From 49c0cb578dfef79c2a989fa6b126854efcdebcfc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Bert Belder Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2018 01:53:18 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] appveyor: cache modification times for files in the main repo This fixes that a lot of targets were being rebuilt unnecessarily. --- .appveyor.yml | 66 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- 1 file changed, 64 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/.appveyor.yml b/.appveyor.yml index da96eb2b3f..bd02477d77 100644 --- a/.appveyor.yml +++ b/.appveyor.yml @@ -10,13 +10,14 @@ environment: DENO_BUILD_MODE: release DENO_BUILD_PATH: $(APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER)\out\release DENO_THIRD_PARTY_PATH: $(APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER)\third_party + MTIME_CACHE_DB: $(APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER)\mtime_cache.xml CARGO_HOME: $(USERPROFILE)\.cargo RUSTUP_HOME: $(USERPROFILE)\.rustup RELEASE_ARTIFACT: # Appveyor uses 7zip to pack cache directories. We use these options: - # -t7z : Use '7z' format. The default is 'zip' which can't store symlinks. - # -snl : Store symlinks. + # -t7z : Use '7z' format. + # -snl : Store symlinks; doesn't work, but it prevents following symlinks. # -mtc : Use UTC timestamps. This is required for incremental builds. # -mx=1 : Fast compression. APPVEYOR_CACHE_ENTRY_ZIP_ARGS: -t7z -snl -mtc -mx=1 @@ -153,6 +154,61 @@ environment: } } + function Sync-MTimeCache([string] $DatabasePath) { + # Load the previously saved cache, if it exists. + try { + $old_cache = Import-CliXml -Path $DatabasePath -ErrorAction Stop + } catch { + $old_cache = @{} + } + # The updated cache gets populated while restoring the old one. + $new_cache = @{} + # Determine the mtime that will be assigned to new and modified files. + # To retain nanosecond precision when (de)serializing, mtimes are stored + # as 64-bit 'FileTime' integers, not as DateTime objects. + $now = (Get-Date).ToFileTimeUtc() + # Since we're gonna rely on git to give us file SHAs, double check that + # the work dir is clean and the index is up to date. + $dirty = git status -z --ignore-submodules=all --untracked-files=no + if ($dirty) { throw "Work tree dirty." } + # Ask git for a list of checked-out files and their hashes, metadata. + # Include regular files only (mode 100644/100755), no symlinks etc. + (git ls-files -z --stage --full-name) -split "\0" | + Select-String "^100" | + foreach { + # Parse git output. + $metadata, $path = $_ -split "\t", 2 + $mode, $sha, $null, $eol_info = $metadata -split "\s+" + # Compute cache key. + $key = $path, $mode, $sha, $eol_info -join "," + # Look up mtime in cache. Reset to 'now' if not found or invalid. + $mtime = $old_cache[$key] + if (-not $mtime -or $mtime -gt $now) { $mtime = $now } + # Change file mtime. + $dt = [DateTime]::FromFileTimeUtc($mtime) + Set-ItemProperty -Path $path -Name LastWriteTime -Value $dt -Force + # Add entry to updated cache. + $new_cache[$key] = $mtime + } + # Write the updated cache back to disk. + if (Get-SaveCache) { + $new_cache | Export-CliXml -Path $DatabasePath -ErrorAction Stop + } + # Log some statistics to get an idea if this is all working. + $rows = [ordered]@{ Valid = "=="; New = "=>" + Stale = "<="; Total = "*" } + $keys = @{ old = @($old_cache.Keys); new = @($new_cache.Keys) } + $diff = Compare-Object $keys.old $ -IncludeEqual + $rows.GetEnumerator() | foreach { + $keyset = ($diff | where SideIndicator -like $_.Value).InputObject + New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property ([ordered]@{ + "Status" = $_.Name + "Old Cache #" = ($keyset | where { $_ -in $keys.old }).Count + "New Cache #" = ($keyset | where { $_ -in $ }).Count + }) + } | Format-Table | Out-String -Stream | where { $_ } + } + # Get-SaveCache returns $true if the cache will be saved at the end. function Get-SaveCache { -not $env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER -and @@ -179,6 +235,8 @@ cache: # and to make incremental builds work. - $(APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER)\.git\modules\third_party - $(APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER)\third_party + # Cache file mtimes in the main git repo, also to enable incremental builds. + - $(MTIME_CACHE_DB) # Build incrementally. - $(DENO_BUILD_PATH) @@ -211,6 +269,10 @@ install: Pop-Location } + # Git doesn't store file mtimes, so those are stored separately in the cache. + # Without it, ninja will assume all files are dirty and rebuild everything. + - ps: Sync-MTimeCache -DatabasePath $env:MTIME_CACHE_DB + # Configure depot_tools and add it to the search path. This is necessary # because, later in this script, we need to invoke ninja directly. - ps: |-