(chunkSizeString, 16);
if (Number.isNaN(chunkSize) || chunkSize < 0) {
throw new Deno.errors.InvalidData("Invalid chunk size");
if (chunkSize > 0) {
if (chunkSize > buf.byteLength) {
let eof = await r.readFull(buf);
if (eof === null) {
throw new Deno.errors.UnexpectedEof();
const restChunk = new Uint8Array(chunkSize - buf.byteLength);
eof = await r.readFull(restChunk);
if (eof === null) {
throw new Deno.errors.UnexpectedEof();
} else {
offset: 0,
data: restChunk,
return buf.byteLength;
} else {
const bufToFill = buf.subarray(0, chunkSize);
const eof = await r.readFull(bufToFill);
if (eof === null) {
throw new Deno.errors.UnexpectedEof();
// Consume \r\n
if ((await tp.readLine()) === null) {
throw new Deno.errors.UnexpectedEof();
return chunkSize;
} else {
assert(chunkSize === 0);
// Consume \r\n
if ((await r.readLine()) === null) {
throw new Deno.errors.UnexpectedEof();
await readTrailers(h, r);
finished = true;
return null;
return { read };
async function readTrailers(
headers: Headers,
r: BufReader,
) {
const trailers = parseTrailer(headers.get("trailer"));
if (trailers == null) return;
const trailerNames = [...trailers.keys()];
const tp = new TextProtoReader(r);
2022-10-17 18:57:31 -04:00
const result = await tp.readMimeHeader();
2022-08-18 17:35:02 +05:30
if (result == null) {
throw new Deno.errors.InvalidData("Missing trailer header.");
const undeclared = [...result.keys()].filter(
(k) => !trailerNames.includes(k),
if (undeclared.length > 0) {
throw new Deno.errors.InvalidData(
`Undeclared trailers: ${Deno.inspect(undeclared)}.`,
for (const [k, v] of result) {
headers.append(k, v);
const missingTrailers = trailerNames.filter((k) => !result.has(k));
if (missingTrailers.length > 0) {
throw new Deno.errors.InvalidData(
`Missing trailers: ${Deno.inspect(missingTrailers)}.`,
function parseTrailer(field: string | null): Headers | undefined {
if (field == null) {
return undefined;
const trailerNames = field.split(",").map((v) => v.trim().toLowerCase());
if (trailerNames.length === 0) {
throw new Deno.errors.InvalidData("Empty trailer header.");
const prohibited = trailerNames.filter((k) => isProhibitedForTrailer(k));
if (prohibited.length > 0) {
throw new Deno.errors.InvalidData(
`Prohibited trailer names: ${Deno.inspect(prohibited)}.`,
return new Headers(trailerNames.map((key) => [key, ""]));
function isProhibitedForTrailer(key: string): boolean {
const s = new Set(["transfer-encoding", "content-length", "trailer"]);
return s.has(key.toLowerCase());
2023-04-24 23:24:40 +02:00
2023-11-17 19:08:16 -07:00
// TODO(mmastrac): curl on Windows CI stopped supporting --http2?
2023-04-24 23:24:40 +02:00
2023-11-17 19:08:16 -07:00
permissions: { net: true, run: true },
ignore: Deno.build.os === "windows",
2023-04-24 23:24:40 +02:00
async function httpServeCurlH2C() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const server = Deno.serve(
2023-11-17 16:19:00 -07:00
{ port: servePort, signal: ac.signal },
2023-04-26 14:54:03 +02:00
() => new Response("hello world!"),
2023-04-24 23:24:40 +02:00
"hello world!",
2023-11-17 16:19:00 -07:00
await curlRequest([`http://localhost:${servePort}/path`]),
2023-04-24 23:24:40 +02:00
"hello world!",
2023-11-17 16:19:00 -07:00
await curlRequest([`http://localhost:${servePort}/path`, "--http2"]),
2023-04-24 23:24:40 +02:00
"hello world!",
await curlRequest([
2023-11-17 16:19:00 -07:00
2023-04-24 23:24:40 +02:00
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2023-04-24 23:24:40 +02:00
2023-05-18 20:10:25 -06:00
// TODO(mmastrac): This test should eventually use fetch, when we support trailers there.
// This test is ignored because it's flaky and relies on cURL's verbose output.
{ permissions: { net: true, run: true, read: true }, ignore: true },
async function httpServerTrailers() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const server = Deno.serve({
handler: () => {
const response = new Response("Hello World", {
headers: {
"trailer": "baz",
"transfer-encoding": "chunked",
"foo": "bar",
addTrailers(response, [["baz", "why"]]);
return response;
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
port: servePort,
2023-05-18 20:10:25 -06:00
signal: ac.signal,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
// We don't have a great way to access this right now, so just fetch the trailers with cURL
const [_, stderr] = await curlRequestWithStdErr([
2023-05-22 13:35:59 -06:00
2023-05-18 20:10:25 -06:00
assertMatch(stderr, /baz: why/);
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2023-05-18 20:10:25 -06:00
2023-11-17 19:08:16 -07:00
// TODO(mmastrac): curl on CI stopped supporting --http2?
2023-04-24 23:24:40 +02:00
2023-11-17 19:08:16 -07:00
permissions: {
net: true,
run: true,
read: true,
ignore: Deno.build.os === "windows",
2023-04-24 23:24:40 +02:00
async function httpsServeCurlH2C() {
const ac = new AbortController();
const server = Deno.serve(
signal: ac.signal,
2023-11-17 16:19:00 -07:00
port: servePort,
2023-04-24 23:24:40 +02:00
cert: Deno.readTextFileSync("cli/tests/testdata/tls/localhost.crt"),
key: Deno.readTextFileSync("cli/tests/testdata/tls/localhost.key"),
2023-04-26 14:54:03 +02:00
() => new Response("hello world!"),
2023-04-24 23:24:40 +02:00
"hello world!",
2023-11-17 16:19:00 -07:00
await curlRequest([`https://localhost:${servePort}/path`, "-k"]),
2023-04-24 23:24:40 +02:00
"hello world!",
2023-11-17 16:19:00 -07:00
await curlRequest([
2023-04-24 23:24:40 +02:00
"hello world!",
await curlRequest([
2023-11-17 16:19:00 -07:00
2023-04-24 23:24:40 +02:00
2023-06-13 12:05:23 -06:00
await server.finished;
2023-04-24 23:24:40 +02:00
async function curlRequest(args: string[]) {
2023-11-17 16:19:00 -07:00
const { success, stdout, stderr } = await new Deno.Command("curl", {
2023-04-24 23:24:40 +02:00
stdout: "piped",
2023-11-17 16:19:00 -07:00
stderr: "piped",
2023-04-24 23:24:40 +02:00
2023-11-17 16:19:00 -07:00
`Failed to cURL ${args}: stdout\n\n${stdout}\n\nstderr:\n\n${stderr}`,
2023-04-24 23:24:40 +02:00
return new TextDecoder().decode(stdout);
2023-05-18 20:10:25 -06:00
async function curlRequestWithStdErr(args: string[]) {
const { success, stdout, stderr } = await new Deno.Command("curl", {
stdout: "piped",
stderr: "piped",
2023-11-17 16:19:00 -07:00
`Failed to cURL ${args}: stdout\n\n${stdout}\n\nstderr:\n\n${stderr}`,
2023-05-18 20:10:25 -06:00
return [new TextDecoder().decode(stdout), new TextDecoder().decode(stderr)];
2023-10-04 11:37:39 +09:00
2023-10-09 12:43:14 +09:00
Deno.test("Deno.Server is not thenable", async () => {
// deno-lint-ignore require-await
async function serveTest() {
const server = Deno.serve({ port: servePort }, (_) => new Response(""));
assert(!("then" in server));
return server;
const server = await serveTest();
await server.shutdown();
2023-10-04 11:37:39 +09:00
ignore: Deno.build.os === "windows",
permissions: { run: true, read: true, write: true },
async function httpServerUnixDomainSocket() {
const d = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
const filePath = tmpUnixSocketPath();
const server = Deno.serve(
signal: ac.signal,
path: filePath,
onListen(info) {
onError: createOnErrorCb(ac),
(_req, { remoteAddr }) => {
assertEquals(remoteAddr, { path: filePath, transport: "unix" });
return new Response("hello world!");
assertEquals(await d, { path: filePath });
"hello world!",
await curlRequest(["--unix-socket", filePath, "http://localhost"]),
await server.finished;
2023-11-08 04:22:44 +05:30
// serve Handler must return Response class or promise that resolves Response class
{ permissions: { net: true, run: true } },
async function handleServeCallbackReturn() {
const d = deferred();
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
const server = Deno.serve(
port: servePort,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
signal: ac.signal,
onError: (error) => {
assert(error instanceof TypeError);
error.message ===
"Return value from serve handler must be a response or a promise resolving to a response",
return new Response("Customized Internal Error from onError");
() => {
// Trick the typechecker
return <Response> <unknown> undefined;
await listeningPromise;
const respText = await curlRequest([`http://localhost:${servePort}`]);
await d;
await server.finished;
assert(respText === "Customized Internal Error from onError");
// onError Handler must return Response class or promise that resolves Response class
{ permissions: { net: true, run: true } },
async function handleServeErrorCallbackReturn() {
const listeningPromise = deferred();
const ac = new AbortController();
const server = Deno.serve(
port: servePort,
onListen: onListen(listeningPromise),
signal: ac.signal,
onError: () => {
// Trick the typechecker
return <Response> <unknown> undefined;
() => {
// Trick the typechecker
return <Response> <unknown> undefined;
await listeningPromise;
const respText = await curlRequest([`http://localhost:${servePort}`]);
await server.finished;
assert(respText === "Internal Server Error");