This commit refactors implementation of inspector.
The intention is to be able to move inspector implementation to "deno_core".
Following things were done to make that possible:
* "runtime/" was split into "runtime/inspector/"
and "runtime/inspector/", separating inspector implementation
from Websocket server implementation.
* "DenoInspector" was renamed to "JsRuntimeInspector" and reference to "server"
was removed from the structure, making it independent of Websocket server
used to connect to Chrome Devtools.
* "WebsocketSession" was renamed to "InspectorSession" and rewritten in such
a way that it's not tied to Websockets anymore; instead it accepts a pair
of "proxy" channel ends that allow to integrate the session with different
* "InspectorSession" was renamed to "LocalInspectorSession" to better indicate
that it's an "in-memory" session and doesn't require Websocket server. It was
also rewritten in such a way that it uses "InspectorSession" from previous point
instead of reimplementing "v8::inspector::ChannelImpl" trait; this is done by using
the "proxy" channels to communicate with the V8 session.
Consequently "LocalInspectorSession" is now a frontend to "InspectorSession". This
introduces a small inconvenience that awaiting responses for "LocalInspectorSession" requires
to concurrently poll worker's event loop. This arises from the fact that "InspectorSession"
is now owned by "JsRuntimeInspector", which in turn is owned by "Worker" or "WebWorker".
To ease this situation "Worker::with_event_loop" helper method was added, that takes
a future and concurrently polls it along with the event loop (using "tokio::select!" macro
inside a loop).
This commit adds a new subcommand called "coverage"
which can generate code coverage reports to stdout in
multiple formats from code coverage profiles collected to disk.
Currently this supports outputting a pretty printed diff and
the lcov format for interoperability with third-party services and tools.
Code coverage is still collected via other subcommands
that run and collect code coverage such as
"deno test --coverage=<directory>" but that command no
longer prints a pretty printed report at the end of a test
run with coverage collection enabled.
The restrictions on which files that can be reported on has
also been relaxed and are fully controllable with the include
and exclude regular expression flags on the coverage subcommand.
Co-authored-by: Luca Casonato <>
This commits makes use of source maps and the original source
when printing lacking line coverage in the pretty printer.
Only the executable lines are checked as before (as non-executable
lines will always be ignored anyways). The lines then mapped to the
appropriate source line when a source map is present.
When we were doing single process in-memory reports getting the source
from the runtime was practical, but now that we're writing to disk this
conflicts with the format tools taking raw v8 coverage dumps expect.
Merging multiple runs isn't quite right because we
rely on a 0 count to signal that a block hasn't been called.
Other tools like c8 expect this to be true as-well so we
need to do our best to merge coverage files rather
than duplicating them.
This commit moves Deno JS runtime, ops, permissions and
inspector implementation to new "deno_runtime" crate located
in "runtime/" directory.
Details in "runtime/".
Co-authored-by: Ryan Dahl <>
This commit moves following tools into a single "tools"
module located at "cli/tools/":
- formatter
- linter
- test runner
- coverage collector
- installer
- binary upgrader
- repl