// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use super::utils::into_string; use crate::permissions::PermissionsContainer; use crate::worker::ExitCode; use deno_core::error::type_error; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::op; use deno_core::url::Url; use deno_core::v8; use deno_core::OpState; use deno_node::NODE_ENV_VAR_ALLOWLIST; use serde::Serialize; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::env; mod sys_info; deno_core::ops!( deno_ops, [ op_env, op_exec_path, op_exit, op_delete_env, op_get_env, op_gid, op_hostname, op_loadavg, op_network_interfaces, op_os_release, op_os_uptime, op_node_unstable_os_uptime, op_set_env, op_set_exit_code, op_system_memory_info, op_uid, op_runtime_memory_usage, ] ); deno_core::extension!( deno_os, ops_fn = deno_ops, options = { exit_code: ExitCode, }, state = |state, options| { state.put::(options.exit_code); }, customizer = |ext: &mut deno_core::ExtensionBuilder| { ext.force_op_registration(); } ); deno_core::extension!( deno_os_worker, ops_fn = deno_ops, middleware = |op| match op.name { "op_exit" | "op_set_exit_code" => deno_core::OpDecl { v8_fn_ptr: deno_core::op_void_sync::v8_fn_ptr as _, ..op }, _ => op, }, customizer = |ext: &mut deno_core::ExtensionBuilder| { ext.force_op_registration(); } ); #[op] fn op_exec_path(state: &mut OpState) -> Result { let current_exe = env::current_exe().unwrap(); state .borrow_mut::() .check_read_blind(¤t_exe, "exec_path", "Deno.execPath()")?; // Now apply URL parser to current exe to get fully resolved path, otherwise // we might get `./` and `../` bits in `exec_path` let exe_url = Url::from_file_path(current_exe).unwrap(); let path = exe_url.to_file_path().unwrap(); into_string(path.into_os_string()) } #[op] fn op_set_env( state: &mut OpState, key: &str, value: &str, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { state.borrow_mut::().check_env(key)?; if key.is_empty() { return Err(type_error("Key is an empty string.")); } if key.contains(&['=', '\0'] as &[char]) { return Err(type_error(format!( "Key contains invalid characters: {key:?}" ))); } if value.contains('\0') { return Err(type_error(format!( "Value contains invalid characters: {value:?}" ))); } env::set_var(key, value); Ok(()) } #[op] fn op_env(state: &mut OpState) -> Result, AnyError> { state.borrow_mut::().check_env_all()?; Ok(env::vars().collect()) } #[op] fn op_get_env( state: &mut OpState, key: String, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let skip_permission_check = NODE_ENV_VAR_ALLOWLIST.contains(&key); if !skip_permission_check { state.borrow_mut::().check_env(&key)?; } if key.is_empty() { return Err(type_error("Key is an empty string.")); } if key.contains(&['=', '\0'] as &[char]) { return Err(type_error(format!( "Key contains invalid characters: {key:?}" ))); } let r = match env::var(key) { Err(env::VarError::NotPresent) => None, v => Some(v?), }; Ok(r) } #[op] fn op_delete_env(state: &mut OpState, key: String) -> Result<(), AnyError> { state.borrow_mut::().check_env(&key)?; if key.is_empty() || key.contains(&['=', '\0'] as &[char]) { return Err(type_error("Key contains invalid characters.")); } env::remove_var(key); Ok(()) } #[op] fn op_set_exit_code(state: &mut OpState, code: i32) { state.borrow_mut::().set(code); } #[op] fn op_exit(state: &mut OpState) { let code = state.borrow::().get(); std::process::exit(code) } #[op] fn op_loadavg(state: &mut OpState) -> Result<(f64, f64, f64), AnyError> { state .borrow_mut::() .check_sys("loadavg", "Deno.loadavg()")?; Ok(sys_info::loadavg()) } #[op] fn op_hostname(state: &mut OpState) -> Result { state .borrow_mut::() .check_sys("hostname", "Deno.hostname()")?; Ok(sys_info::hostname()) } #[op] fn op_os_release(state: &mut OpState) -> Result { state .borrow_mut::() .check_sys("osRelease", "Deno.osRelease()")?; Ok(sys_info::os_release()) } #[op] fn op_network_interfaces( state: &mut OpState, ) -> Result, AnyError> { state .borrow_mut::() .check_sys("networkInterfaces", "Deno.networkInterfaces()")?; Ok(netif::up()?.map(NetworkInterface::from).collect()) } #[derive(serde::Serialize)] struct NetworkInterface { family: &'static str, name: String, address: String, netmask: String, scopeid: Option, cidr: String, mac: String, } impl From for NetworkInterface { fn from(ifa: netif::Interface) -> Self { let family = match ifa.address() { std::net::IpAddr::V4(_) => "IPv4", std::net::IpAddr::V6(_) => "IPv6", }; let (address, range) = ifa.cidr(); let cidr = format!("{address:?}/{range}"); let name = ifa.name().to_owned(); let address = format!("{:?}", ifa.address()); let netmask = format!("{:?}", ifa.netmask()); let scopeid = ifa.scope_id(); let [b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5] = ifa.mac(); let mac = format!("{b0:02x}:{b1:02x}:{b2:02x}:{b3:02x}:{b4:02x}:{b5:02x}"); Self { family, name, address, netmask, scopeid, cidr, mac, } } } #[op] fn op_system_memory_info( state: &mut OpState, ) -> Result, AnyError> { state .borrow_mut::() .check_sys("systemMemoryInfo", "Deno.systemMemoryInfo()")?; Ok(sys_info::mem_info()) } #[cfg(not(windows))] #[op] fn op_gid(state: &mut OpState) -> Result, AnyError> { state .borrow_mut::() .check_sys("gid", "Deno.gid()")?; // TODO(bartlomieju): #[allow(clippy::undocumented_unsafe_blocks)] unsafe { Ok(Some(libc::getgid())) } } #[cfg(windows)] #[op] fn op_gid(state: &mut OpState) -> Result, AnyError> { state .borrow_mut::() .check_sys("gid", "Deno.gid()")?; Ok(None) } #[cfg(not(windows))] #[op] fn op_uid(state: &mut OpState) -> Result, AnyError> { state .borrow_mut::() .check_sys("uid", "Deno.uid()")?; // TODO(bartlomieju): #[allow(clippy::undocumented_unsafe_blocks)] unsafe { Ok(Some(libc::getuid())) } } #[cfg(windows)] #[op] fn op_uid(state: &mut OpState) -> Result, AnyError> { state .borrow_mut::() .check_sys("uid", "Deno.uid()")?; Ok(None) } // HeapStats stores values from a isolate.get_heap_statistics() call #[derive(Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct MemoryUsage { rss: usize, heap_total: usize, heap_used: usize, external: usize, } #[op(v8)] fn op_runtime_memory_usage(scope: &mut v8::HandleScope) -> MemoryUsage { let mut s = v8::HeapStatistics::default(); scope.get_heap_statistics(&mut s); MemoryUsage { rss: rss(), heap_total: s.total_heap_size(), heap_used: s.used_heap_size(), external: s.external_memory(), } } #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] fn rss() -> usize { // Inspired by https://github.com/Arc-blroth/memory-stats/blob/5364d0d09143de2a470d33161b2330914228fde9/src/linux.rs // Extracts a positive integer from a string that // may contain leading spaces and trailing chars. // Returns the extracted number and the index of // the next character in the string. fn scan_int(string: &str) -> (usize, usize) { let mut out = 0; let mut idx = 0; let mut chars = string.chars().peekable(); while let Some(' ') = chars.next_if_eq(&' ') { idx += 1; } for n in chars { idx += 1; if n.is_ascii_digit() { out *= 10; out += n as usize - '0' as usize; } else { break; } } (out, idx) } #[allow(clippy::disallowed_methods)] let statm_content = if let Ok(c) = std::fs::read_to_string("/proc/self/statm") { c } else { return 0; }; // statm returns the virtual size and rss, in // multiples of the page size, as the first // two columns of output. // SAFETY: libc call let page_size = unsafe { libc::sysconf(libc::_SC_PAGESIZE) }; if page_size < 0 { return 0; } let (_total_size_pages, idx) = scan_int(&statm_content); let (total_rss_pages, _) = scan_int(&statm_content[idx..]); total_rss_pages * page_size as usize } #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] fn rss() -> usize { // Inspired by https://github.com/Arc-blroth/memory-stats/blob/5364d0d09143de2a470d33161b2330914228fde9/src/darwin.rs let mut task_info = std::mem::MaybeUninit::::uninit(); let mut count = libc::MACH_TASK_BASIC_INFO_COUNT; // SAFETY: libc calls let r = unsafe { libc::task_info( libc::mach_task_self(), libc::MACH_TASK_BASIC_INFO, task_info.as_mut_ptr() as libc::task_info_t, &mut count as *mut libc::mach_msg_type_number_t, ) }; // According to libuv this should never fail assert_eq!(r, libc::KERN_SUCCESS); // SAFETY: we just asserted that it was success let task_info = unsafe { task_info.assume_init() }; task_info.resident_size as usize } #[cfg(windows)] fn rss() -> usize { use winapi::shared::minwindef::DWORD; use winapi::shared::minwindef::FALSE; use winapi::um::processthreadsapi::GetCurrentProcess; use winapi::um::psapi::GetProcessMemoryInfo; use winapi::um::psapi::PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS; // SAFETY: winapi calls unsafe { // this handle is a constant—no need to close it let current_process = GetCurrentProcess(); let mut pmc: PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS = std::mem::zeroed(); if GetProcessMemoryInfo( current_process, &mut pmc, std::mem::size_of::() as DWORD, ) != FALSE { pmc.WorkingSetSize } else { 0 } } } fn os_uptime(state: &mut OpState) -> Result { state .borrow_mut::() .check_sys("osUptime", "Deno.osUptime()")?; Ok(sys_info::os_uptime()) } #[op] fn op_os_uptime(state: &mut OpState) -> Result { os_uptime(state) } #[op] fn op_node_unstable_os_uptime(state: &mut OpState) -> Result { os_uptime(state) }