// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use crate::check_unstable; use crate::symbol::NativeType; use crate::FfiPermissions; use crate::FfiState; use crate::ForeignFunction; use crate::PendingFfiAsyncWork; use crate::MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; use crate::MIN_SAFE_INTEGER; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::futures::channel::mpsc; use deno_core::op; use deno_core::serde_v8; use deno_core::v8; use deno_core::CancelFuture; use deno_core::CancelHandle; use deno_core::OpState; use deno_core::Resource; use deno_core::ResourceId; use libffi::middle::Cif; use serde::Deserialize; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::ffi::c_void; use std::future::Future; use std::future::IntoFuture; use std::pin::Pin; use std::ptr; use std::ptr::NonNull; use std::rc::Rc; use std::sync::atomic; use std::sync::atomic::AtomicU32; use std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel; use std::task::Poll; use std::task::Waker; static THREAD_ID_COUNTER: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(1); thread_local! { static LOCAL_THREAD_ID: RefCell = RefCell::new(0); } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct PtrSymbol { pub cif: libffi::middle::Cif, pub ptr: libffi::middle::CodePtr, } impl PtrSymbol { pub fn new( fn_ptr: *mut c_void, def: &ForeignFunction, ) -> Result { let ptr = libffi::middle::CodePtr::from_ptr(fn_ptr as _); let cif = libffi::middle::Cif::new( def .parameters .clone() .into_iter() .map(libffi::middle::Type::try_from) .collect::, _>>()?, def.result.clone().try_into()?, ); Ok(Self { cif, ptr }) } } #[allow(clippy::non_send_fields_in_send_ty)] // SAFETY: unsafe trait must have unsafe implementation unsafe impl Send for PtrSymbol {} // SAFETY: unsafe trait must have unsafe implementation unsafe impl Sync for PtrSymbol {} struct UnsafeCallbackResource { cancel: Rc, // Closure is never directly touched, but it keeps the C callback alive // until `close()` method is called. #[allow(dead_code)] closure: libffi::middle::Closure<'static>, info: *mut CallbackInfo, } impl Resource for UnsafeCallbackResource { fn name(&self) -> Cow { "unsafecallback".into() } fn close(self: Rc) { self.cancel.cancel(); } } struct CallbackInfo { pub async_work_sender: mpsc::UnboundedSender, pub callback: NonNull, pub context: NonNull, pub parameters: Vec, pub result: NativeType, pub thread_id: u32, pub waker: Option, } impl Future for CallbackInfo { type Output = (); fn poll( mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>, ) -> std::task::Poll { // Always replace the waker to make sure it's bound to the proper Future. self.waker.replace(cx.waker().clone()); // The future for the CallbackInfo never resolves: It can only be canceled. Poll::Pending } } unsafe extern "C" fn deno_ffi_callback( cif: &libffi::low::ffi_cif, result: &mut c_void, args: *const *const c_void, info: &CallbackInfo, ) { LOCAL_THREAD_ID.with(|s| { if *s.borrow() == info.thread_id { // Own isolate thread, okay to call directly do_ffi_callback(cif, info, result, args); } else { let async_work_sender = &info.async_work_sender; // SAFETY: Safe as this function blocks until `do_ffi_callback` completes and a response message is received. let cif: &'static libffi::low::ffi_cif = std::mem::transmute(cif); let result: &'static mut c_void = std::mem::transmute(result); let info: &'static CallbackInfo = std::mem::transmute(info); let (response_sender, response_receiver) = sync_channel::<()>(0); let fut = Box::new(move || { do_ffi_callback(cif, info, result, args); response_sender.send(()).unwrap(); }); async_work_sender.unbounded_send(fut).unwrap(); if let Some(waker) = info.waker.as_ref() { // Make sure event loop wakes up to receive our message before we start waiting for a response. waker.wake_by_ref(); } response_receiver.recv().unwrap(); } }); } unsafe fn do_ffi_callback( cif: &libffi::low::ffi_cif, info: &CallbackInfo, result: &mut c_void, args: *const *const c_void, ) { let callback: NonNull = info.callback; let context: NonNull = info.context; let context = std::mem::transmute::< NonNull, v8::Local, >(context); // Call from main thread. If this callback is being triggered due to a // function call coming from Deno itself, then this callback will build // ontop of that stack. // If this callback is being triggered outside of Deno (for example from a // signal handler) then this will either create an empty new stack if // Deno currently has nothing running and is waiting for promises to resolve, // or will (very incorrectly) build ontop of whatever stack exists. // The callback will even be called through from a `while (true)` liveloop, but // it somehow cannot change the values that the loop sees, even if they both // refer the same `let bool_value`. let mut cb_scope = v8::CallbackScope::new(context); let scope = &mut v8::HandleScope::new(&mut cb_scope); let func = std::mem::transmute::< NonNull, v8::Local, >(callback); let result = result as *mut c_void; let vals: &[*const c_void] = std::slice::from_raw_parts(args, info.parameters.len()); let arg_types = std::slice::from_raw_parts(cif.arg_types, cif.nargs as usize); let mut params: Vec> = vec![]; for ((index, native_type), val) in info.parameters.iter().enumerate().zip(vals) { let value: v8::Local = match native_type { NativeType::Bool => { let value = *((*val) as *const bool); v8::Boolean::new(scope, value).into() } NativeType::F32 => { let value = *((*val) as *const f32); v8::Number::new(scope, value as f64).into() } NativeType::F64 => { let value = *((*val) as *const f64); v8::Number::new(scope, value).into() } NativeType::I8 => { let value = *((*val) as *const i8); v8::Integer::new(scope, value as i32).into() } NativeType::U8 => { let value = *((*val) as *const u8); v8::Integer::new_from_unsigned(scope, value as u32).into() } NativeType::I16 => { let value = *((*val) as *const i16); v8::Integer::new(scope, value as i32).into() } NativeType::U16 => { let value = *((*val) as *const u16); v8::Integer::new_from_unsigned(scope, value as u32).into() } NativeType::I32 => { let value = *((*val) as *const i32); v8::Integer::new(scope, value).into() } NativeType::U32 => { let value = *((*val) as *const u32); v8::Integer::new_from_unsigned(scope, value).into() } NativeType::I64 | NativeType::ISize => { let result = *((*val) as *const i64); if result > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER as i64 || result < MIN_SAFE_INTEGER as i64 { v8::BigInt::new_from_i64(scope, result).into() } else { v8::Number::new(scope, result as f64).into() } } NativeType::U64 | NativeType::USize => { let result = *((*val) as *const u64); if result > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER as u64 { v8::BigInt::new_from_u64(scope, result).into() } else { v8::Number::new(scope, result as f64).into() } } NativeType::Pointer | NativeType::Buffer | NativeType::Function => { let result = *((*val) as *const *mut c_void); if result.is_null() { v8::null(scope).into() } else { v8::External::new(scope, result).into() } } NativeType::Struct(_) => { let size = arg_types[index].as_ref().unwrap().size; let ptr = (*val) as *const u8; let slice = std::slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, size); let boxed = Box::from(slice); let store = v8::ArrayBuffer::new_backing_store_from_boxed_slice(boxed); let ab = v8::ArrayBuffer::with_backing_store(scope, &store.make_shared()); let local_value: v8::Local = v8::Uint8Array::new(scope, ab, 0, ab.byte_length()) .unwrap() .into(); local_value } NativeType::Void => unreachable!(), }; params.push(value); } let recv = v8::undefined(scope); let call_result = func.call(scope, recv.into(), ¶ms); if call_result.is_none() { // JS function threw an exception. Set the return value to zero and return. // The exception continue propagating up the call chain when the event loop // resumes. match info.result { NativeType::Bool => { *(result as *mut bool) = false; } NativeType::U32 | NativeType::I32 => { // zero is equal for signed and unsigned alike *(result as *mut u32) = 0; } NativeType::F32 => { *(result as *mut f32) = 0.0; } NativeType::F64 => { *(result as *mut f64) = 0.0; } NativeType::U8 | NativeType::I8 => { // zero is equal for signed and unsigned alike *(result as *mut u8) = 0; } NativeType::U16 | NativeType::I16 => { // zero is equal for signed and unsigned alike *(result as *mut u16) = 0; } NativeType::Pointer | NativeType::Buffer | NativeType::Function | NativeType::U64 | NativeType::I64 => { *(result as *mut usize) = 0; } NativeType::Void => { // nop } _ => { unreachable!(); } }; return; } let value = call_result.unwrap(); match info.result { NativeType::Bool => { let value = if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::::try_from(value) { value.is_true() } else { value.boolean_value(scope) }; *(result as *mut bool) = value; } NativeType::I32 => { let value = if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::::try_from(value) { value.value() as i32 } else { // Fallthrough, probably UB. value .int32_value(scope) .expect("Unable to deserialize result parameter.") }; *(result as *mut i32) = value; } NativeType::F32 => { let value = if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::::try_from(value) { value.value() as f32 } else { // Fallthrough, probably UB. value .number_value(scope) .expect("Unable to deserialize result parameter.") as f32 }; *(result as *mut f32) = value; } NativeType::F64 => { let value = if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::::try_from(value) { value.value() } else { // Fallthrough, probably UB. value .number_value(scope) .expect("Unable to deserialize result parameter.") }; *(result as *mut f64) = value; } NativeType::Buffer => { let pointer: *mut u8 = if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::::try_from(value) { let byte_offset = value.byte_offset(); let pointer = value .buffer(scope) .expect("Unable to deserialize result parameter.") .data(); if let Some(non_null) = pointer { // SAFETY: Pointer is non-null, and V8 guarantees that the byte_offset // is within the buffer backing store. unsafe { non_null.as_ptr().add(byte_offset) as *mut u8 } } else { ptr::null_mut() } } else if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::::try_from(value) { let pointer = value.data(); if let Some(non_null) = pointer { non_null.as_ptr() as *mut u8 } else { ptr::null_mut() } } else { ptr::null_mut() }; *(result as *mut *mut u8) = pointer; } NativeType::Pointer | NativeType::Function => { let pointer: *mut c_void = if let Ok(external) = v8::Local::::try_from(value) { external.value() } else { // TODO(@aapoalas): Start throwing errors into JS about invalid callback return values. ptr::null_mut() }; *(result as *mut *mut c_void) = pointer; } NativeType::I8 => { let value = if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::::try_from(value) { value.value() as i8 } else { // Fallthrough, essentially UB. value .int32_value(scope) .expect("Unable to deserialize result parameter.") as i8 }; *(result as *mut i8) = value; } NativeType::U8 => { let value = if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::::try_from(value) { value.value() as u8 } else { // Fallthrough, essentially UB. value .uint32_value(scope) .expect("Unable to deserialize result parameter.") as u8 }; *(result as *mut u8) = value; } NativeType::I16 => { let value = if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::::try_from(value) { value.value() as i16 } else { // Fallthrough, essentially UB. value .int32_value(scope) .expect("Unable to deserialize result parameter.") as i16 }; *(result as *mut i16) = value; } NativeType::U16 => { let value = if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::::try_from(value) { value.value() as u16 } else { // Fallthrough, essentially UB. value .uint32_value(scope) .expect("Unable to deserialize result parameter.") as u16 }; *(result as *mut u16) = value; } NativeType::U32 => { let value = if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::::try_from(value) { value.value() as u32 } else { // Fallthrough, essentially UB. value .uint32_value(scope) .expect("Unable to deserialize result parameter.") }; *(result as *mut u32) = value; } NativeType::I64 => { if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::::try_from(value) { *(result as *mut i64) = value.i64_value().0; } else if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::::try_from(value) { *(result as *mut i64) = value.value(); } else { *(result as *mut i64) = value .integer_value(scope) .expect("Unable to deserialize result parameter."); } } NativeType::U64 => { if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::::try_from(value) { *(result as *mut u64) = value.u64_value().0; } else if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::::try_from(value) { *(result as *mut u64) = value.value() as u64; } else { *(result as *mut u64) = value .integer_value(scope) .expect("Unable to deserialize result parameter.") as u64; } } NativeType::Struct(_) => { let size; let pointer = if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::::try_from(value) { let byte_offset = value.byte_offset(); let ab = value .buffer(scope) .expect("Unable to deserialize result parameter."); size = value.byte_length(); ab.data() .expect("Unable to deserialize result parameter.") .as_ptr() .add(byte_offset) } else if let Ok(value) = v8::Local::::try_from(value) { size = value.byte_length(); value .data() .expect("Unable to deserialize result parameter.") .as_ptr() } else { panic!("Unable to deserialize result parameter."); }; std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping( pointer as *mut u8, result as *mut u8, std::cmp::min(size, (*cif.rtype).size), ); } NativeType::Void => { // nop } _ => { unreachable!(); } }; } #[op] pub fn op_ffi_unsafe_callback_ref( state: Rc>, rid: ResourceId, ) -> Result>, AnyError> { let state = state.borrow(); let callback_resource = state.resource_table.get::(rid)?; Ok(async move { let info: &mut CallbackInfo = // SAFETY: CallbackInfo pointer stays valid as long as the resource is still alive. unsafe { callback_resource.info.as_mut().unwrap() }; // Ignore cancellation rejection let _ = info .into_future() .or_cancel(callback_resource.cancel.clone()) .await; Ok(()) }) } #[derive(Deserialize)] pub struct RegisterCallbackArgs { parameters: Vec, result: NativeType, } #[op(v8)] pub fn op_ffi_unsafe_callback_create( state: &mut OpState, scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'scope>, args: RegisterCallbackArgs, cb: serde_v8::Value<'scope>, ) -> Result, AnyError> where FP: FfiPermissions + 'static, { check_unstable(state, "Deno.UnsafeCallback"); let permissions = state.borrow_mut::(); permissions.check(None)?; let v8_value = cb.v8_value; let cb = v8::Local::::try_from(v8_value)?; let thread_id: u32 = LOCAL_THREAD_ID.with(|s| { let value = *s.borrow(); if value == 0 { let res = THREAD_ID_COUNTER.fetch_add(1, atomic::Ordering::SeqCst); s.replace(res); res } else { value } }); if thread_id == 0 { panic!("Isolate ID counter overflowed u32"); } let async_work_sender = state.borrow_mut::().async_work_sender.clone(); let callback = v8::Global::new(scope, cb).into_raw(); let current_context = scope.get_current_context(); let context = v8::Global::new(scope, current_context).into_raw(); let info: *mut CallbackInfo = Box::leak(Box::new(CallbackInfo { async_work_sender, callback, context, parameters: args.parameters.clone(), result: args.result.clone(), thread_id, waker: None, })); let cif = Cif::new( args .parameters .into_iter() .map(libffi::middle::Type::try_from) .collect::, _>>()?, libffi::middle::Type::try_from(args.result)?, ); // SAFETY: CallbackInfo is leaked, is not null and stays valid as long as the callback exists. let closure = libffi::middle::Closure::new(cif, deno_ffi_callback, unsafe { info.as_ref().unwrap() }); let ptr = *closure.code_ptr() as *mut c_void; let resource = UnsafeCallbackResource { cancel: CancelHandle::new_rc(), closure, info, }; let rid = state.resource_table.add(resource); let rid_local = v8::Integer::new_from_unsigned(scope, rid); let ptr_local: v8::Local = v8::External::new(scope, ptr).into(); let array = v8::Array::new(scope, 2); array.set_index(scope, 0, rid_local.into()); array.set_index(scope, 1, ptr_local); let array_value: v8::Local = array.into(); Ok(array_value.into()) } #[op(v8)] pub fn op_ffi_unsafe_callback_close( state: &mut OpState, scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, rid: ResourceId, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { // SAFETY: This drops the closure and the callback info associated with it. // Any retained function pointers to the closure become dangling pointers. // It is up to the user to know that it is safe to call the `close()` on the // UnsafeCallback instance. unsafe { let callback_resource = state.resource_table.take::(rid)?; let info = Box::from_raw(callback_resource.info); let _ = v8::Global::from_raw(scope, info.callback); let _ = v8::Global::from_raw(scope, info.context); callback_resource.close(); } Ok(()) }