// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; #[macro_use] extern crate log; #[macro_use] extern crate futures; #[macro_use] extern crate serde_json; extern crate clap; extern crate deno; extern crate indexmap; #[cfg(unix)] extern crate nix; extern crate rand; extern crate serde; extern crate serde_derive; extern crate tokio; extern crate url; mod checksum; pub mod colors; pub mod compilers; pub mod deno_dir; pub mod deno_error; pub mod diagnostics; mod disk_cache; mod file_fetcher; pub mod flags; pub mod fmt_errors; mod fs; mod global_state; mod global_timer; mod http_body; mod http_util; mod import_map; mod js; mod lockfile; mod metrics; pub mod msg; pub mod ops; pub mod permissions; mod progress; mod repl; pub mod resolve_addr; pub mod resources; mod shell; mod signal; pub mod source_maps; mod startup_data; pub mod state; pub mod test_util; mod tokio_read; mod tokio_util; mod tokio_write; pub mod version; pub mod worker; use crate::deno_error::js_check; use crate::deno_error::print_err_and_exit; use crate::global_state::ThreadSafeGlobalState; use crate::progress::Progress; use crate::state::ThreadSafeState; use crate::worker::Worker; use deno::v8_set_flags; use deno::ErrBox; use deno::ModuleSpecifier; use flags::DenoFlags; use flags::DenoSubcommand; use futures::lazy; use futures::Future; use log::Level; use log::Metadata; use log::Record; use std::env; static LOGGER: Logger = Logger; struct Logger; impl log::Log for Logger { fn enabled(&self, metadata: &Metadata) -> bool { metadata.level() <= log::max_level() } fn log(&self, record: &Record) { if self.enabled(record.metadata()) { let mut target = record.target().to_string(); if let Some(line_no) = record.line() { target.push_str(":"); target.push_str(&line_no.to_string()); } println!("{} RS - {} - {}", record.level(), target, record.args()); } } fn flush(&self) {} } fn create_worker_and_state( flags: DenoFlags, argv: Vec, ) -> (Worker, ThreadSafeGlobalState) { use crate::shell::Shell; use std::sync::Arc; use std::sync::Mutex; let shell = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Shell::new())); let progress = Progress::new(); progress.set_callback(move |_done, _completed, _total, status, msg| { if !status.is_empty() { let mut s = shell.lock().unwrap(); s.status(status, msg).expect("shell problem"); } }); let global_state = ThreadSafeGlobalState::new(flags, argv, progress) .map_err(deno_error::print_err_and_exit) .unwrap(); let state = ThreadSafeState::new( global_state.clone(), global_state.main_module.clone(), true, ) .map_err(deno_error::print_err_and_exit) .unwrap(); let worker = Worker::new("main".to_string(), startup_data::deno_isolate_init(), state); (worker, global_state) } fn types_command() { let content = crate::js::get_asset("lib.deno_runtime.d.ts").unwrap(); println!("{}", content); } fn print_cache_info(worker: Worker) { let state = &worker.state.global_state; println!( "{} {:?}", colors::bold("DENO_DIR location:".to_string()), state.dir.root ); println!( "{} {:?}", colors::bold("Remote modules cache:".to_string()), state.dir.deps_cache.location ); println!( "{} {:?}", colors::bold("TypeScript compiler cache:".to_string()), state.dir.gen_cache.location ); } pub fn print_file_info( worker: Worker, module_specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> impl Future { let global_state_ = worker.state.global_state.clone(); let state_ = worker.state.clone(); let module_specifier_ = module_specifier.clone(); global_state_ .file_fetcher .fetch_source_file_async(&module_specifier) .map_err(|err| println!("{}", err)) .and_then(|out| { println!( "{} {}", colors::bold("local:".to_string()), out.filename.to_str().unwrap() ); println!( "{} {}", colors::bold("type:".to_string()), msg::enum_name_media_type(out.media_type) ); global_state_ .clone() .fetch_compiled_module(&module_specifier_) .map_err(|e| { debug!("compiler error exiting!"); eprintln!("\n{}", e.to_string()); std::process::exit(1); }) .and_then(move |compiled| { if out.media_type == msg::MediaType::TypeScript || (out.media_type == msg::MediaType::JavaScript && global_state_.ts_compiler.compile_js) { let compiled_source_file = global_state_ .ts_compiler .get_compiled_source_file(&out.url) .unwrap(); println!( "{} {}", colors::bold("compiled:".to_string()), compiled_source_file.filename.to_str().unwrap(), ); } if let Ok(source_map) = global_state_ .clone() .ts_compiler .get_source_map_file(&module_specifier_) { println!( "{} {}", colors::bold("map:".to_string()), source_map.filename.to_str().unwrap() ); } if let Some(deps) = state_.modules.lock().unwrap().deps(&compiled.name) { println!("{}{}", colors::bold("deps:\n".to_string()), deps.name); if let Some(ref depsdeps) = deps.deps { for d in depsdeps { println!("{}", d); } } } else { println!( "{} cannot retrieve full dependency graph", colors::bold("deps:".to_string()), ); } Ok(worker) }) }) } fn info_command(flags: DenoFlags, argv: Vec) { let (mut worker, state) = create_worker_and_state(flags, argv.clone()); // If it was just "deno info" print location of caches and exit if argv.len() == 1 { return print_cache_info(worker); } let main_module = state.main_module.as_ref().unwrap().clone(); let main_future = lazy(move || { // Setup runtime. js_check(worker.execute("denoMain()")); debug!("main_module {}", main_module); worker .execute_mod_async(&main_module, None, true) .map_err(print_err_and_exit) .and_then(move |()| print_file_info(worker, &main_module)) .and_then(|worker| { worker.then(|result| { js_check(result); Ok(()) }) }) }); tokio_util::run(main_future); } fn fetch_command(flags: DenoFlags, argv: Vec) { let (mut worker, state) = create_worker_and_state(flags, argv.clone()); let main_module = state.main_module.as_ref().unwrap().clone(); let main_future = lazy(move || { // Setup runtime. js_check(worker.execute("denoMain()")); debug!("main_module {}", main_module); worker .execute_mod_async(&main_module, None, true) .then(|result| { js_check(result); Ok(()) }) }); tokio_util::run(main_future); } fn eval_command(flags: DenoFlags, argv: Vec) { let (mut worker, state) = create_worker_and_state(flags, argv); let ts_source = state.argv[1].clone(); // Force TypeScript compile. let main_module = ModuleSpecifier::resolve_url_or_path("./__$deno$eval.ts").unwrap(); let main_future = lazy(move || { js_check(worker.execute("denoMain()")); debug!("main_module {}", &main_module); let mut worker_ = worker.clone(); worker .execute_mod_async(&main_module, Some(ts_source), false) .and_then(move |()| { js_check(worker.execute("window.dispatchEvent(new Event('load'))")); worker.then(move |result| { js_check(result); js_check( worker_.execute("window.dispatchEvent(new Event('unload'))"), ); Ok(()) }) }) .map_err(print_err_and_exit) }); tokio_util::run(main_future); } fn bundle_command(flags: DenoFlags, argv: Vec) { let (worker, state) = create_worker_and_state(flags, argv); let main_module = state.main_module.as_ref().unwrap().clone(); assert!(state.argv.len() >= 3); let out_file = state.argv[2].clone(); debug!(">>>>> bundle_async START"); // NOTE: we need to poll `worker` otherwise TS compiler worker won't run properly let main_future = lazy(move || { worker.then(move |result| { js_check(result); state .ts_compiler .bundle_async(state.clone(), main_module.to_string(), out_file) .map_err(|err| { debug!("diagnostics returned, exiting!"); eprintln!(""); print_err_and_exit(err); }) .and_then(move |_| { debug!(">>>>> bundle_async END"); Ok(()) }) }) }); tokio_util::run(main_future); } fn run_repl(flags: DenoFlags, argv: Vec) { let (mut worker, _state) = create_worker_and_state(flags, argv); // REPL situation. let main_future = lazy(move || { // Setup runtime. js_check(worker.execute("denoMain()")); worker .then(|result| { js_check(result); Ok(()) }) .map_err(|(err, _worker): (ErrBox, Worker)| print_err_and_exit(err)) }); tokio_util::run(main_future); } fn run_script(flags: DenoFlags, argv: Vec) { let use_current_thread = flags.current_thread; let (mut worker, state) = create_worker_and_state(flags, argv); let main_module = state.main_module.as_ref().unwrap().clone(); // Normal situation of executing a module. let main_future = lazy(move || { // Setup runtime. js_check(worker.execute("denoMain()")); debug!("main_module {}", main_module); let mut worker_ = worker.clone(); worker .execute_mod_async(&main_module, None, false) .and_then(move |()| { if state.flags.lock_write { if let Some(ref lockfile) = state.lockfile { let g = lockfile.lock().unwrap(); g.write()?; } else { eprintln!("--lock flag must be specified when using --lock-write"); std::process::exit(11); } } Ok(()) }) .and_then(move |()| { js_check(worker.execute("window.dispatchEvent(new Event('load'))")); worker.then(move |result| { js_check(result); js_check( worker_.execute("window.dispatchEvent(new Event('unload'))"), ); Ok(()) }) }) .map_err(print_err_and_exit) }); if use_current_thread { tokio_util::run_on_current_thread(main_future); } else { tokio_util::run(main_future); } } fn version_command() { println!("deno: {}", version::DENO); println!("v8: {}", version::v8()); println!("typescript: {}", version::TYPESCRIPT); } pub fn main() { #[cfg(windows)] ansi_term::enable_ansi_support().ok(); // For Windows 10 log::set_logger(&LOGGER).unwrap(); let args: Vec = env::args().collect(); let (flags, subcommand, argv) = flags::flags_from_vec(args); if let Some(ref v8_flags) = flags.v8_flags { v8_set_flags(v8_flags.clone()); } let log_level = match flags.log_level { Some(level) => level, None => Level::Warn, }; log::set_max_level(log_level.to_level_filter()); match subcommand { DenoSubcommand::Bundle => bundle_command(flags, argv), DenoSubcommand::Completions => {} DenoSubcommand::Eval => eval_command(flags, argv), DenoSubcommand::Fetch => fetch_command(flags, argv), DenoSubcommand::Info => info_command(flags, argv), DenoSubcommand::Repl => run_repl(flags, argv), DenoSubcommand::Run => run_script(flags, argv), DenoSubcommand::Types => types_command(), DenoSubcommand::Version => version_command(), } }