// Copyright 2018 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { test, assert, assertEqual } from "./test_util.ts"; import { stringifyArgs } from "./console.ts"; import { Console } from "./console.ts"; import { libdeno } from "./libdeno"; const console = new Console(libdeno.print); // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any function stringify(...args: any[]): string { return stringifyArgs(args); } test(function consoleTestAssertShouldNotThrowError() { console.assert(true); let hasThrown = undefined; try { console.assert(false); hasThrown = false; } catch { hasThrown = true; } assertEqual(hasThrown, false); }); test(function consoleTestStringifyComplexObjects() { assertEqual(stringify("foo"), "foo"); assertEqual(stringify(["foo", "bar"]), `[ "foo", "bar" ]`); assertEqual(stringify({ foo: "bar" }), `{ foo: "bar" }`); }); test(function consoleTestStringifyCircular() { class Base { a = 1; m1() {} } class Extended extends Base { b = 2; m2() {} } // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any const nestedObj: any = { num: 1, bool: true, str: "a", method() {}, async asyncMethod() {}, *generatorMethod() {}, un: undefined, nu: null, arrowFunc: () => {}, extendedClass: new Extended(), nFunc: new Function(), extendedCstr: Extended }; const circularObj = { num: 2, bool: false, str: "b", method() {}, un: undefined, nu: null, nested: nestedObj, emptyObj: {}, arr: [1, "s", false, null, nestedObj], baseClass: new Base() }; nestedObj.o = circularObj; // tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length const nestedObjExpected = `{ num: 1, bool: true, str: "a", method: [Function: method], asyncMethod: [AsyncFunction: asyncMethod], generatorMethod: [GeneratorFunction: generatorMethod], un: undefined, nu: null, arrowFunc: [Function: arrowFunc], extendedClass: Extended { a: 1, b: 2 }, nFunc: [Function], extendedCstr: [Function: Extended], o: { num: 2, bool: false, str: "b", method: [Function: method], un: undefined, nu: null, nested: [Circular], emptyObj: {}, arr: [ 1, "s", false, null, [Circular] ], baseClass: Base { a: 1 } } }`; assertEqual(stringify(1), "1"); assertEqual(stringify(1n), "1n"); assertEqual(stringify("s"), "s"); assertEqual(stringify(false), "false"); // tslint:disable-next-line:no-construct assertEqual(stringify(new Number(1)), "[Number: 1]"); // tslint:disable-next-line:no-construct assertEqual(stringify(new Boolean(true)), "[Boolean: true]"); // tslint:disable-next-line:no-construct assertEqual(stringify(new String("deno")), `[String: "deno"]`); assertEqual(stringify(/[0-9]*/), "/[0-9]*/"); assertEqual( stringify(new Date("2018-12-10T02:26:59.002Z")), "2018-12-10T02:26:59.002Z" ); assertEqual(stringify(new Set([1, 2, 3])), "Set { 1, 2, 3 }"); assertEqual( stringify(new Map([[1, "one"], [2, "two"]])), `Map { 1 => "one", 2 => "two" }` ); assertEqual(stringify(new WeakSet()), "WeakSet { [items unknown] }"); assertEqual(stringify(new WeakMap()), "WeakMap { [items unknown] }"); assertEqual(stringify(Symbol(1)), "Symbol(1)"); assertEqual(stringify(null), "null"); assertEqual(stringify(undefined), "undefined"); assertEqual(stringify(new Extended()), "Extended { a: 1, b: 2 }"); assertEqual(stringify(function f() {}), "[Function: f]"); assertEqual(stringify(async function af() {}), "[AsyncFunction: af]"); assertEqual(stringify(function* gf() {}), "[GeneratorFunction: gf]"); assertEqual( stringify(async function* agf() {}), "[AsyncGeneratorFunction: agf]" ); assertEqual(stringify(new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3])), "Uint8Array [ 1, 2, 3 ]"); assertEqual(stringify(Uint8Array.prototype), "TypedArray []"); assertEqual( stringify({ a: { b: { c: { d: new Set([1]) } } } }), "{ a: { b: { c: { d: [Set] } } } }" ); assertEqual(stringify(nestedObj), nestedObjExpected); assertEqual(stringify(JSON), "{}"); assertEqual( stringify(console), // tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length "Console { printFunc: [Function], log: [Function], debug: [Function], info: [Function], dir: [Function], warn: [Function], error: [Function], assert: [Function], count: [Function], countReset: [Function], time: [Function], timeLog: [Function], timeEnd: [Function] }" ); }); test(function consoleTestStringifyWithDepth() { // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any const nestedObj: any = { a: { b: { c: { d: { e: { f: 42 } } } } } }; assertEqual( stringifyArgs([nestedObj], { depth: 3 }), "{ a: { b: { c: [Object] } } }" ); assertEqual( stringifyArgs([nestedObj], { depth: 4 }), "{ a: { b: { c: { d: [Object] } } } }" ); assertEqual(stringifyArgs([nestedObj], { depth: 0 }), "[Object]"); assertEqual( stringifyArgs([nestedObj], { depth: null }), "{ a: { b: { c: { d: [Object] } } } }" ); }); test(function consoleTestCallToStringOnLabel() { const methods = ["count", "countReset", "time", "timeLog", "timeEnd"]; for (const method of methods) { let hasCalled = false; console[method]({ toString() { hasCalled = true; } }); assertEqual(hasCalled, true); } }); test(function consoleTestError() { class MyError extends Error { constructor(errStr: string) { super(errStr); this.name = "MyError"; } } try { throw new MyError("This is an error"); } catch (e) { assertEqual(stringify(e).split("\n")[0], "MyError: This is an error"); } }); // Test bound this issue test(function consoleDetachedLog() { const log = console.log; const dir = console.dir; const debug = console.debug; const info = console.info; const warn = console.warn; const error = console.error; const consoleAssert = console.assert; const consoleCount = console.count; const consoleCountReset = console.countReset; const consoleTime = console.time; const consoleTimeLog = console.timeLog; const consoleTimeEnd = console.timeEnd; log("Hello world"); dir("Hello world"); debug("Hello world"); info("Hello world"); warn("Hello world"); error("Hello world"); consoleAssert(true); consoleCount("Hello world"); consoleCountReset("Hello world"); consoleTime("Hello world"); consoleTimeLog("Hello world"); consoleTimeEnd("Hello world"); });