// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. mod in_memory_fs; mod interface; mod ops; mod std_fs; pub mod sync; pub use crate::in_memory_fs::InMemoryFs; pub use crate::interface::AccessCheckCb; pub use crate::interface::AccessCheckFn; pub use crate::interface::DenoConfigFsAdapter; pub use crate::interface::FileSystem; pub use crate::interface::FileSystemRc; pub use crate::interface::FsDirEntry; pub use crate::interface::FsFileType; pub use crate::interface::OpenOptions; pub use crate::std_fs::RealFs; pub use crate::sync::MaybeSend; pub use crate::sync::MaybeSync; use crate::ops::*; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::OpState; use deno_io::fs::FsError; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::path::Path; pub trait FsPermissions { fn check_open<'a>( &mut self, resolved: bool, read: bool, write: bool, path: &'a Path, api_name: &str, ) -> Result, FsError>; fn check_read(&mut self, path: &Path, api_name: &str) -> Result<(), AnyError>; fn check_read_all(&mut self, api_name: &str) -> Result<(), AnyError>; fn check_read_blind( &mut self, p: &Path, display: &str, api_name: &str, ) -> Result<(), AnyError>; fn check_write( &mut self, path: &Path, api_name: &str, ) -> Result<(), AnyError>; fn check_write_partial( &mut self, path: &Path, api_name: &str, ) -> Result<(), AnyError>; fn check_write_all(&mut self, api_name: &str) -> Result<(), AnyError>; fn check_write_blind( &mut self, p: &Path, display: &str, api_name: &str, ) -> Result<(), AnyError>; fn check<'a>( &mut self, resolved: bool, open_options: &OpenOptions, path: &'a Path, api_name: &str, ) -> Result, FsError> { self.check_open( resolved, open_options.read, open_options.write || open_options.append, path, api_name, ) } } impl FsPermissions for deno_permissions::PermissionsContainer { fn check_open<'a>( &mut self, resolved: bool, read: bool, write: bool, path: &'a Path, api_name: &str, ) -> Result, FsError> { if resolved { self.check_special_file(path, api_name).map_err(|_| { std::io::Error::from(std::io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied) })?; return Ok(Cow::Borrowed(path)); } // If somehow read or write aren't specified, use read let read = read || !write; if read { FsPermissions::check_read(self, path, api_name) .map_err(|_| FsError::PermissionDenied("read"))?; } if write { FsPermissions::check_write(self, path, api_name) .map_err(|_| FsError::PermissionDenied("write"))?; } Ok(Cow::Borrowed(path)) } fn check_read( &mut self, path: &Path, api_name: &str, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { deno_permissions::PermissionsContainer::check_read(self, path, api_name) } fn check_read_blind( &mut self, path: &Path, display: &str, api_name: &str, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { deno_permissions::PermissionsContainer::check_read_blind( self, path, display, api_name, ) } fn check_write( &mut self, path: &Path, api_name: &str, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { deno_permissions::PermissionsContainer::check_write(self, path, api_name) } fn check_write_partial( &mut self, path: &Path, api_name: &str, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { deno_permissions::PermissionsContainer::check_write_partial( self, path, api_name, ) } fn check_write_blind( &mut self, p: &Path, display: &str, api_name: &str, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { deno_permissions::PermissionsContainer::check_write_blind( self, p, display, api_name, ) } fn check_read_all(&mut self, api_name: &str) -> Result<(), AnyError> { deno_permissions::PermissionsContainer::check_read_all(self, api_name) } fn check_write_all(&mut self, api_name: &str) -> Result<(), AnyError> { deno_permissions::PermissionsContainer::check_write_all(self, api_name) } } pub const UNSTABLE_FEATURE_NAME: &str = "fs"; /// Helper for checking unstable features. Used for sync ops. fn check_unstable(state: &OpState, api_name: &str) { // TODO(bartlomieju): replace with `state.feature_checker.check_or_exit` // once we phase out `check_or_exit_with_legacy_fallback` state .feature_checker .check_or_exit_with_legacy_fallback(UNSTABLE_FEATURE_NAME, api_name); } deno_core::extension!(deno_fs, deps = [ deno_web ], parameters = [P: FsPermissions], ops = [ op_fs_cwd

, op_fs_umask, op_fs_chdir

, op_fs_open_sync

, op_fs_open_async

, op_fs_mkdir_sync

, op_fs_mkdir_async

, op_fs_chmod_sync

, op_fs_chmod_async

, op_fs_chown_sync

, op_fs_chown_async

, op_fs_remove_sync

, op_fs_remove_async

, op_fs_copy_file_sync

, op_fs_copy_file_async

, op_fs_stat_sync

, op_fs_stat_async

, op_fs_lstat_sync

, op_fs_lstat_async

, op_fs_realpath_sync

, op_fs_realpath_async

, op_fs_read_dir_sync

, op_fs_read_dir_names_async

, op_fs_read_dir_names_sync

, op_fs_read_dir_async

, op_fs_rename_sync

, op_fs_rename_async

, op_fs_link_sync

, op_fs_link_async

, op_fs_symlink_sync

, op_fs_symlink_async

, op_fs_read_link_sync

, op_fs_read_link_async

, op_fs_truncate_sync

, op_fs_truncate_async

, op_fs_utime_sync

, op_fs_utime_async

, op_fs_make_temp_dir_sync

, op_fs_make_temp_dir_async

, op_fs_make_temp_file_sync

, op_fs_make_temp_file_async

, op_fs_write_file_sync

, op_fs_write_file_async

, op_fs_read_file_sync

, op_fs_read_file_async

, op_fs_read_file_text_sync

, op_fs_read_file_text_async

, op_fs_seek_sync, op_fs_seek_async, op_fs_fdatasync_sync, op_fs_fdatasync_async, op_fs_fsync_sync, op_fs_fsync_async, op_fs_file_stat_sync, op_fs_file_stat_async, op_fs_flock_sync_unstable, op_fs_flock_async_unstable, op_fs_funlock_sync_unstable, op_fs_funlock_async_unstable, op_fs_flock_async, op_fs_flock_sync, op_fs_funlock_async, op_fs_funlock_sync, op_fs_ftruncate_sync, op_fs_ftruncate_async, op_fs_futime_sync, op_fs_futime_async, ], esm = [ "30_fs.js" ], options = { fs: FileSystemRc, }, state = |state, options| { state.put(options.fs); }, );