// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { core, primordials } from "ext:core/mod.js"; const ops = core.ops; import { isatty } from "ext:runtime/40_tty.js"; import { stdin } from "ext:deno_io/12_io.js"; import { getNoColor } from "ext:deno_console/01_console.js"; const { Uint8Array, StringFromCodePoint } = primordials; const ESC = "\x1b"; const CTRL_C = "\x03"; const CTRL_D = "\x04"; const bold = ansi(1, 22); const italic = ansi(3, 23); const yellow = ansi(33, 0); function ansi(start, end) { return (str) => getNoColor() ? str : `\x1b[${start}m${str}\x1b[${end}m`; } function alert(message = "Alert") { if (!isatty(stdin.rid)) { return; } core.print( `${yellow(bold(`${message}`))} [${italic("Press any key to continue")}] `, ); try { stdin.setRaw(true); stdin.readSync(new Uint8Array(1024)); } finally { stdin.setRaw(false); } core.print("\n"); } function prompt(message = "Prompt", defaultValue = "") { if (!isatty(stdin.rid)) { return null; } return ops.op_read_line_prompt( `${message} `, `${defaultValue}`, ); } const inputMap = new primordials.Map([ ["Y", true], ["y", true], ["\r", true], ["\n", true], ["\r\n", true], ["N", false], ["n", false], [ESC, false], [CTRL_C, false], [CTRL_D, false], ]); function confirm(message = "Confirm") { if (!isatty(stdin.rid)) { return false; } core.print(`${yellow(bold(`${message}`))} [${italic("Y/n")}] `); let val = false; try { stdin.setRaw(true); while (true) { const b = new Uint8Array(1024); stdin.readSync(b); let byteString = ""; let i = 0; while (b[i]) byteString += StringFromCodePoint(b[i++]); if (inputMap.has(byteString)) { val = inputMap.get(byteString); break; } } } finally { stdin.setRaw(false); } core.print(`${val ? "y" : "n"}\n`); return val; } export { alert, confirm, prompt };