// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. use std::borrow::Cow; use deno_core::cppgc::Ptr; use deno_core::op2; use deno_core::v8::HandleScope; use deno_core::v8::Local; use deno_core::v8::Value; use deno_core::webidl::ContextFn; use deno_core::webidl::WebIdlConverter; use deno_core::webidl::WebIdlError; use deno_core::webidl::WebIdlInterfaceConverter; use deno_core::GarbageCollected; use deno_core::WebIDL; use crate::buffer::GPUBuffer; use crate::sampler::GPUSampler; use crate::texture::GPUTextureView; use crate::Instance; pub struct GPUBindGroup { pub instance: Instance, pub id: wgpu_core::id::BindGroupId, pub label: String, } impl Drop for GPUBindGroup { fn drop(&mut self) { self.instance.bind_group_drop(self.id); } } impl WebIdlInterfaceConverter for GPUBindGroup { const NAME: &'static str = "GPUBindGroup"; } impl GarbageCollected for GPUBindGroup {} #[op2] impl GPUBindGroup { #[getter] #[string] fn label(&self) -> String { self.label.clone() } #[setter] #[string] fn label(&self, #[webidl] _label: String) { // TODO(@crowlKats): no-op, needs wpgu to implement changing the label } } #[derive(WebIDL)] #[webidl(dictionary)] pub(crate) struct GPUBindGroupDescriptor { #[webidl(default = String::new())] pub label: String, pub layout: Ptr, pub entries: Vec, } #[derive(WebIDL)] #[webidl(dictionary)] pub(crate) struct GPUBindGroupEntry { #[options(enforce_range = true)] pub binding: u32, pub resource: GPUBindingResource, } #[derive(WebIDL)] #[webidl(dictionary)] pub(crate) struct GPUBufferBinding { pub buffer: Ptr, #[webidl(default = 0)] #[options(enforce_range = true)] pub offset: u64, #[options(enforce_range = true)] pub size: Option, } pub(crate) enum GPUBindingResource { Sampler(Ptr), TextureView(Ptr), BufferBinding(GPUBufferBinding), } impl<'a> WebIdlConverter<'a> for GPUBindingResource { type Options = (); fn convert<'b>( scope: &mut HandleScope<'a>, value: Local<'a, Value>, prefix: Cow<'static, str>, context: ContextFn<'b>, options: &Self::Options, ) -> Result { >::convert( scope, value, prefix.clone(), context.borrowed(), options, ) .map(Self::Sampler) .or_else(|_| { >::convert( scope, value, prefix.clone(), context.borrowed(), options, ) .map(Self::TextureView) }) .or_else(|_| { GPUBufferBinding::convert(scope, value, prefix, context, options) .map(Self::BufferBinding) }) } }