// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. "use strict"; ((window) => { const core = window.Deno.core; const { pathFromURL } = window.__bootstrap.util; const { illegalConstructorKey } = window.__bootstrap.webUtil; const { add, remove } = window.__bootstrap.abortSignal; const { ArrayPrototypeMap, ObjectEntries, String, TypeError, Uint8Array, PromiseAll, } = window.__bootstrap.primordials; const { readableStreamForRid, writableStreamForRid } = window.__bootstrap.streamUtils; function spawnChild(command, { args = [], cwd = undefined, clearEnv = false, env = {}, uid = undefined, gid = undefined, stdin = "null", stdout = "piped", stderr = "piped", signal = undefined, } = {}) { const child = core.opSync("op_spawn_child", { cmd: pathFromURL(command), args: ArrayPrototypeMap(args, String), cwd: pathFromURL(cwd), clearEnv, env: ObjectEntries(env), uid, gid, stdin, stdout, stderr, }); return new Child(illegalConstructorKey, { ...child, signal, }); } async function collectOutput(readableStream) { if (!(readableStream instanceof ReadableStream)) { return null; } const bufs = []; let size = 0; for await (const chunk of readableStream) { bufs.push(chunk); size += chunk.byteLength; } const buffer = new Uint8Array(size); let offset = 0; for (const chunk of bufs) { buffer.set(chunk, offset); offset += chunk.byteLength; } return buffer; } class Child { #rid; #pid; get pid() { return this.#pid; } #stdinRid; #stdin = null; get stdin() { return this.#stdin; } #stdoutRid; #stdout = null; get stdout() { return this.#stdout; } #stderrRid; #stderr = null; get stderr() { return this.#stderr; } constructor(key = null, { signal, rid, pid, stdinRid, stdoutRid, stderrRid, } = null) { if (key !== illegalConstructorKey) { throw new TypeError("Illegal constructor."); } this.#rid = rid; this.#pid = pid; if (stdinRid !== null) { this.#stdinRid = stdinRid; this.#stdin = writableStreamForRid(stdinRid); } if (stdoutRid !== null) { this.#stdoutRid = stdoutRid; this.#stdout = readableStreamForRid(stdoutRid); } if (stderrRid !== null) { this.#stderrRid = stderrRid; this.#stderr = readableStreamForRid(stderrRid); } const onAbort = () => this.kill("SIGTERM"); signal?.[add](onAbort); this.#status = core.opAsync("op_spawn_wait", this.#rid).then((res) => { this.#rid = null; signal?.[remove](onAbort); return res; }); } #status; get status() { return this.#status; } async output() { if (this.#stdout?.locked) { throw new TypeError( "Can't collect output because stdout is locked", ); } if (this.#stderr?.locked) { throw new TypeError( "Can't collect output because stderr is locked", ); } const [status, stdout, stderr] = await PromiseAll([ this.#status, collectOutput(this.#stdout), collectOutput(this.#stderr), ]); return { status, stdout, stderr, }; } kill(signo) { if (this.#rid === null) { throw new TypeError("Child process has already terminated."); } core.opSync("op_kill", this.#pid, signo); } } function spawn(command, options) { if (options?.stdin === "piped") { throw new TypeError( "Piped stdin is not supported for this function, use 'Deno.spawnChild()' instead", ); } return spawnChild(command, options).output(); } function spawnSync(command, { args = [], cwd = undefined, clearEnv = false, env = {}, uid = undefined, gid = undefined, stdin = "null", stdout = "piped", stderr = "piped", } = {}) { if (stdin === "piped") { throw new TypeError( "Piped stdin is not supported for this function, use 'Deno.spawnChild()' instead", ); } return core.opSync("op_spawn_sync", { cmd: pathFromURL(command), args: ArrayPrototypeMap(args, String), cwd: pathFromURL(cwd), clearEnv, env: ObjectEntries(env), uid, gid, stdin, stdout, stderr, }); } window.__bootstrap.spawn = { Child, spawnChild, spawn, spawnSync, }; })(this);