// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use super::text::LineIndex; use super::tsc; use crate::ast; use crate::import_map::ImportMap; use crate::media_type::MediaType; use crate::module_graph::parse_deno_types; use crate::module_graph::parse_ts_reference; use crate::module_graph::TypeScriptReference; use crate::tools::lint::create_linter; use deno_core::error::custom_error; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::futures::Future; use deno_core::serde::Deserialize; use deno_core::serde::Serialize; use deno_core::serde_json::json; use deno_core::ModuleSpecifier; use deno_lint::rules; use lspower::lsp; use lspower::lsp::Position; use lspower::lsp::Range; use std::cmp::Ordering; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::rc::Rc; lazy_static! { /// Diagnostic error codes which actually are the same, and so when grouping /// fixes we treat them the same. static ref FIX_ALL_ERROR_CODES: HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> = [("2339", "2339"), ("2345", "2339"),] .iter() .copied() .collect(); /// Fixes which help determine if there is a preferred fix when there are /// multiple fixes available. static ref PREFERRED_FIXES: HashMap<&'static str, (u32, bool)> = [ ("annotateWithTypeFromJSDoc", (1, false)), ("constructorForDerivedNeedSuperCall", (1, false)), ("extendsInterfaceBecomesImplements", (1, false)), ("awaitInSyncFunction", (1, false)), ("classIncorrectlyImplementsInterface", (3, false)), ("classDoesntImplementInheritedAbstractMember", (3, false)), ("unreachableCode", (1, false)), ("unusedIdentifier", (1, false)), ("forgottenThisPropertyAccess", (1, false)), ("spelling", (2, false)), ("addMissingAwait", (1, false)), ("fixImport", (0, true)), ] .iter() .copied() .collect(); } /// Category of self-generated diagnostic messages (those not coming from) /// TypeScript. pub enum Category { /// A lint diagnostic, where the first element is the message. Lint { message: String, code: String, hint: Option, }, } /// A structure to hold a reference to a diagnostic message. pub struct Reference { category: Category, range: Range, } fn as_lsp_range(range: &deno_lint::diagnostic::Range) -> Range { Range { start: Position { line: (range.start.line - 1) as u32, character: range.start.col as u32, }, end: Position { line: (range.end.line - 1) as u32, character: range.end.col as u32, }, } } pub fn get_lint_references( specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, media_type: &MediaType, source_code: &str, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let syntax = ast::get_syntax(media_type); let lint_rules = rules::get_recommended_rules(); let mut linter = create_linter(syntax, lint_rules); // TODO(@kitsonk) we should consider caching the swc source file versions for // reuse by other processes let (_, lint_diagnostics) = linter.lint(specifier.to_string(), source_code.to_string())?; Ok( lint_diagnostics .into_iter() .map(|d| Reference { category: Category::Lint { message: d.message, code: d.code, hint: d.hint, }, range: as_lsp_range(&d.range), }) .collect(), ) } pub fn references_to_diagnostics( references: Vec, ) -> Vec { references .into_iter() .map(|r| match r.category { Category::Lint { message, code, .. } => lsp::Diagnostic { range: r.range, severity: Some(lsp::DiagnosticSeverity::Warning), code: Some(lsp::NumberOrString::String(code)), code_description: None, source: Some("deno-lint".to_string()), message, related_information: None, tags: None, // we should tag unused code data: None, }, }) .collect() } #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Dependency { pub is_dynamic: bool, pub maybe_code: Option, pub maybe_code_specifier_range: Option, pub maybe_type: Option, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum ResolvedDependency { Resolved(ModuleSpecifier), Err(String), } pub fn resolve_import( specifier: &str, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, maybe_import_map: &Option, ) -> ResolvedDependency { let maybe_mapped = if let Some(import_map) = maybe_import_map { if let Ok(maybe_specifier) = import_map.resolve(specifier, referrer.as_str()) { maybe_specifier } else { None } } else { None }; let remapped = maybe_mapped.is_some(); let specifier = if let Some(remapped) = maybe_mapped { remapped } else { match ModuleSpecifier::resolve_import(specifier, referrer.as_str()) { Ok(resolved) => resolved, Err(err) => return ResolvedDependency::Err(err.to_string()), } }; let referrer_scheme = referrer.as_url().scheme(); let specifier_scheme = specifier.as_url().scheme(); if referrer_scheme == "https" && specifier_scheme == "http" { return ResolvedDependency::Err( "Modules imported via https are not allowed to import http modules." .to_string(), ); } if (referrer_scheme == "https" || referrer_scheme == "http") && !(specifier_scheme == "https" || specifier_scheme == "http") && !remapped { return ResolvedDependency::Err("Remote modules are not allowed to import local modules. Consider using a dynamic import instead.".to_string()); } ResolvedDependency::Resolved(specifier) } // TODO(@kitsonk) a lot of this logic is duplicated in module_graph.rs in // Module::parse() and should be refactored out to a common function. pub fn analyze_dependencies( specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, source: &str, media_type: &MediaType, maybe_import_map: &Option, ) -> Option<(HashMap, Option)> { let specifier_str = specifier.to_string(); let source_map = Rc::new(swc_common::SourceMap::default()); let mut maybe_type = None; if let Ok(parsed_module) = ast::parse_with_source_map(&specifier_str, source, &media_type, source_map) { let mut dependencies = HashMap::::new(); // Parse leading comments for supported triple slash references. for comment in parsed_module.get_leading_comments().iter() { if let Some(ts_reference) = parse_ts_reference(&comment.text) { match ts_reference { TypeScriptReference::Path(import) => { let dep = dependencies.entry(import.clone()).or_default(); let resolved_import = resolve_import(&import, specifier, maybe_import_map); dep.maybe_code = Some(resolved_import); } TypeScriptReference::Types(import) => { let resolved_import = resolve_import(&import, specifier, maybe_import_map); if media_type == &MediaType::JavaScript || media_type == &MediaType::JSX { maybe_type = Some(resolved_import) } else { let dep = dependencies.entry(import).or_default(); dep.maybe_type = Some(resolved_import); } } } } } // Parse ES and type only imports let descriptors = parsed_module.analyze_dependencies(); for desc in descriptors.into_iter().filter(|desc| { desc.kind != swc_ecmascript::dep_graph::DependencyKind::Require }) { let resolved_import = resolve_import(&desc.specifier, specifier, maybe_import_map); // Check for `@deno-types` pragmas that effect the import let maybe_resolved_type_import = if let Some(comment) = desc.leading_comments.last() { if let Some(deno_types) = parse_deno_types(&comment.text).as_ref() { Some(resolve_import(deno_types, specifier, maybe_import_map)) } else { None } } else { None }; let dep = dependencies.entry(desc.specifier.to_string()).or_default(); dep.is_dynamic = desc.is_dynamic; match desc.kind { swc_ecmascript::dep_graph::DependencyKind::ExportType | swc_ecmascript::dep_graph::DependencyKind::ImportType => { dep.maybe_type = Some(resolved_import) } _ => { dep.maybe_code_specifier_range = Some(Range { start: Position { line: (desc.specifier_line - 1) as u32, character: desc.specifier_col as u32, }, end: Position { line: (desc.specifier_line - 1) as u32, character: (desc.specifier_col + desc.specifier.chars().count() + 2) as u32, }, }); dep.maybe_code = Some(resolved_import); } } if maybe_resolved_type_import.is_some() && dep.maybe_type.is_none() { dep.maybe_type = maybe_resolved_type_import; } } Some((dependencies, maybe_type)) } else { None } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub enum CodeLensSource { #[serde(rename = "references")] References, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct CodeLensData { pub source: CodeLensSource, pub specifier: ModuleSpecifier, } fn code_as_string(code: &Option) -> String { match code { Some(lsp::NumberOrString::String(str)) => str.clone(), Some(lsp::NumberOrString::Number(num)) => num.to_string(), _ => "".to_string(), } } /// Determines if two TypeScript diagnostic codes are effectively equivalent. fn is_equivalent_code( a: &Option, b: &Option, ) -> bool { let a_code = code_as_string(a); let b_code = code_as_string(b); FIX_ALL_ERROR_CODES.get(a_code.as_str()) == FIX_ALL_ERROR_CODES.get(b_code.as_str()) } /// Return a boolean flag to indicate if the specified action is the preferred /// action for a given set of actions. fn is_preferred( action: &tsc::CodeFixAction, actions: &[(lsp::CodeAction, tsc::CodeFixAction)], fix_priority: u32, only_one: bool, ) -> bool { actions.iter().all(|(_, a)| { if action == a { return true; } if a.fix_id.is_some() { return true; } if let Some((other_fix_priority, _)) = PREFERRED_FIXES.get(a.fix_name.as_str()) { match other_fix_priority.cmp(&fix_priority) { Ordering::Less => return true, Ordering::Greater => return false, Ordering::Equal => (), } if only_one && action.fix_name == a.fix_name { return false; } } true }) } /// Convert changes returned from a TypeScript quick fix action into edits /// for an LSP CodeAction. pub async fn ts_changes_to_edit( changes: &[tsc::FileTextChanges], index_provider: &F, version_provider: &V, ) -> Result, AnyError> where F: Fn(ModuleSpecifier) -> Fut + Clone, Fut: Future>, V: Fn(ModuleSpecifier) -> Option, { let mut text_document_edits = Vec::new(); for change in changes { let text_document_edit = change .to_text_document_edit(index_provider, version_provider) .await?; text_document_edits.push(text_document_edit); } Ok(Some(lsp::WorkspaceEdit { changes: None, document_changes: Some(lsp::DocumentChanges::Edits(text_document_edits)), change_annotations: None, })) } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct CodeActionData { pub specifier: ModuleSpecifier, pub fix_id: String, } #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct CodeActionCollection { actions: Vec<(lsp::CodeAction, tsc::CodeFixAction)>, fix_all_actions: HashMap, } impl CodeActionCollection { /// Add a TypeScript code fix action to the code actions collection. pub async fn add_ts_fix_action( &mut self, action: &tsc::CodeFixAction, diagnostic: &lsp::Diagnostic, index_provider: &F, version_provider: &V, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> where F: Fn(ModuleSpecifier) -> Fut + Clone, Fut: Future>, V: Fn(ModuleSpecifier) -> Option, { if action.commands.is_some() { // In theory, tsc can return actions that require "commands" to be applied // back into TypeScript. Currently there is only one command, `install // package` but Deno doesn't support that. The problem is that the // `.applyCodeActionCommand()` returns a promise, and with the current way // we wrap tsc, we can't handle the asynchronous response, so it is // actually easier to return errors if we ever encounter one of these, // which we really wouldn't expect from the Deno lsp. return Err(custom_error( "UnsupportedFix", "The action returned from TypeScript is unsupported.", )); } let edit = ts_changes_to_edit(&action.changes, index_provider, version_provider) .await?; let code_action = lsp::CodeAction { title: action.description.clone(), kind: Some(lsp::CodeActionKind::QUICKFIX), diagnostics: Some(vec![diagnostic.clone()]), edit, command: None, is_preferred: None, disabled: None, data: None, }; self.actions.retain(|(c, a)| { !(action.fix_name == a.fix_name && code_action.edit == c.edit) }); self.actions.push((code_action, action.clone())); if let Some(fix_id) = &action.fix_id { if let Some((existing_fix_all, existing_action)) = self.fix_all_actions.get(fix_id) { self.actions.retain(|(c, _)| c != existing_fix_all); self .actions .push((existing_fix_all.clone(), existing_action.clone())); } } Ok(()) } /// Add a TypeScript action to the actions as a "fix all" action, where it /// will fix all occurrences of the diagnostic in the file. pub fn add_ts_fix_all_action( &mut self, action: &tsc::CodeFixAction, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, diagnostic: &lsp::Diagnostic, ) { let data = Some(json!({ "specifier": specifier, "fixId": action.fix_id, })); let title = if let Some(description) = &action.fix_all_description { description.clone() } else { format!("{} (Fix all in file)", action.description) }; let code_action = lsp::CodeAction { title, kind: Some(lsp::CodeActionKind::QUICKFIX), diagnostics: Some(vec![diagnostic.clone()]), edit: None, command: None, is_preferred: None, disabled: None, data, }; if let Some((existing, _)) = self.fix_all_actions.get(&action.fix_id.clone().unwrap()) { self.actions.retain(|(c, _)| c != existing); } self.actions.push((code_action.clone(), action.clone())); self.fix_all_actions.insert( action.fix_id.clone().unwrap(), (code_action, action.clone()), ); } /// Move out the code actions and return them as a `CodeActionResponse`. pub fn get_response(self) -> lsp::CodeActionResponse { self .actions .into_iter() .map(|(c, _)| lsp::CodeActionOrCommand::CodeAction(c)) .collect() } /// Determine if a action can be converted into a "fix all" action. pub fn is_fix_all_action( &self, action: &tsc::CodeFixAction, diagnostic: &lsp::Diagnostic, file_diagnostics: &[&lsp::Diagnostic], ) -> bool { // If the action does not have a fix id (indicating it can be "bundled up") // or if the collection already contains a "bundled" action return false if action.fix_id.is_none() || self .fix_all_actions .contains_key(&action.fix_id.clone().unwrap()) { false } else { // else iterate over the diagnostic in the file and see if there are any // other diagnostics that could be bundled together in a "fix all" code // action file_diagnostics.iter().any(|d| { if d == &diagnostic || d.code.is_none() || diagnostic.code.is_none() { false } else { d.code == diagnostic.code || is_equivalent_code(&d.code, &diagnostic.code) } }) } } /// Set the `.is_preferred` flag on code actions, this should be only executed /// when all actions are added to the collection. pub fn set_preferred_fixes(&mut self) { let actions = self.actions.clone(); for (code_action, action) in self.actions.iter_mut() { if action.fix_id.is_some() { continue; } if let Some((fix_priority, only_one)) = PREFERRED_FIXES.get(action.fix_name.as_str()) { code_action.is_preferred = Some(is_preferred(action, &actions, *fix_priority, *only_one)); } } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_as_lsp_range() { let fixture = deno_lint::diagnostic::Range { start: deno_lint::diagnostic::Position { line: 1, col: 2, byte_pos: 23, }, end: deno_lint::diagnostic::Position { line: 2, col: 0, byte_pos: 33, }, }; let actual = as_lsp_range(&fixture); assert_eq!( actual, lsp::Range { start: lsp::Position { line: 0, character: 2, }, end: lsp::Position { line: 1, character: 0, }, } ); } #[test] fn test_analyze_dependencies() { let specifier = ModuleSpecifier::resolve_url("file:///a.ts").expect("bad specifier"); let source = r#"import { Application, Context, Router, Status, } from "https://deno.land/x/oak@v6.3.2/mod.ts"; // @deno-types="https://deno.land/x/types/react/index.d.ts"; import * as React from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/react"; "#; let actual = analyze_dependencies(&specifier, source, &MediaType::TypeScript, &None); assert!(actual.is_some()); let (actual, maybe_type) = actual.unwrap(); assert!(maybe_type.is_none()); assert_eq!(actual.len(), 2); assert_eq!( actual.get("https://cdn.skypack.dev/react").cloned(), Some(Dependency { is_dynamic: false, maybe_code: Some(ResolvedDependency::Resolved( ModuleSpecifier::resolve_url("https://cdn.skypack.dev/react") .unwrap() )), maybe_type: Some(ResolvedDependency::Resolved( ModuleSpecifier::resolve_url( "https://deno.land/x/types/react/index.d.ts" ) .unwrap() )), maybe_code_specifier_range: Some(Range { start: Position { line: 8, character: 27, }, end: Position { line: 8, character: 58, } }), }) ); assert_eq!( actual.get("https://deno.land/x/oak@v6.3.2/mod.ts").cloned(), Some(Dependency { is_dynamic: false, maybe_code: Some(ResolvedDependency::Resolved( ModuleSpecifier::resolve_url("https://deno.land/x/oak@v6.3.2/mod.ts") .unwrap() )), maybe_type: None, maybe_code_specifier_range: Some(Range { start: Position { line: 5, character: 11, }, end: Position { line: 5, character: 50, } }), }) ); } }