// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use flaky_test::flaky_test; use test_util as util; use test_util::assert_contains; use test_util::env_vars_for_npm_tests; use test_util::TempDir; use tokio::io::AsyncBufReadExt; use util::assert_not_contains; use util::DenoChild; /// Logs to stderr every time next_line() is called struct LoggingLines where R: tokio::io::AsyncBufRead + Unpin, { pub lines: tokio::io::Lines, pub stream_name: String, } impl LoggingLines where R: tokio::io::AsyncBufRead + Unpin, { pub async fn next_line(&mut self) -> tokio::io::Result> { let line = self.lines.next_line().await; eprintln!( "{}: {}", self.stream_name, line.as_ref().unwrap().clone().unwrap() ); line } } // Helper function to skip watcher output that contains "Restarting" // phrase. async fn skip_restarting_line(stderr_lines: &mut LoggingLines) -> String where R: tokio::io::AsyncBufRead + Unpin, { loop { let msg = next_line(stderr_lines).await.unwrap(); if !msg.contains("Restarting") { return msg; } } } async fn read_all_lints(stderr_lines: &mut LoggingLines) -> String where R: tokio::io::AsyncBufRead + Unpin, { let mut str = String::new(); while let Some(t) = next_line(stderr_lines).await { let t = util::strip_ansi_codes(&t); if t.starts_with("Watcher Restarting! File change detected") { continue; } if t.starts_with("Watcher") { break; } if t.starts_with("error[") { str.push_str(&t); str.push('\n'); } } str } async fn next_line(lines: &mut LoggingLines) -> Option where R: tokio::io::AsyncBufRead + Unpin, { let timeout = tokio::time::Duration::from_secs(60); tokio::time::timeout(timeout, lines.next_line()) .await .unwrap_or_else(|_| { panic!( "Output did not contain a new line after {} seconds", timeout.as_secs() ) }) .unwrap() } /// Returns the matched line or None if there are no more lines in this stream async fn wait_for( condition: impl Fn(&str) -> bool, lines: &mut LoggingLines, ) -> Option where R: tokio::io::AsyncBufRead + Unpin, { while let Some(line) = lines.next_line().await.unwrap() { if condition(line.as_str()) { return Some(line); } } None } async fn wait_contains(s: &str, lines: &mut LoggingLines) -> String where R: tokio::io::AsyncBufRead + Unpin, { let timeout = tokio::time::Duration::from_secs(60); tokio::time::timeout(timeout, wait_for(|line| line.contains(s), lines)) .await .unwrap_or_else(|_| { panic!( "Output did not contain \"{}\" after {} seconds", s, timeout.as_secs() ) }) .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Output ended without containing \"{}\"", s)) } /// Before test cases touch files, they need to wait for the watcher to be /// ready. Waiting for subcommand output is insufficient. /// The file watcher takes a moment to start watching files due to /// asynchronicity. It is possible for the watched subcommand to finish before /// any files are being watched. /// deno must be running with --log-level=debug /// file_name should be the file name and, optionally, extension. file_name /// may not be a full path, as it is not portable. async fn wait_for_watcher( file_name: &str, stderr_lines: &mut LoggingLines, ) -> String where R: tokio::io::AsyncBufRead + Unpin, { let timeout = tokio::time::Duration::from_secs(60); tokio::time::timeout( timeout, wait_for( |line| line.contains("Watching paths") && line.contains(file_name), stderr_lines, ), ) .await .unwrap_or_else(|_| { panic!( "Watcher did not start for file \"{}\" after {} seconds", file_name, timeout.as_secs() ) }) .unwrap_or_else(|| { panic!( "Output ended without before the watcher started watching file \"{}\"", file_name ) }) } fn check_alive_then_kill(mut child: DenoChild) { assert!(child.try_wait().unwrap().is_none()); child.kill().unwrap(); } fn child_lines( child: &mut std::process::Child, ) -> ( LoggingLines>, LoggingLines>, ) { let stdout_lines = LoggingLines { lines: tokio::io::BufReader::new( tokio::process::ChildStdout::from_std(child.stdout.take().unwrap()) .unwrap(), ) .lines(), stream_name: "STDOUT".to_string(), }; let stderr_lines = LoggingLines { lines: tokio::io::BufReader::new( tokio::process::ChildStderr::from_std(child.stderr.take().unwrap()) .unwrap(), ) .lines(), stream_name: "STDERR".to_string(), }; (stdout_lines, stderr_lines) } #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn lint_watch_test() { let t = TempDir::new(); let badly_linted_original = util::testdata_path().join("lint/watch/badly_linted.js"); let badly_linted_output = util::testdata_path().join("lint/watch/badly_linted.js.out"); let badly_linted_fixed1 = util::testdata_path().join("lint/watch/badly_linted_fixed1.js"); let badly_linted_fixed1_output = util::testdata_path().join("lint/watch/badly_linted_fixed1.js.out"); let badly_linted_fixed2 = util::testdata_path().join("lint/watch/badly_linted_fixed2.js"); let badly_linted_fixed2_output = util::testdata_path().join("lint/watch/badly_linted_fixed2.js.out"); let badly_linted = t.path().join("badly_linted.js"); badly_linted_original.copy(&badly_linted); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .arg("lint") .arg(&badly_linted) .arg("--watch") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (_stdout_lines, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); let next_line = next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(); assert_contains!(&next_line, "Lint started"); let mut output = read_all_lints(&mut stderr_lines).await; let expected = badly_linted_output.read_to_string(); assert_eq!(output, expected); // Change content of the file again to be badly-linted badly_linted_fixed1.copy(&badly_linted); output = read_all_lints(&mut stderr_lines).await; let expected = badly_linted_fixed1_output.read_to_string(); assert_eq!(output, expected); // Change content of the file again to be badly-linted badly_linted_fixed2.copy(&badly_linted); output = read_all_lints(&mut stderr_lines).await; let expected = badly_linted_fixed2_output.read_to_string(); assert_eq!(output, expected); // the watcher process is still alive assert!(child.try_wait().unwrap().is_none()); child.kill().unwrap(); } #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn lint_watch_without_args_test() { let t = TempDir::new(); let badly_linted_original = util::testdata_path().join("lint/watch/badly_linted.js"); let badly_linted_output = util::testdata_path().join("lint/watch/badly_linted.js.out"); let badly_linted_fixed1 = util::testdata_path().join("lint/watch/badly_linted_fixed1.js"); let badly_linted_fixed1_output = util::testdata_path().join("lint/watch/badly_linted_fixed1.js.out"); let badly_linted_fixed2 = util::testdata_path().join("lint/watch/badly_linted_fixed2.js"); let badly_linted_fixed2_output = util::testdata_path().join("lint/watch/badly_linted_fixed2.js.out"); let badly_linted = t.path().join("badly_linted.js"); badly_linted_original.copy(&badly_linted); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .arg("lint") .arg("--watch") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (_stdout_lines, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); let next_line = next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(); assert_contains!(&next_line, "Lint started"); let mut output = read_all_lints(&mut stderr_lines).await; let expected = badly_linted_output.read_to_string(); assert_eq!(output, expected); // Change content of the file again to be badly-linted badly_linted_fixed1.copy(&badly_linted); output = read_all_lints(&mut stderr_lines).await; let expected = badly_linted_fixed1_output.read_to_string(); assert_eq!(output, expected); // Change content of the file again to be badly-linted badly_linted_fixed2.copy(&badly_linted); output = read_all_lints(&mut stderr_lines).await; let expected = badly_linted_fixed2_output.read_to_string(); assert_eq!(output, expected); // the watcher process is still alive assert!(child.try_wait().unwrap().is_none()); child.kill().unwrap(); drop(t); } #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn lint_all_files_on_each_change_test() { let t = TempDir::new(); let badly_linted_fixed0 = util::testdata_path().join("lint/watch/badly_linted.js"); let badly_linted_fixed1 = util::testdata_path().join("lint/watch/badly_linted_fixed1.js"); let badly_linted_fixed2 = util::testdata_path().join("lint/watch/badly_linted_fixed2.js"); let badly_linted_1 = t.path().join("badly_linted_1.js"); let badly_linted_2 = t.path().join("badly_linted_2.js"); badly_linted_fixed0.copy(&badly_linted_1); badly_linted_fixed1.copy(&badly_linted_2); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .arg("lint") .arg(t.path()) .arg("--watch") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (_stdout_lines, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); assert_contains!( wait_contains("Checked", &mut stderr_lines).await, "Checked 2 files" ); badly_linted_fixed2.copy(&badly_linted_2); assert_contains!( wait_contains("Checked", &mut stderr_lines).await, "Checked 2 files" ); assert!(child.try_wait().unwrap().is_none()); child.kill().unwrap(); drop(t); } #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn fmt_watch_test() { let fmt_testdata_path = util::testdata_path().join("fmt"); let t = TempDir::new(); let fixed = fmt_testdata_path.join("badly_formatted_fixed.js"); let badly_formatted_original = fmt_testdata_path.join("badly_formatted.mjs"); let badly_formatted = t.path().join("badly_formatted.js"); badly_formatted_original.copy(&badly_formatted); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .arg("fmt") .arg(&badly_formatted) .arg("--watch") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (_stdout_lines, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); let next_line = next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(); assert_contains!(&next_line, "Fmt started"); assert_contains!( skip_restarting_line(&mut stderr_lines).await, "badly_formatted.js" ); assert_contains!( wait_contains("Checked", &mut stderr_lines).await, "Checked 1 file" ); wait_contains("Fmt finished", &mut stderr_lines).await; let expected = fixed.read_to_string(); let actual = badly_formatted.read_to_string(); assert_eq!(actual, expected); // Change content of the file again to be badly formatted badly_formatted_original.copy(&badly_formatted); assert_contains!( skip_restarting_line(&mut stderr_lines).await, "badly_formatted.js" ); assert_contains!( wait_contains("Checked", &mut stderr_lines).await, "Checked 1 file" ); wait_contains("Fmt finished", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Check if file has been automatically formatted by watcher let expected = fixed.read_to_string(); let actual = badly_formatted.read_to_string(); assert_eq!(actual, expected); check_alive_then_kill(child); } #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn fmt_watch_without_args_test() { let fmt_testdata_path = util::testdata_path().join("fmt"); let t = TempDir::new(); let fixed = fmt_testdata_path.join("badly_formatted_fixed.js"); let badly_formatted_original = fmt_testdata_path.join("badly_formatted.mjs"); let badly_formatted = t.path().join("badly_formatted.js"); badly_formatted_original.copy(&badly_formatted); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .arg("fmt") .arg("--watch") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (_stdout_lines, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); let next_line = next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(); assert_contains!(&next_line, "Fmt started"); assert_contains!( skip_restarting_line(&mut stderr_lines).await, "badly_formatted.js" ); assert_contains!( wait_contains("Checked", &mut stderr_lines).await, "Checked 1 file" ); wait_contains("Fmt finished.", &mut stderr_lines).await; let expected = fixed.read_to_string(); let actual = badly_formatted.read_to_string(); assert_eq!(actual, expected); // Change content of the file again to be badly formatted badly_formatted_original.copy(&badly_formatted); assert_contains!( skip_restarting_line(&mut stderr_lines).await, "badly_formatted.js" ); assert_contains!( wait_contains("Checked", &mut stderr_lines).await, "Checked 1 file" ); // Check if file has been automatically formatted by watcher let expected = fixed.read_to_string(); let actual = badly_formatted.read_to_string(); assert_eq!(actual, expected); check_alive_then_kill(child); } #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn fmt_check_all_files_on_each_change_test() { let t = TempDir::new(); let fmt_testdata_path = util::testdata_path().join("fmt"); let badly_formatted_original = fmt_testdata_path.join("badly_formatted.mjs"); let badly_formatted_1 = t.path().join("badly_formatted_1.js"); let badly_formatted_2 = t.path().join("badly_formatted_2.js"); badly_formatted_original.copy(&badly_formatted_1); badly_formatted_original.copy(&badly_formatted_2); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .arg("fmt") .arg(t.path()) .arg("--watch") .arg("--check") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (_stdout_lines, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); assert_contains!( wait_contains("error", &mut stderr_lines).await, "Found 2 not formatted files in 2 files" ); wait_contains("Fmt failed.", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Change content of the file again to be badly formatted badly_formatted_original.copy(&badly_formatted_1); assert_contains!( wait_contains("error", &mut stderr_lines).await, "Found 2 not formatted files in 2 files" ); check_alive_then_kill(child); } #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn run_watch_no_dynamic() { let t = TempDir::new(); let file_to_watch = t.path().join("file_to_watch.js"); file_to_watch.write("console.log('Hello world');"); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .arg("run") .arg("--watch") .arg("-L") .arg("debug") .arg(&file_to_watch) .env("NO_COLOR", "1") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (mut stdout_lines, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); wait_contains("Hello world", &mut stdout_lines).await; wait_for_watcher("file_to_watch.js", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Change content of the file file_to_watch.write("console.log('Hello world2');"); wait_contains("Restarting", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("Hello world2", &mut stdout_lines).await; wait_for_watcher("file_to_watch.js", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Add dependency let another_file = t.path().join("another_file.js"); another_file.write("export const foo = 0;"); file_to_watch .write("import { foo } from './another_file.js'; console.log(foo);"); wait_contains("Restarting", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("0", &mut stdout_lines).await; wait_for_watcher("another_file.js", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Confirm that restarting occurs when a new file is updated another_file.write("export const foo = 42;"); wait_contains("Restarting", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("42", &mut stdout_lines).await; wait_for_watcher("file_to_watch.js", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Confirm that the watcher keeps on working even if the file is updated and has invalid syntax file_to_watch.write("syntax error ^^"); wait_contains("Restarting", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("error:", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_for_watcher("file_to_watch.js", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Then restore the file file_to_watch .write("import { foo } from './another_file.js'; console.log(foo);"); wait_contains("Restarting", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("42", &mut stdout_lines).await; wait_for_watcher("another_file.js", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Update the content of the imported file with invalid syntax another_file.write("syntax error ^^"); wait_contains("Restarting", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("error:", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_for_watcher("another_file.js", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Modify the imported file and make sure that restarting occurs another_file.write("export const foo = 'modified!';"); wait_contains("Restarting", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("modified!", &mut stdout_lines).await; wait_contains("Watching paths", &mut stderr_lines).await; check_alive_then_kill(child); } #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn serve_watch_all() { let t = TempDir::new(); let main_file_to_watch = t.path().join("main_file_to_watch.js"); main_file_to_watch.write( "export default { fetch(_request) { return new Response(\"aaaaaaqqq!\"); }, };", ); let another_file = t.path().join("another_file.js"); another_file.write(""); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .arg("serve") .arg(format!("--watch={another_file}")) .arg("-L") .arg("debug") .arg(&main_file_to_watch) .env("NO_COLOR", "1") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (mut stdout_lines, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); wait_for_watcher("main_file_to_watch.js", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Change content of the file main_file_to_watch.write( "export default { fetch(_request) { return new Response(\"aaaaaaqqq123!\"); }, };", ); wait_contains("Restarting", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_for_watcher("main_file_to_watch.js", &mut stderr_lines).await; another_file.write("export const foo = 0;"); // Confirm that the added file is watched as well wait_contains("Restarting", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_for_watcher("main_file_to_watch.js", &mut stderr_lines).await; main_file_to_watch .write("import { foo } from './another_file.js'; console.log(foo);"); wait_contains("Restarting", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_for_watcher("main_file_to_watch.js", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("0", &mut stdout_lines).await; another_file.write("export const foo = 42;"); wait_contains("Restarting", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_for_watcher("main_file_to_watch.js", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("42", &mut stdout_lines).await; // Confirm that watch continues even with wrong syntax error another_file.write("syntax error ^^"); wait_contains("Restarting", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("error:", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_for_watcher("main_file_to_watch.js", &mut stderr_lines).await; main_file_to_watch.write( "export default { fetch(_request) { return new Response(\"aaaaaaqqq!\"); }, };", ); wait_contains("Restarting", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_for_watcher("main_file_to_watch.js", &mut stderr_lines).await; check_alive_then_kill(child); } #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn run_watch_npm_specifier() { let _g = util::http_server(); let t = TempDir::new(); let file_to_watch = t.path().join("file_to_watch.txt"); file_to_watch.write("Hello world"); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .envs(env_vars_for_npm_tests()) .arg("run") .arg("--watch=file_to_watch.txt") .arg("-L") .arg("debug") .arg("npm:@denotest/bin/cli-cjs") .arg("Hello world") .env("NO_COLOR", "1") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (mut stdout_lines, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); wait_contains("Hello world", &mut stdout_lines).await; wait_for_watcher("file_to_watch.txt", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Change content of the file file_to_watch.write("Hello world2"); wait_contains("Restarting", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("Hello world", &mut stdout_lines).await; wait_for_watcher("file_to_watch.txt", &mut stderr_lines).await; check_alive_then_kill(child); } // TODO(bartlomieju): this test became flaky on macOS runner; it is unclear // if that's because of a bug in code or the runner itself. We should reenable // it once we upgrade to XL runners for macOS. #[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))] #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn run_watch_external_watch_files() { let t = TempDir::new(); let file_to_watch = t.path().join("file_to_watch.js"); file_to_watch.write("console.log('Hello world');"); let external_file_to_watch = t.path().join("external_file_to_watch.txt"); external_file_to_watch.write("Hello world"); let mut watch_arg = "--watch=".to_owned(); let external_file_to_watch_str = external_file_to_watch.to_string(); watch_arg.push_str(&external_file_to_watch_str); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .arg("run") .arg(watch_arg) .arg("-L") .arg("debug") .arg(&file_to_watch) .env("NO_COLOR", "1") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (mut stdout_lines, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); wait_contains("Process started", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("Hello world", &mut stdout_lines).await; wait_for_watcher("external_file_to_watch.txt", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Change content of the external file external_file_to_watch.write("Hello world2"); wait_contains("Restarting", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("Process finished", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Again (https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/17584) external_file_to_watch.write("Hello world3"); wait_contains("Restarting", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("Process finished", &mut stderr_lines).await; check_alive_then_kill(child); } #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn run_watch_load_unload_events() { let t = TempDir::new(); let file_to_watch = t.path().join("file_to_watch.js"); file_to_watch.write( r#" setInterval(() => {}, 0); globalThis.addEventListener("load", () => { console.log("load"); }); globalThis.addEventListener("unload", () => { console.log("unload"); }); "#, ); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .arg("run") .arg("--watch") .arg("-L") .arg("debug") .arg(&file_to_watch) .env("NO_COLOR", "1") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (mut stdout_lines, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); // Wait for the first load event to fire wait_contains("load", &mut stdout_lines).await; wait_for_watcher("file_to_watch.js", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Change content of the file, this time without an interval to keep it alive. file_to_watch.write( r#" globalThis.addEventListener("load", () => { console.log("load"); }); globalThis.addEventListener("unload", () => { console.log("unload"); }); "#, ); // Wait for the restart wait_contains("Restarting", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Confirm that the unload event was dispatched from the first run wait_contains("unload", &mut stdout_lines).await; // Followed by the load event of the second run wait_contains("load", &mut stdout_lines).await; // Which is then unloaded as there is nothing keeping it alive. wait_contains("unload", &mut stdout_lines).await; check_alive_then_kill(child); } /// Confirm that the watcher continues to work even if module resolution fails at the *first* attempt #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn run_watch_not_exit() { let t = TempDir::new(); let file_to_watch = t.path().join("file_to_watch.js"); file_to_watch.write("syntax error ^^"); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .arg("run") .arg("--watch") .arg("-L") .arg("debug") .arg(&file_to_watch) .env("NO_COLOR", "1") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (mut stdout_lines, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); wait_contains("Process started", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("error:", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_for_watcher("file_to_watch.js", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Make sure the watcher actually restarts and works fine with the proper syntax file_to_watch.write("console.log(42);"); wait_contains("Restarting", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("42", &mut stdout_lines).await; wait_contains("Process finished", &mut stderr_lines).await; check_alive_then_kill(child); } #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn run_watch_with_import_map_and_relative_paths() { fn create_relative_tmp_file( directory: &TempDir, filename: &'static str, filecontent: &'static str, ) -> std::path::PathBuf { let absolute_path = directory.path().join(filename); absolute_path.write(filecontent); let relative_path = absolute_path .as_path() .strip_prefix(directory.path()) .unwrap() .to_owned(); assert!(relative_path.is_relative()); relative_path } let temp_directory = TempDir::new(); let file_to_watch = create_relative_tmp_file( &temp_directory, "file_to_watch.js", "console.log('Hello world');", ); let import_map_path = create_relative_tmp_file( &temp_directory, "import_map.json", "{\"imports\": {}}", ); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(temp_directory.path()) .arg("run") .arg("--watch") .arg("--import-map") .arg(&import_map_path) .arg(&file_to_watch) .env("NO_COLOR", "1") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (mut stdout_lines, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); let line = next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(); assert_contains!(&line, "Process started"); assert_contains!( next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(), "Process finished" ); assert_contains!(next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(), "Hello world"); check_alive_then_kill(child); } #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn run_watch_with_ext_flag() { let t = TempDir::new(); let file_to_watch = t.path().join("file_to_watch"); file_to_watch.write("interface I{}; console.log(42);"); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .arg("run") .arg("--watch") .arg("--log-level") .arg("debug") .arg("--ext") .arg("ts") .arg(&file_to_watch) .env("NO_COLOR", "1") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (mut stdout_lines, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); wait_contains("42", &mut stdout_lines).await; // Make sure the watcher actually restarts and works fine with the proper language wait_for_watcher("file_to_watch", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("Process finished", &mut stderr_lines).await; file_to_watch.write("type Bear = 'polar' | 'grizzly'; console.log(123);"); wait_contains("Restarting!", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("123", &mut stdout_lines).await; wait_contains("Process finished", &mut stderr_lines).await; check_alive_then_kill(child); } #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn run_watch_error_messages() { let t = TempDir::new(); let file_to_watch = t.path().join("file_to_watch.js"); file_to_watch .write("throw SyntaxError(`outer`, {cause: TypeError(`inner`)})"); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .arg("run") .arg("--watch") .arg(&file_to_watch) .env("NO_COLOR", "1") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (_, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); wait_contains("Process started", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains( "error: Uncaught (in promise) SyntaxError: outer", &mut stderr_lines, ) .await; wait_contains("Caused by: TypeError: inner", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("Process failed", &mut stderr_lines).await; check_alive_then_kill(child); } #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn test_watch_basic() { let t = TempDir::new(); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .arg("test") .arg("--watch") .arg("--no-check") .arg(t.path()) .env("NO_COLOR", "1") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (mut stdout_lines, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); assert_eq!(next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(), ""); assert_contains!( next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(), "0 passed | 0 failed" ); wait_contains("Test finished", &mut stderr_lines).await; let foo_file = t.path().join("foo.js"); let bar_file = t.path().join("bar.js"); let foo_test = t.path().join("foo_test.js"); let bar_test = t.path().join("bar_test.js"); foo_file.write("export default function foo() { 1 + 1 }"); bar_file.write("export default function bar() { 2 + 2 }"); foo_test.write("import foo from './foo.js'; Deno.test('foo', foo);"); bar_test.write("import bar from './bar.js'; Deno.test('bar', bar);"); assert_eq!(next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(), ""); assert_contains!( next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(), "running 1 test" ); assert_contains!(next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(), "foo", "bar"); assert_contains!( next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(), "running 1 test" ); assert_contains!(next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(), "foo", "bar"); next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await; next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await; next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await; wait_contains("Test finished", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Change content of the file foo_test.write("import foo from './foo.js'; Deno.test('foobar', foo);"); assert_contains!(next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(), "Restarting"); assert_contains!( next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(), "running 1 test" ); assert_contains!(next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(), "foobar"); next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await; next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await; next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await; wait_contains("Test finished", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Add test let another_test = t.path().join("new_test.js"); another_test.write("Deno.test('another one', () => 3 + 3)"); assert_contains!(next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(), "Restarting"); assert_contains!( next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(), "running 1 test" ); assert_contains!(next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(), "another one"); next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await; next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await; next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await; wait_contains("Test finished", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Confirm that restarting occurs when a new file is updated another_test.write("Deno.test('another one', () => 3 + 3); Deno.test('another another one', () => 4 + 4)"); assert_contains!(next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(), "Restarting"); assert_contains!( next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(), "running 2 tests" ); assert_contains!(next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(), "another one"); assert_contains!( next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(), "another another one" ); next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await; next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await; next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await; wait_contains("Test finished", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Confirm that the watcher keeps on working even if the file is updated and has invalid syntax another_test.write("syntax error ^^"); assert_contains!(next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(), "Restarting"); assert_contains!(next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(), "error:"); assert_eq!(next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(), ""); assert_eq!( next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(), " syntax error ^^" ); assert_eq!( next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(), " ~~~~~" ); assert_contains!(next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(), "Test failed"); // Then restore the file another_test.write("Deno.test('another one', () => 3 + 3)"); assert_contains!(next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(), "Restarting"); assert_contains!( next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(), "running 1 test" ); assert_contains!(next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(), "another one"); next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await; next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await; next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await; wait_contains("Test finished", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Confirm that the watcher keeps on working even if the file is updated and the test fails // This also confirms that it restarts when dependencies change foo_file .write("export default function foo() { throw new Error('Whoops!'); }"); assert_contains!(next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(), "Restarting"); assert_contains!( next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(), "running 1 test" ); assert_contains!(next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(), "FAILED"); wait_contains("FAILED", &mut stdout_lines).await; next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await; wait_contains("Test failed", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Then restore the file foo_file.write("export default function foo() { 1 + 1 }"); assert_contains!(next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(), "Restarting"); assert_contains!( next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(), "running 1 test" ); assert_contains!(next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(), "foo"); next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await; next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await; next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await; wait_contains("Test finished", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Test that circular dependencies work fine foo_file.write("import './bar.js'; export default function foo() { 1 + 1 }"); bar_file.write("import './foo.js'; export default function bar() { 2 + 2 }"); check_alive_then_kill(child); } #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn test_watch_doc() { let t = TempDir::new(); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .arg("test") .arg("--config") .arg(util::deno_config_path()) .arg("--watch") .arg("--doc") .arg(t.path()) .env("NO_COLOR", "1") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (mut stdout_lines, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); assert_eq!(next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(), ""); assert_contains!( next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(), "0 passed | 0 failed" ); wait_contains("Test finished", &mut stderr_lines).await; let foo_file = t.path().join("foo.ts"); let foo_file_url = foo_file.url_file(); foo_file.write( r#" export function add(a: number, b: number) { return a + b; } "#, ); wait_contains("ok | 0 passed | 0 failed", &mut stdout_lines).await; wait_contains("Test finished", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Trigger a type error foo_file.write( r#" /** * ```ts * const sum: string = add(1, 2); * ``` */ export function add(a: number, b: number) { return a + b; } "#, ); assert_eq!( skip_restarting_line(&mut stderr_lines).await, format!("Check {foo_file_url}$3-6.ts") ); assert_eq!( next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(), "error: TS2322 [ERROR]: Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'." ); assert_eq!( next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(), " const sum: string = add(1, 2);" ); assert_eq!(next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(), " ~~~"); assert_eq!( next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(), format!(" at {foo_file_url}$3-6.ts:3:11") ); wait_contains("Test failed", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Trigger a runtime error foo_file.write( r#" /** * ```ts * import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert/equals"; * * assertEquals(add(1, 2), 4); * ``` */ export function add(a: number, b: number) { return a + b; } "#, ); wait_contains("running 1 test from", &mut stdout_lines).await; assert_contains!( next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(), &format!("{foo_file_url}$3-8.ts ... FAILED") ); wait_contains("ERRORS", &mut stdout_lines).await; wait_contains( "error: AssertionError: Values are not equal.", &mut stdout_lines, ) .await; wait_contains("- 3", &mut stdout_lines).await; wait_contains("+ 4", &mut stdout_lines).await; wait_contains("FAILURES", &mut stdout_lines).await; wait_contains("FAILED | 0 passed | 1 failed", &mut stdout_lines).await; wait_contains("Test failed", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Fix the runtime error foo_file.write( r#" /** * ```ts * import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert/equals"; * * assertEquals(add(1, 2), 3); * ``` */ export function add(a: number, b: number) { return a + b; } "#, ); wait_contains("running 1 test from", &mut stdout_lines).await; assert_contains!( next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(), &format!("{foo_file_url}$3-8.ts ... ok") ); wait_contains("ok | 1 passed | 0 failed", &mut stdout_lines).await; wait_contains("Test finished", &mut stderr_lines).await; check_alive_then_kill(child); } #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn test_watch_module_graph_error_referrer() { let t = TempDir::new(); let file_to_watch = t.path().join("file_to_watch.js"); file_to_watch.write("import './nonexistent.js';"); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .arg("run") .arg("--watch") .arg(&file_to_watch) .env("NO_COLOR", "1") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (_, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); let line1 = next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(); assert_contains!(&line1, "Process started"); let line2 = next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(); assert_contains!(&line2, "error: Module not found"); assert_contains!(&line2, "nonexistent.js"); let line3 = next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(); assert_contains!(&line3, " at "); assert_contains!(&line3, "file_to_watch.js"); wait_contains("Process failed", &mut stderr_lines).await; check_alive_then_kill(child); } // Regression test for https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/15428. #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn test_watch_unload_handler_error_on_drop() { let t = TempDir::new(); let file_to_watch = t.path().join("file_to_watch.js"); file_to_watch.write( r#" addEventListener("unload", () => { throw new Error("foo"); }); setTimeout(() => { throw new Error("bar"); }); "#, ); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .arg("run") .arg("--watch") .arg(&file_to_watch) .env("NO_COLOR", "1") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (_, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); wait_contains("Process started", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("Uncaught Error: bar", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("Process failed", &mut stderr_lines).await; check_alive_then_kill(child); } #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn run_watch_blob_urls_reset() { let _g = util::http_server(); let t = TempDir::new(); let file_to_watch = t.path().join("file_to_watch.js"); let file_content = r#" const prevUrl = localStorage.getItem("url"); if (prevUrl == null) { console.log("first run, storing blob url"); const url = URL.createObjectURL( new Blob(["export {}"], { type: "application/javascript" }), ); await import(url); // this shouldn't insert into the fs module cache localStorage.setItem("url", url); } else { await import(prevUrl) .then(() => console.log("importing old blob url incorrectly works")) .catch(() => console.log("importing old blob url correctly failed")); } "#; file_to_watch.write(file_content); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .arg("run") .arg("--watch") .arg(&file_to_watch) .env("NO_COLOR", "1") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (mut stdout_lines, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); wait_contains("first run, storing blob url", &mut stdout_lines).await; wait_contains("finished", &mut stderr_lines).await; file_to_watch.write(file_content); wait_contains("importing old blob url correctly failed", &mut stdout_lines) .await; wait_contains("finished", &mut stderr_lines).await; check_alive_then_kill(child); } #[cfg(unix)] #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn test_watch_sigint() { use nix::sys::signal; use nix::sys::signal::Signal; use nix::unistd::Pid; use util::TestContext; let context = TestContext::default(); let t = context.temp_dir(); let file_to_watch = t.path().join("file_to_watch.js"); file_to_watch.write(r#"Deno.test("foo", () => {});"#); let mut child = context .new_command() .args_vec(["test", "--watch", &file_to_watch.to_string_lossy()]) .env("NO_COLOR", "1") .spawn_with_piped_output(); let (mut stdout_lines, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); wait_contains("Test started", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("ok | 1 passed | 0 failed", &mut stdout_lines).await; wait_contains("Test finished", &mut stderr_lines).await; signal::kill(Pid::from_raw(child.id() as i32), Signal::SIGINT).unwrap(); let exit_status = child.wait().unwrap(); assert_eq!(exit_status.code(), Some(130)); } #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn bench_watch_basic() { let t = TempDir::new(); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .arg("bench") .arg("--watch") .arg("--no-check") .arg(t.path()) .env("NO_COLOR", "1") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (mut stdout_lines, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); assert_contains!( next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(), "Bench started" ); assert_contains!( next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(), "Bench finished" ); let foo_file = t.path().join("foo.js"); let bar_file = t.path().join("bar.js"); let foo_bench = t.path().join("foo_bench.js"); let bar_bench = t.path().join("bar_bench.js"); foo_file.write("export default function foo() { 1 + 1 }"); bar_file.write("export default function bar() { 2 + 2 }"); foo_bench.write("import foo from './foo.js'; Deno.bench('foo bench', foo);"); bar_bench.write("import bar from './bar.js'; Deno.bench('bar bench', bar);"); wait_contains("bar_bench.js", &mut stdout_lines).await; wait_contains("bar bench", &mut stdout_lines).await; wait_contains("foo_bench.js", &mut stdout_lines).await; wait_contains("foo bench", &mut stdout_lines).await; wait_contains("Bench finished", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Change content of the file foo_bench.write("import foo from './foo.js'; Deno.bench('foo asdf', foo);"); assert_contains!(next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(), "Restarting"); loop { let line = next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(); assert_not_contains!(line, "bar"); if line.contains("foo asdf") { break; // last line } } wait_contains("Bench finished", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Add bench let another_test = t.path().join("new_bench.js"); another_test.write("Deno.bench('another one', () => 3 + 3)"); loop { let line = next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(); assert_not_contains!(line, "bar"); assert_not_contains!(line, "foo"); if line.contains("another one") { break; // last line } } wait_contains("Bench finished", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Confirm that restarting occurs when a new file is updated another_test.write("Deno.bench('another one', () => 3 + 3); Deno.bench('another another one', () => 4 + 4)"); loop { let line = next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(); assert_not_contains!(line, "bar"); assert_not_contains!(line, "foo"); if line.contains("another another one") { break; // last line } } wait_contains("Bench finished", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Confirm that the watcher keeps on working even if the file is updated and has invalid syntax another_test.write("syntax error ^^"); assert_contains!(next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(), "Restarting"); assert_contains!(next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(), "error:"); assert_eq!(next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(), ""); assert_eq!( next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(), " syntax error ^^" ); assert_eq!( next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(), " ~~~~~" ); assert_contains!(next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(), "Bench failed"); // Then restore the file another_test.write("Deno.bench('another one', () => 3 + 3)"); assert_contains!(next_line(&mut stderr_lines).await.unwrap(), "Restarting"); loop { let line = next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(); assert_not_contains!(line, "bar"); assert_not_contains!(line, "foo"); if line.contains("another one") { break; // last line } } wait_contains("Bench finished", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Test that circular dependencies work fine foo_file.write("import './bar.js'; export default function foo() { 1 + 1 }"); bar_file.write("import './foo.js'; export default function bar() { 2 + 2 }"); check_alive_then_kill(child); } // Regression test for https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/15465. #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn run_watch_reload_once() { let _g = util::http_server(); let t = TempDir::new(); let file_to_watch = t.path().join("file_to_watch.js"); let file_content = r#" import { time } from "http://localhost:4545/dynamic_module.ts"; console.log(time); "#; file_to_watch.write(file_content); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .arg("run") .arg("--allow-import") .arg("--watch") .arg("--reload") .arg(&file_to_watch) .env("NO_COLOR", "1") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (mut stdout_lines, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); wait_contains("finished", &mut stderr_lines).await; let first_output = next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(); file_to_watch.write(file_content); // The remote dynamic module should not have been reloaded again. wait_contains("finished", &mut stderr_lines).await; let second_output = next_line(&mut stdout_lines).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(second_output, first_output); check_alive_then_kill(child); } /// Regression test for https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/18960. Ensures that Deno.serve /// operates properly after a watch restart. #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn test_watch_serve() { let t = TempDir::new(); let file_to_watch = t.path().join("file_to_watch.js"); let file_content = r#" console.error("serving"); await Deno.serve({port: 4600, handler: () => new Response("hello")}); "#; file_to_watch.write(file_content); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .arg("run") .arg("--watch") .arg("--allow-net") .arg("-L") .arg("debug") .arg(&file_to_watch) .env("NO_COLOR", "1") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (mut _stdout_lines, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); wait_contains("Listening on", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Note that we start serving very quickly, so we specifically want to wait for this message wait_contains(r#"Watching paths: [""#, &mut stderr_lines).await; file_to_watch.write(file_content); wait_contains("serving", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("Listening on", &mut stderr_lines).await; check_alive_then_kill(child); } #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn run_watch_dynamic_imports() { let t = TempDir::new(); let file_to_watch = t.path().join("file_to_watch.js"); file_to_watch.write( r#" console.log("Hopefully dynamic import will be watched..."); await import("./imported.js"); "#, ); let file_to_watch2 = t.path().join("imported.js"); file_to_watch2.write( r#" import "./imported2.js"; console.log("I'm dynamically imported and I cause restarts!"); "#, ); let file_to_watch3 = t.path().join("imported2.js"); file_to_watch3.write( r#" console.log("I'm statically imported from the dynamic import"); "#, ); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .arg("run") .arg("--watch") .arg("--allow-read") .arg("-L") .arg("debug") .arg(&file_to_watch) .env("NO_COLOR", "1") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (mut stdout_lines, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); wait_contains("Process started", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("Finished config loading.", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains( "Hopefully dynamic import will be watched...", &mut stdout_lines, ) .await; wait_contains( "I'm statically imported from the dynamic import", &mut stdout_lines, ) .await; wait_contains( "I'm dynamically imported and I cause restarts!", &mut stdout_lines, ) .await; wait_for_watcher("imported2.js", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("finished", &mut stderr_lines).await; file_to_watch3.write( r#" console.log("I'm statically imported from the dynamic import and I've changed"); "#, ); wait_contains("Restarting", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains( "Hopefully dynamic import will be watched...", &mut stdout_lines, ) .await; wait_contains( "I'm statically imported from the dynamic import and I've changed", &mut stdout_lines, ) .await; wait_contains( "I'm dynamically imported and I cause restarts!", &mut stdout_lines, ) .await; check_alive_then_kill(child); } #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn run_watch_inspect() { let t = TempDir::new(); let file_to_watch = t.path().join("file_to_watch.js"); file_to_watch.write( r#" console.log("hello world"); "#, ); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .arg("run") .arg("--watch") .arg("--inspect") .arg("-L") .arg("debug") .arg(&file_to_watch) .env("NO_COLOR", "1") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (mut stdout_lines, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); wait_contains("Debugger listening", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_for_watcher("file_to_watch.js", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("hello world", &mut stdout_lines).await; file_to_watch.write( r#" console.log("updated file"); "#, ); wait_contains("Restarting", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("Debugger listening", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("updated file", &mut stdout_lines).await; check_alive_then_kill(child); } #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn run_watch_with_excluded_paths() { let t = TempDir::new(); let file_to_exclude = t.path().join("file_to_exclude.js"); file_to_exclude.write("export const foo = 0;"); let file_to_watch = t.path().join("file_to_watch.js"); file_to_watch .write("import { foo } from './file_to_exclude.js'; console.log(foo);"); let mjs_file_to_exclude = t.path().join("file_to_exclude.mjs"); mjs_file_to_exclude.write("export const foo = 0;"); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .arg("run") .arg("--watch") .arg("--watch-exclude=file_to_exclude.js,*.mjs") .arg("-L") .arg("debug") .arg(&file_to_watch) .env("NO_COLOR", "1") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (mut stdout_lines, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); wait_contains("0", &mut stdout_lines).await; wait_for_watcher("file_to_watch.js", &mut stderr_lines).await; // Confirm that restarting doesn't occurs when a excluded file is updated file_to_exclude.write("export const foo = 42;"); mjs_file_to_exclude.write("export const foo = 42;"); wait_contains("finished", &mut stderr_lines).await; check_alive_then_kill(child); } #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn run_hmr_server() { let t = TempDir::new(); let file_to_watch = t.path().join("file_to_watch.js"); file_to_watch.write( r#" globalThis.state = { i: 0 }; function bar() { globalThis.state.i = 0; console.log("got request", globalThis.state.i); } function handler(_req) { bar(); return new Response("Hello world!"); } Deno.serve({ port: 11111 }, handler); console.log("Listening...") "#, ); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .arg("run") .arg("--watch-hmr") .arg("--allow-net") .arg("-L") .arg("debug") .arg(&file_to_watch) .env("NO_COLOR", "1") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (mut stdout_lines, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); wait_contains("Process started", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("Finished config loading.", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_for_watcher("file_to_watch.js", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("Listening...", &mut stdout_lines).await; file_to_watch.write( r#" globalThis.state = { i: 0 }; function bar() { globalThis.state.i = 0; console.error("got request1", globalThis.state.i); } function handler(_req) { bar(); return new Response("Hello world!"); } Deno.serve({ port: 11111 }, handler); console.log("Listening...") "#, ); wait_contains("Replaced changed module", &mut stderr_lines).await; util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .arg("eval") .arg("await fetch('http://localhost:11111');") .spawn() .unwrap(); wait_contains("got request1", &mut stderr_lines).await; check_alive_then_kill(child); } #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn run_hmr_jsx() { let t = TempDir::new(); let file_to_watch = t.path().join("file_to_watch.js"); file_to_watch.write( r#" import { foo } from "./foo.jsx"; let i = 0; setInterval(() => { console.log(i++, foo()); }, 100); "#, ); let file_to_watch2 = t.path().join("foo.jsx"); file_to_watch2.write( r#" export function foo() { return `


`; } "#, ); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .arg("run") .arg("--watch-hmr") .arg("-L") .arg("debug") .arg(&file_to_watch) .env("NO_COLOR", "1") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (mut stdout_lines, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); wait_contains("Process started", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("Finished config loading.", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_for_watcher("file_to_watch.js", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("5


", &mut stdout_lines).await; file_to_watch2.write( r#" export function foo() { return `

Hello world

`; } "#, ); wait_contains("Replaced changed module", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("

Hello world

", &mut stdout_lines).await; check_alive_then_kill(child); } #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn run_hmr_uncaught_error() { let t = TempDir::new(); let file_to_watch = t.path().join("file_to_watch.js"); file_to_watch.write( r#" import { foo } from "./foo.jsx"; let i = 0; setInterval(() => { console.log(i++, foo()); }, 100); "#, ); let file_to_watch2 = t.path().join("foo.jsx"); file_to_watch2.write( r#" export function foo() { setTimeout(() => { throw new Error("fail"); }); return `


`; } "#, ); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .arg("run") .arg("--watch-hmr") .arg("-L") .arg("debug") .arg(&file_to_watch) .env("NO_COLOR", "1") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (mut stdout_lines, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); wait_contains("Process started", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("Finished config loading.", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_for_watcher("file_to_watch.js", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("


", &mut stdout_lines).await; wait_contains("fail", &mut stderr_lines).await; file_to_watch2.write( r#" export function foo() { return `


`; } "#, ); wait_contains("Process failed", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("File change detected", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("


", &mut stdout_lines).await; check_alive_then_kill(child); } #[flaky_test(tokio)] async fn run_hmr_unhandled_rejection() { let t = TempDir::new(); let file_to_watch = t.path().join("file_to_watch.js"); file_to_watch.write( r#" import { foo } from "./foo.jsx"; // deno-lint-ignore require-await async function rejection() { throw new Error("boom!"); } let i = 0; setInterval(() => { if (i == 3) { rejection(); } console.log(i++, foo()); }, 100); "#, ); let file_to_watch2 = t.path().join("foo.jsx"); file_to_watch2.write( r#" export function foo() { return `


`; } "#, ); let mut child = util::deno_cmd() .current_dir(t.path()) .arg("run") .arg("--watch-hmr") .arg("-L") .arg("debug") .arg(&file_to_watch) .env("NO_COLOR", "1") .piped_output() .spawn() .unwrap(); let (mut stdout_lines, mut stderr_lines) = child_lines(&mut child); wait_contains("Process started", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("Finished config loading.", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_for_watcher("file_to_watch.js", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("2


", &mut stdout_lines).await; wait_contains("boom", &mut stderr_lines).await; file_to_watch.write( r#" import { foo } from "./foo.jsx"; let i = 0; setInterval(() => { console.log(i++, foo()); }, 100); "#, ); wait_contains("Process failed", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("File change detected", &mut stderr_lines).await; wait_contains("


", &mut stdout_lines).await; check_alive_then_kill(child); }