// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::error::Error; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::Arc; use deno_config::deno_json; use deno_config::deno_json::CompilerOptionTypesDeserializeError; use deno_config::deno_json::NodeModulesDirMode; use deno_config::workspace::JsrPackageConfig; use deno_config::workspace::JsxImportSourceConfig; use deno_config::workspace::ToMaybeJsxImportSourceConfigError; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::parking_lot::Mutex; use deno_core::serde_json; use deno_core::ModuleSpecifier; use deno_error::JsErrorBox; use deno_error::JsErrorClass; use deno_graph::source::Loader; use deno_graph::source::LoaderChecksum; use deno_graph::source::ResolutionKind; use deno_graph::source::ResolveError; use deno_graph::CheckJsOption; use deno_graph::FillFromLockfileOptions; use deno_graph::GraphKind; use deno_graph::JsrLoadError; use deno_graph::ModuleError; use deno_graph::ModuleGraph; use deno_graph::ModuleGraphError; use deno_graph::ModuleLoadError; use deno_graph::ResolutionError; use deno_graph::SpecifierError; use deno_graph::WorkspaceFastCheckOption; use deno_path_util::url_to_file_path; use deno_resolver::npm::DenoInNpmPackageChecker; use deno_resolver::workspace::sloppy_imports_resolve; use deno_runtime::deno_node; use deno_runtime::deno_permissions::PermissionsContainer; use deno_semver::jsr::JsrDepPackageReq; use deno_semver::package::PackageNv; use deno_semver::SmallStackString; use sys_traits::FsMetadata; use crate::args::config_to_deno_graph_workspace_member; use crate::args::deno_json::TsConfigResolver; use crate::args::jsr_url; use crate::args::CliLockfile; use crate::args::CliOptions; pub use crate::args::NpmCachingStrategy; use crate::args::DENO_DISABLE_PEDANTIC_NODE_WARNINGS; use crate::cache; use crate::cache::FetchCacher; use crate::cache::GlobalHttpCache; use crate::cache::ModuleInfoCache; use crate::cache::ParsedSourceCache; use crate::colors; use crate::file_fetcher::CliFileFetcher; use crate::npm::installer::NpmInstaller; use crate::npm::installer::PackageCaching; use crate::npm::CliNpmResolver; use crate::resolver::CliCjsTracker; use crate::resolver::CliNpmGraphResolver; use crate::resolver::CliResolver; use crate::sys::CliSys; use crate::type_checker::CheckError; use crate::type_checker::CheckOptions; use crate::type_checker::TypeChecker; use crate::util::file_watcher::WatcherCommunicator; use crate::util::fs::canonicalize_path; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct GraphValidOptions<'a> { pub check_js: CheckJsOption<'a>, pub kind: GraphKind, /// Whether to exit the process for integrity check errors such as /// lockfile checksum mismatches and JSR integrity failures. /// Otherwise, surfaces integrity errors as errors. pub exit_integrity_errors: bool, pub allow_unknown_media_types: bool, } /// Check if `roots` and their deps are available. Returns `Ok(())` if /// so. Returns `Err(_)` if there is a known module graph or resolution /// error statically reachable from `roots`. /// /// It is preferable to use this over using deno_graph's API directly /// because it will have enhanced error message information specifically /// for the CLI. pub fn graph_valid( graph: &ModuleGraph, sys: &CliSys, roots: &[ModuleSpecifier], options: GraphValidOptions, ) -> Result<(), JsErrorBox> { if options.exit_integrity_errors { graph_exit_integrity_errors(graph); } let mut errors = graph_walk_errors( graph, sys, roots, GraphWalkErrorsOptions { check_js: options.check_js, kind: options.kind, allow_unknown_media_types: options.allow_unknown_media_types, }, ); if let Some(error) = errors.next() { Err(error) } else { // finally surface the npm resolution result if let Err(err) = &graph.npm_dep_graph_result { return Err(JsErrorBox::new( err.get_class(), format_deno_graph_error(err), )); } Ok(()) } } pub fn fill_graph_from_lockfile( graph: &mut ModuleGraph, lockfile: &deno_lockfile::Lockfile, ) { graph.fill_from_lockfile(FillFromLockfileOptions { redirects: lockfile .content .redirects .iter() .map(|(from, to)| (from.as_str(), to.as_str())), package_specifiers: lockfile .content .packages .specifiers .iter() .map(|(dep, id)| (dep, id.as_str())), }); } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct GraphWalkErrorsOptions<'a> { pub check_js: CheckJsOption<'a>, pub kind: GraphKind, pub allow_unknown_media_types: bool, } /// Walks the errors found in the module graph that should be surfaced to users /// and enhances them with CLI information. pub fn graph_walk_errors<'a>( graph: &'a ModuleGraph, sys: &'a CliSys, roots: &'a [ModuleSpecifier], options: GraphWalkErrorsOptions<'a>, ) -> impl Iterator + 'a { fn should_ignore_error( sys: &CliSys, graph_kind: GraphKind, allow_unknown_media_types: bool, error: &ModuleGraphError, ) -> bool { if (graph_kind == GraphKind::TypesOnly || allow_unknown_media_types) && matches!( error, ModuleGraphError::ModuleError(ModuleError::UnsupportedMediaType(..)) ) { return true; } // surface these as typescript diagnostics instead graph_kind.include_types() && has_module_graph_error_for_tsc_diagnostic(sys, error) } graph .walk( roots.iter(), deno_graph::WalkOptions { check_js: options.check_js, kind: options.kind, follow_dynamic: false, prefer_fast_check_graph: false, }, ) .errors() .flat_map(move |error| { if should_ignore_error( sys, graph.graph_kind(), options.allow_unknown_media_types, &error, ) { log::debug!("Ignoring: {}", error); return None; } let is_root = match &error { ModuleGraphError::ResolutionError(_) | ModuleGraphError::TypesResolutionError(_) => false, ModuleGraphError::ModuleError(error) => { roots.contains(error.specifier()) } }; let message = enhance_graph_error( sys, &error, if is_root { EnhanceGraphErrorMode::HideRange } else { EnhanceGraphErrorMode::ShowRange }, ); Some(JsErrorBox::new(error.get_class(), message)) }) } fn has_module_graph_error_for_tsc_diagnostic( sys: &CliSys, error: &ModuleGraphError, ) -> bool { match error { ModuleGraphError::ModuleError(error) => { module_error_for_tsc_diagnostic(sys, error).is_some() } ModuleGraphError::ResolutionError(error) => { resolution_error_for_tsc_diagnostic(error).is_some() } ModuleGraphError::TypesResolutionError(error) => { resolution_error_for_tsc_diagnostic(error).is_some() } } } pub struct ModuleNotFoundGraphErrorRef<'a> { pub specifier: &'a ModuleSpecifier, pub maybe_range: Option<&'a deno_graph::Range>, } pub fn module_error_for_tsc_diagnostic<'a>( sys: &CliSys, error: &'a ModuleError, ) -> Option> { match error { ModuleError::Missing(specifier, maybe_range) => { Some(ModuleNotFoundGraphErrorRef { specifier, maybe_range: maybe_range.as_ref(), }) } ModuleError::LoadingErr( specifier, maybe_range, ModuleLoadError::Loader(_), ) => { if let Ok(path) = deno_path_util::url_to_file_path(specifier) { if sys.fs_is_dir_no_err(path) { return Some(ModuleNotFoundGraphErrorRef { specifier, maybe_range: maybe_range.as_ref(), }); } } None } _ => None, } } pub struct ModuleNotFoundNodeResolutionErrorRef<'a> { pub specifier: &'a str, pub maybe_range: Option<&'a deno_graph::Range>, } pub fn resolution_error_for_tsc_diagnostic( error: &ResolutionError, ) -> Option { match error { ResolutionError::ResolverError { error, specifier, range, } => match error.as_ref() { ResolveError::Other(error) => { // would be nice if there were an easier way of doing this let text = error.to_string(); if text.contains("[ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]") { Some(ModuleNotFoundNodeResolutionErrorRef { specifier, maybe_range: Some(range), }) } else { None } } _ => None, }, _ => None, } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum EnhanceGraphErrorMode { ShowRange, HideRange, } pub fn enhance_graph_error( sys: &CliSys, error: &ModuleGraphError, mode: EnhanceGraphErrorMode, ) -> String { let mut message = match &error { ModuleGraphError::ResolutionError(resolution_error) => { enhanced_resolution_error_message(resolution_error) } ModuleGraphError::TypesResolutionError(resolution_error) => { format!( "Failed resolving types. {}", enhanced_resolution_error_message(resolution_error) ) } ModuleGraphError::ModuleError(error) => { enhanced_integrity_error_message(error) .or_else(|| enhanced_sloppy_imports_error_message(sys, error)) .unwrap_or_else(|| format_deno_graph_error(error)) } }; if let Some(range) = error.maybe_range() { if mode == EnhanceGraphErrorMode::ShowRange && !range.specifier.as_str().contains("/$deno$eval") { message.push_str("\n at "); message.push_str(&format_range_with_colors(range)); } } message } pub fn graph_exit_integrity_errors(graph: &ModuleGraph) { for error in graph.module_errors() { exit_for_integrity_error(error); } } fn exit_for_integrity_error(err: &ModuleError) { if let Some(err_message) = enhanced_integrity_error_message(err) { log::error!("{} {}", colors::red("error:"), err_message); deno_runtime::exit(10); } } pub struct CreateGraphOptions<'a> { pub graph_kind: GraphKind, pub roots: Vec, pub is_dynamic: bool, /// Specify `None` to use the default CLI loader. pub loader: Option<&'a mut dyn Loader>, pub npm_caching: NpmCachingStrategy, } pub struct ModuleGraphCreator { options: Arc, npm_installer: Option>, module_graph_builder: Arc, type_checker: Arc, } impl ModuleGraphCreator { pub fn new( options: Arc, npm_installer: Option>, module_graph_builder: Arc, type_checker: Arc, ) -> Self { Self { options, npm_installer, module_graph_builder, type_checker, } } pub async fn create_graph( &self, graph_kind: GraphKind, roots: Vec, npm_caching: NpmCachingStrategy, ) -> Result { let mut cache = self.module_graph_builder.create_graph_loader(); self .create_graph_with_loader(graph_kind, roots, &mut cache, npm_caching) .await } pub async fn create_graph_with_loader( &self, graph_kind: GraphKind, roots: Vec, loader: &mut dyn Loader, npm_caching: NpmCachingStrategy, ) -> Result { self .create_graph_with_options(CreateGraphOptions { is_dynamic: false, graph_kind, roots, loader: Some(loader), npm_caching, }) .await } pub async fn create_and_validate_publish_graph( &self, package_configs: &[JsrPackageConfig], build_fast_check_graph: bool, ) -> Result { struct PublishLoader(FetchCacher); impl Loader for PublishLoader { fn load( &self, specifier: &deno_ast::ModuleSpecifier, options: deno_graph::source::LoadOptions, ) -> deno_graph::source::LoadFuture { if specifier.scheme() == "bun" { return Box::pin(std::future::ready(Ok(Some( deno_graph::source::LoadResponse::External { specifier: specifier.clone(), }, )))); } self.0.load(specifier, options) } } fn graph_has_external_remote(graph: &ModuleGraph) -> bool { // Earlier on, we marked external non-JSR modules as external. // If the graph contains any of those, it would cause type checking // to crash, so since publishing is going to fail anyway, skip type // checking. graph.modules().any(|module| match module { deno_graph::Module::External(external_module) => { matches!(external_module.specifier.scheme(), "http" | "https") } _ => false, }) } let mut roots = Vec::new(); for package_config in package_configs { roots.extend(package_config.config_file.resolve_export_value_urls()?); } let loader = self.module_graph_builder.create_graph_loader(); let mut publish_loader = PublishLoader(loader); let mut graph = self .create_graph_with_options(CreateGraphOptions { is_dynamic: false, graph_kind: deno_graph::GraphKind::All, roots, loader: Some(&mut publish_loader), npm_caching: self.options.default_npm_caching_strategy(), }) .await?; self.graph_valid(&graph)?; if self.options.type_check_mode().is_true() && !graph_has_external_remote(&graph) { self.type_check_graph(graph.clone()).await?; } if build_fast_check_graph { let fast_check_workspace_members = package_configs .iter() .map(|p| config_to_deno_graph_workspace_member(&p.config_file)) .collect::, _>>()?; self.module_graph_builder.build_fast_check_graph( &mut graph, BuildFastCheckGraphOptions { workspace_fast_check: WorkspaceFastCheckOption::Enabled( &fast_check_workspace_members, ), }, )?; } Ok(graph) } pub async fn create_graph_with_options( &self, options: CreateGraphOptions<'_>, ) -> Result { let mut graph = ModuleGraph::new(options.graph_kind); self .module_graph_builder .build_graph_with_npm_resolution(&mut graph, options) .await?; if let Some(npm_installer) = &self.npm_installer { if graph.has_node_specifier && self.options.type_check_mode().is_true() { npm_installer.inject_synthetic_types_node_package().await?; } } Ok(graph) } pub async fn create_graph_and_maybe_check( &self, roots: Vec, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let graph_kind = self.options.type_check_mode().as_graph_kind(); let graph = self .create_graph_with_options(CreateGraphOptions { is_dynamic: false, graph_kind, roots, loader: None, npm_caching: self.options.default_npm_caching_strategy(), }) .await?; self.graph_valid(&graph)?; if self.options.type_check_mode().is_true() { // provide the graph to the type checker, then get it back after it's done let graph = self.type_check_graph(graph).await?; Ok(graph) } else { Ok(Arc::new(graph)) } } pub fn graph_valid(&self, graph: &ModuleGraph) -> Result<(), JsErrorBox> { self.module_graph_builder.graph_valid(graph) } async fn type_check_graph( &self, graph: ModuleGraph, ) -> Result, CheckError> { self .type_checker .check( graph, CheckOptions { build_fast_check_graph: true, lib: self.options.ts_type_lib_window(), reload: self.options.reload_flag(), type_check_mode: self.options.type_check_mode(), }, ) .await } } pub struct BuildFastCheckGraphOptions<'a> { /// Whether to do fast check on workspace members. This /// is mostly only useful when publishing. pub workspace_fast_check: deno_graph::WorkspaceFastCheckOption<'a>, } #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error, deno_error::JsError)] pub enum BuildGraphWithNpmResolutionError { #[class(inherit)] #[error(transparent)] CompilerOptionTypesDeserialize(#[from] CompilerOptionTypesDeserializeError), #[class(inherit)] #[error(transparent)] SerdeJson(#[from] serde_json::Error), #[class(inherit)] #[error(transparent)] ToMaybeJsxImportSourceConfig(#[from] ToMaybeJsxImportSourceConfigError), #[class(inherit)] #[error(transparent)] NodeModulesDirParse(#[from] deno_json::NodeModulesDirParseError), #[class(inherit)] #[error(transparent)] Other(#[from] JsErrorBox), #[class(generic)] #[error("Resolving npm specifier entrypoints this way is currently not supported with \"nodeModules\": \"manual\". In the meantime, try with --node-modules-dir=auto instead")] UnsupportedNpmSpecifierEntrypointResolutionWay, } pub struct ModuleGraphBuilder { caches: Arc, cjs_tracker: Arc, cli_options: Arc, file_fetcher: Arc, global_http_cache: Arc, in_npm_pkg_checker: DenoInNpmPackageChecker, lockfile: Option>, maybe_file_watcher_reporter: Option, module_info_cache: Arc, npm_graph_resolver: Arc, npm_installer: Option>, npm_resolver: CliNpmResolver, parsed_source_cache: Arc, resolver: Arc, root_permissions_container: PermissionsContainer, sys: CliSys, tsconfig_resolver: Arc, } impl ModuleGraphBuilder { #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn new( caches: Arc, cjs_tracker: Arc, cli_options: Arc, file_fetcher: Arc, global_http_cache: Arc, in_npm_pkg_checker: DenoInNpmPackageChecker, lockfile: Option>, maybe_file_watcher_reporter: Option, module_info_cache: Arc, npm_graph_resolver: Arc, npm_installer: Option>, npm_resolver: CliNpmResolver, parsed_source_cache: Arc, resolver: Arc, root_permissions_container: PermissionsContainer, sys: CliSys, tsconfig_resolver: Arc, ) -> Self { Self { caches, cjs_tracker, cli_options, file_fetcher, global_http_cache, in_npm_pkg_checker, lockfile, maybe_file_watcher_reporter, module_info_cache, npm_graph_resolver, npm_installer, npm_resolver, parsed_source_cache, resolver, root_permissions_container, sys, tsconfig_resolver, } } pub async fn build_graph_with_npm_resolution( &self, graph: &mut ModuleGraph, options: CreateGraphOptions<'_>, ) -> Result<(), BuildGraphWithNpmResolutionError> { enum MutLoaderRef<'a> { Borrowed(&'a mut dyn Loader), Owned(cache::FetchCacher), } impl MutLoaderRef<'_> { pub fn as_mut_loader(&mut self) -> &mut dyn Loader { match self { Self::Borrowed(loader) => *loader, Self::Owned(loader) => loader, } } } struct LockfileLocker<'a>(&'a CliLockfile); impl deno_graph::source::Locker for LockfileLocker<'_> { fn get_remote_checksum( &self, specifier: &deno_ast::ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Option { self .0 .lock() .remote() .get(specifier.as_str()) .map(|s| LoaderChecksum::new(s.clone())) } fn has_remote_checksum( &self, specifier: &deno_ast::ModuleSpecifier, ) -> bool { self.0.lock().remote().contains_key(specifier.as_str()) } fn set_remote_checksum( &mut self, specifier: &deno_ast::ModuleSpecifier, checksum: LoaderChecksum, ) { self .0 .lock() .insert_remote(specifier.to_string(), checksum.into_string()) } fn get_pkg_manifest_checksum( &self, package_nv: &PackageNv, ) -> Option { self .0 .lock() .content .packages .jsr .get(package_nv) .map(|s| LoaderChecksum::new(s.integrity.clone())) } fn set_pkg_manifest_checksum( &mut self, package_nv: &PackageNv, checksum: LoaderChecksum, ) { // a value would only exist in here if two workers raced // to insert the same package manifest checksum self .0 .lock() .insert_package(package_nv.clone(), checksum.into_string()); } } let maybe_imports = if options.graph_kind.include_types() { // Resolve all the imports from every deno.json. We'll separate // them later based on the folder we're type checking. let mut imports = Vec::new(); for deno_json in self.cli_options.workspace().deno_jsons() { let maybe_imports = deno_json.to_compiler_option_types()?; imports.extend(maybe_imports.into_iter().map(|(referrer, imports)| { deno_graph::ReferrerImports { referrer, imports } })); } imports } else { Vec::new() }; let analyzer = self.module_info_cache.as_module_analyzer(); let mut loader = match options.loader { Some(loader) => MutLoaderRef::Borrowed(loader), None => MutLoaderRef::Owned(self.create_graph_loader()), }; let graph_resolver = self.create_graph_resolver()?; let maybe_file_watcher_reporter = self .maybe_file_watcher_reporter .as_ref() .map(|r| r.as_reporter()); let mut locker = self .lockfile .as_ref() .map(|lockfile| LockfileLocker(lockfile)); self .build_graph_with_npm_resolution_and_build_options( graph, options.roots, loader.as_mut_loader(), deno_graph::BuildOptions { imports: maybe_imports, is_dynamic: options.is_dynamic, passthrough_jsr_specifiers: false, executor: Default::default(), file_system: &self.sys, jsr_url_provider: &CliJsrUrlProvider, npm_resolver: Some(self.npm_graph_resolver.as_ref()), module_analyzer: &analyzer, reporter: maybe_file_watcher_reporter, resolver: Some(&graph_resolver), locker: locker.as_mut().map(|l| l as _), }, options.npm_caching, ) .await } async fn build_graph_with_npm_resolution_and_build_options<'a>( &self, graph: &mut ModuleGraph, roots: Vec, loader: &'a mut dyn deno_graph::source::Loader, options: deno_graph::BuildOptions<'a>, npm_caching: NpmCachingStrategy, ) -> Result<(), BuildGraphWithNpmResolutionError> { // ensure an "npm install" is done if the user has explicitly // opted into using a node_modules directory if self .cli_options .node_modules_dir()? .map(|m| m == NodeModulesDirMode::Auto) .unwrap_or(false) { if let Some(npm_installer) = &self.npm_installer { let already_done = npm_installer .ensure_top_level_package_json_install() .await?; if !already_done && matches!(npm_caching, NpmCachingStrategy::Eager) { npm_installer.cache_packages(PackageCaching::All).await?; } } } // fill the graph with the information from the lockfile let is_first_execution = graph.roots.is_empty(); if is_first_execution { // populate the information from the lockfile if let Some(lockfile) = &self.lockfile { let lockfile = lockfile.lock(); fill_graph_from_lockfile(graph, &lockfile); } } let initial_redirects_len = graph.redirects.len(); let initial_package_deps_len = graph.packages.package_deps_sum(); let initial_package_mappings_len = graph.packages.mappings().len(); if roots.iter().any(|r| r.scheme() == "npm") && self.npm_resolver.is_byonm() { return Err(BuildGraphWithNpmResolutionError::UnsupportedNpmSpecifierEntrypointResolutionWay); } graph.build(roots, loader, options).await; let has_redirects_changed = graph.redirects.len() != initial_redirects_len; let has_jsr_package_deps_changed = graph.packages.package_deps_sum() != initial_package_deps_len; let has_jsr_package_mappings_changed = graph.packages.mappings().len() != initial_package_mappings_len; if has_redirects_changed || has_jsr_package_deps_changed || has_jsr_package_mappings_changed { if let Some(lockfile) = &self.lockfile { let mut lockfile = lockfile.lock(); // https redirects if has_redirects_changed { let graph_redirects = graph.redirects.iter().filter(|(from, _)| { !matches!(from.scheme(), "npm" | "file" | "deno") }); for (from, to) in graph_redirects { lockfile.insert_redirect(from.to_string(), to.to_string()); } } // jsr package mappings if has_jsr_package_mappings_changed { for (from, to) in graph.packages.mappings() { lockfile.insert_package_specifier( JsrDepPackageReq::jsr(from.clone()), to.version.to_custom_string::(), ); } } // jsr packages if has_jsr_package_deps_changed { for (nv, deps) in graph.packages.packages_with_deps() { lockfile.add_package_deps(nv, deps.cloned()); } } } } Ok(()) } pub fn build_fast_check_graph( &self, graph: &mut ModuleGraph, options: BuildFastCheckGraphOptions, ) -> Result<(), ToMaybeJsxImportSourceConfigError> { if !graph.graph_kind().include_types() { return Ok(()); } log::debug!("Building fast check graph"); let fast_check_cache = if matches!( options.workspace_fast_check, deno_graph::WorkspaceFastCheckOption::Disabled ) { Some(cache::FastCheckCache::new(self.caches.fast_check_db())) } else { None }; let parser = self.parsed_source_cache.as_capturing_parser(); let graph_resolver = self.create_graph_resolver()?; graph.build_fast_check_type_graph( deno_graph::BuildFastCheckTypeGraphOptions { es_parser: Some(&parser), fast_check_cache: fast_check_cache.as_ref().map(|c| c as _), fast_check_dts: false, jsr_url_provider: &CliJsrUrlProvider, resolver: Some(&graph_resolver), npm_resolver: Some(self.npm_graph_resolver.as_ref()), workspace_fast_check: options.workspace_fast_check, }, ); Ok(()) } /// Creates the default loader used for creating a graph. pub fn create_graph_loader(&self) -> cache::FetchCacher { self.create_fetch_cacher(self.root_permissions_container.clone()) } pub fn create_fetch_cacher( &self, permissions: PermissionsContainer, ) -> cache::FetchCacher { cache::FetchCacher::new( self.file_fetcher.clone(), self.global_http_cache.clone(), self.in_npm_pkg_checker.clone(), self.module_info_cache.clone(), self.sys.clone(), cache::FetchCacherOptions { file_header_overrides: self.cli_options.resolve_file_header_overrides(), permissions, is_deno_publish: matches!( self.cli_options.sub_command(), crate::args::DenoSubcommand::Publish { .. } ), }, ) } /// Check if `roots` and their deps are available. Returns `Ok(())` if /// so. Returns `Err(_)` if there is a known module graph or resolution /// error statically reachable from `roots` and not a dynamic import. pub fn graph_valid(&self, graph: &ModuleGraph) -> Result<(), JsErrorBox> { self.graph_roots_valid( graph, &graph.roots.iter().cloned().collect::>(), false, ) } pub fn graph_roots_valid( &self, graph: &ModuleGraph, roots: &[ModuleSpecifier], allow_unknown_media_types: bool, ) -> Result<(), JsErrorBox> { graph_valid( graph, &self.sys, roots, GraphValidOptions { kind: if self.cli_options.type_check_mode().is_true() { GraphKind::All } else { GraphKind::CodeOnly }, check_js: CheckJsOption::Custom(self.tsconfig_resolver.as_ref()), exit_integrity_errors: true, allow_unknown_media_types, }, ) } fn create_graph_resolver( &self, ) -> Result { let jsx_import_source_config_unscoped = self .cli_options .start_dir .to_maybe_jsx_import_source_config()?; let mut jsx_import_source_config_by_scope = BTreeMap::default(); for (dir_url, _) in self.cli_options.workspace().config_folders() { let dir = self.cli_options.workspace().resolve_member_dir(dir_url); let jsx_import_source_config_unscoped = dir.to_maybe_jsx_import_source_config()?; jsx_import_source_config_by_scope .insert(dir_url.clone(), jsx_import_source_config_unscoped); } Ok(CliGraphResolver { cjs_tracker: &self.cjs_tracker, resolver: &self.resolver, jsx_import_source_config_unscoped, jsx_import_source_config_by_scope, }) } } /// Adds more explanatory information to a resolution error. pub fn enhanced_resolution_error_message(error: &ResolutionError) -> String { let mut message = format_deno_graph_error(error); let maybe_hint = if let Some(specifier) = get_resolution_error_bare_node_specifier(error) { if !*DENO_DISABLE_PEDANTIC_NODE_WARNINGS { Some(format!("If you want to use a built-in Node module, add a \"node:\" prefix (ex. \"node:{specifier}\").")) } else { None } } else { get_import_prefix_missing_error(error).map(|specifier| { format!( "If you want to use a JSR or npm package, try running `deno add jsr:{}` or `deno add npm:{}`", specifier, specifier ) }) }; if let Some(hint) = maybe_hint { message.push_str(&format!("\n {} {}", colors::cyan("hint:"), hint)); } message } static RUN_WITH_SLOPPY_IMPORTS_MSG: &str = "or run with --unstable-sloppy-imports"; fn enhanced_sloppy_imports_error_message( sys: &CliSys, error: &ModuleError, ) -> Option { match error { ModuleError::LoadingErr(specifier, _, ModuleLoadError::Loader(_)) // ex. "Is a directory" error | ModuleError::Missing(specifier, _) => { let additional_message = maybe_additional_sloppy_imports_message(sys, specifier)?; Some(format!( "{} {}", error, additional_message, )) } _ => None, } } pub fn maybe_additional_sloppy_imports_message( sys: &CliSys, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Option { let (resolved, sloppy_reason) = sloppy_imports_resolve( specifier, deno_resolver::workspace::ResolutionKind::Execution, sys.clone(), )?; Some(format!( "{} {}", sloppy_reason.suggestion_message_for_specifier(&resolved), RUN_WITH_SLOPPY_IMPORTS_MSG )) } fn enhanced_integrity_error_message(err: &ModuleError) -> Option { match err { ModuleError::LoadingErr( specifier, _, ModuleLoadError::Jsr(JsrLoadError::ContentChecksumIntegrity( checksum_err, )), ) => { Some(format!( concat!( "Integrity check failed in package. The package may have been tampered with.\n\n", " Specifier: {}\n", " Actual: {}\n", " Expected: {}\n\n", "If you modified your global cache, run again with the --reload flag to restore ", "its state. If you want to modify dependencies locally run again with the ", "--vendor flag or specify `\"vendor\": true` in a deno.json then modify the contents ", "of the vendor/ folder." ), specifier, checksum_err.actual, checksum_err.expected, )) } ModuleError::LoadingErr( _specifier, _, ModuleLoadError::Jsr( JsrLoadError::PackageVersionManifestChecksumIntegrity( package_nv, checksum_err, ), ), ) => { Some(format!( concat!( "Integrity check failed for package. The source code is invalid, as it does not match the expected hash in the lock file.\n\n", " Package: {}\n", " Actual: {}\n", " Expected: {}\n\n", "This could be caused by:\n", " * the lock file may be corrupt\n", " * the source itself may be corrupt\n\n", "Investigate the lockfile; delete it to regenerate the lockfile or --reload to reload the source code from the server." ), package_nv, checksum_err.actual, checksum_err.expected, )) } ModuleError::LoadingErr( specifier, _, ModuleLoadError::HttpsChecksumIntegrity(checksum_err), ) => { Some(format!( concat!( "Integrity check failed for remote specifier. The source code is invalid, as it does not match the expected hash in the lock file.\n\n", " Specifier: {}\n", " Actual: {}\n", " Expected: {}\n\n", "This could be caused by:\n", " * the lock file may be corrupt\n", " * the source itself may be corrupt\n\n", "Investigate the lockfile; delete it to regenerate the lockfile or --reload to reload the source code from the server." ), specifier, checksum_err.actual, checksum_err.expected, )) } _ => None, } } pub fn get_resolution_error_bare_node_specifier( error: &ResolutionError, ) -> Option<&str> { get_resolution_error_bare_specifier(error) .filter(|specifier| deno_node::is_builtin_node_module(specifier)) } fn get_resolution_error_bare_specifier( error: &ResolutionError, ) -> Option<&str> { if let ResolutionError::InvalidSpecifier { error: SpecifierError::ImportPrefixMissing { specifier, .. }, .. } = error { Some(specifier.as_str()) } else if let ResolutionError::ResolverError { error, .. } = error { if let ResolveError::ImportMap(error) = (*error).as_ref() { if let import_map::ImportMapErrorKind::UnmappedBareSpecifier( specifier, _, ) = error.as_kind() { Some(specifier.as_str()) } else { None } } else { None } } else { None } } fn get_import_prefix_missing_error(error: &ResolutionError) -> Option<&str> { let mut maybe_specifier = None; if let ResolutionError::InvalidSpecifier { error: SpecifierError::ImportPrefixMissing { specifier, .. }, range, } = error { if range.specifier.scheme() == "file" { maybe_specifier = Some(specifier); } } else if let ResolutionError::ResolverError { error, range, .. } = error { if range.specifier.scheme() == "file" { match error.as_ref() { ResolveError::Specifier(specifier_error) => { if let SpecifierError::ImportPrefixMissing { specifier, .. } = specifier_error { maybe_specifier = Some(specifier); } } ResolveError::Other(other_error) => { if let Some(SpecifierError::ImportPrefixMissing { specifier, .. }) = other_error.as_any().downcast_ref::() { maybe_specifier = Some(specifier); } } ResolveError::ImportMap(_) => {} } } } // NOTE(bartlomieju): For now, return None if a specifier contains a dot or a space. This is because // suggesting to `deno add bad-module.ts` makes no sense and is worse than not providing // a suggestion at all. This should be improved further in the future if let Some(specifier) = maybe_specifier { if specifier.contains('.') || specifier.contains(' ') { return None; } } maybe_specifier.map(|s| s.as_str()) } /// Gets if any of the specified root's "file:" dependents are in the /// provided changed set. pub fn has_graph_root_local_dependent_changed( graph: &ModuleGraph, root: &ModuleSpecifier, canonicalized_changed_paths: &HashSet, ) -> bool { let mut dependent_specifiers = graph.walk( std::iter::once(root), deno_graph::WalkOptions { follow_dynamic: true, kind: GraphKind::All, prefer_fast_check_graph: true, check_js: CheckJsOption::True, }, ); while let Some((s, _)) = dependent_specifiers.next() { if let Ok(path) = url_to_file_path(s) { if let Ok(path) = canonicalize_path(&path) { if canonicalized_changed_paths.contains(&path) { return true; } } } else { // skip walking this remote module's dependencies dependent_specifiers.skip_previous_dependencies(); } } false } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct FileWatcherReporter { watcher_communicator: Arc, file_paths: Arc>>, } impl FileWatcherReporter { pub fn new(watcher_communicator: Arc) -> Self { Self { watcher_communicator, file_paths: Default::default(), } } pub fn as_reporter(&self) -> &dyn deno_graph::source::Reporter { self } } impl deno_graph::source::Reporter for FileWatcherReporter { fn on_load( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, modules_done: usize, modules_total: usize, ) { let mut file_paths = self.file_paths.lock(); if specifier.scheme() == "file" { // Don't trust that the path is a valid path at this point: // https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/26209. if let Ok(file_path) = specifier.to_file_path() { file_paths.push(file_path); } } if modules_done == modules_total { self .watcher_communicator .watch_paths(file_paths.drain(..).collect()) .unwrap(); } } } pub fn format_range_with_colors(referrer: &deno_graph::Range) -> String { format!( "{}:{}:{}", colors::cyan(referrer.specifier.as_str()), colors::yellow(&(referrer.range.start.line + 1).to_string()), colors::yellow(&(referrer.range.start.character + 1).to_string()) ) } #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Copy)] pub struct CliJsrUrlProvider; impl deno_graph::source::JsrUrlProvider for CliJsrUrlProvider { fn url(&self) -> &'static ModuleSpecifier { jsr_url() } } // todo(dsherret): We should change ModuleError to use thiserror so that // we don't need to do this. fn format_deno_graph_error(err: &dyn Error) -> String { use std::fmt::Write; let mut message = format!("{}", err); let mut maybe_source = err.source(); if maybe_source.is_some() { let mut past_message = message.clone(); let mut count = 0; let mut display_count = 0; while let Some(source) = maybe_source { let current_message = format!("{}", source); maybe_source = source.source(); // sometimes an error might be repeated due to // being boxed multiple times in another AnyError if current_message != past_message { write!(message, "\n {}: ", display_count,).unwrap(); for (i, line) in current_message.lines().enumerate() { if i > 0 { write!(message, "\n {}", line).unwrap(); } else { write!(message, "{}", line).unwrap(); } } display_count += 1; } if count > 8 { write!(message, "\n {}: ...", count).unwrap(); break; } past_message = current_message; count += 1; } } message } #[derive(Debug)] struct CliGraphResolver<'a> { cjs_tracker: &'a CliCjsTracker, resolver: &'a CliResolver, jsx_import_source_config_unscoped: Option, jsx_import_source_config_by_scope: BTreeMap, Option>, } impl CliGraphResolver<'_> { fn resolve_jsx_import_source_config( &self, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Option<&JsxImportSourceConfig> { self .jsx_import_source_config_by_scope .iter() .rfind(|(s, _)| referrer.as_str().starts_with(s.as_str())) .map(|(_, c)| c.as_ref()) .unwrap_or(self.jsx_import_source_config_unscoped.as_ref()) } } impl deno_graph::source::Resolver for CliGraphResolver<'_> { fn default_jsx_import_source( &self, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Option { self .resolve_jsx_import_source_config(referrer) .and_then(|c| c.import_source.as_ref().map(|s| s.specifier.clone())) } fn default_jsx_import_source_types( &self, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Option { self .resolve_jsx_import_source_config(referrer) .and_then(|c| c.import_source_types.as_ref().map(|s| s.specifier.clone())) } fn jsx_import_source_module(&self, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier) -> &str { self .resolve_jsx_import_source_config(referrer) .map(|c| c.module.as_str()) .unwrap_or(deno_graph::source::DEFAULT_JSX_IMPORT_SOURCE_MODULE) } fn resolve( &self, raw_specifier: &str, referrer_range: &deno_graph::Range, resolution_kind: ResolutionKind, ) -> Result { self.resolver.resolve( raw_specifier, &referrer_range.specifier, referrer_range.range.start, referrer_range .resolution_mode .map(to_node_resolution_mode) .unwrap_or_else(|| { self .cjs_tracker .get_referrer_kind(&referrer_range.specifier) }), to_node_resolution_kind(resolution_kind), ) } } pub fn to_node_resolution_kind( kind: ResolutionKind, ) -> node_resolver::NodeResolutionKind { match kind { ResolutionKind::Execution => node_resolver::NodeResolutionKind::Execution, ResolutionKind::Types => node_resolver::NodeResolutionKind::Types, } } pub fn to_node_resolution_mode( mode: deno_graph::source::ResolutionMode, ) -> node_resolver::ResolutionMode { match mode { deno_graph::source::ResolutionMode::Import => { node_resolver::ResolutionMode::Import } deno_graph::source::ResolutionMode::Require => { node_resolver::ResolutionMode::Require } } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use std::sync::Arc; use deno_ast::ModuleSpecifier; use deno_graph::source::ResolveError; use deno_graph::PositionRange; use deno_graph::Range; use deno_graph::ResolutionError; use deno_graph::SpecifierError; use super::*; #[test] fn import_map_node_resolution_error() { let cases = vec![("fs", Some("fs")), ("other", None)]; for (input, output) in cases { let import_map = import_map::ImportMap::new( ModuleSpecifier::parse("file:///deno.json").unwrap(), ); let specifier = ModuleSpecifier::parse("file:///file.ts").unwrap(); let err = import_map.resolve(input, &specifier).err().unwrap(); let err = ResolutionError::ResolverError { error: Arc::new(ResolveError::ImportMap(err)), specifier: input.to_string(), range: Range { specifier, resolution_mode: None, range: PositionRange::zeroed(), }, }; assert_eq!(get_resolution_error_bare_node_specifier(&err), output); } } #[test] fn bare_specifier_node_resolution_error() { let cases = vec![("process", Some("process")), ("other", None)]; for (input, output) in cases { let specifier = ModuleSpecifier::parse("file:///file.ts").unwrap(); let err = ResolutionError::InvalidSpecifier { range: Range { specifier, resolution_mode: None, range: PositionRange::zeroed(), }, error: SpecifierError::ImportPrefixMissing { specifier: input.to_string(), referrer: None, }, }; assert_eq!(get_resolution_error_bare_node_specifier(&err), output,); } } }