// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any // Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { createECDH, createHmac, createPrivateKey, createPublicKey, createSecretKey, generateKeyPair, generateKeyPairSync, KeyObject, randomBytes, } from "node:crypto"; import { promisify } from "node:util"; import { Buffer } from "node:buffer"; import { assertEquals, assertThrows } from "@std/assert/mod.ts"; const RUN_SLOW_TESTS = Deno.env.get("SLOW_TESTS") === "1"; const generateKeyPairAsync = promisify( ( type: any, options: any, callback: ( err: Error | null, key: { publicKey: KeyObject; privateKey: KeyObject }, ) => void, ) => generateKeyPair( type, options, (err: Error | null, publicKey: KeyObject, privateKey: KeyObject) => { callback(err, { publicKey, privateKey }); }, ), ); Deno.test({ name: "create secret key", fn() { const key = createSecretKey(Buffer.alloc(0)); assertEquals(key.type, "secret"); assertEquals(key.asymmetricKeyType, undefined); assertEquals(key.symmetricKeySize, 0); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "export secret key", fn() { const material = Buffer.from(randomBytes(32)); const key = createSecretKey(material); assertEquals(Buffer.from(key.export()), material); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "export jwk secret key", fn() { const material = Buffer.from("secret"); const key = createSecretKey(material); assertEquals(key.export({ format: "jwk" }), { kty: "oct", k: "c2VjcmV0", }); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "createHmac with secret key", fn() { const key = createSecretKey(Buffer.from("secret")); assertEquals( createHmac("sha256", key).update("hello").digest().toString("hex"), "88aab3ede8d3adf94d26ab90d3bafd4a2083070c3bcce9c014ee04a443847c0b", ); }, }); const modulusLengths = RUN_SLOW_TESTS ? [2048, 3072] : [2048]; for (const type of ["rsa", "rsa-pss", "dsa"]) { for (const modulusLength of modulusLengths) { Deno.test({ name: `generate ${type} key ${modulusLength}`, fn() { const { publicKey, privateKey } = generateKeyPairSync(type as any, { modulusLength, }); assertEquals(publicKey.type, "public"); assertEquals(privateKey.type, "private"); }, }); Deno.test({ name: `generate ${type} key async ${modulusLength}`, async fn() { const x = await generateKeyPairAsync(type as any, { modulusLength, }); const { publicKey, privateKey } = x; assertEquals(publicKey.type, "public"); assertEquals(privateKey.type, "private"); }, }); } } for ( const namedCurve of [ "P-384", "prime384v1", "secp384r1", "P-256", "prime256v1", "secp256r1", ] ) { Deno.test({ name: `generate ec key ${namedCurve}`, fn() { const { publicKey, privateKey } = generateKeyPairSync("ec", { namedCurve, }); assertEquals(publicKey.type, "public"); assertEquals(privateKey.type, "private"); }, }); Deno.test({ name: `generate ec key ${namedCurve} async`, async fn() { const { publicKey, privateKey } = await generateKeyPairAsync("ec", { namedCurve, }); assertEquals(publicKey.type, "public"); assertEquals(privateKey.type, "private"); }, }); Deno.test({ name: `generate ec key ${namedCurve} paramEncoding=explicit fails`, fn() { assertThrows(() => { // @ts-ignore: @types/node is broken? generateKeyPairSync("ec", { namedCurve, paramEncoding: "explicit", }); }); }, }); } for ( const groupName of ["modp5", "modp14", "modp15", "modp16", "modp17", "modp18"] ) { Deno.test({ name: `generate dh key ${groupName}`, fn() { // @ts-ignore: @types/node is broken? const { publicKey, privateKey } = generateKeyPairSync("dh", { group: groupName, }); assertEquals(publicKey.type, "public"); assertEquals(privateKey.type, "private"); }, }); Deno.test({ name: `generate dh key ${groupName} async`, async fn() { // @ts-ignore: @types/node is broken? const { publicKey, privateKey } = await generateKeyPairAsync("dh", { group: groupName, }); assertEquals(publicKey.type, "public"); assertEquals(privateKey.type, "private"); }, }); } const primeLengths = RUN_SLOW_TESTS ? [1024, 2048, 4096] : [1024]; for (const primeLength of primeLengths) { Deno.test({ name: `generate dh key ${primeLength}`, fn() { // @ts-ignore: @types/node is broken? const { publicKey, privateKey } = generateKeyPairSync("dh", { primeLength, generator: 2, }); assertEquals(publicKey.type, "public"); assertEquals(privateKey.type, "private"); }, }); Deno.test({ name: `generate dh key ${primeLength} async`, async fn() { // @ts-ignore: @types/node is broken? const { publicKey, privateKey } = await generateKeyPairAsync("dh", { primeLength, generator: 2, }); assertEquals(publicKey.type, "public"); assertEquals(privateKey.type, "private"); }, }); } const rsaPrivateKey = Deno.readTextFileSync( new URL("../testdata/rsa_private.pem", import.meta.url), ); Deno.test("createPrivateKey rsa", function () { const key = createPrivateKey(rsaPrivateKey); assertEquals(key.type, "private"); assertEquals(key.asymmetricKeyType, "rsa"); assertEquals(key.asymmetricKeyDetails?.modulusLength, 2048); assertEquals(key.asymmetricKeyDetails?.publicExponent, 65537n); }); Deno.test("createPrivateKey dh", function () { // 1.2.840.113549.1.3.1 const pem = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n" + "MIIBoQIBADCB1QYJKoZIhvcNAQMBMIHHAoHBAP//////////yQ/aoiFowjTExmKL\n" + "gNwc0SkCTgiKZ8x0Agu+pjsTmyJRSgh5jjQE3e+VGbPNOkMbMCsKbfJfFDdP4TVt\n" + "bVHCReSFtXZiXn7G9ExC6aY37WsL/1y29Aa37e44a/taiZ+lrp8kEXxLH+ZJKGZR\n" + "7ORbPcIAfLihY78FmNpINhxV05ppFj+o/STPX4NlXSPco62WHGLzViCFUrue1SkH\n" + "cJaWbWcMNU5KvJgE8XRsCMojcyf//////////wIBAgSBwwKBwHxnT7Zw2Ehh1vyw\n" + "eolzQFHQzyuT0y+3BF+FxK2Ox7VPguTp57wQfGHbORJ2cwCdLx2mFM7gk4tZ6COS\n" + "E3Vta85a/PuhKXNLRdP79JgLnNtVtKXB+ePDS5C2GgXH1RHvqEdJh7JYnMy7Zj4P\n" + "GagGtIy3dV5f4FA0B/2C97jQ1pO16ah8gSLQRKsNpTCw2rqsZusE0rK6RaYAef7H\n" + "y/0tmLIsHxLIn+WK9CANqMbCWoP4I178BQaqhiOBkNyNZ0ndqA==\n" + "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----"; const key = createPrivateKey(pem); assertEquals(key.type, "private"); assertEquals(key.asymmetricKeyType, "dh"); }); Deno.test("createPublicKey dh", function () { // 1.2.840.113549.1.3.1 const pem = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n" + "MIIBnzCB1QYJKoZIhvcNAQMBMIHHAoHBAP//////////yQ/aoiFowjTExmKLgNwc\n" + "0SkCTgiKZ8x0Agu+pjsTmyJRSgh5jjQE3e+VGbPNOkMbMCsKbfJfFDdP4TVtbVHC\n" + "ReSFtXZiXn7G9ExC6aY37WsL/1y29Aa37e44a/taiZ+lrp8kEXxLH+ZJKGZR7ORb\n" + "PcIAfLihY78FmNpINhxV05ppFj+o/STPX4NlXSPco62WHGLzViCFUrue1SkHcJaW\n" + "bWcMNU5KvJgE8XRsCMojcyf//////////wIBAgOBxAACgcBR7+iL5qx7aOb9K+aZ\n" + "y2oLt7ST33sDKT+nxpag6cWDDWzPBKFDCJ8fr0v7yW453px8N4qi4R7SYYxFBaYN\n" + "Y3JvgDg1ct2JC9sxSuUOLqSFn3hpmAjW7cS0kExIVGfdLlYtIqbhhuo45cTEbVIM\n" + "rDEz8mjIlnvbWpKB9+uYmbjfVoc3leFvUBqfG2In2m23Md1swsPxr3n7g68H66JX\n" + "iBJKZLQMqNdbY14G9rdKmhhTJrQjC+i7Q/wI8JPhOFzHIGA=\n" + "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"; const key = createPublicKey(pem); assertEquals(key.type, "public"); assertEquals(key.asymmetricKeyType, "dh"); }); // openssl ecparam -name secp256r1 -genkey -noout -out a.pem // openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in a.pem -out b.pem const ecPrivateKey = Deno.readTextFileSync( new URL("./ec_private_secp256r1.pem", import.meta.url), ); Deno.test("createPrivateKey ec", function () { const key = createPrivateKey(ecPrivateKey); assertEquals(key.type, "private"); assertEquals(key.asymmetricKeyType, "ec"); assertEquals(key.asymmetricKeyDetails?.namedCurve, "p256"); }); const rsaPublicKey = Deno.readTextFileSync( new URL("../testdata/rsa_public.pem", import.meta.url), ); Deno.test("createPublicKey() RSA", () => { const key = createPublicKey(rsaPublicKey); assertEquals(key.type, "public"); assertEquals(key.asymmetricKeyType, "rsa"); assertEquals(key.asymmetricKeyDetails?.modulusLength, 2048); assertEquals(key.asymmetricKeyDetails?.publicExponent, 65537n); }); // openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out a.pem // openssl ec -in a.pem -pubout -out b.pem const ecPublicKey = Deno.readTextFileSync( new URL("../testdata/ec_prime256v1_public.pem", import.meta.url), ); Deno.test("createPublicKey() EC", function () { const key = createPublicKey(ecPublicKey); assertEquals(key.type, "public"); assertEquals(key.asymmetricKeyType, "ec"); assertEquals(key.asymmetricKeyDetails?.namedCurve, "p256"); }); Deno.test("createPublicKey SPKI for DH", async function () { const { publicKey, privateKey } = await crypto.subtle.generateKey( { name: "ECDH", namedCurve: "P-384", }, true, ["deriveKey", "deriveBits"], ); const exportedPublicKey = await crypto.subtle.exportKey("spki", publicKey); const exportedPrivateKey = await crypto.subtle.exportKey("pkcs8", privateKey); const pubKey = createPublicKey({ key: Buffer.from(exportedPublicKey), format: "der", type: "spki", }); const privKey = createPrivateKey({ key: Buffer.from(exportedPrivateKey), format: "der", type: "pkcs8", }); assertEquals(pubKey.asymmetricKeyType, "ec"); assertEquals(privKey.asymmetricKeyType, "ec"); }); Deno.test("ECDH generateKeys compressed", function () { const ecdh = createECDH("secp256k1"); const publicKey = ecdh.generateKeys("binary", "compressed"); assertEquals(publicKey.length, 33); const uncompressedKey = ecdh.generateKeys("binary"); assertEquals(uncompressedKey.length, 65); }); Deno.test("ECDH getPublicKey compressed", function () { const ecdh = createECDH("secp256k1"); for (const format of ["compressed", "uncompressed"] as const) { ecdh.generateKeys("binary", format); const compressedKey = ecdh.getPublicKey("binary", "compressed"); assertEquals(compressedKey.length, 33); const uncompressedKey = ecdh.getPublicKey("binary"); assertEquals(uncompressedKey.length, 65); } });