results on my machine (Macbook pro w/ M3 Max)
canary (hello world):
❯ oha -c 125 -n 4000000 --no-tui --disable-compression http://localhost:8000
Success rate: 100.00%
Total: 31.0160 secs
Slowest: 0.0083 secs
Fastest: 0.0005 secs
Average: 0.0010 secs
Requests/sec: 128965.6454
Total data: 49.59 MiB
Size/request: 13 B
Size/sec: 1.60 MiB
this PR (hello world):
❯ oha -c 125 -n 4000000 --no-tui --disable-compression http://localhost:8000
Success rate: 100.00%
Total: 28.4050 secs
Slowest: 0.0085 secs
Fastest: 0.0001 secs
Average: 0.0009 secs
Requests/sec: 140820.2060
Total data: 49.59 MiB
Size/request: 13 B
Size/sec: 1.75 MiB
Two changes here:
- use `opt-level` 3 for some of hyper's deps, since profile overrides
are not transitive
- As noted in the [cargo
generic functions _may_ be optimized at the opt-level of the
_instantiating_ crate, rather than the defining crate. So currently it's
possible that some of the functions in `deno_http` are being compiled at
a lower optimization level. This PR ensures the generics are
instantiated in `deno_http`, which theoretically should guarantee they
actually use opt-level 3.
To allow embedders to still provide a custom property extractor, I put
this behind a feature flag.
This commit changes the TS host implementation
in the LSP to use the same snapshot as the runtime worker
and web worker use.
This is due to upcoming V8 upgrade that might require
that all isolates in the same process use the exact same