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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
// @ts-check
/// <reference path="../../core/lib.deno_core.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../web/internal.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../web/lib.deno_web.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./lib.deno_webgpu.d.ts" />
import { primordials } from "ext:core/mod.js";
import {
} from "ext:core/ops";
const {
feat:: External webgpu surfaces / BYOW (#21835) This PR contains the implementation of the External webgpu surfaces / BYOW proposal. BYOW stands for "Bring your own window". Closes #21713 Adds `Deno.UnsafeWindowSurface` ( `--unstable-webgpu` API) to the `Deno` namespace: ```typescript class UnsafeWindowSurface { constructor( system: "cocoa" | "x11" | "win32", winHandle: Deno.PointerValue, displayHandle: Deno.PointerValue | null ); getContext(type: "webgpu"): GPUCanvasContext; present(): void; } ``` For the initial pass, I've opted to support the three major windowing systems. The parameters correspond to the table below: | system | winHandle | displayHandle | | ----------------- | ---------- | ------- | | "cocoa" (macOS) | `NSView*` | - | | "win32" (Windows) | `HWND` | `HINSTANCE` | | "x11" (Linux) | Xlib `Window` | Xlib `Display*` | Ecosystem support: - [x] deno_sdl2 (sdl2) - [mod.ts#L1209](https://github.com/littledivy/deno_sdl2/blob/7e177bc6524750a8849c25ce421798b2e71ec943/mod.ts#L1209) - [x] dwm (glfw) - https://github.com/deno-windowing/dwm/issues/29 - [ ] pane (winit) <details> <summary>Example</summary> ```typescript // A simple clear screen pass, colors based on mouse position. import { EventType, WindowBuilder } from "https://deno.land/x/sdl2@0.7.0/mod.ts"; const window = new WindowBuilder("sdl2 + deno + webgpu", 640, 480).build(); const [system, windowHandle, displayHandle] = window.rawHandle(); const adapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter(); const device = await adapter.requestDevice(); const context = Deno.createWindowSurface(system, windowHandle, displayHandle); context.configure({ device: device, format: "bgra8unorm", height: 480, width: 640, }); let r = 0.0; let g = 0.0; let b = 0.0; for (const event of window.events()) { if (event.type === EventType.Quit) { break; } else if (event.type === EventType.Draw) { const textureView = context.getCurrentTexture().createView(); const renderPassDescriptor: GPURenderPassDescriptor = { colorAttachments: [ { view: textureView, clearValue: { r, g, b, a: 1.0 }, loadOp: "clear", storeOp: "store", }, ], }; const commandEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder(); const passEncoder = commandEncoder.beginRenderPass(renderPassDescriptor); passEncoder.end(); device.queue.submit([commandEncoder.finish()]); Deno.presentGPUCanvasContext(context); } if (event.type === EventType.MouseMotion) { r = event.x / 640; g = event.y / 480; b = 1.0 - r - g; } } ``` You can find more examples in the linked tracking issue. </details> --------- Signed-off-by: Divy Srivastava <dj.srivastava23@gmail.com>
2024-01-19 22:49:14 +05:30
} = primordials;
import * as webidl from "ext:deno_webidl/00_webidl.js";
import { createFilteredInspectProxy } from "ext:deno_console/01_console.js";
import { loadWebGPU } from "ext:deno_webgpu/00_init.js";
const _surfaceRid = Symbol("[[surfaceRid]]");
const _configuration = Symbol("[[configuration]]");
const _canvas = Symbol("[[canvas]]");
const _currentTexture = Symbol("[[currentTexture]]");
const _present = Symbol("[[present]]");
class GPUCanvasContext {
/** @type {number} */
/** @type {GPUTexture | undefined} */
get canvas() {
webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUCanvasContextPrototype);
return this[_canvas];
constructor() {
configure(configuration) {
webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUCanvasContextPrototype);
const prefix = "Failed to execute 'configure' on 'GPUCanvasContext'";
webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix });
configuration = webidl.converters.GPUCanvasConfiguration(configuration, {
context: "Argument 1",
const { _device, assertDevice } = loadWebGPU();
this[_device] = configuration.device[_device];
this[_configuration] = configuration;
const device = assertDevice(this, {
context: "configuration.device",
const { err } = op_webgpu_surface_configure({
surfaceRid: this[_surfaceRid],
deviceRid: device.rid,
format: configuration.format,
viewFormats: configuration.viewFormats,
usage: configuration.usage,
width: configuration.width,
height: configuration.height,
alphaMode: configuration.alphaMode,
unconfigure() {
const { _device } = loadWebGPU();
webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUCanvasContextPrototype);
this[_configuration] = null;
this[_device] = null;
getCurrentTexture() {
webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUCanvasContextPrototype);
const prefix =
"Failed to execute 'getCurrentTexture' on 'GPUCanvasContext'";
if (this[_configuration] === null) {
throw new DOMException("context is not configured.", "InvalidStateError");
const { createGPUTexture, assertDevice } = loadWebGPU();
const device = assertDevice(this, { prefix, context: "this" });
if (this[_currentTexture]) {
return this[_currentTexture];
const { rid } = op_webgpu_surface_get_current_texture(
const texture = createGPUTexture(
size: {
width: this[_configuration].width,
height: this[_configuration].height,
depthOrArrayLayers: 1,
mipLevelCount: 1,
sampleCount: 1,
dimension: "2d",
format: this[_configuration].format,
usage: this[_configuration].usage,
this[_currentTexture] = texture;
return texture;
// Required to present the texture; browser don't need this.
[_present]() {
const { assertDevice } = loadWebGPU();
webidl.assertBranded(this, GPUCanvasContextPrototype);
const prefix = "Failed to execute 'present' on 'GPUCanvasContext'";
const device = assertDevice(this[_currentTexture], {
context: "this",
op_webgpu_surface_present(device.rid, this[_surfaceRid]);
this[_currentTexture] = undefined;
[SymbolFor("Deno.privateCustomInspect")](inspect, inspectOptions) {
return inspect(
object: this,
evaluate: ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(GPUCanvasContextPrototype, this),
keys: [
const GPUCanvasContextPrototype = GPUCanvasContext.prototype;
function createCanvasContext(options) {
// lazy load webgpu if needed
const canvasContext = webidl.createBranded(GPUCanvasContext);
canvasContext[_surfaceRid] = options.surfaceRid;
canvasContext[_canvas] = options.canvas;
return canvasContext;
feat:: External webgpu surfaces / BYOW (#21835) This PR contains the implementation of the External webgpu surfaces / BYOW proposal. BYOW stands for "Bring your own window". Closes #21713 Adds `Deno.UnsafeWindowSurface` ( `--unstable-webgpu` API) to the `Deno` namespace: ```typescript class UnsafeWindowSurface { constructor( system: "cocoa" | "x11" | "win32", winHandle: Deno.PointerValue, displayHandle: Deno.PointerValue | null ); getContext(type: "webgpu"): GPUCanvasContext; present(): void; } ``` For the initial pass, I've opted to support the three major windowing systems. The parameters correspond to the table below: | system | winHandle | displayHandle | | ----------------- | ---------- | ------- | | "cocoa" (macOS) | `NSView*` | - | | "win32" (Windows) | `HWND` | `HINSTANCE` | | "x11" (Linux) | Xlib `Window` | Xlib `Display*` | Ecosystem support: - [x] deno_sdl2 (sdl2) - [mod.ts#L1209](https://github.com/littledivy/deno_sdl2/blob/7e177bc6524750a8849c25ce421798b2e71ec943/mod.ts#L1209) - [x] dwm (glfw) - https://github.com/deno-windowing/dwm/issues/29 - [ ] pane (winit) <details> <summary>Example</summary> ```typescript // A simple clear screen pass, colors based on mouse position. import { EventType, WindowBuilder } from "https://deno.land/x/sdl2@0.7.0/mod.ts"; const window = new WindowBuilder("sdl2 + deno + webgpu", 640, 480).build(); const [system, windowHandle, displayHandle] = window.rawHandle(); const adapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter(); const device = await adapter.requestDevice(); const context = Deno.createWindowSurface(system, windowHandle, displayHandle); context.configure({ device: device, format: "bgra8unorm", height: 480, width: 640, }); let r = 0.0; let g = 0.0; let b = 0.0; for (const event of window.events()) { if (event.type === EventType.Quit) { break; } else if (event.type === EventType.Draw) { const textureView = context.getCurrentTexture().createView(); const renderPassDescriptor: GPURenderPassDescriptor = { colorAttachments: [ { view: textureView, clearValue: { r, g, b, a: 1.0 }, loadOp: "clear", storeOp: "store", }, ], }; const commandEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder(); const passEncoder = commandEncoder.beginRenderPass(renderPassDescriptor); passEncoder.end(); device.queue.submit([commandEncoder.finish()]); Deno.presentGPUCanvasContext(context); } if (event.type === EventType.MouseMotion) { r = event.x / 640; g = event.y / 480; b = 1.0 - r - g; } } ``` You can find more examples in the linked tracking issue. </details> --------- Signed-off-by: Divy Srivastava <dj.srivastava23@gmail.com>
2024-01-19 22:49:14 +05:30
// External webgpu surfaces
// TODO(@littledivy): This will extend `OffscreenCanvas` when we add it.
class UnsafeWindowSurface {
constructor(system, win, display) {
this.#surfaceRid = op_webgpu_surface_create(system, win, display);
feat:: External webgpu surfaces / BYOW (#21835) This PR contains the implementation of the External webgpu surfaces / BYOW proposal. BYOW stands for "Bring your own window". Closes #21713 Adds `Deno.UnsafeWindowSurface` ( `--unstable-webgpu` API) to the `Deno` namespace: ```typescript class UnsafeWindowSurface { constructor( system: "cocoa" | "x11" | "win32", winHandle: Deno.PointerValue, displayHandle: Deno.PointerValue | null ); getContext(type: "webgpu"): GPUCanvasContext; present(): void; } ``` For the initial pass, I've opted to support the three major windowing systems. The parameters correspond to the table below: | system | winHandle | displayHandle | | ----------------- | ---------- | ------- | | "cocoa" (macOS) | `NSView*` | - | | "win32" (Windows) | `HWND` | `HINSTANCE` | | "x11" (Linux) | Xlib `Window` | Xlib `Display*` | Ecosystem support: - [x] deno_sdl2 (sdl2) - [mod.ts#L1209](https://github.com/littledivy/deno_sdl2/blob/7e177bc6524750a8849c25ce421798b2e71ec943/mod.ts#L1209) - [x] dwm (glfw) - https://github.com/deno-windowing/dwm/issues/29 - [ ] pane (winit) <details> <summary>Example</summary> ```typescript // A simple clear screen pass, colors based on mouse position. import { EventType, WindowBuilder } from "https://deno.land/x/sdl2@0.7.0/mod.ts"; const window = new WindowBuilder("sdl2 + deno + webgpu", 640, 480).build(); const [system, windowHandle, displayHandle] = window.rawHandle(); const adapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter(); const device = await adapter.requestDevice(); const context = Deno.createWindowSurface(system, windowHandle, displayHandle); context.configure({ device: device, format: "bgra8unorm", height: 480, width: 640, }); let r = 0.0; let g = 0.0; let b = 0.0; for (const event of window.events()) { if (event.type === EventType.Quit) { break; } else if (event.type === EventType.Draw) { const textureView = context.getCurrentTexture().createView(); const renderPassDescriptor: GPURenderPassDescriptor = { colorAttachments: [ { view: textureView, clearValue: { r, g, b, a: 1.0 }, loadOp: "clear", storeOp: "store", }, ], }; const commandEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder(); const passEncoder = commandEncoder.beginRenderPass(renderPassDescriptor); passEncoder.end(); device.queue.submit([commandEncoder.finish()]); Deno.presentGPUCanvasContext(context); } if (event.type === EventType.MouseMotion) { r = event.x / 640; g = event.y / 480; b = 1.0 - r - g; } } ``` You can find more examples in the linked tracking issue. </details> --------- Signed-off-by: Divy Srivastava <dj.srivastava23@gmail.com>
2024-01-19 22:49:14 +05:30
getContext(context) {
if (context !== "webgpu") {
throw new TypeError("Only 'webgpu' context is supported.");
this.#ctx = createCanvasContext({ surfaceRid: this.#surfaceRid });
return this.#ctx;
present() {
feat:: External webgpu surfaces / BYOW (#21835) This PR contains the implementation of the External webgpu surfaces / BYOW proposal. BYOW stands for "Bring your own window". Closes #21713 Adds `Deno.UnsafeWindowSurface` ( `--unstable-webgpu` API) to the `Deno` namespace: ```typescript class UnsafeWindowSurface { constructor( system: "cocoa" | "x11" | "win32", winHandle: Deno.PointerValue, displayHandle: Deno.PointerValue | null ); getContext(type: "webgpu"): GPUCanvasContext; present(): void; } ``` For the initial pass, I've opted to support the three major windowing systems. The parameters correspond to the table below: | system | winHandle | displayHandle | | ----------------- | ---------- | ------- | | "cocoa" (macOS) | `NSView*` | - | | "win32" (Windows) | `HWND` | `HINSTANCE` | | "x11" (Linux) | Xlib `Window` | Xlib `Display*` | Ecosystem support: - [x] deno_sdl2 (sdl2) - [mod.ts#L1209](https://github.com/littledivy/deno_sdl2/blob/7e177bc6524750a8849c25ce421798b2e71ec943/mod.ts#L1209) - [x] dwm (glfw) - https://github.com/deno-windowing/dwm/issues/29 - [ ] pane (winit) <details> <summary>Example</summary> ```typescript // A simple clear screen pass, colors based on mouse position. import { EventType, WindowBuilder } from "https://deno.land/x/sdl2@0.7.0/mod.ts"; const window = new WindowBuilder("sdl2 + deno + webgpu", 640, 480).build(); const [system, windowHandle, displayHandle] = window.rawHandle(); const adapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter(); const device = await adapter.requestDevice(); const context = Deno.createWindowSurface(system, windowHandle, displayHandle); context.configure({ device: device, format: "bgra8unorm", height: 480, width: 640, }); let r = 0.0; let g = 0.0; let b = 0.0; for (const event of window.events()) { if (event.type === EventType.Quit) { break; } else if (event.type === EventType.Draw) { const textureView = context.getCurrentTexture().createView(); const renderPassDescriptor: GPURenderPassDescriptor = { colorAttachments: [ { view: textureView, clearValue: { r, g, b, a: 1.0 }, loadOp: "clear", storeOp: "store", }, ], }; const commandEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder(); const passEncoder = commandEncoder.beginRenderPass(renderPassDescriptor); passEncoder.end(); device.queue.submit([commandEncoder.finish()]); Deno.presentGPUCanvasContext(context); } if (event.type === EventType.MouseMotion) { r = event.x / 640; g = event.y / 480; b = 1.0 - r - g; } } ``` You can find more examples in the linked tracking issue. </details> --------- Signed-off-by: Divy Srivastava <dj.srivastava23@gmail.com>
2024-01-19 22:49:14 +05:30
export { GPUCanvasContext, UnsafeWindowSurface };