# Copyright 2018 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import os from subprocess import PIPE, Popen import sys from time import sleep from util import build_path, executable_suffix, green_ok class Repl(object): def __init__(self, deno_exe): self.deno_exe = deno_exe self.warm_up() def input(self, *lines, **kwargs): exit_ = kwargs.pop("exit", True) p = Popen([self.deno_exe], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdin=PIPE) try: for line in lines: p.stdin.write(line.encode("utf-8") + b'\n') if exit_: p.stdin.write(b'deno.exit(0)\n') else: sleep(1) # wait to be killed by js out, err = p.communicate() except Exception as e: # Should this be CalledProcessError? p.kill() p.wait() raise retcode = p.poll() # Ignore Windows CRLF (\r\n). return out.replace('\r\n', '\n'), err.replace('\r\n', '\n'), retcode def warm_up(self): # This may output an error message about the history file (ignore it). self.input("") def test_function(self): out, err, code = self.input("deno.writeFileSync") assertEqual(out, '[Function: writeFileSync]\n') assertEqual(err, '') assertEqual(code, 0) def test_console_log(self): out, err, code = self.input("console.log('hello')", "'world'") assertEqual(out, 'hello\nundefined\nworld\n') assertEqual(err, '') assertEqual(code, 0) def test_variable(self): out, err, code = self.input("var a = 123;", "a") assertEqual(out, 'undefined\n123\n') assertEqual(err, '') assertEqual(code, 0) def test_settimeout(self): out, err, code = self.input( "setTimeout(() => { console.log('b'); deno.exit(0); }, 10)", "'a'", exit=False) assertEqual(out, '1\na\nb\n') assertEqual(err, '') assertEqual(code, 0) def test_reference_error(self): out, err, code = self.input("not_a_variable") assertEqual(out, '') assertEqual(err, 'ReferenceError: not_a_variable is not defined\n') assertEqual(code, 0) def test_syntax_error(self): out, err, code = self.input("syntax error") assertEqual(out, '') assertEqual(err, "SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier\n") assertEqual(code, 0) def test_type_error(self): out, err, code = self.input("console()") assertEqual(out, '') assertEqual(err, 'TypeError: console is not a function\n') assertEqual(code, 0) def test_exit_command(self): out, err, code = self.input(".exit", "'ignored'", exit=False) assertEqual(out, '') assertEqual(err, '') assertEqual(code, 0) def run(self): print('repl_test.py') test_names = [name for name in dir(self) if name.startswith("test_")] for t in test_names: self.__getattribute__(t)() sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() print(' {}\n'.format(green_ok())) def assertEqual(left, right): if left != right: raise AssertionError("{} != {}".format(repr(left), repr(right))) def repl_tests(deno_exe): Repl(deno_exe).run() if __name__ == "__main__": deno_exe = os.path.join(build_path(), "deno" + executable_suffix) repl_tests(deno_exe)