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+# Using npm/Node.js code
+While Deno is pretty powerful itself, there is a large eco-system of code in the
+[npm](https://npmjs.com/) registry, and many people will want to re-leverage
+tools, code and libraries that are built for [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/). In
+this chapter we will explore how to use it.
+The good news, is that in many cases, it _just works_.
+There are some foundational things to understand about differences between
+Node.js and Deno that can help in understanding what challenges might be faced:
+- Current Node.js supports both CommonJS and ES Modules, while Deno only
+ supports ES Modules. The addition of stabilized ES Modules in Node.js is
+ relatively recent and most code written for Node.js is in the CommonJS format.
+- Node.js has quite a few built-in modules that can be imported and they are a
+ fairly expansive set of APIs. On the other hand, Deno focuses on implementing
+ web standards and where functionality goes beyond the browser, we locate APIs
+ in a single global `Deno` variable/namespace. Lots of code written for Node.js
+ expects/depends upon these built-in APIs to be available.
+- Node.js has a non-standards based module resolution algorithm, where you can
+ import bare-specifiers (e.g. `react` or `lodash`) and Node.js will look in
+ your local and global `node_modules` for a path, introspect the `package.json`
+ and try to see if there is a module named the right way. Deno resolves modules
+ the same way a browser does. For local files, Deno expects a full module name,
+ including the extension. When dealing with remote imports, Deno expects the
+ web server to do any "resolving" and provide back the media type of the code
+ (see the
+ [Determining the type of file](../typescript/overview.md#determining-the-type-of-file)
+ for more information).
+- Node.js effectively doesn't work without a `package.json` file. Deno doesn't
+ require an external meta-data file to function or resolve modules.
+- Node.js doesn't support remote HTTP imports. It expects all 3rd party code to
+ be installed locally on your machine using a package manager like `npm` into
+ the local or global `node_modules` folder. Deno supports remote HTTP imports
+ (as well as `data` and `blob` URLs) and will go ahead and fetch the remote
+ code and cache it locally, similar to the way a browser works.
+In order to help mitigate these differences, we will further explore in this
+- Using the [`std/node`](./npm_nodejs/std_node.md) modules of the Deno standard
+ library to "polyfill" the built-in modules of Node.js
+- Using [CDNs](./npm_nodejs/cdns.md) to access the vast majority of npm packages
+ in ways that work under Deno.
+- How [import maps](./npm_nodejs/import_maps.md) can be used to provide "bare
+ specifier" imports like Node.js under Deno, without needing to use a package
+ manager to install packages locally.
+- And finally, a general section of [frequently asked
+ questions][./npm_nodejs/faqs.md]
+That being said, there are some differences that cannot be overcome:
+- Node.js has a plugin system that is incompatible with Deno, and Deno will
+ never support Node.js plugins. If the Node.js code you want to use requires a
+ "native" Node.js plugin, it won't work under Deno.
+- Node.js has some built in modules (e.g. like `vm`) that are effectively
+ incompatible with the scope of Deno and therefore there aren't easy ways to
+ provide a _polyfill_ of the functionality in Deno.
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+## Packages from CDNs
+Because Deno supports remote HTTP modules, and content delivery networks (CDNs)
+can be powerful tools to transform code, the combination allows an easy way to
+access code in the npm registry via Deno, usually in a way that works with Deno
+without any further actions, and often enriched with TypeScript types. In this
+section we will explore that in detail.
+### What about `deno.land/x/`?
+The [`deno.land/x/`](https://deno.land/x/) is a public registry for code,
+hopefully code written specifically for Deno. It is a public registry though and
+all it does is "redirect" Deno to the location where the code exists. It doesn't
+transform the code in any way. There is a lot of great code on the registry, but
+at the same time, there is some code that just isn't well maintained (or doesn't
+work at all). If you are familiar with the npm registry, you know that as well,
+there are varying degrees of quality.
+Because it simply serves up the original published source code, it doesn't
+really help when trying to use code that didn't specifically consider Deno when
+### Deno "friendly" CDNs
+Deno friendly content delivery networks (CDNs) not only host packages from npm,
+they provide them in a way that maximizes their integration to Deno. They
+directly address some of the challenges in consuming code written for Node.js:
+- The provide packages and modules in the ES Module format, irrespective of how
+ they are published on npm.
+- They resolve all the dependencies as the modules are served, meaning that all
+ the Node.js specific module resolution logic is handled by the CDN.
+- Often, they inform Deno of type definitions for a package, meaning that Deno
+ can use them to type check your code and provide a better development
+ experience.
+- The CDNs also "polyfill" the built-in Node.js modules, making a lot of code
+ that leverages the built-in Node.js modules _just work_.
+- The CDNs deal with all the semver matching for packages that a package manager
+ like `npm` would be required for a Node.js application, meaning you as a
+ developer can express your 3rd party dependency versioning as part of the URL
+ you use to import the package.
+#### esm.sh
+[esm.sh](https://esm.sh/) is a CDN that was specifically designed for Deno,
+though addressing the concerns for Deno also makes it a general purpose CDN for
+accessing npm packages as ES Module bundles. esm.sh uses
+[esbuild](https://esbuild.github.io/) to take an arbitrary npm package and
+ensure that it is consumable as an ES Module. In many cases you can just import
+the npm package into your Deno application:
+import React from "https://esm.sh/react";
+export default class A extends React.Component {
+ render() {
+ return (
+ );
+ }
+esm.sh supports the use of both specific versions of packages, as well as
+[semver](https://semver.npmjs.com/) versions of packages, so you can express
+your dependency in a similar way you would in a `package.json` file when you
+import it. For example, to get a specific version of a package:
+import React from "https://esm.sh/react@17.0.2";
+Or to get the latest patch release of a minor release:
+import React from "https://esm.sh/react@~16.13.0";
+esm.sh uses the `std/node` polyfills to replace the built-in modules in Node.js,
+meaning that code that uses those built-in modules will have the same
+limitations and caveats as those modules in `std/node`.
+esm.sh also automatically sets a header which Deno recognizes that allows Deno
+to be able to retrieve type definitions for the package/module. See
+[Using `X-TypeScript-Types` header](../typescript/types.md#using-x-typescript-types-header)
+in this manual for more details on how this works.
+The CDN is also a good choice for people who develop in mainland China, as the
+hosting of the CDN is specifically designed to work with "the great firewall of
+China", as well as esm.sh provides information on self hosting the CDN as well.
+Check out the [esm.sh homepage](https://esm.sh/) for more detailed information
+on how the CDN can be used and what features it has.
+#### Skypack
+[Skypack.dev](https://www.skypack.dev/) is designed to make development overall
+easier by not requiring packages to be installed locally, even for Node.js
+development, and to make it easy to create web and Deno applications that
+leverage code from the npm registry.
+Skypack has a great way of discovering packages in the npm registry, by
+providing a lot of contextual information about the package, as well as a
+"scoring" system to try to help determine if the package follows best-practices.
+Skypack detects Deno's user agent when requests for modules are received and
+ensures the code served up is tailored to meet the needs of Deno. The easiest
+way to load a package is to use the
+[lookup URL](https://docs.skypack.dev/skypack-cdn/api-reference/lookup-urls) for
+the package:
+import React from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/react";
+export default class A extends React.Component {
+ render() {
+ return (
+ );
+ }
+Lookup URLs can also contain the [semver](https://semver.npmjs.com/) version in
+the URL:
+import React from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/react@~16.13.0";
+By default, Skypack does not set the types header on packages. In order to have
+the types header set, which is automatically recognized by Deno, you have to
+append `?dts` to the URL for that package:
+import { pathToRegexp } from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/path-to-regexp?dts";
+const re = pathToRegexp("/path/:id");
+[Using `X-TypeScript-Types` header](../typescript/types.md#using-x-typescript-types-header)
+in this manual for more details on how this works.
+Skypack docs have a
+[specific page on usage with Deno](https://docs.skypack.dev/skypack-cdn/code/deno)
+for more information.
+### Other CDNs
+There are a couple of other CDNs worth mentioning.
+#### UNPKG
+[UNPKG](https://unpkg.com/) is the most well known CDN for npm packages. For
+packages that include an ES Module distribution for things like the browsers,
+many of them can be used directly off of UNPKG. That being said, everything
+available on UNPKG is available on more Deno friendly CDNs.
+#### JSPM
+The [jspm.io](https://jspm.io) CDN is specifically designed to provide npm and
+other registry packages as ES Modules in a way that works well with import maps.
+While it doesn't currently cater to Deno, the fact that Deno can utilize import
+maps, allows you to use the [JSPM.io generator](https://generator.jspm.io/) to
+generate an import-map of all the packages you want to use and have them served
+up from the CDN.
+### Considerations
+While CDNs can make it easy to allow Deno to consume packages and modules from
+the npm registry, there can still be some things to consider:
+- Deno does not (and will not) support Node.js plugins. If the package requires
+ a native plugin, it won't work under Deno.
+- Dependency management can always be a bit of a challenge and a CDN can make it
+ a bit more obfuscated what dependencies are there. You can always use
+ `deno info` with the module or URL to get a full breakdown of how Deno
+ resolves all the code.
+- While the Deno friendly CDNs try their best to serve up types with the code
+ for consumption with Deno, lots of types for packages conflict with other
+ packages and/or don't consider Deno, which means you can often get strange
+ diagnostic message when type checking code imported from these CDNs, though
+ skipping type checking will result in the code working perfectly fine. This is
+ a fairly complex topic and is covered in the
+ [Types and type declarations](../typescript/types.md) section of the manual.
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+## Frequently asked questions
+### Getting errors when type checking like `cannot find namespace NodeJS`
+One of the modules you are using has type definitions that depend upon the
+NodeJS global namespace, but those types don't include the NodeJS global
+namespace in their types.
+The quickest fix is to skip type checking. You can do this by using the
+`--no-check` flag.
+Skipping type checking might not be acceptable though. You could try to load the
+Node.js types yourself. For example from UNPKG it would look something like
+import type {} from "https://unpkg.com/@types/node/index.d.ts";
+Or from esm.sh:
+import type {} from "https://esm.sh/@types/node/index.d.ts";
+Or from Skypack:
+import type {} from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/@types/node/index.d.ts";
+You could also try to provide only specifically what the 3rd party package is
+missing. For example the package `@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb` has a dependency on
+the `NodeJS.ProcessEnv` type in its type definitions. In one of the modules of
+your project that imports it as a dependency, you could put something like this
+in there which will solve the problem:
+declare global {
+ namespace NodeJS {
+ type ProcessEnv = Record;
+ }
+### Getting type errors like cannot find `document` or `HTMLElement`
+The library you are using has dependencies on the DOM. This is common for
+packages that are designed to run in a browser as well as server-side. By
+default, Deno only includes the libraries that are directly supported. Assuming
+the package properly identifies what environment it is running in at runtime it
+is "safe" to use the DOM libraries to type check the code. For more information
+on this, check out the
+[Targeting Deno and the Browser](../typescript/configuration.md#targeting-deno-and-the-browser)
+section of the manual.
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+## Using import maps
+Deno supports [import maps](../linking_to_external_code/import_maps.md) which
+allow you to supply Deno with information about how to resolve modules that
+overrides the default behavior. Import maps are a web platform standard that is
+increasingly being included natively in browsers. They are specifically useful
+with adapting Node.js code to work well with Deno, as you can use import maps to
+map "bare" specifiers to a specific module.
+When coupled with Deno friendly [CDNs](./cdns.md) import maps can be a powerful
+tool in managing code and dependencies without need of a package management
+### Bare and extension-less specifiers
+Deno will only load a fully qualified module, including the extension. The
+import specifier needs to either be relative or absolute. Specifiers that are
+neither relative or absolute are often called "bare" specifiers. For example
+`"./lodash/index.js"` is a relative specifier and
+`https://cdn.skypack.dev/lodash` is an absolute specifier. Where is `"lodash"`
+would be a bare specifier.
+Also Deno requires that for local modules, the module to load is fully
+resolve-able. When an extension is not present, Deno would have to "guess" what
+the author intended to be loaded. For example does `"./lodash"` mean
+`./lodash.js`, `./lodash.ts`, `./lodash.tsx`, `./lodash.jsx`,
+`./lodash/index.js`, `./lodash/index.ts`, `./lodash/index.jsx`, or
+When dealing with remote modules, Deno allows the CDN/web server define whatever
+semantics around resolution the server wants to define. It just treats a URL,
+including its query string, as a "unique" module that can be loaded. It expects
+the CDN/web server to provide it with a valid media/content type to instruct
+Deno how to handle the file. More information on how media types impact how Deno
+handles modules can be found in the
+[Determining the type of file](../typescript/overview.md#determining-the-type-of-file)
+section of the manual.
+Node.js does have defined semantics for resolving specifiers, but they are
+complex, assume unfettered access to the local file system to query it. Deno has
+chosen not to go down that path.
+But, import maps can be used to provide some of the ease of the developer
+experience if you wish to use bare specifiers. For example, if we want to do the
+following in our code:
+import lodash from "lodash";
+We can accomplish this using an import map, and we don't even have to install
+the `lodash` package locally. We would want to create a JSON file (for example
+**import_map.json**) with the following:
+ "imports": {
+ "lodash": "https://cdn.skypack.dev/lodash"
+ }
+And we would run our program like:
+> deno run --import-map ./import_map.json example.ts
+If you wanted to manage the versions in the import map, you could do this as
+well. For example if you were using Skypack CDN, you can used a
+[pinned URL](https://docs.skypack.dev/skypack-cdn/api-reference/pinned-urls-optimized)
+for the dependency in your import map. For example, to pin to lodash version
+4.17.21 (and minified production ready version), you would do this:
+ "imports": {
+ "lodash": "https://cdn.skypack.dev/pin/lodash@v4.17.21-K6GEbP02mWFnLA45zAmi/mode=imports,min/optimized/lodash.js"
+ }
+### Overriding imports
+The other situation where import maps can be very useful is the situation where
+you have tried your best to make something work, but have failed. For example
+you are using an npm package which has a dependency on some code that just
+doesn't work under Deno, and you want to substitute another module that
+"polyfills" the incompatible APIs.
+For example, let's say we have a package that is using a version of the built in
+`"fs"` module that we have a local module we want to replace it with when it
+tries to import it, but we want other code we are loading to use the standard
+library replacement module for `"fs"`. We would want to create an import map
+that looked something like this:
+ "imports": {
+ "fs": "https://deno.land/std@$STD_VERSION/node/fs.ts"
+ },
+ "scopes": {
+ "https://deno.land/x/example": {
+ "fs": "./patched/fs.ts"
+ }
+ }
+Import maps can be very powerful, check out the official
+[standards README](https://github.com/WICG/import-maps#the-import-map) for more
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+## The `std/node` library
+The `std/node` part of the Deno standard library is a Node.js compatibility
+layer. It's primary focus is providing "polyfills" for Node.js's
+[built-in modules](https://github.com/denoland/deno_std/tree/main/node#supported-builtins).
+It also provides a mechanism for loading CommonJS modules into Deno.
+The library is most useful when trying to use your own or private code that was
+written for Node.js. If you are trying to consume public npm packages, you are
+likely to get a better result using a [CDN](./cdns.md).
+### Node.js built-in modules
+The standard library provides several "replacement" modules for Node.js built-in
+modules. These either replicate the functionality of the built-in or they call
+the Deno native APIs, returning an interface that is compatible with Node.js.
+The standard library provides modules for the the following built-ins:
+- [`assert`](https://doc.deno.land/https/deno.land/std/node/assert.ts)
+ (_partly_)
+- [`buffer`](https://doc.deno.land/https/deno.land/std/node/buffer.ts)
+- [`child_process`](https://doc.deno.land/https/deno.land/std/node/child_process.ts)
+ (_partly_)
+- [`console`](https://doc.deno.land/https/deno.land/std/node/console.ts)
+ (_partly_)
+- [`constants`](https://doc.deno.land/https/deno.land/std/node/constants.ts)
+ (_partly_)
+- [`crypto`](https://doc.deno.land/https/deno.land/std/node/crypto.ts)
+ (_partly_)
+- [`events`](https://doc.deno.land/https/deno.land/std/node/events.ts)
+- [`fs`](https://doc.deno.land/https/deno.land/std/node/fs.ts) (_partly_)
+- [`module`](https://doc.deno.land/https/deno.land/std/node/module.ts)
+- [`os`](https://doc.deno.land/https/deno.land/std/node/os.ts) (_partly_)
+- [`path`](https://doc.deno.land/https/deno.land/std/node/path.ts)
+- [`process`](https://doc.deno.land/https/deno.land/std/node/process.ts)
+ (_partly_)
+- [`querystring`](https://doc.deno.land/https/deno.land/std/node/querystring.ts)
+- [`stream`](https://doc.deno.land/https/deno.land/std/node/stream.ts)
+- [`string_decoder`](https://doc.deno.land/https/deno.land/std/node/string_decoder.ts)
+- [`timers`](https://doc.deno.land/https/deno.land/std/node/timers.ts)
+- [`tty`](https://doc.deno.land/https/deno.land/std/node/tty.ts) (_partly_)
+- [`url`](https://doc.deno.land/https/deno.land/std/node/url.ts)
+- [`util`](https://doc.deno.land/https/deno.land/std/node/util.ts) (_partly_)
+In addition, there is the
+module which provides some of the Node.js globals like `global`, `process`, and
+If you want documentation for any of the modules, you can simply type `deno doc`
+and the URL of the module in your terminal:
+> deno doc https://deno.land/std/assert.ts
+### Loading CommonJS modules
+Deno only supports natively loading ES Modules, but a lot of Node.js code is
+still written in the CommonJS format. As mentioned above, for public npm
+packages, it is often better to use a CDN to transpile CommonJS modules to ES
+Modules for consumption by Deno. Not only do you get reliable conversion plus
+all the dependency resolution and management without requiring a package manager
+to install the packages on your local machine, you get the advantages of being
+able to share your code easier without requiring other users to setup some of
+the Node.js infrastructure to consume your code with Node.js.
+That being said, the built-in Node.js module `"module"` provides a function
+named `createRequire()` which allows you to create a Node.js compatible
+`require()` function which can be used to load CommonJS modules, as well as use
+the same resolution logic that Node.js uses when trying to load a module.
+`createRequire()` will also install the Node.js globals for you.
+Example usage would look like this:
+import { createRequire } from "https://deno.land/std@$STD_VERSION/node/module.ts";
+// import.meta.url will be the location of "this" module (like `__filename` in
+// Node.js), and then serve as the root for your "package", where the
+// `package.json` is expected to be, and where the `node_modules` will be used
+// for resolution of packages.
+const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);
+// Loads the built-in module Deno "replacement":
+const path = require("path");
+// Loads a CommonJS module (without specifying the extension):
+const cjsModule = require("./my_mod");
+// Uses Node.js resolution in `node_modules` to load the package/module. The
+// package would need to be installed locally via a package management tool
+// like npm:
+const leftPad = require("left-pad");
+When modules are loaded via the created `require()`, they are executed in a
+context which is similar to a Node.js context, which means that a lot of code
+written targeting Node.js will work.
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@@ -37,6 +37,15 @@
"import_maps": "Import maps"
+ "npm_nodejs": {
+ "name": "Using npm/Node.js code",
+ "children": {
+ "std_node": "The std/node library",
+ "cdns": "Packages from CDNs",
+ "import_maps": "Using import maps",
+ "faqs": "Frequently asked questions"
+ }
+ },
"typescript": {
"name": "Using TypeScript",
"children": {
diff --git a/docs/typescript/faqs.md b/docs/typescript/faqs.md
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--- a/docs/typescript/faqs.md
+++ b/docs/typescript/faqs.md
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ If you are using `tsc` as stand-alone, the setting to use is `"isolatedModules"`
and setting it to `true` to help ensure that your code can be properly handled
by Deno.
-One of the ways to deal with the extension and the lack of _magical_ resolution
-is to use [import maps](../linking_to_external_code/import_maps.md) which would
-allow you to specify "packages" of bare specifiers which then Deno could resolve
-and load.
+One of the ways to deal with the extension and the lack of Node.js non-standard
+resolution logic is to use
+[import maps](../linking_to_external_code/import_maps.md) which would allow you
+to specify "packages" of bare specifiers which then Deno could resolve and load.
### What version(s) of TypeScript does Deno support?
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--- a/docs/typescript/overview.md
+++ b/docs/typescript/overview.md
@@ -152,8 +152,8 @@ bypass type checking all together.
### Type resolution
-One of the core design principles of Deno is to avoid "magical" resolution, and
-this applies to type resolution as well. If you want to utilise JavaScript that
-has type definitions (e.g. a `.d.ts` file), you have to explicitly tell Deno
-about this. The details of how this is accomplished are covered in the
-[Types and type declarations](./types.md) section.
+One of the core design principles of Deno is to avoid non-standard module
+resolution, and this applies to type resolution as well. If you want to utilise
+JavaScript that has type definitions (e.g. a `.d.ts` file), you have to
+explicitly tell Deno about this. The details of how this is accomplished are
+covered in the [Types and type declarations](./types.md) section.
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@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
## Types and Type Declarations
-One of the design principles of Deno is no _magical_ resolution. When TypeScript
-is type checking a file, it only cares about the types for the file, and the
-`tsc` compiler has a lot of logic to try to resolve those types. By default, it
-expects _ambiguous_ module specifiers with an extension, and will attempt to
-look for the file under the `.ts` specifier, then `.d.ts`, and finally `.js`
-(plus a whole other set of logic when the module resolution is set to `"node"`).
-Deno deals with explicit specifiers.
+One of the design principles of Deno is no non-standard module resolution. When
+TypeScript is type checking a file, it only cares about the types for the file,
+and the `tsc` compiler has a lot of logic to try to resolve those types. By
+default, it expects _ambiguous_ module specifiers with an extension, and will
+attempt to look for the file under the `.ts` specifier, then `.d.ts`, and
+finally `.js` (plus a whole other set of logic when the module resolution is set
+to `"node"`). Deno deals with explicit specifiers.
This can cause a couple problems though. For example, let's say I want to
consume a TypeScript file that has already been transpiled to JavaScript along