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// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
// @ts-check
/// <reference path="../webidl/internal.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../web/internal.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../file/internal.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../file/lib.deno_file.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./internal.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./11_streams_types.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./lib.deno_fetch.d.ts" />
/// <reference lib="esnext" />
"use strict";
((window) => {
const webidl = window.__bootstrap.webidl;
const { HTTP_TOKEN_CODE_POINT_RE, byteUpperCase } = window.__bootstrap.infra;
const { URL } = window.__bootstrap.url;
const { guardFromHeaders } = window.__bootstrap.headers;
const { mixinBody, extractBody } = window.__bootstrap.fetchBody;
const { getLocationHref } = window.__bootstrap.location;
const mimesniff = window.__bootstrap.mimesniff;
const {
} = window.__bootstrap.headers;
const { HttpClient } = window.__bootstrap.fetch;
const abortSignal = window.__bootstrap.abortSignal;
const _request = Symbol("request");
const _headers = Symbol("headers");
const _signal = Symbol("signal");
const _mimeType = Symbol("mime type");
const _body = Symbol("body");
* @typedef InnerRequest
* @property {string} method
* @property {() => string} url
* @property {() => string} currentUrl
* @property {[string, string][]} headerList
* @property {null | typeof __window.bootstrap.fetchBody.InnerBody} body
* @property {"follow" | "error" | "manual"} redirectMode
* @property {number} redirectCount
* @property {string[]} urlList
* @property {number | null} clientRid NOTE: non standard extension for `Deno.HttpClient`.
const defaultInnerRequest = {
url() {
return this.urlList[0];
currentUrl() {
return this.urlList[this.urlList.length - 1];
redirectMode: "follow",
redirectCount: 0,
clientRid: null,
2021-04-28 19:38:51 +05:30
* @param {string} method
* @param {string} url
* @param {[string, string][]} headerList
* @param {typeof __window.bootstrap.fetchBody.InnerBody} body
2021-04-28 19:38:51 +05:30
* @returns
function newInnerRequest(method, url, headerList = [], body = null) {
return {
method: method,
urlList: [url],
* https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-request-clone
2021-04-28 19:38:51 +05:30
* @param {InnerRequest} request
* @returns {InnerRequest}
function cloneInnerRequest(request) {
const headerList = [...request.headerList.map((x) => [x[0], x[1]])];
let body = null;
if (request.body !== null) {
body = request.body.clone();
return {
method: request.method,
url() {
return this.urlList[0];
currentUrl() {
return this.urlList[this.urlList.length - 1];
redirectMode: request.redirectMode,
redirectCount: request.redirectCount,
urlList: request.urlList,
clientRid: request.clientRid,
* @param {string} m
* @returns {boolean}
function isKnownMethod(m) {
return (
m === "DELETE" ||
m === "GET" ||
m === "HEAD" ||
m === "OPTIONS" ||
m === "POST" ||
m === "PUT"
* @param {string} m
* @returns {string}
function validateAndNormalizeMethod(m) {
// Fast path for well-known methods
if (isKnownMethod(m)) {
return m;
// Regular path
if (!HTTP_TOKEN_CODE_POINT_RE.test(m)) {
throw new TypeError("Method is not valid.");
const upperCase = byteUpperCase(m);
if (
upperCase === "CONNECT" || upperCase === "TRACE" || upperCase === "TRACK"
) {
throw new TypeError("Method is forbidden.");
return upperCase;
class Request {
/** @type {InnerRequest} */
/** @type {Headers} */
/** @type {AbortSignal} */
get [_mimeType]() {
let charset = null;
let essence = null;
let mimeType = null;
const values = getDecodeSplitHeader(
if (values === null) return null;
for (const value of values) {
const temporaryMimeType = mimesniff.parseMimeType(value);
if (
temporaryMimeType === null ||
mimesniff.essence(temporaryMimeType) == "*/*"
) {
mimeType = temporaryMimeType;
if (mimesniff.essence(mimeType) !== essence) {
charset = null;
const newCharset = mimeType.parameters.get("charset");
if (newCharset !== undefined) {
charset = newCharset;
essence = mimesniff.essence(mimeType);
} else {
if (mimeType.parameters.has("charset") === null && charset !== null) {
mimeType.parameters.set("charset", charset);
if (mimeType === null) return null;
return mimeType;
get [_body]() {
return this[_request].body;
* https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-request
2021-04-28 19:38:51 +05:30
* @param {RequestInfo} input
* @param {RequestInit} init
constructor(input, init = {}) {
const prefix = "Failed to construct 'Request'";
webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix });
input = webidl.converters["RequestInfo"](input, {
context: "Argument 1",
init = webidl.converters["RequestInit"](init, {
context: "Argument 2",
this[webidl.brand] = webidl.brand;
/** @type {InnerRequest} */
let request;
const baseURL = getLocationHref();
// 4.
let signal = null;
// 5.
if (typeof input === "string") {
const parsedURL = new URL(input, baseURL);
request = newInnerRequest("GET", parsedURL.href, [], null);
} else { // 6.
if (!(input instanceof Request)) throw new TypeError("Unreachable");
request = input[_request];
signal = input[_signal];
// 12.
// TODO(lucacasonato): create a copy of `request`
// 22.
if (init.redirect !== undefined) {
request.redirectMode = init.redirect;
// 25.
if (init.method !== undefined) {
let method = init.method;
method = validateAndNormalizeMethod(method);
request.method = method;
// 26.
if (init.signal !== undefined) {
signal = init.signal;
// NOTE: non standard extension. This handles Deno.HttpClient parameter
if (init.client !== undefined) {
if (init.client !== null && !(init.client instanceof HttpClient)) {
throw webidl.makeException(
"`client` must be a Deno.HttpClient",
{ prefix, context: "Argument 2" },
request.clientRid = init.client?.rid ?? null;
// 27.
this[_request] = request;
// 28.
this[_signal] = abortSignal.newSignal();
if (signal !== null) {
abortSignal.follow(this[_signal], signal);
// 29.
this[_headers] = headersFromHeaderList(request.headerList, "request");
// 31.
if (Object.keys(init).length > 0) {
let headers = headerListFromHeaders(this[_headers]).slice(
if (init.headers !== undefined) {
headers = init.headers;
fillHeaders(this[_headers], headers);
// 32.
let inputBody = null;
if (input instanceof Request) {
inputBody = input[_body];
// 33.
if (
(request.method === "GET" || request.method === "HEAD") &&
((init.body !== undefined && init.body !== null) ||
inputBody !== null)
) {
throw new TypeError("Request with GET/HEAD method cannot have body.");
// 34.
let initBody = null;
// 35.
if (init.body !== undefined && init.body !== null) {
const res = extractBody(init.body);
initBody = res.body;
if (res.contentType !== null && !this[_headers].has("content-type")) {
this[_headers].append("Content-Type", res.contentType);
// 36.
const inputOrInitBody = initBody ?? inputBody;
// 38.
const finalBody = inputOrInitBody;
// 39.
// TODO(lucacasonato): implement this step. Is it needed?
// 40.
request.body = finalBody;
// 41.
// TODO(lucacasonato): Extranious? https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/issues/1249
get method() {
webidl.assertBranded(this, Request);
return this[_request].method;
get url() {
webidl.assertBranded(this, Request);
return this[_request].url();
get headers() {
webidl.assertBranded(this, Request);
return this[_headers];
get redirect() {
webidl.assertBranded(this, Request);
return this[_request].redirectMode;
get signal() {
webidl.assertBranded(this, Request);
return this[_signal];
clone() {
webidl.assertBranded(this, Request);
if (this[_body] && this[_body].unusable()) {
throw new TypeError("Body is unusable.");
const newReq = cloneInnerRequest(this[_request]);
const newSignal = abortSignal.newSignal();
abortSignal.follow(newSignal, this[_signal]);
return fromInnerRequest(
get [Symbol.toStringTag]() {
return "Request";
[Symbol.for("Deno.customInspect")](inspect) {
const inner = {
bodyUsed: this.bodyUsed,
headers: this.headers,
method: this.method,
redirect: this.redirect,
url: this.url,
return `Request ${inspect(inner)}`;
mixinBody(Request, _body, _mimeType);
webidl.converters["Request"] = webidl.createInterfaceConverter(
webidl.converters["RequestInfo"] = (V, opts) => {
// Union for (Request or USVString)
if (typeof V == "object") {
if (V instanceof Request) {
return webidl.converters["Request"](V, opts);
return webidl.converters["USVString"](V, opts);
webidl.converters["RequestRedirect"] = webidl.createEnumConverter(
webidl.converters["RequestInit"] = webidl.createDictionaryConverter(
{ key: "method", converter: webidl.converters["ByteString"] },
{ key: "headers", converter: webidl.converters["HeadersInit"] },
key: "body",
converter: webidl.createNullableConverter(
{ key: "redirect", converter: webidl.converters["RequestRedirect"] },
key: "signal",
converter: webidl.createNullableConverter(
{ key: "client", converter: webidl.converters.any },
* @param {Request} request
* @returns {InnerRequest}
function toInnerRequest(request) {
return request[_request];
* @param {InnerRequest} inner
* @param {"request" | "immutable" | "request-no-cors" | "response" | "none"} guard
* @returns {Request}
function fromInnerRequest(inner, signal, guard) {
const request = webidl.createBranded(Request);
request[_request] = inner;
request[_signal] = signal;
request[_headers] = headersFromHeaderList(inner.headerList, guard);
return request;
window.__bootstrap.fetch ??= {};
window.__bootstrap.fetch.Request = Request;
window.__bootstrap.fetch.toInnerRequest = toInnerRequest;
window.__bootstrap.fetch.fromInnerRequest = fromInnerRequest;
window.__bootstrap.fetch.newInnerRequest = newInnerRequest;