// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // @ts-check /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// "use strict"; ((window) => { const core = window.Deno.core; const webidl = window.__bootstrap.webidl; const { errorReadableStream } = window.__bootstrap.streams; const { InnerBody, extractBody } = window.__bootstrap.fetchBody; const { toInnerRequest, toInnerResponse, fromInnerResponse, redirectStatus, nullBodyStatus, networkError, abortedNetworkError, } = window.__bootstrap.fetch; const abortSignal = window.__bootstrap.abortSignal; const { DOMException } = window.__bootstrap.domException; const { ArrayPrototypePush, ArrayPrototypeSplice, ArrayPrototypeFilter, ArrayPrototypeIncludes, Promise, PromisePrototypeThen, PromisePrototypeCatch, String, StringPrototypeToLowerCase, TypedArrayPrototypeSubarray, TypeError, Uint8Array, } = window.__bootstrap.primordials; const REQUEST_BODY_HEADER_NAMES = [ "content-encoding", "content-language", "content-location", "content-type", ]; /** * @param {{ method: string, url: string, headers: [string, string][], clientRid: number | null, hasBody: boolean }} args * @param {Uint8Array | null} body * @returns {{ requestRid: number, requestBodyRid: number | null }} */ function opFetch(args, body) { return core.opSync("op_fetch", args, body); } /** * @param {number} rid * @returns {Promise<{ status: number, statusText: string, headers: [string, string][], url: string, responseRid: number }>} */ function opFetchSend(rid) { return core.opAsync("op_fetch_send", rid); } /** * @param {number} rid * @param {Uint8Array} body * @returns {Promise} */ function opFetchRequestWrite(rid, body) { return core.opAsync("op_fetch_request_write", rid, body); } /** * @param {number} rid * @param {Uint8Array} body * @returns {Promise} */ function opFetchResponseRead(rid, body) { return core.opAsync("op_fetch_response_read", rid, body); } // A finalization registry to clean up underlying fetch resources that are GC'ed. const RESOURCE_REGISTRY = new FinalizationRegistry((rid) => { core.tryClose(rid); }); /** * @param {number} responseBodyRid * @param {AbortSignal} [terminator] * @returns {ReadableStream} */ function createResponseBodyStream(responseBodyRid, terminator) { function onAbort() { if (readable) { errorReadableStream( readable, new DOMException("Ongoing fetch was aborted.", "AbortError"), ); } core.tryClose(responseBodyRid); } // TODO(lucacasonato): clean up registration terminator[abortSignal.add](onAbort); const readable = new ReadableStream({ type: "bytes", async pull(controller) { try { // This is the largest possible size for a single packet on a TLS // stream. const chunk = new Uint8Array(16 * 1024 + 256); const read = await opFetchResponseRead( responseBodyRid, chunk, ); if (read > 0) { // We read some data. Enqueue it onto the stream. controller.enqueue(TypedArrayPrototypeSubarray(chunk, 0, read)); } else { RESOURCE_REGISTRY.unregister(readable); // We have reached the end of the body, so we close the stream. controller.close(); core.tryClose(responseBodyRid); } } catch (err) { RESOURCE_REGISTRY.unregister(readable); if (terminator.aborted) { controller.error( new DOMException("Ongoing fetch was aborted.", "AbortError"), ); } else { // There was an error while reading a chunk of the body, so we // error. controller.error(err); } core.tryClose(responseBodyRid); } }, cancel() { if (!terminator.aborted) { terminator[abortSignal.signalAbort](); } }, }); RESOURCE_REGISTRY.register(readable, responseBodyRid, readable); return readable; } /** * @param {InnerRequest} req * @param {boolean} recursive * @param {AbortSignal} terminator * @returns {Promise} */ async function mainFetch(req, recursive, terminator) { if (req.blobUrlEntry !== null) { if (req.method !== "GET") { throw new TypeError("Blob URL fetch only supports GET method."); } const body = new InnerBody(req.blobUrlEntry.stream()); terminator[abortSignal.add](() => body.error(new DOMException("Ongoing fetch was aborted.", "AbortError")) ); return { headerList: [ ["content-length", String(req.blobUrlEntry.size)], ["content-type", req.blobUrlEntry.type], ], status: 200, statusMessage: "OK", body, type: "basic", url() { if (this.urlList.length == 0) return null; return this.urlList[this.urlList.length - 1]; }, urlList: recursive ? [] : [...req.urlList], }; } /** @type {ReadableStream | Uint8Array | null} */ let reqBody = null; if (req.body !== null) { if (req.body.streamOrStatic instanceof ReadableStream) { if (req.body.length === null || req.body.source instanceof Blob) { reqBody = req.body.stream; } else { const reader = req.body.stream.getReader(); const r1 = await reader.read(); if (r1.done) { reqBody = new Uint8Array(0); } else { reqBody = r1.value; const r2 = await reader.read(); if (!r2.done) throw new TypeError("Unreachable"); } } } else { req.body.streamOrStatic.consumed = true; reqBody = req.body.streamOrStatic.body; } } const { requestRid, requestBodyRid, cancelHandleRid } = opFetch({ method: req.method, url: req.currentUrl(), headers: req.headerList, clientRid: req.clientRid, hasBody: reqBody !== null, bodyLength: req.body?.length, }, reqBody instanceof Uint8Array ? reqBody : null); function onAbort() { if (cancelHandleRid !== null) { core.tryClose(cancelHandleRid); } if (requestBodyRid !== null) { core.tryClose(requestBodyRid); } } terminator[abortSignal.add](onAbort); if (requestBodyRid !== null) { if (reqBody === null || !(reqBody instanceof ReadableStream)) { throw new TypeError("Unreachable"); } const reader = reqBody.getReader(); (async () => { while (true) { const { value, done } = await PromisePrototypeCatch( reader.read(), (err) => { if (terminator.aborted) return { done: true, value: undefined }; throw err; }, ); if (done) break; if (!(value instanceof Uint8Array)) { await reader.cancel("value not a Uint8Array"); break; } try { await PromisePrototypeCatch( opFetchRequestWrite(requestBodyRid, value), (err) => { if (terminator.aborted) return; throw err; }, ); if (terminator.aborted) break; } catch (err) { await reader.cancel(err); break; } } core.tryClose(requestBodyRid); })(); } let resp; try { resp = await PromisePrototypeCatch(opFetchSend(requestRid), (err) => { if (terminator.aborted) return; throw err; }); } finally { if (cancelHandleRid !== null) { core.tryClose(cancelHandleRid); } } if (terminator.aborted) return abortedNetworkError(); /** @type {InnerResponse} */ const response = { headerList: resp.headers, status: resp.status, body: null, statusMessage: resp.statusText, type: "basic", url() { if (this.urlList.length == 0) return null; return this.urlList[this.urlList.length - 1]; }, urlList: req.urlList, }; if (redirectStatus(resp.status)) { switch (req.redirectMode) { case "error": core.close(resp.responseRid); return networkError( "Encountered redirect while redirect mode is set to 'error'", ); case "follow": core.close(resp.responseRid); return httpRedirectFetch(req, response, terminator); case "manual": break; } } if (nullBodyStatus(response.status)) { core.close(resp.responseRid); } else { if (req.method === "HEAD" || req.method === "CONNECT") { response.body = null; core.close(resp.responseRid); } else { response.body = new InnerBody( createResponseBodyStream(resp.responseRid, terminator), ); } } if (recursive) return response; if (response.urlList.length === 0) { response.urlList = [...req.urlList]; } return response; } /** * @param {InnerRequest} request * @param {InnerResponse} response * @returns {Promise} */ function httpRedirectFetch(request, response, terminator) { const locationHeaders = ArrayPrototypeFilter( response.headerList, (entry) => entry[0] === "location", ); if (locationHeaders.length === 0) { return response; } const locationURL = new URL( locationHeaders[0][1], response.url() ?? undefined, ); if (locationURL.hash === "") { locationURL.hash = request.currentUrl().hash; } if (locationURL.protocol !== "https:" && locationURL.protocol !== "http:") { return networkError("Can not redirect to a non HTTP(s) url"); } if (request.redirectCount === 20) { return networkError("Maximum number of redirects (20) reached"); } request.redirectCount++; if ( response.status !== 303 && request.body !== null && request.body.source === null ) { return networkError( "Can not redeliver a streaming request body after a redirect", ); } if ( ((response.status === 301 || response.status === 302) && request.method === "POST") || (response.status === 303 && request.method !== "GET" && request.method !== "HEAD") ) { request.method = "GET"; request.body = null; for (let i = 0; i < request.headerList.length; i++) { if ( ArrayPrototypeIncludes( REQUEST_BODY_HEADER_NAMES, request.headerList[i][0], ) ) { ArrayPrototypeSplice(request.headerList, i, 1); i--; } } } if (request.body !== null) { const res = extractBody(request.body.source); request.body = res.body; } ArrayPrototypePush(request.urlList, locationURL.href); return mainFetch(request, true, terminator); } /** * @param {RequestInfo} input * @param {RequestInit} init */ function fetch(input, init = {}) { // 1. const p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const prefix = "Failed to call 'fetch'"; webidl.requiredArguments(arguments.length, 1, { prefix }); input = webidl.converters["RequestInfo"](input, { prefix, context: "Argument 1", }); init = webidl.converters["RequestInit"](init, { prefix, context: "Argument 2", }); // 2. const requestObject = new Request(input, init); // 3. const request = toInnerRequest(requestObject); // 4. if (requestObject.signal.aborted) { reject(abortFetch(request, null)); return; } // 7. let responseObject = null; // 9. let locallyAborted = false; // 10. function onabort() { locallyAborted = true; reject(abortFetch(request, responseObject)); } requestObject.signal[abortSignal.add](onabort); if (!requestObject.headers.has("accept")) { ArrayPrototypePush(request.headerList, ["accept", "*/*"]); } // 12. PromisePrototypeCatch( PromisePrototypeThen( mainFetch(request, false, requestObject.signal), (response) => { // 12.1. if (locallyAborted) return; // 12.2. if (response.aborted) { reject(request, responseObject); requestObject.signal[abortSignal.remove](onabort); return; } // 12.3. if (response.type === "error") { const err = new TypeError( "Fetch failed: " + (response.error ?? "unknown error"), ); reject(err); requestObject.signal[abortSignal.remove](onabort); return; } responseObject = fromInnerResponse(response, "immutable"); resolve(responseObject); requestObject.signal[abortSignal.remove](onabort); }, ), (err) => { reject(err); requestObject.signal[abortSignal.remove](onabort); }, ); }); return p; } function abortFetch(request, responseObject) { const error = new DOMException("Ongoing fetch was aborted.", "AbortError"); if (request.body !== null) request.body.cancel(error); if (responseObject !== null) { const response = toInnerResponse(responseObject); if (response.body !== null) response.body.error(error); } return error; } /** * Handle the Promise argument to the WebAssembly streaming * APIs. This function should be registered through * `Deno.core.setWasmStreamingCallback`. * * @param {any} source The source parameter that the WebAssembly * streaming API was called with. * @param {number} rid An rid that can be used with * `Deno.core.wasmStreamingFeed`. */ function handleWasmStreaming(source, rid) { // This implements part of // https://webassembly.github.io/spec/web-api/#compile-a-potential-webassembly-response (async () => { try { const res = webidl.converters["Response"](await source, { prefix: "Failed to call 'WebAssembly.compileStreaming'", context: "Argument 1", }); // 2.3. // The spec is ambiguous here, see // https://github.com/WebAssembly/spec/issues/1138. The WPT tests // expect the raw value of the Content-Type attribute lowercased. const contentType = res.headers.get("Content-Type"); if ( typeof contentType !== "string" || StringPrototypeToLowerCase(contentType) !== "application/wasm" ) { throw new TypeError("Invalid WebAssembly content type."); } // 2.5. if (!res.ok) { throw new TypeError(`HTTP status code ${res.status}`); } // 2.6. // Rather than consuming the body as an ArrayBuffer, this passes each // chunk to the feed as soon as it's available. if (res.body !== null) { const reader = res.body.getReader(); while (true) { const { value: chunk, done } = await reader.read(); if (done) break; core.wasmStreamingFeed(rid, "bytes", chunk); } } // 2.7. core.wasmStreamingFeed(rid, "finish"); } catch (err) { // 2.8 and 3 core.wasmStreamingFeed(rid, "abort", err); } })(); } window.__bootstrap.fetch ??= {}; window.__bootstrap.fetch.fetch = fetch; window.__bootstrap.fetch.handleWasmStreaming = handleWasmStreaming; })(this);