Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/denoland/deno.git synced 2025-03-03 09:31:22 -05:00

BREAKING: Make fetch API more web compatible (#4687)

- Removes the __fetch namespace from `deno types`
- Response.redirect should be a static.
- Response.body should not be AsyncIterable.
- Disables the deno_proxy benchmark
- Makes std/examples/curl.ts buffer the body before printing to stdout
This commit is contained in:
Ryan Dahl 2020-04-10 09:51:17 -04:00 committed by GitHub
parent be71885628
commit 02bc58d832
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
8 changed files with 454 additions and 423 deletions

View file

@ -12,15 +12,7 @@
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope
declare interface WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope {
// methods
fetch: typeof __fetch.fetch;
// properties
File: __domTypes.DomFileConstructor;
Headers: __domTypes.HeadersConstructor;
FormData: __domTypes.FormDataConstructor;
ReadableStream: __domTypes.ReadableStreamConstructor;
Request: __domTypes.RequestConstructor;
Response: typeof __fetch.Response;
location: __domTypes.Location;
@ -43,9 +35,7 @@ declare namespace WebAssembly {
* source. This function is useful if it is necessary to a compile a module
* before it can be instantiated (otherwise, the
* `WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming()` function should be used). */
function compileStreaming(
source: Promise<__domTypes.Response>
): Promise<Module>;
function compileStreaming(source: Promise<Response>): Promise<Module>;
/** Takes the WebAssembly binary code, in the form of a typed array or
* `ArrayBuffer`, and performs both compilation and instantiation in one step.
@ -68,7 +58,7 @@ declare namespace WebAssembly {
* underlying source. This is the most efficient, optimized way to load wasm
* code. */
function instantiateStreaming(
source: Promise<__domTypes.Response>,
source: Promise<Response>,
importObject?: object
): Promise<WebAssemblyInstantiatedSource>;
@ -196,8 +186,6 @@ declare namespace WebAssembly {
declare const fetch: typeof __fetch.fetch;
/** Sets a timer which executes a function once after the timer expires. */
declare function setTimeout(
cb: (...args: unknown[]) => void,
@ -215,13 +203,8 @@ declare function clearInterval(id?: number): void;
declare function queueMicrotask(func: Function): void;
declare const console: Console;
declare const File: __domTypes.DomFileConstructor;
declare const Headers: __domTypes.HeadersConstructor;
declare const location: __domTypes.Location;
declare const FormData: __domTypes.FormDataConstructor;
declare const ReadableStream: __domTypes.ReadableStreamConstructor;
declare const Request: __domTypes.RequestConstructor;
declare const Response: typeof __fetch.Response;
declare function addEventListener(
type: string,
@ -237,13 +220,7 @@ declare function removeEventListener(
options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions | undefined
): void;
declare type Body = __domTypes.Body;
declare type File = __domTypes.DomFile;
declare type Headers = __domTypes.Headers;
declare type FormData = __domTypes.FormData;
declare type ReadableStream<R = any> = __domTypes.ReadableStream<R>;
declare type Request = __domTypes.Request;
declare type Response = __domTypes.Response;
declare interface ImportMeta {
url: string;
@ -251,26 +228,6 @@ declare interface ImportMeta {
declare namespace __domTypes {
export type HeadersInit =
| Headers
| Array<[string, string]>
| Record<string, string>;
type BodyInit =
| Blob
| BufferSource
| FormData
| URLSearchParams
| ReadableStream
| string;
export type RequestInfo = Request | string;
type ReferrerPolicy =
| ""
| "no-referrer"
| "no-referrer-when-downgrade"
| "origin-only"
| "origin-when-cross-origin"
| "unsafe-url";
export type FormDataEntryValue = DomFile | string;
export interface DomIterable<K, V> {
keys(): IterableIterator<K>;
values(): IterableIterator<V>;
@ -281,52 +238,6 @@ declare namespace __domTypes {
thisArg?: any
): void;
export interface DomFile extends Blob {
readonly lastModified: number;
readonly name: string;
export interface DomFileConstructor {
new (
bits: BlobPart[],
filename: string,
options?: FilePropertyBag
): DomFile;
prototype: DomFile;
export interface FilePropertyBag extends BlobPropertyBag {
lastModified?: number;
interface AbortSignalEventMap {
abort: ProgressEvent;
interface AbortSignal extends EventTarget {
readonly aborted: boolean;
onabort: ((this: AbortSignal, ev: ProgressEvent) => any) | null;
addEventListener<K extends keyof AbortSignalEventMap>(
type: K,
listener: (this: AbortSignal, ev: AbortSignalEventMap[K]) => any,
options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions
): void;
type: string,
listener: EventListener,
options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions
): void;
removeEventListener<K extends keyof AbortSignalEventMap>(
type: K,
listener: (this: AbortSignal, ev: AbortSignalEventMap[K]) => any,
options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions
): void;
type: string,
listener: EventListener,
options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions
): void;
export interface ReadableStreamReadDoneResult<T> {
done: true;
value?: T;
@ -344,12 +255,6 @@ declare namespace __domTypes {
read(): Promise<ReadableStreamReadResult<R>>;
releaseLock(): void;
export interface PipeOptions {
preventAbort?: boolean;
preventCancel?: boolean;
preventClose?: boolean;
signal?: AbortSignal;
export interface UnderlyingSource<R = any> {
cancel?: ReadableStreamErrorCallback;
pull?: ReadableStreamDefaultControllerCallback<R>;
@ -427,249 +332,6 @@ declare namespace __domTypes {
releaseLock(): void;
write(chunk: W): Promise<void>;
export interface FormData extends DomIterable<string, FormDataEntryValue> {
append(name: string, value: string | Blob, fileName?: string): void;
delete(name: string): void;
get(name: string): FormDataEntryValue | null;
getAll(name: string): FormDataEntryValue[];
has(name: string): boolean;
set(name: string, value: string | Blob, fileName?: string): void;
export interface FormDataConstructor {
new (): FormData;
prototype: FormData;
export interface Body {
/** A simple getter used to expose a `ReadableStream` of the body contents. */
readonly body: ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | null;
/** Stores a `Boolean` that declares whether the body has been used in a
* response yet.
readonly bodyUsed: boolean;
/** Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise
* that resolves with an `ArrayBuffer`.
arrayBuffer(): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
/** Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise
* that resolves with a `Blob`.
blob(): Promise<Blob>;
/** Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise
* that resolves with a `FormData` object.
formData(): Promise<FormData>;
/** Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise
* that resolves with the result of parsing the body text as JSON.
json(): Promise<any>;
/** Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise
* that resolves with a `USVString` (text).
text(): Promise<string>;
export interface Headers extends DomIterable<string, string> {
/** Appends a new value onto an existing header inside a `Headers` object, or
* adds the header if it does not already exist.
append(name: string, value: string): void;
/** Deletes a header from a `Headers` object. */
delete(name: string): void;
/** Returns an iterator allowing to go through all key/value pairs
* contained in this Headers object. The both the key and value of each pairs
* are ByteString objects.
entries(): IterableIterator<[string, string]>;
/** Returns a `ByteString` sequence of all the values of a header within a
* `Headers` object with a given name.
get(name: string): string | null;
/** Returns a boolean stating whether a `Headers` object contains a certain
* header.
has(name: string): boolean;
/** Returns an iterator allowing to go through all keys contained in
* this Headers object. The keys are ByteString objects.
keys(): IterableIterator<string>;
/** Sets a new value for an existing header inside a Headers object, or adds
* the header if it does not already exist.
set(name: string, value: string): void;
/** Returns an iterator allowing to go through all values contained in
* this Headers object. The values are ByteString objects.
values(): IterableIterator<string>;
callbackfn: (value: string, key: string, parent: this) => void,
thisArg?: any
): void;
/** The Symbol.iterator well-known symbol specifies the default
* iterator for this Headers object
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[string, string]>;
export interface HeadersConstructor {
new (init?: HeadersInit): Headers;
prototype: Headers;
type RequestCache =
| "default"
| "no-store"
| "reload"
| "no-cache"
| "force-cache"
| "only-if-cached";
type RequestCredentials = "omit" | "same-origin" | "include";
type RequestDestination =
| ""
| "audio"
| "audioworklet"
| "document"
| "embed"
| "font"
| "image"
| "manifest"
| "object"
| "paintworklet"
| "report"
| "script"
| "sharedworker"
| "style"
| "track"
| "video"
| "worker"
| "xslt";
type RequestMode = "navigate" | "same-origin" | "no-cors" | "cors";
type RequestRedirect = "follow" | "error" | "manual";
type ResponseType =
| "basic"
| "cors"
| "default"
| "error"
| "opaque"
| "opaqueredirect";
export interface RequestInit {
body?: BodyInit | null;
cache?: RequestCache;
credentials?: RequestCredentials;
headers?: HeadersInit;
integrity?: string;
keepalive?: boolean;
method?: string;
mode?: RequestMode;
redirect?: RequestRedirect;
referrer?: string;
referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy;
signal?: AbortSignal | null;
window?: any;
export interface ResponseInit {
headers?: HeadersInit;
status?: number;
statusText?: string;
export interface RequestConstructor {
new (input: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit): Request;
prototype: Request;
export interface Request extends Body {
/** Returns the cache mode associated with request, which is a string
* indicating how the the request will interact with the browser's cache when
* fetching.
readonly cache?: RequestCache;
/** Returns the credentials mode associated with request, which is a string
* indicating whether credentials will be sent with the request always, never,
* or only when sent to a same-origin URL.
readonly credentials?: RequestCredentials;
/** Returns the kind of resource requested by request, (e.g., `document` or
* `script`).
readonly destination?: RequestDestination;
/** Returns a Headers object consisting of the headers associated with
* request.
* Note that headers added in the network layer by the user agent
* will not be accounted for in this object, (e.g., the `Host` header).
readonly headers: Headers;
/** Returns request's subresource integrity metadata, which is a cryptographic
* hash of the resource being fetched. Its value consists of multiple hashes
* separated by whitespace. [SRI]
readonly integrity?: string;
/** Returns a boolean indicating whether or not request is for a history
* navigation (a.k.a. back-forward navigation).
readonly isHistoryNavigation?: boolean;
/** Returns a boolean indicating whether or not request is for a reload
* navigation.
readonly isReloadNavigation?: boolean;
/** Returns a boolean indicating whether or not request can outlive the global
* in which it was created.
readonly keepalive?: boolean;
/** Returns request's HTTP method, which is `GET` by default. */
readonly method: string;
/** Returns the mode associated with request, which is a string indicating
* whether the request will use CORS, or will be restricted to same-origin
* URLs.
readonly mode?: RequestMode;
/** Returns the redirect mode associated with request, which is a string
* indicating how redirects for the request will be handled during fetching.
* A request will follow redirects by default.
readonly redirect?: RequestRedirect;
/** Returns the referrer of request. Its value can be a same-origin URL if
* explicitly set in init, the empty string to indicate no referrer, and
* `about:client` when defaulting to the global's default.
* This is used during fetching to determine the value of the `Referer`
* header of the request being made.
readonly referrer?: string;
/** Returns the referrer policy associated with request. This is used during
* fetching to compute the value of the request's referrer.
readonly referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy;
/** Returns the signal associated with request, which is an AbortSignal object
* indicating whether or not request has been aborted, and its abort event
* handler.
readonly signal?: AbortSignal;
/** Returns the URL of request as a string. */
readonly url: string;
clone(): Request;
export interface Response extends Body {
/** Contains the `Headers` object associated with the response. */
readonly headers: Headers;
/** Contains a boolean stating whether the response was successful (status in
* the range 200-299) or not.
readonly ok: boolean;
/** Indicates whether or not the response is the result of a redirect; that
* is, its URL list has more than one entry.
readonly redirected: boolean;
/** Contains the status code of the response (e.g., `200` for a success). */
readonly status: number;
/** Contains the status message corresponding to the status code (e.g., `OK`
* for `200`).
readonly statusText: string;
readonly trailer: Promise<Headers>;
/** Contains the type of the response (e.g., `basic`, `cors`). */
readonly type: ResponseType;
/** Contains the URL of the response. */
readonly url: string;
/** Creates a clone of a `Response` object. */
clone(): Response;
export interface DOMStringList {
/** Returns the number of strings in strings. */
readonly length: number;
@ -765,6 +427,22 @@ declare const Blob: {
new (blobParts?: BlobPart[], options?: BlobPropertyBag): Blob;
interface FilePropertyBag extends BlobPropertyBag {
lastModified?: number;
/** Provides information about files and allows JavaScript in a web page to
* access their content. */
interface File extends Blob {
readonly lastModified: number;
readonly name: string;
declare const File: {
prototype: File;
new (fileBits: BlobPart[], fileName: string, options?: FilePropertyBag): File;
declare const isConsoleInstance: unique symbol;
declare class Console {
@ -831,67 +509,376 @@ declare class Console {
static [Symbol.hasInstance](instance: Console): boolean;
declare namespace __fetch {
class Body
Deno.ReadCloser {
readonly contentType: string;
bodyUsed: boolean;
readonly locked: boolean;
readonly body: __domTypes.ReadableStream<Uint8Array>;
constructor(rid: number, contentType: string);
arrayBuffer(): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
blob(): Promise<Blob>;
formData(): Promise<__domTypes.FormData>;
json(): Promise<any>;
text(): Promise<string>;
read(p: Uint8Array): Promise<number | Deno.EOF>;
close(): void;
cancel(): Promise<void>;
getReader(options: { mode: "byob" }): __domTypes.ReadableStreamBYOBReader;
getReader(): __domTypes.ReadableStreamDefaultReader<Uint8Array>;
getReader(): __domTypes.ReadableStreamBYOBReader;
tee(): [__domTypes.ReadableStream, __domTypes.ReadableStream];
[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator<Uint8Array>;
export class Response implements __domTypes.Response {
readonly url: string;
readonly status: number;
statusText: string;
readonly type: __domTypes.ResponseType;
readonly redirected: boolean;
headers: __domTypes.Headers;
readonly trailer: Promise<__domTypes.Headers>;
bodyUsed: boolean;
readonly body: Body;
url: string,
status: number,
statusText: string,
headersList: Array<[string, string]>,
rid: number,
redirected_: boolean,
type_?: null | __domTypes.ResponseType,
body_?: null | Body
arrayBuffer(): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
blob(): Promise<Blob>;
formData(): Promise<__domTypes.FormData>;
json(): Promise<any>;
text(): Promise<string>;
readonly ok: boolean;
clone(): __domTypes.Response;
redirect(url: URL | string, status: number): __domTypes.Response;
/** Fetch a resource from the network. */
export function fetch(
input: __domTypes.Request | URL | string,
init?: __domTypes.RequestInit
): Promise<Response>;
type FormDataEntryValue = File | string;
/** Provides a way to easily construct a set of key/value pairs representing
* form fields and their values, which can then be easily sent using the
* XMLHttpRequest.send() method. It uses the same format a form would use if the
* encoding type were set to "multipart/form-data". */
interface FormData extends __domTypes.DomIterable<string, FormDataEntryValue> {
append(name: string, value: string | Blob, fileName?: string): void;
delete(name: string): void;
get(name: string): FormDataEntryValue | null;
getAll(name: string): FormDataEntryValue[];
has(name: string): boolean;
set(name: string, value: string | Blob, fileName?: string): void;
declare const FormData: {
prototype: FormData;
// TODO(ry) FormData constructor is non-standard.
// new(form?: HTMLFormElement): FormData;
new (): FormData;
interface Body {
/** A simple getter used to expose a `ReadableStream` of the body contents. */
readonly body: ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | null;
/** Stores a `Boolean` that declares whether the body has been used in a
* response yet.
readonly bodyUsed: boolean;
/** Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise
* that resolves with an `ArrayBuffer`.
arrayBuffer(): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
/** Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise
* that resolves with a `Blob`.
blob(): Promise<Blob>;
/** Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise
* that resolves with a `FormData` object.
formData(): Promise<FormData>;
/** Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise
* that resolves with the result of parsing the body text as JSON.
json(): Promise<any>;
/** Takes a `Response` stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise
* that resolves with a `USVString` (text).
text(): Promise<string>;
type HeadersInit = Headers | string[][] | Record<string, string>;
/** This Fetch API interface allows you to perform various actions on HTTP
* request and response headers. These actions include retrieving, setting,
* adding to, and removing. A Headers object has an associated header list,
* which is initially empty and consists of zero or more name and value pairs.
*  You can add to this using methods like append() (see Examples.) In all
* methods of this interface, header names are matched by case-insensitive byte
* sequence. */
interface Headers {
append(name: string, value: string): void;
delete(name: string): void;
get(name: string): string | null;
has(name: string): boolean;
set(name: string, value: string): void;
callbackfn: (value: string, key: string, parent: Headers) => void,
thisArg?: any
): void;
interface Headers extends __domTypes.DomIterable<string, string> {
/** Appends a new value onto an existing header inside a `Headers` object, or
* adds the header if it does not already exist.
append(name: string, value: string): void;
/** Deletes a header from a `Headers` object. */
delete(name: string): void;
/** Returns an iterator allowing to go through all key/value pairs
* contained in this Headers object. The both the key and value of each pairs
* are ByteString objects.
entries(): IterableIterator<[string, string]>;
/** Returns a `ByteString` sequence of all the values of a header within a
* `Headers` object with a given name.
get(name: string): string | null;
/** Returns a boolean stating whether a `Headers` object contains a certain
* header.
has(name: string): boolean;
/** Returns an iterator allowing to go through all keys contained in
* this Headers object. The keys are ByteString objects.
keys(): IterableIterator<string>;
/** Sets a new value for an existing header inside a Headers object, or adds
* the header if it does not already exist.
set(name: string, value: string): void;
/** Returns an iterator allowing to go through all values contained in
* this Headers object. The values are ByteString objects.
values(): IterableIterator<string>;
callbackfn: (value: string, key: string, parent: this) => void,
thisArg?: any
): void;
/** The Symbol.iterator well-known symbol specifies the default
* iterator for this Headers object
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[string, string]>;
declare const Headers: {
prototype: Headers;
new (init?: HeadersInit): Headers;
type RequestInfo = Request | string;
type RequestCache =
| "default"
| "force-cache"
| "no-cache"
| "no-store"
| "only-if-cached"
| "reload";
type RequestCredentials = "include" | "omit" | "same-origin";
type RequestMode = "cors" | "navigate" | "no-cors" | "same-origin";
type RequestRedirect = "error" | "follow" | "manual";
type ReferrerPolicy =
| ""
| "no-referrer"
| "no-referrer-when-downgrade"
| "origin"
| "origin-when-cross-origin"
| "same-origin"
| "strict-origin"
| "strict-origin-when-cross-origin"
| "unsafe-url";
type BodyInit =
| Blob
| BufferSource
| FormData
| URLSearchParams
| ReadableStream<Uint8Array>
| string;
type RequestDestination =
| ""
| "audio"
| "audioworklet"
| "document"
| "embed"
| "font"
| "image"
| "manifest"
| "object"
| "paintworklet"
| "report"
| "script"
| "sharedworker"
| "style"
| "track"
| "video"
| "worker"
| "xslt";
interface RequestInit {
* A BodyInit object or null to set request's body.
body?: BodyInit | null;
* A string indicating how the request will interact with the browser's cache
* to set request's cache.
cache?: RequestCache;
* A string indicating whether credentials will be sent with the request
* always, never, or only when sent to a same-origin URL. Sets request's
* credentials.
credentials?: RequestCredentials;
* A Headers object, an object literal, or an array of two-item arrays to set
* request's headers.
headers?: HeadersInit;
* A cryptographic hash of the resource to be fetched by request. Sets
* request's integrity.
integrity?: string;
* A boolean to set request's keepalive.
keepalive?: boolean;
* A string to set request's method.
method?: string;
* A string to indicate whether the request will use CORS, or will be
* restricted to same-origin URLs. Sets request's mode.
mode?: RequestMode;
* A string indicating whether request follows redirects, results in an error
* upon encountering a redirect, or returns the redirect (in an opaque
* fashion). Sets request's redirect.
redirect?: RequestRedirect;
* A string whose value is a same-origin URL, "about:client", or the empty
* string, to set request's referrer.
referrer?: string;
* A referrer policy to set request's referrerPolicy.
referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy;
* An AbortSignal to set request's signal.
signal?: AbortSignal | null;
* Can only be null. Used to disassociate request from any Window.
window?: any;
/** This Fetch API interface represents a resource request. */
interface Request extends Body {
* Returns the cache mode associated with request, which is a string
* indicating how the request will interact with the browser's cache when
* fetching.
readonly cache: RequestCache;
* Returns the credentials mode associated with request, which is a string
* indicating whether credentials will be sent with the request always, never,
* or only when sent to a same-origin URL.
readonly credentials: RequestCredentials;
* Returns the kind of resource requested by request, e.g., "document" or "script".
readonly destination: RequestDestination;
* Returns a Headers object consisting of the headers associated with request.
* Note that headers added in the network layer by the user agent will not be
* accounted for in this object, e.g., the "Host" header.
readonly headers: Headers;
* Returns request's subresource integrity metadata, which is a cryptographic
* hash of the resource being fetched. Its value consists of multiple hashes
* separated by whitespace. [SRI]
readonly integrity: string;
* Returns a boolean indicating whether or not request is for a history
* navigation (a.k.a. back-foward navigation).
readonly isHistoryNavigation: boolean;
* Returns a boolean indicating whether or not request is for a reload
* navigation.
readonly isReloadNavigation: boolean;
* Returns a boolean indicating whether or not request can outlive the global
* in which it was created.
readonly keepalive: boolean;
* Returns request's HTTP method, which is "GET" by default.
readonly method: string;
* Returns the mode associated with request, which is a string indicating
* whether the request will use CORS, or will be restricted to same-origin
* URLs.
readonly mode: RequestMode;
* Returns the redirect mode associated with request, which is a string
* indicating how redirects for the request will be handled during fetching. A
* request will follow redirects by default.
readonly redirect: RequestRedirect;
* Returns the referrer of request. Its value can be a same-origin URL if
* explicitly set in init, the empty string to indicate no referrer, and
* "about:client" when defaulting to the global's default. This is used during
* fetching to determine the value of the `Referer` header of the request
* being made.
readonly referrer: string;
* Returns the referrer policy associated with request. This is used during
* fetching to compute the value of the request's referrer.
readonly referrerPolicy: ReferrerPolicy;
* Returns the signal associated with request, which is an AbortSignal object
* indicating whether or not request has been aborted, and its abort event
* handler.
readonly signal: AbortSignal;
* Returns the URL of request as a string.
readonly url: string;
clone(): Request;
declare const Request: {
prototype: Request;
new (input: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit): Request;
type ResponseType =
| "basic"
| "cors"
| "default"
| "error"
| "opaque"
| "opaqueredirect";
/** This Fetch API interface represents the response to a request. */
interface Response extends Body {
readonly headers: Headers;
readonly ok: boolean;
readonly redirected: boolean;
readonly status: number;
readonly statusText: string;
readonly trailer: Promise<Headers>;
readonly type: ResponseType;
readonly url: string;
clone(): Response;
declare const Response: {
prototype: Response;
// TODO(#4667) Response constructor is non-standard.
// new(body?: BodyInit | null, init?: ResponseInit): Response;
new (
url: string,
status: number,
statusText: string,
headersList: Array<[string, string]>,
rid: number,
redirected_: boolean,
type_?: null | ResponseType,
body_?: null | Body
): Response;
error(): Response;
redirect(url: string, status?: number): Response;
/** Fetch a resource from the network. */
declare function fetch(
input: Request | URL | string,
init?: RequestInit
): Promise<Response>;
declare function atob(s: string): string;
/** Creates a base-64 ASCII string from the input string. */
@ -1318,3 +1305,43 @@ declare const CustomEvent: {
prototype: CustomEvent;
new <T>(typeArg: string, eventInitDict?: CustomEventInit<T>): CustomEvent<T>;
interface AbortSignalEventMap {
abort: Event;
/** A signal object that allows you to communicate with a DOM request (such as a
* Fetch) and abort it if required via an AbortController object. */
interface AbortSignal extends EventTarget {
* Returns true if this AbortSignal's AbortController has signaled to abort,
* and false otherwise.
readonly aborted: boolean;
onabort: ((this: AbortSignal, ev: Event) => any) | null;
addEventListener<K extends keyof AbortSignalEventMap>(
type: K,
listener: (this: AbortSignal, ev: AbortSignalEventMap[K]) => any,
options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions
): void;
type: string,
listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject,
options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions
): void;
removeEventListener<K extends keyof AbortSignalEventMap>(
type: K,
listener: (this: AbortSignal, ev: AbortSignalEventMap[K]) => any,
options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions
): void;
type: string,
listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject,
options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions
): void;
declare const AbortSignal: {
prototype: AbortSignal;
new (): AbortSignal;

View file

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ unitTest(async function fetchPerm(): Promise<void> {
unitTest({ perms: { net: true } }, async function fetchUrl(): Promise<void> {
const response = await fetch("http://localhost:4545/cli/tests/fixture.json");
assertEquals(response.url, "http://localhost:4545/cli/tests/fixture.json");
const _json = await response.json();
unitTest({ perms: { net: true } }, async function fetchURL(): Promise<void> {
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ unitTest({ perms: { net: true } }, async function fetchURL(): Promise<void> {
new URL("http://localhost:4545/cli/tests/fixture.json")
assertEquals(response.url, "http://localhost:4545/cli/tests/fixture.json");
const _json = await response.json();
unitTest({ perms: { net: true } }, async function fetchHeaders(): Promise<
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ unitTest({ perms: { net: true } }, async function fetchHeaders(): Promise<
const headers = response.headers;
assertEquals(headers.get("Content-Type"), "application/json");
const _json = await response.json();
unitTest({ perms: { net: true } }, async function fetchBlob(): Promise<void> {
@ -93,12 +93,16 @@ unitTest({ perms: { net: true } }, async function fetchBodyUsed(): Promise<
assertEquals(response.bodyUsed, false);
assertThrows((): void => {
// Assigning to read-only property throws in the strict mode.
// @ts-ignore
response.bodyUsed = true;
await response.blob();
assertEquals(response.bodyUsed, true);
// TODO(ry) response.body shouldn't be iterable. Instead we should use
// response.body.getReader().
unitTest({ perms: { net: true } }, async function fetchAsyncIterator(): Promise<
> {
@ -110,8 +114,9 @@ unitTest({ perms: { net: true } }, async function fetchAsyncIterator(): Promise<
assertEquals(total, Number(headers.get("Content-Length")));
const _json = await response.json();
unitTest({ perms: { net: true } }, async function responseClone(): Promise<
@ -506,16 +511,7 @@ unitTest(
unitTest(function responseRedirect(): void {
const response = new Response(
[["This-Should", "Disappear"]],
const redir = response.redirect("example.com/newLocation", 301);
const redir = Response.redirect("example.com/newLocation", 301);
assertEquals(redir.status, 301);
assertEquals(redir.statusText, "");
assertEquals(redir.url, "");

View file

@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ export class Response implements domTypes.Response {
redirect(url: URL | string, status: number): domTypes.Response {
static redirect(url: URL | string, status: number): domTypes.Response {
if (![301, 302, 303, 307, 308].includes(status)) {
throw new RangeError(
"The redirection status must be one of 301, 302, 303, 307 and 308."

View file

@ -35,13 +35,14 @@ listenAndServe({ port: 8080 }, async (req) => {
const u = new URL("./index.html", import.meta.url);
if (u.protocol.startsWith("http")) {
// server launched by deno run http(s)://.../server.ts,
fetch(u.href).then((resp) => {
fetch(u.href).then(async (resp) => {
const body = new Uint8Array(await resp.arrayBuffer());
return req.respond({
status: resp.status,
headers: new Headers({
"content-type": "text/html",
body: resp.body,
} else {

View file

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ test({
const resp = await fetch("");
assertEquals(resp.status, 200);
assertEquals(resp.headers.get("content-type"), "text/html");
const html = await resp.body.text();
const html = await resp.text();
assert(html.includes("ws chat example"), "body is ok");
} finally {

View file

@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
const url_ = Deno.args[0];
const res = await fetch(url_);
await Deno.copy(Deno.stdout, res.body);
// TODO(ry) Re-enable streaming in this example.
// Originally we did: await Deno.copy(Deno.stdout, res.body);
// But maybe more JS-y would be: res.pipeTo(Deno.stdout);
const body = new Uint8Array(await res.arrayBuffer());
await Deno.stdout.write(body);

View file

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ test(async function serveFallback(): Promise<void> {
assertEquals(res.status, 404);
const _ = await res.text();
} finally {
@ -92,12 +92,12 @@ test(async function serveWithUnorthodoxFilename(): Promise<void> {
assertEquals(res.status, 200);
let _ = await res.text();
res = await fetch("http://localhost:4500/http/testdata/test%20file.txt");
assertEquals(res.status, 200);
_ = await res.text();
} finally {
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ test(async function servePermissionDenied(): Promise<void> {
try {
const res = await fetch("http://localhost:4500/");
const _ = await res.text();
(await errReader.readLine()) as string,
"run again with the --allow-read flag"

View file

@ -140,7 +140,8 @@ def http_benchmark(build_dir):
"deno_tcp": deno_tcp(deno_exe),
# "deno_udp": deno_udp(deno_exe),
"deno_http": deno_http(deno_exe),
"deno_proxy": deno_http_proxy(deno_exe, hyper_hello_exe),
# TODO(ry) deno_proxy disabled to make fetch() standards compliant.
# "deno_proxy": deno_http_proxy(deno_exe, hyper_hello_exe),
"deno_proxy_tcp": deno_tcp_proxy(deno_exe, hyper_hello_exe),
# "deno_core_http_bench" was once called "deno_core_single"
"deno_core_http_bench": deno_core_http_bench(deno_core_http_bench_exe),