// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. "use strict"; ((window) => { const webidl = window.__bootstrap.webidl; const { InnerBody } = window.__bootstrap.fetchBody; const { setEventTargetData } = window.__bootstrap.eventTarget; const { BlobPrototype } = window.__bootstrap.file; const { ResponsePrototype, fromInnerRequest, toInnerResponse, newInnerRequest, newInnerResponse, fromInnerResponse, } = window.__bootstrap.fetch; const core = window.Deno.core; const { BadResourcePrototype, InterruptedPrototype, ops } = core; const { ReadableStream, ReadableStreamPrototype } = window.__bootstrap.streams; const abortSignal = window.__bootstrap.abortSignal; const { WebSocket, _rid, _readyState, _eventLoop, _protocol, _server, _idleTimeoutDuration, _idleTimeoutTimeout, _serverHandleIdleTimeout, } = window.__bootstrap.webSocket; const { TcpConn, UnixConn } = window.__bootstrap.net; const { TlsConn } = window.__bootstrap.tls; const { Deferred, getReadableStreamRid, readableStreamClose } = window.__bootstrap.streams; const { ArrayPrototypeIncludes, ArrayPrototypePush, ArrayPrototypeSome, Error, ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf, Set, SetPrototypeAdd, SetPrototypeDelete, SetPrototypeValues, StringPrototypeIncludes, StringPrototypeToLowerCase, StringPrototypeSplit, Symbol, SymbolAsyncIterator, TypedArrayPrototypeSubarray, TypeError, Uint8Array, Uint8ArrayPrototype, } = window.__bootstrap.primordials; const connErrorSymbol = Symbol("connError"); const _deferred = Symbol("upgradeHttpDeferred"); class HttpConn { #rid = 0; #closed = false; #remoteAddr; #localAddr; // This set holds resource ids of resources // that were created during lifecycle of this request. // When the connection is closed these resources should be closed // as well. managedResources = new Set(); constructor(rid, remoteAddr, localAddr) { this.#rid = rid; this.#remoteAddr = remoteAddr; this.#localAddr = localAddr; } /** @returns {number} */ get rid() { return this.#rid; } /** @returns {Promise} */ async nextRequest() { let nextRequest; try { nextRequest = await core.opAsync("op_http_accept", this.#rid); } catch (error) { this.close(); // A connection error seen here would cause disrupted responses to throw // a generic `BadResource` error. Instead store this error and replace // those with it. this[connErrorSymbol] = error; if ( ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(BadResourcePrototype, error) || ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(InterruptedPrototype, error) || StringPrototypeIncludes(error.message, "connection closed") ) { return null; } throw error; } if (nextRequest == null) { // Work-around for servers (deno_std/http in particular) that call // `nextRequest()` before upgrading a previous request which has a // `connection: upgrade` header. await null; this.close(); return null; } const [streamRid, method, url] = nextRequest; SetPrototypeAdd(this.managedResources, streamRid); /** @type {ReadableStream | undefined} */ let body = null; // There might be a body, but we don't expose it for GET/HEAD requests. // It will be closed automatically once the request has been handled and // the response has been sent. if (method !== "GET" && method !== "HEAD") { body = createRequestBodyStream(streamRid); } const innerRequest = newInnerRequest( () => method, url, () => ops.op_http_headers(streamRid), body !== null ? new InnerBody(body) : null, false, ); const signal = abortSignal.newSignal(); const request = fromInnerRequest(innerRequest, signal, "immutable"); const respondWith = createRespondWith( this, streamRid, request, this.#remoteAddr, this.#localAddr, ); return { request, respondWith }; } /** @returns {void} */ close() { if (!this.#closed) { this.#closed = true; core.close(this.#rid); for (const rid of SetPrototypeValues(this.managedResources)) { SetPrototypeDelete(this.managedResources, rid); core.close(rid); } } } [SymbolAsyncIterator]() { // deno-lint-ignore no-this-alias const httpConn = this; return { async next() { const reqEvt = await httpConn.nextRequest(); // Change with caution, current form avoids a v8 deopt return { value: reqEvt ?? undefined, done: reqEvt === null }; }, }; } } function readRequest(streamRid, buf) { return core.opAsync("op_http_read", streamRid, buf); } function createRespondWith( httpConn, streamRid, request, remoteAddr, localAddr, ) { return async function respondWith(resp) { try { resp = await resp; if (!(ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(ResponsePrototype, resp))) { throw new TypeError( "First argument to respondWith must be a Response or a promise resolving to a Response.", ); } const innerResp = toInnerResponse(resp); // If response body length is known, it will be sent synchronously in a // single op, in other case a "response body" resource will be created and // we'll be streaming it. /** @type {ReadableStream | Uint8Array | null} */ let respBody = null; if (innerResp.body !== null) { if (innerResp.body.unusable()) { throw new TypeError("Body is unusable."); } if ( ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf( ReadableStreamPrototype, innerResp.body.streamOrStatic, ) ) { if ( innerResp.body.length === null || ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf( BlobPrototype, innerResp.body.source, ) ) { respBody = innerResp.body.stream; } else { const reader = innerResp.body.stream.getReader(); const r1 = await reader.read(); if (r1.done) { respBody = new Uint8Array(0); } else { respBody = r1.value; const r2 = await reader.read(); if (!r2.done) throw new TypeError("Unreachable"); } } } else { innerResp.body.streamOrStatic.consumed = true; respBody = innerResp.body.streamOrStatic.body; } } else { respBody = new Uint8Array(0); } const isStreamingResponseBody = !( typeof respBody === "string" || ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(Uint8ArrayPrototype, respBody) ); try { await core.opAsync( "op_http_write_headers", streamRid, innerResp.status ?? 200, innerResp.headerList, isStreamingResponseBody ? null : respBody, ); } catch (error) { const connError = httpConn[connErrorSymbol]; if ( ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(BadResourcePrototype, error) && connError != null ) { // deno-lint-ignore no-ex-assign error = new connError.constructor(connError.message); } if ( respBody !== null && ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(ReadableStreamPrototype, respBody) ) { await respBody.cancel(error); } throw error; } if (isStreamingResponseBody) { if ( respBody === null || !ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(ReadableStreamPrototype, respBody) ) { throw new TypeError("Unreachable"); } const resourceRid = getReadableStreamRid(respBody); let reader; if (resourceRid) { if (respBody.locked) { throw new TypeError("ReadableStream is locked."); } reader = respBody.getReader(); // Aquire JS lock. try { await core.opAsync( "op_http_write_resource", streamRid, resourceRid, ); core.tryClose(resourceRid); readableStreamClose(respBody); // Release JS lock. } catch (error) { const connError = httpConn[connErrorSymbol]; if ( ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(BadResourcePrototype, error) && connError != null ) { // deno-lint-ignore no-ex-assign error = new connError.constructor(connError.message); } await reader.cancel(error); throw error; } } else { reader = respBody.getReader(); while (true) { const { value, done } = await reader.read(); if (done) break; if (!ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(Uint8ArrayPrototype, value)) { await reader.cancel(new TypeError("Value not a Uint8Array")); break; } try { await core.opAsync("op_http_write", streamRid, value); } catch (error) { const connError = httpConn[connErrorSymbol]; if ( ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf(BadResourcePrototype, error) && connError != null ) { // deno-lint-ignore no-ex-assign error = new connError.constructor(connError.message); } await reader.cancel(error); throw error; } } } try { await core.opAsync("op_http_shutdown", streamRid); } catch (error) { await reader.cancel(error); throw error; } } const deferred = request[_deferred]; if (deferred) { const res = await core.opAsync("op_http_upgrade", streamRid); let conn; if (res.connType === "tcp") { conn = new TcpConn(res.connRid, remoteAddr, localAddr); } else if (res.connType === "tls") { conn = new TlsConn(res.connRid, remoteAddr, localAddr); } else if (res.connType === "unix") { conn = new UnixConn(res.connRid, remoteAddr, localAddr); } else { throw new Error("unreachable"); } deferred.resolve([conn, res.readBuf]); } const ws = resp[_ws]; if (ws) { const wsRid = await core.opAsync( "op_http_upgrade_websocket", streamRid, ); ws[_rid] = wsRid; ws[_protocol] = resp.headers.get("sec-websocket-protocol"); httpConn.close(); ws[_readyState] = WebSocket.OPEN; const event = new Event("open"); ws.dispatchEvent(event); ws[_eventLoop](); if (ws[_idleTimeoutDuration]) { ws.addEventListener( "close", () => clearTimeout(ws[_idleTimeoutTimeout]), ); } ws[_serverHandleIdleTimeout](); } } finally { if (SetPrototypeDelete(httpConn.managedResources, streamRid)) { core.close(streamRid); } } }; } function createRequestBodyStream(streamRid) { return new ReadableStream({ type: "bytes", async pull(controller) { try { // This is the largest possible size for a single packet on a TLS // stream. const chunk = new Uint8Array(16 * 1024 + 256); const read = await readRequest(streamRid, chunk); if (read > 0) { // We read some data. Enqueue it onto the stream. controller.enqueue(TypedArrayPrototypeSubarray(chunk, 0, read)); } else { // We have reached the end of the body, so we close the stream. controller.close(); } } catch (err) { // There was an error while reading a chunk of the body, so we // error. controller.error(err); controller.close(); } }, }); } const _ws = Symbol("[[associated_ws]]"); function upgradeWebSocket(request, options = {}) { const upgrade = request.headers.get("upgrade"); const upgradeHasWebSocketOption = upgrade !== null && ArrayPrototypeSome( StringPrototypeSplit(upgrade, /\s*,\s*/), (option) => StringPrototypeToLowerCase(option) === "websocket", ); if (!upgradeHasWebSocketOption) { throw new TypeError( "Invalid Header: 'upgrade' header must contain 'websocket'", ); } const connection = request.headers.get("connection"); const connectionHasUpgradeOption = connection !== null && ArrayPrototypeSome( StringPrototypeSplit(connection, /\s*,\s*/), (option) => StringPrototypeToLowerCase(option) === "upgrade", ); if (!connectionHasUpgradeOption) { throw new TypeError( "Invalid Header: 'connection' header must contain 'Upgrade'", ); } const websocketKey = request.headers.get("sec-websocket-key"); if (websocketKey === null) { throw new TypeError( "Invalid Header: 'sec-websocket-key' header must be set", ); } const accept = ops.op_http_websocket_accept_header(websocketKey); const r = newInnerResponse(101); r.headerList = [ ["upgrade", "websocket"], ["connection", "Upgrade"], ["sec-websocket-accept", accept], ]; const protocolsStr = request.headers.get("sec-websocket-protocol") || ""; const protocols = StringPrototypeSplit(protocolsStr, ", "); if (protocols && options.protocol) { if (ArrayPrototypeIncludes(protocols, options.protocol)) { ArrayPrototypePush(r.headerList, [ "sec-websocket-protocol", options.protocol, ]); } else { throw new TypeError( `Protocol '${options.protocol}' not in the request's protocol list (non negotiable)`, ); } } const response = fromInnerResponse(r, "immutable"); const socket = webidl.createBranded(WebSocket); setEventTargetData(socket); socket[_server] = true; response[_ws] = socket; socket[_idleTimeoutDuration] = options.idleTimeout ?? 120; socket[_idleTimeoutTimeout] = null; return { response, socket }; } function upgradeHttp(req) { req[_deferred] = new Deferred(); return req[_deferred].promise; } window.__bootstrap.http = { HttpConn, upgradeWebSocket, upgradeHttp, }; })(this);