// Copyright 2018-2025 the Deno authors. MIT license. use std::borrow::Cow; use std::cmp::Ordering; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::path::Path; use deno_ast::SourceRange; use deno_ast::SourceRangedForSpanned; use deno_ast::SourceTextInfo; use deno_config::workspace::MappedResolution; use deno_core::error::AnyError; use deno_core::serde::Deserialize; use deno_core::serde::Serialize; use deno_core::serde_json; use deno_core::serde_json::json; use deno_core::ModuleSpecifier; use deno_error::JsErrorBox; use deno_lint::diagnostic::LintDiagnosticRange; use deno_path_util::url_to_file_path; use deno_resolver::npm::managed::NpmResolutionCell; use deno_runtime::deno_node::PathClean; use deno_semver::jsr::JsrPackageNvReference; use deno_semver::jsr::JsrPackageReqReference; use deno_semver::npm::NpmPackageReqReference; use deno_semver::package::PackageNv; use deno_semver::package::PackageNvReference; use deno_semver::package::PackageReq; use deno_semver::package::PackageReqReference; use deno_semver::SmallStackString; use deno_semver::StackString; use deno_semver::Version; use import_map::ImportMap; use node_resolver::InNpmPackageChecker; use node_resolver::NodeResolutionKind; use node_resolver::ResolutionMode; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use regex::Regex; use text_lines::LineAndColumnIndex; use tokio_util::sync::CancellationToken; use tower_lsp::lsp_types as lsp; use tower_lsp::lsp_types::Position; use tower_lsp::lsp_types::Range; use super::diagnostics::DenoDiagnostic; use super::diagnostics::DiagnosticSource; use super::documents::Document; use super::documents::Documents; use super::language_server; use super::resolver::LspResolver; use super::tsc; use super::urls::url_to_uri; use crate::args::jsr_url; use crate::lsp::logging::lsp_warn; use crate::lsp::search::PackageSearchApi; use crate::tools::lint::CliLinter; use crate::util::path::relative_specifier; /// Diagnostic error codes which actually are the same, and so when grouping /// fixes we treat them the same. static FIX_ALL_ERROR_CODES: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| ([("2339", "2339"), ("2345", "2339")]).into_iter().collect()); /// Fixes which help determine if there is a preferred fix when there are /// multiple fixes available. static PREFERRED_FIXES: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| { ([ ("annotateWithTypeFromJSDoc", (1, false)), ("constructorForDerivedNeedSuperCall", (1, false)), ("extendsInterfaceBecomesImplements", (1, false)), ("awaitInSyncFunction", (1, false)), ("classIncorrectlyImplementsInterface", (3, false)), ("classDoesntImplementInheritedAbstractMember", (3, false)), ("unreachableCode", (1, false)), ("unusedIdentifier", (1, false)), ("forgottenThisPropertyAccess", (1, false)), ("spelling", (2, false)), ("addMissingAwait", (1, false)), ("fixImport", (0, true)), ]) .into_iter() .collect() }); static IMPORT_SPECIFIER_RE: Lazy = lazy_regex::lazy_regex!( r#"\sfrom\s+["']([^"']*)["']|import\s*\(\s*["']([^"']*)["']\s*\)"# ); const SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS: &[&str] = &[ ".ts", ".tsx", ".js", ".jsx", ".mjs", ".mts", ".cjs", ".cts", ".d.ts", ".d.mts", ".d.cts", ]; #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct DataQuickFixChange { pub range: Range, pub new_text: String, } /// A quick fix that's stored in the diagnostic's data field. #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct DataQuickFix { pub description: String, pub changes: Vec, } /// Category of self-generated diagnostic messages (those not coming from) /// TypeScript. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Category { /// A lint diagnostic, where the first element is the message. Lint { message: String, code: String, hint: Option, quick_fixes: Vec, }, } /// A structure to hold a reference to a diagnostic message. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Reference { category: Category, range: Range, } impl Reference { pub fn to_diagnostic(&self) -> lsp::Diagnostic { match &self.category { Category::Lint { message, code, hint, quick_fixes, } => lsp::Diagnostic { range: self.range, severity: Some(lsp::DiagnosticSeverity::WARNING), code: Some(lsp::NumberOrString::String(code.to_string())), code_description: None, source: Some(DiagnosticSource::Lint.as_lsp_source().to_string()), message: { let mut msg = message.to_string(); if let Some(hint) = hint { msg.push('\n'); msg.push_str(hint); } msg }, related_information: None, tags: None, // we should tag unused code data: if quick_fixes.is_empty() { None } else { serde_json::to_value(quick_fixes).ok() }, }, } } } fn as_lsp_range_from_lint_diagnostic( diagnostic_range: &LintDiagnosticRange, ) -> Range { as_lsp_range(diagnostic_range.range, &diagnostic_range.text_info) } fn as_lsp_range( source_range: SourceRange, text_info: &SourceTextInfo, ) -> Range { let start_lc = text_info.line_and_column_index(source_range.start); let end_lc = text_info.line_and_column_index(source_range.end); Range { start: Position { line: start_lc.line_index as u32, character: start_lc.column_index as u32, }, end: Position { line: end_lc.line_index as u32, character: end_lc.column_index as u32, }, } } pub fn get_lint_references( parsed_source: &deno_ast::ParsedSource, linter: &CliLinter, token: CancellationToken, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let lint_diagnostics = linter.lint_with_ast(parsed_source, token)?; Ok( lint_diagnostics .into_iter() .filter_map(|d| { let range = d.range.as_ref()?; Some(Reference { range: as_lsp_range_from_lint_diagnostic(range), category: Category::Lint { message: d.details.message, code: d.details.code.to_string(), hint: d.details.hint, quick_fixes: d .details .fixes .into_iter() .map(|f| DataQuickFix { description: f.description.to_string(), changes: f .changes .into_iter() .map(|change| DataQuickFixChange { range: as_lsp_range(change.range, &range.text_info), new_text: change.new_text.to_string(), }) .collect(), }) .collect(), }, }) }) .collect(), ) } fn code_as_string(code: &Option) -> String { match code { Some(lsp::NumberOrString::String(str)) => str.clone(), Some(lsp::NumberOrString::Number(num)) => num.to_string(), _ => "".to_string(), } } /// Rewrites imports in quick fixes and code changes to be Deno specific. pub struct TsResponseImportMapper<'a> { documents: &'a Documents, maybe_import_map: Option<&'a ImportMap>, resolver: &'a LspResolver, tsc_specifier_map: &'a tsc::TscSpecifierMap, file_referrer: ModuleSpecifier, } impl<'a> TsResponseImportMapper<'a> { pub fn new( documents: &'a Documents, maybe_import_map: Option<&'a ImportMap>, resolver: &'a LspResolver, tsc_specifier_map: &'a tsc::TscSpecifierMap, file_referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Self { Self { documents, maybe_import_map, resolver, tsc_specifier_map, file_referrer: file_referrer.clone(), } } pub fn check_specifier( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Option { fn concat_npm_specifier( prefix: &str, pkg_req: &PackageReq, sub_path: Option<&str>, ) -> String { let result = format!("{}{}", prefix, pkg_req); match sub_path { Some(path) => format!("{}/{}", result, path), None => result, } } if specifier.scheme() == "node" { return Some(specifier.to_string()); } if let Some(jsr_path) = specifier.as_str().strip_prefix(jsr_url().as_str()) { let mut segments = jsr_path.split('/'); let name = if jsr_path.starts_with('@') { let scope = segments.next()?; let name = segments.next()?; capacity_builder::StringBuilder::::build(|builder| { builder.append(scope); builder.append("/"); builder.append(name); }) .unwrap() } else { StackString::from(segments.next()?) }; let version = Version::parse_standard(segments.next()?).ok()?; let nv = PackageNv { name, version }; let path = segments.collect::>().join("/"); let export = self.resolver.jsr_lookup_export_for_path( &nv, &path, Some(&self.file_referrer), )?; let sub_path = (export != ".") .then_some(export) .map(SmallStackString::from_string); let mut req = None; req = req.or_else(|| { let import_map = self.maybe_import_map?; for entry in import_map.entries_for_referrer(referrer) { let Some(value) = entry.raw_value else { continue; }; let Ok(req_ref) = JsrPackageReqReference::from_str(value) else { continue; }; let req = req_ref.req(); if req.name == nv.name && req.version_req.tag().is_none() && req.version_req.matches(&nv.version) { return Some(req.clone()); } } None }); req = req.or_else(|| { self .resolver .jsr_lookup_req_for_nv(&nv, Some(&self.file_referrer)) }); let spec_str = if let Some(req) = req { let req_ref = PackageReqReference { req, sub_path }; JsrPackageReqReference::new(req_ref).to_string() } else { let nv_ref = PackageNvReference { nv, sub_path }; JsrPackageNvReference::new(nv_ref).to_string() }; let specifier = ModuleSpecifier::parse(&spec_str).ok()?; if let Some(import_map) = self.maybe_import_map { if let Some(result) = import_map.lookup(&specifier, referrer) { return Some(result); } if let Some(req_ref_str) = specifier.as_str().strip_prefix("jsr:") { if !req_ref_str.starts_with('/') { let specifier_str = format!("jsr:/{req_ref_str}"); if let Ok(specifier) = ModuleSpecifier::parse(&specifier_str) { if let Some(result) = import_map.lookup(&specifier, referrer) { return Some(result); } } } } } return Some(spec_str); } if let Some(npm_resolver) = self .resolver .maybe_managed_npm_resolver(Some(&self.file_referrer)) { let in_npm_pkg = self .resolver .in_npm_pkg_checker(Some(&self.file_referrer)) .in_npm_package(specifier); if in_npm_pkg { if let Ok(Some(pkg_id)) = npm_resolver.resolve_pkg_id_from_specifier(specifier) { let pkg_reqs = npm_resolver .resolution() .resolve_pkg_reqs_from_pkg_id(&pkg_id); // check if any pkg reqs match what is found in an import map if !pkg_reqs.is_empty() { let sub_path = npm_resolver .resolve_pkg_folder_from_pkg_id(&pkg_id) .ok() .and_then(|pkg_folder| { self.resolve_package_path(specifier, &pkg_folder) }); if let Some(import_map) = self.maybe_import_map { let pkg_reqs = pkg_reqs.iter().collect::>(); let mut matches = Vec::new(); for entry in import_map.entries_for_referrer(referrer) { if let Some(value) = entry.raw_value { if let Ok(package_ref) = NpmPackageReqReference::from_str(value) { if pkg_reqs.contains(package_ref.req()) { let sub_path = sub_path.as_deref().unwrap_or(""); let value_sub_path = package_ref.sub_path().unwrap_or(""); if let Some(key_sub_path) = sub_path.strip_prefix(value_sub_path) { // keys that don't end in a slash can't be mapped to a subpath if entry.raw_key.ends_with('/') || key_sub_path.is_empty() { matches .push(format!("{}{}", entry.raw_key, key_sub_path)); } } } } } } // select the shortest match matches.sort_by_key(|a| a.len()); if let Some(matched) = matches.first() { return Some(matched.to_string()); } } // if not found in the import map, return the first pkg req if let Some(pkg_req) = pkg_reqs.first() { return Some(concat_npm_specifier( "npm:", pkg_req, sub_path.as_deref(), )); } } } } } else if let Some(dep_name) = self .resolver .file_url_to_package_json_dep(specifier, Some(&self.file_referrer)) { return Some(dep_name); } // check if the import map has this specifier if let Some(import_map) = self.maybe_import_map { if let Some(result) = import_map.lookup(specifier, referrer) { return Some(result); } } None } fn resolve_package_path( &self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, package_root_folder: &Path, ) -> Option { let package_json = self .resolver .pkg_json_resolver(specifier) // the specifier might have a closer package.json, but we // want the root of the package's package.json .get_closest_package_json_from_file_path( &package_root_folder.join("package.json"), ) .ok() .flatten()?; let root_folder = package_json.path.parent()?; let specifier_path = url_to_file_path(specifier).ok()?; let mut search_paths = vec![specifier_path.clone()]; // TypeScript will provide a .js extension for quick fixes, so do // a search for the .d.ts file instead if specifier_path.extension().and_then(|e| e.to_str()) == Some("js") { search_paths.insert(0, specifier_path.with_extension("d.ts")); } else if let Some(file_name) = specifier_path.file_name().and_then(|f| f.to_str()) { // In some other cases, typescript will provide the .d.ts extension, but the // export might not have a .d.ts defined. In that case, look for the corresponding // JavaScript file after not being able to find the .d.ts file. if let Some(file_stem) = file_name.strip_suffix(".d.ts") { search_paths .push(specifier_path.with_file_name(format!("{}.js", file_stem))); } else if let Some(file_stem) = file_name.strip_suffix(".d.cts") { search_paths .push(specifier_path.with_file_name(format!("{}.cjs", file_stem))); } else if let Some(file_stem) = file_name.strip_suffix(".d.mts") { search_paths .push(specifier_path.with_file_name(format!("{}.mjs", file_stem))); } } for search_path in search_paths { if let Some(exports) = &package_json.exports { if let Some(result) = try_reverse_map_package_json_exports( root_folder, &search_path, exports, ) { return Some(result); } } } None } /// Iterate over the supported extensions, concatenating the extension on the /// specifier, returning the first specifier that is resolve-able, otherwise /// None if none match. pub fn check_unresolved_specifier( &self, specifier: &str, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, resolution_mode: ResolutionMode, ) -> Option { let specifier_stem = specifier.strip_suffix(".js").unwrap_or(specifier); let specifiers = std::iter::once(Cow::Borrowed(specifier)).chain( SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS .iter() .map(|ext| Cow::Owned(format!("{specifier_stem}{ext}"))), ); for specifier in specifiers { if let Some(specifier) = self .resolver .as_cli_resolver(Some(&self.file_referrer)) .resolve( &specifier, referrer, deno_graph::Position::zeroed(), resolution_mode, NodeResolutionKind::Types, ) .ok() .and_then(|s| self.tsc_specifier_map.normalize(s.as_str()).ok()) .filter(|s| self.documents.exists(s, Some(&self.file_referrer))) { if let Some(specifier) = self .check_specifier(&specifier, referrer) .or_else(|| relative_specifier(referrer, &specifier)) .filter(|s| !s.contains("/node_modules/")) { return Some(specifier); } } } None } pub fn is_valid_import( &self, specifier_text: &str, referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, resolution_mode: ResolutionMode, ) -> bool { self .resolver .as_cli_resolver(Some(&self.file_referrer)) .resolve( specifier_text, referrer, deno_graph::Position::zeroed(), resolution_mode, NodeResolutionKind::Types, ) .is_ok() } } fn try_reverse_map_package_json_exports( root_path: &Path, target_path: &Path, exports: &serde_json::Map, ) -> Option { use deno_core::serde_json::Value; fn try_reverse_map_package_json_exports_inner( root_path: &Path, target_path: &Path, exports: &serde_json::Map, ) -> Option { for (key, value) in exports { match value { Value::String(str) => { if root_path.join(str).clean() == target_path { return Some(if let Some(suffix) = key.strip_prefix("./") { suffix.to_string() } else { String::new() // condition (ex. "types"), ignore }); } } Value::Object(obj) => { if let Some(result) = try_reverse_map_package_json_exports_inner( root_path, target_path, obj, ) { return Some(if let Some(suffix) = key.strip_prefix("./") { if result.is_empty() { suffix.to_string() } else { format!("{}/{}", suffix, result) } } else { result // condition (ex. "types"), ignore }); } } _ => {} } } None } let result = try_reverse_map_package_json_exports_inner( root_path, target_path, exports, )?; if result.is_empty() { None } else { Some(result) } } /// For a set of tsc changes, can them for any that contain something that looks /// like an import and rewrite the import specifier to include the extension pub fn fix_ts_import_changes( changes: &[tsc::FileTextChanges], language_server: &language_server::Inner, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let mut r = Vec::new(); for change in changes { let Ok(referrer) = ModuleSpecifier::parse(&change.file_name) else { continue; }; let referrer_doc = language_server.get_asset_or_document(&referrer).ok(); let resolution_mode = referrer_doc .as_ref() .map(|d| d.resolution_mode()) .unwrap_or(ResolutionMode::Import); let import_mapper = language_server.get_ts_response_import_mapper(&referrer); let mut text_changes = Vec::new(); for text_change in &change.text_changes { let lines = text_change.new_text.split('\n'); let new_lines: Vec = lines .map(|line| { // This assumes that there's only one import per line. if let Some(captures) = IMPORT_SPECIFIER_RE.captures(line) { let specifier = captures.iter().skip(1).find_map(|s| s).unwrap().as_str(); if let Some(new_specifier) = import_mapper .check_unresolved_specifier(specifier, &referrer, resolution_mode) { line.replace(specifier, &new_specifier) } else { line.to_string() } } else { line.to_string() } }) .collect(); text_changes.push(tsc::TextChange { span: text_change.span.clone(), new_text: new_lines.join("\n").to_string(), }); } r.push(tsc::FileTextChanges { file_name: change.file_name.clone(), text_changes, is_new_file: change.is_new_file, }); } Ok(r) } /// Fix tsc import code actions so that the module specifier is correct for /// resolution by Deno (includes the extension). fn fix_ts_import_action<'a>( referrer: &ModuleSpecifier, resolution_mode: ResolutionMode, action: &'a tsc::CodeFixAction, language_server: &language_server::Inner, ) -> Option> { if !matches!( action.fix_name.as_str(), "import" | "fixMissingFunctionDeclaration" ) { return Some(Cow::Borrowed(action)); } let specifier = (|| { let text_change = action.changes.first()?.text_changes.first()?; let captures = IMPORT_SPECIFIER_RE.captures(&text_change.new_text)?; Some(captures.get(1)?.as_str()) })(); let Some(specifier) = specifier else { return Some(Cow::Borrowed(action)); }; let import_mapper = language_server.get_ts_response_import_mapper(referrer); if let Some(new_specifier) = import_mapper.check_unresolved_specifier( specifier, referrer, resolution_mode, ) { let description = action.description.replace(specifier, &new_specifier); let changes = action .changes .iter() .map(|c| { let text_changes = c .text_changes .iter() .map(|tc| tsc::TextChange { span: tc.span.clone(), new_text: tc.new_text.replace(specifier, &new_specifier), }) .collect(); tsc::FileTextChanges { file_name: c.file_name.clone(), text_changes, is_new_file: c.is_new_file, } }) .collect(); Some(Cow::Owned(tsc::CodeFixAction { description, changes, commands: None, fix_name: action.fix_name.clone(), fix_id: None, fix_all_description: None, })) } else if !import_mapper.is_valid_import(specifier, referrer, resolution_mode) { None } else { Some(Cow::Borrowed(action)) } } /// Determines if two TypeScript diagnostic codes are effectively equivalent. fn is_equivalent_code( a: &Option, b: &Option, ) -> bool { let a_code = code_as_string(a); let b_code = code_as_string(b); FIX_ALL_ERROR_CODES.get(a_code.as_str()) == FIX_ALL_ERROR_CODES.get(b_code.as_str()) } /// Return a boolean flag to indicate if the specified action is the preferred /// action for a given set of actions. fn is_preferred( action: &tsc::CodeFixAction, actions: &[CodeActionKind], fix_priority: u32, only_one: bool, ) -> bool { actions.iter().all(|i| { if let CodeActionKind::Tsc(_, a) = i { if action == a { return true; } if a.fix_id.is_some() { return true; } if let Some((other_fix_priority, _)) = PREFERRED_FIXES.get(a.fix_name.as_str()) { match other_fix_priority.cmp(&fix_priority) { Ordering::Less => return true, Ordering::Greater => return false, Ordering::Equal => (), } if only_one && action.fix_name == a.fix_name { return false; } } true } else if let CodeActionKind::Deno(_) = i { // This is to make sure 'Remove import' isn't preferred over 'Cache // dependencies'. return false; } else { true } }) } /// Convert changes returned from a TypeScript quick fix action into edits /// for an LSP CodeAction. pub fn ts_changes_to_edit( changes: &[tsc::FileTextChanges], language_server: &language_server::Inner, ) -> Result, AnyError> { let mut text_document_edits = Vec::new(); for change in changes { let edit = match change.to_text_document_edit(language_server) { Ok(e) => e, Err(err) => { lsp_warn!("Couldn't covert text document edit: {:#}", err); continue; } }; text_document_edits.push(edit); } Ok(Some(lsp::WorkspaceEdit { changes: None, document_changes: Some(lsp::DocumentChanges::Edits(text_document_edits)), change_annotations: None, })) } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct CodeActionData { pub specifier: ModuleSpecifier, pub fix_id: String, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] enum CodeActionKind { Deno(lsp::CodeAction), DenoLint(lsp::CodeAction), Tsc(lsp::CodeAction, tsc::CodeFixAction), } #[derive(Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] enum FixAllKind { Tsc(String), } #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct CodeActionCollection { actions: Vec, fix_all_actions: HashMap, } impl CodeActionCollection { pub fn add_deno_fix_action( &mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, diagnostic: &lsp::Diagnostic, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let code_action = DenoDiagnostic::get_code_action(specifier, diagnostic)?; self.actions.push(CodeActionKind::Deno(code_action)); Ok(()) } pub fn add_deno_lint_actions( &mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, diagnostic: &lsp::Diagnostic, maybe_text_info: Option<&SourceTextInfo>, maybe_parsed_source: Option<&deno_ast::ParsedSource>, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { if let Some(data_quick_fixes) = diagnostic .data .as_ref() .and_then(|d| serde_json::from_value::>(d.clone()).ok()) { let uri = url_to_uri(specifier)?; for quick_fix in data_quick_fixes { let mut changes = HashMap::new(); changes.insert( uri.clone(), quick_fix .changes .into_iter() .map(|change| lsp::TextEdit { new_text: change.new_text.clone(), range: change.range, }) .collect(), ); let code_action = lsp::CodeAction { title: quick_fix.description.to_string(), kind: Some(lsp::CodeActionKind::QUICKFIX), diagnostics: Some(vec![diagnostic.clone()]), command: None, is_preferred: None, disabled: None, data: None, edit: Some(lsp::WorkspaceEdit { changes: Some(changes), change_annotations: None, document_changes: None, }), }; self.actions.push(CodeActionKind::DenoLint(code_action)); } } self.add_deno_lint_ignore_action( specifier, diagnostic, maybe_text_info, maybe_parsed_source, ) } fn add_deno_lint_ignore_action( &mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, diagnostic: &lsp::Diagnostic, maybe_text_info: Option<&SourceTextInfo>, maybe_parsed_source: Option<&deno_ast::ParsedSource>, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { let uri = url_to_uri(specifier)?; let code = diagnostic .code .as_ref() .map(|v| match v { lsp::NumberOrString::String(v) => v.to_owned(), _ => "".to_string(), }) .unwrap(); let line_content = maybe_text_info.map(|ti| { ti.line_text(diagnostic.range.start.line as usize) .to_string() }); let mut changes = HashMap::new(); changes.insert( uri.clone(), vec![lsp::TextEdit { new_text: prepend_whitespace( format!("// deno-lint-ignore {code}\n"), line_content, ), range: lsp::Range { start: lsp::Position { line: diagnostic.range.start.line, character: 0, }, end: lsp::Position { line: diagnostic.range.start.line, character: 0, }, }, }], ); let ignore_error_action = lsp::CodeAction { title: format!("Disable {code} for this line"), kind: Some(lsp::CodeActionKind::QUICKFIX), diagnostics: Some(vec![diagnostic.clone()]), command: None, is_preferred: None, disabled: None, data: None, edit: Some(lsp::WorkspaceEdit { changes: Some(changes), change_annotations: None, document_changes: None, }), }; self .actions .push(CodeActionKind::DenoLint(ignore_error_action)); // Disable a lint error for the entire file. let maybe_ignore_comment = maybe_parsed_source.and_then(|ps| { // Note: we can use ps.get_leading_comments() but it doesn't // work when shebang is present at the top of the file. ps.comments().get_vec().iter().find_map(|c| { let comment_text = c.text.trim(); comment_text.split_whitespace().next().and_then(|prefix| { if prefix == "deno-lint-ignore-file" { Some(c.clone()) } else { None } }) }) }); let mut new_text = format!("// deno-lint-ignore-file {code}\n"); let mut range = lsp::Range { start: lsp::Position { line: 0, character: 0, }, end: lsp::Position { line: 0, character: 0, }, }; // If ignore file comment already exists, append the lint code // to the existing comment. if let Some(ignore_comment) = maybe_ignore_comment { new_text = format!(" {code}"); // Get the end position of the comment. let line = maybe_text_info .unwrap() .line_and_column_index(ignore_comment.end()); let position = lsp::Position { line: line.line_index as u32, character: line.column_index as u32, }; // Set the edit range to the end of the comment. range.start = position; range.end = position; } let mut changes = HashMap::new(); changes.insert(uri.clone(), vec![lsp::TextEdit { new_text, range }]); let ignore_file_action = lsp::CodeAction { title: format!("Disable {code} for the entire file"), kind: Some(lsp::CodeActionKind::QUICKFIX), diagnostics: Some(vec![diagnostic.clone()]), command: None, is_preferred: None, disabled: None, data: None, edit: Some(lsp::WorkspaceEdit { changes: Some(changes), change_annotations: None, document_changes: None, }), }; self .actions .push(CodeActionKind::DenoLint(ignore_file_action)); let mut changes = HashMap::new(); changes.insert( uri, vec![lsp::TextEdit { new_text: "// deno-lint-ignore-file\n".to_string(), range: lsp::Range { start: lsp::Position { line: 0, character: 0, }, end: lsp::Position { line: 0, character: 0, }, }, }], ); let ignore_file_action = lsp::CodeAction { title: "Ignore lint errors for the entire file".to_string(), kind: Some(lsp::CodeActionKind::QUICKFIX), diagnostics: Some(vec![diagnostic.clone()]), command: None, is_preferred: None, disabled: None, data: None, edit: Some(lsp::WorkspaceEdit { changes: Some(changes), change_annotations: None, document_changes: None, }), }; self .actions .push(CodeActionKind::DenoLint(ignore_file_action)); Ok(()) } /// Add a TypeScript code fix action to the code actions collection. pub fn add_ts_fix_action( &mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, resolution_mode: ResolutionMode, action: &tsc::CodeFixAction, diagnostic: &lsp::Diagnostic, language_server: &language_server::Inner, ) -> Result<(), AnyError> { if action.commands.is_some() { // In theory, tsc can return actions that require "commands" to be applied // back into TypeScript. Currently there is only one command, `install // package` but Deno doesn't support that. The problem is that the // `.applyCodeActionCommand()` returns a promise, and with the current way // we wrap tsc, we can't handle the asynchronous response, so it is // actually easier to return errors if we ever encounter one of these, // which we really wouldn't expect from the Deno lsp. return Err( JsErrorBox::new( "UnsupportedFix", "The action returned from TypeScript is unsupported.", ) .into(), ); } let Some(action) = fix_ts_import_action(specifier, resolution_mode, action, language_server) else { return Ok(()); }; let edit = ts_changes_to_edit(&action.changes, language_server)?; let code_action = lsp::CodeAction { title: action.description.clone(), kind: Some(lsp::CodeActionKind::QUICKFIX), diagnostics: Some(vec![diagnostic.clone()]), edit, command: None, is_preferred: None, disabled: None, data: None, }; self.actions.retain(|i| match i { CodeActionKind::Tsc(c, a) => { !(action.fix_name == a.fix_name && code_action.edit == c.edit) } _ => true, }); self .actions .push(CodeActionKind::Tsc(code_action, action.as_ref().clone())); if let Some(fix_id) = &action.fix_id { if let Some(CodeActionKind::Tsc(existing_fix_all, existing_action)) = self.fix_all_actions.get(&FixAllKind::Tsc(fix_id.clone())) { self.actions.retain(|i| match i { CodeActionKind::Tsc(c, _) => c != existing_fix_all, _ => true, }); self.actions.push(CodeActionKind::Tsc( existing_fix_all.clone(), existing_action.clone(), )); } } Ok(()) } /// Add a TypeScript action to the actions as a "fix all" action, where it /// will fix all occurrences of the diagnostic in the file. pub fn add_ts_fix_all_action( &mut self, action: &tsc::CodeFixAction, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, diagnostic: &lsp::Diagnostic, ) { let data = action.fix_id.as_ref().map(|fix_id| { json!(CodeActionData { specifier: specifier.clone(), fix_id: fix_id.clone(), }) }); let title = if let Some(description) = &action.fix_all_description { description.clone() } else { format!("{} (Fix all in file)", action.description) }; let code_action = lsp::CodeAction { title, kind: Some(lsp::CodeActionKind::QUICKFIX), diagnostics: Some(vec![diagnostic.clone()]), edit: None, command: None, is_preferred: None, disabled: None, data, }; if let Some(CodeActionKind::Tsc(existing, _)) = self .fix_all_actions .get(&FixAllKind::Tsc(action.fix_id.clone().unwrap())) { self.actions.retain(|i| match i { CodeActionKind::Tsc(c, _) => c != existing, _ => true, }); } self .actions .push(CodeActionKind::Tsc(code_action.clone(), action.clone())); self.fix_all_actions.insert( FixAllKind::Tsc(action.fix_id.clone().unwrap()), CodeActionKind::Tsc(code_action, action.clone()), ); } /// Move out the code actions and return them as a `CodeActionResponse`. pub fn get_response(self) -> lsp::CodeActionResponse { // Prefer Deno fixes first, then TSC fixes, then Deno lint fixes. let (deno, rest): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = self .actions .into_iter() .partition(|a| matches!(a, CodeActionKind::Deno(_))); let (tsc, deno_lint): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = rest .into_iter() .partition(|a| matches!(a, CodeActionKind::Tsc(..))); deno .into_iter() .chain(tsc) .chain(deno_lint) .map(|k| match k { CodeActionKind::Deno(c) => lsp::CodeActionOrCommand::CodeAction(c), CodeActionKind::DenoLint(c) => lsp::CodeActionOrCommand::CodeAction(c), CodeActionKind::Tsc(c, _) => lsp::CodeActionOrCommand::CodeAction(c), }) .collect() } /// Determine if a action can be converted into a "fix all" action. pub fn is_fix_all_action( &self, action: &tsc::CodeFixAction, diagnostic: &lsp::Diagnostic, file_diagnostics: &[lsp::Diagnostic], ) -> bool { // If the action does not have a fix id (indicating it can be "bundled up") // or if the collection already contains a "bundled" action return false if action.fix_id.is_none() || self .fix_all_actions .contains_key(&FixAllKind::Tsc(action.fix_id.clone().unwrap())) { false } else { // else iterate over the diagnostic in the file and see if there are any // other diagnostics that could be bundled together in a "fix all" code // action file_diagnostics.iter().any(|d| { if d == diagnostic || d.code.is_none() || diagnostic.code.is_none() { false } else { d.code == diagnostic.code || is_equivalent_code(&d.code, &diagnostic.code) } }) } } /// Set the `.is_preferred` flag on code actions, this should be only executed /// when all actions are added to the collection. pub fn set_preferred_fixes(&mut self) { let actions = self.actions.clone(); for entry in self.actions.iter_mut() { if let CodeActionKind::Tsc(code_action, action) = entry { if action.fix_id.is_some() { continue; } if let Some((fix_priority, only_one)) = PREFERRED_FIXES.get(action.fix_name.as_str()) { code_action.is_preferred = Some(is_preferred(action, &actions, *fix_priority, *only_one)); } } } } pub fn add_cache_all_action( &mut self, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, diagnostics: Vec, ) { self.actions.push(CodeActionKind::Deno(lsp::CodeAction { title: "Cache all dependencies of this module.".to_string(), kind: Some(lsp::CodeActionKind::QUICKFIX), diagnostics: Some(diagnostics), command: Some(lsp::Command { title: "".to_string(), command: "deno.cache".to_string(), arguments: Some(vec![json!([]), json!(&specifier)]), }), ..Default::default() })); } pub async fn add_source_actions( &mut self, document: &Document, range: &lsp::Range, language_server: &language_server::Inner, ) { fn import_start_from_specifier( document: &Document, import: &deno_graph::Import, ) -> Option { // find the top level statement that contains the specifier let parsed_source = document.maybe_parsed_source()?.as_ref().ok()?; let text_info = parsed_source.text_info_lazy(); let specifier_range = SourceRange::new( text_info.loc_to_source_pos(LineAndColumnIndex { line_index: import.specifier_range.range.start.line, column_index: import.specifier_range.range.start.character, }), text_info.loc_to_source_pos(LineAndColumnIndex { line_index: import.specifier_range.range.end.line, column_index: import.specifier_range.range.end.character, }), ); parsed_source .program_ref() .body() .find(|i| i.range().contains(&specifier_range)) .map(|i| text_info.line_and_column_index(i.range().start)) } async fn deno_types_for_npm_action( document: &Document, range: &lsp::Range, language_server: &language_server::Inner, ) -> Option { fn top_package_req_for_name( resolution: &NpmResolutionCell, name: &str, ) -> Option { let package_reqs = resolution.package_reqs(); let mut entries = package_reqs .into_iter() .filter(|(_, nv)| nv.name == name) .collect::>(); entries.sort_by(|a, b| a.1.version.cmp(&b.1.version)); Some(entries.pop()?.0) } let (dep_key, dependency, _) = document.get_maybe_dependency(&range.end)?; if dependency.maybe_deno_types_specifier.is_some() { return None; } if dependency.maybe_code.maybe_specifier().is_none() && dependency.maybe_type.maybe_specifier().is_none() { // We're using byonm and the package is not cached. return None; } let position = deno_graph::Position::new( range.end.line as usize, range.end.character as usize, ); let import_start = dependency.imports.iter().find_map(|i| { if json!(i.kind) != json!("es") && json!(i.kind) != json!("tsType") { return None; } if !i.specifier_range.includes(position) { return None; } import_start_from_specifier(document, i) })?; let referrer = document.specifier(); let resolution_mode = document.resolution_mode(); let file_referrer = document.file_referrer(); let config_data = language_server .config .tree .data_for_specifier(file_referrer?)?; let workspace_resolver = config_data.resolver.clone(); let npm_ref = if let Ok(resolution) = workspace_resolver.resolve(&dep_key, document.specifier()) { let specifier = match resolution { MappedResolution::Normal { specifier, .. } | MappedResolution::ImportMap { specifier, .. } => specifier, _ => { return None; } }; NpmPackageReqReference::from_specifier(&specifier).ok()? } else { // Only resolve bare package.json deps for byonm. if !config_data.byonm { return None; } if !language_server.resolver.is_bare_package_json_dep( &dep_key, referrer, resolution_mode, ) { return None; } NpmPackageReqReference::from_str(&format!("npm:{}", &dep_key)).ok()? }; let package_name = &npm_ref.req().name; if package_name.starts_with("@types/") { return None; } let managed_npm_resolver = language_server .resolver .maybe_managed_npm_resolver(file_referrer); if let Some(npm_resolver) = managed_npm_resolver { if !npm_resolver.is_pkg_req_folder_cached(npm_ref.req()) { return None; } } if language_server .resolver .npm_to_file_url(&npm_ref, referrer, resolution_mode, file_referrer) .is_some() { // The package import has types. return None; } let types_package_name = format!("@types/{package_name}"); let types_package_version = language_server .npm_search_api .versions(&types_package_name) .await .ok() .and_then(|versions| versions.first().cloned())?; let types_specifier_text = if let Some(npm_resolver) = managed_npm_resolver { let mut specifier_text = if let Some(req) = top_package_req_for_name( npm_resolver.resolution(), &types_package_name, ) { format!("npm:{req}") } else { format!("npm:{}@^{}", &types_package_name, types_package_version) }; let specifier = ModuleSpecifier::parse(&specifier_text).ok()?; if let Some(file_referrer) = file_referrer { if let Some(text) = language_server .get_ts_response_import_mapper(file_referrer) .check_specifier(&specifier, referrer) { specifier_text = text; } } specifier_text } else { types_package_name.clone() }; let uri = language_server .url_map .specifier_to_uri(referrer, file_referrer) .ok()?; let position = lsp::Position { line: import_start.line_index as u32, character: import_start.column_index as u32, }; let new_text = format!( "{}// @ts-types=\"{}\"\n", if position.character == 0 { "" } else { "\n" }, &types_specifier_text ); let text_edit = lsp::TextEdit { range: lsp::Range { start: position, end: position, }, new_text, }; Some(lsp::CodeAction { title: format!( "Add @ts-types directive for \"{}\"", &types_specifier_text ), kind: Some(lsp::CodeActionKind::QUICKFIX), diagnostics: None, edit: Some(lsp::WorkspaceEdit { changes: Some([(uri, vec![text_edit])].into_iter().collect()), ..Default::default() }), ..Default::default() }) } if let Some(action) = deno_types_for_npm_action(document, range, language_server).await { self.actions.push(CodeActionKind::Deno(action)); } } } /// Prepend the whitespace characters found at the start of line_content to content. fn prepend_whitespace(content: String, line_content: Option) -> String { if let Some(line) = line_content { let whitespace_end = line .char_indices() .find_map(|(i, c)| (!c.is_whitespace()).then_some(i)) .unwrap_or(0); let whitespace = &line[0..whitespace_end]; format!("{}{}", &whitespace, content) } else { content } } pub fn source_range_to_lsp_range( range: &SourceRange, source_text_info: &SourceTextInfo, ) -> lsp::Range { let start = source_text_info.line_and_column_index(range.start); let end = source_text_info.line_and_column_index(range.end); lsp::Range { start: lsp::Position { line: start.line_index as u32, character: start.column_index as u32, }, end: lsp::Position { line: end.line_index as u32, character: end.column_index as u32, }, } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::path::PathBuf; use super::*; #[test] fn test_reference_to_diagnostic() { let range = Range { start: Position { line: 1, character: 1, }, end: Position { line: 2, character: 2, }, }; let test_cases = [ ( Reference { category: Category::Lint { message: "message1".to_string(), code: "code1".to_string(), hint: None, quick_fixes: Vec::new(), }, range, }, lsp::Diagnostic { range, severity: Some(lsp::DiagnosticSeverity::WARNING), code: Some(lsp::NumberOrString::String("code1".to_string())), source: Some("deno-lint".to_string()), message: "message1".to_string(), ..Default::default() }, ), ( Reference { category: Category::Lint { message: "message2".to_string(), code: "code2".to_string(), hint: Some("hint2".to_string()), quick_fixes: Vec::new(), }, range, }, lsp::Diagnostic { range, severity: Some(lsp::DiagnosticSeverity::WARNING), code: Some(lsp::NumberOrString::String("code2".to_string())), source: Some("deno-lint".to_string()), message: "message2\nhint2".to_string(), ..Default::default() }, ), ]; for (input, expected) in test_cases.iter() { let actual = input.to_diagnostic(); assert_eq!(&actual, expected); } } #[test] fn test_try_reverse_map_package_json_exports() { let exports = json!({ ".": { "types": "./src/index.d.ts", "browser": "./dist/module.js", }, "./hooks": { "types": "./hooks/index.d.ts", "browser": "./dist/devtools.module.js", }, "./utils": { "types": { "./sub_utils": "./utils_sub_utils.d.ts" } } }); let exports = exports.as_object().unwrap(); assert_eq!( try_reverse_map_package_json_exports( &PathBuf::from("/project/"), &PathBuf::from("/project/hooks/index.d.ts"), exports, ) .unwrap(), "hooks" ); assert_eq!( try_reverse_map_package_json_exports( &PathBuf::from("/project/"), &PathBuf::from("/project/dist/devtools.module.js"), exports, ) .unwrap(), "hooks" ); assert!(try_reverse_map_package_json_exports( &PathBuf::from("/project/"), &PathBuf::from("/project/src/index.d.ts"), exports, ) .is_none()); assert_eq!( try_reverse_map_package_json_exports( &PathBuf::from("/project/"), &PathBuf::from("/project/utils_sub_utils.d.ts"), exports, ) .unwrap(), "utils/sub_utils" ); } #[test] fn test_prepend_whitespace() { // Regression test for https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/23361. assert_eq!( &prepend_whitespace("foo".to_string(), Some("\u{a0}bar".to_string())), "\u{a0}foo" ); } }