// deno-lint-ignore-file no-undef // Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import process, { arch as importedArch, argv, env, pid as importedPid, platform as importedPlatform, } from "node:process"; import { Readable } from "node:stream"; import { once } from "node:events"; import { assert, assertEquals, assertFalse, assertObjectMatch, assertStrictEquals, assertThrows, } from "@std/assert/mod.ts"; import { stripColor } from "@std/fmt/colors.ts"; import * as path from "@std/path/mod.ts"; import { delay } from "@std/async/delay.ts"; const testDir = new URL(".", import.meta.url); Deno.test({ name: "process.cwd and process.chdir success", fn() { assertEquals(process.cwd(), Deno.cwd()); const currentDir = Deno.cwd(); const tempDir = Deno.makeTempDirSync(); process.chdir(tempDir); assertEquals( Deno.realPathSync(process.cwd()), Deno.realPathSync(tempDir), ); process.chdir(currentDir); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.chdir failure", fn() { assertThrows( () => { process.chdir("non-existent-directory-name"); }, Deno.errors.NotFound, "file", // On every OS Deno returns: "No such file" except for Windows, where it's: // "The system cannot find the file specified. (os error 2)" so "file" is // the only common string here. ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.version", fn() { assertEquals(typeof process, "object"); assertEquals(typeof process.version, "string"); assertEquals(typeof process.versions, "object"); assertEquals(typeof process.versions.node, "string"); assertEquals(typeof process.versions.v8, "string"); assertEquals(typeof process.versions.uv, "string"); assertEquals(typeof process.versions.zlib, "string"); assertEquals(typeof process.versions.brotli, "string"); assertEquals(typeof process.versions.ares, "string"); assertEquals(typeof process.versions.modules, "string"); assertEquals(typeof process.versions.nghttp2, "string"); assertEquals(typeof process.versions.napi, "string"); assertEquals(typeof process.versions.llhttp, "string"); assertEquals(typeof process.versions.openssl, "string"); assertEquals(typeof process.versions.cldr, "string"); assertEquals(typeof process.versions.icu, "string"); assertEquals(typeof process.versions.tz, "string"); assertEquals(typeof process.versions.unicode, "string"); // These two are not present in `process.versions` in Node, but we // add them anyway assertEquals(typeof process.versions.deno, "string"); assertEquals(typeof process.versions.typescript, "string"); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.platform", fn() { const expectedOs = Deno.build.os == "windows" ? "win32" : Deno.build.os; assertEquals(typeof process.platform, "string"); assertEquals(process.platform, expectedOs); assertEquals(typeof importedPlatform, "string"); assertEquals(importedPlatform, expectedOs); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.mainModule", fn() { assertEquals(process.mainModule, undefined); // Check that it is writable // @ts-ignore these are deprecated now process.mainModule = "foo"; // @ts-ignore these are deprecated now assertEquals(process.mainModule, "foo"); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.arch", fn() { function testValue(arch: string) { if (Deno.build.arch == "x86_64") { assertEquals(arch, "x64"); } else if (Deno.build.arch == "aarch64") { assertEquals(arch, "arm64"); } else { throw new Error("unreachable"); } } assertEquals(typeof process.arch, "string"); testValue(process.arch); assertEquals(typeof importedArch, "string"); testValue(importedArch); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.pid", fn() { assertEquals(typeof process.pid, "number"); assertEquals(process.pid, Deno.pid); assertEquals(typeof importedPid, "number"); assertEquals(importedPid, Deno.pid); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.ppid", fn() { assertEquals(typeof process.ppid, "number"); assertEquals(process.ppid, Deno.ppid); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.on", async fn() { assertEquals(typeof process.on, "function"); let triggered = false; process.on("exit", () => { triggered = true; }); // @ts-ignore fix the type here process.emit("exit"); assert(triggered); const cwd = path.dirname(path.fromFileUrl(import.meta.url)); const command = new Deno.Command(Deno.execPath(), { args: [ "run", "--quiet", "--unstable", "./testdata/process_exit.ts", ], cwd, }); const { stdout } = await command.output(); const decoder = new TextDecoder(); assertEquals(stripColor(decoder.decode(stdout).trim()), "1\n2"); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.on signal", ignore: Deno.build.os == "windows", async fn() { const process = new Deno.Command(Deno.execPath(), { args: [ "eval", ` import process from "node:process"; setInterval(() => {}, 1000); process.on("SIGINT", () => { console.log("foo"); }); `, ], stdout: "piped", stderr: "null", }).spawn(); await delay(500); for (const _ of Array(3)) { process.kill("SIGINT"); await delay(20); } await delay(20); process.kill("SIGTERM"); const output = await process.output(); assertEquals(new TextDecoder().decode(output.stdout), "foo\nfoo\nfoo\n"); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.off signal", ignore: Deno.build.os == "windows", async fn() { const process = new Deno.Command(Deno.execPath(), { args: [ "eval", ` import process from "node:process"; setInterval(() => {}, 1000); const listener = () => { console.log("foo"); process.off("SIGINT") }; process.on("SIGINT", listener); `, ], stdout: "piped", stderr: "null", }).spawn(); await delay(500); for (const _ of Array(3)) { try { process.kill("SIGINT"); } catch { /* should die after the first one */ } await delay(20); } await delay(20); try { process.kill("SIGTERM"); } catch { /* should be dead, avoid hanging just in case */ } const output = await process.output(); assertEquals(new TextDecoder().decode(output.stdout), "foo\n"); }, }); // Only supported on Windows (but won't throw anywhere) Deno.test({ name: "process.on SIGBREAK doesn't throw", fn() { const listener = () => {}; process.on("SIGBREAK", listener); process.off("SIGBREAK", listener); }, }); // Not supported on Windows (but won't throw anywhere) Deno.test({ name: "process.on SIGTERM doesn't throw", fn() { const listener = () => {}; process.on("SIGTERM", listener); process.off("SIGTERM", listener); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.argv", fn() { assert(Array.isArray(argv)); assert(Array.isArray(process.argv)); assert( process.argv[0].match(/[^/\\]*deno[^/\\]*$/), "deno included in the file name of argv[0]", ); assertEquals( process.argv[1], path.fromFileUrl(Deno.mainModule), ); // argv supports array methods. assert(Array.isArray(process.argv.slice(2))); assertEquals(process.argv.indexOf(Deno.execPath()), 0); assertEquals(process.argv.indexOf(path.fromFileUrl(Deno.mainModule)), 1); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.argv0", fn() { assertEquals(typeof process.argv0, "string"); assert( process.argv0.match(/[^/\\]*deno[^/\\]*$/), "deno included in the file name of argv[0]", ); // Setting should be a noop process.argv0 = "foobar"; assert( process.argv0.match(/[^/\\]*deno[^/\\]*$/), "deno included in the file name of argv[0]", ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.execArgv", fn() { assert(Array.isArray(process.execArgv)); assert(process.execArgv.length == 0); // execArgv supports array methods. assert(Array.isArray(process.argv.slice(0))); assertEquals(process.argv.indexOf("foo"), -1); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.env", fn() { Deno.env.set("HELLO", "WORLD"); assertObjectMatch(process.env, Deno.env.toObject()); assertEquals(typeof (process.env.HELLO), "string"); assertEquals(process.env.HELLO, "WORLD"); assertEquals(typeof env.HELLO, "string"); assertEquals(env.HELLO, "WORLD"); assert(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(process.env).includes("HELLO")); assert(Object.keys(process.env).includes("HELLO")); assert(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(process.env, "HELLO")); assert( !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call( process.env, "SURELY_NON_EXISTENT_VAR", ), ); // deno-lint-ignore no-prototype-builtins assert(process.env.hasOwnProperty("HELLO")); assert("HELLO" in process.env); assert(Object.keys(process.env.valueOf()).includes("HELLO")); assertEquals(process.env.toString(), "[object Object]"); assertEquals(process.env.toLocaleString(), "[object Object]"); // should not error when assigning false to an env var process.env.HELLO = false as unknown as string; assertEquals(process.env.HELLO, "false"); process.env.HELLO = "WORLD"; assertEquals(process.env.HELLO, "WORLD"); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.env requires scoped env permission", permissions: { env: ["FOO"] }, fn() { Deno.env.set("FOO", "1"); assert("FOO" in process.env); assertFalse("BAR" in process.env); assert(Object.hasOwn(process.env, "FOO")); assertFalse(Object.hasOwn(process.env, "BAR")); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.env doesn't throw with invalid env var names", fn() { assertEquals(process.env[""], undefined); assertEquals(process.env["\0"], undefined); assertEquals(process.env["=c:"], undefined); assertFalse(Object.hasOwn(process.env, "")); assertFalse(Object.hasOwn(process.env, "\0")); assertFalse(Object.hasOwn(process.env, "=c:")); assertFalse("" in process.env); assertFalse("\0" in process.env); assertFalse("=c:" in process.env); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.stdin", fn() { assertEquals(process.stdin.fd, Deno.stdin.rid); assertEquals(process.stdin.isTTY, Deno.stdin.isTerminal()); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.stdin readable with a TTY", // TODO(PolarETech): Run this test even in non tty environment ignore: !Deno.stdin.isTerminal(), // stdin resource is present before the test starts. sanitizeResources: false, async fn() { const { promise, resolve } = Promise.withResolvers(); const expected = ["foo", "bar", null, "end"]; const data: (string | null)[] = []; process.stdin.setEncoding("utf8"); process.stdin.on("readable", () => { data.push(process.stdin.read()); }); process.stdin.on("end", () => { data.push("end"); }); process.stdin.push("foo"); process.nextTick(() => { process.stdin.push("bar"); process.nextTick(() => { process.stdin.push(null); resolve(); }); }); await promise; assertEquals(process.stdin.readableHighWaterMark, 0); assertEquals(data, expected); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.stdin readable with piping a file", async fn() { const expected = ["65536", "foo", "bar", "null", "end"]; const scriptPath = "./testdata/process_stdin.ts"; const filePath = "./testdata/process_stdin_dummy.txt"; const shell = Deno.build.os === "windows" ? "cmd.exe" : "/bin/sh"; const cmd = `"${Deno.execPath()}" run ${scriptPath} < ${filePath}`; const args = Deno.build.os === "windows" ? ["/d", "/c", cmd] : ["-c", cmd]; const p = new Deno.Command(shell, { args, stdin: "null", stdout: "piped", stderr: "null", windowsRawArguments: true, cwd: testDir, }); const { stdout } = await p.output(); const data = new TextDecoder().decode(stdout).trim().split("\n"); assertEquals(data, expected); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.stdin readable with piping a stream", async fn() { const expected = ["16384", "foo", "bar", "null", "end"]; const scriptPath = "./testdata/process_stdin.ts"; const command = new Deno.Command(Deno.execPath(), { args: ["run", scriptPath], stdin: "piped", stdout: "piped", stderr: "null", cwd: testDir, }); const child = command.spawn(); const writer = await child.stdin.getWriter(); writer.ready .then(() => writer.write(new TextEncoder().encode("foo\nbar"))) .then(() => writer.releaseLock()) .then(() => child.stdin.close()); const { stdout } = await child.output(); const data = new TextDecoder().decode(stdout).trim().split("\n"); assertEquals(data, expected); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.stdin readable with piping a socket", ignore: Deno.build.os === "windows", async fn() { const expected = ["16384", "foo", "bar", "null", "end"]; const scriptPath = "./testdata/process_stdin.ts"; const listener = Deno.listen({ hostname: "", port: 9000 }); listener.accept().then(async (conn) => { await conn.write(new TextEncoder().encode("foo\nbar")); conn.close(); listener.close(); }); const shell = "/bin/bash"; const cmd = `"${Deno.execPath()}" run ${scriptPath} < /dev/tcp/`; const args = ["-c", cmd]; const p = new Deno.Command(shell, { args, stdin: "null", stdout: "piped", stderr: "null", cwd: testDir, }); const { stdout } = await p.output(); const data = new TextDecoder().decode(stdout).trim().split("\n"); assertEquals(data, expected); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.stdin readable with null", async fn() { const expected = ["65536", "null", "end"]; const scriptPath = "./testdata/process_stdin.ts"; const command = new Deno.Command(Deno.execPath(), { args: ["run", scriptPath], stdin: "null", stdout: "piped", stderr: "null", cwd: testDir, }); const { stdout } = await command.output(); const data = new TextDecoder().decode(stdout).trim().split("\n"); assertEquals(data, expected); }, }); // TODO(kt3k): Enable this test case. 'readable' event handler in // `process_stdin.ts` doesn't work now Deno.test({ name: "process.stdin readable with unsuitable stdin", ignore: true, // // TODO(PolarETech): Prepare a similar test that can be run on Windows // ignore: Deno.build.os === "windows", async fn() { const expected = ["16384", "null", "end"]; const scriptPath = "./testdata/process_stdin.ts"; const directoryPath = "./testdata/"; const shell = "/bin/bash"; const cmd = `"${Deno.execPath()}" run ${scriptPath} < ${directoryPath}`; const args = ["-c", cmd]; const p = new Deno.Command(shell, { args, stdin: "null", stdout: "piped", stderr: "null", windowsRawArguments: true, cwd: testDir, }); const { stdout } = await p.output(); const data = new TextDecoder().decode(stdout).trim().split("\n"); assertEquals(data, expected); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.stdout", fn() { assertEquals(process.stdout.fd, Deno.stdout.rid); const isTTY = Deno.stdout.isTerminal(); assertEquals(process.stdout.isTTY, isTTY); const consoleSize = isTTY ? Deno.consoleSize() : undefined; assertEquals(process.stdout.columns, consoleSize?.columns); assertEquals(process.stdout.rows, consoleSize?.rows); assertEquals( `${process.stdout.getWindowSize()}`, `${consoleSize && [consoleSize.columns, consoleSize.rows]}`, ); if (isTTY) { assertStrictEquals(process.stdout.cursorTo(1, 2, () => {}), true); assertStrictEquals(process.stdout.moveCursor(3, 4, () => {}), true); assertStrictEquals(process.stdout.clearLine(1, () => {}), true); assertStrictEquals(process.stdout.clearScreenDown(() => {}), true); } else { assertStrictEquals(process.stdout.cursorTo, undefined); assertStrictEquals(process.stdout.moveCursor, undefined); assertStrictEquals(process.stdout.clearLine, undefined); assertStrictEquals(process.stdout.clearScreenDown, undefined); } }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.stderr", fn() { assertEquals(process.stderr.fd, Deno.stderr.rid); const isTTY = Deno.stderr.isTerminal(); assertEquals(process.stderr.isTTY, isTTY); const consoleSize = isTTY ? Deno.consoleSize() : undefined; assertEquals(process.stderr.columns, consoleSize?.columns); assertEquals(process.stderr.rows, consoleSize?.rows); assertEquals( `${process.stderr.getWindowSize()}`, `${consoleSize && [consoleSize.columns, consoleSize.rows]}`, ); if (isTTY) { assertStrictEquals(process.stderr.cursorTo(1, 2, () => {}), true); assertStrictEquals(process.stderr.moveCursor(3, 4, () => {}), true); assertStrictEquals(process.stderr.clearLine(1, () => {}), true); assertStrictEquals(process.stderr.clearScreenDown(() => {}), true); } else { assertStrictEquals(process.stderr.cursorTo, undefined); assertStrictEquals(process.stderr.moveCursor, undefined); assertStrictEquals(process.stderr.clearLine, undefined); assertStrictEquals(process.stderr.clearScreenDown, undefined); } }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.nextTick", async fn() { let withoutArguments = false; process.nextTick(() => { withoutArguments = true; }); const expected = 12; let result; process.nextTick((x: number) => { result = x; }, 12); await delay(10); assert(withoutArguments); assertEquals(result, expected); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.hrtime", // TODO(kt3k): Enable this test ignore: true, fn() { const [sec0, nano0] = process.hrtime(); // seconds and nano seconds are positive integers. assert(sec0 > 0); assert(Number.isInteger(sec0)); assert(nano0 > 0); assert(Number.isInteger(nano0)); const [sec1, nano1] = process.hrtime(); // the later call returns bigger value assert(sec1 >= sec0); assert(nano1 > nano0); const [sec2, nano2] = process.hrtime([sec1, nano1]); // the difference of the 2 calls is a small positive value. assertEquals(sec2, 0); assert(nano2 > 0); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.hrtime.bigint", fn() { const time = process.hrtime.bigint(); assertEquals(typeof time, "bigint"); assert(time > 0n); }, }); Deno.test("process.on, process.off, process.removeListener doesn't throw on unimplemented events", () => { const events = [ "beforeExit", "disconnect", "message", "multipleResolves", "rejectionHandled", "uncaughtException", "uncaughtExceptionMonitor", "unhandledRejection", "worker", ]; const handler = () => {}; events.forEach((ev) => { process.on(ev, handler); assertEquals(process.listenerCount(ev), 1); process.off(ev, handler); assertEquals(process.listenerCount(ev), 0); process.on(ev, handler); assertEquals(process.listenerCount(ev), 1); process.removeListener(ev, handler); assertEquals(process.listenerCount(ev), 0); }); }); Deno.test("process.memoryUsage()", () => { const mem = process.memoryUsage(); assert(typeof mem.rss === "number"); assert(typeof mem.heapTotal === "number"); assert(typeof mem.heapUsed === "number"); assert(typeof mem.external === "number"); assert(typeof mem.arrayBuffers === "number"); assertEquals(mem.arrayBuffers, 0); }); Deno.test("process.memoryUsage.rss()", () => { const rss = process.memoryUsage.rss(); assert(typeof rss === "number"); }); Deno.test("process.exitCode", () => { assertEquals(process.exitCode, undefined); process.exitCode = 127; assertEquals(process.exitCode, 127); // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any (process.exitCode as any) = "asdf"; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any assertEquals(process.exitCode as any, "asdf"); // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any (process.exitCode as any) = "10"; process.exitCode = undefined; // reset }); async function exitCodeTest(codeText: string, expectedExitCode: number) { const command = new Deno.Command(Deno.execPath(), { args: [ "eval", codeText, ], cwd: testDir, }); const { code } = await command.output(); assertEquals(code, expectedExitCode); } Deno.test("process.exitCode in should change exit code", async () => { await exitCodeTest( "import process from 'node:process'; process.exitCode = 127;", 127, ); await exitCodeTest( "import process from 'node:process'; process.exitCode = 2.5;", 2, ); await exitCodeTest( "import process from 'node:process'; process.exitCode = '10';", 10, ); await exitCodeTest( "import process from 'node:process'; process.exitCode = '0x10';", 16, ); await exitCodeTest( "import process from 'node:process'; process.exitCode = NaN;", 0, ); }); Deno.test("Deno.exit should override process exit", async () => { await exitCodeTest( "import process from 'node:process'; process.exitCode = 10; Deno.exit(12);", 12, ); }); Deno.test("process.config", () => { assert(process.config !== undefined); assert(process.config.target_defaults !== undefined); assert(process.config.variables !== undefined); }); Deno.test("process._exiting", () => { // @ts-ignore fix the type here assert(process._exiting === false); }); Deno.test("process.execPath", () => { assertEquals(process.execPath, process.argv[0]); }); Deno.test("process.execPath is writable", () => { // pnpm writes to process.execPath // https://github.com/pnpm/pnpm/blob/67d8b65d2e8da1df3725034b8c5b1fcf3af4ad81/packages/config/src/index.ts#L175 const originalExecPath = process.execPath; try { process.execPath = "/path/to/node"; assertEquals(process.execPath, "/path/to/node"); } finally { process.execPath = originalExecPath; } }); Deno.test("process.getgid", () => { if (Deno.build.os === "windows") { assertEquals(process.getgid, undefined); } else { assertEquals(process.getgid?.(), Deno.gid()); } }); Deno.test("process.getuid", () => { if (Deno.build.os === "windows") { assertEquals(process.getuid, undefined); } else { assertEquals(process.getuid?.(), Deno.uid()); } }); Deno.test("process.geteuid", () => { if (Deno.build.os === "windows") { assertEquals(process.geteuid, undefined); } else { assert(typeof process.geteuid?.() === "number"); } }); Deno.test({ name: "process.exit", async fn() { const command = new Deno.Command(Deno.execPath(), { args: [ "run", "--quiet", "--unstable", "./testdata/process_exit2.ts", ], cwd: testDir, }); const { stdout } = await command.output(); const decoder = new TextDecoder(); assertEquals(stripColor(decoder.decode(stdout).trim()), "exit"); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.reallyExit", async fn() { const command = new Deno.Command(Deno.execPath(), { args: [ "run", "--quiet", "--unstable", "./testdata/process_really_exit.ts", ], cwd: testDir, }); const { stdout } = await command.output(); const decoder = new TextDecoder(); assertEquals(stripColor(decoder.decode(stdout).trim()), "really exited"); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.stdout isn't closed when source stream ended", async fn() { const source = Readable.from(["foo", "bar"]); source.pipe(process.stdout); await once(source, "end"); // Wait a bit to ensure that streaming is completely finished. await delay(10); // This checks if the rid 1 is still valid. assert(typeof process.stdout.isTTY === "boolean"); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.title", fn() { assertEquals(process.title, "deno"); // Verify that setting the value has no effect. process.title = "foo"; assertEquals(process.title, "deno"); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.argv[1] in Worker", async fn() { const worker = new Worker( `data:text/javascript,import process from "node:process";console.log(process.argv[1]);`, { type: "module" }, ); await delay(10); worker.terminate(); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.binding('uv').errname", ignore: Deno.build.os === "windows", fn() { // @ts-ignore: untyped internal binding, not actually supposed to be // used by userland modules in Node.js const uv = process.binding("uv"); assert(uv.errname); assert(typeof uv.errname === "function"); assertEquals(uv.errname(-1), "EPERM"); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.report", fn() { // The process.report is marked as possibly undefined in node 18 typings if (!process.report) throw "No process report"; assert(typeof process.report.directory === "string"); assert(typeof process.report.filename === "string"); assert(typeof process.report.getReport === "function"); assert(typeof process.report.reportOnFatalError === "boolean"); assert(typeof process.report.reportOnSignal === "boolean"); assert(typeof process.report.reportOnUncaughtException === "boolean"); assert(typeof process.report.signal === "string"); assert(typeof process.report.writeReport === "function"); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.report.writeReport unimplemented result", fn() { // The process.report is marked as possibly undefined in node 18 typings if (!process.report) throw "No process report"; assertEquals(process.report.writeReport(), ""); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "process.report.getReport result", fn() { // The process.report is marked as possibly undefined in node 18 typings if (!process.report) throw "No process report"; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const result = process.report.getReport() as any; // test and remove dynamic parts assert(typeof result.header.filename === "string"); delete result.header.filename; assert(typeof result.header.dumpEventTime === "object"); delete result.header.dumpEventTime; assert(typeof result.header.dumpEventTimeStamp === "number"); delete result.header.dumpEventTimeStamp; assert(typeof result.header.processId === "number"); delete result.header.processId; assert(typeof result.header.cwd === "string"); delete result.header.cwd; assert(typeof result.header.nodejsVersion === "string"); assert(result.header.nodejsVersion.startsWith("v")); delete result.header.nodejsVersion; assert(typeof result.header.arch === "string"); delete result.header.arch; assert(typeof result.header.platform === "string"); delete result.header.platform; assert(typeof result.header.componentVersions === "object"); delete result.header.componentVersions; assert(typeof result.header.osName === "string"); delete result.header.osName; assert(typeof result.header.osMachine === "string"); delete result.header.osMachine; assert(Array.isArray(result.header.cpus)); delete result.header.cpus; assert(typeof result.header.networkInterfaces === "object"); delete result.header.networkInterfaces; assert(typeof result.header.host === "string"); delete result.header.host; // test hardcoded part assertEquals(result, { header: { reportVersion: 3, event: "JavaScript API", trigger: "GetReport", threadId: 0, commandLine: ["node"], glibcVersionRuntime: "2.38", glibcVersionCompiler: "2.38", wordSize: 64, release: { name: "node", headersUrl: "https://nodejs.org/download/release/v21.2.0/node-v21.2.0-headers.tar.gz", sourceUrl: "https://nodejs.org/download/release/v21.2.0/node-v21.2.0.tar.gz", }, osRelease: undefined, osVersion: undefined, }, javascriptStack: undefined, javascriptHeap: undefined, nativeStack: undefined, resourceUsage: undefined, uvthreadResourceUsage: undefined, libuv: undefined, workers: [], environmentVariables: undefined, userLimits: undefined, sharedObjects: undefined, }); }, });